A Song For You

Wishing Upon A Flower


Good Day by IU

Chapter 60 – A Song For You

Hyomi’s POV

It’s the last day of school before the winter break comes. With a smile, I prepared for school and met Baekhyun oppa downstairs to leave for school. I heard the doorbell go so I hurriedly grabbed my things and ran downstairs.

“Hyomi, Sehun’s already here!” I heard Baekhyun oppa shout.

“Neh! Coming!” I shouted.

As soon as I stepped on the last step, I found Sehun by the living room, with Baekhyun oppa.

“There you are. What’s taking you so long these days?” He rumbled. “Not just because you have a boyfriend you—YAH!” He shouted as I pinched him on his arm. “What’s that for?!”

“You’re too noisy and no oppa,” I stuck my tongue out. Sehun just laughed at us before we all went out the door and left for school.

“Any plans for the vacation?” Baekhyun oppa asked.

“Uhm… I’m not sure. Wanna come to America?” Sehun suggested and I shot him a look.

“Are you joking?” I said and he shook his head with that innocent face of his.

“No,” he said. I slowly nodded, shrugging. So he was serious.

“No money,” I said although I know I have savings plus the money left by my parents. It’s not that I don’t want to come with him. I just want to celebrate it here, in our old house although it might be so pathetic of me.

“I don’t think we need money though. Sehun’s providing it, right, maknae?” Baekhyun oppa grinned. He smirked before shaking his head.

“Of course not. You buy your own ticket but…” He started and turned to me, grinning. “I’ll surely pay for hers,” he said before turning to Baekhyun oppa again. Baekhyun oppa scoffed.

“Whatever,” he mumbled and we just chuckled.

Soon, we reached the bus stop and waited for our bus to arrive while talking about what else we could do during the winter vacation. Suddenly, a figure caught my attention and I peered over the shoulder of a school girl who seemed to be spazzing by herself. I furrowed my eyebrows at her before I rolled my eyes and looked at that familiar guy with his earphones on and his hands in his pockets. He turned to our direction and I instantly looked away.

“Oh, Daehyun,” Baekhyun oppa said taking notice of him. I turned to look at him and saw him bow a little.

These past few days, he was, how should I put this in words… weird? I don’t know. He was acting out of character. If he wouldn’t just act like a bastard sometimes, I would’ve thought he was announcing a defeat.

It happened just a few days ago, two days after Jongup sent me home, which was really awkward because it was the first time he had sent me home and he was the first out of the BAP members who saw where I stay. I was walking with Ahneul by the field, looking for a place to stay. If you’re wondering why Sehun and I aren’t together that day, well, basically, we’re not one of those showy couples of the campus who loves to display lot of affection in the whole school every day during break time or when they have time.

As what I was saying, we were looking for a place and after finding one, we settled down when another figure, just a few minutes later, sat beside us but with a fair distance. I didn’t care at first until Ahneul pointed out to me and whispered to my ears that it was Daehyun. I turned and found him watching the P.E. class of a lower level. Seeing him for the first time alone and not in his hiding places, I grew curious and called his attention. When he turned to me, I asked him but before he could answer, a girl came, giving him a carton of banana milk and I gulped. Banana milk. IT’S A BANANA MILK FOR GOODNESS SAKE. My favorite drink after chocolate milk.

“Oppa, please take it!” The girl said holding with both of her hand the milk while reaching it out for Daehyun and after Daehyun took it, she bowed with a big smile on her face before running off.

I don’t know why I felt irked. Most likely, it’s because it was tiring seeing those girls run after them. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

“Still popular eh? I thought you were already forgotten,” I said and he rolled his eyes before weird as it looked, eyeing the banana milk. He reached his hand out with the banana milk. I stared at it as if it was something amusing until he shook it.

“Want it or not?” He said tilting his head to my direction and I looked at him, surprised.

“You’re giving it to me? For real?” I asked.

“What do you think? If you don’t want, then fine,” he said and was about to take it back when I grabbed it from him.

“Thanks,” I grinned before sticking the straw to it. But before sipping on it, I turned to him again. “You’re not doing this against me, right?” I said and he glanced at me before he rolled his eyes. I just shrugged and began drinking the tasty milk.

That was the first time he gave something to me but I didn’t expect that I will receive more banana milks or other food or drinks from him after that day. It was mostly when a fan of his gives it to him and he always gives it to me. I’m even surprised that no one was getting mad at me whenever I take it.

I also noticed how good he was to me. Not good in the matter of greeting me or whatsoever but his teases was lessen although he would still tease me once in a while. Somehow, I was thankful because I would feel weird when he won’t tease me even just once a day. It was like a part of my day already. Not hearing one of his usual tease makes me feel that my day was incomplete.

“Hyomi, the bus’ here,” I snapped out of my little world and nodded as we board the bus.

We took a sit at the back so that the three of us would fit and after settling down, I saw Daehyun sat two rows from where we sat. We met eyes for a second and I raised an eyebrow at him as usual. He ignored it and sat and the bus started moving.

“Why don’t you greet him already?” I softly asked Sehun since as far as I could remember, they always greet each other whenever we happen to get on the bus at the same time. He shrugged and I already dropped the topic since I don’t think it was necessary to know anyways.

When we reached school, we parted ways and went to our own classrooms and later, our teacher came and classes for the day began.

Sehun’s POV

The class was going on but I stared out the window, watching as the clouds move and the birds fly. I sighed as I thought about all the problems I’m having right now. It’s not that many but I consider it big especially that it both concerns Hyomi.

I know I’m looking like an obsessed fool but I have a reason why I don’t want to lose her, why she’s so important to me; there was always a reason besides the fact that I love her more anything I have. And just a few weeks ago, I wasn’t that surprised but it made me more determined to be the best guy for Hyomi.

I had been waiting for minutes already and just when I was about to leave, thinking that I might have gone to the wrong street, he came. I pusheh myself of the wall before approaching him. He just stared at me for a moment before he spoke.

“What are you doing?” Is he playing dumb or does he really don’t know?

“Can we talk?” I asked still trying to be polite as possible.

“About what?”

“Hyomi,” I said dismissively. I think he got what I was saying and he walked to the sidewalk because we were currently in the middle of the street.

“Talk,” he said.

“I’ll be straight to the point, sunbaenim,” I said and his eyes furrowed for a second before he nodded. “Do you like her?”

Right that instant, the air seemed to be colder than it was already. The sounds of the crickets lessened the silence between us but it didn’t reduce the tense that was building up. He looked down for a few seconds before he looked up again, fixing his gaze at me.

“Yes,” was his strong answer. “I like her. Since when? I don’t know,” he said and it somehow angered me at how he just said that as if it was nothing. Another thing was he reminded me of a person I used to hate but couldn’t. The worst was it’s as if he wasn’t talking to Hyomi’s boyfriend who is me.

After that conversation, we indirectly put up a fight. With the things I notice him doing, I know I couldn’t underestimate him. I don’t know him personally but I know how many girls fall for him even though he didn’t do anything for them. I’m not saying that Hyomi is an unfaithful girlfriend but nothing is impossible. Like what I said, I don’t know him that well.

My phone vibrated inside my pockets snapping me out of my trance. I glanced at the teacher who was busily writing on the board before I carefully pulled my phone up. My heart jumped when someone tapped my table and was relieved that it was just Kai, raising an eyebrow at me.

“What are you doing? Do you want to go on a detention?” He mouthed that luckily, even though it was so long, I understood it. I shook my head before turning to my phone again and reading the contents of the message which was from surprisingly the investigator I hired. The message read that he already knows where he lives and the only thing we should do is to see if it was the right house. I quickly replied for him to go and check it then text me if the address was really correct and that’s when I’ll go and see it for myself.

Until now, I don’t get why my parents are looking for that boy in that faded yellow picture. Even though it looks so old, it was obvious how it was kept with care as there were only little creases on its edges. It also just showed how that particular boy was important. I even envied him because I know that even though it was just a picture of him, my parents took care of it with so much caution. I was curious but I don’t want to bother myself.

When I find that person, I know one thing for sure: I’ll have no choice but to go back and leave Hyomi again, unless, she would be willing to come with me.

Hyomi’s POV

“3…2…1…WOHOO!” The class cheered as the last bell signaling the end of the day and the start of our winter vacation in this case rang.

“Yes! At last!” I heard Ahneul cheer beside me and I smiled. The teacher dismissed us and greeted us a Merry Christmas before he left our room.

The class was then filled with people talking about how they’ll be celebrating their winter vacation. Some said that they’ll be celebrating it out of town. Some said that they’ll be celebrating it with their families.


A small smile reach my lips until I released a sigh. My first Christmas without my parents; without the family I used to have.

“Are you okay? Aren’t you happy?” Jongup asked. I looked at him and smiled.

“Of course I’m happy. Why won’t I be?” I said, chuckling and he shrugged.

“Just that you look like it…” he said.

“Really? Anyway, what are you guys going to do over the vacation?” I asked turning my full attention to them.

“I might be going over our province with my family, not sure though,” Ahneul replied.

“I might spend my time dancing,” Jongup said. I laughed at him.

“Don’t you like doing anything more than dancing?” I asked and he tilted his head a little updwards, thinking before turning to me. He shook his head.

“Ani,” he replied grinning.

“You?” Ahneul asked.

“I might be spending it in our old house,” I said, smiling slightly.

“Alone?” Jongup asked. I shrugged.

“That’s not sure anyway. I might be celebrating it with my new family,” I said and they nodded.

“That’ll be better Hyomi than sulk at your old house,” Ahneul said, smiling and I nodded, understanding her.

“Maybe.” We smiled at each other before a voice disturbed us, barging in our classroom. By now, the students’ attentions were on us.

“NOONA!” I looked at the door and found Zelo with the other BAP members and my eyes found Daehyun. What the? Why am I even looking for him?! I shifted my eyes to Zelo and smiled although my stomach was filled with butterflies.

“Annyeong,” I greeted. He smiled from ear to ear.

“Hey,” the other BAP members greeted and I greeted them back.

“Hi Ahneul, Hyomi,” Himchan oppa said and I knew well that something’s really not right. I mean, it’s the not Kim Himchan I know. I looked back and forth between Ahneul and Himchan oppa before I smiled to myself. I smell a love triangle.

“Hey,” I said.

“What are you doing over the vacation, noona?” Zelo asked.

“Yah, what are you guys doing here?!” Jongup said and Zelo pouted.

“Why? Is it prohibited?” Youngjae said.

“No… It’s not that… But it’s our classroom!” Jongup said stammering.

“Psh. Classroom. Who cares,” Zelo said and Jongup’s eyes widened and I laughed at them. “So, noona?”

“With my new family, most likely,” I said and he made an ‘o’.

“That’s great! Better than…” He said and I waited for him to continue. “Better than with Jongup hyung!”

“YAH! You!” Jongup said before tackling Zelo. We laughed at them until Zelo got to push Jongup who fell back to his seat. Whilst that, my eyes met his, Daehyun. He’s as if saying something to me I can’t seem to comprehend so my nose scrunched up and he rolled his eyes. Tsk. What a guy he is.

We continued making noise until we decided to leave already and to start off the vacation, Himchan oppa suggested for us to go to a noraebang which I doubt if I could come. I couldn’t just leave without telling Baekhyun oppa or Sehun or any of them so I excused myself and called Sehun.

“Oppa?” I said as he answered.

“Oh? Where are you?” He asked.

“Uhm… Oppa, will it be alright if I hang-out with BAP? Don’t worry. I’ll be with Ahneul too,” I said.

“Will BAP be complete?” He asked and I looked at BAP who continued to fool around by the gates before I nodded though I he wouldn’t see it.

“Yup,” I replied. There was a long pause at the other line. “Sehunnie? You there?” I asked.

“Uhm… Yeah. Ok. Just be sure to call me when you’re about to go home, okay? And the noraebang too,” he said and I chuckled.

“Araso appa,” I joked.

“Yah!” He said. “I just want to know that you are safe and that no one tries stealing you from me,” he said in his whining tone.

“Araso, I understand. I was just joking. So I’ll be hanging up already, okay? I’ll see you soon?” I said.

“Yeah. Take care and don’t forget what I said, okay?” He said.

“Neh, oppa, annyeong,” I said and he said the same before we both ended the call and I ran to join the group before we all left.

As soon as we reached the entrance to the noraebang, everyone was so giddy that Zelo ran up to the entrance almost immediately. I laughed at his childishness before I followed. The other guys followed too but I noticed Ahneul and Daehyun lagging behind so I looked around and found them talking. I wonder why. I just shrugged the thought away and stood beside Youngjae oppa but I can’t help but to look back at Ahneul and Daehyun who had just finished and made their way inside. I looked away and puffed my cheeks. What’s happening to me?

Daehyun’s POV

The room lit up with colorful lights shook with the loudness of their voices as they sang or more like fooled around. I laughed once in a while not joining them. I glanced over the table and saw Hyomi clapping as Youngjae sang while Himchan hyung tried ruining it by singing with the other microphone in an out-of-tune. She was laughing and I can’t help but smile too.

Time passed by so quickly. I’ve given her things I never thought I’ll be giving. I’ve done things I swore at first that I’ll not be doing. And I’ve fallen deeper than I thought I would be. I couldn’t get out of my head how strong Sehun’s words were.

“You can’t steal her away from me.”

I bit my lower lip remembering those words from him. I’ve been thinking about this, all I’ve been doing just to get her attention, just to make her see that I like her. I know I’m going to destroy a relationship if ever Hyomi’s going to fall for me but the question is, will she really be? I could see in her eyes how happy she is whenever she’s with Sehun. I also know that she had been liking on him since she was in Busan and because of it, I know it’ll be hard especially that I know she hates me.

I glanced at her once again before someone nudged me and I looked at my side to see Yongguk hyung.

“Aren’t you going to sing?” He asked. I looked at the big monitor before I shook my head. “Why not? You should sing. You have the greatest voice here,” he said drinking from his soda.

“I’ll be fine,” I said and he soffed.

“Don’t think I’m not noticing what you’re doing, Jung Daehyun,” he said.

“Doing what?” I asked, trying to act as if I know nothing.

“Don’t ask me what you already know, cold-mysterious guy,” he said making me look at him. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard someone calling me that. He laughed through his nose before patting my knee. “Just make sure that no one’s going to get hurt,” he said before he stood up and joining the others singing.

I replayed his words to me and I sighed. Would it be possible? That no one would get hurt? I was disturbed when Himchan hyung called me through my microphone.

“Yah, Busan’s Won Bin, sing for us,” he said loudly on the mic as if he was drunk but I assure you he isn’t. We don’t even drink alcohol. I waved my right hand, telling him I don’t want. From my side view, I noticed Hyomi looking.

“C’mon hyung. Just remove that mask. It’s just us anyways,” Zelo said. I felt another look at me so I turned and found Ahneul looking sternly at me.

“Go!” She mouthed. I heaved in remembering what she told me a while ago. It also surprised me actually how she have been keeping it a secret all along. I sighed and nodded.

“Fine,” I said and grabbed the microphone from Himchan hyung while they all cheered. I pulled my mask down.

“I’ll choose the song!” Jongup said as he flipped through the list of songs before he pressed the numbers on the remote. My eyes widened at the song he had chosen. It was Good Day by IU.

“Are you serious?” I asked and he grinned nodding.

“Why? We know you can do it. Palli! It’s about to start!” He urged before they all sat around the semicircle couch.

I sighed, heaving a deep breath before turning to the large screen as it played a video and the lyrics. As the screen displayed a countdown before the first word is to be sung, I took one glance at them and they all cheered. My eyes wandered and stopped right at Hyomi who was looking at the screen. I bit my lower lip before I faced the screen again and started singing.

As I sang the song, I realized how clearly I could relate to it. How I could just change the ‘oppa’ to another endearment for her. But is it possible that she’ll get the message? That this song is dedicated to her.

“Pretending like I don’t know

Like I didn’t hear a thing, like I erased it

Should we start talking about something else?

Should we kiss so we can’t say anything?”

I want to pretend I don’t know you liked him. I pretended as if I didn’t see that carved names on my old table. I pretended that I don’t know how my heart was falling for you each second, each minute, each day until I had the courage to finally accept but how painful was it also to accept that we can never be.

I pretended.

I pretended I didn’t hear how you talk so sweetly to him. I pretended and tried to erase it from my system hoping that someday, those will be the words sweetly directed to me. Aside from those tease we throw each other, those playful yet heart breaking words, I just realized, would that be able to change? A kiss. Was that even possible? No.

“My eyes fill with tears, so I lift my head up
I smile a little so they won’t fall
Why are you like this to me, what are you saying?
All the things we talked about go to the sky
The words I have never said 
The words I didn’t know I’d say as I cried
I like you, oppa, what do I do?”

When are you going to stop and realize how those words of hatred were supposed to mean the opposite? I remembered the first time I piggy backed you. I remembered how we found out we went to the same school but at different times. Was that fate or was it just a pure coincidence? There were things I didn’t mean to say, feelings I never thought that would develop into something more. Ididn’t know, I wasn’t aware, I wasn’t prepared. Like how you entered my life without any caution.

I like you, why is it so painful?

“Even though I’m crying, I smile
I block your way and I just smile widely
Why am I being like this, do I not have any shame?
I fold my pride up neatly and throw it up to the sky
The words I have never said
The words I might never be able to say again
I like you, oppa, aigoo, one, two
I’m in my dream”

I threw my pride away, I realized, right when I started thinking about you, not as a friend because we never were, but as something I wasn’t able to explain. There are words blocked in my throat. I couldn’t seem to say it out loud but I just want you to read through my eyes that I like you. I’ve already pulled my guards down and it’s all because of you. What am I even saying? I can’t seem to hear myself saying these words I know couldn’t even reach your heart, though I hope, it was, even just a little bit.

“Such a good day…”

No One’s POV

The other BAP members and Ahneul didn’t fail to notice how Daehyun sang with so much feeling as if he was really the singer and that he’d been going through the same thing the song was saying. They also acknowledged how Daehyun kept on glancing at Hyomi who watched and listened to him attentively. Not that she liked her. Let’s just say she had been in love with his voice the first time she heard him singing. Their short eye contacts were too obvious to not notice although Hyomi was too oblivious to see through those looks. Two though got the message too clear. They let out a sigh thinking of almost the same thing.

“At least… At least I met you and I hope I could at least keep the friendship that I can’t afford to also lose.”

HI! A little Daehyun confession here? LOL. Sorry this was quite a filler. I just know I need to update because I've not updated for quite some time now. I'm just really busy because it's our finals week until Tuesday. Please wait for my next update! Thank you! :)


I can see that Baekhyun will be the BULLY in the group o.O
  • Question: Exo has their 2 tallest guy in the group and they are kris and chanyeol, what is your first impression to them?
  • D.O: I accepted that sehun is taller than me but when i saw chanyeol , i was.. *_* (laughs)
  • Chanyeol: I really thought that i am the tallest but here comes kris. and all i can say is. (OH)
  • Kris: Chanyeol is not that tall but because of this thing he become tall...
  • MC: what is that thing?
  • Kris: His neck.
  • Baekhyun: Flexible Giraffe Neck.
  • (all laughs) ( chanyeol bow down his head)
  • {reposted from facebook}

*NOT MINE! Credits to baekyeoleak @ tumblr



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I'll try to update as soon as I can.


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BaekChaYun #1
You mean dandelions, right?
kamyyyx #2
What does 93-liner mean? Sorry that i don't know, I'm not English.
MochiMiks #4
Chapter 79: Finally you updated you're story. I think there's going to be a drama between sehun and hyomi can't wait for that! Update soon author-nim :)
Chapter 79: wahh author-Ssi updated!-^^ I like this chap and I was extatic to see it updated!^^ I can't wait for more~^^ hwaiting!

Ugh... I don't like drama but that's what keeps it interesting!^^
OMG. I just found your story and I'm so excited because my ultimate bias is Daehyun and my 7th boyfriend is Sehun! (Of course after all of the B.A.P members!) lol. I'm so eager and I'm glad this is a long fanfic. The flower that you might be talking is a dandelion? Well, that's why I know. It's white and you blow it right? Lol.
MochiMiks #7
Author-nim, Please update :(
Justjungdaehyun #8
Chapter 78: Please update soon. I live this storyline, I can't choose who to root for; Daehyun or Sehun...both groups are my favorites! Anyways keep going, with this awesome fic! Fighting!
Chapter 78: Oh! Author-ssi I haven't read your fic in a while and let me tell you I kinda felt incomplete with out it. >_<
I going crazy here~
And Hyomi is just driving me mad!

I'm sorry for not commenting for a while! I'm such a bad fan....
I'm sorry but that doesn't mean I don't love this story never the less.
