When Realization Struck You

Wishing Upon A Flower

Daydream by Super Junior

Chapter 49 – When Realization Struck You

Hyomi’s POV

I’m walking home from the bus stop with a smile on my face until someone grabbed me, covering my mouth while pulling me away. I struggled from their grasp and screamed. I could feel one of the person who grabbed me, bury her nails on my skin making me wince and tear up. I tried to look at who it was and it was no surprise it was them.

“Let me go!” I tried to say. “I didn’t do anything to you!” I added but it was of no use as they continued to drag me until we reached an area where there is less people walking around and right now there’s none. They let go of me, slamming me against the wall of a building. It’s just then I realized that we entered an alley.

I struggled to get up but they just pushed me down again with a smirk plastered on their face. I looked up at them with a glare. My hair is a mess now adding to my bad girl look as I threw dagger looks. One of the queenkas mocked at me before kicking me on the stomach making me jerk back. I clutched on my now hurting stomach when they started sputtering things I could care less about.

“You didn’t learn you lesson, huh? We’ve warned you many times. Even giving you those letters didn’t work. You really have the guts,” she said, hissing at her last word.

“So it’s was you all along. Those letters—“ I was cut short as she bent down and hold my chin hard making me look straight to her eyes.

“Yes my dear,” she smirked. “Actually, we adore you for having the courage to ignore everything we do,” she tilted her head slightly to look at her other friends before they snickered, laughing.

“Oh we are,” one girl said popping her bubble gum after.

“Are you done? Don’t you have anything better to do than to ask people to stay away from EXO and BAP when they don’t even give a damn about you?” I said, being harsher that I thought I could be. The girl who had been talking had her eyes wide before she slapped my cheeks, hard that it made a sound that almost echoed.

They continued to harass me, pulling my hair, slapping me, kicking me. I tried to fight back but they were too many. They said words that could hurt me so much that it made me charge to them but after a few hits, I’ll be thrown back to the ground and be beaten. It was until my phone rang that I felt a hope spark.

“Dare answer it and you’re gonna get it,” she said. I didn’t obey her though and got my phone, answering it but before I could say something, a girl had pushed my phone away, making it drop on the slightly wet floor, sliding a little far from where it dropped.

Then it continued. Until I didn’t have any energy anymore and just lied there helpless. They started laughing and say things that were incoherent to me as I was slowly losing all my consciousness. I heard their last warning though before they walked away.

“Let’s just see how you’d do after this. Say anything to them and you’d regret it,” she said before they all left the place. Their blurry figures faded from my sight as they went far. My phone rang again and I dragged myself to my phone a meter away from me. I was surprised it’s not yet broken. With teary eyes and blurred vision, I pressed the answer even without looking at the caller ID before saying one word.

“Help,” and everything went black.

Daehyun’s POV

I hurried to get out the house as soon as I ended the call. Where could she be at this time? Isn’t she supposed to be at home? Where’s Sehun? Baekhyun? Ah Neul? The other EXO boys? Don’t they know Hyomi’s missing?!

The only thing I said to my mom when I left the house is that I’ll be back before dinner. I really don’t know where to start but I need to look for her. I don’t have any of the EXO guys number so I asked Yongguk hyung to ask Baekhyun if Hyomi’s home already. He replied a few minutes later and said that she isn’t and that made my palms sweat more than ever.

My heart was beating so fast that I couldn’t control it anymore. I tried to calm down but I just can’t. I can’t calm my nerves either as I kept on thinking where could she be and what happened to her. I then remembered about the tracking thing you could use on the phone.

“Please work, please work!” I whispered while walking aimless on the streets but when it didn’t I almost threw my phone on the ground when I saw the queenkas not far away from me, walking towards my direction. They didn’t seem to notice me as they walked past me. I then had the hunch that they might be behind everything so without hesitation, I approached them and grabbed an arm of one of them before spinning them around.

“Where had you brought Hyomi?” I asked as if I’m sure it was who got her. Well, there’s no one else besides them who could do such thing to Hyomi that holds a huge grudge on her. They were too surprised to even say a word not until I shout at them in my most furious voice. I didn’t get this mad ever, not in front of them. “WHERE. DID. YOU. BRING. HYOMI.” I said the words strongly and I could feel the arm of the one I’m holding shake.

“We don’t know what you’re talking about, Daehyun oppa,” she said acting innocent.

“WHERE. DID. YOU. BRING. HER.” I repeated calmer than before. “Tell me before I do something that could hurt you,” I said, my voice threatening.

“We really don’t know what you are talking about,” she said once again. Furious, I pushed her arm away. I couldn’t waste my time on them knowing they wouldn’t say anything.

“Once I found out it’s you, you’ll regret it,” I said before I turned my back on them and walked away, shouting for Hyomi’s name over and over again.

Minutes passed crucially for me as I continued to look for her around the place. I don’t even know if she’s here in our area. I was getting tired but I don’t have any intention to stop. I just can’t. I know you might be thinking I’m crazy that I’m so pathetic. I hate her yet here I am getting all bothered on where on earth she is at this time. I know I haven’t cleared what I really think of her other than those words I just want to think I never said.

“Where are you Hyomi? Please show up already,” I whispered so tiredly when I saw an ahjumma with a worried face, looking around as if she was asking for help. When she spot me, she immediately approached me.

“Young mister, please help me. There’s this young lady, she’s unconscious but she’s still breathing,” sh said in panic. Hyomi, it has to be her!

“Where is it, ahjumma?” I asked. She immediately led me to a dark alley where I proved my hunches were right. Hyomi lied there, unconscious, bruises all over her body. I walked over to her and knelt beside her.

“Hyomi, Hyomi, wake up,” I said, shaking her but she said nothing but a soft groan.

“Do you know her?” The ahjumma asked. I nodded.

“She’s my schoolmate,” I said.

“We need to bring her to the hospital already. She looks so hurt,” she said, worrying. Without thinking twice, I said thank you to her and immediately brought Hyomi on my back before looking for a cab. As soon as I got one, I directed the driver to bring us to the nearest hospital. Hyomi leaned on my shoulder as I held her still.

“Omma… Appa…” She wailed.

“Hyomi, everything’s going to be alright,” I said. I had removed my mask already to be more comfortable.

“S-Sehun oppa?” The mention of the name made my heart clench in pain. Instead of answering her, I just hushed her and told her to just wait for we’re near the hospital.

Minutes went by and exactly twenty minutes since we got on the cab, we reached the hospital. Nurses aid us immediately and she was brought to the emergency room. I was told to wait outside but I couldn’t help but pace back and forth while waiting for someone to go out. I kept on wondering if I should call Yongguk hyung to say what happened but the words Hyomi said to me a while ago stopped me from doing so. She said not to say to anybody in her weakest voice I’ve ever heard. I know I have to tell it to at least someone older than us and also, I’m sure she’s been looked for at home. With no other choice, I called Yongguk hyung and he answered after a few rings.

“Hyung,” I said.

“Hey. Are you ok? What’s with that voice?” He asked.

“I’m in the hospital right now,” I said and I heard him gasp at the other line before I heard shuffling sounds.

“Why? Who got hurt? Are you hurt?” He asked.

“No hyung, just please… please come already,” I said with heavy breathing.

“Okay, okay. Tell me where you are and I’ll be right there,” he said and so I told him what hospital I was before I ended the call.

A nurse approached me asking me to sign a few papers before she left.  The wait felt so long and I sat down to somehow calm myself. I promise those girls would pay for what they did to her. I’ll make sure of that. After half an hour of waiting, the doctor came out with a few nurses who left as soon as they got out.

“Are you the patient’s relative?” He asked.

“No, I’m her schoolmate,” I replied and he nodded. “How is she doing doctor? Will she be fine?” I asked.

“Don’t worry son. She’s perfectly fine. She didn’t break any of her bones but did have many bruises on her body but it should get better in no time. She also needs some rest because we found out that she’s also experiencing some fatigue. She’ll be transferred to a normal room in a few minutes so just calm down. She’s be fine,” he said patting me on the shoulder. “So I’ll go ahead,” he said before leaving.

“Thank you,” I bowed before he left. The door opened and Hyomi was brought out, bandages on her arms and legs. Her face has also some ointment and bandages. She looked pitiful but I know that’s the last thing she wanted us to feel.

I followed the nurses to her room. They fixed some tubes on her and all the necessaries before they left. I sat on a chair beside her bed while she lie on the bed, looking more peaceful than a while ago. I sighed looking at her state right now. She looked so weak with the tubes connected to her and bandages on her body but she still looked pretty as always.

My phone rang so I brought it out immediately before it wakes Hyomi up. It was Yongguk hyung asking where I am. I then told him what room I am in and in a few minutes he came and his eyes widened in shock to see Hyomi.

“What happened?!” He asked.

“I don’t know. I called her and when she answered no one talked and all I could hear was shouts and snickers. I went to look for her until an ahjumma asked me for help and there I found her unconscious. I think it’s the queenkas fault as I met them coming from the way the alley where I found Hyomi. They even acted as if they don’t know anything!” I said with a low voice as to not wake Hyomi up.

“Have you called Baekhyun? Sehun?” He asked as he checked on Hyomi. I shook my head.

“She doesn’t want to. I just called you because I know I had to at least let someone know. We need to tell Baekhyun that she won’t be going home. You need to make up some excuse,” I said and he hesitated.

“That would be hard. We don’t even know why she’s out this time,” he said. I then remembered seeing her leave school with Ah Neul a while ago and decided to use that as an excuse.

“Tell him Hyomi can’t go home and would just sleep over at Ah Neul’s place and would return early in the morning. Use her phone,” I said. Yongguk hyung fidgeted before giving up. He searched for her phone in her bag before messaging Baekhyun.

It was not long after we received a reply. As usual, Baekhyun was asking why but said it’s better she stays at Ah Neul’s place already since it’s already late. I was relieved with that. We just left it like that. We didn’t bother to reply.

“What are we going to do tomorrow? What will we tell them?” Yongguk asked.

“I don’t know,” I said. We were quiet for a while before he broke it.

“We’ll have to wait ‘til she wakes up. We have to call Ah Neul to tell her about what we told Baekhyun. If Hyomi couldn’t afford to leave early tomorrow, we would have to let Ah Neul go absent and make some reason that they woke up late and wasn’t able to attend school,” he said and I think that’s the brightest thing he had even said though it meant we’re going to lie.

“Whatever would be the best,” I said. With a little shake of his head and a sigh, he walked to the couch and called Ah Neul. They talked for a while before he ended the call.

It was just quiet after that. I remained seated beside her bed while Yongguk hyung sat on the couch, staring blankly on the floor. I watched her sleep and for a while hesitated before I held her hand and felt how cold it was. I then warmed it with my own hand. I was just watching her when Yongguk hyung called for my attention.

“Daehyun,” I looked at him.

“Uhm?” I asked.

“Tell me honestly,” he said and I knew what was coming. “Do you like her?”

“W-What are you saying? Of course not. I’m just doing this because I know she needs help. Nothing more, nothing less,” I said but he didn’t move an inch nor say anything as if waiting for me to say something more. I broke out the stare and removed my hand from Hyomi’s hand and leaned on my seat. “Why? What do you want to hear?” I asked.

“The truth, what else,” he said.

“I know that. I already said it—“

“No. I know you more than you think Daehyun. I’m asking you this because it’s getting more complicated as time goes by. I don’t want anyone of you get so sad over the fact that she’s got a boyfriend. I couldn’t afford to have you in the list Daehyun,” he said staring thoughtfully at me. I understood him but I just can’t put out the perfect words on how I really felt.

I like her. I’ve said that a long time ago. I hate her at the same time. But even so, I feel hurt when I see her with other guys though we just always bicker when we’re together. I like to see her smiling and laughing although I always and ends up making her upset or mad.

I don’t know what to feel already when I knew she had a boyfriend and all those things I knew back then was not true. I hate how she made me perceive her wrong. I’m mad at myself for being so shallow. I shouldn’t actually mind whether she flirts or not but I did. I let it get into me and I don’t know why.

I’ve always asked myself why and it’s not until now I realized the reason. I might be the strangest guy who likes doing the opposite to the girl they like but it’s because that’s how I started and that’s how we could interact without anyone thinking I have something for her. I couldn’t tell anyone about it even in the group since I know many of them likes her too.

Looking at her, I felt my heart break but beat fast at the same time. Taking her hand once again, I felt myself being a girlfriend stealer. I know it’s wrong to hold her like this especially when she doesn’t know but when I don’t do it, when could I? I was snapped out of my thoughts as Yongguk hyung stood up and approached me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

“Think about it Daehyun. Think about your actions carefully because many could be hurt. I’ll be leaving already since it’s quite late. I have to go to school to see if everything would go accordingly as planned. Give Ah Neul a call early in the morning before school starts so that she would know if she’s going to stay home or not. I’ll be going now. Take care of her, ok?” He said and I nodded. He walked towards the door before he opened it but before going out, he said another thing. “Don’t do anything that’s not supposed to be done, understood?” With that, he left.

As the door closed, I let a sigh escape my lips before going back to looking at Hyomi. I made sure to tell my mom where I am. I told her that I’ll be going home early in the morning and gave her the most believable excuse before I kept my phone back in my pockets. Slowly, as I watched her and prayed for her to be okay by the next day, I had fell asleep, holding her hand, never wanting to let go.

Hyomi’s POV

When I woke up the first thing I felt was the pain all over my body. I struggled to move even an inch from my lying position as I winced in pain. I recalled all that happened the night before but could only remember until I was being carried away. I looked around and found myself in a hospital room that made my insides flip. I caused trouble again. I failed my cousin again.

With a sigh, I sat myself groaning in pain until I felt someone holding my right hand. I looked at who it was and was surprised to see Daehyun sleeping, his fringe at one side but wore no mask. Could it be him? The guy who whispered those comforting words to me last night, was it him? Urgh. Why are you so stupid Hyomi? But wait. Isn’t he mad at me? Things are getting more confusing, really.

I tried to pull my hand away without waking him up but failed as he sat up, yawning and rubbing his eyes with his other hand. Seeing I’m awake, his eyes widened. I looked away feeling uncomfortable with how he looked at me with a soft expression and worried eyes.

“Are you feeling okay?” He asked but I didn’t answer. Instead, I looked down at our hands at were still clasped and that’s when I guess he remembered that he was doing. He removed his hand from mine before he asked again how I was feeling. I brought my right hand on my lap playing with my fingers as I looked down.

“I’m okay. Thank you,” I said. I heard some shuffling and I looked over at him and saw him shifting from his seat before looking at the time. I also turned to the wall clock and was surprised that it was already seven in the morning. An hour before school starts.

“I…We need to go to school,” I said as I pulled the blanket off of me but was stopped by him as he held my wrist giving me a firm look.

“Could you stop thinking of school even just today or until you get well?” He said before rolling his eyes. He stood up and I watched him as he picked something up from the table. I tried to see what it was but his back was blocking my way. When he brought the cellphone on his ears, that’s when I realized that it was my property as a keychain dangled from it.

“Y-Yah, that’s mine,” I said with a hoarse voice. I coughed after and he immediately went over to me. I looked at him with a glare. “My phone, give it back,” I said but he shook his head, stepping further away from me.

“I need to call Ah Neul,” he said before turning his back from me again.

“What? Why?” I asked but he didn’t reply instead, he started talking over the phone. I sighed as I know I couldn’t anything already. After a few minutes, he turned back to me, locking my phone’s screen before placing it down on the table.

“Do you want something?” He asked but I ignored it and asked him a question.

“What did you say to her? Did you tell her…”

“She knows,” he simply said as he looked straight at me.

The gaze he gave me sent chills to my spine and it was disconcerting. That what made me look out the window before contemplating whether to ask him the question I’ve been wanting to ask but as if he read my mind, he answered me while pouring water on a glass.

“I didn’t tell anyone besides Yongguk hyung and Ah Neul. I didn’t think you would mind besides, we need someone to cover up for you,” he said before handing me the glass of water. “Drink up. You haven’t taken anything since last night. At least drink,” he said. With a little hesitation, I got the glass from him. Since I was already on a sitting position after much struggling a while ago, I was able to drink it easier.

“Thanks,” I said as I handed the glass back to him. He only gave me a nod. It turned quiet after while we both immersed ourselves in our little world.

I looked at the bandages on my arms and the ointment. It made me flinch with the sight. I didn’t expect this to happen for the second time. I mean, I thought the last I would receive much bruise was when we fought the thugs. Looking at my state, it’s as if I’m worse than back then. I looked at one part of my arm and found the prints of the nails of one of the queenkas who dragged me away. It made me tear up but I held it all back. I couldn’t cry in front of him. I couldn’t look weaker than I am right now.

I snapped out of my thoughts when he cleared his throat. I looked at him and without looking at me, he asked,

“I hope you don’t mind but who did this to your?” I hesitated as I didn’t want more fights. I know once they find about it, they would do something to them and I couldn’t let that happen. I know I sound martyr right now but I just don’t want seeing anyone getting hurt. I don’t want any more fights. I’m hoping though that we could talk this out and fix everything. “Hey.” I looked at him and I could see how he demands for an answer, not a shrug or a ‘I’m okay. There’s nothing to worry’ but rather a name or in my case, names.

“Mmm,” I mumbled and he raised an eyebrow at me but immediately ceased.

“Fine. I won’t force you,” he said. I bit my lower lip as I stared down my lap. “I want you to know though that I have GIRLS in mind who could’ve done this to you.” That made my heart skip a beat. The way he emphasized the words girls got me worried. I looked at him and found him yet again looking at me with the same concerned face.

“Please…please don’t tell them,” I said. I noticed how his face contorted before the door opened, reavealing Ah Neul. It surprised me as I didn’t expect her to come. It’s a school day afterall. She should be in school, not here. Did she skip school for me? Urgh. You're so troublesome, Hyomi.



An early update for the week! I had to cut this chapter in two so I might be update the other half tomorrow or when I have time. :)

I do hope you like how the story is going for now. I promise you it'll have more surprises later (if you haven't guessed what would happen though.) :))

Thank you! :)


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I'll try to update as soon as I can.


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BaekChaYun #1
You mean dandelions, right?
kamyyyx #2
What does 93-liner mean? Sorry that i don't know, I'm not English.
MochiMiks #4
Chapter 79: Finally you updated you're story. I think there's going to be a drama between sehun and hyomi can't wait for that! Update soon author-nim :)
Chapter 79: wahh author-Ssi updated!-^^ I like this chap and I was extatic to see it updated!^^ I can't wait for more~^^ hwaiting!

Ugh... I don't like drama but that's what keeps it interesting!^^
OMG. I just found your story and I'm so excited because my ultimate bias is Daehyun and my 7th boyfriend is Sehun! (Of course after all of the B.A.P members!) lol. I'm so eager and I'm glad this is a long fanfic. The flower that you might be talking is a dandelion? Well, that's why I know. It's white and you blow it right? Lol.
MochiMiks #7
Author-nim, Please update :(
Justjungdaehyun #8
Chapter 78: Please update soon. I live this storyline, I can't choose who to root for; Daehyun or Sehun...both groups are my favorites! Anyways keep going, with this awesome fic! Fighting!
Chapter 78: Oh! Author-ssi I haven't read your fic in a while and let me tell you I kinda felt incomplete with out it. >_<
I going crazy here~
And Hyomi is just driving me mad!

I'm sorry for not commenting for a while! I'm such a bad fan....
I'm sorry but that doesn't mean I don't love this story never the less.
