




[YOUR POV]-[the nextarrow-10x10.png morning]

You stir in your sleep feeling wellarrow-10x10.png rested as you move stretching your aching limb's hitting something warm which was un-expected you open your eye's slowly adjusting to the light. When you open your eye's not expecting the view before you as you see Kris lying there looking so peaceful your eye's gazing a mental image in your head as you reach to lightly touch him that's when you look down to see why you couldn't move seeing Yoonho sleeping between the both of you which was so sweet both men in your life stealing your gaze at different times. You just stare at them not caring about anything else but just this moment the sun shiningarrow-10x10.png it was like Maesuk was there with you which made this moment more sweeter for you.

[MR. LEEarrow-10x10.png]"Miss. Yoon"

You hear you name being called as you take your focusarrow-10x10.png of Kris and Yoonho as you turn to see Mr. Lee standing at the door way.

"Goodmorning Lee"

You whispered not wanting to wake the two boy's uparrow-10x10.png.

[MR. LEE]"Let me help you up I wasn't surearrow-10x10.png if you were up but I came to give you your medication"

Mr. Lee helpingarrow-10x10.png you up feeling a little tender in the same area again which was a painarrow-10x10.png.

"What happened last night, I can't even rememberarrow-10x10.png how I got home let alone how I got changed out of my hanbok?"

Mr. Leearrow-10x10.png handing you your medicationarrow-10x10.png and glass of water knowing that he wasn't going to answerarrow-10x10.png you until you take your medication and do what he want's you to do, taking the medication feeling a little better and not feeling any pain.

"Mr. Lee can you help me up, I think it's best if we talkarrow-10x10.png somewhere else so both Kris and Yoonho won't wakearrow-10x10.png up it was a long day for the both of them yesterday?"

[MR. LEE]"Ok"

Thankfully Mr. Lee not questioningarrow-10x10.png your authority more afraid that he wouldn't do it wellarrow-10x10.png he moved the cover's off your body and he helped you out off the bed as you looked down at what you were wearing both greatful with what you were wearing but also concerned on how you don't remember changing into these bedwear.

[MR. LEE]"Miss. Huang helped you into your sleepwear"

Which you sighed with relief and also greatful with her choice considering where you slepted last night it was like Mr. Lee had read your thought's with Mr. Lee answeringarrow-10x10.png the questionarrow-10x10.png in your head. As Mr. Lee held you as you walked toward's the little lounge on the second floor as the room's you walked pass with his assistance helping you with each step never realsing how tender you were feelingarrow-10x10.png, all the day event's coming at you as you both walked toward's the small living area coming to view which you remembered seeing when you first came to be in this house.

"How come Celine helped me into my sleepwear?"

[MR. LEE]"Because Miss. Huang and Mr. Lu had brought Master. Yoon homearrow-10x10.png they were waiting for you and Mr. Wu at the hallarrow-10x10.png gathering?"

You sat down along with Mr. Lee sitting near you feeling guilty for not attendingarrow-10x10.png the hall gathering for the celebration for Maesuk, but that made you think what did you end up doing for the remainder of the evening.

[MR. LEE]"They were waiting for you as you both didn't attend the festivities at the hall, Mr. Wu sendingarrow-10x10.png his apologies for the both of you and Mr. Jung informing that the both of you went to the hospital to get your stitchesarrow-10x10.png re-done"

"Oh so that explain's why I felt tender over here?"

[MR. LEE]"I never got the chance to say this yesterday, but I am sorry for your lost I can understand what your feeling and if you need anyone to talk to or just a shoulder to listenarrow-10x10.png I am here"

"I know, thank you for your help yesterday"

[MR. LEE]"My pleasure"

"Mr. Lee why did I wake up in Kris's room with Yoonho?"

[MR. LEE]"Mr. Wu had helped you into your room last night, you had taken you painkiller's and you fell asleep whilst in the kitchen with the guest's Mr. Wu took you to his room along with Master. Yoon because Mr. Wu's guest's are sleeping in the room that both you and Master. Yoon had shared. Don't worry about your thing's I have had them all moved into Mr. Wu's room last night, so you should be able to see your thing's along with Master. Yoon's as well"


You couldn't help but blush at the thought, well before you could do anything you hear a crying sound coming from your room which got both your attention as well as Mr. Lee's.

[MR. LEE]"That must be the young guest, she must be awake"

"Kris's guest?"

[MR. LEE]"They arrived yesterday morning and attended the funeral service yesterday, wait here Miss. Yoon I will go and check on breakfast before everyone is awake, and remember if you need to talk I am here"

You smile as you watch Mr. Lee leave's you alone in the small lounge looking at the scenery you quickly tied your hair up in a messy ponytail as you see there was 2 phone's placed next to the glass of water that Mr. Lee had lefted for you, both looking familiar.

Seeing the one the Celine had brought you and the other one which you remembered and also proving that was seeing the inscription looking right at you.

我的幸福,我爱的主人 从.吴亦凡

Itched into the Gold like it was meant to be there as you finger's traced the engraved area as you touched it in your own little world you hear something that you didn't expect.


You turn at the voice at that's when you see a little girl you didn't expect to see as the little girl you remember wasn't the little girl you remembered here in front of you was the same girl but a bit bigger looking at you.

Her bright blue eye's looking at you bringing rememberance to you as you looked at her she came running toward's you and she paused in front of you and with the pajama's she was wearing making her look more adorable.

[EVANGLINE]"Mum said you were still hurt"

She spoke in English making you want to learn the language so you know what she was saying but as you looked clueless at the pretty young girl with her blue eye's reaching into you like it was some sort of ocean washing away everything, which you could feel running through you as you sat there she was closing the gap and before you knew it she held your hand it seemed like she was afraid to do anything which is understandable you thought to yourself but you were drawn to her blue eye's. You reach with one hand touching her cheek which was so soft under your fingertip's suddenly you see her smile which brought a smile to your lip's.

[EVANGLINE]"Mum was worried that you wouldn't remember me?"

She spoke breaking your trance and with that you see her looking scared and yelling at the same time.

[EVANGLINE]"Dad... Mum...."

Making you worried you didn't know that you were kneeling at the little girl but with her yelling you were scared as you moved back to fast as you feel pain hit you, but you didn't care you were more afraid of the reaction from the parent's and the little girl in front of you. But before you could do anything you just fought the sigh that was waiting to come out of your mind as you look at the movement behind the little girl seeing a sight you didn't expect as you see a familiar large form coming from the room you came from, but to add fuel to the fire you see that he was devilishly handsome seeing his -ruffled hair in a disarray and of course the well-toned and well-defined torso painting quite a view in your mind the thought's going on was crazy but it was to late to take them back as you see Kris kneeling down toward's you and the little girl,

[KRIS]"Min-a what happened, Evangline, go to your dad and mum ok"

You see the little girl looking at you again before running off toward's your old room as you feel Kris helping you up and that's when you see two people coming out of your room equally dressed you could say.

You look at the extra people that had come toward's the disturbance and you see the guy holding the little girl and that explain's that these people here were the guests that Mr. Lee was talking about that was staying in your room and sorry to say they all looked like model's standing there making you aware of yourself as you looked at the group of handsome people in the same area as you including the man holding you up.

[TIFFANY]"Honey what happened why were you screaming, Kris what's going on?"

You hear breaking the trance that you were in hearing the soft womanly tone come to voice masking the sound of your erratic heart beat from nerves and also being in close proximity with Kris well a shirtless Kris.

[KRIS]"Sorry Tiffany, Sean for the disturbance this morning, it's ok you can both go wash up as I tend to Min-a"

[SEAN]"Is she ok?"

[KRIS]"Yeah just need to get her cleaned up the stitches must have come loose. Go on check on Eva first that is probably what scared Eva"

[SEAN]"Ok, come on honey let's leave Kris and Min-a alone"


[SEAN]"Come on, Kris need's space, and Min-a dosen't need the extra eye's peering at her"

You watch as they were having a discussion hearing you name at certain time's which meant they were talking about you, feeling lefted out between the conversation but surprisingly you didn't feel threatened or scared as you watched the three leaving you the last look itched in your mind was the little girl looking at you smiling brightly at you which was really touching. 

[KRIS]"Min-a come on"

You look up at Kris trying to hide the forming heat to your cheek's being in Kris's arm's as he was carrying you to his room which was giving you some troublling thought's in your head as you were walking into the room to see Yoonho still sleeping in the huge bed looking contented which was the opposite of what you were feeling at the moment as Kris laid you back down on where you came from this morning closing your eye's not because of the tiny stinging pain you were feeling but also to avoid seeing Kris afraid that your thought's would be seen from Kris.

[KRIS]"Are you in pain, have you had your pain medication?"

Kris mistaking your sudden closing of your eye's for being in alot of pain.

"I.... am ok Mr. Lee had brought my pain medication earlier..."

You stuttered in the beginning because you had something stuck in your throat because you were looking at Kris who was really close to you, you could smell him and feel his hot breathe against you which wasn't helping. Kris reaching moving a strand of hair that escaped your hair tie when you tied your hair up earlier there was something in his eye's that was bothering you with rememberance of seeing that same look but you couldn't think when you saw this side of Kris before.

[KRIS]"Do you mind?"


You say because you didn't hear what Kris had said because you were to busy thinking when and why the look in his eye's were familiar.

[KRIS]"Is it ok if I can check?"


[KRIS]"If you don't feel comfortable I can get Lee to come and check or I can call Nichkhun and Kyuhyun to come and double-check the stitches?"

You look to see Kris acting a little shy and cute as he nervously looked at you and ruffling his already devilishly looking hair nervous as he was waiting for your answer, and without a second thought you just nod afraid with what would come out of your mouth afraid that it might not sound right. As you were sitting your back leaning on some of the pillow's against the headboard as you were starting to contain yourself trying to hide the butterflies and nerves that was bugging you as you were waiting for Kris's finger's to touch your skin, but it seemed like time was going to slow because you were anxiously waiting for the impact of feeling Kris's finger's touching your skin, thought's were blasting in your head, if you looked alright and shyness coming at you like a full force.



As I join Luhan, Celine and the Phelan's after taking both Yoon's into my room as one feel asleep after taking pain medication and the other coming home sleeping with Luhan and Celine, which I was greatful with all of us in the kitchen all dressed in casual wear.

Luhan and Celine:

Sean, Tiffany and Evangline:


After settling Yoonho down on my bed next to Min-a I look at the two Yoon's sleeping so peacefully thankfully my bed was custom-made and huge but I just couldn't get my eye's off the two Yoon's now knowing that the two are a part of my hectic life from now on, making sure that they will alway's be with me, well I walk downstairs to hear Celine, Luhan, Sean and Tiffany talking which was nice knowing that Luhan and Celine could speak and understand English which was really good I walked into the Kitchen where they all were the adult's drinking hot beverages thanks to Lee who was heading off to bed hearing.

[CELINE]"Lee-nim go-on to bed it's been a long day for you, don't worry I will clean up our mess"

[LEE]"It's ok, Miss. Huang"

I know Lee wouldn't leave his kitchen without doing it his own way.

"Lee, Celine is right it's ok I will sort it go on, it's been a long day for you"

Lee looked like he was going to disagree but he didn't he bowed and lefted us alone in the kitchen.

[CELINE]"How is Min-a?"

"She's sleeping, the pain medication seems to be working?"

[LUHAN]"That's good, Min-a can get some rest, at the hall Mrs. Yoon was constantly worrying about her?"

[TIFFANY]"She was the lady in the wheelchair?"

"Yes that is Min-a's mum"

[TIFFANY]"She looked so pretty"

[CELINE]"Yeah, Sean and Tiffany told us how you met?"

"Yeah in Greece"

It was cool talking about happy moment's seeing a tired Evangline clinging onto her dad.

[SEAN]"Hey I better take this little one to bed"


"Is she going to be ok alone?"

[SEAN]"Yeah as long as we leave the door open so she can hear us she will be ok"

She call's me which was so adorable and I am a er when it come's to cuteness and right now Evangline is showing it.

[TIFFANY]"How cute is that she want's to go to her godfather?"


[SEAN+TIFFANY]"Yeah, Kris is Evangline's godfather"


I ignore them as I reach for the little one as she clings onto me like a koala as I walk her toward's the room holding the now sleeping Evangline in my arm's ask me this a couple years ago if this house would be full of kid's I would have begged to differ yet here I am walking gently not wanting to wake her up. Finally reaching the room seeing the same format but different bed's and luggage's, I place Evangline on her bed obviously the pink covered bed as I tucked her in not realising that I was being watched.

[CELINE]"Your going to be a really great father"

I turn to see Celine standing there looking really amused and sparkle in her eye as I finish tucking Evangline in I leave the door open as I walk toward's Celine.

"What's up Celine?"


"You look like someone that want's to say something and I assuming it concerns me, am I right?"

I watch as she look's at me nervously and looking at what could be my room.

"It's about Min-a?"

Celine's silence was confirmation that I was right.

[CELINE]"Mmm. I noticed that Min-a had a lot of old scar's and bruises and some new stitches when I was helping her into fresh bed wear?"

"Yeah, sustained from when my baby sister had found her that fateful day, and from yesterday?"

[CELINE]"Is that why you took her to Greece?"

"Yeah I thought it would be better for her to get away just for a moment from the mentallity of what she had gone through so she could heal both physically and mentally"

[CELINE]"I am worried for her and also I am worried for Yoonho?"


[CELINE]"I have a feeling something bad's going to happen to her, and Yoonho has been acting differently?"

"What do you mean?"

[CELINE]"I found something and plus dad has been acting anxious and distracted the last couple day's more so since the passing of Maesuk even though I told dad that Maesuk died from medical reason's and all that?"

"I don't think this is the right place to talk, come let's go somewhere private"

We walk down to my office obviously the following gaze's coming from Luhan, Sean and Tiffany. 

[CELINE]"I am worried"

Celine say's I think so Luhan could understand what we were going to talk about so it didn't have to worry him what's going on.

"Sorry, Sean Tiffany but Celine and I have some important matter's to discuss, Luhan will keep you company..."

[SEAN+TIFFANY]"No that's ok, Kris we are feeling tired so we will go to bed unless"

They look at Luhan.

[LUHAN]"No that's ok, go on it's a pleasure to have meet you both"

They both leave us as they walked up to there room's I decided it would be ok to talk in the kitchen along with Luhan obviously Celine would have talked to Luhan about her thought's as they sat down I was cleaning up the cup's Celine wanting to help but from the look in my eye I am guessing that she understood that she should get back to what she was saying earlier.

[CELINE]"I just grab it out of my bag"

I watch her getting her bag as I finished cleaning the cups and Luhan was drying.

[LUHAN]"Hyung, are you ok?"

"Yeah I am ok, why?"

[LUHAN]"It's been an eventful time lately and you look like you haven't slepted for a week"

"I am ok, just got alot of thing's going on that's all, how's school?"

[LUHAN]"The same old waiting for our result's and all that?"


[CELINE]"Here it is?"

I dry my hand's and walked toward's Celine where there was a file placed in front of her making my curiousity rise a little as I stand and Luhan sitting next to Celine, I open the file to see a variation of sheet's that didn't look like I could distinguish it I dial Duke maybe he can understand what I was looking at.

[LUHAN]"Hyung who are you calling?"



[DUKE]"Mr. Wu"

"Duke, are you busy?" 

I hear something but I didn't think about it.

"If your busy it can wait till later today?"

[DUKE]"I will be at your home in 10-20 minutes if that's ok, I am just in the middle of something?"

"If you can't that's fine don't worry?"

[DUKE]"No I will be there"

He hang's up quickly which got me confused but I stared at the paper's in front of me.

"What is it?"

[CELINE]"Dad didn't say he dosen't know that I have them?"


[CELINE]"I grabbed it because it has Min-a's name on it so I grabbed hopefully you would have an idea what it is?"

"Well honestly I am not sure but Duke might now?"

I rub my neck as I craned it side to side releasing the obvious tension that I was feeling.

[CELINE]"I am sorry I know it's not the right time and place and you must be really tired?"

"Nah it's ok if we don't sort it out now, it will bug me and I won't be able to sleep, I should get a mattress for you two, the room's are all taken?"

[CELINE]"No that's ok"

[LUHAN]"Yah hyung"

I walked into the living room grinning seeing the both acting shy, I sit down relaxing into the lounger as the other two join me as we were waiting for Duke to come.



After being on edge all day and assisting The Phelan's making sure I had them dropped off earlier thankfully having Channing with Dennis staying at the burial site with Min-a and Kris with both knowing why, and also having Ricky and Jihoon staying at the hall keeping tab's on Chanyeol because I was still working my cover so they did that with Joe and the other's focusing on the rest having Odette keeping Dean and his family safe whilst I figure out what's gonna happen next.


[at headquater's]

Arriving at headquater's still in my suit from the day I walk to see Jensen and Ryan working the weapon's.

[RYAN]"Whoa dosen't someone look dandy, I think I am under-dressed"

I ignored Ryan being saved from the bell when my phone ring's because honestly I wasn't in the mood.

"Odette what's up?" 

[ODETTE]"I did a scout before Dean and them got home, and I found something's that you need to check out, I think it could answer your question's?"

"Where are Dean and Nana?"

[ODETTE]"They are sleeping"

"Ok I am on my way, do they know your there?"

[ODETTE]"Yeah, waiting for you"

I say leaving just as I walked in Ryan and Cam looking confused as I walked out of the door.


I ignore Joe and jump into the car and rush off the Jung Residence afraid with what I was going to find I stick to normal road rule's not wanting to cause a scene now knowing that all those that were at the funeral could be watching all the guests that were there including myself, I dial for Jihyo's number as I was driving.


Hearing her answer getting used to the basic Korean Language.



"Where are you?"

Thankfully she can speak English not fluently but it was enough for me.

[JIHYO]"At home?"

"I want you to lock your door and make sure you don't open your door to no-one I have something's to do and so don't open the door until I get there"

[JIHYO]"What's going on?"

"I can't say anything yet, but promise me that you will stay at home and not to open the door to anyone"


"Ok, don't worry just lock everything up I will get to your place as soon as I can ok"

[JIHYO]"Ok... Duke-sshii"

[JIHYO]"Be careful"

I am also at Dean's.

"You too"

I hang up as I park up at Dean's place seeing that some of the light's were on as I code myself in and I was expecting to see Odette waiting.

[ODETTE]"I am sorry Duke"

I see there was a group of men a couple holding onto Odette and the Odette I know would have all of them on there arses by now but there was a reason as soon as I looked upstairs.

"Where is Dean, Nana.... Theo...."

I say the last name with guilty and hurt.

[UNKNOWN MALE]"Don't worry about them they are safe, no harm will come to them"

"Why would I believe you?"

[UNKNOWN MALE]"Because you have my word"

"So why all of this?"

[UNKNOWN MALE]"Because I needed to give you this, this will help you and your mission and the crate that your partner had found which was lefted for you it will add up"

I see a file in Odette's hand's.

[UNKNOWN MALE]"I will give you 24 hour's to sort it out if not then I will give it to my C.O"


[UNKNOWN MALE]"You will know soon enough, ok I need you to turn around now"

I turn around and I feel an arm next to me.

[UNKNOWN MALE]"Don't move it's just your partner next to you"

I calmed down as I feel Odette next to me my trained ears trying to hear for any sounds out of the norm but nothing.

[UNKNOWN MALE]"My men are not here, you won't see or hear from me again, remember you have 24 hour's"

"What is it?"

I hear nothing as we both turned around and see nothing all the light's were on everything seemed normal, until I came to mind and I ran upstairs to check on Dean and his family and I sigh deeply as I see the family all sleeping together un-harmed, I walk closer and I check there breathing pattern's without waking them up. I sigh in relief as they seemed to be normal, I walk out of the room as Odette came up at the top of the stairs we both walk down it was like I aged in a space of 10 minutes.

[ODETTE]"I'm sorry I was looking at what I found and the next I was locked in a strong grip, I couldn't get out of it?"

"That is un-like you, normally...."

[ODETTE]"Yeah I know but this was different"

"The only one who you couldn't get out of was Ace...."

[ODETTE]"I know"

"So where is it?"

I followed Odette to the place and that's when I see a crate which could pass for a weapon's case for those who knew it whereas to the normal public it would pass as a box crate.

"Where did you find it?"

[ODETTE]"A couple yard's from here"

"What's inside it?"

[ODETTE]"That's why I called you here"

Just as I was about to open it my phone ring's again ti was bugging me.



Hearing my new charge's voice in my ear got me thinking about all sorts of scenorios which had me worried.

"Odette, I want you to stay here and make sure not to have another repeat, as soon as Channing's finished I will have him here with you so your not alone ok, make sure they don't find this?"

[ODETTE]"Where are we going to put it, knowing Nana is quite observative when something is out of place?"

"Help me put it in my room, that's the only room she won't go in giving me here word"

We lift it up and move the crate into my room trying to carry alot of the weight finally placing it on my bed as I grab a fresh pair of jeans and tee not caring that Odette was in the same room as I strip out of my sweaty clothes taking my jacket and top off at the same time and shrugging into.

Something comfortable there was no need to be dressed in a suit like my normal dress code whilst working as Kris's personal bodyguard considering the kind of luxury that he come's from hence the reasoning of the dress standard's that his employee's have around him. Grabbing my phone and wallet putting it in my pocket I quickly style my hand with my hand as I can see Odette sitting on my bed casually.

"Ok, Odette, I am heading off to the Wu's residence, I will get a hold of Channing so he can be with you I am not sure when I will be back ok"

[ODETTE]"Your taking your cover job seriously?"

"After what happen this evening I need to get more serious on my job"

I grab my key's as I leave Odette not wanting to talk anymore as I jump into the car and I make my way to the Wu's residence still trying to contemplate what's going on I see the file on the seat which I will look at it as soon as I have time.


I park up at the familiar place as I closed the door making my way to the door, I knock as I look at the time being early hour's of the morning which surprised me that Kris would be awake considering the day event's before. The door open's and I see Kris standing at the door still shocked at how tall the guy is.


"What's going on?"

[KRIS]"Come in"

I walk ahead as Kris close's the door minutes later in the living room I see that we are not alone which I just acted calm about it, I was anxious on what's going on.

[KRIS]"Duke you remember Celine and Luhan"

"Mr. Lu, Miss. Huang"


[CELINE]"No need for pleasentries for what we are about to discuss"


"Come on let's go to the dining area"

I follow the three as I glance at them slightly still amazed at the kind of people I was amongst knowing about there background of course the wealth of the three in the room was more then enough to save a few countries or more, and of course the beauty of them as well not that I was interested of course sitting down in the dining area.

"Ok, I'm going to have a coffee anyone else want one?"

[LUHAN]"Hyung I can do it"

[CELINE]"Leave it for me"

"No I will do it, just sit there"

I watched Kris looking cold at the two obviously being in Korea for awhile knowing the habit's and way the respect there elder's which was really something to watch, as I sit quietly as Kris leaves us alone and I just sit quietly until.

[CELINE]"Duke is it, what is it like working for Kris?"

"Just normal day at the office"

I say not giving away anything.

[KRIS]"Way to go I was surprised it took you this long to interrogate my bodyguard [laughing]"

Knowing that Kris know's my intention of working for him as a cover as a bodyguard hence the reason why I was given leverage to do more then just guard Kris, which came in handy. I watch as Celine place's the cups to each of us.

"Ok, what is it that you wanted to see Mr. Wu?"

[KRIS]"Celine, had given me something that I couldn't understand but maybe you can look at it to explain it to us, I know that you are off the job, but I will compensate your time"

"No that's ok, so what is it?"

I watch as Miss. Huang hand's me a file which could pass as a normal work file so I shurg it off and as I open the file that's when I noticed that this wasn't a normal work file.

"Can I ask where you got this from?"

[CELINE]"My dad's office?"

"Your dad?"

[KRIS]"Celine's father is a known businessman in China, and also he is known as a Huang Industries, manufacture's weapon's globally?"


As I looked at the mutiple page's of what to look like blue-print's of weaponary.

"Miss. Huang?"


"What I am about to say will make you angry, but for me to say anything more I need to know that answer?"

[CELINE]"Ok, what is it?"

"Is your father being comprimised or corrupt?"


"Is your father working for bad-men?"

And with that the expected reaction that I was waiting for and that's when I noticed that she displayed a normal reaction which meant she didn't know or if her father was in the league of criminal's.

[KRIS]"So what your saying is that you think Mr. Huang is a criminal of some sort?"

"No I am not implying I need to know because the paper I have in my hand is suggesting other-wise?"

[KRIS]"What you mean?"

"What I have to say is to be left to those in this room, no-one else is to know?"

The said three look at me like I have a horn on my head but I couldn't care-less because of the paper's I have in my hand are not something one will come a cross like this.


I have to split this chapter because it would have been to long, so sorry about that but yeah will get the next part a.s.a.p.

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[Just a few changes--- if you rememeber the character's Shaun and Jen who are Duke's closed friend's and employee's keeping Dean and his family safe in the disguise as closed friend's of the family, well instead of using the name's above my head starting to play up and instead starting using the name's Channing and Odette, especially in the chapter before were I noticed that I mentioned Channing so I might as well keep it like that from now on....]

Got this on Google the inscription that is on the phone case, kekeke.

我的幸福,我爱的主人 从.吴亦凡

'Wǒ de xìngfú, wǒ ài de zhǔrén Cóng.Wu Yifan.

'The Owner of my Well being, My Love From Wu Yifan'

Will find a face for little Evangline just in case she become's a fixture in this fic, I am not sure yet..

[Thought I would add it in the Author Note instead of in the Chapter:]



The Main Living Room:


[Swap the color of the seating, lounger's into charcoal black's.]

The Kitchen:


The Dining Room:


The Pool Room:

Kris's Office:


The Original/Guest Room:

[When Min-a came to the house the first time]

The Second Change:

[When Min-a, Maesuk and Yoonho stayed]

[When you walk in you see the same format with the bed like the first image, whereas on the other side of the room removing the chair replacing it to the bunk bed's Kris having the stylist making sure that it blended with the room already. Just the bunk bed's in the image below.]

The Third Change:

[When Min-a and Yoonho came back from the hospital]

[The same floor plan with added step, total overhall in the interior with the master bedroom's on the second floor. His and the guest/master bedroom that Min-a and the boy's used. The new format coming in handy after Min-a and Yoonho come from the hospital, few changes in the main living place's also]

[The room more Modern instead of the Rustic Decor in the earlier stage of the room, the image including the step, walk-in wardrobe and the en-suite being part of the change, but instead of the two lounger at the bottom of the step replace that as a bed for Yoonho the bed's like the image below. Yoonho having a double bed instead of a king size.]

The Fourth Change:

[For The Phelan's stay]

[Same floor plan as the image above, the third change image, and replacing the two bed's both the top and bottom bed which Min-a and Yoonho used for the bed and the single bed below plus the bedding.]

Kris's room:

[Just imagine that the feature wall and the accessories are in platinum black instead of the brown's and Kris's desk is like the image below.]

[The Small Living Room on the Second Floor]


[because the old images I had used for the idea of the Wu's Residence was not showing having broken URL'S which is frustrating at times when you look back but I can't do anything about it but load some new one's which sometime's can work out but yeah here it is.... fingerscross it stays so you can see it at least]



Living Room:



Dining Room:

Guest Party Room:

Second Living Room [Second Floor]

Master Room:

Krystal's Room:

Kris's Old Room:

The Guest Rooms:

Games Room:

Outdoor Entertaing Area:


[images of the old house, the billard's room and the playarea will still be the same but I can't rememer what Chapter it is on sorry]

Kris's Bedroom:

Kris Office:

[Characters:-2580 Words:-6065]

Re-Read::- 15th October 2015 [there were alot of images deleted]

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....