






Re-Mentioned Characters: [with images for reminders]


Little Yoonho/Yoonho now:-[Yoogeun Jung]=in this fic.

Baby Maesuk/Maesuk now:-[Mason Moon]=in this fic.

Kim Baeksu:- [Song Joong Ki]

Kim Inguk:- Baeksu's older brother [Jinwook Lee] ch.13



[Mean while in The Cafeteria:]

Sitting in the cafeteria with the boys and Chunji who you seemed to get along with seeing him interact and smile along with the boys made you feel comfortable it seemed like Chunji really liked to be with kids which was a nice thing to see, but you couldn't help but be in shock with Chunji also coming with you and the boy's to the cafeteria which you were hoping to have alone time with the boys, but more for you to gather your thoughts. But it was actually nice as you were having a conversation with someone who seemed to be in your age group and then you had a lightbulb thought come to you.

"Uh Chunji-sshi"

[CHUNJI]"Yes Min-a sshii?"

You look at him and you smiled at him.

"Uh is it ok if I can use you phone, sorry I have losted mine?"

You say almost to fast.

[CHUNJI]"Sure here"

You watch as you see the phone slide into your hands, shocked at the expensive gadget.

"Thank you Chunji-sshii I just need to make a call?"

[CHUNJI]"That's ok, if you want I can keep an eye on the boys whilst you are making your call?"

You smile at the suggestion and you nod as you walk somewhere close by so you can keep an eye on the boys and also private enough for you to make the call, as you here the dial tone you wait paitently on the phone.


After making the call you walk back towards the boys and Chunji making sure that you didn't leave anything behind thankfully use to the phone because it was similiar to Celine's you finally take a seat and give the phone back to Chunji.

"Thank you Chunji-sshii"

[CHUNJI]"That's ok Min-a shii"

[MAESUK]"Umma, where did you go?"

"Oh mianheyo Maesuk-ah I was just over there I had to make a call"

[MAESUK]"Ok umma, I thought?"

"Oh Maesuk-ah come here, I promise that I won't leave you ok?"

You aide the crying Maesuk in your arms feeling his little body shaking against you making you break down mentally seeing how Maesuk was reacting was really hard to see you just held onto him not wanting him to feel like that.

[YOONHO]"Umma, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just Maesuk upset don't worry?"

You say not wanting to have Yoonho worry as well, you just watched as he was eating the snacks wholeheartedly as Maesuk clung into you.

"I am sorry Chunji-sshii?"

[CHUNJI]"That's ok Min-a sshii"

Saved by the bell you hear Chunji's phone vibrating.

[CHUNJI]"Yes, I will let Min-a sshii know Mr. Wu?"

You sighed with relief that it was Kris that had called you watched as Chunji was starting to clean up.

"Yoonho can you help Chunji-sshii while I clean up Maesuk?"

[YOONHO]"Ye umma"

You watched the Yoonho helping Chunji.

"Chunji-sshi, I am just going to the rest room with Maesuk, just to clean him up..."

[CHUNJI]"Ok, just finished clearing up, come on let's go?"

"Oh ok"

You say and as you all walk towards the rest room couldn't help but watch the many people who were staring at you, first when you were with Kris who you can say is undoubtly handsome in his own right, and now your walking with an equally handsome man thankfully reaching the rest room.

[CHUNJI]"We will wait for you out here?"

"Uh ok"


You and Maesuk stall as you were nearing the door and you see Maesuk looking at Yoonho it was like they were having a mental conversation with each other as you stood there wondering what they were saying but seconds later you both walk into the rest room and you reach for some towel's you wet them and lower to Maesuk's level and you washed his face seeing the redness on his face making you feel more guilt knowing that it had to do with your dissappearance that Maesuk was acting like this knowing with what happened to you also had an impact on him. Finally cleaning him up and wiping the bangs of his face you see him still looking sad which was heartwretching for you.


[MAESUK]"Mmm umma?"

"You know I get upset when I see you cry like that?"

You say as he hugged you again, you pick him up and hold onto him as you walked out knowing that Maesuk was softer and feels things that most kids his age have no idea about which made you worry about him at times. Anyways you walked out and see Yoonho playing with Chunji which was cute which reminded you off when Yoonho played along with Baekhyun which was just as sweet. Yoonho calling you which made you smile Maesuk clinging onto as you walked closer to them.

[CHUNJI]"Min-a sshii are you ok with Maesuk in your arms?"

"Yeah I am fine"

[YOONHO]"What about me umma?"

[CHUNJI]"I will carry you if that's ok with you Min-a sshii?"

"I am fine with it, plus Yoonho like's you?"

You watch as Chunji smiles at you and he lowers to Yoonho's level and hoisted the over excited boy in his arms and he smiles brightly.

[YOONHO]"Yay, Chunji hyung"

The four of you walking towards the room couldn't stop the stares from the nurses you saw earlier and looking from there faces it was clear that they had been told off about what they did earlier, noticing that the stares were now directed at Chunji and Yoonho in his arms which didn't help but you couldn't care less and walked along with Chunji clinging onto you which made you more aware that he wasn't ok, and also ignoring the tender pain that you were feeling. Finally reaching the room Chunji goes ahead of you and open's the door with Yoonho in his arms and open's the door for you and you walk in with Maesuk into the room and you see Kris standing looking outside whilst your mum was sleeping not realising how long you were gone, as you walked in Kris looks towards the four of you smile at him.



After what Gaeun-sshii mentioned earlier about my feeling's towards her daughter which I couldn't comprehend the sudden question that came from her with luck on my side before saying anything in come's Gaeun's doctor.

[DOCTOR]"Excuse me?"


[DOCTOR]"Mrs. Yoon how are you feeling?"

[GAEUN]"I am ok why?"

[DOCTOR]"Well it seem's that you may be overdoing it?"

"What do you mean?"

[DOCTOR]"I think Mrs. Yoon need's some rest, it's been a long day for her?"

"Ok, I will just call Chunji so Gaeun's family can come back and say bye before we leave"

[DOCTOR]"Ok, before making your call can I say something first?"

"Sure what is it?"

[GAEUN]"What is it doctor?"

[DOCTOR]"Mrs. Yoon it's concerning your time frame, most paitents are able to live with one kidney and go through life normally but in your case the stress you have been under has started to cause your healthy kidney to over-work it's self so it is a matter of urgency that you have a kidney transplant so your healthy kidney won't have to over-work it's self to the point of you losing both your kidney's?"

I look between Gaeun-sshii and her doctor I couldn't help but think about the possiblities of what Gaeun-sshii was thinking about before I could say anything.


[DOCTOR]"Yes Mrs. Yoon?"

[GAEUN]"What is the probablity of finding a donor?"

[DOCTOR]"I am sorry I can't say that it is high, that's why we need to get in contact with your family so we can test them and move on from there?"

[GAEUN]"Can you promise me something?"

Seeing the determined look in Gaeun's face it was evident where Min-a got the trait from and that was from Gaeun-sshii as she was questioning her doctor.

[GAEUN]"Can you not say anything about this to Min-a?"

I looked between paitent and doctor.

[DOCTOR]"Yes you have my word, I am sorry I need to do my rounds?"

[GAEUN]"Thank you doctor"

[DOCTOR]"Mrs. Yoon, Mr. Wu, you won't stay long?"

"No, we will leave as soon as Min-a and the boy's have bid goodbye"

I say and watch the doctor leaving me alone with Gaeun this time the atmosphere seemed a little tense I didn't know what to do or say right now, but I quickly called Chunji to ease the attention away from me, I look outside at the dim sunlight informing the length of time we have been here at the hospital which surprised me when I didn't think that we would be here for this long.

"Chunji, Mrs. Yoon need's to rest so it is ok if you can have Min-a and the boy's come up and say goodbye then we can leave?"

[CHUNJI]"Yes I will let Min-a sshii know Mr. Wu"

I hanged up and looked back outside as I waited for Min-a and the others to come I don't know how long I stood there.


I look at Gaeun-sshii seeing that she did look tired hoping that it wasn't my fault.

[GAEUN]"Promise me you won't say any of this to Min-a?"

I didn't reply not wanting to say what I want without causing a scene.


When Gaeun said 'please' I had no choice.

"You have my word"

I turn and stand motionless looking out at the movement outside before I knew it I hear movement behind me and not having to turn to find out who it was I knew it was Min-a from the warm feeling I had inside me right now I turned straightfaced and see Min-a holding onto Maesuk and she smiled at me which made me feel lighter I smiled back at Min-a and I couldn't help but feel jealous at the scene with Min-a with Maesuk in her arms and within moment's later Chunji comes in holding onto Yoonho who looked tired from the way he was in Chunji's arms.

[CHUNJI]"Mr. Wu, I am sorry if you had to wait?"

"No, that's ok Chunji"

I see Yoonho move when we spoke and he looked towards the bed.

[YOONHO]"Gaeun eomma is sleeping"

[MIN-A]"Yeah eomma, must be really tired come on go and kiss eomma then we will go so eomma can rest"


I watch Chunji loosen his grip of Yoonho as he lowered down and see Min-a also doing the same as both boy's walked into the direction of Gaeun.



You let go off Maesuk so he can go and say his goodbye to Gaeun eomma seeing her resting was something sort of beautiful seeing her so relaxed eased the tension you notice Kris looking at you more like staring at you which made you feel uncomfortable with his never-ending gaze, you also noticed that Maesuk seemed reclused which was worrying you none the less you see both boys standing on the chair on the side of the bed which looked so cute and what made it more cuter was when both boys kissed eomma's cheek hearing there soft voice.

[YOONHO]"Goodnight eomma, sweet dreams"

[MAESUK]"[mumbling/whispering] Love you eomma"

You couldn't hear what Maesuk said before both boys jump off the chair Maesuk ran towards you and you held out your arms for him and he closed the gap and you heaved him up ignoring the pain you hold Maesuk on your side where you weren't stiched up and you held your hand and hold onto Yoonho's hand.

[YOONHO]"Umma, your turn to say goodnight to eomma, Maesuk-ah"

Maesuk look's at Yoonho and he nodded which was weird he loosened his hold off you and you took that as a hint to let him go so you lowered him down and Maesuk stood next to Yoonho and you smiled at the scene seeing how adorable they looked at you and with the maturity coming from Yoonho was so sweet moment's like that you saw Yoonho as a great example of a 'hyung' to Maesuk. You walk towards Gaeun eomma you bend and kiss her forehead and you whispered.

"Eomma, sarangheyo"

You stand up and just look at how relaxed she looked and you smiled and walked towards the boy's knowing that Maesuk would want to be in your arms he was acting like the boy he was back at the orphanage which you worked hard for him not to feel like that.


[14yr old you, 3 yr old Maesuk]



You walk in still in your uniform.

You place your bag onto the desk where Gaeun eomma had called you from, you watch as Gaeun stood up.

"Anneyong eomma"


Gaeun eomma say's lovingly to you.

[GAEUN]"How was school?"

"The same"

[GAEUN]"Min-a we have a new kid here?"

"Oh jinja"

[GAEUN]"His name is Song Maesuk from what we have there is nothing about him from what we know from the doctor visit he is 2 years old, and he is so undernourished, he is also very shy, quiet more reclused then any of the other kids we have had here"

"Oh, what happened to him?"

[GAEUN]"We know nothing about him, he hasn't said a word at all, thanks to Inguk when he came this morning to go with his ritural morning jog with Baeksu/Baek this morning"

[BAEK]"Yeah we saw him in nothing but a ripped singlet and shorts barefoot and it was cold this morning, it looked like he hadn't eaten for days or maybe longer from the small frame of his"

You finish listening to what Gaeun eomma and Baek was saying and finally finishing you walk towards the main room and you notice all the kids in there playing they all rush towards you smiling and calling out to you as you feel all of the kids jump/ bunch around you, which made you laugh finally they all dispersed and play with what they were before you notice a kid alone at the corner which you guessed to be Maesuk as you walked closer you notice the small kid sitting down holding onto his knees like it was a wall more like a barrier avoiding everything around him. You walked closer and you sat down in front of him he looked like so cute with his bold eyes drawing you in.

"Hello my name is Min-a"

With that you couldn't help but notice the water in his eyes which didn't only draw you but the way he was looking at you he looked like a lost puppy which made your heart melt. From that day he was stuck to you like glue following you all over the orphanage as day's went passed he started to interact with the other kids as month's went passed he would start to eat food, and talk and as years went pass it was like he was another kid who still stuck to you but throughout those times he would clung onto you in your arms at times won't let go off you couldn't understand so you went with it and also him befriending Yoonho which was a good thing especially with you going to school seeing the two it was like they were brothers.

[End of Flashback:]

You knew with the way Maesuk was acting you knew that there was more going on within his little mind, as you all leave this time with Kris following with Maesuk still in your arms and Yoonho was holding onto your hand you were wondering why the boys were like this, not that it phased or bothered you knowing that you have a really special bond with both boys. You noticed that Yoonho was also feeling lefted out but he didn't say anything which was so like him you stopped which caused Yoonho to stop as well and if it wasn't for the quick reflex's you would have been certain that Kris would have knocked you over.

[KRIS]"Min-a are you ok?"

"Yeah, Maesuk is it alright if I could you put you down, umma is feeling really tired"

[MAESUK]"Ok umma"

You hear the reluctant voice of Maesuk bothering you but afterall he is 8 years old and you knew that Yoonho was bothered even though he maybe a year older then Maesuk he was afterall a kid himself and he would feel lefted out with moment's like this. Maesuk stood next to you and you kneeled.


You see the him looking at you, and you could see it etched on his face that he was also aware of the situation and if it was hard for Maesuk of course it would be hard for Yoonho, you open your arms and you were anxious if he was going to come to you and thankfully you see Yoonho running into your arms and you feel his little body in yours.



You feel his little limbs gripping onto you and feeling warm tears touching yours knowing that Yoonho was also hurting, making you heart warm at the sincerity and innocence of both boys and it was a first seeing Yoonho like this he always seemed like the strong one out of the two.

"Oh Yoonho, you can't hold it in like that"

[YOONHO]"But, Maesuk..."

"Oh, Yoonho-ah look at me"

You look at the tear eyed boy in front of you.

"You promise that you will come to me instead of holding it inside you, I know that it must be hard for you as well, especially with eomma being sick..."

He nods at you and you open your arms and he came into your arms and you held him tightly and then you see Maesuk looking at the both of you and you could see it in his eyes that he was also sad for his hyung also being in pain like him and you open your arms and he came into your arms and you held onto the most important things in your life and also your heart opening for the man behind you as well but you had other things to think about. 



As I walk along with Min-a who was holding onto Maesuk in her arms which was unfortunate knowing that Maesuk maybe an 8 year old kid he was small for his age but still a bit heavy for Min-a who was still in recovery with her injuries the blessing I guess that she had Maesuk on the side where she didn't have her stitches re-done, whereas Yoonho was holding onto Min-a's free hand the picture of the three like this was a sight that I wasn't going to forget that was for sure as we walk towards the exit noticing Maesuk leaning into her, his head was in her neck which was so sweet seeing the love that they share to busy in my thoughts I didn't notice that Min-a had stopped until I looked and saw her kneeling down I quickly stopped thanks to my quick reflexs. I watched the loving scene between her and Yoonho noticing that Yoonho wasn't as strong as he looks seeing Yoonho crying in her arms seeing Maesuk standing there with him also looking guilty which didn't surprise me at all knowing that he would have felt guilt that he was taking Min-a's attention from Yoonho. As I hear there little conversation I couldn't help but like I was invading there privacy so I stood there awkwardly I look down and I know that Min-a would be the perfect mother and any guy she was with would be lucky to be with her, I heated at that thought the thought of her being with another man was frustrating enough. I feel the cool chill of early evening creeping enough greatful that both boys had jackets on whereas Min-a and myself weren't so lucky. I watch Min-a stand up and I see her stretch a little thankfully both boys understood that Min-a was also sore from her activity so both boys held her hands.


She looked at me and smiled brightly.

[MIN-A]"I'm sorry Kris?"

"Don't be, come on it's a bit chilly"

She laughs which was a sound I don't hear often finally the four of us are at the car both Min-a help both boys at the back and both of us jump into the front seats I turn the heater on a little bit knowing that Min-a was cold because seeing her rub her arms.

"Ok let's go?"

[MIN-A]"Where are we going now?"

[YOONHO]"Hyung where are we going?"

"We are not that far"

Before I knew it I was parking up at the High Classed Mall that belonged to Tao's family as I was parking up seeing the valet coming towards me which was normal since this mall was where there V.I.P Customers who spend high dollar here which I should say that I am one of those customers I open the door as the valet was coming.

[VALET]"Mr. Wu"

I nod I open the door and help Yoonho out and I could see the Min-a looked reluctant to hop out but I looked at her and I nodded and she finally hopped out of the car and she was helping Maesuk as I closed the door I hand the valet a tip.

[VALET]"Thank you Mr. Wu"

"I am not sure how long we will be?"

[VALET]"That's fine Mr. Wu I will have your car out when your ready Mr. Wu"

"Is Tao here?"

[VALET]"Yes Mr. Wu, did you want me to call through?"

"No that's ok"

Yoonho was with me and as I watched my car be driven away.

[YOONHO]"Hyung where is that man taking your car?"

"Oh, he is just parking my car for me that's all Yoonho?"


I feel the chill but I brush it off as Yoonho and I walked hand in hand towards the entrance Min-a walking with Maesuk along with myself and Yoonho seeing her looking so vulnerable and innocent knowing that she was feeling out of her comfort zone.



As you were sitting in the passengers seat wondering where you were going next, with Kris not giving or saying anything about where you all were going but you noticed the grin on his face which troubled you and also giving you a rush of excitement, as you were looking out at the many people around before you knew it you felt the car stop and you look to see your destination and you were surprised to see that you were at a mall

Of some sort from the structure which looked really luxurious and kind of cool actually you sat still just looking and you see a costumer coming out looking well dressed and high fashion which made you feel a little out of place, you see Kris hopping out talking to a guy in uniform. You see Kris helping Yoonho out you felt so uncomfortable if it wasn't for the bright smile that Kris was giving you, you were certain that you would have stayed in place you helped Maesuk out and you held his hands as Kris and Yoonho were walking towards you after seeing Kris talking to Yoonho it was cute. Finally sighing with a deep breath Kris and Yoonho were next to you and you followed Kris towards the entrance not realising that you were holding your breathe. You walk inside and you felt so under dressed in what you were wearing as you looked around the mall from the entrance and it looked so grand. Seeing the many levels of many stores which looked so pristine.

[KRIS]"Come on lets go"

We just follow him on the first level pretty much had really high branded stores the first store we walk pass was.


Seeing the luxury bags and clothing you just look in awe Kris saw you looking as well.

[KRIS]"Come on let's go inside and have a look?"

"No that's ok?"

You say stuttering a bit not use to this you walked furthur on and you stopped in amazement.


You walk pass not wanting to hesitate to look not wanting to be more out of place then you already are you continued following Kris until he stopped in front of a store, you look and see a guy walking out who looked like he belonged here and also giving you are weird vibe.


[KRIS]"Why am I not surprised to see you here [laughing]"

You see the guy walking closer to you with his arm's full of bags looked like he just finished shopping.

As he was coming closer he seemed tall like Kris he was dressed which was really casual yet classy to you, you see him look at you and then what surprised you was when.

[YOONHO]"Oh Tao hyung"

You see Yoonho running towards the tall person you see Tao placing the bags down and he kneel down and before you knew it you see Yoonho in his arms.

[TAO]"Hey Yoonho-ah how are you?"


[TAO]"It's been awhile since I've seen you speaking of which..."

You see the tall person looking towards you and you couldn't help but notice that he looked young.

[TAO]"Maesuk, ain't you going to come and say hi to hyung?"

You see him doing some sort of aegyo which caught you off guard he looked so cute when he did that and then you see Maesuk let go of your hand and he had run towards him like Yoonho which was adorable and seeing him in his arms with Yoonho surprised with his strength. The three came closer to you with both boys holding onto his hands along with his shopping.

[TAO]"Hyung what are you doing here?"

[KRIS]"Coming to get some stuff"

You see Yoonho pull on his sleeve and watch as Yoonho whispered to Tao.

[TAO]"Anneyong haseyo Yoonho eomma Tao imnida"

He says cutely which made you blush.

"Anneyong hasyo Tao nice to meet you"

[KRIS]"Well much as I love to talk with you Tao, we need to get going?"

[YOONHO]"Can I stay with Tao hyung?"

You see a random guy dressed in a suit walking towards you, and you started to panic he stopped where you were all are and you were just trying to calm yourself well more like make it noticeable that you were panicing at the stanger.

[RANDOM GUY]"Zitao-sshii, would you like me to take your bags to your office or your car?"

You relax realising how stupid you may have looked you watch the guy taking the bags with him you were still standing in your spot not realising that Kris and the others were looking at you.

[KRIS]"Come on let's go"

You walk towards Kris and you notice that both boys including Tao were following behind you the boys were hanging out with Tao which was sweet but it made you think when did they meet him to be this close. Kris realising you staring at the three.

[KRIS]"Tao is a kid at heart, he is one of the maknae's in my group of my friends"

You listened and you continued walking then you heard.

[YOONHO]"Umma, we have a bag like that"

And that's when you realised what store you were walking passed.


You looked with amazement at another popular brand store seeing many k-idols wearng that brand alot which made you smile seeing both boys excited  which made you smile alot.

"Kris why are we here?"

[KRIS]"Didn't we plan on getting you are phone, since you lost your other one?"


[KRIS]"You thought I was joking? [laughing]"

[YOONHO]"Tao hyung can we get an ice-cream?"

[TAO]"Yeah, let's go and get some?"

[MAESUK]"What about umma and hyung?"

You were anxious un-sure about if you would be comfortable with the boys going alone with Tao Kris seeing your hesitation.

[KRIS]"Tao you know what will happen when you step out of the mall with the two boys?"

Hearing the authority in Kris's voice towards Tao was something that was familiar to you.

[KRIS]"Other then that unless it is ok with Min-a then it should be fine for you to take them Tao?"

"Maesuk, Yoonho you will listen to Tao-sshii?"

Seeing the way the boys were nodding cutely was to adorable.

"Ok, here you go"

As you were getting money to give to the boys to get their ice-cream.

[TAO]"No it's ok Min-a sshii, I will take care of it?"

"Oh ok"

You watch the three walk away which was so adorable reminding you when the boys were with Kris making you smile at the thought and the sight.

[KRIS]"You know that Tao loves those boys so much"

"So do the boys they really like your friends seeing there interaction with each of them is so sweet"

[KRIS]"[smiling brightly] come on let's go"

Kris grabs your hand and weaves his fingers between yours which made you blush and you see the corner of your eyes that Kris noticed your reaction and he smiles along as Kris's large hand leads you wherever he was intending to go making you feel so giddy it was like you were on a date which made you blush even more ignoring the stares that was coming from other patrons finally stopping thanks to Kris .

Kris lead you inside the store and you looked around at the many apple products which looked really expensive to you.


Before you could say something a person came to assisted you she looked you up and down with looks that gave you the creeps then she looked at Kris like she was going to eat him up which gave you a clear indication what she was thinking.

[LADY]"Can I help you?"

[KRIS]"I would like to get a new phone for myself and my girlfriend here"

You were surprised at what Kris said which made you blush as well.

[LADY]"Follow me"

[KRIS]"Thank you"

You just follow along with the lady in front of you and Kris and then just when you had enough surprises for one day you suddenly feel Kris's hot breath on your neck that's when you see that Kris was leaning next to you and he whispered.

[KRIS]"Sorry for putting you on the spot, but that girl is giving me the creeps"

You realised that it was nothing just the feel of Kris leaning into you which was nice considering you were cold before now you were feeling like you were burning up, and your competitive streak came in as you hear Kris voicing his concerns and you thought to yourself if this girl was making him uncomfortable you will make Kris feel comfortable if it is a show she wants why not give her one to watch and you decided that you would play on it.

[KRIS]"Min-a are you ok?"

Not realising that Kris was still talking to you with Kris leaning on you as you were both looking at the phones displayed in front of you with the girl looking on, you smiled at Kris and you tip toed at him leaning into him even more if that was possible as you whispered at him.

"Yes [in a sultry voice]"

You say in a different tone voice loud enough so the girl could hear you as well and you clung onto Kris's arm and smiled at him, you glance at the girl and you could see that she looked angry and also jealous which was funny.

[LADY]"Sir you mentioned that you wanted to get a new phone for yourself that's correct?"



I was feeling really energized maybe it was because of Min-a's hand in mine feeling like it was the most normal thing in the world having Min-a's hand in mine and leading her around, well finally reaching the store that I was wanting to go to I was going to get me a new phone anyways so why not use that as an excuse to get Min-a's phone as well which made me grin the next thing one of the employee's came towards myself and Min-a and just one look of her I knew that she was that kind of person she eyed Min-a like she was a bug which made me angry and from the look's from Min-a it looked like she was clueless which was so adorable seeing her fresh face and bright bold eyes was more beautiful then the girl in a tight uniform showing her curves and all that which would intice the male population but for me it was the opposite and also with the amount of make up she was wearing made her look like someone else.

[LADY]"Can I help you?"

I say the first thing that came to mind.

"I would like to get a new phone for myself and my girlfriend here"

I mentally facepalm myself how stupid I was to say 'girlfriend' when I knew that it wasn't ture considering the nice ring to it, I see the lady looking surprised but it didn't stop her we follow the lady Min-a next to me it was like I was leading her again I lean into her smell I brushed the beast inside of me and whispered to her.

"Sorry for putting you on the spot, but that girl is giving me the creeps"

I say that and she just looked straight ahead as if she wasn't listening if it wasn't for the soft heat of hers near me I would have thought I was talking to a ghost or toalking to myself which would look crazy in a place like this I kepted on talking to her as we were following the employee and yet there was nothing I ended up askeing her again if she was ok, now with the both of us stationed where the phones were displayed which was some of the newer brands and latest models I was looking between Min-a and the phones the feeling of her with me was relaxing me despite the look the employee was giving me I had a few ideas on which one I was going to get just as I was about to say something I feel the familiar hot breath near me giving me the chills

[MIN-A]"Yes [in a sultry voice]"

The way Min-a said 'yes' it did things to me that I haven't experienced before I couldn't help but close my eyes when she said that and the pictures that was coming to mind was somwthing that I never thought of before I felt really hot that I needed to have a long cold shower and just as I was trying to ease the intense feeling I was under right now I feel Min-a lean closer into me with her arm around mine and I looked at her and I see her smiling brightly at me seeing her like that sort of made it easier for me to calm down then I got interrupted by the employee asking me something but I didn't hear a single word she said and we were looking at the different models that she was showing none appealed to me but the way Min-a and I were shopping it was like we were shopping for rings which made me smile which the employee mistook that as confirmation.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

[LADY]"These are our iphone 5s range which come in the normal basic colours of black, white, we also have champagne colour, and also gold the range"

[LADY]"We also have our luxury gold range which is limited edition which is made with real gold, which you could have personalise?"

I look at the luxury gold range and they looked really to my taste.

Image result for gold iphonesImage result for gold iphones

I looked at the models which all looked really good but there was one that I wanted to get and I was thinking of getting coupled phones with Min-a which was high school of me but I didn't care, I already had an idea which one to get for the both of us but as I was about to say something my phone rings which I was going to change with after I get this one I looked at caller i.d and I see that it was Tao.


[TAO]"Where are you hyung, the boy's are starting to get upset?"

"What happened?"

[TAO]"They want Min-a-sshii?"

"You know she is a year younger then me?"

[TAO]"So she is my noona?"



"Hold up I will give the phone to her?"

I see Min-a looking at me clueless.

"Min-a here for you I will sort out things here ok?"


I hand the phone to her and I watch as she walked to the side which was sweet of her and I focused on our order and I finished paying which was a fair amount of money but it didn't phase me at all. I walk towards Min-a and usher her outside I could see the worry in her eyes.




cr. to rightful owners of images used in this chapter much appreciated.

[Characters:-27344 Words:-6306]


Re-read:- 12th October 2015

Re-read/Edited/Font-Change/Image-Changes:- 10th October 2016

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....