The Chic Doctor

Still You

A/N: I didn't expect the first week of school will be hella tiring, plus it always rains heavily that I'm like going home later than usual. HUHU. Couldn't accomplish my promise that I would give at least an update everyday. But anyways...

Say hi to the chic doctor.

“Ms. Jung.” The young neurologist who took care of her entered her room to have one final check before she could be discharged from the hospital. Soeun smiled and sat down with the help of the doctor. “Now do you feel any hurt? You had constant headaches few days ago.. how are you now?” He asked.


“I'm even stronger today, doctor.” She said and smiled widely at him. “I can go back to Seoul now, right? I have no restriction when it comes to travelling?”


The doctor thought for a while as he looked at her. “Don't you want to stay at your home for at least 3 days before flying back to Seoul? I'm afraid your body is not yet ready for that.”


Soeun shook her head, “I can do it, doctor. Just please don't suggest any restriction so I could go back. I really need to start working again, I think.”


“According to the interview from your friends, it was stated there that you filed a one month leave from work. It hasn't even a month since you took your break, spend a little more time resting.” The doctor advised to which Soeun shook her head again. He then gave in and sighed. “Aigoo~ Why did I have a patient like you? You are so stubborn.”


They paused. “But doctor, I would like to thank you a lot for helping me, and for the help of the other two doctors. Tell them I really appreciate them.”


“You should.” He pointed her with his pen and chuckled as he shook his head. “It was hard to explain a case that isn't actually happening to you. We needed to really come up with a findings that would match to all those signs that you showed.”


“But still you helped me.”


“How can I not help you when you already did the first step? Without even telling us from the start, you acted like you didn't know them. If we insist that you are fine, I bet you'll still continue with your act. Of course, we had to deal with it and just go with the flow because that is what the patient wants for herself.”


She nodded. “It was for the better.”


“Of whom?” The doctor asked. “Is it for your betterment? Or for someone else?” She was caught off guard and couldn't even answer back. The doctor sighed.


Being there for 2 weeks now, Soeun grew a bit close to that young doctor who she thought was probably just older than her by 4 or 5 years. He was the one who normally checked on her, making sure she was getting better everyday, and after 2 weeks of recovery and therapy, Soeun had finally went back to her normal health. She can move around freely without the help of anyone. She's back to being strong, just like her old self.


“I think we have talked about this already, doctor. You don't have to scold me again for that.” She said.


“Do you know that this is really against my will?” He narrowed his eyes towards her and let out a couple of 'tsk'. “This is against my will because you are doing this for someone else. You are not pretending to have memory loss for your own sake. You are pretending because you want to save their relationship... when it fact, it's ruined.”


“They're married, doctor.”


“And? What if the other person didn't feel the same way anymore, do you think marriage is still of essence? When you came back with Yoogeun, that guy's life became totally like a maze. He was eventually of lost track trying to figure out where to go, and by instinct, he was going towards your way... and you blocked it by stupidly pretending that you have an amnesia and that you have this so called hallucinations turned mistaken memories. Seriously, Jung Soeun, you're reading too much fiction.”


“Are we going to talk about this again, doctor? When you go here, you always scold me with that while having my check up.”


The doctor took her arm and felt her pulse. He let go after 10 seconds, “You know what your friends say? You've changed a lot after the accident. I talked to Jinki ssi and Taemin ssi. They said you weren't like this before the accident. They said you act exactly like what you were during highschool.” He looked suspiciously at Soeun. “You didn't really have any brain damage, did you?”


“No!” She chuckled a bit loud after seeing the funny expression on his face. “I don't know, but I feel a bit lighter knowing I don't remember anything about Kim Jonghyun ssi and Ahn Yeojin ssi.” She said and the doctor laughed next.


“Don't joke around, Soeun ssi. How can you feel so light about that when it's not even true at the first place?”


She shrugged her shoulders and the smile suddenly went away. “I don't know.” She uttered. “Maybe because right now, I don't need to think about how to face them. I won't have any troubles estimating the atmosphere between all of us. When I see the two of them, I can freely like I don't know them... and...”


“...and eventually run from the chance of being with the person you love.” The doctor let out another sigh. “You could've just tell Jonghyun to have you back to which I'm sure he will, but you chose to forget everything and just let them have each other. Aiggoo~ I definitely should ask someone to build a statue of you that will be placed on the garden of the hospital.”


*** ***


As Jonghyun opened the door, he heard Soeun's loud laugh that could clearly be heard from the door. He immediately assumed that one of the guys is inside laughing with her.


But to his surprise, he found the doctor sitting on chair beside Soeun's bed. She was sitting facing her doctor, and they were laughing. “But that would be-” She immediately stopped when they noticed Jonghyun's presence inside.


“Oh. Kim Jonghyun ssi.” The doctor said and bowed a bit.


“I just went here to check on her. I guess it's okay to leave you alone for a little more while.” He said as he immediately felt jealousy starting to arise.


Soeun didn't know who he was in her life, and someone else, her neurologist to be exact, was there having some fun time with her. How could he react when she obviously looked so happy with that doctor


“You do promised to call me, right?” The doctor uttered which made him paused. He looked to his side hesitant of turning back to face them. But as he thought of it, he would never have the right to ask Soeun about her relationship with the doctor because right at that moment, he was just a total stranger for her.


Soeun frowned and looked at the doctor weirdly. When she knew that Jonghyun had finally went out of the room, she spoke. “Promised? I didn't promise anything to you, doctor.” She said with eyebrows meeting each other but smiling.


“Oh really? That's what I thought.” It was obvious now that the doctor was trying to make some move, and Soeun was not stupid to have never felt it, but since she didn't want to appear assuming so she acted like she didn't feel anything. “But you will call me, right?”


“If I'm having troubles with my health, maybe?”


“Then I'll just call you.” The doctor decided and looked at her. “I'm usually a straightforward person, so maybe I'll just tell you that I'm interested to you.” He said without even hesitating to do so.


“What?” She was still dumbfounded and speechless. She would never expect a confession that fast. “Are you serious?”


“As if you'll think I'm joking.” He chuckled and nodded and eventually. “I won't ask for your number. I have my way to know about that... and you probably know how.” He said, stood up from his seat and winked.


“I'll change number.” Soeun joked. She didn't know why she had such light feelings towards the person. He just confessed, but it never felt that awkward for her, something that she felt when it was Minho before who confessed. They were friends back then, but it felt weird and she didn't know why she felt uncomfortable.


But it was different for that doctor. His smile was very appealing and welcoming, as if he's telling her they can be good friends... or who knows maybe even more than that.


“I'll just see you in Seoul then.” He laughed again when Soeun pouted and shook her head. “But seriously, one day, you should just be true to yourself. I know you can get over him. Yes, it's been years, but probably the reason why you can't move on is because you haven't find the right person to be in his place.” He started walking to the door to leave but he stopped halfway and looked at her. “Who know maybe I could even help you with that?” Flashing a smile, he turned his back again and finally left the room, leaving her speechless for that 2nd confession.

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Chapter 56 will probably be on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning ~ Sorry I wasn't able to keep my promise on updating immediately. I can't seem to focus well


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Chapter 71: Honestly at first I was doubting myself whether to read this story or nor because from tue comments below, I assumed that Yeojin and Jonghyun didnt end up together and it somehow make my heart breaks</3
(And yes, I read the comments first before the chapter one)
But I chose to read this until the end because Im really curious about its sequel, Perfect Two.
And as I read this story, I realized so many deep meanings inside. Like first, being happy doesnt mean being comfortable but being comfortable doesnt mean being unhappy. I understand this as I know that Yeojin lets Jonghyun go bcs it will be uncomfortable for both of them to be together when both of them know that they dont belong to each other. And the fact that Yeojin feels comfy around Minho, it creates happiness between both of them.
And second, fight for what u have to fight for. I know this sentence is common but I really understand this when I see Jonghyun and Soeun fight for their relationship. I didnt like Soeun at first but as the story flows, I realize Soeun didnt do anything wrong. Now im glad they end up being together or else it will make Yeojin sounds like a really bad OC when in fact she is my fav here:')
And last, from Yeojin I realize too that when u letting go of smthg for the sake of someone, u will get smthg in return. Im happy she meets Minho bcs of Jjong:')
Okay in conclusion, good job!:') i really learnt alot, and i enjoy the plot:')
Sorry english isnt my first languange so well...yeah:')
And thank u once again:')
mushroomonew #2
Chapter 15: why i got the feeling that yeojin will just leave jonghyun and let him be with soeun :(
lee-chelle #3
Chapter 69: Thank goodness for yoogeun. I needed that comedy break after all that heartbreaking drama lol. Can't believe I'm saying this but I really liked both of the women. Usually the author would sway the reader in an obvious way. I guess that's why the plot was even more heartbreaking but beautifully written. ^^
lovescomplicate #4
Chapter 71: Wow this fic is just awesome. The storyboarding and all. Soeun is just soooo sweet sacrifice so much pity her! But she finally get her part of happiness
Chapter 54: Well, can I say I do understand this one? I know about this things somehow. And it's quite a bad thing. No I think this is really a bad thing.
Chapter 42: OMG! They are cheating! I mean... OMG! Why? OMG. Gosh! But that was sweet.
Chapter 71: I absolutely loved this story.
It's great and well written.
You did a great job!
Now I'm going to read the sequel.~
pradiv1819 #8
Chapter 71: wow i loved d way yeojin said her final bye...finally soeun n jjong r together...another good fic frm you...great keep going...
pradiv1819 #9
Chapter 71: wow i loved d way yeojin said her final bye...another good fic frm you...great keep going