5. A kind gesture

Eunsun: A star for the king

“Ah I didn’t expect to find anyone out here,” Eunsun turned to Eric who was watching her. “You look familiar,” he added coming closer. She made a small smile.

“Oh right you’re that caterer’s cousin or something like that.” He grinned back, “fancy you being here, small world hey?” She nodded.

“Cat got your tongue?” He chuckled at his joke but saw she wasn’t laughing, “Hmm you are unusually quiet. Is there a problem Eunsun-sshi?”

“Why am I here?” She asked with sad eyes, “this place is too much. I miss my home.”

“But you’ve only been here for what…” He looked at his pocket watch, “oh four hours. Why not take a look at the place? Get your nails done, do something girly and maybe then you will change your mind.” Eunsun didn’t reply to him but sat where she was on the small wall.

“Aish you really do want to go home,” he rubbed his forehead, “you are not like the other girls. The moment I mentioned freebies they all start screaming. Oh my gosh, this is awesome.” He said it like a hyper girl making Eunsun grin.

“Gave me a headache that’s for sure,” he said with a smirk, “anyway… So you miss home?” She nodded.

“Hmm I know, you come with me,” He got up and indicated she followed. It was hard for her to keep up with his strides but she managed to do so.

“Here we are,” he came to a door with his name on a gold plate, he opened in and let her in. His office was nothing short of fancy. A bright mural canvas hung on a wall while trophies from athletic events stood in a glass cabinet. The carpet was deep red and his furniture all polished. He poured himself a glass of wine and offered it to her. She politely declined.

“Now let’s see what we have here,” he sat in his adjustable chair going through the drawers in his desk, “ah ha.” He placed a pile of envelopes and paper in front of her with a pen as well as some stamps, “you may write to your family as often as you wish and I’ll even let you call them on my phone once a week.” He pointed at the black cordless phone on his desk. Eunsun didn’t know what to say.

“I-I don’t know how I can ever thank you…”

“Don’t worry,” he said suavely, “just promise me that you will cheer up for me alright?” She nodded smiling for the longest that morning.

“Good, now run along I’m sure there’s something you can do.” She bowed to him as she picked up the stationary.

“Thank you so much.”

“Ok go now, I’ll be checking on you later on,” Eric winked as Eunsun left. Eric raised his eyebrows at his secretary.

“I tell you what Minsoo-ee; if she doesn’t become queen I wouldn’t mind her for myself.” Minsoo’s face reddened at her boss’s remark but she quickly handed him some messages she’d taken for him.

Uh oh what is Eric thinking of? Sly dog LOL. Oh yeah if anyone can’t guess Eric is Eric as in from Shinhwa except he isn’t in the group for this fanfic. Happy reading

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Chapter 24: Yes ! A Harry Potter referance lol :D I love it
14 streak #2
Chapter 74: The story was wonderful! You did a great job in writing this :) I'm glad Eunsun is going to have be own family and Sooyoon can finally speak!
nasomi2011 #3
Ah, this must be the story of Esther. ^^
xinli_ang #4
Congratulations~! Why Jaewoo?
I like this happy ending. :) I hope you're crying because you're happy. Dr. Seuss says, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." I'm glad you were able to write it and finish it. :)
hopelesswriter #5
Congratulations for finishing the fic! though i rarely comments.
Happy ending for everyone(the good guys i mean) though everything's a little too neatly tied for me...but that's just me, most readers i've seen love neatly tied endings so no biggie. n aww, great thing Sooyoon gets to speak after the panic.
but Kara? SM? noooooooooo! haha, excuse me, that's just my personal sentiment.
anyway, Congrats again. it's been a great journey.
xinli_ang #6
I'm glad that's dealt with~ :D
xinli_ang #7
She's pregnant? :D Wow! Congratulations, Eunsunie~ :D But she's in a pinch. =[
adlinriz #8
-chap 42- jinja they're going to philipine me and my family exclude my lil bro went there and its my first going abroad except the country in malaysia cause im from there what a coincident hahaha
xinli_ang #9
I pity Youngmin... A king's job is never easy. ;w;

And I agree. I was disappointed Miley chose to go down that path. I used to like her before. It makes my heartache for her father. It must be hard to see his little girl go down such a path...
xinli_ang #10
(I'm trolling your comment box! XD)
T^T Why Youngmin? Why?