Chapter 1

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

„The number you called is currently unavailable. Please-“

Sehun nearly screamed in frustration as he threw his handphone onto his bed. This was about the hundredth time he had tried to call Jongin, his best friend, who he wanted to meet up with today because he was bored as hell.

But said best friend was either still sleeping – most unlikely since it was already 3 in the afternoon and even Sehun himself was already up – or that bastard was ignoring him.

It took another seven unanswered calls more for the fifteen-year-old to realize that is was already the beginning of August… Monday to be exact. Which meant that Jongin was gone for two weeks because his parents insisted he would come to visit his grandparents with them.

It’s not like Jongin didn’t like his grandparents. But the lived a six-hour drive away from Seoul. And he and Sehun had planned to get to know some nice girls this summer.

Well… Jongin had… Sehun wanted to get to know a nice guy.

It had been quite a shock for his best friend when Sehun first told him he was gay. And it’s not like he really wanted his dark skinned friend to find out about it so soon… But this bastard was trying to set him up with his cousin. A really nice girl… at least if you were interested in girls. And Sehun definitely wasn’t. Not in that way at least. He would have liked to stay friends with the lively girl that had so much in common with him. Seems like she took it personal when she found out that the guy she went on quite a few dates with was interested in guys.

The brown haired teen was glad his best friend was okay with it though… Only after he made clear that he thought Jongin’s was “fat and ungly. And no one would like to that!”.

Which was a lie by the way! His best friend had a nice body (and ) and he was pretty sure there were a few gay guys out there who would really like Jongin… It’s just that that guy had been his best friend for about ten years already. So there was no way in hell he would think about him that way.


Anyway… said guy was gone. Which left Sehun alone with no one to hang out with.

Of course he meet up with his other friends… but it just wasn’t the same. And they wouldn’t want to run through Seoul and try to find someone to be their girl- or boyfriend with him. That was something only Jongin enjoyed.

He wasn’t even sure how their plan should work out since both of them had absolutely no idea about flirting. But it had been fun watching Jongin talking to those girls in the mall last week. It had been hilarious how he tried to flirt with all three of them at once.

Turned out they were already in university and only stayed to listen to him because they thought he was cute and found it amusing how he told them all those corny flirt-lines you can find on the internet.

Sehun himself didn’t even get to talk to any guy he found cute or handsome. He was just too shy to walk up to strangers and say anything.






It was five in the afternoon already and Sehun still didn’t know what to do. He had thought about spending some time with his older brother but he was already out to meet his new girlfriend. The second or third one this summer. He had lost count of it because he didn’t really care.


After another ten minutes of staring holes into his wall the teen decided to go to Myeongdong. He could do some shopping. He was a growing boy so he always needed new clothes. And his mother had threatened to take him to the mall next weekend if he didn’t go and buy some new pants on his own.

He’d rather die than go shopping with his mum. Sure, she was a nice woman and let him have his freedom most of the time… but what if some of his classmates would see him shopping with his mum? That would be the most embarrassing thing in the world.

Sehun made sure he had his money with him and checked himself out in the mirror one last time. His brown hair reached just under his ears and his bangs decided to lie perfectly today. The only thing he didn’t like was that his pants only reached his ankles. Maybe his mum had been right. He really needed new ones.



It took the teen about an hour to buy three new pairs of pants and two shirts which he happened to like a lot. He’d just tell his mum that he got too big for the most of his shirts as well so she would give him the money back.

He’d just gotten himself some bubble tea at his favorite shop and was on his way to the subway station when suddenly a guy ran around the corner and right into him which caused his lovely drink to spill right over the two of them.

The guy, most likely around the same age as Sehun, looked at him with a shocked expression. “I.. I’m really sorry”, he nearly screamed and bowed a couple of times before looking around, trying to find something to clean them up with.

“It’s okay! Really!”, Sehun tried to calm the guy down because he looked like he was about to cry.

“No… I should have looked where I run… I’m sorry… Now you can’t drink it anymore,” the boy stated while looking at the ground. Sehun realized he had a slight accent.

“Same goes for me… Look… it’s no big deal,” he reassured him and smiled a little. “I’ll just buy a new one.”

That got the other’s attention and his head snapped back up. “No! ... I mean… I’ll buy it for you! That’s the least I could do.”, he said while trying to catch a glimpse of the bubble tea shop Sehun went to earlier.

After spotting it he took Sehun’s hand in his and dragged him there just to make him sit down at a table. “What flavor do you want?”, he asked while looking at him with big eyes.

He was cute, Sehun thought. Blond hair, big brown eyes, a really cute nose and he was a little taller than he was. “It was just some plain milk tea”, he answered.

“Oh I love those!”, the blond boy said and turned around to buy the tea.

Sehun watched him order their drinks and had to admit that this guy was really pretty. And cute. And just maybe totally his style. But that wasn’t important right now.

“I didn’t even ask for your name… sorry!” the guy laughed as he put Sehun’s drink down in front of him and took a seat facing him.

“Sehun. Oh Sehun! And… thanks for the drink. You really didn’t have to. You seemed to be in a hurry.”, he told him before drinking a little of his milk tea.

“Well… It’s my fault yours got spilled… And don’t worry. I wasn’t even going anywhere. Oh! And I’m Luhan, by the way!” the other teen, Luhan, told him while grinning at him.

“Luhan? That doesn’t sound Korean to me,” Sehun said and looked at him again. “Where are you from?”

“China. I just got here a few weeks ago… I got a scholarship at the Seoul Institute of arts,” he told him, still smiling.

China… Sehun couldn’t believe it. He just got to know a cute guy from China. One that was totally what he was looking for. And he didn’t even feel totally freaked out by the fact that the guy was a stranger.

But… “The Seoul Institute of Arts? Isn’t that kind of like a university?”, he blurred out in total shock. That cute kid was never old enough to be in university. Maybe he was a genius.

“Yeah I guess,” Luhan chuckled. “Why? Is that a problem?”

“No… it’s just… How old are you?”

This time Luhan laughed. A lot… and loud. “I’m nineteen. Let me guess… You thought I was younger? I get that a lot.”

Nineteen… Sehun just met a guy he was interested in and liked from the first the first second and then that guy was four years older than him? Life sure as hell wasn’t fair.

“Well… I thought you’d be around my age maybe… Where did you learn how to speak Korean so fluently?” the younger tried to change the topic.

“I already learnt some Korean back in China. So… I guess I manage. But there’s still a lot of stuff I don’t know. So… how old are you, Sehun?”

Seems like Luhan wasn’t that easy to trick. Sehun thought about lying to him. It wouldn’t hurt to tell this attractive guy he was a university student as well, right? That way he could see him again. But… he’d have to tell him once school started again. That is… only if Luhan would still want to meet him by then. Which Sehun really hoped he would. So he had no other choice but to be honest.

“Fifteen.” He mumbled hoping Luhan wouldn’t understand him.

“That’s cute. I wish I could be fifteen again… I did a lot of stuff back than I shouldn’t have… but it was a nice time” the Chinese told him while giggling once again.

Cute… Luhan thought he was cute. Somehow Sehun’s milk tea tasted a whole lot better than it normally did. “Really? What did you do? Rob a bank?”

That had Luhan laughing. Sehun loved the sound of it already. “No… I skipped that. But I had a boyfriend I really shouldn’t have had. God he was an … But that’s the problem when you’re so young… You’re naïve and you trust way too easy.”

A boyfriend? Luhan had a boyfriend when he was his age. That means Sehun could have a tiny chance. Just a really tiny one since this guy was so much older than him. God what was he even thinking? He didn’t even really know that guy. He just met him a few minutes ago.

“No… the problem is that some guys just really are s that know how to hide that fact pretty well,” he said just to add something to the conversation. He wasn’t really good with keeping conversations normally so he decided just to add anything he could think of in order to keep talking to the older one as long as possible.

“Maybe you’re right… That sounds like you have experience with this kind of guys as well…” Luhan wondered out loud.

“Actually no… I just… I have a lot of female friends who always complain about those” he admitted.

“Lucky one. No need to try one of them! Trust me!”

“Yeah… I guess…”

“So… do you have a boyfriend?”

Wait? How did that guy know he was gay? He could easily have a girlfriend, right? Right… he wouldn’t be talking about bad guys If he was interested in girls, would he!? “No… I mean… it’s not like they fall down from heaven… it’s so much work to get one… You have to talk to a stranger and then it gets all awkward and stuff, right? And then you have to kiss that guy… and I really don’t know how to do that…” Great… he was rambling. Why was he even telling Luhan that he had no idea about kissing?

Luhan just grinned at him. “You know… you’re talking to a stranger right now. So I’d assume you’re good at that. And about that kissing… I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it pretty fast. Everyone has to start once right? It’s not like you can start with your second kiss.”

“Actually no… I was planning on getting drunk and get over with it that way… The other one wouldn’t be able to remember and it would be a lot less embarrassing,” Sehun decided to just keep going with this topic. It was awkward to be talking about that with this cute stranger. But at least it gave them something to talk about.

“I wouldn’t do that. Find someone you like… He’ll understand. And to be honest. Everyone knows how to kiss… It’s a human instinct, I guess.”

“Yeah… sure… So you’re telling me that I wouldn’t embarrass myself if I kissed you now?” That made Luhan laugh again. The Chinese must think I was crazy. What was he even talking about?

“Exactly!” he said while taking a look at his watch. “Damn… I’m sorry… I have to leave. I should have been at a friend’s ten minutes ago.“

„I thought you weren’t heading anywhere!?“

“That was a lie. I had to make sure I could pay your drink,” Luhan confessed and winked. “But… how about you give me your phone number and we’ll meet again?”

Did Luhan just ask for his number?

“Yeah…. Sure… No problem,” Sehun started to stutter and wrote his number down.

“Thanks! And… Could you… Maybe show me how to get to the subway station? Because that’s what I was looking for when I ran into you” Luhan told him smiling shyly.

“Sure thing,” Sehun took his bags and stood up. “Just follow me. I practically live here.”

It only took them about two minutes to get to the station and Sehun cursed himself for not taking a longer way there. But Luhan had to meet a friend. And he promised to meet him again.

“Thanks, Sehun.” Luhan smiled at him again and Sehun swore it was the most beautiful smile he ever saw.

“You’re welcome. Have fun at your friend’s.”


That’s when Luhan’s train came. “Oh and… “ Luhan began and bit his lip.


“Bye!” he said, leaned in closer and pecked Sehun’s lips for a second before getting on the train.

The fifteen-year-old stood there like frozen blinking a few times before he realized that Luhan was gone.

“Did he just…?” he wondered aloud and shook his head a few times to get it clear again.






He couldn’t even remember walking home but Sehun was lying on his bed when is phone rang. It was Jongin.

“Thank god you called!”, Sehun nearly screamed into it.

“Well… sorry… I forgot to charge my phone last night and left in a hurry this morning…. And I just came to my room… and notice that I have like a million of unanswered calls from you. What happened?”, his best friend sounded worried.

“Oh… No! That’s… I was bored… I forgot that you’d be gone… and I didn’t know what to do… So I wanted to hang out… BUT JONGIN!” Sehun couldn’t help the girly shriek.

“That sounds… I don’t know. Either very good or very bad. What is it? Who died?”

“Me, I guess! You can’t imagine what happened today. So… I told you I was bored like hell, right? So… I lay around in my bed for quite a long time. And then I wanted to spend time with my brother… But you know… he got a new girlfriend – don’t ask why… I know he’s had a few of them this summer…. Anyway… he went to see her… I guess… And I was bored… And that’s when I remembered that I really needed some new pants… Well… you know I’ve grown a bit… so… yeah…”

“Wow… What an eventful day, Sehun! Congratulations… I guess!” Jongin laughed.

“No… that’s not what I’m talking about… LISTEN!” Sehun ordered.

“I am… But you might want to get to the fun part of the story before I hang up!”

“I have the best best friend on the whole planet,” Sehun rolled his eyes at his childhood friend. “So… I went shopping… to Myongdong. I found some new pants and shirts… Just so you know in case you were wondering.”

“Not really… Why are you even telling me that? I guess you had bubble tea after and went home to continue doing nothing, right!?” Why did this guy know him so well? And why was he friends with him again?

“Yes and no. Yes, I got some bubble tea. But no… I didn’t go straight home. Well… I wanted to. But some guy ran into me and spilled my tea all over me…”

“A guy… I see! My little Sehun’s got a little crush! What is he like?” Seemed like his bastard of a best friend was finally interested.

“His name’s Luhan… and he’s from China. He insisted to buy me a new bubble tea… And then we talked… about… kissing people and stuff… I KNOW! That’s kinda lame and embarrassing. But… Jongin… he’s like… really cute. He has blond hair, brown eyes… he has the cutest accent ever and he’s about my height and he’s a student at the Seoul Institute of Arts and-“

“-Wait! Student? How old is that guy?”, he got interrupted.

“Luhan? Nineteen… But he totally looks fourteen or so… Anyway-“

“Sehun! That guy’s four years older than you. Why would he be interested? Is he even gay?”

“Don’t ruin the story, you moron! Yes, he’s gay… he told me about his ex being a total or something like that… And he asked for my number because he wants to see me again! Can you believe it?” He was making those girly noises again and he was pretty sure it was neither normal nir healthy.

“Actually… No. Sorry… but why would some nineteen year old Chinese, cute guy be interested in a little kid? Because be honest… that’s what you are to him.”

Nice way to crush his fairytale. Sehun figured he really needed a new best friend. One that wasn’t that honest and realistic.

“But… when he left… He…”

“He what?”

“I think he kissed me…”

“You THINK? Sehun… there’s only two possibilities. He either kissed you or he didn’t,” now this stupid good looking guy was laughing at him.

“Why are we friends again, you bastard? And I think he did… it happened so fast! And his lips touched mine for just a second or so… but I swear my lips still tingle and stuff when I think about it… Oh god… Does that mean I’m in love? Because what if he really isn’t interested? Then I’m going to die alone… and unloved… and I’ll just dream of him every day… Jongin… What shall I do?” He started to panic. He didn’t even have time to be in love. It required a lot of time for daydreaming and stuff. And Sehun had a lot of things to do. Like all the homework his teachers gave him for his summer holidays which he still hadn’t so much as looked at. And he needed to hang out with his friends. And he still had dance practices. And he sure as hell didn’t want to screw everything up because he was thinking about Luhan and his big round eyes and his cute smile and how his eyes crinkled when he smiled. And oh god… the way Luhan laughed.

“Chill out. It’s just a little crush. No big deal and there’s certainly no need to freak out about it. I’m pretty sure you’ll find someone who loves you… You’re still young. Of course you won’t die alone”, he was laughing again. Was Sehun’s miserable life that amusing to his dark haired friend? “Just give it time… Maybe this strange guy-“

“His name is Luhan! Like… isn’t that the prettiest name you’ve ever heard?”, Sehun added in.

“Sure… so maybe this Luhan guy will call you. I mean… if he really…. Kissed you, like you call it… Maybe he’s interested. Who knows? Though… it would be creepy… he’s too old for you.”

“He’s not! I told you he looks young. And maybe it’s better to have someone who’s older… I mean… he knows what he does.”

“Hold on there. You’re not talking about what I think you’re talking about, right?”, Jongin wanted to know.

“I don’t know. What are you thinking that I’m talking about?”

“You know…”

“No I don’t… that’s why I’m asking, you moron!” This got a little confusing right know.

“… Damn Sehun… what else would I be talking about?!”

The brown haired boy rolled his eyes. “Jongin… not everyone’s a ert like you. I was talking about life… and relationships in general. I mean… I know nothing about that dating stuff.”

“Oh… sure… Yeah…. Why wasn’t I thinking about that? So…. What if he doesn’t call you?”

“Couldn’t we start with the ‘what if he does?’ because I know it’s most unlikely. But at least I’d like to pretend he will for a little longer. So let me be in my dream world just a little while.”

“Do whatever you want to”, he giggled. “Just… tell me if he really does call you, will you? Why did I have to leave? I’m missing all the fun!”

“I’m glad you left… I wouldn’t have met him if you would have been here.”

“Thanks, bud. That just made my day. Well… but I really have to hang up now. Granny’s calling… The cake is waiting!”

“I really hate you, you know!”

“Love you too, Sehun. Sleep well… and dream of you Chinese prince.”

“He looks more like a cute little deer. But I will. Good night!” He hung up before Jongin could make any other comments on his love life and decided that maybe it really was time to go to bed. Even though he already knew that it would take some time before he’d be able to fall asleep.

He was just about to fall asleep when his mobile phone got off signaling him that he got a message. He reached out for it lazily to check it.

“Hey Sehun!
I really had a lot fun today…
So maybe we could meet again this Thursday? ^.^

He had to read the message a few time before realizing that he really had a text message from Luhan on his phone before he was able to send a reply that yes, of course they could meet again.





A/N: So... tell me what you think and if I should keep writing this xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~