




Mentioned Characters:

Chanyeol:-Kris's friend/former C.E.O of Park Corp.

Yongnam:-Chanyeol's former P.A

Nurse Jisu:-Nurse taking care of Min-a and her family in the hospital.

Chunji:-Kris's personal team/Stationed at the Hospital with Mrs. Yoon.

Dean/Nana/Theo:- Kris's former P.A/Dean's wife/Dean and Nana's son.

Reaper:- Bad Guy/Real name:-Charles Franklin.

Ghost:-Bad Guy #2/Real Name: Vinnie Hernandez.

Duke:- Dean's best friend/ Undercover Operative/ Theo's godfather.

Ryan:- Duke's fellow Operative.

Cam:- Duke's fellow Operative.


I need to get out of here but after the story from dad last night my body couldn't seem to work with my mind I walk downstairs and I see mum in the kitchen cooking which was normal for me mum loved to cook.


[MUM]"Chanyeol, honey how are you feeling?"

"I am ok?"

[MUM]"I know that last night's conversation was alot for you that was why your father and I lefted you alone to grasp the situation"

"I understand"

[MUM]"Your father isn't coping especially after your reaction honey?"

"What do you mean?"

[MUM]"Honey sit down?"

I sit down waiting to get in trouble for what I have done.

[MUM]"You don't realise how much your father has been hurting for so many year's your father has had the burden to carry this all on his shoulder with him finally letting you and me know took so much out of him, with regret. Last night when we all departed into our room's feeling parched I came down to get a water, honey seeing your father crying last night was torture, he has blamed himself for so long not realising that it wasn't his fault that all of this has happened. But the thing's that hurt him the most was when your sister dissappeared because of him and when you asked if your dad was the bad guy and the most hurtful was when you mentioned something on the line's of not having spent time with your dad. Don't get me wrong you have every right to feel that, but now that you know what's going on I hope you would have some understanding for your dad?"

I lower my gaze which was now zoned on the floor I couldn't believe that the strong man I have come to know hearing mum say that my word's had made dad break down and act like a human being. I knew what I said would have an impact and I know that I have to apologise to dad with mum explaining everything to me and from the talk last night I knew that I had to act like an adult instead of the young boy I was yearning for time with my dad.

"I'm sorry mum?"

[MUM]"It's not me you need to apologise to Chanyeol?"


I leave mum to her own as I walk to the conference room where I knew dad would be I knock and Changmin answer's the door again.

[CHANGMIN]"Mr. Park?"

"Can I talk to my father?"

[CHANGMIN]"I will get him for you wait here?"

The door closes which didn't surprise me feeling like dad won't come making my way to head back to mum the door open's and I see dad looking worst for wear.


[DAD]"Chanyeol how are you feeling?"

"I wanted to apologise for what I said last night?"

[DAD]"No need to son it's ok?"

"Dad can I ask you something?"


"If you could change anything what would it be?"


[CHANGMIN]"Sir we need you here we have found something that could be useful"

[DAD]"Sorry I need to go unless there is something?"

"Can I call Yongnam?"

[DAD]"Sure here use this?"

The door closes as soon as I have dad's phone in my hand I walk back into the kitchen I couldn't get what my dad said out of my head.



"What was my sister's name?"

[MUM]"Her name is Park Min-a"

"Do you really think she is alive?"

[MUM]"In my heart I believe that she is still out there, but in my mind I don't know?"

"I am going to call Yongnam?"

[MUM]"Your assistant?"

"Yeah I want to know what's going on out there, and because I have dad's phone I know he will check to see if I did call Yongnam"

I walk into my room armed with dad's phone waiting for Yongnam to answer after a couple of ring's the phone answer's.

[YONGNAM]"Mr. Park Senior?"

"It's me?"

[YONGNAM]"Oh Mr. Park, how are you feeling?"

"Fine, Yongnam I need you to come and get me?"

[YONGNAM]"How can I with the guard at every corner?"

"I will figure it out but you have to come and get me at 10pm tonight?"

[YONGNAM]"Yes sir?"

I hanged up coming up with a plan to get out of here, I needed to get away from here even if it is just for a little while I don't care if I get in trouble or grounded for life I needed some air.


Already changed and ampd to get out for a couple of hours I quietly jump out of the window from my room which I didn't know was there until I had a good look around in the room as soon as my feet land on the ground I feel pins and needles shoot through which I brush off because of the impact.


I see light's seeing the familiar figure driving I run towards the car before it stopped and I jumped in to see Yongnam sitting there scared.

[YONGNAM]"Mr. Park?"

"In this situation I rekon we go with Chanyeol"


"Close enough, thanks Yongnam I needed to get out of there?"

[YONGNAM]"So where would you like me to take you Mr.... Chanyeol-sshii?"

I hand him the address to Chen's nightclub I smell the fresh air finally seeing Chen's nightclub come in view I smile with excitement.



After washing Maesuk and changing him into fresh clothes you look at him looking at you.


"Maesuk, don't talk you will waste your energy, just rest ok?"

[MAESUK]"Where's hyung?"


[YOONHO]"Ye umma?"

"Come, Maesuk is awake?"

Within seconds you hear Yoonho come running closer to Maesuk's bed you help him up and he sit's on the bed with Maesuk who was sitting up with the mutiple pillows holding him up you look at the difference between the two and you could see already who was the healthy one and who wasn't, you decide to leave the boy's to themselves wanting them to have time alone together with the unknown. You sit down in the small living room where you leaned into the soft cushion's it's been day's since you have had a proper rest you lean your head back you see that Nurse Jisu has come again leaving her stamp seeing freshly made bread and fruits on the table you smile greatful that she was helping like Celine who came here almost every morning, but no matter how much time's she came she wasn't the one who you were wanting to see.


You hear Yoonho shouting loud making you panic you ran with lightning speed panicing that Maesuk was leaving you alone you open the door and you falter as you see Maesuk struggling for air whereas Yoonho was looking scared not knowing what to do you run toward's the bed you press the bell for the nurse's at the same time you had hand on Yoonho's shoulder so he knew that you were there for him as well knowing that this was also hard for him as well, within minute's came and the nurse's and doctor came in nurse Jisu helped you and Yoonho out of the room so the doctor's and the nurse's had room to do there job you kepted on looking at Maesuk hoping and praying that everything will be ok looking back you see the little boy in the mass of nurse's and doctor's and the door close's and you sit down with Yoonho using this opportunity to take care of his feeling's you lowered as you looked at Yoonho who was sitting down on the lounger his face full of concern and hurt for his brother which was adorable to see but you couldn't smile at all, you opened your arm's and within second's Yoonho was in your arm's feeling his little body made you relax but in an instant it changed when you felt him shaking against you knowning that he was crying you were comforting him softly saying form's of 'It's going to be ok' and so forth. Even though it was troublling you just as much you needed to be the stronger person and be there for Yoonho holding your tear's you reach for the tissue's and loosened your grip from Yoonho which he wasn't budging at all which made it more difficult for you to hold it in finally after trying to loosen out of his grip hold you looked at his tearful face and you softly wipe the tear's that masked his beautiful cheek's.


He look's at you with his big eye's full of tear's your own tear's fighting to make it's presence known which you willed not to drop you were the adult in this situation and you needed to be here for Yoonho.

"Umma know's your hurting because of Maesuk but you know umma dosen't like to see you cry"

Yoonho nod's adorably to you which most time's would make you crawl with cuteness but right now you didn't have much energy right now but you could see that Yoonho had understood what you meant.

[YOONHO]"I'm sorry umma I won't cry again?"

You feel stink with making Yoonho feel like that you hug him.

"No Yoonho umma is wrong to say that, Yoonho?"

[YOONHO]"Yeah umma?"

"You have to promise me that you won't cry alone you will come to me?"

You hold out pinky out and you see Yoonho's little pinky and thumb against your's as you both make that promise and you hugged Yoonho as he was starting to calm down which was nice, the doctor's and the nurse's were still in the room with Maesuk with each tick you were hearing from the clock not making it easier for you. What felt like an eternity with a sleepy Yoonho in your arm's from the endless crying which was torture for you to see nurse Jisu come's toward's you.


You look at her.

[NURSE JISU]"Doctor is waiting for you in Maesuk's room, I will keep an eye on Yoonho?"

"Thank you, nurse Jisu?"

You see her smiling at you.

[NURSE JISU]"Call me Jisu"

"Thank you Jisu-sshii, but can you promise me that you won't leave Yoonho's side until I am back I am afraid he will wake and I am not here I don't want him to be alone?"

Nurse Jisu smile's at you lovingly and nod's as you walk with trembling leg's which you were sure could barely hold you up, you look behind at Yoonho who was sleeping peacefully on the lounger with nurse Jisu sitting at the end looking at Yoonho as he was sleeping. Making your way your hand also shaking with the expectation of what was behind the door you sighed an ill-fated breathe as you open the door as you walked in you see that there was a nurse and the doctor that you yet to thank for his time with the care of Maesuk which you were thankful.

[DOCTOR]"Miss. Yoon?"


[DOCTOR]"Miss. Yoon, I am sorry but I recommend that you make arrangement's"

You just stood frozen in your spot with no movement afraid that this would seem so real but no matter how much you contradict what's going on you knew that this was a fragment of your imagination.

[DOCTOR]"Maesuk's condition is getting worst with each passing day and it's been 13 day's since he has been admitted here, I have reason's to believe that Maesuk is waiting?"

With that you woke from your trance and you looked at the doctor seeing the concerned and determined reaction in his face.

"What do you mean?"

[DOCTOR]"From the doctor that I have been in contacted with mentioned that with Maesuk's condition most paitent's wouldn't last the length of time he has been so he mentioned that Maesuk must be waiting for someone important for him to be lingering her, living in pain?"

"Is Maesuk in pain?"

Which made your heart bleed from hearing that this whole time thinking that you were helping Maesuk without realising that you were hurting him looking at the doctor's face you didn't need to him say it loud with that look you knew that Maesuk was in pain.

"So what should I do doctor?"

You say in a monotone voice with no hint of emotion.

[DOCTOR]"Like I mentioned arrangement's need to be done, and I also recommend finding out who Maesuk is waiting for you so then Maesuk can leave peacefully?"

You looked at the little boy who appeared to be sleeping peacefully like the little boy in the other end of the door that was barricading you, you watched as the doctor lefted you alone with Maesuk you sat on the chair on his side with your knee's giving out as you sat down you covered Maesuk's hand with your's wishing you could take his place you just sat there looking at him you didn't want to leave his side.

"Maesuk I am sorry umma is sorry for hurting you I wish I could take all the pain away from you"

You say silently.

"Maesuk-ah if your tired and in pain.... and if your... staying here.... because of... me... and your.... hyung we will.... be ok... if.... you.... need.... to.... leave.... umma.... and.... hyung.... then.... you.... should.... go.... umma.... dosen't.... want.... you... to.... be.... in.... pain.... umma.... and.... hyung.... will.... always.... love.... you...."

You say in between breathe's the waiting tear's that you were feeling before seemed to dissappeared maybe there was no more tear's for you to lose right now you just sat there gripping onto Maesuk's little hands.



It's been 1 week and 6 day's since coming to know Min-a and her boy's seeing the toll that it was taking on the young girl who was going through so much that not many could cope with here she was single mother with 2 boy's who loved her so deeply which was obvious and with her loving the 2 boy's with as much as devotion everytime I came into the room I could feel that love which was unmeasureable. But each day bringing proper food for her and Yoonho who I was becoming to see as a grandson to me which I would wish to be, feeling that toward's them all also making time to visit her mother.


[4 days after the admittance of Maesuk:]

As I walked into the room with a hot meal for Min-a and Yoonho who I have come to care for since the first time when I was on my rotation after caring for her mother in another ward. The first night noticing the familiar person as the night's drew pass noticing the obvious sign's of Min-a feeding Yoonho with Ramen which is not healthy for a kid his age to have on a constant way. As I walked in noticing that both of the said I was looking for wasn't in the main living quater's which lead me to believe that they were in the room with Maesuk, I place the food onto the table and I make my way to the room and that's when I see something that I won't forget there sitting in the recliner next to Maesuk's bed sat up-right Min-a with Yoonho who was resting his head on her lap with Min-a lovingly playing with Yoonho's head which was so sweet with one hand whereas Min-a's other hand was gripping onto Maesuk's little hand which had an i.v drip. As I got closer noticing the sign's more clearer the family of three were all sleeping which was a shock for me especially with Min-a constantly being awake never seeing her sleep at all.

[End of Flashback:]

I walk the familiar path toward's Gaeun-sshii's room with the much expectation of seeing the same handsome male that was alway's with her who I have come to be introduced to as Chunji-sshii I walked in after knocking.

[CHUNJI]"Nurse Jisu"

"Chunji-sshii, I apologise for the late visit?"

[CHUNJI]"No that's ok nurse Jisu"

"So how is Gaeun-sshii?"

[CHUNJI]"Still the same much better, still waiting on word of donor's but other then that nothing to report?"


[CHUNJI]"Nurse Jisu, is it ok if you can stay for a moment I need to make a call?"

"Yeah that's ok"

I watch as Chunji-sshii leave's me alone with Gaeun-sshii as I sit down in the same chair that was adorned moment's before me as I hear the door close I sigh.

"Gaeun-sshii I don't know if you can hear me, but I have come to visit you alot these last week and a bit, but I come because I am troublled and your the right person that I can tell, it concern's your family especially your daughter I am worried for her well-being and I think she need's her mother at this time?"

[CHUNJI]"What do you mean, what's wrong with Miss. Yoon?"

I turn not realising that Chunji-sshii was back which took me by surprise I needed to figure something out.

[CHUNJI]"Have you seen Miss. Yoon?"

I sit in silence.

[CHUNJI]"Please Nurse Jisu-sshii if you have seen Miss. Yoon can you please tell me?"

I hear the anxious and worried voice coming from Chunji which was obvious that he may care for her as many did when they met with her which was the way I was feeling for Min-a and her son's which I was thinking about more then any other of my paitent's.

[CHUNJI]"Jisu-sshii please I need to know if you have seen Miss. Yoon at all?"

I relax the nerve's and I look at Chunji.

"I am sorry no I haven't?"

I stand up and I make my way out of the room not wanting to stay in the room any longer I walk toward's my car knowing that Chunji won't follow with him never or hardly leaving Gaeun-sshii's room.



I look at Kris as I walked into his office, noticing that there was something that was bothering him it was unlike Kris to be like this even though it may appear that he was the same Kris that we all know but working for Mr. Wu for so long I have come to notice Kris's mannerisim and the one I was seeing wasn't a familiar one.

"Mr. Wu"

I see him look at me with his normal facade which at time's was troubling and annoying but it take's alot to get into Kris.

[KRIS]"Yes Dean, what can I do for you, I don't remember a scheduled meeting?"

"No there was no meeting, I was heading out for lunch was wondering since I haven't seen you eat why not come with me. Nana is coming with Theo and Theo is missing his favourite uncle [laughing]"

I notice Kris smiling which was not an often thing to see and I took this that maybe whatever was troublling Kris maybe Theo can keep him occupied for just a moment. He stand's and we both walk out of his office. Finally stopping at the cafe where I see my wife playing with Theo which was the perfect thing I have seen I noticed the tension from Kris as we got closer I notice the stares from other patron's as we walked in and I can understand after all Kris and his friend's a notorious for there look's and also with all of them being bachelor's well beside's Mr. Lu which was good to see Nana spot's us.

[NANA]"Honey, it look's like you have finally taken the bear out of his cave [laughing]"

I look at Nana with shock not expecting that hearing her laugh mixed along with the deep laughter which was coming from Kris eased the tension.

[KRIS]"Nice to see you Nana"

We all sit down and I see Kris looking at Theo with interest it was unusual to see Kris like that especially with kid's I un-buckled Theo from his high chair and I lifted my son in my arm's and I kiss his forehead and then I hand him over to Kris and Theo being one of the easiest babie's I have ever meet he smiled and looked at Kris and the next I see him in my boss's arm's never realising how small Theo was or how big Kris.

[NANA]"Whoa there is nothing y then a high power man in a suit holding a baby so soft"

We all laugh at Nana who alway's tend to say whatever was in her mind.

"Thank you honey for drooling over another man who is my boss"

We all laugh anyway's we were ordering as Kris was still playing with Theo which was nice to see Kris relaxed in a long time with him acting so differently since before his trip to New Zealand and being the respectful man I am I didn't question him at all.

[NANA]"So now down to the heavy, Kris you don't look good?"

[KRIS]"Oh just moment's ago you said there was nothing y then a guy like me...."

[NANA]"Yeah that still stand's but Dean has mentioned that you have been acting differently"

I look at Nana again with the same shock reaction.

"I am sorry Mr. Wu?"

I see Kris deep in thought for a second it looked like he was looking for an answer which was a surprise.

[KRIS]"I am ok just going through some private matter's"

[NANA]"Ok I take that as a hint to leave it there?"

After the awkward moment we continued eating with Theo now on his mother's lap I can see that Kris was still bothered by Nana's question which was a deal breaker in this situation but I couldn't do anything about it was to late it was said and done. Finally finishing lunch Kris and I leave Nana and Theo as we head back to the office the way to the office was quiet I couldn't say anything but finally walking into the office I had to break the tension and awkwardness that seemed to form.

"Mr. Wu I am sincerely sorry for my wife's behaviour during lunch"

[KRIS]"No that's ok Dean I know what Nana is like and I had to expect that when I joined the both of you at lunch this afternoon which was nice to say to the least and Theo has grown since I last saw him"

I saw that coming with Kris alway's being a step ahead of me right now and with him replying in English proved that he was alert with me saying it in English it would keep the conversation between the two of us with not many of the employee's being able to converse in English or in understanding English which was a blessing at times. I leave as Kris continued on with his work.



As we were finishing with my plan's and so far everything seemed to be going accordingly despite the many disruption's lately finally getting back to plan I was busy talking with my second in command Ghost that was most commenly known to everyone but to me Vinnie Hernandez the time when I losted everything I meet him and I soon realised that I see Vinnie as the son I never had the chance of knowing or having since the death of my family. I finally have everything in place then the door open's suddenly.

[GUY]"Sir, we have found Mr. Park's son?"

"Why are you here go and get him now, now that we have the chance"

I yelp with joy that maybe I will have everything maybe everything is coming to plan like I originally had. 

[SCIENTIST]"Sir, we have finally extracted the serum from War head 2 which had nano bot's and have injected with the formula you lefted us with which we have created the serum from the formula, now we are injecting it to our next human tester?"

I smile as I march along to the room where I spot a volunteer finally watching one of my scientist dressed in safety gear as I watch the coloured liquid of the serum glistening in it's glory in a small medical syringe as I watched the liquid being injected into our volunteer who happen's to be one of the countries known criminal, as I watched the serum being injected into the guy I can see that it was working from the change's in his mannerism's and seeing the evident pain and hearing the heart curling scream I smile as I watch the guy fall within minute's we see that he is dead.

"It's a success is there an anti serum for this?"

[SCIENTIST]"Yes sir, I have ir already regulated here is your's sir?"

"How do we know it works?"

[SCIENTIST]"Because the scientist that had injected #154294 with the serum as you can see that he is alive and well"

"So is it airborne?"

[SCIENTIST]"Yes it can be passed but it is more efficent by a touch"

"Ok let's move to phase 2"

[SCIENTIST]"We need to find a carrier that can hold the serum and to have it distrubted"

"I think I have someone in mind"

I smile with glee.



I crook my neck into place after having a round with Ryan who was the only one who seemed to have ball's to spar with me.

[RYAN]"You haven't losted your touch"

"And so have you Ryan"

We laugh along as we get ready to go again I look at my time and it is really late but I couldn't seem to go back to Dean's after leaving an excuse with Mr. Jung with me going out, I couldn't go back to Dean's until we find Ghost so I know that Dean and his family will be safe. The next I get hit from my left and I see that I was spaced out which got Ryan to get one on me.

[RYAN]"Duke, wasn't you that taught me to keep my head on the game"

"Yeah that was good"

We kepted on going until.

[CAM]"Duke, Ryan sarge want's you"

I grab my towel to wipe the sweat from my forehead the both of us walk towards Joe and we see him causing a stir which had us wondering what was going down,

[JOE]"You two put some clothes on I want you two to go and look for the son, Jensen and Dennis have spotted his son leaving the warehouse?"

[RYAN]"Why didn't they follow the son?"

[JOE]"Because they are being apprehended as we speak"

That's when I noticed the suit that Joe was wearing so that was the reason why he was causing a stir earlier, I throw on a black v-neck and grab my jacket and we make our way to the car.

[CAM]"Here is some of the spot's that he could go?"

We leave base as we split up in different car's to cover more ground as I was driving around with the endless taunting coming from the radio from Ryan which was annoying I turn the radio down on the lowest if I had my way I would turn it off but I need to keep it on just in case, as I kepted on driving around seeing the endless people walking around having fun with the unknown of what was really happening around them and that there was American Operative's here and they didn't know I hear the radio I tuen it up.

[RYAN]"Duke I am at Overdose, I see the car that the kid had lefted"

"I'm on my way"

I zoom off toward's where Ryan was and before I knew it I was now parked next to Ryan as I see Ryan standing there acting so normal if I didn't know Ryan most would think that he was normal guy well I walked up toward's him.

[RYAN]"There's the car, let's go"


Now hearing the loud bass in my ear's which was to loud for my liking and making it hard to do my job I see Ryan looking like he was having a good time which was expected as I was looking that's when I see a familiar face I see Yongnam the assistant for the kid as I was looking furthur that's when I see the one we were looking for.


I see him in the midst of ladies I shrug as I walk to his direction and I grab him.

[RYAN]"Bro what was that for are you still sour after losing to me?"

"No and you didn't win I wasn't down, look at my 6 o'clock"

[RYAN]"Yeah I see him"

"Look at my 12 can you see"

[RYAN]"Yeah don't they look happy" 

We see two thug's that looked out of place staring at the kid which was obvious that they were after him we kepted our eye's on him as we see the kid drinking heavily which was going to cause a scene sooner and later and it would make it easier for those thug's to take him and not know it. I stay seated at one of the stall's at the bar and I ignore the ladies trying to get my attention as I stick to my job and keeping an eye on the kid and the thug's.

"Ryan keep an eye on the kid I am going to have a look around outside"

[RYAN]"Sure thing boss"

I go outside of the club and I look at the many still waiting to get in it must be popular I scan around the club and notice nothing different then the clubs back at home as I was scanning the back I see the back door open and that's when I see the same thug's from inside with a heavy intoxicated someone on there shoulder's they brush pass me. 




[Characters:-21817 Words:-5070]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....