




[Mentioned Character's]

Kevin:- [image of Sanchez from [PHANTOM] thought would use him because he once lived in Auckland,NZ]

[Re-Mentioned Character's:]

Shaun and Tiffany:- [Images of Justin Clynes and Miranda Kerr]


[Day 4: Day after the Hospital:]

You couldn't sleep at all your were to busy troublled with your thought's and also keeping yourself aware if you would hear Kris throughout the night, you walk out and look at the night sky the bright moonlight shining it's glory around.

You were still surprised that you were in another country as you leaned down on the rail in a relaxed motion if someone was to see you like this they would think that nothing was wrong and you were enjoying the scenery, you wrap yourself tighter in the blanket as you looked out thinking about all sort's but mostly about the man who was just in the next room. What was it about him that made you forget everything, moment's like this where you wished you could have some sort of guidance in why you were reacting in this way especially after the incident at the beach making your feeling's more evident toward's him just the thought of what happened made your heart increase suddenly, your body warmth causing you to loosen the grip of your blanket around you. Time seemed to go so fast that you could see the early morning sunrise slowly making its presence known

You didn't even realise that you were out that long to busy in your thought's the scene looked so beautiful you couldn't help but smile at the sight for a short time just thinking about yourself for a moment, you heard a grunt sound which was clear that it was Kris you moved dropping your blanket on the balcony where you stood and ran toward's Kris's room and you couldn't help but smile in awe at the sight of Kris laying down in front covered by his blanket's loosely just by the look of the way his blanket's were loosely covering his tall body you could tell that he had an uncomfortable sleep making you feel guilty for not checking up on him throughout the night, you hear him grunt again making you feel more stink at the thought of how uncomfortable he was and also waking up the small moment of vulnerablity of seeing a handsome man on a bed all those classes that you have done couldn't help you here right now well honestly speaking when you first came to Kris's presence. You moved to his side and reluctantly you touched his skin and without thinking you moved fast to gather thing's that you needed from the bathroom you came back in his room armed with what you needed, a bowl and filled with luke warm water, cloth and the medication that you had gotten from the kitchen where you lefted it you sat on his side started cooling him down, it was like your body and mind was co-operating with each other it was like you were a different person. You paitently sat there cooling him down making sure that Kris was relaxed and comfortable after what took a while you could feel Kris's body start to relax making you sigh with relief as you were ignoring the butterflies and goosebump's you had since touching Kris as you were covering Kris with the blanket that was making him look more innocent and also being modest as well, you looked at him for a little while you hear a knock at the door which took you by surprise not knowing what to expect you got up and looked at Kris again seeing if he was ok before closing his room door. You opened the door to see Shaun, Tiffany, Evangline and Kevin looking dressed for summer.









Who you remembered who helped you with the language barrier you were surprised with seeing them all here but more like Kevin.

[SEAN]"Hey Min-a"

[Tiffany]"Hi Min-a"

[KEVIN]"Anneyong Haseyo Min-a sshii"

They all say with little Evangline who was sleeping in her mother's arms which was so adorable you reached toward's Evangline wanting to hold her and with the language barrier being noticeable it was obvious that Tiffany knew what you wanted to do and she slowly and gently gave Evangline to you which you adjusted to the weight of the little girl in your arm's and you just cuddled into her, without realising you were remembering the moment's you had with Yoonho and Maesuk causing you to hold the fighting tear's. You turned around and walked inside hopefully the other's got it to follow you and also you wanted to hide the tear that dropped not wanting to cause any alarm.



Being a light sleeper tend's to have it's pro's because if I was in a deep sleep I wouldn't have known that Min-a was with me cooling me down which helped me sleep comfortably after feeling so hot and bothered even though I am feeling like that now because of Min-a but it wasn't as uncomfortable as it was before, the sounds I was hearing was making it obvious with what Min-a was doing  I laid there content feeling her presence near me, the smell of her perfume before I went into a deeper sleep it was gone and I opened my eyes to see that she wasn't in the room with me which was a good thing especially with the way my body was reacting not wanting to embarrass myself any furthur. I looked around and I see that she was here with the chair at the side of my bed with her jumper hanging loosely on the side, the bowl of water and cloths' making its presence known I grinned at the sight feeling so happy that she cared for me. I got out of bed and I noticed that I wasn't wearing a tee I reluctantly lifted the covering hoping that nothing was out of the ordinary and I sighed with relief when I saw that I was safetly covered in short's. I could hear faint movement downstairs which meant Min-a was downstairs I got out of my bed put my watch on grabbed my phone and a plain tee and threw it on and hand brushed my hair and walked downstairs I was looking at my phone checking that I had messages and missed calls there was some from the company which I needed to check on, there was some from the family which was normal, also some from the guys and also a couple from Dean which I wanted to check knowing that it could be important. I dialled his number as I reached the bottom of the stair's.

[DEAN]"Mr. Wu"



I look and I see that Min-a wasn't alone also surprised with what she was wearing looking really.....


[Without the shades and bag:]

Seeing that she wasn't alone seeing the familiar new found friend's Shaun and Tiffany sitting down on one lounger with some guy that didn't look familiar to me making me tense at the situation then I looked and I see a sight that softened me was Min-a lovingly holding a sleepy Evangline.


I hear Min-a softly call my name and look at me I could see in her eye's that she looked happy to see me but I also could see that she had cried and also the light but dominate forming of dark circle's under her eye's making me feel guilty she must have got no sleep last night making me also feel appreciated.

"Dean I will call in half an hour I have some guest's here"

[DEAN]"Ok, Mr. Wu I will wait for your call"

"Sorry Dean"

[DEAN]"That's ok Mr. Wu I understand"

I hanged up the phone and I walked toward's Min-a and I sat down next to her it was like my body had a mind of it's own and also with the other male in the room who didn't look familiar making me also act in this way it was like I was claiming my prize. I looked down at Evangline she looked so cute.

"Hey Shaun, Tiffany"

[SHAUN]"Hey Kris, Kris this is Kevin the guy I talked to you about earlier?"

"Oh, Hi Kevin thank you for being there to help Min-a at the beach?"

[KEVIN]"That's ok the pleasure was mine"

Hearing him talk like that was frustrating me how he was talking about Min-a like he was her friend or more then friend's bringing out the obvious of jealousy and anger at the same time but I held it in I didn't want to make it any obvious especially now wasn't the time and the place. I looked at Min-a who softly playing with sleeping Evangline's finger's which was so adorable it was like they were in there own little world.

[SHAUN]"How are you feeling?"

"Feeling much better thank's to Min-a?"

[TIFFANY]"What do you mean?"

"I had an awfully uncomfortable sleep last night and Min-a took care of me?"

[TIFFANY]"Whoa that's so romantic"


"Kevin, can I ask why....?"

[KEVIN]"I am here?"


[KEVIN]"Thank's to your friend's Shaun and Tiffany we ran into path's this morning at the market which was lucky because I was doing last minute thing's and hanging out with my friend's before leaving Greece?"


[KEVIN]"Also Shaun mentioned when they saw me that you wanted to get in contact with me?"

"Yeah that's right I wanted to contact you to thank you for helping Min-a"

[KEVIN]"No worries it was fine, she seem's like a really nice women?"

"Yeah she is.... and also I wanted to ask you something?"

[KEVIN]"Of course what is it?"

"First, I wanted to ask you something about Min-a?"

I looked back at Min-a who was still playing with Evangline I could see that Kevin was also looking at Min-a which was annoying, what was also annoying was that I was a good judgement of character with people and can tend to spot anything but with this Kevin guy I couldn't tell what his agenda was.

[KEVIN]"What is it?"

"Can you tell me what Min-a was crying about when you and Shaun saw her in the car, please?"

I noticed Kevin was thinking about something and also noticing him alway's looking at his watch like he was needed somewhere else.

"Is everything ok Kevin-sshii?"


"Are you sure you keep looking at the time?"

[SHAUN]"He has to meet up with his friend's at the hotel"

[KEVIN]"Yeah I don't want to be late, for my flight?"

"To New Zealand?"

I could tell by Kevin's reaction that he didn't expect that I would know something like this especially since we haven't meet or know each other.



[KEVIN]"In a few hour's for check in and all that...."

"Is what your going to say is it going to take a while?"

[KEVIN]"I am not sure?"

"If you're worried about your flight don't worry I will take care of it?"


"I will arrange everything including for your friend's if your late for your flight?"

[KEVIN]"There is no need..."

[KRIS]"No that's ok, I really want to know what happened?"

I was so eager to know what happened especially when it involved Min-a being like that I wanted to know if it she had said something that could help me with what she is going through in her mind, I know that it could be about things back at home but I wanted to make sure if I was right or if there is something bothering her.

"Min-a are you ok?"


"You must be uncomfortable with us talking in English and you can't understand?"

"No that's ok, as long as you don't overdo it"

Seeing how she was treating me right now was making me feel so lucky which is a feeling that I haven't felt before especially with someone other then my family and my friend's which was weird maybe I need to talk to dad maybe he can help me with what I am going through with my body and my thought's to see if there was something wrong.

"I hope you can take your own advice?"


She exclaimed cutely, and without thinking I reach up and touch the side of her face especially under her eyes hoping that she would get the hint instead of me saying so no one else will know what I meant and also I wanted to show Kevin that Min-a was mine which gave me so much pride as I watched her reaction and also knowing that Kevin could understand what Min-a and I were saying. It felt like time had stopped and it was just the two of us which was what I always felt when I was with her.

"I will leave you all to talk...ok"

Min-a say hearing her stumbling was clear that I made thing's more awkward between the two of us and then my stomach had to make its presence known.

"First I will go and make something to eat?"

She smile brightly and she got up with Evangline who was awake and it was cute seeing how they both clinged onto each other they seemed to work off each other. I watched Min-a was walking toward's the kitchen with little Evangline following suit Min-a had placed Evangline on one of the chair's near the island, and saw Min-a starting to take some food out which I can't recall getting or having at all then I remembered that the staff had stocked up the pantry and fridge for our short stay here watching how Min-a was in the kitchen brought a smile on my face I think Tiffany knew what Min-a was doing because I saw her heading into the kitchen.

[SHAUN]"Look's like Tiffany has gone to help Min-a?"

"Yeah [laughing]"

[SHAUN]"It's weird?"

"What is weird?"

[SHAUN]"How Evangline is with Min-a?"


[SHAUN]"Well obviously seeing how Evangline alway's wants to be with her, and there interaction it could make people think that they were [whispering] mother and daughter [laughing] that's probably why Tiffany is in the kitchen [laughing]"

"Thats absurb, it's obvious that they are not like that?"

[SHAUN]"I know I was joking to lighten up the mood [laughing]"

We all started laughing at Shaun at how he was like after hearing him say that it made me think about the kind of relationship they have with each other which was uncommon to have, but I didn't mind seeing the maternal side of Min-a made me think that she would be the perfect mother of my children and I could understand why she was so loving with everything and everyone around her, seeing her interaction with everyone including Lee back at home and even with me now. Kevin sighed and we all looked at him and it was clear that he was going to say what was on his mind as we sat down listening to Kevin I was surprised with what he was saying at how Min-a reacted with the incident at the beach even though the story was almost as the same as Shaun and Tiffany's version which was relief but Kevin saying more especially with Min-a in the car which was really insightful for me making me look toward's the kitchen in awe of the women who was becoming such an important person in my life. Kevin was still talking when we got interupted by little Evangline.

[EVANGLINE]"Daddy, Mummy said to come and eat"

Little Evangline pulling her dad and we laughed at the sight and just when Kevin and I were going to stand little Evangline comes towards me.

[EVANGLINE]"Uncle Kiki, Ke...vin come too"

She say brightly we all stand up and walk toward's the kitchen and we see the food on the table outside which there seemed to be alot, I didn't know that we were talking for that long.

The food looked really yummy there was alot, and I could tell who cooked what without even having to guess seeing Salad's, Chicken, Breadstick's, Bibimbap and the familiar side dishes [breansprout's, musaengchae/radish, gyeran mali/egg roll's, kimbap] which looked so tasty.

[SHAUN]"Whoa didn't know that we were talking for that long?"

[TIFFANY]"Yeah just over an hour it's surprising how much you can cook [laughing]"

[KEVIN]"It's nice to see some food that remind's me of my hometown?"

"Lets eat"

We all sat down at the table Min-a was sitting next to me which was fine.

"Naega jal meoggo jal butagdeulibnida [thank you I will eat well]"


Bidding farewell to Shaun, Tiffany and Kevin who seemed like a really cool guy it was nice hanging out for a short time as we stood watching as they lefted Min-a next to me I couldn't feel more at home right now. We both walked in and I walked straight to sit down I felt tired for some reason I laxed my head on the top of the couch feeling more relaxed also calming the minor headache I had I could see in the corner of my eye Min-a walking towards the kitchen and she came back before I straightened myself up and she had a tall glass of water and what looked like to be some medication I thought she was taking her own but the next thing she places it in front of me.

"Here take this, it's only pain medication, I can see that you were in pain whilst Shaun and them were here?"

How did she know I took them off her.

"Speaking of medication have you taken your's?"

"I don't need them I feel fine actually, give the glass to me"

I gave them back to her and watched as she walked back in the kitchen I was started to feel sleepy, I could hear movement in the kitchen I glanced and I saw that she was doing lunches dishes I got up and walked toward's her. I was tempted to back hug her but I knew that it was not the time.



You have never felt so tired in your life until today, maybe because the all nighter you did being one of the reasons, and also you not taking your medication which you were to take until the doctor said otherwise which wasn't looking like anytime soon which didn't phase you as much but as you were finishing off doing lunch dishes you couldn't help but grasp the day's event's and what was going on in your life, you were so sure that you must be one of the luckiest people in the world at this moment with you becoming attached to another person in your life, and also making new friend's even though the language barrier which was just as challenging but for once you felt content in your life. To busy in your thought's you didn't realise that Kris was standing next to you still amazing you his height against you.



"You should be resting, the medication that you have taken is going to take effect and I won't be able to lift you to your room?"

"I am ok, leave those alone it's been a long day for you as well, and from what the others said that you haven't been taking care of yourself as well?"


"Don't worry about the dishes we both should go to bed?"

"I won't be long you go ahead"

Kris looked at you reluctantly which was obvious that he wasn't going to move anytime soon which was annoying but knowing him for a short time that you knew what he was like and what to expect and this was one of the mannerisms of his that he tend to do alot.


You laid the towel on the bench next to the washed dishes and you followed Kris toward's the stair's after bidding each other goodnight and parting way's into your seperate rooms.


You called quietly.


"Can you leave your door open please?"


"So it will make it easier for me to hear you through the night if your uncomfortable?"


You lefted your door opened and got yourself ready for bed you laid down and you reached for the frame on the bedside table which showed its glory and you looked at the two little boys. Clinging onto the photo you have with them praying deeply inside hoping that they were ok and that nothing bad has happened to them. Also crying yourself quietly hopefully not waking up Kris crying yourself to sleep.



After bidding Min-a goodnight I watched as she walked into her room I could tell that there was alot on her mind not only because the look in her eye's as she walked into her room but throughout the day I noticed that she was somewhere else instead of near us, even though I appreciated her caring for me and preparing lunch for us all with the help of Tiffany who became a new friend to Min-a which I hoped would help her to loosen up as well but obviously that didn't happen. As I shrugged myself into comfortable gear's I laid down just breathing softly waiting for the pain medication to take effect which I was starting to feel the effect's causing not only the pain to go away but also relaxing me feel tired as I was relaxing I heard a familiar tone without thinking I answered in English maybe because the constant changing of different languages that I was speaking here.

"Mr. Wu"


"Sorry I didn't call back [sounding tired]"

"Thats ok Mr. Wu I assumed that you must be busy?"

"Mmm. Dean what can I do for you?"

"First on a personal note, my wife wanted me to remind you about the baby shower this weekend coming?"

I was shocked that I forgot I was normally on point when it came to my schedule and time and forgetting something like that was unbelievable one clue why was obviously the young women in the next room.

"Yes I remember, what is the date today?"

"Mr. Wu it is Thursday, Mr. Wu are you ok?"

"I am ok Dean, don't need to worry just a little tired that is all?"

"So I guess now isn't the right time to talk to you about business?"

"Dean what is it?"

"Mr. Wu I have done a report which I will email to you a.s.a.p but basically there is somethings that you need to check out and also because of my uncertainty I have gotten the report checked by another who I trust not to mention anything"

"Dean email the report to me now"

"Yes Mr. Wu"

I was looking for my ipad so I can check the report that Dean was emailing me.

"Do you have it now Mr. Wu?"

"Yes I have it Dean going to check it now"

Without looking to far I could see what was troublling Dean and I looked at the report he sent and it was the budget and finance plan of the company from the last few year's and already I could see that the number's didn't add up.

"Dean who was the trusted person that you had run through this report?"

"My father"

"Ok, your father is also a businessmen as myself?"

"Yes he specialise in the accounting more then anything Mr. Wu?"

"And from his specialize field he must have recommendations?"

"Yes I will hand the phone over to my father"

"Thank you"

I spoke to Dean's father and the plan he was giving me was something that I already was thinking of doing, and because of this call I need to make arrangement's for our flight to Seoul even though apart of me was wanting to stay here longer away from the reality of back home and also to spend more quality time with Min-a, to hopefully make her break more of her barrier's that was so obvious.






[Characters:-18183 Words:-4109]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-24th September 2015


Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-20th July 2015

[Including the change's of Image's which I had to change either because the broken URL or the concept was different when I re-read the chapter] Sorry but thank's.

#Chapter 25 Edited on my Brother's Laptop

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:- 20th July 2016
Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....