VIXX 300 Theme Challenge Vol. 2

Title: Smart

Pairing: Chasang

Word Count: 252


It was never smart for someone like him to fall in love with a human. The servamp of greed could not fall in love with a human, couldn’t fall for someone who would grown old and die while he remained alive. His siblings had warned him about that, told him over and over to be careful about that because they didn’t want to see him hurt.

It was a shame that he hadn’t listened.

“Hakyeon,” Sanghyuk smiled brightly, waving the servamp over, “stop sitting in the corner, come be social.”

‘Hakyeon’ smiled slightly as he made his way over to his eve. He loved it when Sanghyuk called him by that name. He had been given a lot of names by his past eves, but he had never liked any of those names like he liked ‘Hakyeon.’ He especially liked how it sounded when Sanghyuk said it.

He knew that one day Sanghyuk would die and he would be alone. He knew that one day he wouldn’t recognize the name Sanghyuk had given him, the collar Sanghyuk had given him when he became his eve would no longer matter to him. He dreaded that day. Dreaded it to the point that he was seriously considering turning Sanghyuk into one of his servants so at least he wouldn’t lose Sanghyuk.

But the day for all of that......

Hakyeon didn’t have to worry about it yet. For now all he had to do was enjoy his time with Sanghyuk, his siblings, and their eves.

A/N: this is pretty heavily based on the manga Servamp. Love that series so much~~! The anime was a little bit of a letdown since they cut out a lot of stuff (like character development for everyone but Kuro, Litch, Lawless, and kind of Mahiru (he got some development, but not as much as in the manga)) and the ending.......

In all fairness, they only had 12 episodes and they needed some kind of an ending (so its just like the original 12 episodes of Blue Exorcist), so taking that into consideration......the anime isn’t that bad. I totally recommend both, but try to read the manga before watching the anime. The manga is still ongoing and updates……..I think once a month.

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Will read it when I'm home
Chapter 136: It's cuuteeeeeeee
Chapter 135: I don't think I'll go to archive, but I've read some stories that came from that website. But it's good to see you back here
missing_vixx #4
Chapter 134: Hwaiting! Make sure to take a good break every now and then even if you are super busy ^^
Chapter 134: It's short, yet it's cute
missing_vixx #6
Chapter 133: Yes yes, Hyukbin fluff~
Chapter 133: Hyukbin is one of the adorable ships
Chapter 132: Cute
Chapter 131: Cutee
missing_vixx #10
Chapter 130: "I've invested way too much emotion into this relationship to let you die." Haha, Hongbin, yeah we get it, your expression of love is too cute XD He just have to use sass to hide the sweet side of himself