




Re-Mentioned Character:

Doctor Shim Wonbin:- House Visit Doctor.[ch.10]

New-Mentioned Character:

Nurse Kang Kyuhyun:- House Visit Intern Doctor.



You feel something soft touch you which caused you in an alarm for some reason you open your eyes and that's when you see the two teary boy's looking at you which was so sweet and sad that it was obvious that it was your fault that both Maesuk and Yoonho were looking at you teary eyed, Yoonho was being cuddled by a concerned Baekhyun which took you off guard considering you haven't or know the man so closely for him to look concerned at you, whereas Maesuk was teary eyed in Kris's arms making Maesuk look smaller then he appears and you look to where you felt the soft touch and that's when you realised it was Maesuk gripping onto your hand which was so sweet.


[YOONHO]"Umma, are you ok?"

I sat up with a little difficulty which surprised me.

[MR. LEE]"Mr. Wu, Mr. Shim is here with his assistant"

[DOCTOR WONBIN]"I apologise that we are late, Mr. Wu we just finished a house visit when you called earlier"

[KRIS]"That's ok"

You see Kris stand up whilst letting go off Maesuk who was still holding tight onto you which was so touching, hearing a new voice as you tried sitting up without trying to ignore the pain you were feeling and that's when you turn and see two men.

You couldn't help but look in awe men with one looking familiar to you in an instant remembering him coming with a lady that changed your bandages which made you automaticallly knew the reason why he is here, whereas the man next to him also looking handsome.

"Doctor Wonbin..."

You say with rememberance.

[WONBIN]"Morning Miss. Yoon"

Doctor Wonbin walked in your direction and then he paused in his step when he remembered.

[WONBIN]"Sorry, Miss. Yoon, Mr. Wu this is my fellow Doctor Kang Kyuhyun actually an intern he is with me today for my house visit's"

"Ok, nice to meet you Doctor Kang Khyuhyun"

[KYUHYUN]"Pleasure to meet you Miss. Yoon"

You notice Kris was sort of glaring which took you by surprise you would give anything to know what he was thinking.

"Uhm, why are you here?"

[WONBIN]"Got a call from Mr. Wu concerning your well-being and also with you having an accident"


Before you knew it both doctors were near you.

[WONBIN]"Miss. Yoon I will have Kyuhyun take over if that's ok?"

Looking at the fresh faced intern you couldn't help it but stare at him a little longer then normal because honestly he was handsome suprisingly even though he was handsome to you he couldn't compare to Kris which was an understatement if you should say so yourself. But that didn't stop you from looking at him plus with you being a Med Student at KNU you were certain og what the job entiles which you smile brightly towards Doctor Kyuhyun.

"No that's ok?"

[WONBIN]"Ok, Doctor Kyuhyun you have Miss. Yoon's permission, so go ahead"

[KYUHYUN]"Ok, Miss. Yoon I am going to check your vitals"

You are aware that you were laying on the couch that Kris had laid on earlier and you couldn't help but smell the faint scent of his lingering near you, you feel Kyuhyun help you sit up which cause you to grunt a little bit and you feel his hands on your shoulder, feeling his touch lightly on your bare skin which was warm but that feeling had been replaced with the cool yet familiar chill of his sethoscope on your back as he was checking your heart which thankfully was beating at a regular pace considering that you were blushing at the touch of a handsome man in front of you, noticing that Kris, Baekhyun, Yoonho and Maesuk we still in the lounge with you. You watched as he was filling out the information on your medical file.

[KYUHYUN]"It says in your file that you have undergone surgery which you had metal plates to your jaw, your ribcage on your right...."


You say to stop him remembering the two little boys who yet to know about that and not wanting to traumatize the two boys in any way.

[KYUHYUN]"Ok, I am going to need you to see how they are?"

You nod and you feel his warm hands touch your jaw and you couldn't help but blush at the touch and ruining the moment.

[YOONHO]"Baekhyun hyung what's wrong with umma?"

[BAEKHYUN]"What do you mean?"

[YOONHO]"Umma's cheeks is red like tomatoes?"

[BAEKHYUN]"Oh [laughing] don't worry Yoonho, your umma is ok"

Thankfully being interrupted by Kyuhyun.

[KYUHYUN]"It seems that your jaw is healing as scheduled, ok Miss. Yoon I need you to uh..."

Seeing the uncomfortable feeling that Kyuhyun was feeling which was understandable what he was asking you.

"Uhm, Maesuk-ah"

[MAESUK]"Ye Umma?"

"I need you to let go of my hand?"


"I need to use my hand"

Smiling at him not wanting to get him upset.


[BAEKHYUN]"Ye hyung?"

[KRIS]"Can you take the boys to the pool room while Min-a is still getting checked up?"


You noticed the look that Kris had given to Baekhyun well more like glaring at him and you noticed Baekhyun quickly nodded.

[BAEKHYUN]"Come on Yoonho-ah, Maesuk-ah let's go?"

[YOONHO]"Ok Baekhyunnie hyung"

You smiled at the nickname Yoonho had given to Baekhyun which was cute.

[MAESUK]"I want to stay with umma?"

You knew that Maesuk was not wanting to leave.


[MAESUK]"Ye umma?"

You look at the teary eye Maesuk who looked so adorable.

"Go with Baekhyung hyung, I won't be long ok, I will be ok just Doctor Kyuhyun and Doctor Wonbin need to check if I am ok?"

[MAESUK]"Can't I stay with you umma, you need someone to be here with you to keep an eye on Doctor Kyuhyun and Doctor Wonbin?"

You smile at the protectiveness that Maesuk had.

"I will be ok Maesuk-ah"

That's when you see Kris lower to Maesuk's level which was so cute Kris still looking taller somehow.

[KRIS]"It's ok Maesuk, you go with Baekhyun I will stay here ok?"

Maesuk looked between you and the doctors and then back at Kris and you saw him relax which was so sweet seeing the comradship that the two seemed to share for each other which was sweet.


And Kris stood up as Maesuk agreed and he did the most beautiful thing he came up to you and he caressed your cheek which was so touching to you.

[MAESUK]"Umma, are you sure?"

"Yeah go with Baekhyun and Yoonho, I will be fine"

[MAESUK]"Ok umma"

He leaned towards you and kissed your forehead which made your heart soften even more then he ran off towards Yoonho and Baekhyun and you couldn't help it you were so fortunate to have them with you, then just when you thought that wasn't cute enough you see him let go of Yoonho and he ran and he hugged Kris's legs which looked so cute, then he was off you couldn't help but see the look in Baekhyun's eyes which masked yours anyways.

[KYUHYUN]"Ok, Miss. Yoon is it ok if you could take your top off so I can remove the bandages and check your stitches?"


You started un-buttoning your top thankfully it was a blouse so it would be easy for you, as you were un-buttoning your blouse you couldn't help it but feel nervous being in the presense of 3 handsome male's in the same room as you, normally it wouldn't bother you but at this very moment it seemed to differ maybe you were so comfortable with Nurse Ahnjin who was here before or was it because of the 1 who you couldn't seem to get out of your head. Kris as you stalled in your movement Doctor Wonbin seemed to sense your that you were uncomfortable which was an understatement. It felt like you were being watched but there was one that you knew who it belonged to...

[WONBIN]"Miss. Yoon"


You stuttered which was obvious that you were uncomfortable.

[WONBIN]"Would you like myself and Mr. Wu to leave you alone with Kyuhyun?"

The way he said it made you blush mentally thank god but you knew that with the look Kris was giving you was more like dispair like he didn't want to leave you alone with Kyuhyun and also not wanting to dissappoint Maesuk.

"No that's ok"

You say and finally after what felt like forever you finally had loosen the top off you and feel the soft silk sliding off your body but before feeling the chill on your body you quickly covered yourself with your top which was the part you knew was only covered with a peice of material in that case your bra. That's when you noticed Kris back facing you which made you feel touched that he turned around giving you the same gentlemen feel of him, you feel warm fingers touch your skin feeling anxious, you feel Kyuhyun's fingers un-wrapping the bandage.

[KYUHYUN]"I am sorry if my hands a cold Miss. Yoon"

"No that's ok"

You say determined.

[KYUHYUN]"Doctor Wonbin"


[KYUHYUN]"From the amount of blood that I am seeing on the bandage it may look like Miss. Yoon's stitches may have bursted?"

Moment's later Doctor Wonbin was next to Kyuhyun which was twice as embarrassing for you, finally feeling the remainder of the bandage off you and you feel the chill on you thankfully you had bathe earlier, suddenly Wonbin was in charge.

[WONBIN]"Ok, Miss. Yoon Doctor Kyuhyun is correct your accident that you had this morning has caused your stitches to burst in this case your stitches need to be re-done, it is up to you if you would like myself to re-do the stitches here or we can take you to the hospital and have your doctor do them himself?"

"No that's ok you can do them Doctor Wonbin"

[WONBIN]"Ok, Mr. Wu?"


[WONBIN]"Is there somewhere a place where we can do this procedure for Miss. Yoon without ruining your furniture?"

[KRIS]"It's ok you can do it here it's alright?"

"Do I need to lie down for you to re-do my stitches, or are you able to do the procedure as I am?"

You say as you recall your training you had in KNU .

[WONBIN]"It will be more comfortable if you are lying down as I re-stiched your wound's instead of how we are situatued right now"

[KRIS]"Ok, Lee, can you go in my room and replace the bedding so Doctor Wonbin can continue on which the procedure catering to all parties involved"

You watch as Mr. Lee had made his way towards Kris's room and do what was ask of him it was nice seeing Kris take over like this it made him more manlier then he already was in your eyes and not to add to the face that it kind of turned you on which you obviously tried to cover the blush that was evident from your train of thoughts, just as you were about to say something you see Mr. Lee walking downstairs which was either fast on his account or slow on your account.

[MR. LEE]"Mr. Wu preparations have been made"

[KRIS]"Ok, can you just let Baekhyun know without the boys knowing that we will be in the room ok"

[MR. LEE]"Yes Mr. Wu?"

Seeing Kris acting like that it gave you are picture of what a boyfriend would do for there girlfriend which surprised your thoughts at why you were thinking like this. Just as you were getting yourself upright.

[WONBIN]"Ok, Miss. Yoon are you ready?"


Just as you were sitting up and Doctor Wonbin was going to help you up you notice Kris walking towards you could do anything Kris was standing so close to you, you could feel his warmth as you were laying/ sitting on the couch as you were trying to control yourself suddenly you feel the intense heat rising as you try to calm you over beating heart as you realise you were not just feeling like you could touch the sky you were high because you were in Kris's arms you as you feel his forearm on your and the other under your knee's confirming the reason for the intensity of heat around you, the feeling of Kris's bare skin on your back was giving you a rush which you tried to hide from him, Kris shimmied abit causing you to lean furthur into his chest feeling his strength against you.

[KRIS]"Ok, just follow me"




I couldn't hold it in any longer seeing the interaction of Min-a with the two doctors not that it should bother me but seeing her talking with other men rubbed me the wrong way, and as I watched as Doctor Kyuhyun touching Min-a was making it worst seeing his fingers gazing on her skin and also seeing a light blush coming from Min-a not helping the situation. Normally seeing her do that with me knowing that she is just as innocent as she looks which was the reason I was holding back but seeing the scene in front of me was causing me to tame that obvious anger and jealousy inside of me, and when it came to Doctor Kyuhyun also being shy I knew that I had to stand in and do something and thankfully because I knew that Doctor Wonbin was older then myself and Min-a which didn't bother me but with Doctor Kyuhyun looking to be in Min-a's age group which bothered me. When Doctor Wonbin needed somewhere to take care of Min-a's stitches which I expected when I noticed it when placing her on the couch earlier before ringing the doctor to come to the house but didn't want to worry the boys, the whole scene was hard to watch and also adding to the torment was when Min-a was slowly un-buttoning her blouse I had no choice but to turn around not for her but for myself as well knowing that it was uncomfortable for her seeing how she was acting just as she was on her second button I turned around to hide my evident reaction to the skin she was showing even though I had a clear view before with her in her top she was wearing and when we were in Greece it still was wrong for me to enjoy the show. Finally hearing Doctor Kyuhyun talk I turned around and just as I thought before was hard enough now I was looking at the temptation in front of me with Min-a laying on the couch modestly her black top covering her but still seeing a hint of her collarbone which was just as tempting, and then I see Kyuhyun starting to un-wrap the bandages which was making me heat up with anger that he was doing that to her and then seeing that her stitches had bursted and seeing her blood trail on parts of her stitches making me feel anger somehow. Now walking towards Min-a not wanting either doctor to hold her which made me grin I walked towards her and lowered myself so I could easily lifted her up I weave one arm on her back the feeling of her softness against my arm was heating me up that's for sure but I brushed it off and my other arm under her knee's as I slowly and softly lifted her up she was so light in my arms, I noticed the same blush that she had before now for me which was a success anyways I carried her up to my room followed by the two doctors obviously noticing them looking at me with Min-a but I didn't care it was like I was staking my claim on Min-a which I was wanting to do right now, well I laid her gently on my bed I couldn't help but feel my blood boil when I did that to her as I lowered her down I moved from her side still seeing the evident blush on her making me smile down at her.

"You will be ok"

[MIN-A]"Thank you Kris"

"No worries, did you want me to stay with you while Doctor Wonbin work's on your stitches?"

She looked at me and I could see the freight in her eyes which was so adorable and making me want to be there for her.

"I will be right here ok"

She nodded at me innocently making her look younger then she was I stood up and I see the two doctors standing at the entrance of my room noticing that it was my room because of the furniture and interior and also with the large bed that made Min-a appear like a little kid on my bed.

"Is it ok if I am in here while your changing Min-a's stitches?"

[WONBIN]"Yes that is fine, Mr. Wu, I just need somewhere where I can wash my hands before I start?"

"Of course if you see that door right there is the en-suite you can go there is there anything else you need?"

[WONBIN]"No that's ok, Kyuhyun can you get the tools organised?"


I watched as Wonbin went into the bathroom and he left the door open which didn't phase me at all whilst Kyuhyun was placing a tray on the bedside table and he was getting all the tools ready which looked like he was going to operate on Min-a. Before I knew it Wonbin walks in with gloves on and all that which looked so real I looked in Min-a's direction and I could see that she a hint of freight in her eyes but also determination along with that I stand near Min-a holding her hand like it was second nature to me and watched as Wonbin was with his tools taking the old stitches off and replacing it with new stitches before I knew it, I was finished and Kyuhyun was bandaging her up again.

[WONBIN]"Ok, that's all done, Miss. Yoon I want you to not do anything that could cause your stitches to burst again. That includes heavy lifting no chores for the next 6 weeks and then we will come and check on you again or you can come to the hospital?"

[MIN-A]"Thank you Doctor Wonbin, Doctor Kyuhyun"

[KYUNHYUN]"Thank you Miss. Yoon"

[WONBIN]"Look after youself, Mr. Wu here is Miss. Yoon's prescription for pain medication if she need's it, also can I talk to you privately?"

"Of course, Min-a are you ok do you need anything?"

[MIN-A]"I am ok"

I leave Min-a alone in my room with Kyuhyun and Wonbin standing with me at the top of the stairs.

"What can I do for you Doctor Wonbin?"

[WONBIN]"The fall that Min-a had sustained did something happen earlier?"

"Not that I could think off we were all having breakfast and then suddenly I see her falling to a heap at the table which caused her to hit the corner but I stopped her fall before she was going to fall on the ground?"

[WONBIN]"Looking at Kyuhyun's results on Miss. Yoon's chart it dosen't show anything medically that could cause Miss. Yoon to act in that way?"

"I sort of guessed that, but I will keep an eye on her?"

[WONBIN]"Ok, so we won't see you any earlier then the 6 weeks?"

"Cross my fingers?"

We walked to the top of the stairs and that's when I see Lee.

"Lee can you Doctor Wonbin and Doctor Kyuhyun, and let Baekhyun and the boys now that we are finished"

[LEE]"Yes Mr. Wu"


I opened my wallet and gave Wonbin and Kyuhyun a check for there services.

[WONBIN]"Oh there is no need Mr. Wu?"

"No take it"

I gave it to them and I walked back to my room and I see that the two doctor's eventually lefted as I walked inside my room and that's when I see Min-a trying to sit up but seeing the pain evident in her eyes which was expected that she didn't have any pain relief whilst being stitched up. I walked closer to her and I helped her up.

"Min-a what are you trying to do?"

[MIN-A]"Just trying to sit up so I can put my top on then go downstairs before the boys come running up I don't want them to see me like this"

"Let me help you?"

[MIN-A]"No that's ok?"

"Let me"

I can see that she was going to say no to me again so I took the top from the bottom of the bed and I ignored her attempts on doing it herself and I slided the top on her and even though the man inside me was wanting to do something else I brushed it off because I know that it wasn't right for me. I started to button her up ignoring the her attempts and obviously noticing the hint of her red cheeks which made me grin that she wasn't the only one effected with what I am doing.

[BAEKHYUN]"The boys..."

Which caught my attention and looking at the way I was with Min-a it would look like we were doing something else.

"Come on let me help you up, can you walk?"


Hearing her whisper well I helped her and she was standing next to me.

"Lean on me whilst we walk downstairs, and Baekhyun finish off what you were saying"

I say to act like nothing happened not wanting Baekhyun to see that I was troublled and also frustrated with the way he came in the room.

[BAEKHYUN]"Oh the boy's are looking for you guys but Mr. Lee already mentioned that you were up here?"

"Ok we are coming down, Min-a are you ok do you need pain medication?"

[MIN-A]"No I am ok"

The three of us walk downstairs with Baekhyun leading the way as soon as we got to the bottom I quickly stopped the boys from boulding Min-a over.

"Maesuk, Yoonho you have to be careful when you hug Min-a?"

The two boys nodded at me which was cool well anyways I place Min-a back on the couch where she was before and both boys sat down next to her.

"Min-a of you need anything call Lee ok, I will be in the office with Baekhyun?"


"And when we finish we will go and see your mum ok, and get your phone?"

I leave without hearing her answer and both Baekhyun and I walk towards my office and we both sit down and that's when Baekhyun voiced everything out and hearing his version with him being in the room when the men had grabbed Chaneyol and his assistant.

"So you knew who took Chanyeol and his assistant?"

[BAEKHYUN]"Yeah there was a group of me who came in all dressed in like army kind of gear and some in suits, one of the guy's name was Changmin"


[BAEKHYUN]"Yeah they said that Chanyeol's dad was the reason why they were there and seeing Chanyeol acting like that was different?"

"What do you mean?"

[BAEKHYUN]"When we see you act in the office Chanyeollie was like that but more intense?"

"Ok, what else happened?"

[BAEKHYUN]"Then one of the army guys I think his name was Kenzo had taken me to my car it was so fast one minute I was in Chanyeol's office and the next I was at my car, and then Kenzo told me to drive out"

I lean back in my chair part of me wasn't worried because if the team was his dad's then that should be ok, but I was worried as well just in case it wasn't.

"What did Changmin look like?"


"Ok don't wory we will figure it out, go and apologise to Chen though?"


"You were a pain to him when you went to his club?"

[BAEKHYUN]"Ok hyung, what about you is there something you want to say?"


[BAEKHYUN]"You and Min-a?"

"What is there to talk about?"

[BAEKHYUN]"You like her?"

Hearing Baekhyun say that was it obvious, but I kepted my facade on and just sat there looking at him.

[BAEKHYUN]"I take that as a stop talking while I am ahead?"

"How did you know [laughing]"

[BAEKHYUN]"Ok I better go I have to go to work?"

"Speaking of which I need to organise things at work?"

[BAEKHYUN]"Yeah cause your going to be spending the day playing happy families"

"Go now before I do something that I will regret"

I watched Baekhyun leave whilst laughing knowing he was like that was expected I call in the company to my C.O informing him.

"Take over the operations for the day I am busy if there is anything urgent call me a.s.a.p, that includes the contracts from the Sterling Project?"

[CO]Yes sir, but where is your assistant?"

"He is on leave for the birth of his child I will organise someone a.s.a.p"

[CO]"That's ok Sir I will take care of operations for today and I will pass urgent cases to you"


I hanged up and I closed my eyes for a moment just to rest for a moment.






cr. to rightful owners of images used in this chapter and throughout this fic so far man wouldn't do it without yall ^_^ [bow's 90%'s]

[Characters:-19068 Words:-4331]


Looking at this gif image of Baekhyun hugging Kris it's so cute part of me thinks it's like Baekhyun knew all a long which obviously is not right it's just me.

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

Re-read/Font-Change/Edited:-10th October 2016

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....