English Class

The more you hate the more you love.

At school first period of class which is English class.

Ms. Kim is dicussing their lesson. "Okay class. If you really are listening to our topic yesterday. Who would like to explain this? 'How you're going to change simple tense into a question? Anyone from the group?" she asked. And you cheerfully raised your hand.

"Yes Ms. Woo, let's hear from you. Okay let's see what have you gotten or learned yesterday?" she picked you.

"Well, If you're going to change a simple tense into a question. You simply get the adjective and placed it before the subject after that just put an interrogative mark in the last part of the sentence. So to be more specific, I'll give one example like, 'She is late.' to change it just get the adjective which is 'is'and simply place it before the subject which is 'she' and then put the interrogative mark (?) in the last part of the sentence. So in result from 'she is late' into form of 'Is she late?'. That's all." you answered it well.

"Woah so smart." they echoed.

"Wow! You smarty pants!''

"Very good explanation .As what I expected to you Ms. Woo. Let us give her around of applause. " Ms. Kim praised you. They clapped except Youngmin who is really feel annoyed by you.

"Tsss *He hissed* why are you praising her that much! It's just simple and easy." Youngmin muttered. You pouts" I know. If its easy why didn't you answer it by yourself,babo!"

"You dont care! If I dont answer it by myself its just a waste of time. You y head!" Youngmin sobbed.

"Too many lame excuse. You jerk! Let's just say.. You dont know the answer Mr. Jo Youngmin The Moron Prince of W Academy!" you sheepishly grinned.

"What a cute couple! Do you know there's a saying that 'The more you hate,the more you love!'." Ms. Kim said in her dirty but cute thought.

"That would never happen!" You and Youngmin said in unison.

Ms. Kim laughed "That was they always say. My dear students. But they ended up with falling inlove to each other." She added. 

"THIS MORON!" "THIS !" You and Youngmin said in unison.
"NO WAY! NEVER!" the two of you insisted.

Suddenly Minwoo linked arms with you." Yah! Stop pairing them. My dear Kooreen doesn't suit him alot!" he sobbed. "Yeah Minwoo is right ma'am."You just giggled

"Ofcourse a Charismatic Prince like me doesn't suit a useless,y nerd girl like you!" Youngmin angrily said.

"Why you're so clever you MORON!" you whined with your watery eyes. "Aish! This girl?! Er, Girls is really confusing!So weak, annoying and really dramatic!." He smirks irritately.

Finally tears drops and you wipe it away angrily."Shut up! Stop underestimating girls that much! You're really dont understand us because you're just lazy knowing girls! You meanie ! I really do hate you!" you sobbed and run away.

Youngmin gasped in shock. He keeps on asking himself. "What did I do?!"

"Yah Youngmin hyung? Why'd you say such a harsh thing like that. You hurt her so much! You really are stupid Jo Youngmin!"Minwoo shouted in concern. While Kwangmin was staring at Youngmin cluelessly.Youngmin walked out and find some quite place to stay on.

Youngmin's POV's

What did I do? Why she'd cry?. What did I say to made her that way? So confusing? Did I made her cry? I was just teasing her but look what I've done?!! *Face palmed* Ommo!o_O Yah! I'm so stupid! Your Stupid Jo Youngmin.! What should I do to make her feel better again? Dunno know what to do! T^T. I gasped. Wait why am I thinking and bothering by her.? Do I really care about her?*MINDBLOWN* Wae,wae? Why?! I just cant understand myself though?!. T^T

Minwoo said this to me! "Why'd you say such a harsh thing like that?! You hurt her so much! You really are stupid Jo Youngmin!" he shouted to me. He surely angry with me too. My head is spinning! I'm going to be crazy nothing back on my side even Kwangmin is probably angry too. Wait....?

Why my heart suddenly ached when Minwoo said that I've hurted that girl so much?! What's wrong with me? I just dont understand myself too. *Is Ms. Kim right? That the more you hate the more you love? And I finally fall for her?* I thought cluelessly. No way! Never!That girl what have I done to you? Or rather I say, what have you done to me? You made me weird and left out! I feel so stubborn! It's started to freak me out? I kept on asking myself with this mixed stuff flowing on my nerves.

Aish so hard to think. I hate this feelin anyway. I sighed. 




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Keep waiting for the finale!!!


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Chapter 67: Gwaenchana chingu ya. Kansaheyo for updating.
Chapter 68: I've just finish read this story. The story was great..I'm glad it'll be a happy ending. Good job author-nim ^_^
Chapter 7: great story ^_^
Chapter 69: Great Story! :D
Chapter 69: jeongmin: hi my lovely mirror prince.. of course i'll call him 'oppa' beacause he's older than me, not the old, he is 8 days older than me.. hekhekhek.. dont worry i love the both of you *merong*, its just that.. uhmmm.. you know.. uhmmm.. baekhyun oppa.. uhmmm.. nevermind.. :p

baekhyun: YAH!!! just kidding

im not mad anymore.. how can i not forgive my lovely eyeliner prince.. ^_^

let my peanut be.. she's not fun of wearing make-up.. but if you put eyeliner on me, i would be glad.. hehehe

WAIT! i think i'll take my words back.. HOW DARE YOU STRIPPED INFRONT OF ANOTHER WOMEN?!?!
Chapter 67: Don't worry it's oaky just take your time unnie! Fighting!
Chapter 66: YOUNGMIN! I hope he remembers her soon!
They should be together forever haha <3
Shielasshi #8
Chapter 66: Thanks for the update! Please end the story well! And thanks for all the creative chappies!
Shielaaa23 #9
Chapter 65: Unnie!!!/Ate! Update please! Kamsanida! Salamat!
IWillLoveYouForever #10
Chapter 63: Update soon!!