73. Coming to an end

Eunsun: A star for the king

Donggun was found guilty of treason as well as a lot of other dark crimes that the palace had not been aware of. He was stripped of his position and given a life sentence. His wife Hyori was given thirty years for assisting him with the plans. Their sons were allowed to stay at the palace though under the care of Youngmin and Eunsun when they had the time. Hodong took a liking to them though.

Two months passed and they weren’t the only changes, “girls,” Eunsun called out to them. “There’s a letter here for you,” Gyuri took it from her before Eunsun had to walk much farther. Still in her first trimester there was proof of a baby thanks to the slow growth of the queen’s stomach.

“S-SM Entertainment sent it?” Baffled, the other four gathered around the oldest member who tore off the top.

“To the members of Kara, SM Entertainment would like to personally invite you to sign with the company and be produced under their name…” Gyuri stopped reading, handing the paper to Seungyeon while shaking.

“We want to make you the next big thing so please come along to an interview at the head quarters with your parents and any other legal guardians. We look forward to seeing you,” Seungyeon couldn’t finish. She looked to Eunsun.

“Unnie… Is… Is it ok?” They waited for their queen to respond. With her own eyes tearing up from being happy for them, Eunsun nodded and she joined them in a group hug.

“Well done girls,” she said when they’d moved away. “This is the opportunity you’ve all so very much deserve.”

“But unnie,” Jiyoungs’ face fell, “what about you?”

“We’ll have to leave,” Nicole added sadly. “Leave you, the palace, our jobs.” Eunsun went over to Nicole and patted her on the back.

“We’ll make do,” she smiled at her. “The palace will take care of the rest. But I want you five to take this chance. It may not come again,” her encouragement made them well up again and they embraced again, tighter than before.


“Here’s the final documents,” Hodong signed the paper work and the man sitting opposite him gave him a handshake.

“Congratulations, your business will do fine.”

“What’s going on?” Eric came in too late to hear the conversation.

“I’m selling the business.”

“H-hold on,” Eric had to take a seat. “You’re selling your catering business. Why would you do that?”

“The king has given me a new position in the palace. I start it next week on Monday.”

“As what?”

“The Prime Minister,” it took a minute to register to Eric what he had heard but when he did he smiled and then laughed with Hodong, congratulating him.

“Ah congratulations,” Eric was still delighted. “You’ll do well for this country.”

“Thank you, now what about you and Min-Jung?”

“What about us?”

“Are you still seeing her?” Eric nodded.

“We’re taking it slow for now, but we’ll see what the future holds.”


Youngmin came to his bedroom where Eunsun was getting ready for bed. He still wasn’t too use to seeing her belly slightly bigger but it didn’t appear to affect her.

“So a little bird told me that the girls have a contract signing with SM next week,” his wife nodded. He sat down next to her on the bed.

“They will be missed.”

“Indeed,” Eunsun turned her head to him. “But this is what they’ve wanted for so long. I know that they will do well,” Youngmin put his arm around her shoulders letting her lean against him.

“Will you be ok without maids for a few weeks? I know that it’s hard for you to move in some positions, especially bending down.”

“It will be fine,” she assured him tenderly, “because I have you, Hodong, Eric and God alongside me.”

“Speaking of God, when did you last go to church dear?” She stopped, lifting her head up.

“Honey are you...?”

“Let me know when you do and I’ll take a look. You’ve taken a big interest in my life and it’s time I did the same.” He laughed as Eunsun flung her arms around him in gratitude, taking in her soft, flowery scent. He was happy that she was happy.

“Mummy, daddy,” Soo-yoon couldn’t say much but the speech pathology had been helping her. Soon she would be able to say her own name. 

"Don't you have a recording soon?" Youngmin had almost forgotten about the late night private session he had booked.

"Oh right," he kissed Soo-yoon on the head and then Eunsun. "I'll be back later."

"Where's daddy going?" Soo-yoon questioned as she saw her father leave with a guitar in his hand.

"Doing what he wanted to do," Eunsun said with a smile. "Sing his own songs." There was a sense of pride about the upcoming CD which the king was producing. He was going to experiment with all types of music and had written a lot of the songs himself. Though the recording and producing would be drawn out due to the many other commitments he had at least he was starting on the dream he'd always had. Someday soon his voice would be heard for the whole world.


The inauguration ceremony for Hodong was a success. The crowd had mixed reactions over having a prime minister with no experience in politics as well as one who enjoyed his food but they would get use to it.

The two members of DBSK along with Beast and Kara who had their debut coming up performed on the day. When the night was over it was time for Kara to bid farewell to the members of the palace for they were leaving that evening to go home and prepare for their signings.

Through tears and holding back sobs the girls said their last farewells, crying even more when they saw the gifts that Eunsun had prepared for them. Small silver tiaras with their names engraved into the design of each. Youngmin and Eric held back and watched them but they hugged the girls before the girls left.

“All the best,” Eric waved to them, a catch in his voice. It wouldn’t be the same without them but they knew that it would be for the best.


Six months later

Youngmin was sitting in his office finishing up some documents when Soo-yoon ran into the office.

“Soo-yoon you should knock next time,” he scolded gently. He felt her tugging at his arm.

“Daddy it’s mummy she… She has to go to the… D-d-dos…”

“What are you trying to say?”

“She needs to see a doctor, she wet herself.” Youngmin patted her on the head with a chuckle.

“Sweetie mums don’t wet themselves that…” He stopped; face freezing, standing with eyes wide. He then went to the doorway to call out into the hall; “ERIC!”

“Yeah?” Eric’s speed was surprisingly fast for his age.

“Call my parents immediately” The king demanded, started to panicking.



“WHAT?!” Eric banged his elbow in the rush to go to his office.  “SOMEBODY GET AN AMBULANCE! THE BABY’S COMING!” Youngmin shook his head, embarrassed at his friend’s reaction.

“Come,” he scooped up Eunsun, “we need to go.”

The car trip had a high atmosphere as they drove to the hospital. One of Eunsun’s newest maids was sitting next to her as her breathing coach. Youngmin had Soo-yoon sit on her lap.

“Something must be wrong,” Youngmin leaned forward to speak to Eric who was driving. “It hasn’t even been nine months.”

“Some babies are born early,” was all Eric could suggest. “We’re nearly there.” They arrived at the emergency drop off and so was the press. Hodong helped Eric hoard them off as the guards accompanied the royal family inside the building. Youngmin was taken aside with Eunsun to the birthing ward.

“I’m so nervous,” Eric put a fist in his mouth, hoping it would stop his teeth from chattering. Hodong patted him on the back. “It will be fine,” but Hodong was nervous too. For a while they anxiously waited. The hours ticking by in slow continuums.

“Where’s mummy and daddy?” Soo-yoon didn’t know what was really going on.

“They’re going to be away for a bit,” Hodong said picking her up and putting her on his knee. “But when they come back you will be a sister.”

“A sister?” Soo-yoon’s button nose scrunched up from her frown. “What’s that?” The two men had to laugh.

“Sorry I’m late,” Hodong eyed Eric as the face of a familiar woman appeared. Min-Jung looked like she’d been in the middle of training. She was dressed in grey track pants and a red singlet with a head band pushing the hair off her face.

“It’s ok,” Eric hugged her. “Thanks for coming.”

“How is she?” Min-Jung asked. Youngmin’s parents arrived, the press following on their tails. Lee-woo were there with Yuna who was sporting her own baby belly. She was only four months away from the arrival of their child.

“Who didn’t you call?” Lee-woo asked as his way of greeting Eric before shaking hands with Hodong.

“Yeah,” Min-Jung was curious, “why did you randomly call me?”

“I need you here,” Eric begged, “for two reasons.” Listening Min-Jung folded her arms over her chest.

“One for the support,” Yuna hid behind her husband with her laughing. Min-Jung raised her eyebrows.

“And two because being here for my boss and best friend has reminded me of how special families are.”

“Eric-ah what does it have to do with me then?” To everyone’s amazement and the pleasure of the media who weren’t able to get pictures of the king or the queen, Eric lowered himself down. He then posed on a knee, grabbing Min-Jung’s palm with shaking hands.

“Min-Jung, I know we’ve only been dating for nine months but…” He stopped to calm himself. “To me, it feels like I may as well have known you my whole life…” Min-Jung remained speechless, Lee-woo and Yuna stood next to each other while Hodong had Soo-yoon still on his knee. With cameras flashing here and there Eric let himself breathe in and out deeply.

“Min-Jung, will you be my last love?” The words sounded less cheesy in his head. For a moment the paparazzi invaded trying to push microphones or tape recorders near Eric who remained motionless. Min-Jung was frozen on the spot.

“Eric…” Her voice shook as she whispered. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

“If you’ll accept me,” Eric nodded, keeping his head bowed.

“Yeah,” Eric lifted his head to her. Had he heard it right? “I mean… Sure, of course I will.” curved into a white toothed smile as her warm laughter filled the room. Eric gained the strength to stand up and embrace her in his arms. People clapped for them, increasing the noise when Eric pushed her head towards hers in a kiss. Hodong put a hand over Soo-yoon’s eyes so she wouldn’t see the display of affection.

“Um excuse me,” they all diverted their attention away from the sudden engagement announcement to the doctor. “But we’re finished.”

“So,” Hodong waited with everyone else to hear the news.

“It’s a boy congratulations,” everyone started to clap as well as the media who were full of cheer too.

“We’ll be done soon,” the doctor said. “We’ll call you when she’s ready to be seen.” They nodded and then calmed down again.


An hour later the doctor returned and knelt before Soo-yoon.

“Your majesty, would you like to come with me and see your baby brother?”

“Please,” Soo-yoon said with an innocent nod. Hodong picked her up and they went to the ward where the mother and the baby were. Eunsun was sleeping in her bed, exhausted from the whole procedure which took almost ten hours. Youngmin was sitting beside the bed, holding her hand in his. He got up as Hodong came in with the doctor. Hodong hugged Youngmin.

“Congratulations,” Hodong was happy for them both. Youngmin took Soo-yoon and cuddled her.

“Want to see him?” He whispered, and she nodded. He took her to the crib next to the bed. A small bundle of joy wrapped in blankets laid asleep, bright pink with some fuzz for hair. “He’s wonderful,” Hodong complimented him as the three of them all just stared at the newest member of the family.

“Now we have to name him,” Youngmin said, starting to think of names.

“What about Jae-woo?”

“After the patriot who fought against Japanese?”

“Well,” Hodong scratched his balding scalp. “I was thinking of it being a combination of two names of people whom Eunsun and I owe our gratitude towards.” Youngmin nodded before waking his wife gently.

“Sorry honey,” he soothed, “but we wanted to know if you like the name Jae-woo?” Bleary eyed still Eunsun glanced at Hodong and then she realized why he said that name. She smiled at them both.

“I think it’s perfect,” she shifted to the other side of the bed to look at her son, “Hwang Jae-woo. It suits him.”

“He’s Ja-woo?” Soo-yoon would have to practice the pronunciation on it.

“Close,” Youngmin said to her, “but do you like it?”

“I like him daddy.” Soo-yoon said out of her sweet, innocent nature. Youngmin picked her up again and the three of them watched Jae-woo as the queen kept resting.

“That’s good, I’m glad you’re happy.”

“I’m glad that after all those years of it just being the two of us.” Hodong began, “that Eunsun and I now have a family.”


And it’s the end ;___; *cue the gross sobbing* It’s been a tough journey with writing this fanfic but I have finally come to an end. There may be a lot of things wrong with it but let me take the time to recover from the withdrawal symptoms before I edit and revise. Tell me what you think though.

Thanks once again and God bless

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Chapter 24: Yes ! A Harry Potter referance lol :D I love it
14 streak #2
Chapter 74: The story was wonderful! You did a great job in writing this :) I'm glad Eunsun is going to have be own family and Sooyoon can finally speak!
nasomi2011 #3
Ah, this must be the story of Esther. ^^
xinli_ang #4
Congratulations~! Why Jaewoo?
I like this happy ending. :) I hope you're crying because you're happy. Dr. Seuss says, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." I'm glad you were able to write it and finish it. :)
hopelesswriter #5
Congratulations for finishing the fic! though i rarely comments.
Happy ending for everyone(the good guys i mean) though everything's a little too neatly tied for me...but that's just me, most readers i've seen love neatly tied endings so no biggie. n aww, great thing Sooyoon gets to speak after the panic.
but Kara? SM? noooooooooo! haha, excuse me, that's just my personal sentiment.
anyway, Congrats again. it's been a great journey.
xinli_ang #6
I'm glad that's dealt with~ :D
xinli_ang #7
She's pregnant? :D Wow! Congratulations, Eunsunie~ :D But she's in a pinch. =[
adlinriz #8
-chap 42- jinja they're going to philipine me and my family exclude my lil bro went there and its my first going abroad except the country in malaysia cause im from there what a coincident hahaha
xinli_ang #9
I pity Youngmin... A king's job is never easy. ;w;

And I agree. I was disappointed Miley chose to go down that path. I used to like her before. It makes my heartache for her father. It must be hard to see his little girl go down such a path...
xinli_ang #10
(I'm trolling your comment box! XD)
T^T Why Youngmin? Why?