Closer to Truth, Away from the Reality

Still You

A/N: This is another turning point. Okay. Why do we have so many turning points over here? Do comment.. I appreciate everything, especially the long ones. XD

“These are my son's clothes. I think it fits him since they have the same physique.” The ahjumma said as she handed Soeun some clothes for Jonghyun to wear. It was already past 9 pm and of course, Jonghyun should wash himself and wear some clean clothes before he goes to sleep. “Are you okay with it, Soeun-ah? He's staying here?”


“I can't do anything about it.” She said while trying to smile. “He said he will only leave with us. But I think the longest will be two or three days. He still has his wife back home and he needs to go back to her.” She said to which the ahjumma nodded.


“These aren't nice clothes but it's better than him wearing nothing.” The ahjumma uttered again. “If you need some help, I'm just next door. All you need to do is knock, okay?”


“Deh. Thank you very much, ahjumma.”


The ahjumma left and went back to her house. She closed the door and locked it firmly. “You can use these clothes for now. You won't be comfortable with wearing something you already have all day.”


“Thanks.” He accepted it and Soeun started walking away. She didn't want to talk to him so much, instead, she went to find Yoogeun who was still busy with the shells as he was making a bracelet for omma.


“Yoogeun-ah.. it's time to clean up and go to sleep. Come on, you can do that tomorrow.”


Yoogeun looked up and saw Jonghyun who was holding some clothes. “Appa! Are you taking a bath!” Jonghyun nodded with a smile. Yoogeun then turned to his omma, “Omma, can I take a bath with appa?”


She was speechless for a while and was dumbfounded by the boy's request. “Well, uhm... if appa likes it then...”


“Come on, Yoogeunni! Scrub appa's back!” He said lively to which Yoogeun reacted brightly. But before he even forgot, he collected the shell and put it in one box.


“I am going to finish your bracelet tomorrow, omma.” He said thoughtfully. “I'll hide this first here.” He stood up and placed the small box on the drawer, then pulled a tower and came out the room running in excitement. “Appa! Wait for me!”


She stood up and sighed. It was such a nice sight seeing her son with his real father having some good time. Soeun decided to clean up the room while waiting for the two to finish. She also took some pillows and a blanket that Jonghyun will use tonight.


Then she heard the two laughing so loud at the bathroom. She paused for a while, and smiled. It was such a wonderful feeling. She had always wanted to make her son happy, and she knew he is when he's with his father, just like at that moment.


“Aww! Yoogeun-ah! You scrub so hard!!” Jonghyun complained while Yoogeun laughed loudly. He was playing with his appa in the bathroom as he scrubbed hardly on his back. He kept on laughing whenever Jonghyun arched his back because it was a bit painful and ticklish.


“Appa! Omma's back is whiter than yours!” Yoogeun commented. “And it is softer!”


“You take a bath with omma?” Jonghyun looked at Yoogeun in surprised. The child proudly nodded. “How is it?.. I mean...” He suddenly found it awkward talking to his son about him taking a bath with his mom.


“Omma sings in the bathroom and she uses the scrub as a microphone!” Yoogeun imitated his mom and sang randomly, making Jonghyun laugh out loud.


“YAH, JUNGG YOOGGEEEUUNN!!” They were both surprised when they heard Soeun shouting from outside. She must have heard Yoogeun talking about her. The two secretly chuckled and Jonghyun made a tiny “sshhhh” sound. They chuckled again.


“Oh ~ Appa~” Yoogeun noticed Jonghyun's tummy and he poked it, “Waah.. appa. You are really a man.” He didn't know how what to call those abs, that he ended up telling him that he's really a man. Jonghyun chuckled.


“Of course, I am. I have a son, therefore, I am a man.”


Yoogeun stood up and poked his tummy. “Mine is soft.” Jonghyun chuckled and lightly hit his son's tummy.


“It will be like this once you grow up and work out like appa.”


The two chatted happily that it almost took an hour before they finish taking a bath. They wouldn't stop if not for Soeun who told them they should come out since Yoogeun might get sick for being exposed in the water for so long. Jonghyun agreed and immediately washed Yoogeun and dry him up.


As they went out, Soeun immediately took Yoogeun and he heard her cutely scolding her son about exposing her bathroom concert. “Yah. Jung Yoogeun. Didn't omma tell you that you are the only one allowed to see my performance in the bathroom? You broke your promise because you tell appa!”


“But omma, I only showed him how! He didn't see you!” The boy insisted.


“But still! Omma is disappointed!” She pouted like the usual 17 year old kid and Jonghyun saw it. He forced himself not to laugh at her adorable self when Soeun looked at him.


“You can sleep there at the living area. I took out the mattress, the pillows and the blanket for you.” She said and closed the door of their room.


“Appa, goodnight!” He even heard Yoogeun shouted behind the door. He smiled and shook his head. With the towel still on his head, he pulled the folded mattress and lied it on the floor. The temperature of the room was fine, but he still pulled the blanket.


Nothing but Soeun's words of confession occupied Jonghyun's mind the entire night. He must have called Yeojin, but she was technically out of his mind on that exact moment. He kept on reminding himself about what she said, how she said it, and the reaction she had after saying it.


“She still loves me?” He asked himself while looking at the ceiling, and felt a striking emotion in his heart as he said that. “She loves me... she never really stopped loving me.”


Thoughts of Soeun kept on coming in his head, and those memories surprised him, as it seemed like he kept on remembering the wonderful things they have together. He kept on smiling to himself. The laughs they had before, their hands holding together as they walk outside the school to the porridge shop. Soeun's serious face as she counts the money on the counter after a long day of work. When she pouts over silly things Jonghyun does. When she laughs over his jokes. When she starts blushing at the compliments he gives. Whenever she replies 'I love you, too, three, four, and five'. Everything, and he didn't know why he liked that feeling of imagining those things happening again.. with Yoogeun.


He might have not done it on purpose, but Yeojin was out of his mind. It was weird but his thoughts were full of thoughts of the other person, and though it migh sound very wrong, he was enjoying that moment.


Just then, the door from Soeun's room opened and she appeared. Jonghyun was shocked and was about to sit right up but Soeun said it was okay.


He was wondering why she was leaning at the door. “Yoogeun's asleep?” Soeun nodded, looking at him as if she was thinking of something deep. “Is there anything you want to talk with?”


Soeun went out of the room and walked to sit beside Jonghyun on the mattress. Jonghyun looked at her. He was confused and in a daze as to why Soeun acted so softly and gently. He was about to sit up when she stopped him again. “It's fine.”


Suddenly, Soeun lied next to him and rested her head on his chest. She used his arms as her pillow and it shocked Jonghyun. It made his heart beat so fast being so close with Soeun. “S-Soeun-ahh.”


“I know this is wrong.” Soeun said with her shaky voice. “I know this is really wrong, and this is called cheating, and disloyalty... but when I lied next to Yoogeun just a while ago, I thought of what I should do... I thought of what should be my next action, and though it might sound silly, this is what I thought. I wanted to lie next to you and to hug you like this. Just for one moment, let me go back to where I thought I belong forever. The reality is not you and I, but the truth that I know is you.. and me.” Jonghyun couldn't see it, but he knew she was crying. “I'm sorry I had to do this, but for one more time, let me just hug you. I'm sorry, but this is the only place I know where I could be safe. In your arms.”


To her surprise, Jonghyun suddenly wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. He closed his eyes, and felt the familiar comforting feeling that he was feeling before.


“This is the most selfish thing I would do in my life...” Soeun looked up meeting Jonghyun's eyes, “..but for few days, can you please be mine? Just be mine... Please..” He saw how the tears fell into her eyes, and Jonghyun couldn't do anything but hug her tightly.


“I'm yours... for now.” He gave in, and at that moment, they didn't do anything but hear each other's heartbeat... falling asleep at that position.

Chapter 43 - If Selfishness Means Happiness

Let's take a bath ~ yoohoo.


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Chapter 56 will probably be on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning ~ Sorry I wasn't able to keep my promise on updating immediately. I can't seem to focus well


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Chapter 71: Honestly at first I was doubting myself whether to read this story or nor because from tue comments below, I assumed that Yeojin and Jonghyun didnt end up together and it somehow make my heart breaks</3
(And yes, I read the comments first before the chapter one)
But I chose to read this until the end because Im really curious about its sequel, Perfect Two.
And as I read this story, I realized so many deep meanings inside. Like first, being happy doesnt mean being comfortable but being comfortable doesnt mean being unhappy. I understand this as I know that Yeojin lets Jonghyun go bcs it will be uncomfortable for both of them to be together when both of them know that they dont belong to each other. And the fact that Yeojin feels comfy around Minho, it creates happiness between both of them.
And second, fight for what u have to fight for. I know this sentence is common but I really understand this when I see Jonghyun and Soeun fight for their relationship. I didnt like Soeun at first but as the story flows, I realize Soeun didnt do anything wrong. Now im glad they end up being together or else it will make Yeojin sounds like a really bad OC when in fact she is my fav here:')
And last, from Yeojin I realize too that when u letting go of smthg for the sake of someone, u will get smthg in return. Im happy she meets Minho bcs of Jjong:')
Okay in conclusion, good job!:') i really learnt alot, and i enjoy the plot:')
Sorry english isnt my first languange so well...yeah:')
And thank u once again:')
mushroomonew #2
Chapter 15: why i got the feeling that yeojin will just leave jonghyun and let him be with soeun :(
lee-chelle #3
Chapter 69: Thank goodness for yoogeun. I needed that comedy break after all that heartbreaking drama lol. Can't believe I'm saying this but I really liked both of the women. Usually the author would sway the reader in an obvious way. I guess that's why the plot was even more heartbreaking but beautifully written. ^^
lovescomplicate #4
Chapter 71: Wow this fic is just awesome. The storyboarding and all. Soeun is just soooo sweet sacrifice so much pity her! But she finally get her part of happiness
Chapter 54: Well, can I say I do understand this one? I know about this things somehow. And it's quite a bad thing. No I think this is really a bad thing.
Chapter 42: OMG! They are cheating! I mean... OMG! Why? OMG. Gosh! But that was sweet.
Chapter 71: I absolutely loved this story.
It's great and well written.
You did a great job!
Now I'm going to read the sequel.~
pradiv1819 #8
Chapter 71: wow i loved d way yeojin said her final bye...finally soeun n jjong r together...another good fic frm you...great keep going...
pradiv1819 #9
Chapter 71: wow i loved d way yeojin said her final bye...another good fic frm you...great keep going