Stay please?

The more you hate the more you love.

Under a huge tree there's a girl crying and Youngmin went and saw you crying like a baby or rather a child one?.

You're still crying and rubbing your eyes while sobbing. "That guy! He was the first guy who made me cry! He's so dead!"

Someone giving you a handkerchief but you rejected it.

"You're such a cry baby!" Youngmin said.

You tilt your head to see him "I dont need your dirty handkerchief. You idiot. You're the cause of it! And who the hell you think you are? To say that harsh things to me. We dont even know each other babo!"

"Aish this girl! You're pride is really that high,dont you?" Youngmin's voice suddenly change in concern.

"Yes whatever!" you just said."Yah you stop rubbing you're eyes like that our skin is so sensitive. You dummy?!" Youngmin removed your hands away to your smooth face. He then start wiping out your tears gently with the use of his handkerchief that he was giving to you.

"Yah look what you've done your face is so red right now!" He mumbled.

You bit your pinkish lips and pushed his hand away from you. "Yeah get your filthy hands off of me!" you just lamely said to keep your blushing. "Or? You just blushing?!" Youngmin grinned. "Yah! You boastful moron! Will you just leave me alone!" you sobbed.

"No!" he insisted. "Why you're so hard headed!*you pouts* Yah go away! I dont want you here!" you said while pushing him but his too hard to push. 

"Yah! I dont want to go. So stop .Pushing me away! Is no use, babo!" he smirked. You raised your brows."But I want to be alone you stupid, jerk moron prince!" you pouted with crossed arms. "I want to take a nap. Just be silent okay!" he said while his eyes slowly closing.

"Fine! If you dont wanna leave, then I'll leave! You sleepy head moron!" You freak out. When you're going to stand he grabbed your hand and won't let it go. "Yah! What's wrong with you.! Get off me!" you whined. He tightened his hands. "Stay please?!"

You shook your head. "No! I dont want to stay here with you. It feels like I'm in hell! So get off me!" you exclaimed. He pulled you to him. "Yah! What are you doing you're too near at me. Eeeekkk!!!Get off me! erty Moron! T^T" you pouted. 

He eyed you. You're 2 inches near at his face. "Now you are facing near at me. Can you please shut up?!" Youngmin grinned while eyeing you.

But you cant look at him straightly. "If I dont?" you asked."Well,If you dont*he lean near at you again* I'll kiss you." he foolishly answered you. You gasped and close your mouth. "Good!" he giggled. You just give him a death glared. Then he came back to his sleeping but still his holding your arms. So you cant escaped with him no matter what.

You're now far from his cute face. *That was to close! I dont know that he could do this.* you thought. You looked at sleeping beauty prince.

"He looks so handsome and good when he was sleeping like this.*you bit your lower lips* But when he's awake, he's such a stupid  One!." you muttered. You let out a big sighed. You slightly pinch his cheeks with your right hand. Because the other one is held by Youngmin's hand. "This Moron Prince really cares about his skin huh. It's soft like girls skin." you said to yourself. 



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Keep waiting for the finale!!!


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Chapter 67: Gwaenchana chingu ya. Kansaheyo for updating.
Chapter 68: I've just finish read this story. The story was great..I'm glad it'll be a happy ending. Good job author-nim ^_^
Chapter 7: great story ^_^
Chapter 69: Great Story! :D
Chapter 69: jeongmin: hi my lovely mirror prince.. of course i'll call him 'oppa' beacause he's older than me, not the old, he is 8 days older than me.. hekhekhek.. dont worry i love the both of you *merong*, its just that.. uhmmm.. you know.. uhmmm.. baekhyun oppa.. uhmmm.. nevermind.. :p

baekhyun: YAH!!! just kidding

im not mad anymore.. how can i not forgive my lovely eyeliner prince.. ^_^

let my peanut be.. she's not fun of wearing make-up.. but if you put eyeliner on me, i would be glad.. hehehe

WAIT! i think i'll take my words back.. HOW DARE YOU STRIPPED INFRONT OF ANOTHER WOMEN?!?!
Chapter 67: Don't worry it's oaky just take your time unnie! Fighting!
Chapter 66: YOUNGMIN! I hope he remembers her soon!
They should be together forever haha <3
Shielasshi #8
Chapter 66: Thanks for the update! Please end the story well! And thanks for all the creative chappies!
Shielaaa23 #9
Chapter 65: Unnie!!!/Ate! Update please! Kamsanida! Salamat!
IWillLoveYouForever #10
Chapter 63: Update soon!!