




In this chapter you will find out more about Celine Huang.



I wake up from a horrible nightmare covered in sweat, I look to see if Min-a was back I look at her bed which was still made like this morning, maybe she slepted at the orphanage. I found it hard to go back to sleep.


I wake again at a disturbing nightmare I had again was it a nightmare but this time the nightmare had Min-a involved in it. I couldn't go back to sleep I hate having nightmare's I haven't had a nightmare like that in along time not that its a regular thing for me but I tend to take it serious.


Where is Min-a class is in half an hour, I know Min-a never missed a class she was really detailed in everything she did, I better call her I was worried for her I grab my phone out of my pocket and I dial her number the tone was ringing it was so unusual Min-a always picks up her phone on the 2nd try something's not right. No answer I decide to call Yoon Gaeun.

"Yeboseyo, Yoon Gaeun speaking"

"Yeboseyo Yoon Gaeun sshii, this is Celine Huang a friend of Min-a's"

"Oh yeboseyo Celine, what can I do for you?"

"Uh Gaeun sshii, can you get Min-a on the phone I have been trying to call her class is going to start in half and hour?"

Silence on the other end of the phone.


"Sorry Celine she isnt here?"

Maybe this could be a misunderstanding maybe it was all in my head and I was reading to much into the nightmare I had but I couldn't help but feel something didn't add up.

"Gaeun sshii...."

"Ye Celine?"

"Can I talk to the boys?"

Moments later I hear rustling sounds on the other end and then I hear to cheerful voices through the phone.

"Yeboseyo noona..."

I hear the both calling out which was so adorable.

"Yoonho, where are you and Maesuk?"

"Noona we are in our room, waeyo noona?"

At least they weren't near prying people which was a good thing.

"I am going to hang up now and video call you ok, you know what to press"

"Ye noona"

I hang up and quickly video call Gaeun sshii's number and within second's I see the two cute boys that I grew attached to since knowing Min-a.


"Yeboseyo noona"

They both wave so cutely.

"Do you remember that secret hiding place that we hid at from Min-a noona?"

The boys start giggling and both nod.

"Ye noona"

"Well lets play again ok, you and Maesuk go and hide while Min-a noona starts counting ok?"

"Ye noona"

They start jumping up and down in excitement and I put a finger on my lip.

"Sshh or else noona will hear, take your bag with you ok

"Ye noona"

"Give back Gaeun sshii's phone back ok and then hide straight away ok"

I say not to make them worry they both nod Maesuk and Yoonho grab there little bags which had snacks in and change of clothes which they always had packed and they don't take video calling off and I see them running towards Gaeun sshii and give the phone back and I wave bye to Gaeun sshii I was just worried that's why I was doing this after knowing Min-a for over 2 years I know that there was something to be worried about. I look at the time and it was getting closer to class starting I call into the university and explain that Min-a and I have caught the flu and can't make it to class today which was fine. I call my dad in China who is a busy man but he answered my phone.

"Ni hao" [hello in chinese]

"Baba" [daddy in chinese]

"Whats wrong honey?"

"Baba you said I can call you for anything?"

"Yes what is it are you in trouble?"

"No baba but I am worried about my friend?"

"Oh honey have you had a nightmare..."

"She hasn't been home since yesterday, I am worried something has happened to her?"

"Honey I am on my way I will organise everything here and then I'll come?"

"I am worried about the kids at the orphanage she spends time there?"

"Honey dont worry I will make sure everythings ok?"

"Thank you baba"

"Anything for you"

"Wo ai ni baba" [i love you in chinese]

I hang up and I keep calling Min-a but no reply which was reallying worrying me more it's not a long trip from China to Seoul so dad should be here soon. I hang up on dad and I keep on calling Min-a but there was still no reply which was bothering me so much also making me worry as I try to trace my nightmare for any idea's what has happened or where my best friend is, it isn't a long trip from China to Seoul so dad should be here sooner then I want but I can't do anything about it.



My phone starts ringing I look at the time it wasnt early nor late but I wasn't needed in the office till later for a meeting with the board of directors.

"Hey what's up?"

"I need you?"

I look at the time it was morning. But what surprised me the most was why did Kris call me at this time and with the way he said that.

"Is everything ok, where are you I am on my way?"

"I am in Gangnam Public Hospital"

"What, are you hurt, I am on my way, did you want me to call the guys, your family?"

"No, Suho just come alone"

Kris hangs up without giving me an idea whats happened to him.


I look at my reflection.

and I look alright grabbed my things and keys and made my way to Gangnam Public Hospital worried about him. I might have to call the office to say that I cant make it depending on why Kris wanted me.


I parked up put my wallet, phone in my pocket and walked inside the hospital i adjusted my glasses.

"Hello I am here for my friend?"

"Yes whats your friends name?"

"Wu Yifan?"

"Sorry we don't have a paitent here name Wu Yifan I am sorry?"

"Oh that's ok maybe I'm at the wrong hospital"

I smile at the nurse at the desk. I walked out of the hospital to the clearing sun which was a nice contrast to what I was thinking, well I dialled Kris's number which was on speed dial.

"Hey Suho where are you?"

"I am here the nurse said there was no one here by the name of Wu Yifan?"

I hear Kris laughing which was annoying which I ingnored.

"Because I am not a paitent here in hospital, Suho-ah"


Awkward moment.

"Yeah, I will come out to you"

"Ok, I will wait for you out in front of the hospital"

"On my way"


I sit out on the picnic chair sipping on a hot coffee which I didn't have because I woke up and came straight here, I look behind covered eyes and I see the environment of the hospital here paitents and families coming and going it was a pleasure to see things like this. Moments later I look and I see one of my friends walking straight towards me looking more like he was in a fashion show then being here in the hospital.


I say Kris was still the oldest out of the lot of us not because of his age but his rankings between all of Kris had this aura about him.

"Here you look like you need it."

I give him the hot coffee that I got for him dark and straight like he likes it, he sits next to me I could see the faint lines near his eyes something must be bothering him if he is like this.

"Hyung what is it?"

Still straight faced like when he walked out of the hospital.

"Is your secret lover here in hospital?"

I say to ease the tension that was around us but it didn't work which was weird even though I am use to his silent and blanked out moments like this.

"You know that I don't have a relationship Suho"

"Ok, so what's up why are we here at the hospital at this time of the morning, is it your sister?"

"No of course not"

Still reclused like alway's which was frustrating.

"So what's up why did you want me?"

"I need you to stay here until I finish or when my sister comes?"

Oh that took me by surprise.

"Hyung who is here it must be someone special if you wanted me to stay here in your place and if its only me and your sister that knows?"

"No, its because of my sister that I am doing this?"

"Oh ok?"

"Are you sure I know that your busy as well Suho-ah?"

"Ani gwenchan-ha hyung I don't mind, how long are you going to be?"

"I am not sure but I will be quick, and Suho?"


"Don't say anything to anyone?"


I watch as Kris walks away he looked like he was on a mission I throw my cup into the bin and call in the office whilst I walk to the room that Kris wanted me to be for him whilst he was busy doing what he was doing I called the office to my assistant.


"Can you reschedule the meeting to another time, I am busy"


"Tell the directors that I am sorry something had come up"


"Thank you, call me if anything"


"If need be then I can conference with the board of directors where I am"


"Ok thank you"


I open the door and I see the name on the side 'Yoon Min-a' I open the door and I see a young women lying down with machines beeping at every direction and as I walked closer I see bandage on her head, her blanket covering her body her arms laid out on her sides which was also bandaged, who is this girl to Kris. I sit down and just looked at her, I hear her names out during her unconcious state.


"Good morning, where's the other gentlemen that was here?"

The doctor mentioned.

"He had to go out to attend to something I am his friend Kim Joonmyun you can call me Suho if you want to?"

"Nice to meet you"

"I was expecting to talk to your friend"

"Yes Wu Yifan"

"Yes thats his name that he left with us"

"I am sure he wont be long doctor unless there is something important that you need I can try calling him if you need him urgently?"

"No that's ok, I will wait"

The doctor was making his way out when the nurse had finished doing her thing.

"Doctor can I ask you something?"


"What happened?"

"She is lucky to still be alive with her injuries that she has sustained, that's all I can say sorry?"

"That's fine doctor"

The doctor leaves me alone with Yoon Min-a time passed and throughout I hear her out names, I couldn't help but be so curious about her she seemed familiar somehow but I didn't know why I didn't even know anyone by her name, I was busy checking my emails when I see her at the corner of my eye here suddenly sit up and grunting in pain and calling out the same names from before. I got up and laid her down to make her relax and the look in her eyes shook me I see her bright big eyes looking right up at me with innocence and fear in her eyes.

[End of SUHO'S POV]


I trust Suho that he won't mention any of this to our friends which I know that they will spit out the same questions that he did when he came, but I don't know why I was hiding the fact that I was worried about an unconcious stranger lying down peacefully in hospital, I couldn't shake the feeling the I was feeling for this unknown stranger who was suffering from injuries that anyone couldn't handle let alone a small women like herself, when I saw her drapped on my baby sister's grasp with the both of them in her pool of her blood made my insides boil with anger and hatered for my baby sister to have to experience something like this, and also for the beautiful stranger name 'Yoon Min-a' I don't know what it was inside me but I felt like I wanted to protect her which was a first for me only my family and my friends meant more to me then anything else and now this 'Yoon Min-a' was somehow on that list.


Here I am now outside the address that Krystal wanted me to come to, which was an old yet maintained building 'Mrs Yoon Gaeun Orphanage' I looked down at the book that I was holding which had the address on it, it was the right place, I opened the door and I see that the inside looked like the outside old, but what surprised me was the laughter and fun that was going on inside there were many kids playing and having fun which was really nice to see bringing me memories of my childhood having the pleasure to spend happy moments like this with my parents which these kids here in this orphanage never has the chance to.

"Hello can I help you?"

A young girl maybe a staff member stood in front of me.

"Sora come and attend to little Hani here please"

I look at the old lady talking with so much love in her eyes which looked so genuwine and I look at the Sora girl smiling brightly calling the little girl in an adorable way, whats happening to me why was I thinking like this and feeling in this way. Before I could understand whats going on with me,

"Excuse me"


"I am Yoon Gaeun, the owner of this orphanage, what can I do for you?"

Looking at the old lady in front of me she looked beautiful like the young women in the hospital I could see the wrinkles on her face which showed she's worked hard.

"Yes, my name is Wu Yifan, but Kris is what I am commonly known by"

I have my hand out and she grabs it and she shakes my hand with a firm but feminie grip.

"Nice to meet you, you look young to adopt any of the kids?"


"So what can I do for you?"

"I am here for a Yoon Min-a?"

The lady looked at me with curious eyes.

"You don't look like those guys that came here earlier looking for her?"

"Excuse me there were other guys looking for her?"

"Come with me to my office, Baek I am going to be in my office if you need me you know where I am..."

"Yes Miss Yoon Gaeun"

I follow Yoon Gaeun towards her office and I stand and I look at the kids here playing, singing, dancing, drawing, playing with toys that looked old.

"Its a beautiful sight isnt it?"

I nod and smiled and I followed her and I sat down on the seat opposite of her desk I look around at this basic but organised office and I watch as she sits down at the head of the desk which was a new feeling for me.

"So you are looking for Yoon Min-a?"

"What should I say?"

"Should I tell her that her daughter is in the hospital with my friend looking after her?"

"No I can't..."

"I need to know more about the other guys coming looking for her?"

"Yes I am, but you mentioned something earlier that there were others looking for her?"

"Yes there was there was 3 of them who came together, they looked nothing like you?"

"What do you mean if I may ask Miss Yoon Gaeun?"

"They didn't look gentle like you they looked like they were the wrong people or if you ask one of the kids mentioned 'scary' they gave me there card to call them?"

She gave me the card that they left which looked like a normal business card.

"Sorry to ask but did they say why they were looking for 'Yoon Min-a'?

Saying her name loud made me feel pride somehow which I ignored the feeling so I can focus in the situation.

"No they didn't say but they looked adamant to find her which has me worried?"

"What do you mean Miss Yoon Gaeun?"

"I think my daughter might be in danger"

She whispered afraid for anyone to hear, I could see her trembling with worry and fear which was what a mother would be like for there child I don't know what came over me I walked behind her and I kneeled in front of her and because of my height I was face to face of the aged women who looked weak in my eyes which was something I hate to see I leaned in and I hugged her and pat her shoulder to calm her down.

"Miss Yoon Gaeun?"


"Its going to be ok?"


"Can I ask you something else?"

I got up and looked down at her.


"Did those men ask you anything else?"

"No, but they were doing something weird?"

"What was that?"

"They were looking around the orphanage as if they were looking for someone?"

I feel anger in my body. Then the 2 names that she called out whilst she was unconcious came into my mind.

"Can I ask who is Maesuk and Yoonho?"

I see the aged women look at me she moved so fast just minutes ago she was a wreck and now she was standing looking determined and on fire I moved back worried somehow and then I calmed when I saw her smiling at me which I am not going to lie I froze on the spot from the sight.

"You must be a close friend of Min-a not many know about the 2 men in her life that means more to her then anything, come I will take you to them follow me"

What, I dont know Min-a she was more like a stranger to me we weren't even friends, I followed Gaeun-sshii walk inside a room which you could tell that it was a boys room with the wallpaper, the 2 beds were little and made I look at the little table that seperated the 2 beds and I see a frame I bend down and pick it up and I see a similiar picture like the one on the book that was tucked away in my jacket, I look at the beautiful picture I see 2 little boys that looked like they were 9 years old or maybe younger and a beautiful women in between the 2 her big bold eyes bright seeing her eye smile drawing me in like she was calling me.

"Thats a photo that they took when they boys surprised her with breakfast for her first day in university they were so happy for her, they love Min-a so much that it made it clear to me that no one could take the role of there family but Min-a"

I hear nothing but awe coming out of Gaeun sshii's voice which was touching. I looked at the memory made here in my large hands almost covering the frame.

"I wonder where the 2 boys are now?"

My ears pricked at that somehow I was worried. Then I spotted Gaeun-sshii take the frame off me and I felt different when she took it off me.

"What do you mean?"

She placed the frame back and then I see her take a paper which was hidden behind the frame which I didnt notice which was unlike me.

"They probably playing hide an seek with Celine"

I see that Gaeun-sshii was looking at the paper that I spotted I walked closer that it was obvious that it was the kids writing.


"Min-a's best friend, she goes to the same college as Min-a also majoring in medicine like her, she's pretty close with the 2 boys as well"



"Excuse me, Gaeun-sshii we need you downstairs Wooyoung has had an accident"

"Ok Baek I am on my way"

"Can I stay in here for a moment?"

"Of course Mr. Wu Yifan"

"Call me Kris, Miss Yoon Gaeun?"

"Ok Kris, call me Gaeun"

I nod at her just as she closed the door I grab my phone and I call.

"Hello Kris gege"


"Yeah whats up?"

"Do you know a Celine Huang?"

"Yeah what about her, she goes to the same university as me why?"

"I need you to look for her then call me ok"

"Why gege?"

"Call me I got to go?"

"Ok gege"

I dialled Tao.

"Gege, don't you know I am school, my phone will get taken off me...." []

"Sorry Tao, I need you to keep an eye on Krystal?"

"Always do gege, why?"

"Just keep an eye on her ok Tao?"

"Will do I gotta go before the teacher comes"

There is something about this that has me worried, I look around the room again and I know it is rude but I sat on the little bed and I looked at the many pictures on the wall of the three, and I spotted a couple with them with another lady maybe that was Celine Huang that Miss Gaeun spoke about well I get up and I walk downstairs to look for Miss Gaeun and thats when I see her attending to a little boy putting a band-aid on his cut which looked so touching.

"Miss Yoon Gaeun?"

She didn't look at me.


"Yes Kris"

"I got to go, if you need anything please don't hesitate to call me and if you get any unexpected visits from the men from earlier please call me if anything?"

"Thank you Kris"

I leave the orphanage and jump into my car and I make my way back to the hospital quickly stopping at the cafe to grab me a coffee needing a caffine fix after a long morning I couldn't stop thinking about 'Yoon Min-a' and why there was guy's looking for her, was that the reason why she was hurt that bad because of those men so much anger bursts inside of me I play music to calm down the anger inside me. My phone rings I look at the caller I.D and I grab the earpeice and put it in my ear and I answer.



"Celine Huang isn't here?"


"She didn't attend her class like her friend Min-a?"

"Luhan, what do you know about them?"



"Well I know Celine Huang from some of the classes we do together, Celine is best friends with Yoon Min-a she is also studying in Medicine like Celine and also studying in Law as well, they both a stuck together like glue, they also share an apartment with eachother as well?"




"Why do you want to know about Celine and Min-a?"

"No reason Luhan"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am sure, Luhan I need to go I got another call coming in?"

"Ok gege"

"Keep me posted if you find Celine ok Luhan"

"Ok gege only because your my friend I will do it thats all"

"Thank you Luhan"

I called my assistant.



"I need you to look into something for me?"


"No one is to know?"


"Here is the name I want you to find everything about this person, I want to know everything about this person I will give you time to look into it but I want everything by tommorrow morning afternoon the latest"


"Yoon Min-a"


"Keep me posted"


"I would really like the information tonight but tommorrow afternoon the latest Dean"


"Ok keep me posted"


"Send those files, I will be at Luhan's for a couple of hours but after that I will be at home?"


"Ok thank you Dean"

"Suho what's up?"

"She's awake, shes getting hysterical calling for a Maesuk and Yoonho"

I look at the picture that I took from the orphanage the picture of the 2 boys and the girl that I can't seem to get out of my head.

"Has the doctor's come in?"

"Yes they have they are waiting for you?"

"Ok I am on my way"

"Ok hyung"


I hang up and head off towards the hospital.

[End of KRIS'S POV]

You smell a familiar scent which you recognised instantly you were saved but your body was in experiencing such excruciating pain then it hits you like a ton of bricks of the events from last night that had occured to you, you open your eyes instantly you look to see that you were right you were in hospital room not familiar to you then you got up to quickly in pain amongst calling out.

"Maesuk-ah Yoonho-ah!!!! [grunting in pain]

Then you see someone softly push you down on your bed to lay back down you had watery eyes because you were worried about Maesuk and Yoonho more then anything and you were also scared that he might be one of the guys after you.

"I will get the nurse!"

The person said which made you worry more about Maesuk and Yoonho every minute you were here something could happen. What about Celine maybe you can call her but you didn't want her to get involved with all this crap that you are going through she was your best friend your only best friend but you were worried about Maesuk and Yoonho. You look at the nurse who was getting pain killers into you from the pain that you were feeling then you look at the handsome guy.

that was sitting down looking at the nurse giving you are view of his side profile he looked really handsome he was busy watching the nurse doing her thing he looked really handsome he didn't pull of the aura of evilness like the men from last night so you weren't worried and just as you were about to say something the door opens revealing the bright light and also a tall figure

Walking in if it wasn't for the drug working it's magic on you, you would have reacted but you couldn't help but look at the tall figure coming closer and you swore that you saw a bright light around him like he was an angel and that's when your eyes closed cause the drugs were now in your system making you feel no pain but also making you fall asleep.


I walk to the room like it was second nature and I open the door and thats when I see a nurse doing something, Suho sitting down like an obedient child I walk in and that's when everything around me stopped I see her looking at me with hazy but alert bright eyes with pain, innocence it was like she was reading me from the inside. It was like this moment belonged to only us two my body reacted in a strange but fufilling sensation that I havent felt at all and then I see her eyes start to droop.

"What's happened?"

"Hyung, they are giving her pain medication because she woke up in pain"

"Oh, ok"

"Hyung are you ok you look dazed?"

"I am ok Suho, when did she wake....."

We get interrupted by the door and in walks the doctor.

"Hello doctor"

Suho bows as the doctor walks in.


"Mr Wu"

The doctor held his hand out and I shook it.

"Call me Kris?"

"Kris take a seat"

We all sit down at the couch that was inside the room Suho was also sitting with me which was cool to have a friend in a situation like this,

"Kris, first of all we have given Miss Yoon Min-a some pain medication to ease her pain. Firstly Miss Yoon Min-a has sustained alot of injuries which is evident to be signs of her being beaten phyiscal, we have done a test thankfully her test came out negative, the injuries that Min-a has suffered were life threatening with the dangerous amount of blood lost from her injuries she has suffered thankfully she is going to be ok. First of Min-a's injury to her head was caused by either a blunt object or from a fall which has caused minor fracture to her skull which won't cause any damage to her brain so she should have no problems concerning memory loss which is a relief we have stitched her head wound and with time it should heal naturally, her facial injuries a just superficial wounds only consisting bruising and cuts which we have stitched and we will need to take the stitches out within 2-3 weeks at the most but with her jaw being out of place when she was admitted which we have placed back to normal but because of damage she has sustained and the long period of time we have had to use metal plates to keep it in place until the healing process which is around 3 to 6 weeks which we will want her back so I can check then if it's going accordingly then I can have the plates removed. Her wounds on her arms are also surperficial with bruising and cuts so she will be ok, her ribs were fractured badly that we had to also have it fixed with metal plates so her internal organs won't be pierced from the broken bones unfortunately they are permanent, her legs are also covered with brusing and cuts and because of the injuries she suffered like I mentioned with the dangerous amount of blood loss we had to do an emergency blood transfusion, Miss. Yoon may need to have counselling from the trauma she's had this is alot to take for someone so young, thankfully she has you, and her friends with her during this time."

Whoa she's been through alot.

"Thank you doctor for your hard work, so when will Min-a be discharged?"

"That/s what we need to discuss we have no records of Miss Yoon Min-a in the database we have no information of contacts for her and we need to have her family contacted and I am sorry this isn't the right time to say someone needs to pay...."

"Thats ok, I will take change of the paperwork and payment"

"Ok with that being said she can be discharged today unless she is cared for until she is able to move on her own?"

"Ok thank you doctor, doctor can I talk to you alone if thats ok?"

"Of course"

We both walked out of the room.

"What can I do for you Kris?"

"Has anyone come in to look for Min-a?"


"Can you please not say anything I am worried that the people that have hurt her may come and look for her?"

"Ok, do you know whats going on with Min-a?"

"No that's what I am trying to find out?"

"Kris who is she to you?"

I whispered to myself without the doctor hearing.

"That I don't know?"


I went back into the room and see Suho sitting down next to her, he looked at me.

"Thank you Suho I will take over from here?"



"Do you like her?"


[End of KRIS POV]


Should I go and get the boys or should I see dad first.

"Hello baba"

"Honey are you ok, we are in Seoul now?"

"Baba I am ok I will come to the airport with you?"

"Ok, honey are you sure you ok you sound like something is bothering you?"

"Baba I feel like I am being watched?"

"Come to me, what about your friend have you heard anything yet?"

"No baba, I am worried"

"What about her family?"

"Maesuk, Yoonho?"

I say without realising.

"Who are they?"

"They are 2 boys that are special to her?"

"Where are they?"

I looked around just out of precaution even though I am talking to dad in Chinese I was worried that I am being heard it felt like I was being followed and for that I don't know why.

"In there secret hiding place that only we know, the 2 boys myself and Min-a dad"

"Honey you must be worried if your speaking in french how far away are you from the airport?"

"Not far baba"

"Ok see you soon"

"Baba should I get them on my way to you?"

"How long have they been there?"

"For awhile baba?"

"It might be dangerous if someones following you is there anyone you trust that can go and get them?"

"I know someone but I don't know if the boys will go with him?"


"My friend baba"

"Ok, call him and when you come to get me then we will go from there"

"Ok baba"

"Honey can't wait to see you"

"Me to baba, baba I love you"

"Me to honey"

I locked my doors whilst driving I decided to call a friend that I made since being in University even though he is young and have skipped grades because of his brains and talent I dialled his number with his picture looking right at me.


"Hey Celine, how are you, I heard you missed class?"

"Oh my dongsaeng's worried about his noona [laughing]?"

"[laughing] yeah can't I be worried for my noona?"

"[laughing] I only missed class because I am getting my dad he's landed in Seoul for work so I am picking him up?"

"Omo whoa your dad is here"


"Can you do something for your noona?"

"Of course what is it noona?"

"I am going to text you are address can you go there and pick up my things for our class later and can you hold onto those until I come to you after picking up my dad from the airport?"

"Noona, why are you suddenly talking in chinese?"

"Because I want to, so can you get my things for me?"

"Yes noona"

"I will come to your house when I finish getting dad ok?"


I hanged up and continued my way to the airport with my eyes looking around justed in case, maybe I was my dad's daughter. Finally got to the airport and I see dad with his friends all dressed casually or should I say dad's team I run up to dad and I hug him tight with ease I felt safe to be in dads arms.

"Honey its going to be ok I am here?"

"I know dad, thank you?"

"Anything for my girl, you remember the guys"

"Hello uncles"

I hug them all like dad, we all walked together dad and I hand in hand which made me feel safe.


Thanks for reading

SORRY for taking to LONG to UPDATE I have been pretty busy

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Credits to rightful owners of images used in this chapter much appreciated.

[Characters:-24511 Words:-5964]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:- 22nd September 2015
Edited/ Re-read/ Font-Changed: 11th July 2016

Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....