




[cont. YOUR POV]

The morning came to you so quick that the new day was dawning on you with what was coming not making it easier, as your fingers gaze your lips lightly as memories of last night came at you like a bold of lightening making you blush and grin at the same time but that didn't change the fact what was coming as you barely got a wink of sleep not because of the burning and yearning feeling you had, but also the prospect of Maesuk's wake this morning making you feel none-the-less selfish and guilty with the happy moment's you were having. As you tie your hair up into a ponytail as you change into.

[what they are wearing above I don't know what it is called the image from:- episode 1 of suspicious housekeeper drama]

As you finish looking at your appearance looking un-like yourself as you glance at your reflection, you reach for your handbag as you walk out and you see the Yoonho wasn't in the room which made you worry you went to open the door to see Mr. Lee just about to knock.

[MR. LEE]"I was coming to see if you were ok, and also Mr. Wu and Master. Yoon are waiting for your downstairs"


You follow Mr. Lee downstairs wondering when Yoonho got ready, as you finally reached the bottom thankfully wearing flats which you would need for today, as you finally walk into the dining area seeing that Kris and Yoonho were both eating breakfast as you smiled greatful at the two men both dressed accordingly which could easily pass as father and son if it was true but it wasn't.


They both looked at you and you could see that they were both look handsome that was for sure but you could see a mask of yourself as you look at Kris, Yoonho walks toward's you all dressed in black and his hair wasn't styled made him look really young like the young kid he is.

[picture that the blazer, vest and top are black and in that material]


[YOONHO]"Umma come let's have some breakfast before we go?"

You hold onto Yoonho's hand that was held out as you both walk to the table where there was mutiple dishes of food which was left out and made by Mr. Lee of course for breakfast as you start to eat something you hear the phone ring and within second's Mr. Lee come's walking in with the phone in his hand.

[MR. LEE]"Mr. Wu the phone is for you?"

[KRIS]"Ok, Min-a I won't be long ok"

You nod in reply because there was no word's that would come out as you watch Kris stand up looking twice as handsome dressed in black like Yoonho-ah.

As you watched Kris walk with the phone against his ear looking so tall and handsome leaving you alone with Yoonho.

"Yoonho-ah you know where we are going?"

[YOONHO]"Ye umma?"

"How are you?"

[YOONHO]"I am ok umma, but..."


[YOONHO]"Umma, are you going to be ok?"

You heart faltered never feeling so touched right now as you look at Yoonho.

"I will be ok"

As you were putting food into Yoonho's plate with so much thought's going on in your head.



Barely getting a wink of sleep I stand out on the balcony as I look at the night sky fading I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss that Min-a and I had shared it was something and it was getting heated and I am glad that I stopped and both parted ways before we both do something that one of us will regret myself included being the wrong time and place for it. The next morning I come back from my jog that I did around the grounds to ease the inner turmoil going on as I walk inside I see that Min-a and Yoonho's door was slightly ajar I peeked through as I see Yoonho sitting on his bed staring at a sleeping Min-a which could pass of as a beautiful thing but it could also be slighty weird.


I whisper not wanting to wake Min-a up and he looks at me and I hand gesture for him to come to me which he did and I can see that he had just woken up.

"Yoonho-ah are you ok?"

He just looked at me.



"Whats wrong?"

[YOONHO]"Appaneun uliga gaseo oneul nae dongsaeng eul mannaleo gal su issida? [Dad, we are going to see Maesuk today?]"

"Yes we are"

[YOONHO]"I heard umma crying"

"Oh umma is taking it really hard about Maesuk-ah like everyone else"

[YOONHO]"I know"

"I am going to get ready did you want to come and get ready with me and then we will go and have breakfast what do you think?"

[YOONHO]"Ok appa"

Yoonho and I quietly grab his things and we both leave the room the door slightly ajar as the both of us walk to my room and we both have boy time before getting ready for today.


We were both eating whilst waiting for Min-a I sent Lee up to check if everything is ok with Min-a the last thing we want is for something to happen to her right now.


We hear footsteps and I took that as a sign that Lee and Min-a are both coming downstairs and I was just paitently eating and waiting for Min-a, within seconds Yoonho calls out to Min-a which got my attention and I looked and there was Min-a dressed in normal attire for the wake all dressed in black and I couldn't help it but there was something about Min-a she looked so frail but fresh looking which was something I could stare at all day, as I watch the scene from mother and son as they came to the table and I watched as the both were conversing and eating little amounts of food which was expected thankfully saved by the bell more like Lee as he came to give the phone to me.

"Min-a I won't be long ok"

And I leave them alone as I walk into the lounge as I answer the phone,


[DAD]"Wu Yifan


[DAD]"Krystal told us about the wake today?"


[DAD]"Yoonho mentioned something yesterday when he was with us but we thought it was a joke until I saw Krystal dressed for a funeral, tell me is it true?"

"Yes it is true, it's Min-a's youngest child through adoption of course son had died from a rare disease"

[DAD]"Son why didn't you tell me or your mother about this?"


[DAD]"Don't worry, your mother want's to know if it is ok if we can come and pay our respects for Min-a and Maesuk?"

"That will be fine dad"

[DAD]"When are you going?"

"As soon as we all finish breakfast"

[DAD]"Ok, as soon as we see you leave we will follow ok"


I hanged up as I was surprised that my family was going to come but maybe it would be a good thing if they come not just for Min-a and Yoonho also for my well-being with the unexpected not knowing how I will be when I am there. Just as I was about to put the phone away and get back to the others my phone rings again not the house phone but my personal phone as I pull it out it reminded me that I still had Min-a's in my room which I will give back to her later I answer the phone.




[SEAN]"Do I have the right number?"

"Yes hey Sean what can I do for you?"

[SEAN]"Are you busy?"

"Sort of but what's up?"

[SEAN]"Uhm how do I explain it?"

"Maybe from the beginning?"

I see the door open and that's when I see Duke walking in with Jihyo in tow.

[DUKE]"Mr. Wu"

[JIHYO]"Mr. Wu?"

"Duke, Jihyo?"

[DUKE]"I picked up Jihyo for the wake today, plus Jihyo needed to see you as well?"

"Ok won't be a moment I am on the phone"

They both walked to the side the way the two were it was like there was something going on with the two which I can ask later, as I focus on the phone.

"Sean what is it?"

[SEAN]"Uh, well my family and I are at Seoul International Airport right now we were going to surprise you but we don't know where you live [laughing]"

"[laughing] true, I didn't know that you were coming to South Korea, if you told me I would have organised transport or make time to come and pick you up myself?"

[SEAN]"Like I said it was meant to be a surprise"

"Yeah I know, I can send someone to pick you up just wait there ok"

[SEAN]"I hope it is someone that can speak english, if that's ok"

I laugh along with Sean at his comment.

"Ok I will organise it ok, and they will drive you to me if that's ok I am just busy?"

[SEAN]"That's ok plus Evangline wants to see her godfather"

"That's good I can't wait to see her too, ok I'm gonna hang up so I can organise someone to come and pick you up and is great at english speaking as well"

I hanged up and I looked at Duke.

"Duke can both you and Jihyo can you please pick up a family from the airport, and can you let them know that I sent you please, I know its not part of your job discription but it would be highly appreciated and also there is no one other then you guys and Dean who I trust to pick the family up, and if they ask where I am just bring them to the funeral home ok"

The two were ok with it which was a relief as the two left to pick up Sean and his family I went back into the kitchen to see Min-a and Yoono both putting food in each other's plate which was really sweet to see. 


The three of us in the car after getting a text from Luhan letting me know that Celine and her family along with the guys were all coming to show support which was really nice, including my family, Dean and his family with Chanyeol in tow, also Duke getting Sean and his family desite them unknown to the situation at hand, with me organising alot of security still wary about the people that could be after Min-a come and do something stupid. Also getting a call from Seungho coming with the staff and the kids to the wake as well showing there support and also Mrs. Yoon and Chunji coming too. I was taking charge of majority of the things so Min-a can just stay at Maesuk's side not having to worry about anything fortunate that Lee was coming as well not just to show support but also to take over the food and beverages for all the people that were coming and having.. 


As we got to the funeral home already Ken and his team were already there making sure there was nothing there also because of my family coming with that being routined making sure that they would be safe which was a good thing.As we walked toward's the entrance I see Dean waiting at the entrance also making demand's on some of the other staff about certain thing's which was why I was so relieved to have someone like Dean with me, Dean wanting to oversee everything today so I can be there for Min-a and Yoonho, which I was truly blessed.

[DEAN]"Mr. Wu, Miss. Yoon, Yoonho"

Dean lowered to Yoonho's level which was so like Dean being respectful at everyone.

[YOONHO]"Anneyong ahjusshi-nim"

Yoonho bowing at Dean and Min-a smiling at Dean which I assumed that Min-a was having difficulty at the moment.

"Dean, what's going on?"

[DEAN]"Nothing, just minor fix up's that's all, also here is the guest list of those that a coming, also Lee is in the kitchen with the staff here at the funeral home helping with horderves and hot/cold beverages, also I have some staff at the catherderal also making sure everything is organised there, I was expecting Jihyo but she is yet to arrive?"

"Jihyo is gone to pick up someone"

As I gazed at the guest list not surprised at certain people but also surprised at how much people from the business world who was coming which was a shock I thank Dean as we all walk in because no-one else was here yet the three of us walking inside the hall and we see the funeral director getting final detail's organised seeing us walk in greeting us, Min-a was in her own little world we walked inside checking everything.

Reefs gracing on side which was really great to see Yoonho was holding Min-a's hand the whole time with us putting on our armbands on.

Which looked so final with me helping Yoonho as Min-a just stood looking at the frame of Maesuk;

[no disrespect intended, this was purely just for an image of what it could look like all respects to the owners of images used]

Smiling back at her which was a sight that would be etched in my head for a long time.

[FUNERAL DIRECTOR]"Mr. Wu everything has been organised along with your right hand man Mr. Jung also taking charge we will have the guests all come here to do the traditional Korean funeral, then after that we will have the service at the cathederal which was requested and we will have the body taken to the church, the service will be at the church as per normal then after the service we will then go to the burial site, and then everyone will be welcomed to the venue for the food and festivities"

"Thank you for your hard work"

As we were waiting for everyone to come, I noticed Dean and his family coming toward's us along with Chanyeol carrying little Theo in his arm's all of them dressed in black looking really beautiful.


I glanced in Min-a's direction and I noticed that she wasn't near me which was expected as I look at my watch as time tick's closer to the time of start for the wake seeing that Ken was walking in my direction along with my parent's and Krystal.

I noticed that Min-a was.

in Celine's arms which was really great seeing that Celine and 

Luhan was here also guessing the guys will be here or on there way.



[MUM]"Honey, how are you coping?"

"I'm fine, have you seen Dean?"


"Need to check on some thing's?"

[KRYSTAL]"Oppa, don't worry whatever it is you want to check on it will be ok?"

[MUM]"Yes honey, your sister is right don't worry about anything, so from the look of little Yoonho clinging onto that young lady there I am guessing that is Min-a?"

We all glance in the direction of mum's path where we see the image of Yoonho holding her hand tightly was what mum meant and I just looked at her but before I could say anything.

[KEN]"Mr. Wu, Duke-sshii is here?"

"Ok thank you Ken, can you keep an eye on my family, dad mum I won't be long I need to go and tend to Duke"

I leave there side not before saying.

"Dad, mum I will introduce you to Min-a so please don't go to her without me introducing you to her first"

I could see the determined look in mum's face.

[DAD]"Of course son, and don't worry about your mother ok I will keep her company"

I leave not before seeing Min-a with.

I smile at the many faces that I am glad that are here to support Min-a especially having known a fair bit of those close to her along with my two security that has become more accustomed to what they were doing now instead of what they may have been used to seeing Chunji being with Mrs. Yoon and Seungho with the staff and kids from the orphanage seeing the two hard men being more themselves if I could say something like that they seemed more bright somehow maybe my idea will better suit them which I will voice to them when it is the right time. Anyways as I make my way outside I notice the many business associates I know as I walk pass hastly toward's where Duke and Jihyo would be with Sean and his family, finally making it to the entrance I see Jihyo walking towards me.

[JIHYO]"Mr. Wu, we have Mr. and Mrs. Phelan"

"Thank you, there are some off our important business associates and partner's inside I can rely on you to be there to make sure that they are well-suited and comfortable throughout the day, I will make sure I pay you well for you extra work you are doing for me"

[JIHYO]"That's ok Mr. Wu, I will leave you if you need me just call, also Mr. Jung mentioned that he was looking for me earlier this morning concerning preparations?"

"It's been suited and I informed Dean so no need"

I leave Jihyo as she tends to my important business associates and partners as I walk toward's my goddaughter's family as I see her it bring's smiles to my face.

And my goddaughter who has grown up so much can't believe how much she has grown seeing her like that also dressed in black like her parents.

[what Evangline was wearing:]


Which brought a smile to my face as I hear the familiar nickname that only I would accept from her, she is running in my direction I lower myself waiting for the impact of her little body colliding with mine. The feeling of her little body in mine was really exhiliarting.


"Evangline, how is my goddaughter doing, you have grown up"

[EVANGLINE]"It's so high"

Hearing her laughter was really something unexpected right now.

[SEAN]"Bro, I am sorry to hear"

[JEN]"Duke told us that you have lost someone special and that our timing was something unexpected"

"Yeah, I was surprised"

[SEAN]"Are you sure it's ok for us to be here at this time?"

"Yeah no worries, it's ok, plus I might as well tell you before we walk in"


I turned and I see Luhan walking in our direction.

"What is it?"

[LUHAN]"Min-a has locked herself up in the room with Maesuk and Yoonho is crying Celine is trying to calm him down but it's not working all Yoonho is saying is 'appa', none of...."

Was all Luhan had said before I lowered Evangline down and yelled to Duke.

"Duke the Phelan's today, nothing else"

[DUKE]"Yes sir"

I ran off toward's the place Min-a would be as I see Dean in the room along with all the guests and noticing that Jihyo is also with him helping out which was really good as I see them I bowed at them as I walked into the room where I was expecting to see Min-a, as I opened the door I see that standing there was.

As soon as I walked in everything happened all at once Yoonho running toward's me with obvious sign of distress everyone talking at the same time it was giving me a headache, seeing Mrs. Yoon also showing distress as well and knowing her condition see all the guy's talking to each other. Finally not being able to contain the frustration and the headache bugging me also bothering me is thr crying Yoonho in my arm's.


Silence evaded the entire room which was really what I needed.

"I want everyone out, Chunji take Mrs. Yoon out and make sure that she is feeling ok, get some water for her"

[CHUNJI]"Yes sir"

"Baekhyun keep Chanyeol calm, Suho can you assist Celine, Celine"

[CELINE]"Kris, please make sure Min-a is ok"

I nod at her.

"Here take Yoonho with you ok, I need to be alone with Min-a"

[YOONHO]"Why can't I stay here with you...."

"Because I need to be with your umma alone for me to be able to make sure that she is ok, and I can't focus on umma if I am worried about you ok, go with noona ok?"

[YOONHO]"Ok appa"

Finally it was only me alone in the room with a wall blocking Min-a on the otherside along with Maesuk as well, I sighed a fainted breathe as I leaned against the door.


I called out but no sound came from the room or was it the sound of my beating heart. As I tried again and no sound with that my frustration building along with worry my fist gripping so tight, which was really hard. Before my anger took over me I hear something that caused every inch of my body to go alert.



Please Comment so it will help me if I am doing something write or need to fix something.

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Are friend of mine said that I should write something about people copying other's work/fic which is so wrong, hopefully no-one will copy my fic or write it in a way that it makes it like they originally wrote it themselves. NOT COOL PEOPLE.



[Characters:- 15888 Words:- 3708]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....