23. Final preparations

Eunsun: A star for the king

Eunsun woke her mind pounding as she saw the date. Today was the big day, the one night of either happiness or rejection. She got up and found the maids already had breakfast sorted. Eunsun eyed the muesli and the toast with honey hungrily.

“Morning,” Jiyoung said chirpily, “tonight’s the night isn’t it?” Eunsun nodded.

“Have you got everything prepared?” Hara asked. Eunsun opened to say no when she saw a schedule laid out beside her.

“Me and Seungyeon-ee set it up for you so you won’t be late,” Gyuri explained as she wiped the window sill, “consider it as our way of saying good luck.”

“Thank you,” Eunsun quickly said grace as she started to eat. Then it was going by the schedule. They had put down exercise which was something Eunsun hadn’t thought of. She did miss doing her morning stretches so she decided to change into some sport clothes and did stretching in her room. After doing that for half an hour it was time for her to go to the dress shop to find something to wear.


It was outside of the palace but she was still monitored by two body guards that sat on each side as they drove to the fancy store. It stood out as being sophisticated, simple sterling steel furniture with the occasional splash of color here and there whether it was in the posters or even the changing room curtain.

“Good morning,” she bowed to the ladies that ran the store.

“You must be here for finding a suitable dress for the dinner date.” The ladies came over to her, “tell me what exactly you are looking for.”

“Well, I’m not that fussy, but.” She took out the sample of fabric Eric had shown her from her handbag, “do you have anything that comes in this color?” The ladies felt the fabric with their hands.

“Hmm we have two items in that shade, we will bring them to you.” The tallest lady turned to her shorter accomplice and she went to the racks and came back with the two dresses. Eunsun looked at them in wonder; they looked so elegant without being over the top.

“Now let’s get you into them.” Eunsun went to the changing room and tried the first one on. It was like a mermaid dress with a small train at the back. Eunsun found herself having to hold up the front.

“Oh dear,” the lady said as they saw her drowning in the gown, “looks like your s don’t agree with this.”

“We’ll try the other one,” the other lady declared as Eunsun went back into the dressing room. She felt humiliated at having the guards see her in this position but they seemed uninterested in her embarrassment. She tried the other one on, it fit like a glove and it actually stayed up.

“That’s the one,” the ladies gave one beat claps as Eunsun stood before them in it, “we don’t even have to alter it. Take it darling.”

“Thank you,” Eunsun bowed to them as she turned to the mirror. She couldn’t believe at how lovely she appeared in it.


After she got the dress it was time to get the right shoes. Some silver pumps proved to be the right shoes though Eunsun was going to have to quickly get use to wearing such heels. Then it was time for jewelry. Eunsun found a pair of cubic zirconium studs in a solitaire cut but didn’t really want anything she saw. She remembered her silver cross that she used to wear before she came. Would she take such a risk though and wear such a thing?

She returned to the dorm and put the dress somewhere save as well as the shoes. Gyuri reminded her of the schedule which said that she was having lunch with her uncle in an hour. Eunsun made sure she looked presentable; she wore the wedges she picked out as well as a black mini skirt and an orange shirt with three quarter sleeves and were off the shoulders as well as having loose fabric around her bust which got tighter as it went down her tummy. She tied her hair up in the best bun she could do and put on her silver cross.


“Hello my dear Eunsun-ee,” after they hugged HoDong eyed her from head to toe, “wow you have grown up beautifully my child.”

“It’s just some new clothes,” Eun admitted bashfully.

“And BB cream,” Eunsun touched her cheek remembering she had done.

“So how are you feeling? Only four and a half hours until you dine with his majesty Hwang-sshi  in the seventh hour.”

“Alright,” Eunsun found herself unable to lie, “-nervous too.”

“Good,” HoDong glanced at the menu, “pork chops for both of us please.”

“Um actually HoDong-ee, maybe I can have something else.”

“Bwoh? You are turning down a chop? You use to love them?”

“I need to be able to fit in the dress uncle,” she scanned the menu, “I’ll have a Caesar salad please.” HoDong sighed.

“Aigoo please have one next time we eat together.”

“Alright,” Eunsun agreed taking a sip of her water.


At four thirty that afternoon she had to get her hair done. They gave it a wash and then blow dry before discussing options with her. In the end they applied a mousse and put curls in it making sure the ones at the front didn’t fall onto her face. Eunsun was warned not to brush, comb let alone even touch her hair as to keep it looking its best. That took an hour to complete and then it was time for makeup.

They applied powder; some light blue eye shadow and dark blue eyeliner as well as some soft red lipstick which they gave the stick to her so she could reapply if it was necessary.

She finally returned to her suite at six fifteen. “You look gorgeous,” Nicole commented when they saw her, Eunsun felt sad to see her maids with ramen boxes. They would have been better off just having room service.

“Have you five had dinner?” Hara held up her ramen box. Eunsun nodded, “I see, well please order something from the room service if you feel hungry later on.”

“Thank you unnie,” Gyuri said, before looking at the clock, “why not take a break for ten minutes?”

“Does your schedule allow it?” Eunsun raised her eyebrows and Gyuri grinned back.

“It’s flexible enough.”

“Ok then,” Eunsun took a seat at the table just breathing in and out.

“Oh my gosh,” she got up and went to her bedroom. She’d forgotten she had to find her necklace. She fumbled through her small bag of tiny precious items and discovered the silver chained pendant tangled around the ribbon on a bookmark.

“Unnie you have half an hour to get ready,” Hara knocked on her door, Eunsun sighed as she dropped the tangled bundle on the floor. It was almost an impossible task with the fake nails.

“Hara can you give me a hand please?” Hara opened the door to see Eunsun holding a tangled mess in the palm of her hand.

“Unnie there’s no time for such things,” she insisted as Eunsun stood. She placed the bundle in her hands.

“Please do me this one favor and untangle this. Please?” Hara gave a nod and then left the room playing with the small chain. Eunsun found the dress and placed it on zipping it up at the back the whole way. She then put on the shoes, nearly wobbling as she did before going to the bathroom mirror and putting in the earrings. She almost fell backwards, she hadn’t expected to seem so gorgeous but it was like she was Cinderella.

“Unnie I did it!” Hara called from the living room. Taking a deep breath Eunsun emerged. All five of the girls stood up in awe.


“Is there something wrong?” Eunsun asked anxiously.

“No it’s just that you…”

“Look beautiful,” Nicole squealed and the girls all clapped. Suddenly there was a flash of a camera light.

“Sorry,” Seungyeon made an apology, holding Eunsun’s phone down, “your Uncle said he wanted a picture of you.”

“Thank you,” Eunsun said to her. She checked herself over, panic coming over her, “where’s my purse?”  

“Right here,” Gyuri handed her the silver clasp, “inside is that lipstick, a tissue, some mints and a tampon in case…” The girls suddenly seemed worried.

“Aww you are so cute when you’re scared,” Eunsun laughed, “now what’s the---?” It was five to seven on the clock.

“Eunsun-sshi?” They all turned to the door where a guard was standing holding it open, “I am to you to the place of the date.” Eunsun nodded and opened her arms to get a group hug for luck.

“Girls… Boning here…Suffocating,” Eunsun wheezed before they released her.

“Do your best!” They said punching their fists in the air, “Eunsun-ee Hwaiting!” She smiled at her friends before walking over to the guard who closed the door for her.


Shfsgkjfhgkjdslgjhfdlk! Ok so maybe it’s the next chapter that will be exciting! Yay I can’t wait (didn’t I say that before?)

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Chapter 24: Yes ! A Harry Potter referance lol :D I love it
14 streak #2
Chapter 74: The story was wonderful! You did a great job in writing this :) I'm glad Eunsun is going to have be own family and Sooyoon can finally speak!
nasomi2011 #3
Ah, this must be the story of Esther. ^^
xinli_ang #4
Congratulations~! Why Jaewoo?
I like this happy ending. :) I hope you're crying because you're happy. Dr. Seuss says, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." I'm glad you were able to write it and finish it. :)
hopelesswriter #5
Congratulations for finishing the fic! though i rarely comments.
Happy ending for everyone(the good guys i mean) though everything's a little too neatly tied for me...but that's just me, most readers i've seen love neatly tied endings so no biggie. n aww, great thing Sooyoon gets to speak after the panic.
but Kara? SM? noooooooooo! haha, excuse me, that's just my personal sentiment.
anyway, Congrats again. it's been a great journey.
xinli_ang #6
I'm glad that's dealt with~ :D
xinli_ang #7
She's pregnant? :D Wow! Congratulations, Eunsunie~ :D But she's in a pinch. =[
adlinriz #8
-chap 42- jinja they're going to philipine me and my family exclude my lil bro went there and its my first going abroad except the country in malaysia cause im from there what a coincident hahaha
xinli_ang #9
I pity Youngmin... A king's job is never easy. ;w;

And I agree. I was disappointed Miley chose to go down that path. I used to like her before. It makes my heartache for her father. It must be hard to see his little girl go down such a path...
xinli_ang #10
(I'm trolling your comment box! XD)
T^T Why Youngmin? Why?