As A Woman

Still You


 “If Jonghyun appa arrives later, can you wait for me first before going going with him?” Soeun told Yoogeun as he fixed his clothes before letting him into the daycare.


“Okay, omma, but if he arrives, can you go with us? I will be more happy to eat together with omma and appa.” Yoogeun requested – but Soeun didn't know how to answer her child. She wasn't sure enough if she can bare to be with Jonghyun for some good hours knowing that they have this tension between the two of them.


“Let's see if omma doesn't have any work left to do, okay?” She smiled and patted his . “Come on, your classmates are waiting inside. Have fun, my dear!” She planted kisses on both his cheeks before she finally opened the door to Yoogeun inside. “Bye~” She waved and smiled to the teacher then left.


As she entered her car, her phone started ringing. She was surprised to see Yeojin's name on the screen – wondering if she knew everything about what's happening – and if she did, then Soeun also didn't know what to tell, for she kept the reality from her as well especially when they talked about Yoogeun during the fashion event they attended together.


Though a bit hesitant and afraid, she still answered the phone. “Yoboseyo?”


“Soeun-ah, are you busy?” She asked with her usual bright tone. “Can you see me? I'm in Soeul District Department Store right now. Can you go here?”


“Ahh...” She thought for a while and didn't answer yet.


“I'm hoping to see you, though.” Yeojin added, which made her hard to be rejected.


“I just brought Yoogeun to school. It will be about 15 minutes to reach your place. Can you wait for me?”


“Sure. No problem. Call me when you arrive. I'll just buy some stuff.” She said and then immediately hanged up. Soeun sighed. After facing Jonghyun, now she has to face Yeojin as well. But she didn't sound angry at all. She thought maybe Yeojin didn't know anything about what's happening.


After the call, she dialled her assistant's number and told her she probably won't go to office today, but told her that if something comes up then she should contact her immediately. The assistant said yes and told her she will take care of the possible work that will arrive on her office.


Setting aside her work, Soeun followed Yeojin into where she was. She texted her when she arrived and Yeojin told her that she was in the men section.


“Yeojin-ah.” Soeun called as soon as she saw her looking at some necktie designs on a particular area/ Yeojin looked at her and smiled.


“Hi!” She stopped looking and walked towards her. “It's good that you come. Did I disturb any work? I'm sorry~”


Soeun only smiled and shook her head, “It's okay. I don't have much work today. What do you want to do?”


“Can we go around for a while?” Yeojin asked to which she agreed on. They started walking on the pile of sweatshirts designed for men. “ Winter's approaching. Jonghyun often goes out so I think I must buy him more of these. How about Minho? I think you should buy for him, too.” She stopped on a certain light gray jacket and looked at it. Soeun only stared and watched her.


“Why?” Yeojin asked when she noticed how she was just looking at her. Finally, she sighed and shruged her shoulders, “Yes. I know it.” She told her and smiled gently. “You disappointed me, but in a way... I don't think I have the right to get mad.” She let got of the jacket and clung into her arm. “This is not the place to talk. Should we go for some sweets? It's your treat since you have the work while I don't.” Soeun was surprised about how she acted so close to her, but later on she smiled and started walking together with her.


They ended up in a cute pastry shop just few walks from the department store. Soeun ordered two slices of choco mousse cake with cups of brewed coffee.


“I'm sorry but I have always wanted to eat with a girlfriend.” Yeojin said when Soeun placed the food on their table. “I barely have girl friends when I went back from States, so...”


“It's okay. I don't have a lot of girl friends, too.” Soeun smiled as she occupied the seat opposite Yeojin. “I don't know if you like what I ordered but you told me to get you whatever I want.”


“This is fine. I love everything as long as it's sweet.” She said and immediately took a bite of her cake. “Told you.”


“Yeojin-ah...” Soeun initiated the more serious conversation between the two of them. “About Yoogeun.”


Yeojin looked at her and gently placed her fork back to her plate. “I told you I have no right to get mad for what you did, but if you don't mind... why didn't you tell him earlier? I mean... when you learned about it?”


Soeun didn't respond immediately for like what she always thought, it will always be hard to explain why she did that, knowing it was one of the worst possible decisions she had ever done in her life. Yeojin looked at her as she waited for her to tell whatever it is that she needed to say.


After letting out a deep and long breath, Soeun started telling everything to her with full courage. She told her how she was forced to hide it after Jonghyun got accepted into that international school. She could've told him, but she thought maybe Jonghyun wouldn't have continued going abroad and therefore wouldn't have finished his studies in a very prestigious school for music. She told her how she had always wished for his dreams to come true, so though it was such a stupid decision, she still did.


She stopped when Yeojin's tears suddenly fell. “Oh. Did I say something wrong?” She felt alarmed but Yeojin shook her head as she flashed a smile.


“No. I'm just... overwhelmed.” She told her as she wiped her tears away, “I mean, if you didn't do that then Jonghyun and I won't meet and eventually be together.” She smiled like an idiot as she was still crying as well. “Yeah, it wasn't really a good thing that you kept Yoogeun in secret but... thinking about it now, it felt like it was a decision you made out of destiny's choice.” She laughed at herself and shook her head, “I'm sorry. I was saying too much.”


“It's okay.” Soeun forced a smiled and smiled. “You're right. If it didn't happen, then Jonghyun won't be able to meet someone as beautiful as you.”


“And you and Minho won't realize that it was you who belong together.” She added. “Honestly? If you were not with Minho right now, I will feel really really worried. I don't know... maybe it's just me? But anyways...”


Soeun weighed in her head if she should tell her the truth that she really didn't marry Minho, but then, she was suddenly summoned by her fear, thinking she wasn't ready to know how Yeojin will react about it. In the end, she decided not to tell her and just smiled.


“I will try to help out.” Yeojin said after a while, “Please understand about Jonghyun's feelings right now, but I'll make sure he won't get into the point of getting this situation into the court. Yoogeun doesn't deserve this. Actually, no one deserves such process.”


“Thank You.” Soeun found relief on Yeojin's words. She knew Yeojin was genuinely nice, and when she said she's helping out, it meant that she would really help her out.


“I can't afford losing Yoogeun.” She said.


“I know. Though I don't have a heart of a mother, I still know the heart of a woman, and just like you, I would never want to be seperated for the person I cherish the most. Yoogeun is so important to you, and I'm sure Yoogeun feels the same way.”


“Thank You. Thank You very much.”


“But in return, can you let him be a father, too, with Yoogeun? Jonghyun loves him so much, and like what I've told you before, about my...”


“I understand.” Soeun knew Yeojin wouldn't want to talk about it, so instead of her getting into that topic again, Soeun just said she knew and understood it already.


“Yoogeun might be the only son he can ever have, so...”


Soeun held Yeojin's hand and pressed it tightly, “Don't lose hope. You're still young. You have long long years to be with Jonghyun. Soon, I know you'll have your own child. I'm sure about it. Don't lose hope, Yeojin-ah.”


Yeojin nodded and again, another set of tears fell into her eyes. Both of them chuckled as Yeojin felt a bit embarrassed about her crying so much.

Chapter 22 - A Good Start

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Chapter 56 will probably be on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning ~ Sorry I wasn't able to keep my promise on updating immediately. I can't seem to focus well


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Chapter 71: Honestly at first I was doubting myself whether to read this story or nor because from tue comments below, I assumed that Yeojin and Jonghyun didnt end up together and it somehow make my heart breaks</3
(And yes, I read the comments first before the chapter one)
But I chose to read this until the end because Im really curious about its sequel, Perfect Two.
And as I read this story, I realized so many deep meanings inside. Like first, being happy doesnt mean being comfortable but being comfortable doesnt mean being unhappy. I understand this as I know that Yeojin lets Jonghyun go bcs it will be uncomfortable for both of them to be together when both of them know that they dont belong to each other. And the fact that Yeojin feels comfy around Minho, it creates happiness between both of them.
And second, fight for what u have to fight for. I know this sentence is common but I really understand this when I see Jonghyun and Soeun fight for their relationship. I didnt like Soeun at first but as the story flows, I realize Soeun didnt do anything wrong. Now im glad they end up being together or else it will make Yeojin sounds like a really bad OC when in fact she is my fav here:')
And last, from Yeojin I realize too that when u letting go of smthg for the sake of someone, u will get smthg in return. Im happy she meets Minho bcs of Jjong:')
Okay in conclusion, good job!:') i really learnt alot, and i enjoy the plot:')
Sorry english isnt my first languange so well...yeah:')
And thank u once again:')
mushroomonew #2
Chapter 15: why i got the feeling that yeojin will just leave jonghyun and let him be with soeun :(
lee-chelle #3
Chapter 69: Thank goodness for yoogeun. I needed that comedy break after all that heartbreaking drama lol. Can't believe I'm saying this but I really liked both of the women. Usually the author would sway the reader in an obvious way. I guess that's why the plot was even more heartbreaking but beautifully written. ^^
lovescomplicate #4
Chapter 71: Wow this fic is just awesome. The storyboarding and all. Soeun is just soooo sweet sacrifice so much pity her! But she finally get her part of happiness
Chapter 54: Well, can I say I do understand this one? I know about this things somehow. And it's quite a bad thing. No I think this is really a bad thing.
Chapter 42: OMG! They are cheating! I mean... OMG! Why? OMG. Gosh! But that was sweet.
Chapter 71: I absolutely loved this story.
It's great and well written.
You did a great job!
Now I'm going to read the sequel.~
pradiv1819 #8
Chapter 71: wow i loved d way yeojin said her final bye...finally soeun n jjong r together...another good fic frm you...great keep going...
pradiv1819 #9
Chapter 71: wow i loved d way yeojin said her final bye...another good fic frm you...great keep going