I Must Admin This is Goodbye

Still You

As he tried pressing the codes of the door to open, Jonghyun realized it wasn't locked. The realization of Yeojin's arrival finally came to him, and again, he felt nervous and unable to think properly. Tonight is the night. For the past 2 days, he had been preparing for this, but he knew it will never be that easy, because of course, Ahn Yeojin was still a great part of his life.


He opened the door and an inviting aroma of a dish being cooked welcomed him. It was unintentional but he felt really hungry at the moment he smelled it. Walking towards the kitchen, he found Yeojin on her apron, stirring the casserole in great concentration, while cooking something else on the side.


She turned when she felt someone's presence. “Oh? You arrived? You arrived earlier than usual. I'm not done with the dish yet.” She said and went to the dining table to clean the mess from her cooking. She wiped it off after. “Sit here for a while and I'll just prepare dinner.”


Jonghyun watched as she did her thing, trying to figure out why she was acting like that, and it pained him, to see that she was trying hard to act so normal, as if nothing has changed and everything was still the same.


When in fact, it's not, and all those normally wonderful days between the two of them were gone, and he knew there was no one else to blame but him.


“Yeojin-ah...” He called out but Yeojin stayed deaf at that tone.


“I'm sorry, this will just take few minutes more, but the rice is already cooked so... we are only waiting for the dish.” She said while getting some rice from the rice cooker. She took it on the table and also put plates, utensils, and glasses for the two of them.


After she was done preparing the table, she went back to her cooking and opened the caserole and smelled it. “Hmm ~ It's good!” She said after assuring that it was finally cooked. She took a bowl of Gamjatang on brought it on the table as well.


It had an inviting aroma which lead for Jonghyun to just get a spoonful of the sauce and tasted it first. “Hmm...” He said and started taking some servings of it on his plate while Yeojin watched silently. She was genuinely smiling at the thought of making him happy for the last time by the dish she cooked for him.


“I'm not usually a great cooker and you know that...”


“It's great.” He praised without even making her continue her words. “It tastes so good. I'm being honest.” He said and smiled gently towards her, temporarily easing away the tension between the two of them. “It's specially good today.”


“That dish is special.” Yeojin said. “I will leave you that taste before I go.”


Jonghyun stopped eating and looked at Yeojin – wondering. “Leaving?”


She nodded eventually, and just drank the water that she poured for herself in a glass. “A travel magazine offered something to me while I was in Jeju. I accepted it and I will go to the Philippines tomorrow morning, the first thing.”


“What?” Jonghyun was surprised to hear that from her. “You just left, and you're leaving again?”


“Yes.” Yeojin nodded and smiled – with the hint of sadness on her face, “But it will be a longer this time. 6 months.. 1 year.. it depends.” She revealed, making Jonghyun even more surprised and confused.


“That long? B-but...”


Yeojin stood up from her seat and went somewhere. He followed her confused with his sight until she came back with a brown envelope. She handed it to Jonghyun. “That's for you.” She said.


Jonghyun, though confused and doubtful, still took the envelope and carefully opened it to see what's inisde. He then saw several white papers inside that seemed to be files or something like that. He took them all and read them one by one.


He couldn't be anymore surprised the moment he realized what it was. “Divorce papers??!” He exclaimed to which Yeojin just nodded. “B-but...”


“I figured out it was even heartbreaking if you initiate it so... I decided to just do it.” She said and smiled as if assuring him that she was alright. “I knew this would happen. You and I don't really have the thing you call forever.”




“Please, don't make it so hard for me by calling me that way and showing me that sad expression of yours. You are supposed to be happy. I'm letting you go. I'm letting you choose what you really want and I won't be a hindrance to your happiness.”


“But Yeojin...”


“Stop the buts. Isn't this what you want?” Yeojin looked straightly into Jonghyun's eyes and let out a sigh after that. “I'm sorry if I didn't go according to plan of letting you choose about our relationship. I just felt like I really should do it, or it will be even harder for the both of us to let go.”


“Are you sure about this?”


“Whether or not I'm sure about it, it's going to happen anyway.” She chuckled softly which made Jonghyun look and stare at her. “What?” She asked when she noticed him staring at her for long already.


“You are doing this for me? Why?”


“No. I'm doing this for myself.” Yeojin said and looked away, just at her food. “I'm doing this for myself, that is because I could only take so much.”


“I'm sorry.”


“Don't be sorry.” They met their eyes again for the 2nd time, and then Yeojin chuckled and shook her head. “No, don't expect me to cry. I already cried as much this morning and I have no more tears to fall.” She chuckled again after saying that.


But Jonghyun was seriously staring at her, as if he could read deep into her soul, clearly understanding her real thoughts. “I loved you, it's just that...”


“I know...” Yeojin uttered in an almost whisper, “You just love her more.” She said and looked at his face. She knew that will be the last time she'll allow herself to adore and love that face that she loved all these years.


She stared at his puppy eyes which looked solemn and gloomy. His thick eyebrows. His firm nose. His lips which lower part is way thicker than the upper. His smooth cheeks. That face that she loved, but soon, she could never call it hers anymore. “Ah... How can I not cry if I know I can never have you again?” Her lips started shaking and she bit it in order to keep a loud cry from escaping, however, she was not able to control her tears for it fell again. For that day, she didn't know how many times she cried already. While facing her mother, while facing Soeun, and now, while facing Jonghyun. “I love you so much but... but... but this is the end.” Finally, she broke down again, her shoulders shaking heavily with her heavy breathing and sorrowful cry.


The thought of being seperated with her kills her, and she didn't know if she could endure being away from him in the future.


Jonghyun was about to stand up to console her, but she stopped, “Please don't comfort me, or I might end up feeling more heartbroken coz I'm going to feel your warmth again.” And though it was difficult, Jonghyun had to watch her be like that without being able to do something for her.


Minutes have passed and she finally calm down. “You know what... you are facing yet another big problem after me.” She said and looked at Jonghyun. Her eyes are swollen but she was smiling. “I know Soeun won't tell this to you so I might as well tell you the truth.”


“What?” Jonghyun asked curiously.


“She clearly remembers everything. There was no such thing as her selective memory loss and hallucination turned real memories.” He revealed, and for the nth time at that night, Jonghyun was in great shock. “Figuring out that she did that made me completely decided on filing a divorce. She was so selfless but selfish at the same time again, and I saw very well how both of you just loved each other.” There was another tear, but she wiped it like nothing happened. “Too bad I really can't beat her when it comes to your heart, not to even mention I'm your wife and she was just your ex girlfriend.”


She looked at Jonghyun and he looked back. The confused expression on her face was still there. “Kim Jonghyun...” Yeojin called one last time. “I love you, but I need to accept that this is a goodbye.”

A/N: I think this story brought out the feminism in me... I just realized how women here are portrayed to be much stronger, braver, and more intellectual than men. LOL. Nevermind... I think there's no guy who reads this story anyways.. haha.

Yes, I'm gearing up myself for the sequel as well. 

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Chapter 56 will probably be on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning ~ Sorry I wasn't able to keep my promise on updating immediately. I can't seem to focus well


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Chapter 71: Honestly at first I was doubting myself whether to read this story or nor because from tue comments below, I assumed that Yeojin and Jonghyun didnt end up together and it somehow make my heart breaks</3
(And yes, I read the comments first before the chapter one)
But I chose to read this until the end because Im really curious about its sequel, Perfect Two.
And as I read this story, I realized so many deep meanings inside. Like first, being happy doesnt mean being comfortable but being comfortable doesnt mean being unhappy. I understand this as I know that Yeojin lets Jonghyun go bcs it will be uncomfortable for both of them to be together when both of them know that they dont belong to each other. And the fact that Yeojin feels comfy around Minho, it creates happiness between both of them.
And second, fight for what u have to fight for. I know this sentence is common but I really understand this when I see Jonghyun and Soeun fight for their relationship. I didnt like Soeun at first but as the story flows, I realize Soeun didnt do anything wrong. Now im glad they end up being together or else it will make Yeojin sounds like a really bad OC when in fact she is my fav here:')
And last, from Yeojin I realize too that when u letting go of smthg for the sake of someone, u will get smthg in return. Im happy she meets Minho bcs of Jjong:')
Okay in conclusion, good job!:') i really learnt alot, and i enjoy the plot:')
Sorry english isnt my first languange so well...yeah:')
And thank u once again:')
mushroomonew #2
Chapter 15: why i got the feeling that yeojin will just leave jonghyun and let him be with soeun :(
lee-chelle #3
Chapter 69: Thank goodness for yoogeun. I needed that comedy break after all that heartbreaking drama lol. Can't believe I'm saying this but I really liked both of the women. Usually the author would sway the reader in an obvious way. I guess that's why the plot was even more heartbreaking but beautifully written. ^^
lovescomplicate #4
Chapter 71: Wow this fic is just awesome. The storyboarding and all. Soeun is just soooo sweet sacrifice so much pity her! But she finally get her part of happiness
Chapter 54: Well, can I say I do understand this one? I know about this things somehow. And it's quite a bad thing. No I think this is really a bad thing.
Chapter 42: OMG! They are cheating! I mean... OMG! Why? OMG. Gosh! But that was sweet.
Chapter 71: I absolutely loved this story.
It's great and well written.
You did a great job!
Now I'm going to read the sequel.~
pradiv1819 #8
Chapter 71: wow i loved d way yeojin said her final bye...finally soeun n jjong r together...another good fic frm you...great keep going...
pradiv1819 #9
Chapter 71: wow i loved d way yeojin said her final bye...another good fic frm you...great keep going