




[mentioned/re-mentioned characters:]

Mr. Changuk Parkarrow-10x10.png: Chanyeol's dad

[Italic's]- Thoughts

[Kris Pov]

Its been 3 days since my life has changed.

I look at all the information that is now in front of me, trying to focus on work having Dean back from his day off yesterday which is a relief to now have him with me today, as like yesterday I am still working at homearrow-10x10.png because I was still worried about Min-a she hasn't been eating at all and it was obvious from the gauntness in her features showing that she is rarely eating and really un-well which was a constant worry for me even though she has been in my care for 3 days.


After talking to my C.O I went back into my room and rubbing the back of my neck feeling so stiff, I spot the memory stick next to my personal laptop and grabbed both item's and hop back onto my bed and get back onto what I was doing earlier I finally logged on and I startedarrow-10x10.png looking at the remainder information that I didn't have the chance to look at. The Eleventh Filearrow-10x10.png: was the file that I was most interested at looking at and I clicked onto the file and the information right in front of me about her birth parentsarrow-10x10.png shocked me that I couldn't believe it even though it was in black and white and right in front of me I didn't know what to do with this information I lingered for a moment trying to let everything sink in, did she know? did he know? did they know?. The Tweleveth File: I looked at the next file which had reports of Min-a being Kidnapped one dating back when Min-a was only a 4 year old girl which I saw the police report and newspaper clippings which surprised me and the other report was of Min-a of the morning that Krystal had found her bloody and beaten the question that was ringing in my mind was WHY?, with this new information that I have on Min-a it was clear that there was alot of things that needed to be done and I had a fair idea where to start. I ignored that last file not having any significant to me. Stretching my stiff body my eyes were starting to droop and having a major headachearrow-10x10.png making it difficult for me to sleep.

[End of Flashback:]

It was difficult trying to get Lee to make food for her to eat when she wakes but she dosen't stay awake for long because of the pain she was feeling all we could do was keep on giving her medsarrow-10x10.png making sure she dosen't over dose. Still haven't been able to find out what to do with this background I have on Min-a, or to find the two little boys whose names have become so much apart of my life with the constant hearing of there names from a unconcious Mina-a making everything difficult for me to focus on work.


I turn around after looking at the lush bush and trees around the landscape of my house it was calming when I was looking out at the bush outside.

"Yes Dean what can I do for you?"

"I have the papers from C.O from his conference in Macau?"

"Oh thank you Dean"

"Is there anything else you need sir?"

"Yes can you send Lee please"

"Yes sir?"

Dean leaves me in my office at home, I shuffle the documents from the Macau trip trying to at least do some work.

"Master Wu?"

"Lee come in"

Lee walks in like his usual self.

"What can I do for you Master Wu?"

I speak in Chinese because even though I trust Dean with anything and everything I didn't want him to know what Lee and I were talking about Dean could understand and speak Korean and obviously English but he couldn't understand Chinese yet which was a relief.

"How is she doing?"

"She is still the same Master Wu?"

"Oh ok?"

I look down at my desk trying to figure out what to do next and breath like I have run a marathon.

"Master Wu she is going to be ok?"

"Is she Lee?"

I say with so much frustration and anger I roughly scratched my head. Looking at Lee's reaction it was evident that Lee could see that I was angry and frustrated with whats happening and Lee knowing me for my whole life.

"I promised the doctor that I will look after her, and yet she is barely eaten anything, constantly in pain, crying out for her family its like I have locked her away from the world maybe I should take her back to the hospital where professionals can look after her better then I can Lee"

I breath between words with difficulty I wasnt that kind of guy who gives up on anything at all and this was kind of hard for me.

"Wu Yifan, everything will be ok we just have to take every day as it comes, and I know you Yifan you never give up on a challenge"

"Thanks Lee"

"Your welcome Yifan"

Hearing Lee call me by name which was a rare occasion it was really grateful at this time even though Lee is my personal butler he was also another father figure to me and if not for my parents to help me and guide me Lee always seemed to guide me and help whenever I felt like I needed a push.

"Master Wu is there anything else you need?"

"No Lee, can you please send in Dean when you leave, and can you keep me posted on how she is doing?"

I sit there at my desk as I watch Lee leave and can see the shiloutte of Dean's but my thoughts kept on wandering at the girl upstairs I was worried about her alot, constantly hearing her call out for the two little boys that I have yet to see, the last time was when we were at Luhan's which reminded me. I dial his number.



"Whats up hyung, I am school?"

"Oh sorry when is your lunch break?"

"In half an hour waeyo?"

"I'll see you then ok?"

"Ok at Xiumin's"

"Cool see you then"

"Ok gege"

I hang up and quickly make reservations at Xiumin's

"Good Afternoon [insert any name for a resturant]"

"Can I make a reservation under Wu at 1:30pm for 2?"

"Yes sir, a table for 2 at 1:30pm"

I hang up and try to focus on my work.


"Dean I have a lunch meeting, call me if anything?"

"Ok sir"


I shrug my long limbs into my blazer, pat my pockets to feel my wallet, grab my shades look at the mirror to see if I look presentable, especially if I am going to see my friend at Xiumin's the last thing I needed was for the two of them to ask questions I quickly style my hair and make my way out of the home office pass Dean.

"Lee, I will be out for a little while call me if anything?"

"Yes sir"

As I was leaving I look upstairs longer then expected I look at my watch and realised that I stared for a good 10 minutes I quickly leave before I miss meeting with Luhan.

[end of Kris's Pov]

[Mr Park Pov]

After investigating in all leads that we had trying to find my daughter whilst the other teams were working on other cases. As I got closer to the house obviously weary with how everything is going to go haven't been to the house for a long time because of being busy at work. I drive to the gates which was also expected driving furthur through the driveway having pass the family home to the house of who I was planning to see, the door opens and I see the Kris's butler who I remember when I visited the family home.

"Hello Lee"

"Anneyong Haseyo Mr. Park, come in"

I walked inside to see the interiors it was so like Kris modern yet homey and comfortable. I walked into the family main room/lounge.

"Take a seat, would you like a drink or anything?"

"No thank you, I am here to see Kris"

Then another man comes walking in being unrecognisable to me.

"Can I grab a drink please?"


He looked at me.

"Hello can I help you?"

He said to me.

"I am here to visit Kris?"

"Anneyong Haseyo, Jung Dean imnida, I am Kris's personal assistant"

"Anneyong Haseyo, Park Changuk imnida I am a family friend of the Wu's is it ok if you can let Kris know that I am here to see him?"

"Sorry Kris is at a lunch meeting, I can call him to let him know that you are here to see him"

"If thats ok"

Minutes later he comes back into the lounge.

"He is in a meeting he is not sure how long it will take but he said an hour at the most?"

"I don't mind waiting"

[50 minutes pass:]

And now I was in the dining room where Lee was trying to get me to eat which was cool but I just wanted to get the show on the road and plus I had other things to sort out involving my daughters case of course but I also had a business and an agency to focus on maybe I should have called him to let him know that I was coming to visit him. I was getting restless Dean leaves us obviously trying to call Kris.

"Kris has made his apologies for having you wait do long he is on his way"

"Thank you"


Kris walks in with his usual cold charisma which draws alot of attention from the media, opposite considering him being number one bachelor here in Seoul also including Chanyeol's and Kris's group of friends being in that list. I was finally relaxed to finally get the show on the road not wanting to have one of the team come to talk to Kris as the Wu's being a family friend I didn't want him or them to have the trouble of having some random person coming to there home investigating/questioning him or them, and also the reason for me being here was after spotting his name on one of the discharge hospital reports that I had seen among the others which was on my desk with potential information of one of the paitents being my daughter who I haven't seen for so long not giving up. For all I know that my daughter could have been right in front of me without realising it at all or Chanyeol having seen his long lost twin sister just waiting for that day is all I have been dreaming of, but then all of this could be a misunderstanding and if that was the case Kris will have to know what I have been up to especially with the underground agency which only a small group knows and a couple of the government officials knowning about this agency.

[end of Mr Park's Pov]

[Kris Pov]

I park up at the famous restaurant of Xiumin's already seeing that the restaurant was full of patrons hopefully I am in a place where its private.

"Mr. Wu follow me"

I follow the gentlemen to my seat which was nice and comfortable and thankfully private with Luhan. I order me a glass of dry whiskey as I wait for Luhan my phone rings.



"Dean what is it?"

"There is someone wanting to meet with you?"

"I didn't have anything scheduled, is that person at the house?"

"Yes he is at the house, I have Lee entertaining him whilst I am on the phone with you, I have told him that you're at a meeting at the moment?"

"Oh it must be someone important for him to be able to go through security, who is it?"

"Mr. Park?"

"That slims it down? [laughing]"

"A Mr. Changuk Park to be more precised sir"

"Chanyeol's dad?"

That took me off guard so many thought's going on in my head, what was he doing at my house, why did he want to see me, I needed to call Lee to make sure that Mr. Park dosen't go upstairs the last thing I needed was a scene did he know.

"Chanyeol's dad?"

I hear a familiar voice and I dont realise that Luhan was sitting opposite of me I was wondering how long he had been sitting there but from the look of Luhan putting his bag under the table it looked like he had just come in which was cool.

"Dean I am in the middle of my lunch appointment?"

"He said that he will wait for when you finish your appointment?"


"Thank you Dean keep him entertained for a moment, can you get Lee on the phone?"

"Yes sir?"

Seconds later:

"Master Wu?"


"What can I do for you?"

"Can you make sure that Mr. Park stays on the lower level of the house?"

"Yes sir will do?"

"Thank you tell Dean that I will be half an hour or an hour at the most?"

"Yes sir"

I tried to figure out what was going to happen.

"Hyung are you ok?"


"Hyung are you sure?"

"What do you mean Luhan?"

"Just looking at you I can see that something is bothering you so what is it?"

"Nothing just work?"

"So hyung why did you want to meet up at Xiumin's?"

"I wanted to see you?"

"Of course, so hit me with it?"

Luhan know's me so well.

"Miss Huang?"

Luhan looks at me and I can see that he is curious to why the conversation starts with Miss Celine Huang, well I needed to ask Luhan something important and maybe something that will help me at least.

"Why do you want to know about Noona, has the great Kris finally caught his eye on a girl?"

"[laughing] No, but I need to know where she is though?"

"Why hyung?"

"Well actually I want to ask her a question, but I might as well ask you?"

"What is it hyung?"

"Do you know where the two little boys that was at your house the other evening?"

"No hyung why?"


What do I tell Luhan about why I want to know where Yoonho and Maesuk are without making it obvious the reason why.

"Oh your Deal?"


Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.


I look at the two little boys with my friends, I watch as Maesuk is running towards me with bright eyes. I kneel down to his level but I am still looking down at Maesuk he jumps to close the gap and he hugs me. The feel of his soft arms around me feeling the softness and warmth radiating from his little body.

"Kris hyung"

I tighten my hold onto Maesuk's little body but not to tight not wanting to hurt him of course not thinking about anything else but just being in the little boys grasps.



I look into his doe eyes.

"Are you ok?"

The little boy looking at me with his innocence and with him worrying about me was really touching the intense feeling I was feeling towards the little boy fighting the tears inside of me.

"I am ok, Maesuk what about you?"

I stand up with Maesuk still in my arms it was like a natural thing what I was doing with Maesuk now standing upright with him in his arms memories of Krystal coming to light.

"I am ok"

"Sorry Maesuk I need to go"

Maesuk leading towards the table of food kneeling at his level.

"Sorry Maesuk I can't stay I need to go?"

"But hyung... hasn't... eaten?"

"I am ok"

"Ok hyung"

Seeing and hearing that he is upset which was really touching.

"Lets make a deal?"


"Something where you can't get out of?"


"You have to say Deal"


"What do you and your hyung like to eat?"

"Ice cream"

"Well next time I will take you and Yoonho to get some ice cream?"


"You have to say Deal"

"Ok Deal"


[End of Flashback:]

I remember now, the deal that I promised Maesuk which was a good idea for me maybe this is the way I can find out where the boys are.

"Yeah and since I am not that busy maybe I can see them"

"So that's why you wanted to see me?"

"Yeah that was the reason and since I have a fair idea that you may know where the two little boys are and from your reaction I guesse I am right"

"Ok I will call noona, but hyung?"

"Luhan what is it?"

"I heard you mention Chanyeol's dad?"

"Oh, just that he is at my house thats all?"


"Yeah I am like that, I am just as shocked with Chanyeol's dad gracing his presence at my house since we all know from Chanyeol that his dad is always working [laughing] I dont know why he is there so I am just as clueless. Well enough talking lets order something to eat I am starving"


Finally we sit and start eating whilst  is Luhan on the phone eating on and off during his conversation with Miss Huang only hearing his side of the conversation not making it easy for me to know what they were talking about and by the way Luhan was talking it was kind of funny seeing his reactions and the way he was talking to her. Suddenly my phone rings whilst Luhan was on the phone still talking to Miss Huang.

"Dean what can I do for you?"

"Uhm Mr. Park is getting restless?"

"Did he menion why he want's to see me?"

"No sir he hasn't spoken to anyone at all"


I sigh heavily.

"Ok I won't be long I am on my way"

"Ok sir I will Mr. Park know"

"Ok Dean"

"Luhan I really need to get going, call me ok sorry hyung"

I stand up and pay the check for our lunch and make my way to the car and head off home. I speed towards the house and before I knew it I was home I can see Mr. Park's car parked outside I park up next to his car and I sigh as I walk in and quickly plaster my normal face as I walked in and I was greeted by Lee.

"Master Wu, refreshements are prepared as Mr. Park and Dean are waiting for your presence"

"And with..."

"She is still the same sir"

"Ok keep an eye on her and I will be up in after figuring out with the unexpected visit from Mr. Park also Lee those my parents know that Mr. Park is here?"

"I don't know sir, I will call the main house"

"Ok thank's Lee, can you also get me a tall strong black please?"

"Yes sir"

I walk straight into the dining room where Mr. Park and Dean was waiting.

"Mr. Wu?"



I bow politely to Mr. Park and looking at him was like I was looking at an older version of Chanyeol.

"Anneyong Haseyo Mr. Park how are you?"

"I am fine Kris, you looking good son?"

"You two as well Mr. Park"

I sit down on at the head of the chair with Dean standing behind me and Mr. Park on my right.

"So Mr. Park what can I do for you?"


I look at Mr. Park and I can see that something is bothering him making sure I keep my facade not wanting to give any indication of what is going on in my head.

"Sir what is it is Chanyeol ok?"

"Chanyeol is ok"


"Kris I have something that I need to know?"

"What is it?"

The next thing Mr. Park takes out a file and hands it over to me and I was shocked to see what was inside the file.

"Mr. Wu what is it?"

I was frozen in my spot not giving any hint of a reaction.

"Mr. Park what is this?"

"That's why I am here to find out why is your name on this hospital record?"

I was looking at the report of course it was familiar to me remembering that day like it was yesterday when I signed Min-a who is now my responsibility and that being 3 days ago.

"Mr. Park I was helping a friend of mine?"


"Mr. Park is there something you want to say?"

"No I just wanted to confirm after seeing your name on the report being a surprise but not a shock because of you being known in the community of your help with many organisations"

"No problem Mr. Park thats ok, but Mr. Park can I ask you something?"

"Sure Kris?"

"Why did you want to know about why I have signed my friends discharged report?"

I looked at Mr. Park's reaction and he looked straightfaced like me, so I couldn't read what he was thinking but he looked relieved for some reason, for me I wanted to know why he was like this I hardly see Mr. Park only when it was special dinners that our families always had together which was a rare occasion.

"I was just surprised thats all I am working on a case and this record came to me?"


"No one knows about this, not even my family and I will like to keep it that way because I have come to you with this and just being a misunderstanding of you helping a friend I think it's best to give you an explanation. Basically I own an undercover agency which specialises on cases that other government agencies can not solve or will touch and my team never fails"

I look at Mr. Park surprise evident in my eyes but masked with curiousity.

"Am I being investigated by your agency?"

"No Kris your not being investigated by my agency, I came over because your a close friend of Chanyeol's and also both our families knowing each other and also I was curious thats all, speaking of which how is your friend?"

"Doing ok, just recovering from the injuries?"

"I hope your friend is ok, well not that this was a waste of time but I really need to go"

"Ok Mr. Park"

"Kris can you please not mention this to anyone"

"Of course Mr. Park we won't say anything"

"Thank you Kris"

Mr. Park stands and make his way out of the house I also stand and bow at him as he makes his way out as he was about to leave Dean hands me the file that I had read which had the report in.

"Mr. Park you forgot this?"

"Oh that's ok Kris, its not important"


I watch as Mr. Park leaves.

"Dean go on go home"

"Are you sure sir?"

"Is there any work that needs to be done?"

"Just some files that you need to look at but other then that just minor work to be done unless there is anything that you need me to do?"

"No that's ok Dean go on home"

"When I am finish then I will go"

"Ok Dean"

Dean leaves me and I lean back in my chair worn out mentally but physically I am fine normal.

[end of Kris's Pov]

[Celine Pov]

Day's have gone pass and still no word from dad about Min-a, I was hoping that it was a good thing and that Min-a was safe but I couldn't help but think of the worst and not helping the situation was the boys even though they were having fun in there new environment I knew that they were wondering where Min-a was like the rest of us. Dad not wanting me to go to uni because he was worried about my safety after founding out that we had been followed the other day when I went out to the orphanage to grab the boys things which was a shock to me, I couldnt understand what was happening and why it was happening.


"Yes Yoonho?"

"I am hungry?"

"Ok should we go and make some cupcakes?"

"Yes noona"

Yoonho was jumping with excitement.

"Where is Maesuk?"

"He's in the room"

"Ok, go and tell Hana to get everything ready whilst I go and get Maesuk"

"Ok noona"

As I was walking upstairs to the boys room my phone rings and looking at the caller ID I see that its Luhan.



"Hey dongsaeng, how's uni?"

"The same old noona, not the same because your not there [laughing]"

"Omo my dongsaeng miss me?"

"Ye noona"

"So what those my dongsaeng want me for?"

"Oh Kris hyung wants to know if he can take the boys out for awhile?"


"Because hyung isn't busy and because he made a deal with the boys that he will take them out?"

"Oh, I thought he would have forgotten?"

"Ani noona, hyung's not like that?"


"Noona sounds shocked?"


"So what should I tell hyung?"

"Is he with you?"

"Yeah we're having lunch?"


I heard sounds.

"Well hyungs gone now, so what should I tell hyung?"

"What's his number?"

Luhan gives me the number and then we talk a little longer and then he hangs up I walk into the boys room and I see Maesuk lying down on his bed.

"Maesuk, are you ok?"

He looked at me it looked like he had cried.

"Maesuk what happened?"

"I want umma"

Umma was what Maesuk called Min-a whereas he called Gaeun imo Eomma obviously the meanings were the same but to Maesuk it was different Min-a being his mummy which was sweet and I knew that this was expected Maesuk was very close with Min-a and he was missing her this being a first for Maesuk with Min-a never missing a day to see the boys even if she was so busy with uni and all that she always made the time to spend time with the boys even if she was so tired and had many things to do she always made sure that she had time for them and with 3 days passing by like the wind with no word worrying and troublling me. I grab the little body and hug him so tight feeling his little body shake and tears falling from his pain. I had to do something,

"Why don't you wash up and then come downstairs we are baking cupcakes?"

He didn't let go of me which was heartwretching.

"Oh Maesuk-ah if you keep doing this your going to make noona cry, what can noona do to make you not cry?"

"Get Umma [crying]"

"Oh Maesuk, don't cry dont worry Min-a might be busy?"

"Noona dont lie [crying]"

"What do you mean Maesuk?"

"[crying] I heard you [crying] talking [crying] about umma [crying] [mumbling] loss [crying]"

What how did Maesuk know, and how could he understand what we were talking about when majority of the time we speak in Chinese because of dad and his team only able to speak in Chinese and then I realised they could understand Korean and I did recall talking about Min-a the other evening.

"Oh Maesuk-ah I am sorry that noona lied to you"

"What do you mean?"

I look at the other who now heard what Maesuk and I were talking about.

"Yoonho, come I have something to tell the both of you"

Now I had no choice but I had to tell the boys with Maesuk finding out so quickly and not saying anything to anyone I could understand why he was withdrawn the last couple days. I look at the two boys sitting with me on Maesuk's bed I had to explain to them in a way that they could understand without frightening them.

"Ok noona has something important to tell you, but first noona is sorry"

The two nod.

"Ok do you remember when I told you that we were going to play hide 'n' seek?"

"Yes noona, that was cool and we went to Halmonie's place and Luhan hyung brought us ice-cream"

Yoonho always so chirpy which was like him.

"Yes that's right, well the reason was because noona was scared because Min-a didn't come to school, so noona called her dad"

"Mr. Huang"

"Yes Maesuk, because noona's dad is here to try and find Min-a that's why you two are staying here in this house with noona because noona is worried that Min-a could be in grave danger?"

I look at the two boys with tears even Yoonho who hardly cried in front of anyone let alone at all I hug the two boys to console them.

"Don't worry noona's dad will find her, and will find the people who has hurt Min-a"

I hold onto the two boys tight afraid if I let them go that something will happen to them.

"Is there anything that noona can do to make you both stop crying?"

"Can we see Luhan hyung?"

Yoonho says, but I couldn't let them go because whoever followed us might be following us again and I don't want anything to happen to Maesuk and Yoonho.

"Can we see Kris hyung?"

Maesuk says which was surprising to me, Maesuk must really like Mr. Wu I didn't know what to do maybe that's what they needed to get away from here even if it is for a couple hours but I was also weary with the unknown.

[end of Celine's Pov]

[Unknown Pov]

15 years since I have been searching for her as bait to get what I want and now everything was crashing around me, and after finding out that we had her and now she slipped away having the guys looking for her but no word. Where is she it's like she has dissappeared I needed to push my plan ahead of schedule.



I was so angry that I was now taking out on my comrades.


"That's ok sir"

"So what is it?"

"The warheads seem to still be in its sleep mode from what the scientists has managed to get through, with Mr. Changuk Park creating the warheads it seems that the warheads have been coded extensively with all the work we have tried to do sir, it dosen't seem to work?"

"What about his son?"

"No sir from our insider in the company says that Mr. Chanyeol Park has no clearance in the weapons sector and also our insider has said that there is also another sector which is unknown not many activity it seems to be closed off, Mr Chanyeol Park only being cleared in the Software and Technologies sector which has nothing to do with the warheads even though he has worked within the software its unlikely that he would be able to weaponise the warheads"

"So what do you want us to do sir?"

"I want the team out searching to up there game, is there any news on her associates?"

"So far the team on her friend Miss Celine Huang they have losted her after the tracker that they had on her car being disabled we are not sure where she is, the orphanage that she stayed at is still the same nothing out of the ordinary we have a team there waiting just in case she heads back. Her step siblings Maesuk and Yoonho haven't been seen as well"

"So what your saying is that the people that are close to Min-a are all missing, either she knew that we are after her, or there must be someone hiding them"

"So what do you want us to do sir?"

"Just go ahead with things as they are now, but just tell them to keep there eyes open"

"Yes sir"

I stand and look through the windows as I see the team working on the warheads trying everything we can to get the warheads mobilised but nothing it seemed like they are in sleep mode with everything I have tried and with some of the best in the business also having trouble trying to weaponise the warheads and other bio-weapons which I am still trying to construct but the scientist that I have on board dosent seem to work, with not many people knowing about Mr. Park being one of the best minds in this day and age in bio-weaponary etc. Every day, week, year that goes pass my plans always on hold because Mr. Park not budging on doing what I said.

[end of Unknown Pov]





[Characters:-23057 Words:-5596]

Edited/Re-read/Font Changed:- 22nd September 2015
Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:- 12th July 2016
Font Changed: 13th Decemeber 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....