




Dean and Nana make an appearance ^_^

[cont. YOUR POV]

[KRIS]"You look beautiful like I thought you would"

You turn around to see the man himself standing there looking handsome in what he was wearing.



You noticed that you dress was the same colour as Kris's suit which was kind of cute at how co-ordinated you both were which made you feel a little light.


[KRIS]"Lee, Min-a and I will be out at Dean's I am expecting some visitor's this evening so can you prepare a meal for tonight, Min-a and I will possible be back at 3 or 4 the latest depending on what happen's?"

[MR.LEE]"Yes Mr. Wu, what time did you want to have dinner served?"

[KRIS]"I am expecting my guest's to be here at 6:30pm this evening Lee"

[MR.LEE]"Yes Mr. Wu are you having your guest's here at your home or would you like to have it at the main house?"

[KRIS]"Here Lee if that is ok?"

[MR.LEE]"That's fine Mr. Wu, I will make preparation's, how many?"

[KRIS]"5 plus Min-a and myself that will be 7 plate's Lee here is also something that I want to be served for dessert for a couple of my guests this evening"

[MR.LEE]"Yes Mr. Wu"

[KRIS]"Come on Min-a let's go I need to stop somewhere before we go to Dean's"


You say sounding a little off maybe because the way Kris and Mr. Lee were talking like you weren't here or maybe because how effortlessly Kris became in your presence he was more relaxed and even when he said

[KRIS]"5 plus Min-a and myself..."

The way he said that made you feel like you were apart of his world which was kind of a nice feeling especially being a person who never had that kind of feeling even though you don't regret being with Gaeun eomma and you treasure the time you have with her and you wouldn't change anything but that feeling wasn't the same when you were with Kris. Anyways after saying bye to Mr. Lee you followed Kris towards the car and you couldn't help but smile you walked outside and it was bright you put on the shades that Kris had gotten for you which you were feeling touched still, well anyways there was Kris waiting for you with the door open being the gentlemen that he was you smiled at him and he helped you into the seat and you watched as his long body strided to the driver's side at a leisurely pace.



You look at him.

[KRIS]"I mean what I said earlier you do look beautiful, and also I really do appreciate it that you didn't decline my invitation"

You smile in his direction no words could come out since hearing him back at the house which you were still trying to grasp, anyways you took a huge breathe.

"Thank you it's not everyday when you hear something like that [laughing awkwardly] and no worries the pleasure is mine"

After the ice breaker the conversation flowed effortlessly which was a relief hoping that you wouldn't become awkward with Kris which was the last thing you wanted to do before you knew it you were now looking at a beautiful home.


You exclamined out louder then expected you hear laughter which was obviously Kris's which made you feel happy.

"Is this your friend's house?"

[KRIS]"Yes [laughing]"

"So we are at your friend, Dean's house?"

[KRIS]"No this isn't Dean's house [laughing] but this house is my friend's house though?"


Kris parked up at the front after the gate opened for him as soon as he parked up the car he was about to hop out.

[KRIS]"Min-a you don't mind waiting I won't be long?"

"Of course that's ok"

Kris hopped out of the car and you watched as he walked towards the door and before you could do anything he was inside you sat in the car looking out at the beautiful landscape of Kris friend's house which just as luxurious and beautiful like his.



I leave Min-a in the car as I walked towards the front door I couldn't help but think about how beautiful Min-a looked in the clothes that I brought for her and hoping that she would be ok in it, seeing how the both of us looked together I couldn't help but grin at the memory of shock when I saw her when she was talking to Lee seeing her blush when I said those thing's that I didn't regret saying even though I was shamed for a mere moment it was worth it seeing her reaction.

[LUHAN]"Whoa someones is happy?"

I hear Luhan which broke my train of thought was I that obvious.

[LUHAN]"This has to do with a girl, judging by the huge grin on your face?"

I walk in not wanting to say anything I wasn't here for this I was on a mission I closed the door behind me and followed Luhan furthur into the house.

[LUHAN]"Ok this is the Kris I know [laughing] so what's up?"

"I came to ask you something before I head out to Dean's?"

[LUHAN]"Your assistant?"


[LUHAN]"So what's up?"

"Are you able to do something for me?"

[LUHAN]"Sure what is it?"

"I have already organised it but I need you to go to Miss. Huang's to pick her up as well as Yoonho and Maesuk, Celine is expecting you to pick her and the boy's up at 6:00pm tonight"

[LUHAN]"Oh, can I ask why?"

"You will find out later just bring them over to my house not the main house my house ok?"


"Well I gotta go or else I will be late to get to Dean's place for his baby shower?"

[LUHAN]"Oh give my congrat's, and I will see you at 6:00"

"I won't stay and talk I gotta go now"

I walked out of the door knowing Luhan he would want to question some more, well I see Min-a sitting in the car and I smile at her I ran to the car and saw that Min-a had fallen asleep which was so cute I decided not waking her up and just drive off towards Dean's. I stopped to pick up the gift that I had organised awhile ago well when Dean had first given me the invitation after picking up the gift I drove off towards Dean's all the while watching Min-a at the corner of my eye she seemed to be really sleepy which was kind of weird but cute I couldn't wait till tonight when the biggest surprise would happen.



You fell asleep whilst waiting for Kris you tend to be really sleepy since leaving Greece maybe all those late nights have caught up to you, you could feel like you were moving but you didn't think anything of it you eventually woke up and you saw that you were actually moving and also hearing the engine of the car and also feeling someone watching you no surprises who it was you turn and there was Kris driving looking untouched somehow.

[KRIS]"Are you awake?"

"Yeah, sorry?"

[KRIS]"What for?"

"Sleeping on you?"

[KRIS]"That's ok [laughing]"

"What did you mean am I awake?"

[KRIS]"I thought you were awake before but you were still asleep?"


[KRIS]"It's ok there is nothing to worry about?"

"Ok.... where are we?"

[KRIS]"Almost at Dean's place not long to go, here?"

You look and see what Kris was giving you and you sighed with relief when you see that it was only a water bottle which you were now realising that you felt thirsty.

"Thank you"

[KRIS]"It's ok"

After a few moment's of quiet and scenery passing through you thought about Greece and wondered where the camera was so you could look at the picture's before you knew it you were now looking at another beautiful home.


You say with surprise and in awe you hear Kris laughing again which seemed to be a pattern but you couldn't hide it at all especially seeing the most beautiful home's and surprising you that this was Kris assistant's house seeing the bright sunlight hitting the house was making it more appealing which was ther reason why you exclaimed like that. As the car was getting closer seeing alot more cars which was showing the extent of the wealth you were surrounded in which was really something that you were yet to understand.


You look at him and you see him smiling at you


You watch as he walk's towards your side looking handsome in his suit which looked to be like it was made for him, anyway's as you watched him it gave you time to calm the obvious nerves finally he opens the door which you had enough time to calm the obvious nerves that was radiating all over your body was it the expectation that you were going to meet Kris's friends or was it because you were just nervous you went with the meeting his friend's part it was new to you having this nervous rush hitting you like a ton of brick's, but also you were excited to be with Kris still unknown to you what the event was and what to expect. As Kris opened the door for you being the gentlemen you knew he was and surprisingly becoming accustomed to, well anyway's he helped you out of the car with your hand in his the feeling of his warmth and strength also helping you out with the nerves that you tried to hide inside.

[KRIS]"Much better"

Kris smiled at you making you smile back in reply you don't know what it was but whenever he smiled it seemed to wash everything away like it was doing to right now, he let go of your hand which you bite you lip to hold the aggrivation of him letting you go which was weird for you but before you could dwell on it you see Kris leaning into the car well at the back seat and you couldn't help but look at him seeing his long frame still showing outside of the door making you stare at his side profile from his chest down to his feet covered in his suit which suited him the most never shying away at how bold you were right now staring at him, as your tounge wets your lips that was dried for some reason you see Kris come out with a large bag which had mutiple boxes inside which you were certain must be gift's you smiled at him as he placed the bag on the boot just as you were about to say something he reaches back inside the car and you see him come out moment's later with a large basket which was full of baby thing's all in the colour's of blue and white which gave you the idea what event you were at with Kris. You were at his friend's baby shower making you feel light being invited to something so beautiful and magically as you watched Kris place the basket next to the bag closing the door you were just gobsmacked at how a large man like himself standing next to the gift's he had gotten was something special you couldn't help but think about the future and picturing him doing the same thing for your kid's which made you blush.



[KRIS]"Are you ok, you must be hot, you should have gone under the shade instead of waiting there"

Kris starting saying if only he knew what was really going on and why you were like that thankfully he couldn't and wouldn't know just thinking about him knowing was embarrassing enough. You watched him grabbed the gift's seeing the contrast wasn't helping with your thought's from earlier you couldn't help but smile at the scene in front of you even though it looked like Kris was coping with the gift's in his hand's you couldn't help but think that you needed to help him at least.



"Let me help you with something?"

[KRIS]"I am ok [laughing]"

"I know you are, but let me help please?"

[KRIS]"Ok here"

Kris hand's you over the bag which was obvious when you reached for it and as the bag was in your hand's you couldn't help but feel like you had been hit by electricty which was almost all the time whenever Kris was near you, you were starting to become use to the bolt of electricty when you were with Kris which gave you this rush anyway's you smiled and walked along side of him you were both walking so close to each other both your arm's were almost touching Kris's hand's were both in use carrying the large basket of baby thing's. As you walked to the entrance of the house seeing how beautiful it was without thinking you knocked on the door obviously Kris couldn't do it because his hand's were full just as you were about to try again the door open's and you see a handsome man open the door.


You couldn't help it but smile brightly you and Kris still had your shades on which was rude so as you reached to take them off you looked at him again and you were speechless well he was nothing compared to Kris that was for sure but he looked handsome you looked at what he was wearing.


Image result for mens blue business shoes   

Looking dashing in white with hint's of blue different to what Kris was wearing as you looked between the two you couldn't help that these two men were gifted in the gene department.

[KRIS]"Hi Dean"

So this was Kris's assistant whoa.

[DEAN]"Mr. Wu, here let me?"

[KRIS]"[laughing] Dean just call me Kris"


You watched as Dean was taking the basket of Kris you could see from there interaction that they both think highly of each other more Dean toward's Kris which was more of a reflex of Kris being the top gun anyhoo before saying anything or doing anything.

[KRIS]"Dean this is Min-a my date...."

Just the look on Dean's face was enough for you seeing how he seemed surprised and shocked quickly being replaced with content which took you off guard you bow and greeted fomally to Dean which was a reflex to you.

"Anneyong Haseyo Yoon Min-a imnida, chodaehae jusyeoseo kamsahabnida [hello my name is ----- thank you for having me]"

He smiled at you and quickly placed the basket down and greeted you the same way formally.

[DEAN]"Anneyong Haseyo Jung Dean imnida wa jusyeoseo kamsahabnida [hello my name is ----- thank you for coming]

You bowed back to him Dean had taken the bag of you which was nice of him as you both walked inside the house you looked amazed at the interior seeing how beautiful and elegant it was similar to how you felt when you were back at Kris's as you walked inside following Dean towards the outdoor's of the house were you can hear alot of sound's which you were starting to feel awkward and the same uncomfortable feeling as you were troublled in your thought's you feel something warm and familiar touch your hand that's when you looked down and see your hand covered by Kris's you look up at him seeing him looking down at you seeing him smile at you.

[KRIS]"I am here"

"Thank you"

[KRIS]"Come on let's go"


[KRIS]"That's the Min-a I know"

You smiled back at him and just when you thought the inside was beautiful you look at the exteriors seeing a large yard with the pool on the side you can see a nice set up.

With the beautiful arrangement of flower's, the outdoor's set up beautiful and drapped with White and hint's of Blue which was for the baby shower and it was obvious that they were expecting a bustling baby boy, seeing many number of people who was also dressed for the occasion with many wearing blue in ther dress code or with hint's of blue which was just as cool, you see Dean walk toward's another women who was dressed similiar to him, you were standing with Kris trying not to look awkward and all that you see Dean and the women that was with him who was obviously his wife seeing at how heavily pregnant she looked and honestly it was true that preganant women do glow which was really beautiful.

Looking gorgeous in what she was wearing.


 Image result for womens white and blue watch

You looked at what looked to a perfect paired couple.

[DEAN]"Mr. Wu, this is my wife Nana"

[KRIS]"Nice to meet you"

[NANA]"So this is the invincible boss that my husband talk's so highly about"

You tried to hold your laughter which you were sure that was what she was trying to do to ease the fomalities that Dean was using which was understandable you hear Kris laugh which was a sound that you would remember.

[KRIS]"You make it sound like I am the president [laughing] this is Min-a my...."


You and Kris stood frozen at what Dean had just said how could he say something like that and from the look in Kris's eye you could see that he wanted to say something even though you would give million's just to know what he was thinking.



It was nice to finally be here at Dean's after the long silence drive here I was glad to finaly stop driving feeling a little tired from the drive which I was trying not to make it noticeable, seeing Min-a's reaction being here was worth the long trip seeing how cute she looked when she was blushing moment's ago and when she was surprised with Dean's new home which I knew was hard work from there part I couldn't help but think that Dean's house looked much better then mine, look's like I need to refurnish or rebuild a new home well I quickly shook that off. Remembering Min-a's reaction when she saw Dean for the first time seeing how flabbergasted she looked when he opened the door was a sight that I didn't want to rememeber anytime soon seeing how she smiled so brightly and out of word's which I knew that she was like that already but the beast inside of me was getting aggravated and jealous at how she was acting around him. I knew that Min-a was just like that she was so innocent and this being a new world to her I could understand but I am a man. But seeing how vulnerable she looked as we were getting closer to the party bringing me back to reality and seeing how broken she was even though on the outside she looked formidable and unstoppable, trying to calm her down which worked seeing how she quickly relaxed and calmed down also making me feel the same way she was seeing Min-a smile at the set up of the baby shower was a sight that I couldn't take out of my head it was like seeing her in a new light it was like watching a kid in toy store or candy store. Seeing Dean walking towards us with his wife in hand remembering that from seeing the frame of them on his desk at work she looked beautiful and heavily pregnant she seemed to be glowing.

[NANA]"So this is the invincible boss that my husband talk's so highly about"

I laughed at her, when she said that, it was a first to have someone say that to me especially being the first time we have met which lead me to believe who wore the pant's in this marriage. Seeing how Dean was holding onto his wife like that made me jealous not to be able to do that to Min-a, what, where did that come from seeing the love evident in both their eye's was a refreshing sight and made me think of future thing's that was surprisng me at the moment.

"You make it sound like I am the president [laughing] this is Min-a my...."

I was trying to figure it out how I was going to introduce Min-a to everyone here at the party but there was so many word's that a really calling out to me but nothing was coming out of my mouth and just when I thought I spoke out to loud he next thing I realize that it wasn't my imagination it actually happened but the word's didn't come from my mouth it actually came from Dean which suprised me actually.


Where did Dean get that from since when did I mention something like that to Dean was it obvious that I cared for Min-a I looked at Dean hoping he would get that I was a little taken off guard with his answer which I see he noticed even though the thought of Min-a and I being official like that made me feel lightheaded and happy. I couldn't help it that Dean was just happy and in love that he didn't think but it was to late to say anything about it I quickly look at Min-a and I can see that she was also shocked like myself before I could fix everything I watch as Nana closed the gap between herself and Min-a.



You don't know how long you stayed like that but before you got back to normal suddenly you were in the arm's of Dean's wife Nana's arms which normally it wasn't something you would do to mere strangers or people you meet for the first time feeling awkward, but as Nana hugged you it was like you were being hugged by and older sister for some reason you always wanted and older sister but you didn't often distinguishing Celine as an older sister to you even though she was like you best best friend which you knew would be worrying about right now being so selfish not getting in contact with her making it your first thing to do when you finish with Kris.

[NANA]"Nice to meet you Mr. Wu's girlfriend [laughing] so those Mr. Wu's girlfriend have a name?"

She loosens her hold off you to look at you.


You let go and you bow formally like you did to Dean earlier.

"Anneyong haseyo Yoon Min-a imnida"

You say with a hint of awkwardness to her.

[NANA]"Come on let me introduce you to the rest of the family"

Nana fold's your arm with her's which reminded you when you were with Celine when you did that together which was both awkward and also comfortable alsoe reminding you of your moment with Tiffany when you were in Greece with Kris, you leave Kris's side and walk along with Nana you look back at Kris with are scared face anad also shy face but Kris look's at you and he smile's brightly at you almosst like he was saying sorry and that you will be ok as well which was super sweet.



Meeting Miss. Yoon in the flesh was something else after digging all the information about her for Mr. Wu and now here she is arm in arm with Mr. Wu himself was shocking but also seeing how Mr. Wu was with her it was obvious that he really liked Miss. Yoon or from the suttle hint's more like he really really liked Miss. Yoon working for Mr. Wu for as long as I can remember alway's being a guy that didn't show his emotion's that much being so hard and cold at times which was something I was use to but seeing him relaxed and smiling alot was another thing hence the reason why I played the little trick when he was in the middle of introducing her to Nana, and knowing Nana she was alway's someone who got along with everyone and anyone and she was a er for those quiet one's which Miss. Yoon seemed to potray and also knowing Nana she wasn't one to tend to cling and be friendly like she was when meeting Miss. Yoon for the first time it looked like Nana had found a new girl friend.



I was meeting Dean's boss today it was both exciting and also worrying wanting to make sure I gave the right impression not wanting to embarass my husband's boss who I know is to be one of the top, richest, coldest, businessmen in the world and he was going to be at our house for our baby shower.


[DEAN]"Honey just be yourself don't worry about Mr. Wu, he is a really good guy"

"I know, that is why I am worried honey I don't want to embarrass you?"

[DEAN]"You won't that's why I told you not to look up Mr. Wu on google because I knew you would act this way?"


[DEAN]"Mr. Wu is not like what they say about him on google and all that honey"

That was 20 minute's ago and now here I am meeting the man himself in the flesh and Dean was right he was nothing like what they say about him on google and all those site's that I looked at, if I wasn't a happily married women I wouldn't mind doing Mr. Wu right now as I looked at him I couldn't help but notice the beautiful women in his arm's looking absolutely gorgeous in her dress the two couldn't look more perfect for each other but noticing that she seemed to be a little to quiet for my taste automatically wanting to be her friend I could see in her eyes that she has been though alot and I wanted to make her feel comfortable in our presence.

"Come on let's me introduce you to the rest of the family"

And I linked her arm with mine and left the boy's alone for a moment, and from the look coming from the both of the them seeing Mr. Wu looking like he was lost for a moment and also seeing that he really likes this girl with me and also seeing the shyness and a hint of fright coming from Min-a it was obvious that she was out of her comfort zone.



I watched as Min-a was being dragged by Nana which was kind of funny and also making me worry for her it felt different not having Min-a next to me it was uncomfortable for me.

[DEAN]"Don't worry Mr. Wu Miss. Yoon will be fine Nana will take care of her"


[DEAN]"Mr. Wu I apologise for my behaviour earlier about saying Miss. Yoon is your girlfriend I just said the first thing that came to mind, and I know Nana wasn't going to stop if you didn't say anything"

"That's ok Dean, I gotta say that I was shocked when that came out of your mouth"

[DEAN]"So was I Mr. Wu, come on lets get back to the girls I can see that Miss. Yoon look's slightly uncomfortable [laughing] and thanks for the gifts you didn't need to?"

"No worries Dean"

We both walk towards the girl's and Dean was right Min-a looked uncomfortable even though they weren't facing us just seeing there back's which was kind of weird but easier for me I guess as I got closer to Min-a I didn't know what to do I watched as Dean back hug's his wife which I know I couldn't do to Min-a. 


I whispered standing behind her she turned around and she sighed with relief which was cute and made me smile.

"Hey are you alright?"


Surprising me was when Min-a held onto my arm and leaning into me it was like she was really relieved that I was with her feeling her next to by her lead was really nice I let go of her grip and placed my arm around her shoulder's bringing her body next to mine as I looked at the many face's enjoying this event.










[Characters:-21207 Words:-4893]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-24th September 2015

*images and grammar

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-20th July 2016

[Including the changes of Images which I had to change because of the broken URL which wasn't like that earlier, or the concept was different from when I re-read the chapter, my apologies]

#Chapter 28 Edited on Brother's Laptop.
Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....