




[New Mentioned Character's:]

[Lee Jihoon]

Yongnam:- Chanyeol's Assistant [He may play a significant part in this fic but may not as well, and thought it would be cool to have a face to the name which make's it more easier then explaining what they look like]

THIS CHAPTER IS MORE WITH CHANYEOL AND HIS FAMILY (as the day that Mr. and Mrs. Park will never forget...)


Another busy day here at the office with the ongoing flow of paperwork coming through I stand to stretch as I look out at the view from my office and look out.

The surprise of the darkness shining through seeing the bright light's, skyscraper's and companies of my fellow competitor's and my friend's seeing the bustling movements from the view from my office it made me wonder that I use to be like those people moving around having fun with friend's which I had no time for in a short time since taking the reign's off my father who seemed more recluse since me being here working in the company.


I was in my office like I was almost everyday, looking through some file's and I get interrupted by movement which took my concertration I see Yongnam standing near my desk with a straightfaced demenor which at time was frustrating not being able to interpert him especially on what he was thinking.

"Yongnam what can I do for you?"

"Mr. Park I know that you wanted me to hold all appointment's, and to have no distruption's"

"Yes and here you are Yongnam unless it is urgent I really need to get back to these file's and making sure everything is up to standard's before our meeting with oversea's client's first thing tommorrow morning"

"I understand sir, but there is someone who want's to see you and he won't leave"

"Who is it?"

"Mr. Byun, Mr. Park he refuses to leave"

"Did you say that I was busy Yongnam"

"Yes Mr. Park, but he won't leave and also it seem's like its important"

I look at Yongnam who didn't falter it was a first that he acted this way alway's seeming to listen to me and leave at once but here he was still standing here in front of me.

"Ok send Mr. Byun in"

I say without hesitation as I close the file I was working with right now as I stand up to welcome the person who came to see me considering that I wasn't in the mood I still was the face of this company and also the C.E.O and I had apart to play as I look I see a familiar shiloutte walking through the office door's and for a millisecond I mentally facepalmed myself seeing my bestfriend walking in

Walking through the doo'rs with his sunglasses still on which was unlike him especially inside, I walked toward's him and suddenly he comes and hug's me which was a first as I was hugging him back shocked at the display of affection Baekhyun was known about amongst our group of friend's not being shy about skinship with the guy's or anyone in that matter not that my bestfriend was a player or anything but he seemed to be more emotional about everything and seeing the way he was right now there was something that was bothering him.


"Yes Mr. Park?"

"Can you please get Mr. Byun an Iced Americano"

"Yes Mr. Park did you want me to bring you are Latte?"

"Yes please Yongnam and can you make sure that there is no interruption's at all whilst you have gone to get our coffee's?"

"Yes Mr. Park I will have the floor locked down and I will inform the receptionist downstair's not to send anyone upstair's whilst I am out of the building"

"Yes thank you Yongnam"

I watched my assistant leave with my card in tow and as he walk's through the elevator which come's to my office as soon as the door's closed I kneel down at my bestfriend who was shaking.

"Hey Baekhyunnie whats wrong is everything ok, has something happened"

I watch as he is still shaking terribly which was worrying me more seeing my bestfriend like this which was a rare occasion.

"Hey tell me what is it, are you hurt?"

Still no reaction from Baekhyun which wasn't making it any easier for me making me come up with plans on what to do next.

"Don't make me call your mum, you know I will if you don't tell me what's wrong?"

Still my bestfriend not moving if it wasn't for the obvious sign's of him breathing I would have thought it was a fragment of my imagination.

"Byun Baekhyun!"

I spoke to him in a louder and firm tone which seemed to work and I see Baekhyun move slightly I sat next to him still wondering what was wrong with my friend to be acting this way, knowing Baekhyun for as long as I can remember I knew that Baekhyun hardly acted in this way unless something bad had happened.


The way he said my name sounded like he was tired or had cried, who made my bestfriend cry like this made me angry and that I wanted to do something to that person who made him like this.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I am scared?"

"Eh, what is it?"

I look at my shorter best friend lifting his face to look at me and he removed his sunglasses and I saw his eye's were red looked like he had been crying and also with the dark circle in his eye's it was obvious the lack of sleep.

"What is it?"

"I am worried?"

I was curious to why Baekhyun was worried and scared the Baekhyun I know was always so happy go with the flow kind of guy and at times was a troublemaker Baekhyun never took things to seriously unless when he was working with his company.

"Baekhyunnie tell me what is troublling you is it work, is it girl problem's?"

Seeing Baekhyun sitting in silence which in my case was a record with his loud personality which made us two become fast friends.

"I am scared?"

"What is it?"

"I have this feeling that something will happen to you Chanyeollie?"

Seeing my bestfriend like this was more worrying for me and also seeing how much he cares was also something that made me lucky to have a friend like Baekhyun suddenly I felt like I should be comforting him and honestly I didn't get what he meant and what would happen to me.

"Hey everything will be ok Baekhyunnie"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am sure I promise"

The next I see Baekhyun's hand out getting ready to do our promise shake which was kind of funny but weird and also doing it in the office with clear view of Yongnam not to far away, we both spit in our own hand's then we shake each other's hand and seal it with a rock.

[End of Flashback:]

As I looked out at the view I couldn't help but think about that time when the unexpected visit from Baekhyun with his voice going on in my head.

['I have this feeling that something is going to happen to you Chanyeollie']

Still ringing in my mind for awhile like a broken record alot of thing's has been going weird first with Baekhyun's unexpected visit, work still be demanding which was working for me to not dwell on thing's that were bothersome, at home the same dad still out of the house which was a common thing only coming home for dinner and he was back in his office and we never see him until breakfast time, lately these last few day's he's been coming out of his office looking like he hasn't slepted which made me wonder what dad was doing to make him like that. Was that the reason why I was taking over the company for a short time frame because of his demanding and secretive schedule, mum was also acting differently it seemed to be a pattern last year the same time frame as now the roles are different,


[Last Year: 2013-8-5]



I call out as I was walking downstairs as I was putting on my jacket, I see mum who looked like she had been crying which made me sad, which was weird last week she was normal mum always busy in the kitchen preparing meal's always smiling singing and soon as a new week come's she seemed so down and sad which was bothersome but what was more surprising was that every year from the time I could understand what was going on mum would alway's be sad and at night's I would hear her crying which was hard to hear making it hard for me to go to sleep. I wondered why mum was alway's like this including dad he never lefted his office and at time's when I walked pass his office I could hear faint crying which was also unusual of dad to show his emotion's like that from all these year's of knowing dad he wasn't the type to show his emotion's at all in public or at home and lately hearing him crying was also hard for me. Every year at the same time, the same week both my parents would act like that.


Mum calls me again breaking my train of thought I look at mum.


"Son where are you going?"

"Just going to hang out with the guy's?"

"You be careful ok?"

"I am just with the guy's mum?"

"Please Chanyeol, you will be careful?"

"Yes mum"

Like always mum would come up to me and hug me tightly like she was scared that I wasn't going to come back which I never understood, every year the same time the same week mum would alway's act so clingy with me and if I was going out during that time she would alway's ask me the same questions and always ending with a gripping hug from mum which at first was something I looked forward to when I was little but now at the age of 20 the hug's seemed to feel more deeper then when I took it as a little kid the hug seemed to have more meaning to it which I couldn't understand even to this day.

"Call home if anything I want you home before night fall"

"Yes mum"

And as always dad will be upstairs watching the two of us downstairs as I leave which seemed to be a pattern I wonder what was troublling mum and dad for them to always act like this every year.

[End of Flashback:]

As those day's were getting closer I couldn't help but think about the last few year's, something didn't add up and now was the time that I needed to do something about it, I look out at the night life underneath me close down my laptop turning the light's off in my office  before looking at the mirror.

Looking at myself in the reflection still looking alright one would think that I didn't do any work at all, I finish closing everything making sure my office looked in order then locking the door armed with my thing's and leaving the office with some of my urgent paperwork and walk downstairs to the carpark, I jump into my car and I make my way home now is the time to hit up mum and dad and discuss why they alway's acted the way they were every year for the last 7 year's where I could understand that something wasn't right between the two of them.



I walk into the nursey room that still looked the same bringing back memorie's of my babies who spent the most of there live's in this room, I look at the half painted room have blue and half pink.

With touches of personal touches for the two twin's with there name's CHANYEOL and MINA painted elegantly which brought memories of when I was decorating the nursery when I was expecting the bundle of joy's as I walked towards the wall and touched there name's, and the furniture bringing a tear to my eye with the invading memories that wouldn't go away having this room still in its glory after that day this room was never used again with the memories still haunting me to this day, reason's behind Channie not knowing about this room because I knew that with Channie being older and wiser and more independant I know that the second he find's out about this room the question's would come out pouring out and all honesty my heart couldn't bear to relive those tragic memories that I have kepted locked within my heart for so long, with this room being a place that I would alway's come when I needed an outlet and time to myself away from reality which tend to be alot with the coming day's of the anniversary of Min-a's dissappearance I touch the little bracelet that once adorned my daughter's little arm's when she was with us now having in on a larger chain for me to wear I touch it lightly feeling that familiar warmth I alway's felt when I was with her, I wonder what kind of young women she would be like deep inside of me I knew that she was still alive but also apart of me was certain that she could have.....



['I need to get out of my office']

Was what I was thinking being here for so many day's weeks straight with no rest still following lead's for cases that was piled on my desk which was making my workload more busier then usual which would cause more concern's for my family, with my son Chanyeol taking over the reign's at Park Corp. and from my trustee still keeping tab's in the company saying that since Chanyeol has taken over in a short time he has up sale's within our department's in the company which made me so proud and happy for Chanyeol. Looking back at my life and relationship with Chanyeol I was guilty with alot of thing's not having the time of day for my son which made me feel sad always so busy on a mission in finding his sister, and also feeling guilty with my relationship with my wife knowing that it was also hard on her yet I didn't console her with my mind so occupied in finding our daughter as I look at the photo frame of our current family photo I couldn't help but smile at the memory of us taking this photo.


For all day's to be behind schedule it had to be today, knowing my wife she wouldn't be happy if I was late for our family photo which had been scheduled for month's in advanced, also not clashing with Chanyeol's schedule with school and extra curricular activities. I see my assistant walking in looking frazzled.

"Hold the board of director's meeting, Changmin"

"Yes sir, but you have you 10 o'clock here?"

"I thought I told you to postproned the morning schedule, with the family photo Changmin"

"I am sorry Mr. Park I thought I had rescheduled but your client informed and said that his secretary didn't inform him with the change's and he is scheduled to leave the country?"

I look at my watch and I look at the time, I see that I have enough time.

"Ok send him in"

I speak with my client for half an hour if I leave straight away I should make it at the house with minutes to spare. I drive towards the house fighting the traffic which was not what I expected constantly looking at my watch with each minute going pass was each minute that I needed. Finally reaching the house I look at my watch yet again to see that I was a few minutes late. I was getting ready for a grilling that would get from my wife I walked in and I see that my son was walking downstairs in a white suit looking dashing, forgetting that we were getting new set of family photos taken today.




Chanyeol smiling brightly which would wash anyones thoughts away reminding me of Min-a's smile which made my heart melt.

"Honey you are here?"

"Sorry traffic was crazy"

"Thats ok Channie is doing just fine with his shots"

We watched Chanyeol standing there straightfaced whilst the camera was clicking along like a photoshoot which I was use to with my wife being particular in all areas of our lives which was refreshing to see. Moments like this made me proud being a young parent. Seeing Chanyeol grow into a strong young man who is very thoughtful and gentle like his mother. Who would have thought that a 17 year old girl and 18 year old boy would have raised a son like Chanyeol who is spitting image of my younger self at that age seeing 18 year old Chanyeol made me feel guilt not spending time with him to create that strong father and son bond that many have. With me wanting to look for my daughter suddenly I was pushed towards the room with my wife leading the charge with a suit in hand to get changed into. I look at m reflection.

What I was wearing was pristing and fine more casual then the loud kind of suit that Chanyeol was wearing, I walked downstairs welcomed by the crew and I see Chanyeol also waiting.


"Ok Father and Son will do shots together and then I will have Mrs. Park also joining in for Mother and Son shots then will have Mr. Park and Mrs. Park doing Husband and Wife shots then finishing with Family shots"


It was weird at first having father and son time, as the day was going I watched the interaction of Chanyeol and his mum together seeing the personality of Chanyeol being from his mum which was intoxicating seeing them both laughing and smiling. I was already prepared for the next shot in the suit that was more my taste simple but dominating. Seeing the last shot of mother and son laughing was a frame that I wanted for myself having it blown up in my office looking like a happy family.


The three of us together which was refreshing and nice feeling.

[End of Flashback:]

Looking at the photo I walk out of my office at home and walk the path that I could in my sleep and I walk and I see that the door was ajar which was a surprise for me and as I edged closer and that's when I hear a familiar cry and thats when I realise that my wife was in the nursery hearing her faint crying was heartwretching I walked in to the room seeing that furniture and everything still in its place I walk to my wife who was standing leaning on our daughter's crib I walk behind her and back hug her feeling her against me was something that I alway's got when I was with my wife feeling that little shiver's from her. I consoled my wife knowing that she was still dealing with alot she turned and faced me and hugged me tight which was just as heartwrenching.

"Darling I promised that I will find our daughter"

She didn't reply but it was evident that she grew tired of waiting for me.


I hear movement and I look and that's when I see something that took me off guard.





Meryljill much appreciated for Subscribing ^_^

As you can see Baekhyun has made an appearance having some BAEKYEOL moment....


Here is some of my favourite BAEKYEOL moments......


[Characters:-15503 Words:-3612]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-24th September 2015

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-20th July 2016
Font Changed: 13th December 2017

[Including the change's of Image's which I had to change either because the broken URL or the concept was different when I re-read the chapter] Sorry but thank's.

#From Chapter 21 to #Chapter 23 [this chapter and ongoing I am using my brother's laptop because my one is evidently stuffed up and I am so guttered look's like I need a NEW ONE haha.... I will most likely Write when I use a different computer when I can but all good's I am pretty much in editing stage's right now so I can get my head back into the story which I had before and been so long since I have updated hence the reason why I AM EDITING SO FAR sorry y'all]

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....