





[Italic]:- Thoughts

[re-mentioned characters/mentioned characters:] + [images:- just to remind you what they look like for the characters that I dont constantly have images usedarrow-10x10.png compared to the others eg. Kris]

Ken:- Head of Security for Kris and his family [Zo Insung]










Celine:- Your best friend.

And also a reminder of what you look like [kekeke]



"Is the food to your liking?"

You smile at him.

"Yes the food is really really good"

You both kepted eating in silence the only sound was the clinky of cutlery which was used and the odd moans you were making from the mouthwatering food the atmosphere was like those that you have heard from some of your friends from uni when they were talking about moments like this which you had to say was more then words also not helping the situation the company was also in a league of its own, whilst you were eating you still couldn't help but think about Yoonho and Maesuk the two smiling and laughing which was really hard for you, you felt something stuck in your throat and it was clear that you were going to cry for them in guilt that you were here in a beautiful home, with a beautiful stranger eating the most gorgeous food and yet you didn't know if they were ok you were so worried about them, especially if they were safe and sound but as you try to think of the positives you couldn't help it suddenly thinking of the negatives especially with living the life as some would say.

"Min-a are you ok, are you in pain, is there anything you need?"

You could feel the tears starting to glisten in your eyes, you needed to get up and walk out of here with your mind and body working together for once like before you knew what was happening you were standing up and the next you feel a familiar warmth around you and you could see behind faint view that it was Kris holding on to you it was like he was comforting you which was really touching.


He called out for Lee, in a worried voice and all that which was clear in his voice that he was worried about you.

"Lee can you get Doctor Jungshik on the phone now, Min-a I am going to carry you to your room"

The next you could feel his strong heartbeat against you and the smooth sounds of his breathing caressing the top of your head whilst you were resting on his chest which so soft yet hard and with the feeling of you being in his grasp at a high point it was like you were floating on clouds but besides the moment of relaxation and peace you couldn't help but think about the two boys still feeling the imense guilt inside you at the fact that you were feeling and experiencing things like this without them the feeling of safety and love which you yourslef haven't had the pleasure even though have felt loved from your orphanage family it wasn't the type of love you were experiencing right now which was glorious and beautiful but you know that both Maesuk and Yoonho should also have this opportunity as well. The next you were being place on your bed and Kris was now talking to Doctor on the phone leaving you to juggle your thoughts you needed to get in contact with Celine and find out about Yoonho and Maesuk hoping that they weren't in trouble from the men that got you 4 days ago just imagining what kind of dangers they could be experiencing if anything was to happen to them you couldn't forgive yourself, if you experience was something to think about they could do that to the two innocent little boys who would be broken and you won't forgive yourself if they were to experience that kind of danger because of you.

[20 minutes later:]

Still feeling emotional about the boys also mixed in with the physical pain coming from your head, jaw, chest, knees which was masking the inner emotion of the boys.

[10 minutes later:]

Mr. Lee comes walking into your room with a tray which had your medication and water which was what you needed right now, but the medication won't stop the pain from your heart of thought's about Maesuk and Yoonho. You smiled at Mr. Lee, you couldnt help it but Mr. Lee had this comfortable vibe which reminded you of what a hal-abeoji [grandfather] would feel.

"Here you go Miss Yoon, this is just your medication that you need to take?"

"Thank you Mr. Lee"

You reach for the glass of water and medication and you took it and within minutes you felt relaxed and no physical pain, but it didn't stop the pain of your family and friends being worried about you and feeling the vibe with Mr. Lee you couldn't help it but open up to him.

"Mr. Lee"

"Yes Miss Yoon"

"Please call me Min-a"

"Mis... Min-a"

"Mr. Lee can I ask you a question?"

"Sure thing?"

"The medicine you have given me?"

"Pain medication"

"It dosen't seem to be working?"

"Is the pain from your injuries isnt the medication working for you, do I need to get Master Wu to explain to the doctor?"

"No that's ok Mr. Lee but the pain from my injuries are beareable but I don't think thats the pain I am feeling Mr. Lee?"

You see Mr. Lee change from the straightfaced man you got use to seeing with not seeing much of a reaction from him which you assumed was normal, and now you see him more soft faced like he could understand the pain that you were feeling which was a good thing for you so you felt more relaxed to tell him without him thinking that you were weird.

"Dear what kind of pain are you in?"

"I don't know what it is Mr. Lee, even though I am use to this kind of pain but right now the pain seems to be more hurting it's like a huge part of me is missing, it is like my heart is longing for something?"

"Oh dear, there is no medication for that kind of pain, can I ask the reason why your feeling that way?"

You sat there obviously listening to Mr. Lee and he was right there was no medication that could help you with this kind of pain after experiencing it for so long with the thought of longing for you family which was always apart of you, but the feeling now of longing for Yoonho, Maesuk, Celine and Gaeun eomma even though you called her ahjumma for the most of your life but you always thought of her as a mother figure to you after what you have experienced these last few days you couldn't help but regret not calling her eomma, or telling her how much you love her and how much she means to you. Even though you tell the boys all the time that you love them and how much you cared for them you just wished you could say it more, you were so worried about them making you want to break at this very moment with the inner battle inside you fought the tears that were waiting not want to make Mr. Lee uncomfortable you could see that he was looking at you.

"Thank you Mr. Lee for listening to me"

"No worries dear, I will let you rest with your medication that you have taken you must be getting sleepy?"

"Yes Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee"

You call out to him.


"I want to say thank you for really looking after me it means alot"

You started to feel emotionally when you said that to Mr. Lee you couldn't help it you could see that Mr. Lee looked grateful as well.

"Your welcome"

"Mr. Lee"

You whispered trying to stay awake but you couldn't help but think about what you have always wanted to do when you had the chance with the little girl inside you, because of you whispering to him Mr. Lee leaned closer to you and you closed the gap and you pecked him on his forehead you have always wanted to do this to your real hal-abeoji if you had ever the chance to meet him and with this moment the vibe that you felt with Mr. Lee you couldn't help it you could also see him soften at the action which was nice of you to see that he didn't feel uncomfortable. He leaves you and that's when you noticed that Kris was standing there at the door you couldn't help it but just when you thought he was handsome in what he was wearing earlier when you woke up seeing him in a suit, well you stand corrected there he was standing there he couldn't be more handsome his devilish hairstyle which looked like he roughly brushed through with his hand, his tee fitting him so tight showing the broadness of his shoulders and the v-neck cut you could see some skin and you felt so warm with the sight that was for sure, the looseness of the tee you couldn't help it but picture what perfection would look like underneath, his sweats showing his never-ending height which seemed to amaze you. But his eyes was what was the most beautiful thing you have seen considering moments before that you were feeling like you were going to fall to sleep in a milli-second looking at Kris in front of you right now you were wide awake.



Whilst I was on the phone talking to Doctor Jungshik about what Min-a is going through more in his words.

"Mr. Wu that is normal most paitents with similar injuries who have been bed-ridden in a short time frame basically the body is trying to get function correctly, so don't worry Mr. Wu all you have to do is just to give her the required dosage of pain medication and everything will be fine"

"Thank you Doctor Jungshik?"

"So I have looked at her results from the home visit that Doctor Wonbin conducted the other day and so far from what I see here is the Miss Yoon is healing at normal rate there is no infection from the stitching which is also a success, her blood results came back in and so far everything is normal. So you are doing a good job making her comfortable"

"Thank you Doctor, I better go"

I hang up the phone Lee was going to give her medication whilst I jump in the shower I needed to cool down right now after the close proximity of Min-a right now I needed to cool down still smelling her on my clothes which was also making it difficult for me.

[Half an Hour later:]

I jump out of the cool shower which helped obviously and I got changed into comfortable clothing.


Which was comfortable I dried my hair and walked out of my room and walked towards Min-a's room and that's when I overheard the conversation going on in her room it was obvious that she was talking to Lee hearing her talk to Lee was nice and also I was feeling a little jealous wishing that she would tell me what she is feeling but it was obvious that she need time and I needed to earn her trust which was clear that it would be difficult for her. Hearing them talking I felt like I was eavesdropping on them which I couldnt help it though.

"It dosen't seem to be working?"

"Is the pain from your injuries isnt the medication working for you, do I need to get Master Wu to explain to the doctor?"

Was the medication not working for her.

"No that's ok Mr. Lee but the pain from my injuries are beareable but I don't think thats the pain I am feeling Mr. Lee?"

"Dear what kind of pain are you in?"

"I don't know what it is Mr. Lee, even though I am use to this kind of pain but right now the pain seems to be more hurting its like a huge part of me is missing, it is like my heart is longing for something?"

I had a fair idea what she was thinking about and I could not imagine the pain she is feeling right now.

"Oh dear, there is no medication for that kind of pain, can I ask the reason why your feeling that way?"

"Mr. Lee, can you please not mention any of this to Mr. Wu?"

Silent I couldn't hear anything I was wondering what Lee was saying or doing because I know that if I asked I would like to know what he would say or if he would tell me at all.

"Thank you Mr. Lee for listening to me"

"No worries dear, I will let you rest with your medication that you have taken you must be getting sleepy?"

"Yes Mr. Lee"

I decided that it was the best time to go in not making it obvious that I had just listened to some of there conversation.

"Mr. Lee"


"I want to say thank you for really looking after me it means alot"

I could hear her voice start to falter which was really touching but I also felt a little jealous that she was thanking Lee when I was also there to help her. Before I could do anything I was just rooted to where I was standing at the door of her room surprisingly they didn't notice that I was standing there which was also luck because it would be unmistakeable to not see me but they were in the moment which was really sweet it was also a nice feeling to see Min-a sharing with Mr. Lee it was another form of trust and plus with Mr. Lee be part of my family for so long, he didn't have the opportunity to have children of his own as he always thought that his place was where he was and with me and Krystal being his children which was kind of cool, him being a widow at a young age and he is been like this since the loss of his love with no children.

"Your welcome"

Then just when the scene couldn't be more sweet.

"Mr. Lee [whispering]"

Seeing and hearing Min-a whisper to Mr. Lee I see Mr. Lee lean closer to hear her which it was the opposite for me because it was like I could hear her clearly like she was next to me, and I see that as Mr. Lee was leaning towards her she closes the gap between the two and I see her kiss his forehead which was really touching and also feeling this unusual feeling of fire and anger was I jealous I gotta say yes I was really jealous. I see Mr. Lee straighten up and I could tell from his mannerisms that he was shocked by the kiss from Min-a and it was more clear when after he bowed formally to her and turned to leave and seeing the look in his eyes it was kind of funny.

"Master Wu?"

I smiled at him and he left me and I was still rooted in the same spot whilst I was standing there I could feel a strong feeling like I was being looked at and I was right I looked right at Min-a and she was looking at me so intensly which was what I was trying not to show that it was kind of a feeling that I was a show dog and it was kind of uncomfortable yet also comfortable maybe because it was her but still I couldn't help but look at her it was like she was looking deeper inside of me.

"How are you feeling?"

I say to her breaking the intense feeling radiationing within me and to break the little tension and also I could feel that my legs were ready to function as I walked towards her bed and no matter how many times I see her or come close to her I always had the same feeling like its the first time I was meeting her, the butterflies, the rush, the heat which I was holding inside still thinking that she is also vulnerable at the moment. I walk to sit on the chair near her bed she smiled at me as I was walking closer to her and I couldn't help it but feel light at the action which surprised me all the time something so small and simple making me feel like this, as I was sitting on the chair she faces me but just when I thought I was use to her and know almost everything about her she decides to throw a curve ball she pats the space between her and the end of the bed which was obvious that she wanted me to sit on the bed with her laying down like I have done before whilst she was sleeping which was ok, but seeing her calling for me like that the man inside of me was ready to pounce if it wasn't for the fact that she was badly injuried and also with the innocent look she was radiating I don't know what I would have done that was for sure. I smiled at her and I sit in the space that she just had her hand on I was taming the beast inside of me and sat there as I sat the bed dipped with the added weight and with the her body was now closer to me the feel of her next to me was enticing. I looked down at her she was looking at me I could see that she was fighting her sleep.

"Mr. Wu...."

She calls me which was a first but it felt weird her calling me like that but the other part was sort of happy because the ways she said it in a whisper sleepy moan which the man inside of me was thinking in another way, well I looked at her.

"Call me Kris"

I say also wanting to hear here call my name.


She said in the same tone which gave me chills which I held inside I was having an inner battle with myself, I could see that she was trying to think what to say next but I decided to wait.


She calls my name and this time she places her hand on my arm which was on my leg her warm touch against my bare arm. I looked at her hiding the shock inside.

"I want to thank you for everything"

I see that her eyes were getting watery.

"It means alot to me"

I see a tear drop which I automatically reached to wipe the tear away the feeling of her soft cheeks against my palm felt so normal to me.

"No need to thank me, Min-a I will be here for you"

I say which was so foreign to me but also felt so right as well I feel her grip on my arm which was a shock and uncomfortable feeling and when I looked back at her I could see it in her eyes [sadness, guilt, heartache, fear] which I knew that it had to do with her family and friends and also the fear that she would have from her being beaten and with me having a fair idea what has happened but who, I have yet to know.

"Min-a are you ok?"

She looks at me with watery eyes which made me ache inside, I touch her cheek like it was normal thing to do.

"What is it?"

"No that's ok?"


"Thank you, it means alot for you to say that Kris"

"Thats ok, if you need anything you can tell me?"

She smiles brightly at me which was so weird how she could quickly change like that but it was obvious that she wasn't ready yet which was understandable.



Her hand on my arm eased the tension which was both a relief and also grabbing my attention that she was going to ask for something I dont know how I know but it was just a feeling.

"Can you.... stay here?"

She says which took me by surprise and I wasnt surprised that she would have seen my reflection.

"If you feel... uncomfortable... thats ok.... its... just that... I... am... scared...."

And thats when I see the fear in her eyes which I saw a hint of that earlier when she was having her little moment of doubt which I could not imagine what I would do in her shoes, but seeing that look in her eyes right now it made me feel so angry and that I wanted to protect her at all costs.

"Of course I will stay here with you Min-a"

She looked like a loss puppy but she smiled slightly.

"Thank you...."

She started to close her eyes with her hand still on my arm which was relaxing and soft I couldn't help but look at her sleeping she looked so relaxed and calm where as moments before she was so fearful, loss, sad I reached to move the bangs of hair out of her way the softness of the strands of her hair against my fingers I just gazed at her I looked at the time it was pretty late and it has been a long and eventful day I waited until she was in a deep sleep then I hear my phone buzz I was surprised who would be calling me at this time of the night it was either important or not.


"Mr. Wu?"

The voice was so familiar that I knew who it was and questions in my head going crazy.

"Seungho whats happened?"

"Just giving you an update"

"Ok hit me"

"First, the orphanage has been wired with a security system which has been wired so we can have scope of the area within the orphanage and also at are mile radius outside the orphanage the system is also have been installed into automatic 24 hour footage and also with the software being installed so we can get the alerts for anything out of the norm. Second, the staff and children are ok with the safety measures that we have taken but its also difficult not to make it noticeable with the changes just in case it becomes obvious. Third, the activity of many people coming through the orphanage with the potential of adoption its causing Mrs. Yoon to worry because the activity not being this active since the orphanage operating. Lastly the vehicles that has been stationed here since we have been also there are another 2 cars that are stationed here within a one mile radius that we have the security system, I have Mrs. Yoon trying to keep an eye on the activity and to see if the same 2 men that she explained to you have come and so far nothing. What would you have us do sir?"

"Well I want you to keep an eye out on the safety of yourself and Chunji and also everyone else, keep me posted. I don't want to send any more men to you because it will make it obvious to those that are stationed there, but keep me posted no matter the time ok I will talk to Ken about what to do next as he may have an idea on what the next step we could take"

"Ok sir will do"

"Thank you Seungho keep me posted ok and look after yourself as well"

I was worried about the possiblities of them being in danger I needed to figure out why this was happening especially at the orphanage why are they being targeted like this especially for a non-govermental funding project basically everybody there being innocent not have any criminal activity from the information that I have seen which shouldn't cause any alarms to anyone making it more unusual for this to happen, maybe I need to ask Dean to get a hold of his friend or maybe I might need to meet with Mr. Park but I didn't know what to do all I know was that I was going to protect my family and friends and make sure that nothing happens to them including the women in front of me. I was so busy on the phone that I didn't realise that Min-a's head was on my legs I was in an uncomfortable position my back facing the door and me facing her with her head on my leg I needed to re-adjust my position so I can be comfortable, so I gently moved her head and leaned my back on the headboard contemplating if I should put her head back on my legs or back on the pillow and I thought to myself that it be best that I place her head back on the pillow as I laid her gently on the pillow her arms gripped my arms causing my attention to look at my arm I could feel her nails biting into my skin I looked at her and thats when I noticed that she was having a nightmare. I ignored the sting on my arm I shrugged out of her grip and grabbed her and had held her more closer to me with my arm around her body trying the best I could to comfort her but I gotta admit that it was also comfortable for me but I couldn't help but think that what I was doing something wrong. She started to calm down which was a relief I was starting to get tired before I knew it my eyes were starting to droop.



I watch as another day wears down I look at the two boys who I wouldn't leave there side since hearing about the reason why they are with me making it more clear that the boys were mature enough despite there age. The nights have been rough with the constant dreams that I have of Min-a being beaten and bloody and that was it, I hated having dreams like this because since I was little it has become stronger and more apparent that I couldn't help do anything about trying to ignore the dreams that I have.


In China.

5 year old:


I get woken up by my mum.


"Honey who were you talking to?"


"Oh honey, Nana has been gone for along time honey?"

"But mum, nana is standing right there?"

I point next to me where I can see nana smiling at me.

6 year old:

Mum takes me to the park and I see alot of people at the park I play in the sandpit with other kids, when I see a scary man standing behind the girl that I was with in the sandpit.


I yell scared of the man, I see mum running to me.

"Honey what is it, are you hurt?"

"No, mum but there is a scary man over there?"

I point where the girl is and I can see mum looking at the same direction.

"Mum he is right there?"

"Honey there is no one there?"

[later that night:]

"Goodnight honey, sweet dreams"

"Goodnight mum"

I close my eyes and I see that little girl from the sandpit I go towards her and start playing with her like I did at the park, playing then I see that same man behind her more scary then at the park then I see the man pull out a knife and the girls head is in front of me the man laughing scaring me.

"Honey wake up its just a nightmare"

"Mum [crying]"

"Honey its ok, I heard you screaming, dont worry honey its a dream"


"Oh honey its ok like mum said its just a nightmare baba is here"

"Baba I am scared [crying]"

Dad holding me in his arms.

"Mama I saw that girl"


I heard dad asking mum.

"Celine played with one of the girls at the park"

"Oh has my Celine made a new friend?"

Dad trying to calm me down.

"Baba, you have to find her?"

"Why Celine?"

I start crying.

"The scary man cut her baba"

"Honey don't cry?"

[Days after that nightmare:]

Mum and I were at home watching the news and I saw the girl from the park.

"Mum look the girl from the park"

I called out to mum I was eating my breakfast whilst mum was making my lunch for school. The next thing the t.v. is off.


"No honey go and play with your toys, I will call your father ok?"

"Ok mum"

I went in my room to play with my toys, I was getting tired playing I reach for my plushie and I blanky and fall asleep. Then I wake up hearing dad's voice.

[the conversation:]


"Honey how was your day?"

"Did you watch the news?"


"Do you remember Celine's nightmare about the girl that she met at the park yesterday?"


"On the news it showed her"


"And from what Celine mentioned about the little girl being cut, from what was on the news the police found a body of the little girl with her head being cut off more like hacked off and the little girl was the girl that Celine had meet yesterday at the park honey"

[end of conversation:]

[End of Flashback:]

Since then I have been having Dreams/Nightmares like that with different people making my childhood really difficult not having many friends and travelling between France, China and America and with the many Nightmares that I have had about 8 un-solved murders and 10 solved murders that have been because of my Nightmares which was a blessing in disguise praying that they would stop travelling with my family around the three countries thankfully now that I have been in Seoul for the last 5 years coming here when I was 16 years old the Nightmares not been happening since schooling here in Seoul and meeting my best friend and only true friend Min-a no one knowing about that just when I thought it was over last week having a Nightmare of Celine being beaten and bloody scarying me avoiding it not thinking that it would happen so going to University and Min-a was still with me and then days after the Nightmare and days before today she is now missing not sure what's happened to her which was the reason why I called my dad to help me. And the other evening having the same Nightmare but more intense it was like the blood was on my hands making me more upset as each day has gone passed and worrying about her hoping that my Nightmare was just a Nightmare and Min-a will be ok. I watch the two boys sleeping peacefully making things more relaxing and making my decision that I will take the boys to see Luhan dongsaeng and Kris hoping that they would be happy at least from this situation.


:-:NEXT DAY:-:


You were so relaxed and comfortable that you could sleep longer but you wake up you feeling much better then yesterday not only because of you being comfortable you look outside and you saw that it was pretty early it was a cross between night and day the chill confirming that it was early morning. You head on the side you saw something odd was it just you but you saw a pair of legs in front of you, then you moved your head thinking that it was only a dream or something and as you turned around you smack into a warm wall and you see white thinking that it was your pillows you squezze tighter when you realise that it was hard but warm compared to the softness befores and then you woke up more and you now understand why you had the best sleep ever it was because your pillow was Kris's legs more like his thighs you were now facing his chest you could smell his cologne and another scent which was a scent of something you haven't smelt before. You look up and you see Kris was leaning against the headboard his head was on the top of the headboard giving you excellent view of his neck the way his body was he must be really uncomfortable. You slowly moved you head off his thighs without waking him up and as you were doing that you felt like you were being watched and thats when you see Mr. Lee at the door looking at you, you place your finger on your lips for him to be quiet.


Hoping that he got the idea which thankfully he did and you used your hand for him to come towards you Mr. Lee walks towards you.

"Can you help me"


"To make Kris more comfortable, jebal"

On one side Mr. Lee and the other side with you on the other side whilst on the bed and you both tried to ease him down to make him more comfortable ignoring the butterflies in your stomach from touching him. After a few movements without waking him up he was now lying flat on his back still sleeping he looked so innocent and adorable you couldn't help but stare at him even though Mr. Lee was there.

"Mr. Lee"


"Can you help me up I need to go to the bathroom?"

"Of course"

Mr. Lee came up to you and he held out his hand for you to help you out your weren't in much pain that was for sure, you tried to cover Kris with the duvet which was a little difficult but you managed and well using Mr. Lee's arm to guide you and assist you without dropping you were now in the bathroom.

"Mr. Lee, can I ask you something?"

"Yes what is it?"

"Uhm do I have anything else to wear but this?"

"Yes follow me"

Using Mr. Lee's arm to assist you both walked towards what looked like where there will be clothing for you and Mr. Lee opens the door and you were right there you walked into a walk in wardrobe which was neither big or small and it was full of womens clothing and accessories which was appealing but you seemed reluctant and Mr. Lee felt your hesitation.

"Master Wu, had these clothes brought in for you he didn't know what you would want to wear so he had help from a stylist to assist him, if you look they should be your size"

You walked with Mr. Lee and you looked at the first peice of clothing you could reach and Mr. Lee was right it was your size which was a major shock you wanted to cry because never having someone do this for you.

"Miss Min-a don't cry"

"I am sorry Mr. Lee"

You wipe the tears and composed yourself, you reached for clothing that you wanted to wear not wanting to upset Mr. Lee because he can see that you were reluctant to touch or wear any of the clothes that were displayed you tried looking for the cheapest clothes and accessories you could find finally you walked pass a sleeping Kris to the bathroom ignoring the emotions inside you.

"I will fetch you some fresh towels everything you need is here?"

"Yes thank you"

You leaned on the sink and you looked at your reflection and thats when you notice that you have changed from the last time you saw your reflection you were more pale you could see that there were faint bruising on your face and also a bandages on the side where your jaws were which was a shock, loss of weight not noticing it last night, your hair was un-even style longer on the left and shorter on the right you touched your head and that's when you feel something unusual.

"You have stitches there Miss Yoon"


"The nurse and doctor has done regular visits since you being here checking that the stitches are not being infected and with them cleaning the stitches whilst you were in your slumber"


You didn't realise Mr. Lee was back you smiled up at him and thanked him you noticed that he had cling wrap.

"What is the cling wrap for?"

"To cover the bandages from getting wet"

"Oh where?"

"On your chest area"


"Master Wu had organised a nurse to come and do this for you, but you were still bed-ridden though"

"Oh, Mr. Wu has done alot?"

"Yes he has, you only coming with a hospital gown, and a school bag"


"Did you need help?"

"No that's ok I can handle it"

"Yes if you need anything don't hesitate to call out"

"Thank you, can you please get my bag if that's ok?"

"Yes I will have it up in your room when you finish"

"Thank you"

Mr. Lee leaves you and you follow you look out at the generous man still sleeping and you close the door and lock it and you sit on the toilet seat to try and take this all in and with what Kris has done for you. You would be forever grateful for what he has done for you, you shrugged out of your pajamas and you could see bruising/cuts over you arms, legs your chest was bandaged from the top of your s down to the top of your belly button, slight colouring on your face dominate because of the paleness in your face. You reached for the cling wrap to cover the bandaged and jumped in the shower the feeling of the warm but firm sprays of water was relaxing and soothing against you skin your wash you hair feeling the stitches trying not to do anything to it. You wanted to know what was underneath the bandage and how bad is it, after finishing washing yourself feeling more like yourself you jumped out and covered yourself you dried yourself and removed the cling wrap and grabbed the clothes and undergarments that you grabbed in a rush.


You were happy with what you chose it was more of your style comfortable and casual style well you finished you tidied up your mess and you walked out of the bathroom still sort at times but bearable you walked out and you could see that Kris was still there sleeping you looked at the time and it was just hitting 5am which was normal for you, you saw

The bag on the floor near the bed you automatically reached for it wanting to cry from the memories you held onto it like it was a lifeline noticing the tears from the heavy duty it had gone through and you couldn't help but notice that there was some dried blookd which you know it belonged to you making you think about many crashing in your head but there was one that you were adamant and you decided that you should leave Kris in peace and you walked out towards the living room ignoring the pain you finally reached the living room plonking down on the couch which was soft as it looks ignoring the pain from the way you plonked down you sat down and you opened the bag emptying the items on the table. You saw things that were so familiar to you, your school books,

Your mini wallet that you remembered hiding from the thugs, your laptop was missing, your phone was also missing, but that wasn't what you were looking for you saw make up in your bag which you hardly used only because Celine had gotten them for you, finally after digging through you find the book that Yoonho and Maesuk had given to you when you which was more valuable then anything else in your bag you held onto it against your chest tears falling picturing there smiles making you tear up more.



I moved in my sleep to get comfortable which I knew was not possible rememebering the way I went to sleep last night I opened my eyes and I sat up wiping the sleep from my eyes and I knew something wasn't right I looked down and everything seemed normal, I looked around and I was in the same room that I slepted in knowing that I was in Min-a's room I look next to me and I see that Min-a wasn't there which got me worried I jumped out of the bed and I was looking inside the room and there was no sign of her I ran looking around the top of the house nothing I had my phone in my hand and I looked at the time and it was 5:30am I overslept which was a first I am normally up and ready, I went downstairs I saw Mr. Lee walking towards me.

"Morning Master Wu"

"Morning Lee, where is Min-a?"

"Over there Master Wu?"

I looked at where Lee was pointing to and I see a sleeping Min-a on the chair.


"Miss Min-a woke up early this morning and not wanting to distrub you she had wanted to get cleaned up, so I assisted her helping you to get in a comfortable postition she felt really guilty when she saw you like that Master Wu the look on her face I can't get rid off Master Wu, t has bothered me this whole morning as I try to do my normal routine, also showing her the clothing that you had gotten for you she was also sad and guilty when she saw the clothing that you had gotten for her she was also crying Master Wu whilst we were in the wardrobe where the clothing was and I also overheard her when she was in the bathroom Master Wu, and Miss Min-a also requesting to see her thing's that she was looking at here whilst I was preparing breakfast for the both of you Master Wu, I could hear her crying as well Master Wu whilst she was looking through her things and now here I am"

I walked closer to Min-a and I was happy that she was wearing something that I brought and also happy that she was comfortable but also sad to hear that she had been crying from guilt of small things like clothing and from the way I slept which was sweet of her. I looked at her and I could see why she was upset I saw her gripping on the book that I remember so well having seen Krystal look at it at the hospital and I also having a look at the book I could rememeber the pictures and words so clearly I see dried tears on her cheek making me feel sad at the sight I looked at the equipment that belonged to her that was on the table I tidied it up and placed it back in the bag as I noticed the many rips and tears showing what she would have gone through but what made my blood boil was seeing her dried blood on parts of the bag making me angry that was for sure but I couldn't just toss it away I know that this was Min-a's belongings I knew what I needed to do after seeing her like this.

"Lee can you get me a coffee"

"Yes sir"

I grabbed my phone as I sat down on the couch next to Min-a where her head was resting I had the urge to place her head on my legs like it was last night.



"How far away are you?"

"I am almost near the company sir?"

"I need you to do an errand for me after getting the files from that I need from the company"

"Yes sir what is it?"

"I need you to go to Seoul Inner City Orphanage"

"Yes sir?"

"Call me as soon as you get there"

"Yes sir?"


I hanged up and I called Seungho.


"Mr. Wu?"

"I have Dean coming to the orphanage when he comes I want you to find away to get Mrs. Yoon in Dean's car without being noticed and to make sure that both Dean, Mrs Yoon are not in danger including the staff and the children also make sure that they are not being followed by those that are stationed at the orphanage"

"Yes sir I will work out a safe route for them as well working out a plan to make sure everything goes smoothly"


"Lee, can you get Ken to come to the house, and can you make sure that mum and dad are ok"

"Yes sir"

I know that I wanted to check on other things but maybe Min-a will be much better if she see's Mrs Yoon I needed to find out where the two boys were. The next thing my phone rings the number unrecogniseable I answer immediately.

"Is this Mr. Wu"

"Yes this is he, who is this?"

"I am a friend of your assistant Dean Jung"

"Ok, what can I do for you?"

"I have more information that may be useful?"


"After recieving the names that Dean had requested there is some things that you need to know that concern the names you requested?"

"Ok, when do you want to meet?"

"I will call and text the location"

"Can I ask why?"

"I have to go"

The phone hangs up.

"Master Wu you have a guest?"

"Who is it?"

"Mr. Lu"


I look at the time and it was early for Luhan to be here.

"Oh take him to the office tell him that I am in the shower"


As Lee left I heaved up Min-a and took her upstairs she was so light in my arms that it was hard to believe that I was carrying anyone at all, the start of the day was pretty intense it was like everything was clashing against each other everything happening all at once so quick just looking at it the last 3 days were a walk in the park not to intense. I place Min-a on her bed which was made thanks to Lee she was still holding onto the book. I walked out of her room and I closed the door and quickly jumped in the shower moving at superhuman speed

I was finishing getting changed and Lee came up to my room.

"Master Wu?"

"Yes Lee?"

"Ken is here?"

"Ok, I am on my way down, where is Luhan?"

"He is waiting in the office, and Ken is in the living room waiting for your presence"

"And how is Min-a?"

"She is still sleeping, what should I do if she wakes?"

"Can you take up some breakfast for her and try to comfort if Luhan and Ken are still here try to keep her upstairs"


"I am expecting a guest with Dean can you make sure that there are refreshements organised when they come if I have time I will come and help you Lee can you have the refreshments displayed in the living room if that's possible"

"No that's ok Master Wu, I can manage"

"Ok thanks"

I straightened my tie and I quickly walked to Min-a's room and I opened the door and I looked at her sleeping peacefully I quickly closed the door and I walked downstairs I didn't want Luhan to know that Min-a was here he would easily recongnise her in an instant, I wanted Mrs. Yoon to have the pleasure of seeing her daughter first at least hence the reason why I had Dean fetch her. I walked downstairs and I see Ken standing there waiting for me I needed to talk to him but Luhan was in the office waiting for me.

"Mr. Wu"

"Ken, thanks for coming I have Luhan in the office that is waiting for me?"

"Thats ok, I will come back just have Lee call when your finished Mr. Wu?"

"Thank you Ken"


Ken leaves which was a relief Mr. Lee is taking a tray of food upstairs to Min-a and I walked to the office

I see Luhan sitting down waiting he stood up when he saw me he must not have any classes if he is here at my house at this time of the morning.


"Luhan whats with the morning visit?"

"Can't I come and visit my hyung?"

"Of course, but whats up?"

We both sat down on the couch which was better then me sitting at my desk I was curious to why Luhan was here which was still surprising to me I wasn't sure if he needed something.

"Luhan whats up?"

"I have to tell you something?"

"Hey what is it, is everything ok?"

The troubles of being one of the oldest in our group but I didn't mind, I was anxious about what Luhan was going to say next.

"I am worried hyung?"


Silence I could see Luhan shifting uncomfortably which was not a typical behaviour for Luhan which was troublling me.

"Hey what is it, tell me you got me worried is everything ok, is it your family?"



"I am worried for Celine noona?"


"Since the night you came to my house and when she was there, well since then I haven't seen her around or heard from her since the afternoon I called her Kris?"

"She might be busy Luhan?"

Something wasnt adding up, I was re-tracing the information in my head that I had of Miss Huang and her family trying to see if anything will help me, I could see that Luhan was worried he must really care for Miss Celine Huang for him to be troublled like this.


"Do you like Miss Huang?"

I could see Luhan shift uncomfortable again which was obvious that Luhan might have a thing for her.

"Don't need to answer that Luhan, so how come you came to me?"

"I needed to talk to someone, and with you knowing Celine noona whereas the others don't know anything about it that's why and maybe you could help me?"

Luhan was right I was the only one who knew of Miss Huang so it was the least I can do with listening to him.

"Ok, so what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know hyung?"

"Ok, do you know where she lives?"

"Yeah at one of the apartments next to the university?"

"Have you gone to visit?"

"Yeah me and some of the guys but nothing hyung?"

I was thinking that it was obvious that something didn't add up, but I didn't which route to take.

"Luhan I am sure that she is ok, she might be with her father, don't worry ok"

I sat next to Luhan and patted his shoulder he looked really worried.

"Excuse me Master Wu?"

"Yes Lee"

"Your phone?"

I looked and I see Lee with my phone which was a surprise I must have left my phone in the living room.

"Luhan hold up"

I went to fetch my phone.


"Mr. Wu"


"I have just arrived at the orphanage?"

"Ok, go inside you will see Seungho inside"

"Ok sir"

"As soon as you get inside call me"

"Yes sir"

I went back to sit down with Luhan.

"Lee can you get Luhan a hot drink and can you have Ken come"

"Yes sir"

"Hey Luhan its going to be ok, have you got no classes today?"

"No hyung no classes?"

"How's the family?"

"Master Wu, Ken is waiting for you in the living room"


"Luhan I will be back"


I left Luhan and went to the living room, and I saw Ken rigid like always with his stance which could be off putting to people who dont know him well like us he was actually really a cool guy who could also have fun like everyone else but really serious when it came to him when he was working.

"Mr. Wu"

"Thank you Ken for coming, sorry for troublling you earlier when you came?"

"Thats ok sir, what can I do for you?"

"I would like you to have 2 of your men go to Dean's residence I want them to keep an eye on his wife just as a precaution"

"Yes sir"

"I don't want them to be seen by her or the feeling of her being watched"

"Yes sir"

"That is all, is there any men with Krystal whilst she is at school?"

"Yes as usual sir, and we have one of the teachers who is also inside keeping an eye on Miss Wu, and the teacher also keeping an eye on Mr. Oh, Mr. Huang"

"Ok thank you keep me posted, what about my parents?"

"The usual team that they have are with Mr. Wu who is working, and with Mrs. Wu who is out at a luncheon with her group of friends"

"Ok, thank you Ken"


And Ken left and I looked upstairs wondering if she is ok and I also kept an eye looking at the office just to check if Luhan was out.

"How is she?" 

"She has eaten and is now resting I have given pain medication to her the same time as instructed"


I walked back to the office and see Luhan still sitting there.

"Still the same hyung, mum at home, dad at work?"

"Here's your hot drink Mr. Lu"

My phone rings again.

"Luhan I gotta take this"

"Hyung I am sorry for coming at the wrong time, you seem to be really busy?"

"Hey Luhan it's ok, plus I always try and make time for my friends if they need me and you know that?"

"Yes I know hyung, but I feel stink that you are so busy and I am here?"

Luhan had nodded his head and started drinking his hot drink I was trying to make him think about something else whilst asking him questions about his family earlier I sat down still with Luhan I wasnt sure where the conversation was going to go but if I felt like I needed to leave if it was going to give any clues on Min-a.


"Mr. Wu"

"Here is Seungho"


"Mr. Wu"

"Yes Seungho"

"I have explaine to both Mrs. Yoon and Mr. Jung about what is expected"

"So Dean knows about what's been happening?"

"No sir I have given him a rundown about the orphanage being followed thats all sir, as that is all we know?"

"Ok Seungho"

"So the plan for the paper trail we have Mr. Jung being a potential adopter under a false name for safety reasons, and having Mrs. Yoon and Mr. Jung leaving the orphanage for a normal routine check of the home which will not happen as they will be travelling to your residence. Mr. Jung and Mrs. Yoon will be travelling in Mr. Jung's vehicle which I have given Mr. Jung a device which could help with detecting a tracker and for him to send a text to me so I know, in another vehicle we will have Chunji driving in that vehicle to cause a diversion and I have 1 of the workers who installed the security area who we have masked as a properties manager for the orphanage in another vehicle as another diversion whereas I will be stationed here at the orphanage to make sure the place is safe"

"Ok Seungho I trust you plan, but I want you to make sure that you and your workers are also taken care off"

"Yes sir they know what is expected"

"So Ken taught you well, so there was no need for me to talk to Ken"

"No sir, basic training 101"

"Ok, Seungho how long?"

"With the route I have planned it should take to an hours time for Mr. Jung and Mrs. Yoon to be at your residence"

"Ok thank you Seungho"

"No worries sir, here is Mr. Jung"

"Thank you Seungho"

I could see Luhan sitting there like a little kid which was kind of like him he was so young looking that he could pass as a younger kid then what he is now, he was playing with his phone I was surprised that he was still here which didn't bother me at all actually it was calming whenever I was with my friends.

"Luhan are you ok?"



"Mr. Wu?"

"Are you ok?"

"Yes sir, I am surprised with what the errand you had me do?"

"I am sorry Dean it wasn't my intention to, dont worry about your wife I have Ken send 2 of his men to keep an eye out for her whilst your doing this errand they will keep there presence to themselves, I am sorry?"

"Thats ok sir, I am just cautious about it thats all"


"Its obvious with you having requesting the information"

"I am sorry Dean it wasn't my intention"

"That's ok sir I knew what I got myself in when I agreed in calling my friend about the information and with his warning as well, he has also got some of his team with my wife as well"


"My friend has always done it since we have become friends so its ok Mr. Wu"

"There are alot of things that I don't know about you [laughing]"

"[Laughing] see you soon"

"Yes sir"

I hanged up and just sighed a heavy breath I was anxious with the day so far everything happening so fast that it was so unexpected.




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SORRY FOR TAKING LONG TO UPDATE I WILL TRY AND DO IT QUICKER [sorry if it sounds like I am rushing it I am not I am just rolling with it ]

[Characters:-40483 Words:-9846]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:- 22nd September 2015
Edited/ Re-read/ Font-Change:- 12th July 2016
Font Changed: 13th Decemeber 2017

[Sorry there has been a few changes in this chapter as well so I apologise for the older readers who have read this because they would most likely notice the changes whereas my new readers they wouldn't know the difference]

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....