





[mentioned/re-mentioned characters:]

Celine Huang:- (Your) best friend and Xiaoming's daughter

Xiaoming Huang:-Celine's dad

Liang Wei Tian:- Xiaoming's right hand man

Cheng Dong Hu, Bao Kang Jian, Cai De Jie and Qiang Shi Tao:- Xiaoming's Team

Yoon Maesuk:- (Your) brother/dongsaeng

Yoon Yoonho:- (Your) brother/dongsaeng

Jung Hana:- Maid for the household [Huang Household]

Yoon Gaeun:- (Your) adopted mum

Li Sora, Parkarrow-10x10.png Joon Bin aka Joon and Kim Baeksu aka Baek:- Staff of the orphanage

Lim Seungho and Yoo Chunji:- Kris's team, newarrow-10x10.png staff at the orphanage

[Celine's Pov]


I look down at---


At the twoarrow-10x10.png boys sitting in the backseat of the car buckled in for safety.

"Ne Maesuk-ah what's wrong?"

"Noona, where are we goingarrow-10x10.png?"

"Your going to be staying with Noona at Noona's house?"

"But Noona.... what about eomma?"

"Yeah Noona, what about eomma wont she be angry?"

"Aniyo Yoonho, Gaeun eomma know's that your with Noona, ok unless you don't want to stay with Noona?"

I look at the two curious kids it was obvious that they know that something isn't right and I was trying to make sure that they wouldn't know what it is, they are to innocent to worry about anything else with everything that they have been through they deserve to just be kids.

"Yes of course we want to stay with Noona"

I look at Yoonho who was really excited but I look at Maesuk and he seems so quite since we left Luhan's place.

"Maesuk, are you ok?"

Maesuk nodding his head.

"So did you guys like playing with Luhan dongsaeng and his friends?"

Yoonho smiling brightly and nodding like a bobble head which was so adorable, Maesuk also smiling brightly and nodding like a bobble head which was twice the adorableness [if that is a word] it was nice to see that Maesuk at least has purked up.

"Luhan hyung was cool noona, even Tao hyung too"

"That's good to hear Yoonho, what about you Maesuk?"

"I really really like Luhan hyung noona and Kris hyung to"

I look at Maesuk he was one of those kids who was really picky with the people who he wanted to be with and it was clear from the little boys face that Luhan dongsaeng and Kris sshii meant alot to him which was a good thing I suppose.



"You will be staying with me and the team whilst we are here?"

"Ok baba, what about school?"

"I will call in the university headmaster to let him know that you won't be attending classes for a couple of days?"

"Normally I would be ok with that baba, but what about Min-a?"

"Honey don't worry she will be ok?"

"I think I should I go just in case baba?"

"Ok, honey you can go but under one condition"

"What is it baba?"

"That I have one of the guys be with you at all times whilst your attending university no questions ask I will organise with the headmaster, and one more thing what about the two little boys whats going to happen to them?"

"I didn't think about that baba, but..."

"I will let you think about it before we continue on ok?"

"Ok baba"

I sat in the passengers side looking at Maesuk and Yoonho who were content and looking through the tinted windows of the car of the scenery we were passing. As we were going I didnt know where we were going or where we were staying I was worried about my apartment was Min-a there. We pull into a street and I see are really beautiful home.

"Whoa this place looks really nice baba?"

"I am glad you like it, you will be staying with me and the team anyways?"


"One of my friends here is letting us stay here for our duration here which was really nice of him?"

"Yeah baba, its pretty flash as well"

"Its a place...."

Well we parked up followed with the other uncles that parked next to us as soon as we parked up there was an imo [aunty] who was at the gate minutes more like seconds the garage doors open and we all zoomed in which was really cool as we parked inside I help Maesuk and Yoonho out of there belts and it was really sweet. As we were walking into the house through the garage the imo we saw at earlier was now waiting for us she introduced herself.

"Anneyong Haseyo Jung Hana imnida, I will be your maid for your duration of your stay here, if you follow me inside I will show you to your sleeping quaters as Master Shim Minsook has made arrangements for his guests."

"Hello I am Xiaoming Huang"

Dad says in English and it was evident from the way Jung Hana was looking that she can't really understand what dad is saying, so obviously I will have to translate to Jung Hana.

"Mianheyo Jung Hana, anneyong haseyo Jung Hana, Celine Hwang imnida, this is my father Xiaoming Huang and his right hand man Liang Wei Tian, Yoon Yoonho and Yoon Maesuk we will be staying here in the house, this is my fathers team Cheng Dong Hu, Bao Kang Jian, Cai De Jie and Qiang Shi Tao"

Well we all bow obviously seeing the difference, dad and his team bowing [Chinese style] whereas myself Yoonho and Maesuk [90 degrees bow Korean style/ if you watch variety shows you can see a slight difference] with dad being able to understand Korean, whereas the others couldnt both myself and dad having to translate to them in Chinese which was fine.

"Nice to meet you all if you all will follow me"

We all follow Jung Hana inside through the hall to the main room, which was huge and obviously gorgeous interior obviously seeing the concept of the design it was cool seeing awe stamped on Yoonho and Maesuk's faces with each room we were looking at.

"If you follow me furthur"

We follow Jung Hana outdoors and it was just as beautiful as the interiors and we see a little flat sort of which was part of the house we all walked in. The concept was more modern then the main house where we will be staying in which was kind of cool actually, I didnt really mind at all because just being with my family I felt more at ease and with what is going on thats the least the two boys need.

"This is where the remainder of your team will be sleeping, as it is clear that there isnt much room inside the main house I hope that you dont mind at all"

It was pretty much like a smaller version of the house but more modern which was pretty cool dad's friend having to go through so much trouble which was pretty sweet of him though but I was more confused on why but I ignored it and continued looking around.

"As you can see it is only sleeping quaters, utilities and also a small main room as the main entertaining will be in the main house, if that is to your standards?"

"Yes thats fine thank you Jung Hana"

"Dinner will be served in an hours, time if you need anything please call"

We all bowed at Jung Hana as her to us, it was pretty cool as we were looking around the uncles went back to the car to grab there things.



"Why don't you go and take the boys to wash up before dinner?

"Ok baba"

"Maesuk, Yoonho come on lets get you washed up before dinner?"

"Ok noona"

The two little ones grab there mini backpacks and came towards me.

[half an hour later:]

"You look so cute in your onesies boys"

The two start smiling and laughing which was so cute.

"Bballi lets go dinner is ready?"

The two run downstairs seeing them so happy and relaxed was really calming for me then I saw the maid walk out dad had got this place for his duration of his stay here which was really refreshing it was nice being with my family. We walk into the dining room to see that the table was set out full of food, as we walked to the main room, I could see that the uncles were setting up computers and all there gadgets in the office which was obvious what they were for.

"Celine did you ring your mum?"

"No I will ring her before I go to bed?"

"Plus I will need to call Yoon Gaeun to let her know that the boys are with me because I know that she will be worried about them?"

"Yes you will need to call her, why don't you do that now whilst we are almost getting ready to eat"


I grabbed my phone and as I was about to walk out I feel someone follow me and I look and it was Maesuk.


"Where are you going?"

"I am calling Gaeun eomma just to remind here that you staying with me?"

"Oh ok noona?"


"Yes noona?"

"What is it?"


I look at his face and I can see that there was something that he wanted to say but didnt know how.

"Tell me?"

"Noona, where is....?"

"Maesuk-ah bballi its time to eat?"

Save by Yoonho which was a huge relief I knew what Maesuk was going to ask I just didnt have the answer with me at this moment.

"Noona come on"

"Ani, I will come after calling ok?"

"Ok noona"

I dialled Gaeun's number...


"Gaeun imo"

"Oh Celine how are you?"

"Fine, I am calling to say that the boys are with me?"

"Yes I sort of guessed it from the little note that the boys left for me this morning?"

"Oh is that ok?"

"Yes its ok with me?"

"Uh those anyone know that they are with me?"

"Ani, Celine?"


"Have you seen Min-a?"

"Aniyo Gaeun sshii, waeyo?"

"Oh its nothing just haven't seen her today she must be busy with school?"

"Ye, I better go we are getting ready to have dinner?"


"I will get the boys to call you before they go to sleep?"

"No thats ok Celine, its getting late"

"Ok Gaeun-sshii?"


"Please call me if anything, and please look after them?"

"Of course, Gaeun-sshii is everything ok?"

"Yes, waeyo?"

"You sound different?"

"No just tired its been along day that's all"

"Ok, if its not to late I will get the boys to call you they would want to say goodnight to you?"

"Of course, thank you Celine"

"Thats ok, make sure you look after yourself"

After finishing talking to Gaeun sshii, I could hear it in her voice that something was up especially when she mentioned Min-a onwards. I walked back into the dining room and I see the boys eating with all the uncles.

[half an hour later:]

It was getting late, and I could see that the boys were tired and anxious.

"Celine, I think the boys are sleepy?"

"Yeah I will go and settle them in"

"Noona I am not tired?"

"Yes you are Yoonho bballi lets go up to your room"

And shocking myself and the others Yoonho always being so outgoing and trustworthy he goes up to all the uncles and bow's

"Goodnight ajhusshii's"

The uncles all smile at Yoonho dad understanding 

"Goodnight boys"

Obviously in limited Korean which was cute.


We reach the room and I tuck the two boys into there beds holding the tears forming inside seeing the two innocent boys fighting there sleep its been along day for the both of them and it was clear looking at there tired bodies.

"Goodnight, Yoonho"

I cover his little body with the blanket and he smiles.

"Goodnight noona"

I say to Yoonho who was in his bed and do the same to Maesuk who was also fighting his sleep.

"Goodnight Maesuk"

"Goodnight noona"

I stand and make way to leave the two to sleep.

"Sweet dreams boys"

As I look back at the two sleeping boys I stood there for a good minute before leaving them with the door open so I can hear them from my room and with them seeing me if they got scared, as I was walking out of the room and I was so sure I heard Maesuk calling in his sleep.


Which was obvious that he was wanting Min-a that was his name for her Min-a was his mum which was so adorable and sad. I walked downstairs to see if dad had found anything at all.

"Baba anything?"

"No honey we will keep trying, I have sent Cai De Jie and Qiang Shi Tao to go and fetch your things from your apartment and also to see if there is any signs of Min-a, I will also get them to fetch some of the boys things from the orphanage?"

"No baba, I will do that its best if I go"

"Ok, we will go tommorrow morning"

"Ok baba, I will not go to university I am worried about Maesuk and Yoonho especially Maesuk?"

"What is it honey?"

"Maesuk was calling out for her whilst sleeping baba it was painful to see that?"

"Honey come here"

I went to dad and I was in his arms which was comforting for me.

"Don't worry we are here"

"I know baba"

"Honey go and get some sleep"

"Ok baba"

[early morning:]


I wake up instantly hearing the familiar voice, I look and I see Maesuk looking at me.

"Maesuk what is it?"

He looked at me I could see tears in his eyes.

"Maesuk are you ok?"

"Noona, I heard you screaming?"


I see Maesuk look at me with watery eyes making me worry and guilt.

"Oh mianhe Maesuk-ah noona just had a nightmare"

"Noona, do you want me to sleep with you so you wont have a nightmare?"

"Oh Maesuk-ah noona will be fine"

"Noona can I sleep with you I am scared?"

"Ok come on, what about Yoonho?"

"I will go and get him"

[mintues later:]

I look at the time and it was 3am in the morning, I was trying to retrace my dream but I couldn't which was unusual well I see a Maesuk with a tired Yoonho with him they both jump on my bed Maesuk next to me and Yoonho next to Maesuk already sleeping. Surprisingly Maesuk falls asleep instantly and I as well.

[next morning:]

I woke up early like usual and I see Maesuk and Yoonho still sleeping I quietly walk to the bathroom and got myself changed for the day, I walk downstairs to see that dad and his team are either up early and still working or are still awake from last night and still working.

"Morning baba, uncles?"

"Morning honey, morning Miss Huang"

"Baba have you found anything?"

"Yes sit down"

I sat down on the lounger that was in the office.

"Honey we have found reports of Min-a being admitted to Gangnam Public Hospital, here is the forms that we have found"

I looked at the form dad gave me, and it showed information of Min-a being admitted into hospital and that was it.

"Baba we have to go and look?"

"I have already sent Qiang Shi Tao as soon as we found the information he will call when he gets there, speaking of which what are you doing today?"

"I am gonna go to the orphanage to go and see Gaeun-sshii and try to get some clothes for the two boys but I don't want to leave them alone?"

"They can stay here with us, I will have Liang Wei Tian go with you instead of myself so I can still keep going with this and also as a safety measure as well ok honey, I will call the university to let them know that your not attending classes for a couple days or weeks, I have organised a flight for you to go to America?"


"Your not going its just as a precaution honey thats all"

"Ok baba"

[hour later:]

The boys wake up and breakfast is made, they looked more relaxed this morning compared to last night which was nice.


"Yeah noona?"

"I am going to go and sort out somethings ok, I want you to stay with my dad here ok, I won't be long?"

"Ok noona?"

Yoonho smiles brightly whilst munching on his waffles that Jung Hana had made for breakfast whereas Maesuk was sitting quietly.

"Noona can I come with you?"

"Oh Maesuk mianhe I can't take you I have school things to sort out?"

"Oh ok noona"

"Plus my dad won't bite?"

He smiles at me knowing that I was joking.

"Is there anything that you want noona to being for you?"

"Oh some toy's"

Yoonho exclaims in a loud and happy voice which was contagious.

"I want to see Luhan hyung and Kris hyung"

"Maybe I will call when I come back from my errands ok Maesuk"

"Ok noona"

I bid the boys farewell with Liang Wei Tian he hoped into the drivers seat with me being in the back seat which was his doing well I couldnt stop thinking about the hospital reports I wanted to know why there was no information about Min-a's reason of being admitted in hospital, who took her there.

"Wei Tian?"

"Yes Miss Huang?"

"Can we stop at Gangnam Public Hospital?"

"Miss Huang I don't think thats wise?"

"After we go to the orphanage?"

"I will call your father to let him know?"

"No thats ok Wei Tian just go to the orphanage, and to my apartment?"

"Yes Miss Huang"

I adjusted my glasses to hide the anger in my eyes I knew there was a reason why dad would send Wei Tian with me because he won't listen to anyone but dad and I wasn't surprise that dad would have told him that he was to take me to the orphanage and the apartment no where else. As we got closer to the orphanage I was starting to get nervous worried about Gaeun-sshii the unknown was what I was afraid off and also anxious if Min-a will be there hoping I can wake up and realise that all this was just a dream. Finally see the familiar building never seems to amaze me the love I felt whenever I came here with Min-a and for the first time by myself, I check my appearance.

I straightened my jacket and sighed a ill fated breathe and the door opens and I see that it was Wei Tian who opened it for me which was kind of weird only having this happen when I was in China when I was living with my parents, being in Seoul for awhile gettting use to the normality of my life this was uncomfortable well I shrug it off and I walked upstairs toward the entrance surprisingly I open the door to see that there was minor changes there was a locked gate which wasnt there before. As I waited I saw one of the workers.

"Oh Sora"

"Oh hey Celine, mianhe"

She opens the gate with her staff key which was a new.

"Whoa thats new?"

"Yeah Gaeun imo had it installed this morning just one of the kids?"

"Sora, this is my uncle Liang Wei Tian"

Sora bows at Wei Tian obviously Wei Tian bows back at Sora.

"Wei Tian this is Sora she is one of the staff here at the orphanage"

I say to him in Chinese.

"Oh thats good speaking of which where is Gaeun-sshii?"

"In her office"

As we walked to her office I couldnt help but notice that there was 2 unfamiliar guys one playing with the kids and the other was talking to Baek which was surprising and with me looking at there direction Sora had notice it.

"Oh they are our new staff Lim Seungho and Yoo Chunji"

"Oh thats good that you got new staff, must be hard for you to still be the only girl?"

"Nah its ok [laughing]"


"Hi Gaeun sshii"

"Hello Celine"

The door is closed in her office.

"How are the boys?"

"They're ok, just relaxing they with my dad as we speak?"

"Your dad?"

"Yeah he came for a visit yesterday, this is my uncle Liang Wei Tian by the way?"

"Nice to meet you"

"Uncle this is Yoon Gaeun she is the owner of Seoul's Inner City Orphanage"

I explained to him in Chinese.

"I came to grab some clothes and toys for the boys they are missing them?"

"Thats ok I will have Joon go and pack them?"

"Ani thats ok I will"


"Yes Gaeun sshii?"

"Have you heard from Min-a?"

"Sorry Gaeun-sshii I haven't why what's up?"

"Nothing, well I better go I have some things to attend to"

I noticed Gaeun sshii being anxious.



Looking at the familiar room with pictures of Min-a all over the walls making me look at the bright happy friend of mine. I grabbed some clothes for the boys and also some of there favourite toys thankfully my bag that I brought wouldn't cause anyone to notice that it was full of clothes and toys. We went downstairs and one of the kids that I play with when I come here run up to me.

"Oh Celine unnie"

"Anneyong Jiyeon, how are you?"

"I am ok unnie, are you here to play?"

"Sorry I am busy I came to pick up some things, and to see Gaeun-sshii"


"Maybe next time when unnies not busy"



Went to uni to our apartment I unlocked the door with Wei Tian behind me with my bags one with my wallet and things, the other with the boys toys and things when I opened the door everything looked normal nothing out of place which didn't help the cold feeling that I was getting when I walked in I quickly grabbed my important things like my laptop and stuff I also grabbed Min-a's things as well I don't know why but it was just a habit. I locked up with Wei Tian carrying a bag with my clothes and things and we were off I noticed that Wei Tian was looking alot behind us as we were heading back home he looked worried for some reason then it reminded me.

"Can we stop at the supermarket I want to get some sweets for the boys?"



I walked in the supermarket with Wei Tian following yet again but this time he was on the phone obviously understanding Chinese it was clear that he was talking to dad.

"We are at the supermarket, close by?"


"I have notice that there is a car following us?"


"Ok we will still be here?"


"Yes I will make sure that nothing happens to Miss Huang"


"We are parked out in front of the supermarket"

"What was that about?"

"Cai De Jie and Qiang Shi Tao are coming"

"Oh ok"

[moments later:]

We are at the checkout when I see Shi Tao walking in whereas De Jie was checking the car discreetly it was like he was looking for something which was unusual.

[end of Celine's Pov]

[Author Pov]

Whilst Celine and her 'uncles' were spending the day going to the orphanage, apartment and now at the supermarket it was obvious that Liang Wei Tian had spotted that they were being followed by a unknown vehicle, which was why Cai De Jie and Qiang Shi Tao was now with them as Celine was paying for the things she brought to take home Cai De Jie had noticed a black vehicle parked mere meters away with 2 passengers sitting in the vehicle trying to act normal. As he was waiting he had a device that could detect tracking devices which was something that Celine's father had designed as he was waiting the tracker had vibrated which was obvious that it was placed there he had to act normal just in case he was being watched by whoever had put a tracker on the vehicle. Di Jie had spotted Celine and the others coming out Shi Tao and Wei Tian carrying the shopping Di Jie bows at them as they walked out.

"Thats alot of things, here let me help"

As Di Jie was assisting he whispered silently and discreetly to Shi Tao and Wei Tian.

"Yah I saw a cool Sticker at the front of that car"

Which was code. [tracker under the hood of the car] the three all signed that they understood obviously Celine didn't know what they were talking about which was what they had planned, the two vehicles followed each other out towards a local petrol station not only to full up the tank but also to get a car wash which would be an easy way for the tracker to be destroyed and disabled giving them time to run a diagnostics on it without making it noticeable to the eye or whoever had it on the car. With them going to through the car wash it won't look obvious that they passengers or Celine to know what they were doing it was all innocent. As the two cars were getting ready to go through the car wash Wei Tian was busy using the device to find the tracker whilst Celine was playing on her phone after hearing a beep Wei Tian had hit a button which had disabled the tracker and run a dignostics on whatever information they could find on it, Wei Tian opened a case full of gadgets and devices that was made by Celine's father using a laser tool to unscrew the tracker from the car which was protcol to the guys. The car wash finishes and Wei Tian drives off towards the house whereas Shi Tao and Di Jie in the other vehicle replica of the same as the one that Wei Tian was driving but this time the tracker was on there vehicle making it safe for Celine to go home.


As Wei Tian and Celine are almost home, Wei Tian gets a text from De Jie.

To: Wei Tian

From: De Jie

See in you 10


Celine walks into the main room and see's Yoonho and Maesuk watching Pororo seeing them so glued to the t.v was kind of funny and cute all the kids seemed to sit still whenever Pororo was on which was good for adults to do whatever without worrying about there kids.

[end of Author's Pov]

[Celine Pov]

We are at home and I see the boys glued to the t.v not even noticing me walk in with there things I place the bags down on the floor and just sit amazed at the two not moving I noticed that Wei Tian was unfocused which was unknown of Wei Tian to be like that when he was so focused and alert on everything.


"Excuse me Miss Huang would you like any refreshments?"

"No thank you Jung Hana, thank you"

"Noona, your back"


"Noona, you look tired?"

The two boys run towards me which was so adorable.

"I am tired, noona's going to go and have a nap you boys will be ok?"

"Yes noona"

"After your nap are we going to go and see Luhan and Kris hyung?"

"I will call Luhan dongsaeng ok Maesuk-ah"

"Ok noona"

I left the boys and went to my room I was honestly tired as soon as I hit the pillow I was gone.


Darkness around me, coldness enevlopes my small body, chills all over me, someones watching me I try to stand and follow the path cold against my barefeet. Where am I, I look around and I cant see a sign of anything suddenly I hear a whimpering sound coming from somewhere, I follow the sound and I see Min-a tied beaten on a chair crying I ran towards her.


Darkness again where is she, she was just here the next thing I am in a bright room and I see Min-a lying down lifeless.


I touch her my hand still translucent against her pale skin but I could feel her.

"Min-a yah"


[Author Pov]

The activity downstairs was frozen when they all hear a scream coming from upstairs they all look towards each other, but before anyone could do anything Xiaoming runs upstairs to aid his daughter Jung Hana keeps the boys downstairs and feeds them snacks to avoid them following suit Xiaoming looks at Wei Tian.

"Stay down here with the boys"

"Yes sir"

Xiaoming, De Jie, Shi Tao and  Dong Hu go upstairs towards Celine's room and thats when they see Celine covered in sweat and whimpering Xiaoming runs to his daughters side and he places a hand on her forehead she felt normal besides from the endless whimpering sounds coming from and then she screams in a heartwretching way causing Xiaoming to falter in his movements.

"Min-a jebal..."

Sorry for the delayed UPDATE, I have been really busy I hope that this chapter wasnt to bad will try to UPDATE as much as I can.... Apologies if its long as well I wanted this chapter to be about Celine similiar to Kris when they leave Luhan's place. I hope this chapter wasnt to bad though.

Thanks to all those that are still 'subscribed' and are 'subscribing' to this fanfic much appreciated huge 'saranghae', Thanks to all who are reading this fic also a huge 'buing buing' to you all.

JEBAL to Subscribe, Comment [no matter if its good or bad] much appreciated either way Kamsahamnida ^__^

[Characters:-21289 Words:-4989]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:- 22nd September 2015
Edited/ Re-read/ Font-Changed: 11th July 2016
Font Changed: 13th Deember 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....