





As you felt everything weighing you down seeing the familiar sea of people around you for this important day that mean's everything to you and grateful to have those around you meaning everything to you, and as you see face's of people who you didn't know which was making your head getting more intense with each passing moment, you also stole a glance in the direction seeing Kris talking to his sister and two people whose back was facing you making you curious about who he was talking to, just as you saw him the next he was gone which made something inside of you turn not knowing what it was but it made you feel more empty then what you were already feeling in the moment. You excused yourself Celine and Luhan not leaving your side and when eventually your brother older brother came he never lefted your side as well making you feel more constricted grateful that your mum and the kids from the orphanage is here which was keeping Yoonho company which meant alot.

"Celine, Luhan, oppa I need to go to the bathroom"

[CELINE]"I can come with you?"

"Please let me be alone, Celine?"

[LUHAN]"Let Min-a go alone ok"

[CELINE]"Ok, we will wait for you here ok?"

[CHANYEOL]"Yeah, we are here"

"I know"

As you walk the path where the toilet was with each step you finally changed your path walking toward's the room where Maesuk was as you slided into the room seeing the floral arrangement adorned the frame of a smiling Maesuk making you weak in the knee's as your body gave way as you fall onto the ground kneeling looking at the picture of Maesuk, thinking to yourself what you had done to deserve so much pain especially losing Maesuk like that and having nothing, no power to help him which made you feel more guilty and angry. There was no more tear's in your body that you were sure it would look like you were crying but there was nothing. Not knowing how long you were in the room but you could hear sounds coming from the other room making you silent like you were apart of the wall it's self hearing distinctive sound's coming from the wall next door the one that was the most was Yoonho's crying making your heart ache even more as your eye's never lefted Maesuk's smiling face. So troubled in your thought's you didn't know the comotion going on next to you until you heard another voice you would spot in an instant calling your name your heart was pleading to find it's mate and you had to fight with so much will power that you could muster up which was taking so much of your strength just to make it through.


You hear his faint call of your name making your will power start to evaporate with his deep tone of his voice working it's magic on you, you look at Maesuk wondering to yourself what to do next there was so many scenerio's going on in your head to make everything better but you couldn't point to which to make this all end. Disturbing your thought's you hear the same deep tone that made your knee's wobble so much.


Suddenly something deep inside you made you tick as you looked down as you see something bothering you as you looked down you see that your dress/hanbok looking like it was wet, suddenly you look at your knee's and your were sure your heart would have lefted your body along with your soul you look down to see Maesuk lying in front of you bloodied up making you scream with freight seeing the boy you loved more then yourself in front of you like that. The next thing everything coming at you all at once you fainted into the darkness.

Well that's what you think.



You hear faint calling of being called as you followed the voice not knowing where you were at this moment, with each step you walk closer you look down at yourself to see that you were wearing something that was so familiar with each step the voice getting more louder and firmer with confidence. As soon as you walk through you noticed a familiar place that made you smile remembering the playground that you spent alot of your time when you were at the orphanage as you smile at the constant highlight's of memories of you time at the playground. You see the swing moving up and down like someone was swinging you walked closer and that's when you thought you were looking at the sun directly seeing a bright light making your eye's squint with discomfort or that's what you thought it was just reflexes surprisingly the light was giving off a warm vibe which reminded you of someone who was your private sun.


You hear that same voice calling you and just as you were going to go closer you see the person turn and that's when everything fell into place seeing Maesuk was the one who adorned the swing who looked so happy. You ran closer to Maesuk with so much speed that you never thought you had in you, you grasped the little boy into your arms feeling that same feeling you always had whenever you hugged him and Yoonho.


"Sorry, umma just love's you so much that's all"

[MAESUK]"I know umma, and Maesuk-ah love's you as well"

"I know"

You stand and you start to push Maesuk whilst he was sitting on the swing hearing that same laughter that you enjoyed whenever Maesuk was on the swing he loved the feeling of flying which made you grin with satisfaction.

[MAESUK]"Umma your turn"


[MAESUK]"My turn to push you on the swing"

"Ok don't hurt yourself ok Maesuk-ah umma can be a little heavier for you to push?"

[MAESUK]"Don't worry umma, I'm strong"


You swap places with Maesuk and now you feel him pushing you surprised at his strength having that same feeling that made Maesuk enjoy the swing's feeling so free and light.


You hear that little voice distrub your thought's as you feel the swing slow down to a stop as you see Maesuk standing on the side smiling at you. You jump off and walk toward's Maesuk and smile back at him as Maesuk reached for your hand and you just followed Maesuk to wherever just loving the feeling of his little hand in your's feeling like it's been along time since you and Maesuk had spent some quality time like this, without knowing you and Maesuk were at another place that didn't come to thought as of yet as you look down at what you were wearing, wearing a black hanbok/dress that was oddly familiar.

"Maesuk-ah where are we going?"

[MAESUK]"Umma, you will see?"

Seeing that you were now in a room full of familiar people making you starting to regret what was going to happen next, then you walked into the familiar path as you see the door that you would have known in a heartbeat you see Celine, Luhan, the EXO boy's, your oppa, your mum and Chunji together Chunji giving a glass of water to mum making you wondered what happened and then you spot Yoonho on your mother's lap since your mother was still in her wheelchair seeing a tear-streaked Yoonho made your heart break as you walk toward's Yoonho with Maesuk also walking with you as you touch the warm cheek of Yoonho's making you tear.

"Oh Yoonho-ah, umma doesn't like seeing you cry, Maesuk what's going on?"

It was quite as you both continued walking toward's the door.

"Maesuk-ah why are we here?"

As the both of you walked into the open door looking behind you wondering if they saw you but nothing, as you walked into the next room seeing something that bothered you so much you see Kris kneeling against the door looking so broken which was a first to see him like that making you worry like you did for Yoonho you kneel near Kris as your hand reached toward's his broad shoulder as you place your hand as you feel like a lightening bolt hit you.

[MAESUK]"Umma, come on"

You feel Maesuk guide you into the next room and that's when everything had hit in an instant knowing what you were going to see, you see yourself kneeling looking at Maesuk's frame with so much rememberance feeling like you were already there and that's when the familiar scene came to you in full motion in front of you, remembering that you were going to see a Maesuk lying in front of you waiting for that scene to come but in front of you there was nothing making you wondered what you were going to see next and that's when you see yourself looking down like you did whilst Maesuk was next to you seeing the same portion of your dress feeling drenched.

"What's happening?"

Then you hear yourself scream at the same time as your other you in front of you screaming too that's when your hand touched the wet area and as your looked at your palm seeing blood drenching your hand, you look next to you seeing Maesuk looking at you with tear's in his eye's forgetting your own pain and the scene playing in front of you, you lower to Maesuk's level as you wipe the fallen tear's caressing his cheek's.

"Maesuk, please don't cry?"

[MAESUK]"Umma, why?"


[MAESUK]"Why are you doing that to yourself?"

"Doing what?"

[MAESUK]"Don't you love hyung like you love me?"

"Of course I love the both of you?"

[MAESUK]"Don't you love appa like you love hyung and me?"

That made you stop knowing who Maesuk was talking about knowing just one person who you got use to calling Kris appa, now hearing Maesuk calling him appa as well making you look down, you feel Maesuk touch your cheek making you look at him.

[MAESUK]"Umma I know you love me so much but umma you have to let me go, you have to stay here for hyung and appa, they need you as much as I need you"

You hear Maesuk talking to you like that making you tear instantly, knowing what Maesuk was saying was right. Hearing him say it to you was so real that you were sure that you needed to be here at this very moment right now in this very room with Maesuk seeing what everyone saw realising why there was a constant need for them to be near you with worry that something would happen to you and it took this drastic but memorable moment with Maesuk to realise what you were doing to yourself.

[MAESUK]"Umma I have watched you not looking after yourself, worrying hyung and appa also noona worrying to umma, they love you so much like me umma and they need you. I need you to but umma you have to let me go father is waiting for me but father know's that you have to let me go to him"

"Oh Maesuk-ah how can umma do that I don't want to let you go, I love you too much, I don't want to forget you Maesuk-ah"

[MAESUK]"I know umma, but I will be ok here with father, I will be looking down on you umma like father said something angel"

"My guardian angel"

[MAESUK]"Ye umma that's what father said, I know that you will never forget me umma, and I know that even though you want to be with me so much I know that you need to go back to hyung and appa"

"I know, but I promise you Maesuk that I will never forget you and I will always love you"

[MAESUK]"I know umma, I know"

You hug Maesuk so tight with an endless flow of tear's falling.

[MAESUK]"Umma I see the light"

"So your going to leave now?"

[MAESUK]"I see father waiting for me?"

Your tears falling more.

[MAESUK]"Umma, I love you"

"I love you more"

[MAESUK]"I love you most"

You feel Maesuk let go of you as you know that he was going to leave you and this was the last time you will see him again.

[MAESUK]"Umma, father said everything you want will come to you?"

The next he was gone and you were still in the same spot tears still falling.




No sound was coming from the other side when I was calling out to Min-a and just when I was giving up on calling her I hear a heartwretching scream making my whole body go in a sense of adrenline with everything moving to fast I break the door to see Min-a lying down awkwardly seeing her like that brought memories of when Krystal had found her that morning I rush to her side as I lifted her up and that's when I feel her side was wet not knowing what it was I called.

"Dean I need you right now"

[DEAN]"I am on my way?"

"I don't want anyone else to come in the room"

[DEAN]"Ok, Jihyo take care of thing's in here I won't be long"

I hang up the phone as I wait for Dean to come in I know Dean has experience in Medicine as I know he will be able to help me with Min-a right now. Within minutes the door open's and there is Dean running toward's us.


"Something has happened to Min-a I don't know what it is?"

[DEAN]"Lie her down flat"

The next I watch as Dean does his thing even though he didn't have his tool's that he may need I noticed him untying Min-a's hanbok as I know what was going to happen next, Dean loosen's and that's when he see what has happened to Min-a her stitches had become loose.

[DEAN]"Kris I need a needle and thread with a bowl of luke warm water"

I move in an instant leaving Min-a in the capable hands of Dean who I am so thankful for. As I run into the room where Celine and everyone else was waiting paitently.

[EVERYONE]"Kris what's going on?"

I ignore everyone as I run to the kitchen getting everything that I needed ignoring everyone getting my attention as I was grabbing everything obviously shaking at the same time that's when I feel a familiar touch.

[DAD]"Son, calm down what's going on?"

That's when I was sure I was going to break.

[DAD]"Ken I want you to come with me, Jihyo-sshii"

[JIHYO]"Yes Mr. Wu senior"

[DAD]"I need you and my wife to take all the guests to the next room and get Lee to organise all the guests with some refreshment's, whilst Kris and I sort out what's taking long with everything, honey please don't make it obvious"


[JIHYO]"Yes Mr. Wu senior, follow me Mrs. Wu"

I watch as Mum had grabbed everyone's attention as Ken was holding the bowl of water and thread and needle as we walk to the next room dad on my side we walk into the room to the expected people I noticed everything froze as the boy's all greeted dad bowing formally.

[EXO]"Mr. Wu"

[CHUNJI]"Mr. Wu senior"

[CELINE]"Mr. Wu senior"

[DAD]"Ok I need everyone out"

[GAEUN]"Who are you to tell me to go out, when my daughter is inside the next room?"

[DAD]"I understand Mrs. Yoon, but my son is carrying a whole lot of weight and I need to be with my son while he is in this state, and this is the first time I have seen my son like that?"

[GAEUN]"Ok...., Kris you will make sure Min-a is ok?"

"You have my word"

I watched as everyone lefted the room and we walk to the next to see Dean's sleeved rolled up his jacket on the side Min-a's head cushioned between the mat she would have been sitting on throughout the morning towels under her body, who long was I out of the room. I leave dad's side as I run to Min-a's side as Dean had her side covered but a portion which wasn't which I was guessing her rib area where the stitches were. Dean noticing my presence he see's dad and Ken with everything I could see that Dean wanted to greet dad but right now wasn't the time Ken placed the tool's down I see he had a bottle of liquor with him and a small cup.

[DEAN]"Kris I need you to hold the towel in place, I need to wash my hand's and sterilize the needle and thread"

As I hold the towel in place which was covering majority of Min-a's top half of her body whilst I see the on a towel was where the bowl of water, needle, thread, alcohol, towel's I watch as Dean washed his hand in alcohol then soaked the needle and thread into the alcohol tipping the water into another small bowl that I had also managed to bring seeing him rinse it out, threading the needle with the thread and he placed himself on the other side where he was going to stitch Min-a up. As I watched Dean being so calm and working so comfortable with the needle threading Min-a side where the stitches had become loose passing of as the stitche that the doctor's had done not realising the quality of Dean's work after cleaning Min-a up.

[DEAN]"Kris you can put Min-a's hanbok on she will be ok, the stitch will be able to hold for the rest of the day knowing that Min-a won't leave until the whole day is finished, then I recommend that we take her to the hospital to get it done by a professional doctor"

Dean noticing dad's presence, he formally bowed to dad which was expected as I finished covering Min-a up.

[DEAN]"Min-a will wake soon I recommend that Min-a drinks a hot tea which Nana will bring along with painkiller's this will hopefully make Min-a comfortable throughout the day and I recommend a.s.a.p that Min-a be sent to the hospital, this remedy will get Min-a relaxed within 5-10 minutes."

[NANA]"Honey here is the tea and pill, Theo is with Chanyeol"

[DEAN]"Ok, Nana stay here I am going to take this out and wash up"

[DAD]"Son, I suggest you go and wash up as well I don't think Miss. Yoon waking up and seeing you in this state, knowing full well that you need a breather as well"

"No that's ok I will change my jacket I won't be long?"

I leave in seconds as I spot Duke along with Sean and his family.

[JEN]"Kris what's happened, you look like you have seen a ghost or something?"

"No I am ok just gotta change my jacket I won't be long?"

Just as I walk to the car and I look for the spare blazer that I alway's keep in the car and I was glad that I had an extra blazer normally not using it, well as I slide my arm's into the cool crisp blazer feel the cool material cool the heat from my skin which was expected after what has happened. Feeling much better but still I couldn't grasp the adrenline inside me there was no word's that could explain what I was going through right now. I brush it off as I make my way back to Min-a hoping that she was ok, as I walk through happy that there was no one in my way as I stepped closer to the room, I see Nana helping Min-a up which I was glad to make it in time.

[NANA]"Min-a let me help you up, you will be ok"

I walk closer Min-a noticing that I walked in not expecting anything the next I knew Min-a was rushing to my arms feeling her soft limbs tangle itself around my waist not expecting that at all feeling her grip onto me was.... what can I say but I was glad actually thankfully dad couldn't see my face with my back facing him, I lowed my head into the crook of her neck ignoring the audience at this very moment. Feeling Min-a shaking against me I was aware that she was either in pain or crying or god forbid both.

[MIN-A]"[crying+mumbling] Kris...."

I smile at the mention of my name as I feel Min-a gripping onto me more firmer which I was surprised at the strength considering what she has gone through.

"It's ok"

I try to comfort Min-a as much as possible hoping that she wouldn't feel any pain of course, which reminded me.

"Min-a here you need to drink this and take some painkillers?"

[MIN-A]"I'm ok"

"Are you sure?"

Surprisingly she didn't say anything but had a smile on her face which blinded me Nana leaving us alone after what felt like Min-a had calmed down and still near me I thought maybe this is now the time to introduce Min-a to dad.



"I have someone I would like to introduce you to if your feeling up to it, and after that we can start...."


She whispers lightly well Min-a still clinging to me as I walked toward's dad which surprised me seeing Min-a acting like this, finally standing close to dad.

"Min-a I would like to introduce you to my dad Wu Yifan senior, dad this is Yoon Min-a" 

I watch dad smile at Min-a which gave me a hint that dad really liked Min-a which is a relief I guess and I see Min-a formally bow to dad.

[MIN-A]"Anneyong haseyo seonsaengnim"

Which was kind of nice.

[DAD]"Anneyong haseyo Min-a pleasure to meet you"

"Ok, that's enough for now come on we are behind schedule"

[DAD]"Ok I can take a hint son"

I hold onto Min-a's arm as we make way toward's the mat where the guests will come in to pay there respect's to Maesuk before making our way to the church.

"Min-a are you going to be ok, I will go and get Yoonho?"

[MIN-A]"Can you stay with me...."

I hear the faint plea coming from Min-a which took me by surprise I am not going to lie, I was anxious on what happened to Min-a to be like this but I was going to roll with it.

"Ok, I will get Jihyo to make it aware that it is ok to have the guests coming in ok"


Min-a looked at me smiling brightly.

Min-a looking a little pale but I didn't question it as I make my way outside to the other's and I see Dean walking toward's me.

[DEAN]"Mr. Wu, the guests are getting anxious?"

"Send them through we are running behind but inform the guests that after the this to make there way to the church where the service will be"

[DEAN]"Yes Mr. Wu, I will get Jihyo to assist the guests through and I will let the team at the church to be prepared for the influx of guests making there way"

"Thank you Dean not just for this but for being there for myself and Min-a"

[DEAN]"It's ok Mr. Wu, plus that is what friend's for and it is a nice feeling actually"

"No serious I mean it , I owe you so much that I can't express it in any words?"

[DEAN]"That's ok, sir I will go and inform Jihyo I will send in the other guest's before sending family"


I walk back into the room as I see Min-a standing there looking lost but comfortable which made me relax worrying over nothing Min-a smiling at me as I walked in.

"Min-a Jihyo is going to send your close family in last so they can spend more time alone if that's ok?"

Min-a smiling at me and nodding in approvement as I stand next to her waiting for the guests to come in just when I thought my heart has gone through alot the next thing as we stand in our spot the door slides open and Min-a reaches for my hand and she held onto my hand feeling the warmth coming from her was really comforting for me which was the opposite of what I should be feeling, I should be comforting Min-a not the other way I see my business associates walking in and Min-a looked lost not knowing who they were I lower to her level and I lean toward's her neck as I whisper.

"Min-a these are some of my work collegues and associate's coming through along with some of our important business partner's coming in as well are you ok with that?"

[MIN-A]"I am truly honored"

We both bow as each of the guests came through which was some what special being apart of this with Min-a which I fully appreciate as I watch the bowl on the side being full of envelopes which took me by surprise. Finally as the guests were coming to Min-a's family and friend's which was also really special being apart of this seeing the many emotional outpour of sadness as they each came through eventually with the last guests being Yoonho and Mrs. Yoon which was really sweet to see my heart breaking as I see Mrs. Yoon stepping out of her wheelchair and kneel in front of the frame like everyone else which I see Min-a almost breaking which was expected I place a palm on Min-a's back as she holds the tears that was ready to fall seeing Yoonho also doing the same next to Mrs. Yoon was also just as hard for me to see eventually I leave Min-a's side to help Mrs. Yoon back into the wheelchair.

"Chunji, Mrs. Yoon is ready"

Chunji come's walking in and he wheel's Mrs. Yoon out of the room Yoonho staying back as expected knowing that he would want to be with Min-a right now.


[MIN-A]"Yoonho-ah are you ok?"

[YOONHO]"Umma, Yoonho is scared?"


[YOONHO]"Yoonho was scared you were going to leave appa and I like Maesuk-ah"

[MIN-A]"Oh Yoonho, don't worry umma will never leave appa and you ever"



I watch the two making there promise to each other but I felt so light maybe because hearing Min-a mention me in that promise of never leaving my side or was that just Yoonho's sake, after whats happened I can tell you that I am never going to let Min-a leave without a fight. The funeral director makes his way in letting us know that they were getting ready to move Maesuk into the hurst to travel to the church but.

[MIN-A]"Can I be alone for a moment please?"

I was worried but I hid it for Yoonho not wanting him to get scared.

"Come on Yoonho let's leave umma alone ok"

We walk out not stopping my worried thought's I walk out to see that Celine, Luhan, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Mrs. Yoon, Chunji, Dad, Mum, Krystal, Dean, Nana, Theodore waiting for us.

[DEAN]"Jihyo is at the church waiting, also Duke and the Phelan's are also at the church"

"Ok, why are you all still here and not making way to the church?"

[DEAN]"It's ok, I have Jihyo leave the front row's for all of the family and friend's here"

[DAD]"We wanted to make sure everything was ok here?"

"Everything is ok, Yoonho why don't you go to the church with Celine noona and Luhan hyung?"


[CELINE]"Yoonho-ah you don't have to come with noona if you don't want to?"

[YOONHO]"Ani noona, I want to come with appa and umma?"

I lower at Yoonho's level.

"Appa need's to be here for umma ok, and plus why don't you go and keep our seat's warm for us, I promise that umma and I will be there ok"

[YOONHO]"Ok, appa"

He nod's as well as I watch everyone make there way to the church as I stand and wait for Min-a.


Thank you for reading I hope you like this chapter, thanks for the comment's.


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[Character's:- 20742 Word's:- 4785]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....