




[mentioned characters/re-menitoned characters]

[Sorry for the many Characters that are in this Fic they were meant to be just Mentioned Characters but I thought might as well use them kekeke]



[Top:- Lee Jin Wook [as Kim Inguk] Bottom:- Gong Yoo [as Detective Go Jihoon]

  • Both Detectives in S.K.F.A.
  • Inguk: 25 years old Jinhoon: 27 years old.
  • Inguk: Baeksu's older brother, Jihoon: Only Child.
  • Both High Ranking Detectives in the Agency.




"Commander want's to see you in his office"


"I dont know, he just said when you come in you to go straight to his office straight away"


I look at my partner and leave to the Commanders Office I was tracing back if I did anything wrong but nothing came to mind. I walk in and I see my Commander seated behind his desk which was a familiar sight as I walked in the Commander had stood up and walked towards the set of chairs.


"Detective Inguk sit down this is Detective Jihoon"

I see another Dectective standing as I walked in and well anyways I sat next to Detective Jihoon.

"Ok, sit down"

"What is it sir?"

"I have handpicked the both of you for this case"

Before he could say anything else we were interrupted by a knock and we see another Detective at the door.

"Sir, there is a Lieutenant Joe waiting for you?"

"Send him in"

Moments later in comes walking two guys


They both walked in dressed in suits which is obvious that they are not from around here even though one of the men could blend in with our team with no questions asked.

"Hello I am Lieutenant Joe Connor and this is Dennis Mc Caw we are from the U.S SAS/Black Ops"


Now at there base after getting our prints checked by one of his team I was still shocked about being surrounding by SAS/Black Ops Operatives where I am a mere Detective at a Federal Agency here in Seoul what these men have been through is nothing compared to my job I was more in awe when I really looked at it I noticed that Jihoon was also quiet which was unknown of him being known in the agency as being a loud kind of guy. We walk through another set of doors and I see 6 men at there areas as soon as we walked in behind Lieutenant they all walked to the middle.

"Whoa Lieutenant don't you scrub up nicely [laughing]"

One of the men says and the men all start laughing I notice Jihoon also trying to hold his laughter like I was we didn't want to give the wrong impression he looked like the more of the Jihoon I know of back at the agency.

"Men, these two men are from the South Korean Federal Agency they have been assigned to assist us on out mission here this is Detectives Inguk Kim and Jihoon Go"

They all looked at our direction and we bow and Lieutenant introduced each of them.








"Jake, you all know what you need to do Jihoon and Inguk I have looked at your file's and I can see why you were chosen to be with me and my team for our mission, I have had Cam looked at your background to see if you may be compromised. So I am going to ask you are you?"

"No sir"

"Ok, guys get back to work, Ricky, Dennis, Jihoon and Inguk come with me"

We followed Lieutenant into another room which looked more like a small conference room well we all sat down.

"Ok, Jihoon, Inguk the reason why we have you onboard of our team is because not only as a cover for our visit here but also having the knowledge of what is expected with your jobs and from what your files and commander have mentioned that you are the best in the agency and unlikely to be compromised at all and that's what we need. Our mission is we are here to look for a man known to us as Reaper and we need to find everything about him before we find out what he wants that what our jobs is to do, Reaper has obtained 4 warheads from a Mr. Changuk Park"

"The owner of Park Corp"

I say without thinking.

"Yes from Park Corp. what do you know about Mr. Changuk Park?"

"What everyone know's about him Lieutenant, that he is a multi billionare with his work in distrubiting and creating warfare weapons, advanced bio-chemical weapons, extensive software and technology making him one of the greatest minds of our time. But what has Park Changuk-sshii got to do with why your here?"

"You know something Inguk?"

"What do you mean Lieutenant?"

"I can see?"

"Oh, just that my dad know's him that's all?"


"My dad was part of the team that was with him when his daughter went missing that's all Lieutenant"

"Ok, also another way to get to Reaper is by a known apprentice of his known as Ghost"

We look at the pictures and the picture of Ghost looked familiar. I was trying to figure out why he looked familiar to me.

"Ok, time is running out Jihoon and Inguk I will have you pair up with Dennis and Ricky what I will have you do is to go and visit these places and ask questions?"

I looked at the addresses that we were to go and visit and there was one address that I spotted instantly.

"Lieutenant, why?"

"Because these are the known targets that Reaper's and Ghost's men are?"

"Are they in danger?"

"We are unsure, why do you ask Inguk?"

I don't hesitate I just leave without word's all that was going on in my head was my brother nothing else matter right now I needed to make sure he was safe, I needed to know why this was happening and why was my brother in a dangerous position.

"Somebody stop him!"

I hear loud booming from behind me and the next I see Ryan and Duke running towards me I try to get out of there grasps but nothing seem to happen the next moment Lieutenant, Dennis, Ricky and Jihoon came running out.

"What's going on here?"

I looked up and I could see Jihoon looking at me with worry in his eyes those that knew me, knew about my family and especially how close I am with my brother Baeksu and Jihoon being in the same Department as myself he would know about my brother. I relaxed in Ryan and Duke's grasps and they felt that and let me go and I tried to stand without dropping to my knees, the next I see Jihoon place his hand on my shoulder which was obvious that he knew why I got up earlier.


"Jihoon what is it?"

"Inguk's brother works at Miss Yoon's Seoul Inner City Orphanage"




As I wait in my office with Luhan still playing game's on his phone whilst I was my office trying to focus on work but the call that I got from Dean's friend still bugging me since he rang this morning I couldn't help but it could be serious if he was wanting to meet with me which was troublling what have I gotten myself into to busy in my thought's I don't realise that Luhan was calling out for me.



"Kris gege........"


"Wu Yifan"

I look at Luhan who was standing in front  of me.

"Oh mianheyo gege, what is it?"

"I am hungry [aegyo]

"Oh what is the time?"

"Almost midday"

"Oh ok, I wonder if Dean is back?"

"Oh is he your assistant?"


"Oh he's been here for 10-20 minutes doing some work I thought you saw him when he came in earlier"


"Gege, can we get something to eat?"

"Go and find Lee and ask him to make you something"

"Ok gege"

Luhan looked sad like I told him off making me feel guilty for barking at him.

"Wǒ duìbùqǐ gēgē [I am sorry] go on I will join you ok go on"

I watched as Luhan left and I followed behind him and I saw Dean sitting at his desk typing on his computer I stood there for him to notice that I was there and minutes later he finally stops and looks up at me.

"Mr. Wu"

"Dean, why didn't you come and tell me that you were here?"

"You were busy with Mr. Lu sir"

I calmed down abit it wasnt Dean's fault it was mine for blanking out.

"That's ok, where is Mrs. Yoon?"

"Mr. Lee has taken her somewhere?"

"Ok, I am on my phone if anything"

"Yes sir"

"Only if it is important"

"Yes sir"

It took me a second to notice that something was bothering Dean, which was so unlike him which got me worried.


"Are you ok?"

"Yes sir?"

"Dean is your wife ok?"

"Yes sir?"

"If your needed at home, go on I know that you must be worried about your wife and your child, if you need to go home, then go its ok, I can handle things here"

"Thats ok sir?"


"I will call home if that is ok?"

"Of course if you need to go then leave a message with Lee to let him know that you have left ok"

I walked towards Dean and placed a hand on his shoulder and lefted him and went to go and find Lee and see where Mrs. Yoon was I felt terrible making her wait for that long for me not wanting to disrespect her like that, I saw Lee in the kitchen and there was Luhan watching Lee in awe which was kind of cute to see Luhan like that so innocent and loveable.

"Master Wu"


"Gege, Mr. Lee is making cold noodles for me gege"

"Because Lee know's its your favourite [laughing]"

Luhan smiling at me which always makes me feel light whenever I am around my friends.

"Lee where is my guest?"

"Since it was a nice afternoon I have taken you guest outdoors whilst you were in your office with Mr. Lu"

"Ok, thank you Lee, have you take refreshements to my guest?"

"Yes I have Master Wu"

I lefted Luhan with Lee and made my way with my pulse going at another level just to think that she was doors away from her daughter with no idea. I walked outside and I loosen my tie feeling like I couldn't breathe but it was just all in my head as I get closer to where Mrs. Yoon was without realising that mum and daughter were a floor apart from each other, as I saw her shiloutte I can see Mrs. Yoon standing the wind hitting her watching her hair flow with the brezze.

"Sorry Mrs. Yoon for making you wait when I know that you want to get back?"

She turns around and that's when I notice that she looked pale, I could tell that she was barely holding on and with everything going on.

"Mrs. Yoon are you ok?"

"Yes, Mr. Wu"

"Mrs. Yoon take a seat"

She sits down as I sit opposite of her I could see lines on her face which was evident that she was stressing and I know that she was worried about her daughter hence the reason why I got Dean to collect her so I can let her know that she is here.

"Mrs. Yoon, so how are things at the orphanage?"

I see her smile her face relaxed bright she seemed so happy when I mentioned the orphanage it was clear how much she loves the place, the kids which was really a nice feeling reminding me of my mum when she is doing what she loves when she looks at dad, or when she is with us.

"I want to thank you for letting Mr. Lim and Mr. Yoo be with us, I feel safe with them there and the kids really like it that they are there and I can see that Mr. Yoo really likes working with the kids Mr. Wu thank you so much"

"That's fine Mrs. Yoon I am happy that you and the children feel safe with Chunji and Seungho there that is what I wanted them to be there so you have a sense of security"

"And for that I am grateful"

"Mrs. Yoon you look un-well"

"I am ok"

I could see that she was lying.

"Mrs. Yoon can tell me whats troublling you"

"I am missing Yoonho and Maesuk?"

"What do you mean, have they been adopted?"

"No, they are in a safe place"

"Safe place?"

"I didn't want them to be at the orphanage with everything going on they will know that something is wrong especially if they see me"

I remembered the two boys and Maesuk having a way of people.

"Where are they?"

"With a friend"

"Mrs. Yoon have you heard anything about your daughter?"

I saw a tear drop, I stood up and I sat next to her and I placed my hand on her shoulder and I could feel her shaking under my touch knowing full way that this was taking a toll on Mrs. Yoon.

"No Mr. Wu I am worried about Min-a, she will always come and see Yoonho and Maesuk or call but havent heard anything from her Mr. Wu I am worried that she could be in danger [crying softly]"

I comfort her knowing that she was hurting, and worried about her daughter and all along she is safe and here right in front of her.

"I would give anything to know if she was ok?"

"Did she have a phone?"

"Yes I have been trying to call but nothing Mr. Wu [crying]"

"Let me try?"

"Mr. Wu?"

"Yes Mrs. Yoon?"

"Why are you helping?"

"Because I want to and plus I know your daughter as well"

"You would make the perfect son-in-law"

If only she knew that I knew Min-a just recently and that she was upstairs I know it was cruel of me not to just say it but part of me was afraid that I may not see Min-a again was I being selfish and playing with Mrs. Yoon for my selfish needs of wanting Min-a here with me having got use to her presence thinking about her not being here its like I couldnt picture it, she smiles up at me I dial the number no reply nothing it was like her phone was un-accessable I hanged up and I could see that Mrs. Yoon was hoping that I would have gotten through.

"Mrs. Yoon I am sure your daughter will be fine"

"Mr. Wu there is something you need to know?"

"What is it?"

"She is not my daughter?"


"She is not my daughter by blood Mr. Wu"

"You don't need that for her to be your daughter just seeing the worry and love in your eyes shows that your her mother Mrs. Yoon"

"I know, the first time I saw her lost 4 year old alone walking, calling out for her parents it was so heartwretching Mr. Wu"

I looked at Mrs. Yoon and I could she was dazed it was like I was living that moment with her picturing a 4 year old Min-a who would no doubt be pretty like she is now.

"I could see tears on her cheeks, calling out for her parents, it was so heartbreaking to see I was coming back from running errands and it was cold and I saw her in a little dress which was dirty. I knew that I had to take her back to the orphanage with me but I have seen kids like her to know that she would be scared with seeing strange faces, I grabbed a lollipop out of my bag and I kneeled down and waited for her to be comfortable with me that's when I noticed her come closer to me and I could see that she was lost and sad but besides all of that she smiles at me when I offered her the lollipop and she bows formally to me and thanking me with high manners. 

'Imoga gongsigjeog-in kamsahabnida [aunt thank you:formal]'

Is what she said I just looked at her with awe knowing that she was lost, cold, hungry, sad but she was bright and strong enough to formally thank me, I knew from that moment that she was a special girl and that she deserved to be loved and cared for, so I took her with me back to the orphanage and I watched her bloosom into a beautiful, loving, caring, hard working, bright young women even though she hides it well but I could see that she is still the lost, sad little girl I saw that evening seeing the longing in her eyes for that missing part of her, that's why she is so close with Yoonho and Maesuk they remind her of how she became who she is today. Reminding me of a tearful and touching moment, when she was 16 coming home from school seeing the two boys crying hysterically because they watched there friends getting adopted by families by passing the two little boys like un-wanted puppies that you would pass, the two boys were outside sitting on the hiding under the bridge of the play area holding tightly to each other. Sora telling Min-a about some of the kids being adopted but when she mentioned Yoonho and Maesuk she ran ignoring Sora and found the two boys hiding, Min-a comforting them trying to calm them down the boys asking with there tears falling.

'Noona, why don't they want us noona....'

'Because Noona is going to adopt you Maesuk-ah, Yoonho-ah'


I could tell that Min-a was hurt from that and from that day on-wards they have had that close bonds that mothers would have with there children, she promised to me that she will make sure that when she finishes with university that she would make alot of money and adopt Yoonho and Maesuk and make sure that they live with her making sure that she will never let them live without love and giving them everything they need. That is why I, I adopted them under my name so no one would take them and with the work that Min-a is doing it's her that is paying for Yoonho and Maesuk's education. I know that if anything to happen to those boys she wouldn't forgive herself [crying] where is she?"

Hearing Mrs. Yoon talk it was really touching to find how hard Min-a's life has been but amongst that she never lost sight of love and care that she got from Mrs. Yoon and that she was giving to Yoonho and Maesuk I couldnt imagine what she went through. 

"I am sorry Mr. Wu"

"Thats ok Mrs. Yoon I am grateful that you trust me enough to speak of something that is so important to you, I know for one thing that you shaped your daughter and I know that she is safe"

"Do you think so Mr. Wu"

"I know so"

"How do you know?"

I was about to open my mouth to say something but we got interrupted.

"Master Wu"

"Lee what is it?"

"The phone for you?"

"Who is it?"

"Mr. Wu"

What, why was my dad calling me.

"Excuse Mrs. Yoon I really need to take this, if you need anything just let Lee know"

"No that's ok, Mr Wu, I really do need to get back to the orphanage"

"Ok, Lee is Dean still here?"


"Can you get him to come upstairs now"


"Is Luhan still here?"

"Yes he is in the games room with Miss Wu"

"What, Krystal is here?"

"Yes she is Master Wu, when she saw Luhan's car she came here"

"Ok, get Dean"

I grabbed the phone of Lee as he was getting Dean.



"Dad is everything ok?"

I see Dean coming.

"Dad can you wait Dean is just coming"

"Ok son"

I covered the phone.

"Dean I need you to take Mrs. Yoon back to the orphanage and after taking her I want you to take the rest of the day off"

"Ok Mr. Wu, but I can come back there is still paperwork that needs to be done"

"That's ok I will handle it take it as a thank you for today"

"Ok. Mr. Wu"

"Call Seungho to let him know that you are on your way back"

"Yes Mr. Wu thank you"

Mrs. Yoon and Dean leave, leaving me alone outside.


"Son, you sound like you're on a mission"



"Dad, what can I do for you?"

"I was calling to remind you about family dinner tonight?"

"Oh I am waiting on a call"

"Those my son have a meeting with a girl...."

"No dad, I am waiting on a call from a potential collaberation that's all dad?"

"I am sure you will have time to have dinner with your family"

"Ok dad, but I will have to leave early depending on the call"

"That's ok Son, bring Luhan if he is still with you, and can you send Krystal home"

"Yes dad"

I hanged up I thought I got caught with all the activity these last few days.


"Where is Luhan and Krystal"

"They are still in the games room"


I went downstairs to the games room and I see Luhan and Krystal playing pool laughing.

"Are you two having fun"

I watched as Krystal froze in her spot she knew that I wasn't happy that she was here without saying anything not that it bothered me I liked to know who was in my house.



"Krystal, dad called he wants you home now"

"Oh oppa"

"Not going to work on me"

I watched as Krystal leave.

"Luhan are you staying?"


"Because if your still here you might as well join us for dinner tonight?"

"Oh, if that's ok"

"Dad said it was ok"

"Ok, we can hang out"

"Sorry gege I have work to do"



I was wondering how Min-a was going but I didn't want Luhan to know that she was here. I took my laptop in the living room where Luhan was so I can keep an eye on him which was annoying but I didn't want him going upstairs at all. I wanted to check if she was ok, I had my phone I had an idea.


"Master Wu"

"Can you take this to the room"

"Yes sir"

I gave the book that I forgot to pack which belonged to Min-a so hopefully Lee would take to her which I was backing for I had my phone within the book I waited for Lee to come downstairs and thats when I grabbed the homeline and I dialled my cell number hopefully she will answer.



You stirred around you should've fallen on the ground you opened your eye's and realised that you were back in your room the afternoon sky shining you looked at the time and realise that you slepted for almost a whole day again, you could feel pain but it wasn't to bad you see Mr. Lee walk in your room with a tray of food and also a book that looked familiar to me.

"Miss.... are you ok?"

"Yes Mr. Lee, is that my book you have?"

"Yes it was downstairs and Master Wu, had me bring it to you"

"Oh thank you"

As Mr. Lee had placed the tray down of food in front of me with my book which was one of my books where I have notes from my lessons it felt like forever since I was in my class, I was missing Celine wondering if she was ok, or was she missing me like I am right now.

"I hope this is ok for you?"

You look down and see a hot pot steaming on a tray which made your stomach rumble with pleasure then you heard a buzzing sound which sounded familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time and the sound was coming from you book which was weird you grabbed it and a unfamiliar object fell which realised was a phone.

It looked so high-tech and obvious one of the latest phones, the buzzing was still going, the light was shining and you looked at.

홈 [home]

Obviously the phone didn't belong to you as the phone was still making it's presence known you were reluctant to answer but you were also considering answering the call, just as you were about to answer the buzzing stops which was a relief you spooned some of the hot soup which was really tasty in your mouth soothing the dry mouth of yours, as you were getting comfortable the phone buzzes again and you see its the same caller. Curiousity got to you and you picked up the phone and you answered awkwardly.



You recognise the deep tone almost immediately.

"Mr. Wu?"

You say with no hesitation in a high pitched voice which was unlike you, lucky you weren't facing him because he would have seen that you were embarrassed.

"[laughing] yeah its me [laughing]"

You smile suddenly his deep laughter in your ears which was soothing and contagious making you smile.

"How are you feeling?"

You feel chills, it was still weird having someone worrying about besides Celine and Gaeun eomma it was actually nice feeling, the lightness, the tinglying feeling, the warmth you were feeling in your stomach, goosebumps on your arms.


"[laughing] thank you"

"What for?"

You questioned trying to think what you did for Kris.

"This morning"

You were still in a daze.

"Making me comfortable, my back would have been out if you left me like that"

You smiled at the memory of this morning when you saw a sleepy Kris leaning heavily and awkwardly against your headboard, you blushed instantly you looked around your room as if you were afraid that you were going to get noticed. You also felt comfortable and relaxed with how casual he was on the phone and safe that you weren't going to get spotted for blushing .

"Uh, it's the least I can do for you [awkward/shy]"

"[laughing] so how are you feeling?"

"Naneun OKibnida [I am ok]?"

"Naneun kkaeeona boni dangsin-eun geogi eobs-eossda [I woke up and you weren't there]?"


You feel your insides burst with butterflies, heat, you blushed instantly with what Kris just said and with his deep tone making you chill just as much with what he said. You looked around the room yet again with the worry that you were going to get caught, one minute you were frozen in your spot and the next you reacted like a high school girl causing you to jerk and with that movement which you regretted the moment you grunted in pain hoping that Kris didn't hear you in pain that was the last thing you wanted to do.

"Are you ok?"

You hear worry in his voice which was also touching.

"I am ok"

"I would come and check myself to see if your ok, but I am busy"

"No don't, I am ok serious"

Holding the sting that you were feeling not because he was with a friend but you ribs were hurting still from the jerk movement you did earlier, without realising your hands moving on there own you touched the area in distressed to try and ease the tension. You looked at your side table to see if your pain medication was still there which was a relief because you could see it. 



Sitting in the living room with Luhan watching a movie which he was so engrossed into it which was relaxing well whenever I was with the guys even though they can be too much I always felt like myself and relaxed with them I look at the graphs on my laptop covering the work load that Dean would have done but I couldn't help but remember the troublling look he had which I couldn't figure out. Well as I was doing my work I noticed a book that was familiar and I recognised it immediately as Min-a's work book I reached for it as I placed my laptop down and I looked at the pages with obvious use of the work book and I could see her writing in parts of the book I couldn't help but picture an intense Min-a studying causing a smile on my lips. I wanted to check on her but I couldn't not with Luhan here and I couldn't hint to Lee because Luhan could understand, Chinese, Korean and of course English which was making it difficult for me to hint at all giving me a childish idea I grabbed my phone and placed it in the pages of Min-a's work book.


"Yes Master Wu?"

"Can you take this book upstairs"

"Yes Master Wu?"

I faced it so Lee can see the name on front.

미나 [Yoon Mina]

He nodded which meant that Lee knew what to do which was a relief and he left and I waited for a moment and I stood up and Luhan looked at me.

"Duizhang, where are you going?"

"I am just getting the home line, why?"

"I thought you were leaving?"


"Duizhang Luhan is hungry [aegyo]"

"[laughing] we will leave for dinner soon ok Luhan"


I sat down and I just waited until Lee came back downstairs as a sign that Min-a will be alone in her room. Minutes later I dialled my cell number which was kind of weird calling myself I waited wondering if she was going to answer the call after waiting the tone in my ear and typing on my laptop at the same time and oddly she didn't answer which I was kind of expecting I gave her time and then I dialled again and the tone was going I was second guessing yet again if she was going to answer and within deciding to give up I hear that she had answered which I didn't realise that I was holding my breathe.


I hear her soft tone on the other end which got me straightening up instead of casually with my laptop on my knees.


"Mr. Wu?"

Hearing her calling me Mr. Wu which normally is for my associates, hearing her call me that way was an exception her soft tone which was high pitched which made me smile.

"[laughing] yeah its me [laughing]"

"How are you feeling?"

I asked Min-a to see if she was ok haven't checked on her at all today which was a first for me that was for sure.


"[laughing] thank you"

"What for?"

I hear her awkwardly answer which made me smile.

"This morning"


"Making me comfortable, my back would have been out if you left me like that"

I say with no hesitation I was surprised I was thinking about it but I didn't think that I was saying it out loud I looked at Luhan to see if he heard what I said but nothing, Luhan was glued onto his movie which was a relief but that didn't help the fact how casually I said that to Min-a when I know it has been rarely a chance for the both of us to talk casually to each other.

"Uh, it's the least I can do for you [awkward/shy]"

She sounded so cute.

"[laughing] so how are you feeling?"

"Naneun OKibnida [I am ok]?"

"Naneun kkaeeona boni dangsin-eun geogi eobs-eossda [I woke up and you weren't there]?"

Did I just say that out loud, I looked again in Luhan's direction and I saw Luhan eye's still glued on the screen his hand moving at its own will with popcorn I wanted to laugh at Luhan but I was distracted with the hearing of my heart beat race and with Min-a's voice in my ear.


The whisper of her voice when she said that made me want to lean closer to hear clearly and just when I was about to say something I hear a pain sound in my ear which meant that Min-a was in pain I was itching to run upstairs to see if she was ok but I couldn't because of Luhan, maybe I could have sneaked out but I didn't want Luhan to look for me, be my luck he would find Min-a and because Luhan knows Min-a from University it would be easy for him to know who she is.

"Are you ok?"

"I am ok"

"I would come and check myself to see if your ok, but I am busy"

"No don't, I am ok serious"

I could still hear a faint pain breathe on her end making me worry for her, I wanted to so desperately run upstairs to tend to her if it wasnt for Luhan I would have gone already.

"Are you sure?"


"I will come and see you when I am finished?"


I could hear here she sounded so normal but it didn't help that I was worried about her, and still with her injuries that she sustained it was possible that she could be in pain.

"I have a family dinner that I need to go to, if I could I would come and see you?"

What, I sound like Dean when he calls his wife what is wrong with me why am I acting like this something is wrong with me I shrugged it off and I looked at the direction of Luhan to still see him glued to the movie which didnt help me with the crazy thoughts in my head.

"Ani, that's ok I will just take my meds and go to sleep...."

"Are you tired?"

"Sort off?"


I hang up the phone my eyes looking upstairs.


Luhan taking my focus.

"Is the movie finished?"


"What is it?"

"Master Wu, Mr. Lu"


"Mr. Lee"

I look at Lee who broke our conversation.

"Mr. Wu called for you to go to the main house for dinner"

"Ok Lee, I will just run up to my room to get changed?"

I looked down to see that I was still in the same clothes.

"Hyung you don't need to change?"

"[laughing] well I need to get my phone it's in my room I might as well changed?"

I had a good excuse to go and check on Min-a as well as getting my phone which she had.

"I will wait for you?"

"Ok, won't be long ok Luhan"


I ran to my room I decided that I will get changed first before getting my phone and checking on Min-a I went in my room and I changed into something more casual.

I grabbed my jacket as well for the expectation of the call I was waiting for, well I walked towards Min-a's room I opened the door and I see her lying down I noticed the tray of food that had been eaten which made me worry that Min-a wasn't eating much food. I noticed my phone next to the tray of food and I grabbed it and having to leave I looked at her before leaving knowing that Luhan would be getting restless.




"Mrs. Wu"

"Hello Luhan, how are you?"

"The same"

"How is your parents?"

"They are the same Mr.Wu"

"What did you and Kris do today?"

"Duizhang hyung was working, I was playing with Krystal and watching movies whilst Duizhang was working [laughing]"

"Speaking of work, any updates?"

"No dad just drafting potential contracts for the company"

"Honey, Kris what did I say no work talk during dinner"

"Sorry honey"

"Sorry mum"

We ate dinner talking, I was trying to focus on what everyone was talking about as the night was going then saved by the bell more like a call I answered straight away.


"Mr. Wu?"

The same voice from the call earlier which had to be Dean's friend I was so anxious and curious to why he wanted to meet me.


"Are you busy?"

I covered the phone and I looked at the family,

"Sorry I need to take this?"

Without letting them answer I stand up and walk somewhere private for me to talk.

"What can I do for you?"

"Are we able to meet now?"

"Sure, I have made arrangements at [Xiumin's Resturant] in half an hour we can discuss matters"

"Ok, I will see you there"


I hanged up and walked back into the dining room and I saw the family still talking and eating dessert.

"Sorry, I really need to go mum and dad thank's for dinner"

I kissed mum and bow to dad I went to kiss Krystal on the cheek.

"Oh oppa, where are you going?"

"I have a meeting that I need to get to"

"Ok oppa"

"Luhan, are you finish?"

"Oh oppa, Luhan hasn't finish eating his dessert oppa"

I looked at Krystal and then I look back at Luhan and I saw him pouting I gave in.

"Ok, Luhan you can stay but when you finish you go home ok, I don't want uncle calling me"

"Ok Duizhang"

I called my home.


"Master Wu"

"Can you bring my briefcase and laptop to the house also can you bring me my black coat as well"

"Yes sir"

Minutes later we hear the door bell.

"Ok I better go I am running late"


I walk into the restaurant which was full of patrons which was typical my briefcase in hand my jacket loosely open the matrie'd notices me and I follow him towards a private dining area more like a room which was private.


"Thank you, I am waiting for my guest"

"Would you like to order a beverage while you wait sir?"

"No, thank you"

I sit down my laptop and briefcase next to me, I wasn't going to use them but I had to make out like I was going to a meeting especially with my parents. After dwelling alone for a moment the door slides open and I see.

I stood up as he walked in, and I was shocked inside but on the outside I was my usual cold facade he came in followed by the matrie'd Dean's friend sat down.

"Would you like to order sir?"

"No thank you"

The matrie'd looked at Dean's friend I was guessing that he didn't understand what he was asked.

"Would you like to order anything?"

"No thank you"

"No orders as of yet, thank you"

It was only the two of us in the room both silent.

"So, what would you like to discuss?"

"The matter of the names you requested through my friend your assistant Dean"

"Yes, can I know your name as you know my name?"


"So Duke, your guessing why?"

"That is one of the reasons why I am here"

I leaned back on my seat trying to read Dean's friend like second nature to me whenever I am in a meeting or in a room full of people but nothing he was blank.

"I am trying to contemplate in why I should tell you?"




:- and to those that have unsubscribed I am sorry if you didnt like the way the fic is going, thank you for even reading-:




[Characters:-27464 Words:-6650]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:- 23rd September 2015


Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:-12th July 2016
Font Cahnged: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....