What really might have happened..

Still You

A/N: Yes, these are again, just from my imagination. Few details were based from what I learned from Psychology Class. LOL

They were waiting outside the recovery room as few doctors were inside checking about Soeun's condition. They reported about her lost memory of Jonghyun and Yeojin, and her seemingly hallucination which she assumed real before her accident.


“Omma will be fine, Yoogeunie.” Kibum said while holding Yoogeun's hands.


“She'll get better, right, uncle?” He looked up at Kibum and he nodded to assure the child, though in reality, they were really clueless as to what was happening.


“That was one weird brain injury.” Jinki shook his head as he whispered that to Kibum. “She remembers everything but Jonghyun and Yeojin, and then she even had this false memory of having someone with her during the accident.”


“Hyung.” Taemin called out. “Perhaps, Soeun was really with someone during the accident.” What he said called the attention of those who have heard it. Minho, Kibum, and Jinki both looked at him. “The ahjumma said it was very dangerous in the wilds, we don't know, maybe there are also some paranormal creatures there and whoever he is happened to accompany Soeun before her accident...”


“Aish.” Kibum wanted to hit Taemin but they were in front of the child so he controlled himself. “Do you even think Soeun would actually think of the ghost as Yoogeun's father? You heard it. She was with her husband during the accident. What? She married a creature in the woods?”


Taemin raised a corner of his lips and and shook his head. “But things like that happened...”


“Aish. Stop you weirdo.” He said and walked with Yoogeun to distant themselves to Taemin. “Right, hyung?” He just turned to Jinki seeking for his side.


“Well then, if you could marry a fairy in the woods then I would believe you.” Jinki answered and laughed a bit, making Taemin scratched his head in embarrassment.


Just then, three doctors came out of Soeun's room. As they introduced themselves a while ago before entering, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and a neurologist.


“Can you please see us in the office right now?” One of them spoke up and the guys looked at each other, wondering who will go to listen to the explanation.


“Can we go together, doctor?” Minho asked. “I think we would all understand the situation if we hear the explanation straight from all of you.”


The three doctors discussed his request for a while and eventually agreed to it. “Our young man over there is needed inside because his mom needs someone to talk to.” One doctor said and looked at Yoogeun. The child gave a bright expression and nodded.


“I will go! I will go!” He said and immediately went to the room before someone could even bring him there.


“Let's go.”


The doctors wanted to explain well Soeun's case so they asked for assistance in setting up the projector and white screen for them to see better. Instead of the office, they occupied a small conference room where doctors usually gathered when they are having joint examination on their patients.


“First, it is a very good thing that you are all interested to know about her case. This will help her a lot as it can make her get well sooner than expected.” One doctor said as an introduction.


“Firstly,” The 1st doctor explained. “There was no internal damage on her brain. The heavy bleeding that she experienced was due to the cut in her head that was big in size. She almost ran out of oxygen supply in her body because of the excessive blood loss, but just like what I explained to some of you before, she survived the surgery and because she has finally woken up after the 24 hour cycle, we can say she's really out of danger and there's nothing to worry about her safety.” He explained briefly but clearly to them.


“However, you told us something about her memory loss towards some people.. who are...?” Yeojin and Jonghyun raised their hands a bit for recognition. “The two of you only?”


“Among all of us, doctor, Soeun can't recognize Yeojin and Jonghyun. She knows us just like before, but the both of them suddenly appeared strangers to her.”


“There's a high chance of selective memory loss in this case...” One of the doctors explained. “There are really cases that after an accident, someone might seem so normal and could remember everything, but the people around that person would later realized that the patient's memory seemed to be lacking, like forgetting some important events, and forgetting people.”


“But how?” Minho asked.


“And why them instead of some other people?” Kibum added.


“Selective memory loss usually happens when the patient was thinking intensively about this particular thing right before the accident occur. I'm sorry, but... did the three of you fight few hours before you found her unconscious?”


Jonghyun and Yeojin looked at each other, none of them dared answering.


“If that was too confidential then it's okay.” The doctor smiled, “but Soeun ssi had some traumatic thoughts with the two of you that those memories got blocked after her accident and during the time she was healing.”


“It can be compared to when you unconsciously touch a hot surface, your reflexes will respond and in a snap of milliseconds, it will send impulses to your brain which will instruct the nerves in your hands to quickly take your hand out of the surface. It happened in just a split of second that you wouldn't even realize your mind actually worked.” One doctor explained more clearly. “Then your brain will be aware of that sensation that is not good in the body so there's a high possibility that you will never touch the same surface again – at least when you're conscious enough of its presence.”


“... the same thing happened to Soeun and her memory. It was probably too painful for her to handle that when the mind got the chance to sort out it's memory as she heals, it blocked some memories that could actually trigger another pain. Minds have reflexes. That's how powerful it is that it can forget certain events and people because it didn't want to experience the same unpleasant emotions or feelings again.”


“I'm sorry to say this...” The third doctor spoke up, “But if it happens that you were the ones who caused her to run away, then that would probably explain why her mind decided to block her memories of yours during it's healing.”


They were all speechless and couldn't even react. Every single one of them knew what really happened, and thinking about the doctor's explanation about what happened, all of them knew it was very right.


“Now about her memories that never happened at all...” The doctor went into another problem. “This case is rare actually...”


“Why?” Jonghyun asked.


“During her accident, probably as she was sliding down the steep, she was desperate enough to seek for help that it created some hallucinations before she even got unconscious...”


The three doctors shook their heads. “We are suspecting that aside from falling at the steep, something probably just happened first which made her so scared, and thus, hallucinations and imaginations that someone was there with her occurred. She was desperately seeking for company.”


“Perhaps, she saw some paranormal creatures?” Taemin's suggestion made the doctors chuckled.


“Wild Boar.” Minho uttered. There was a wild boar not far away from the steep. She must have seen it.


“That explains why she runs and accidentally fell into the steep.” The doctor inferred precisely.


“But why did she thought it was real? Why she thinks of it as something that really happened?”


“If anyone of you experienced hallucination, at that certain moment of hallucination, you would actually think that the event was really occuring in reality. You would even think you can touch that person while you're hallucinating... like what i've told you, the mind can sort out memories as it heals... by this, we suspect that the brain took her hallucinations as if they were real, causing her to believe in them and think it was actually what happened.”


They were all surprised and dumbfounded. She suffered a lot, and they couldn't even help her.


“Technically, her memory is in a very messed up condition right now. She remembers things that never happened, while she forgot those who really exists. We suggest that for the mean time, we should allow her to heal more... eventually, we hope that her memories will be back to normal again.”


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Chapter 56 will probably be on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning ~ Sorry I wasn't able to keep my promise on updating immediately. I can't seem to focus well


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Chapter 71: Honestly at first I was doubting myself whether to read this story or nor because from tue comments below, I assumed that Yeojin and Jonghyun didnt end up together and it somehow make my heart breaks</3
(And yes, I read the comments first before the chapter one)
But I chose to read this until the end because Im really curious about its sequel, Perfect Two.
And as I read this story, I realized so many deep meanings inside. Like first, being happy doesnt mean being comfortable but being comfortable doesnt mean being unhappy. I understand this as I know that Yeojin lets Jonghyun go bcs it will be uncomfortable for both of them to be together when both of them know that they dont belong to each other. And the fact that Yeojin feels comfy around Minho, it creates happiness between both of them.
And second, fight for what u have to fight for. I know this sentence is common but I really understand this when I see Jonghyun and Soeun fight for their relationship. I didnt like Soeun at first but as the story flows, I realize Soeun didnt do anything wrong. Now im glad they end up being together or else it will make Yeojin sounds like a really bad OC when in fact she is my fav here:')
And last, from Yeojin I realize too that when u letting go of smthg for the sake of someone, u will get smthg in return. Im happy she meets Minho bcs of Jjong:')
Okay in conclusion, good job!:') i really learnt alot, and i enjoy the plot:')
Sorry english isnt my first languange so well...yeah:')
And thank u once again:')
mushroomonew #2
Chapter 15: why i got the feeling that yeojin will just leave jonghyun and let him be with soeun :(
lee-chelle #3
Chapter 69: Thank goodness for yoogeun. I needed that comedy break after all that heartbreaking drama lol. Can't believe I'm saying this but I really liked both of the women. Usually the author would sway the reader in an obvious way. I guess that's why the plot was even more heartbreaking but beautifully written. ^^
lovescomplicate #4
Chapter 71: Wow this fic is just awesome. The storyboarding and all. Soeun is just soooo sweet sacrifice so much pity her! But she finally get her part of happiness
Chapter 54: Well, can I say I do understand this one? I know about this things somehow. And it's quite a bad thing. No I think this is really a bad thing.
Chapter 42: OMG! They are cheating! I mean... OMG! Why? OMG. Gosh! But that was sweet.
Chapter 71: I absolutely loved this story.
It's great and well written.
You did a great job!
Now I'm going to read the sequel.~
pradiv1819 #8
Chapter 71: wow i loved d way yeojin said her final bye...finally soeun n jjong r together...another good fic frm you...great keep going...
pradiv1819 #9
Chapter 71: wow i loved d way yeojin said her final bye...another good fic frm you...great keep going