




[Italic:]- thoughts

[re-mentioned characters/ mentioned characters:]

Dean:- Kris Personal Assistant

Nana:-Dean's wife [Choi Yeo Jin]

Doctor Lee Jungshik:- Min-a's/Your doctor.

Doctor Shim Wonbin and Nurse Yoo Ahnjin: House-Visit Doctor and Nurse.


This chapter will have alot of flashbacks, and it maybe long [SORRY]:




"Sir, I am finish is there anything else you need?"

"No Dean thanks for coming here and working"

"Thats ok sir"

"Say hi to your wife"

"Will do, oh that reminds me my wife wanted me to give you this?"

I opened the envelope to see an invitation inside which was evident what I was being invited to.

To: Mr. Kris Wu + Partner

From: Mr. and Mrs. Jung

Please join us as we shower Nana with Love and Baby gifts for the upcoming birth of there son.

When:Saturday, April 23rd 6:00pm.

Where:Jung Residences

Dinner & Dessert

RSVP to Dean Jung or Emma Park

[insert number:]

"Whoa Dean why didn't you mention that you and your wife were expecting?"

"[Laughing] now you know"

"[Laughing] thanks Dean I am honoured to be coming so the baby shower is next week?"

"Yeah, well I better go my wife is craving for fish sticks [laughing]"

"Go on thanks again, say hi to your wife"

I watched as Dean leaves with a huge smile on his face with all thats going on I didn't think about what others were going through. As I leaned back in my chair looking at the remainder of my paperwork I couldnt help but think about what to do next.

"Master Wu"

"Lee, what can I do for you?"

"Miss is awake"

I didn't let Lee finish I strided upstairs to see Min-a and as I was etching closer thoughts going crazy in my head I finally reach the top of the stiars and I see through the open door and I see Min-a who looked like an angel apparent that she has woken up but looking at her was that she looked more relaxed which was a relief but it was unmistakeable that I could see that she had or was in the middle of breaking down in tears which stalled my beating heart whenever I was around her.


[2nd night for Min-a]

Another long day working at home, its been 2 days since I haven't been to the office and from my quick meeting with my C.O stating the obvious that there was alot of gossip at the company about me not being at the company which was obvious.

[conversation with my C.O]

"Sir, your C.O is here"

"Send him in"

I look as my C.O walks in, in his crisp suit which was mandatory in the company all employee's dressing to standards,

"Mr. Wu"

"Sit down"

So he sits and I walk towards him and sit down stretching my legs.

"So how is things at the company?"

"Everything is going accordingly, we have many new projects and contracts which I have forward to Dean to make sure you have a run down of the contracts obtained and many drafts of new contracts and projects whilst you have been busy working at home, have you had a look at the contracts that I have fowarded to you?"

"Yes, I have read the drafts and I have signed some and made changes to a couple of contracts. I am glad that everything is going smooth since I have been working at home"

"That's my job, whilst you are busy either overseas or here at your home sir?"

"Yes I am glad, but can I ask something?"

"Yes sir?"

"What are the talks at the company about me being away from the company these last couple days, be honest?"

"Just the shock from some of the management but other then that just the usual gossips with the female population within the company other then that nothing to report?"

"Ok thank you, I will be still working at home for the next couple days"

"Thats ok sir, no need to explain the reasons obviously but what about the board of directors meeting that was schedule this week?"

"I will either come to the company for the meeting or if unable I will conference with them here at home. Which I will have Dean sort out if needed?"

"Yes sir, I will inform the board of either action"


After few minutes of more work talk finally he leaves.

Later that evening, I untie my tie and walk upstairs and as if my body was working at its own accord my legs lead towards Min-a's room and I edge closer into her room and I couldn't help but just watch her

[End of Flashback:]

I was happy that she was awake and relaxed she looked so tiny with the many pillows surrounding her wanting to make sure that she is comfortable.


I called out to her.



'Who is he?'


'Who is he....'


'Oh, Yoonho-ah, Maesuk-ah mianheyo, jebal.....'

Your eyes open then you realise that it was all fragments in your head but you couldnt help but dawn on the last two images of Yoonho and Maesuk making you cry thinking about the two boys that mean alot to you more then yourself. As you look behind watery eyes you see that your still in the familiar yet unfamiliar room.

bedroom [yours]:


[this is totally a different image that I had before but it was close enough to the warm and comfort kind of modern like room that your character was staying in when at Kris's house which I had to re-do to pretty much have the images flow together and still keep that homey and modern Kris like feel to his house.... mianheyo]


You hear you name being called out by a throaty deep voice that gave you the familiar chills that seemed familiar to you, you look to where the voice was coming from and there you see one of the men that you saw in your dream and you see him standing there.


He looked so handsome in a suit

You couldn't stop looking at him his eyes were so inviting that you were drawn into his stare, and with you staring at him it was like it was the most comfortable thing to do even though you didn't know who this handsome man was, was he an angel sent to you are you d.e.a.d you try moving and you could feel your stiff limbs which was clear that this wasn't a dream and that you werent d.e.a.d with you to busy in your thoughts you didn't realise that he was now close to you with one of his hands on your back and the other on your shoulder the feel of his warmth being so familiar to you making you feel safe in his grasp.

"Here let me help you"

His deep voice and warm breath against the side of your face giving you chills all over your body which you honestly can say that it was a really nice feeling. As he was helping you up now you sitting you and leaning into the wall of pillows behind you which was so comfortable and that's when you got a closer look at the handsome angel near you, your eyes glancing at his face all his features looking so manly yet soft his eyes being his best feature to you which was so warm and inviting suddenly you felt your stomach feel uncomfortable.

"Lee can you make some food"

"Yes sir?"

"Min-a is there anything you would like to eat?"

The way he was saying your name you couldn't help it but it was like he was saying the most sweetest love song in the world, you just kept looking at him your mouth open but no sound coming out which was a first for you to not have something to say, even though you were shy at times in front of new people but you were still bubbly and open with meeting many people but right now nothing was coming out of your mouth.

"Thats ok Min-a don't have to say anything your throat must be dry, dont worry Lee is a really awesome cook"

"Master Wu did you want me to prepare the food downstairs or did you want me to bring it on a tray?"

The old man talking to him who's hands were still on your shoulder whilst he was talking to him you couldn't help but smile in your mind compared to the cold touch that you recall from that fateful night when you remember so clearly leaving the orphanage to go home giving you uncomfortable chills compared to the chills you felt with HIM touching you it was so different his touch gave you a safe and warm chill that you would never forget or want to stop.

"I will see Lee"

You watch as the old man left and it was only you and the handsome man alone in a room which you couldn't help but think other thoughts, maybe from all your friends from Uni when you would have lunch with and how they would talk about there partners, which made you remember your best friend Celine you would know that she was wondering where you were.


He calls your name getting your attention and you look deep into his eyes yet again getting drawn.


You moan an unfamiliar tone to you. 

"Are you in pain anywhere?"

When he said that it was like your body moved on cue and you could feel pain over your body, your head, your face, your chest the stiffness in your lower body wasn't to bad you hide the pain in your eyes hoping that he wont see it but obviously he saw the pain in your eyes it was like he was reading your thoughts the unexpected happened you feel his hand move away from where they were and now he was touching your head which oddly enough it was like his touch was soothing the pain in your head you started to relax then the next he touches your chin which was so unexpected that you grasped from his touch which he mistook.

"You must be in pain, after you have some food in your system then I will give you some pain medication ok"

You hear worry in his voice, and you nod your head to answer his question you turn and you see a tall glass on the bedside table you reach towards the table but before you could even reach for the glass of water it was gone and you looked and you see that its in his hands, seeing that you didnt realise how large his hands were. Next thing the glass is in front of you was he going to hold the glass for you whilst you drink the water.

"Open your mouth"

You open your mouth and you feel the cool glass on your lips with the matching coolness of the liquid in your mouth which was really nice but it hurt as well. From that movement the glass is gone.

"Are you ok?"


You say with a little struggle but you were happy that you could at least say something. With your newfound voice you need to know what his name was.

"What is your name?"

You say clearly and he looks at you as you look at him he was still close to you which was becoming so comfortable to you.

"Wu Yifan, but mostly known as Kris Wu?"

He says in his deep tone now you had a name to the handsome man in front of you. You smile at him thankful for what he is doing to you, it was obvious from the last thing you rememebered was when you were in the hospital room with him becoming so familiar to you. You stomach rumbles on cue making you red with embarrassement.

"You must be hungry [laughing]"

Hearing his laughter was so contagious making you smile.

"Did you want Lee to bring it to you or would you like to stretch your legs and we can go downstairs for a late dinner?"

Both seemed tempting to you but you wanted to see where you were and also the stiffness in your body it was evident that you needed to move your limbs.

"How long...."

He interrupted you before you could finish your sentence.

"3 days that you have been here"

He said with no hesitation you couldnt believe that you have been here with him for 3 days, and you thought about Celine, Gaeun, Yoonho and Maesuk they must be worried about you, you needed to go and see them you could picture Yoonho and Maesuk being really sad.


You look at the two little boys who were crying.

"Noona, why don't they want us noona?"

The two little boys holding hand crying which was heartwretching.

"Because Noona is going to adopt you Yoonho-ah, Maesuk-ah"

The two coming running to you closing the gap with there hugs which was a reason for you to be living and working hard for them to not have them go through what you have been through wanting to give them a better life.

"Ok noona"

They both say whilst in your arms.

['I promise']

That you will never let them down.

[End of Flashback:]

Before you could say anything.

"Min-a let me help you up, with you being bed ridden the last 3 days your body will be stiff and it maybe difficult for you to stand and move for you"

You nod your head to answer him the next you look at him, his hand was now moving the duvets and sheets which was covering you, suddenly you felt anxious at what you were wearing and what he was thinking about you when seeing you making you blush suddenly. You feel the crisp chill hit your body and the flame coming from the fireplace in front of you as you watched Kris bending as he moved the sheets to make it easier for you get up, you look down at your body and you were grateful that you didnt look weird but you were wondering how you got changed you looked down and you were wearing.

It was kind of funky pj's that you were wearing you were questioning how you got into them you couldn't help but look at Kris then looked away what was happening to you with all these crazy thoughts going on in your head. With your body covered you couldn't tell what your body but as you were trying to see any changes you couldn't tell, well anyways Kris came up to you he was now standing on the side looking at you he held his hand out.



I look at Min-a from the time I walked into her room I could see the changes from when I found her and she has gone through alot of changes, from the gauntness in her facial structure, the loss of weight making her look more frail despite the injuries and the look of her she looked really innocent and beautiful. As I helped her to sit up my hands still feeling sparks from touching her and give her water seeing the pain she was suffering with slight movements causing me to stall with my movements and worry about her but the look in her eyes full of pain, hurt, happiness and determination it was clear that she is strong willed and dependent women which was what drew me to her these last few days. As I was assisting her making sure she was comfortable with not only my presence in the same room with her, my thoughts were going crazy being alone in a room with a really beautiful women. I knew she was hungry and confirming it was when we both hear her stomach confirming my suspensions which was kind of funny seeing her slight blush from her embarrassement which was cute I don't know but the next thing that comes out of my mouth was surprising and shocking when it came out.

"Min-a let me help you up, with you being bed ridden the last 3 days your body will be stiff and it maybe difficult for you to stand and move for you"

I look at her and she nods her head which was also cute and with that I stood up and my hands grazed the duvet that was covering her my heart stammering and chills all over my body my reaction to what I was about to do I was of course a man and a man has his moments when he is near a women. Well I lightly remove the duvet followed with the sheets as I was removing the blanket of her body I couldn't help but stare at her body and I was feeling flushed and burning feeling inside of me thankfully she couldn't see me thoughts going crazy with other things that can be done. Thankful that I had called her a doctor.


[1st night]

I leave Min-a alseep in her room and I walk to my room with my phone in my hand.

"Hello this is Doctor Lee Jungshik"


"Mr. Wu what can I do for you is Miss Yoon Min-a ok?"

"Yes everything seems to be the same with her constantly in pain, giving her the required medication dose's"

"Thats fine Mr. Wu how is her temp levels?"

"Still normal, doctor?"

"Yes Mr. Wu?"

"Uhm, what about her dressing changes and other things?"

"I will have one of the specialists/doctor come to your residence to check her vitals, and change her dressing also to see if the stitches that she has are not being infected and also have the nurse to double check the plates in her body are also intact and doing its job"

"Ok thank you doctor, and what about clothing changes?"

Which made me blush lucky it was only a phone conversation not face to face just imagine saying this face to face with him.

"I will have a nurse come with the specialist/doctor attend your residence for that Mr. Wu?"

"Thank you doctor"

"Mr. Wu?"

"Yes doctor?"

"How are you coping?"

"I am fine"

"Thats good to hear Mr. Wu with most cases we have situations where it could be difficult but in your case with you and Miss Yoon Min-a not being spouse's with each other it must be difficult for you to be able to care for some stranger?"

"I am fortuante that I have help, and I hope I am doing a good job?"

"You taking the first step you are doing a good job"

After few awkward moments hearing doctor Jungshik commenting about Min-a and I not being a couple was kind of making me angry which was weird.

[End of Flashback:] 

As I finish removing the sheets I couldn't help but look at the pajamas that she was wearing was cute and innocent thankfully having the nurse coming to the house obviously a female nurse.



:-:Doctor Won Bin:-:

I walk in the Gangnam hospital straight to Doctor Jungshik's office after the call this morning which was unexpected, I walk in his office to see that he was alone.

"Doctor Jungshik"

"Morning Doctor Wonbin thanks for coming to my office this morning I apologise for the early call"

"Thats ok doctor what can I do for you?"

"I am having you attend to one of the paitents that I have recently discharged, we just have to wait for Nurse Ahnjin then I can explain to the both of you furthur details"

"Yes sir"


:-:Nurse Ahnjin:-:


I look at the nursing director.


"Your needed at Doctor Jungshik's office"


I throw my bag into my locker and check my appearance to see if I look in order after a long night shift here at the hospital which was long but fufilling, I was surprised about having to go to the Doctor Jungshik's office. As I quickly head to the office I knock on the door and walk in and I see Doctor Jungshik who was really known here in the hospital as well as in the country and most likely around the world.

"Come in Nurse Ahnjin"

I sat down and I saw that I wasn't alone I saw the a young man who looked older then I did and he looked really handsome from looking at his side profile.

"Morning Doctor Jungshik"

"Ok, thank you for coming Nurse Ahnjin, with the recommendation of your nursing director with your hardwork I understand that you have finished your shift but I would like you and Doctor Won Bin to go to the residence of one of my paitents that I have recently discharged"

I was surprised to hear this.

"Doctor Wonbin I will have you do a normal dignostics and check the paitents vitals, also if you look at her file Wonbin, as you can see that there are mutiple things that I would like you to check which a vital making sure that there is no infections from the stitches, also making sure the metal plates that are also functionally as you could see that she has metal plates in the jaw structure and rib cage"

"Nurse Ahnjin, I will also want you to also check her temp, vitals also as the paitent is female, and have mutiple injuries I recommend that you change her dressings after Doctor Wonbin has done his check, and also if possible have the paitent change into fresh clothing as I am worried with one false move it could disturb the healing process"

I was looking at the file that was given and I could understand what Doctor Jungshik was talking about I didn't mind because this could also help me with my job here in the hospital especially with my training to become a doctor.


[Minutes Later:]

:-: Doctor Wonbin:-:

After the quick consult with Doctor Jungshik wanting us to see a paitent of his at there residence whoever this paitent was it was evident that it was a high profile paitent which required special care. Which was what ruined the system for health care but it wasn't my place to judge I follow the instructions given, what was unexpected was that a nurse was also going to be with me during my visit to the residence even though it was mandatory especially with the things that she will be doing which was her job. Anyways we both depart to grab the instruments and tools that we needed and met down at the carpark we were going to go in my car which I didn't mind as we were heading out to the residence I noticed that Nurse Ahnjin looked tired, finally reaching the address now I could understand why Doctor Jungshik was going the extra mile as we see the property gated with security as we pulled in I see a really scary looking guy I pulled down my window and he asked questions.


"I am Doctor Wonbin and this is Nurse Ahnjin from Gangnam hospital we are here to see a Mr. Wu?"

"Can I see your I.D card"

[a fair idea keke but more like a photo i.d like a drivers license for a fair idea:]

We both gave our I.D to the man at the gate even though we had our I.D that we wear around our necks during work.

[a fair idea keke, but picture it hanging on there necks and have the Hospital Name and all that]

"Won't be a moment"

[Seconds later:]

"Ok, you will follow Jae there to the house, I will give your I.D"

I drive and follow the cart and we drive through a display of perfectly manicured arrangements of trees, flowers and bush it was clear that the people who live here are wealthy we drive through the long drive and we pass a huge house 

Which was modern also express the wealth they have as I thought about parking I noticed that the cart wasn't stopping so we ended up driving pass and we went furthur towards another home

Which was just as huge but not to the extent like the first house we passed which also showed the wealth as well. The cart stopped so it was clear that this was the house and well we parked up next to the cart and we hopped out of the car and well grabbed our things. I knocked on the door and the door opens and we see an old man he opened the door and he gestured us to walk in I offer my hand to give him a handshake.

"Morning I am Doctor Shim Wonbin, and this is Nurse Yoo Ahnjin we are here to see Mr. Wu?"

He looked at my hand which was kind of embarrassing leaving me hanging, he bowed and he ushered us inside the house.

:-:Nurse Ahnjin

As Doctor Wonbin was driving through the large property I couldn't help but be in awe with the beauty I was seeing it was like we were in another place, well as we kept going I see a huge beautiful home which looked really homey and comforting which was really nice compared seeing the evident wealth that was seen from the home and the large property. We drive furthur expecting that we were going to stop at the other home but we stop at another home which was also large and different from the first home we passed this home had more of a private and homey feel to it which was contagious. We both walked towards the door even though I was still in my nurse scrubs

Image result for nurse scrubs Nike-Free-40-Flyknit-Womens-Running-Shoebest-watches-for-women-2.jpeg

which was like my uniform which looked so out of place here but I didn't really care at all whereas I look at Doctor Wonbin who was taller then me considering I am a tall women he was at least dressed to the surroundings.


Which was alright I suppose. Well the door opens and we see a old man who ushered us inside to the house and the home looked really modern with a rustic feel to it and as we walked in I see a man walk in


[Left:- Yoo Ah In/Dean---Right:- the suit he is wearing]

Who looked really handsome he looked more like a movie star I assumed was Mr. Wu. walking in dressed in a suit which made him more appealing.


I see the old man look towards the man who walked in.

"Mr. Jung, this is Doctor Shim Wonbin and Nurse Yoo Ahnjin, they are here to see Mr. Wu"

"Is Mr. Wu not feeling well?"

So he wasn't Mr. Wu, which was a surprised well anyways I could see the Mr. Jung looked shocked and worried which was really touching he must be a close friend of Mr. Wu's or Mr. Wu's partner not discriminating just thinking to myself before Lee could say anything Mr. Jung's phone rung which he lefted and he walked back from where he came from.

"Mr. Shim Wonbin, Miss Yoo Ahnjin will you follow me"

We followed the old man upstairs with me looking at the interiors amazed with the layout of the house and as we reached the top of the stairs we still followed him towards where I assumed was where Mr. Wu was stationed we pass the clean home we pass mutiple doors which I was anxious and curious to see what was behind the doors. Finally we stop at a room which the door was open and I saw the most touching scene a back profile of a man sitting on the bed it was clear he was dressed for work with his blazer hanging loosely on the chair near him, seeing his back muscles through the material leaning forward to who I am assuming is the paitent of Doctor Jungshik I can see that there was a bowl of water and I see Mr. Wu with the cloth in his hand move away from the paitent and I could see when he moved that she was laying there amongst the pillows she looked so pale her eyes close I watch as Mr. Wu squeezes the cloth and he starts lightly intimtately wipe the women's cheeks like he was making love to her which was really sweet making me feel envy to her.

"Master Wu"

The old man breaking the spell of my moment of awe and he places the cloth back into the bowl before looking he gently brushes a strand of hair at the back of her ear and straightens the covering/duvet covering her and he stands up and when he stood up he looked tall and looking at his back profile he looked y I quickly shake the thoughts in my head, and just when I got over that moment Mr. Wu turns and he faces us


[Left:-Kris----Right:- the suit he is wearing]

I see that the back was nothing compared to the front he was like a god, I see that he was dressed like he was ready for work like Mr. Jung downstairs he looked so ravishing and I have seen many shapes and sizes but Mr. Wu was in a league of his own I saw that his sleeves was folded where I can see his arm muscles.

"Master Wu, this is Doctor Shim Wonbin and Nurse Yoo Ahnjin"

He bow at us which took me of guard he walked towards us whilst fixing his sleeves back to normal and he grabbed his blazer and placed it on making him more y. He came towards us and he shook hands with Wonbin, seeing him closer he was evidently taller then Wonbin and myself making me look up at him he features were amazing, Wonbin explained what we will be doing as it was only us four in the room, I could see in his eyes that he cared for the women on the bed by the look of his eyes the way he started at her it was like he could light up the city with just one look, she was a very lucky women thats for sure. As he was about to leave us he walked towards her and he gazed at her with so much love and lust in his eyes which made me flush for interupt this moment, and he softly touched her cheek.

"Please becareful of Min-a, how long will you be with Min-a?"

The way he said her name was like .

"For me it will be an hour the most as for Nurse Ahnjin...."

Which woke me up from my daydreaming.

"To change the dressings, and other things for Miss Yoon Min-a I should be at least half an hour Mr. Wu"

"Ok thank you I will be downstairs if you need anything let Lee know he will be stationed upstairs if you need him, I will be back when you finish"

"Lee, you will assist Doctor Wonbin, and Nurse Ahnjin if they need anything. Keep me posted I will be downstairs"

"Yes sir"

"Yes Mr. Wu"

I hear Doctor Wonbin say he looks at her one more time then he leaves us alone with her, I couldn't stop thinking about Mr. Wu.



I couldn't stop looking at Min-a and how cute and y she looks lying there in her pajamas which I had to hastly shake the thoughts away.

"Min-a do you want me to help you up?"

She shakes her head seeing the determination in her eyes which was clear that she wanted to try herself which was what really touching to see it made me smile with pride obviously in my head not wanting to make it obvious and for her to see my reaction. She tried moving but nothing she was still in the same spot I could see that she was trying I could see beads of sweat on her forehead from her trying to move and finally she has her legs off the bed and also her sitting up with no support I could see the bandage that she had covering her chest area from the movement, the bandage on her head was removed I could see where they had stitched her wound but from the movement her hair covered it her hair was long covering the stitches. She was taking huge breathes which was evident that she was worn out from a simple movement I should a have not suggested her to go downstairs but it was to late, she takes another breath and then I see her trying to stand her muscles must be really stiff I walked closer to her just in case but not to close finally after a few moments she is now standing she was pretty short 5.4 compared to my 6.11 height well I watched her as she stood there I could see her falter which I automatically grabbed onto her, to stop her from falling.



After struggling to sit up and move my legs to the side of the bed which you finally achieved, the next step was trying to stand up after taking a few needed breathes I was getting ready to stand up which was kind of difficult having Kris watching my every move which was kind of daunting hoping that I won't embarass myself. Finally I try and I did it I was standing the feel of my legs was really nice from the struggling I was experience it was clear the my legs were stiff from no activity then just when I thought I could do it my legs start to tense from the sudden movement and I knew I was going to drop on the floor in any second I closed my eyes but what surprised me was when I felt warm arms holding onto me and I open my eyes to see that Kris was holding me his arm around my waist.

"Min-a are you ok?"

"Yes.... thank you"

Did I just stutter.

"I will help you ok, lean on me for support"

I smile up at him and he was definitely tall having to look up at him, the feel of his arm around my waist, me leaning into him, feeling his body heat with mine, his smell of his cologne was intoxicating in a good way. Well we both were walking out towards downstairs and we were still upstairs you were still in your room and you both walked straight towards the door within your room.

"This is your bathroom"


It went smoothly with the room you were staying in which was really cool with modern yet comfort style that seemed to flow along with your room which was really fancy for you considering where you stayed and had been brought up in an orphanage.

"I might as well give you a tour of the house [laughing]"

Which was cool with what Kris was doing trying to casually break the silence whist we were walking out of the room we walked to my pace which was pretty slow. We turned to the left.

"This is my room"

And Kris opened the door with his other hand and we both walked inside a few steps and you looked and you could see that it was really nice, a mans room. 

Kris's Bedroom:



[it isn't the same as the one I had earlier, I tried looking for one similar to the discription but COULDNT sorry! but it still has that modern comfort style which I wa trying to get.]

It had an architecture kind  of feeling, it was warm and inviting despite the dark colours in his room there stationed on one end was a very warming fireplace looking really nice and but it was the big king size bed domainating the room and Kris needed it with his height and broadness you close your eyes to shake the thoughts away.

"Min-a are you in pain?"

"No I am fine"

"This is my bathroom"

Kris's Bathroom/Toilet:


The bathroom was smiliar to yours one with it flowing together which was really cool, his master bathroom was quite large and very modern which was really suitable for a large man like himself, but it was the art work that caught your attention but you tried to look at something the bathroom was more darker then the lighter style of colours from your bathroom. It seemed to match perfectly with his room that was for sure.

Living Room:

Which was just at beautiful you were looking with amazement with you not having the chance to be in a house like this, this was kind of the house you would like to stay with the two boys wanting them to have this kind of livelihood.


Was all you could say throughout the little tour with Kris what was funny was that you were in your pajamas whereas Kris was still in his suit from when you woke up earlier but with his blazer missing making him more appealing.


The living room was quite small with large open space but the gigantic sliding door was what caught your attention seeing the simplicity of his living room was quite gorgeous despite the large ceiling's was something you didn't realise actually and just the minimal furniture was quite something just when you thought you saw it all on one side of the sliding doors you see a very beautiful grand piano in it's glory with the evening sun dawning against the instrument was absolutely stunning.


Kitchen and Dining Room:


The kitchen with it's luxurious design especially with the marble going on, and the colour scheme blended pretty well with the lounge eventhough the kitchen looked way different from the living room but it still looked like it belonged here, with its modern feel still included which is the main focus of the house along with it's homey feeling. Seeing Mr. Lee cooking it showed that this is his domain noticing that Kris must entertaining alot of guests for the kitchen to be this large with it's space and you couldn't help but your mouth was watering from the delictable smell's coming from the kitchen making your mentally grin.

"The food is almost cooked sir?"

"Thats ok, Lee I am just slowly but surely giving a tour to Min-a"

Lee looks at Kris and you see something in his eyes which you couldn't understand at all.

"Is there anything you would like sir?"

"No we won't be long, how long until the food will be ready?"

"In 10-20 minutes sir?"

"Ok thanks Lee, come on Min-a"

We leave the kitchen and we walk towards the hall with Kris still helping you as you walked and he opens the door.

"This is my office, where I spend alot of time"

Kris Office:

[Not the same as the previous]

Which looked like any normal office which is modern yet homey, there was like two rooms it looked really nice actually, after looking in his office you both walk out of the office and walk towards another set of stairs.

As the both of you walked down you see the wine cellar which there was alot of wine bottles which obviously proved your guess right with Kris being one to have many guests over to entertain for business and maybe pleasure but you don't have a chance to think about it as Kris ushered you towards the door at the other end as you walked you see another door which you were curious about you futhur towards the door and he opened it and you see.

Kris's Man Cave/Game's Room.


Which was pretty modern that's for sure it looked to sleek to be part of this house but this must have been where Kris had overall design as you could see that it was two story surprised at how behind the door housed something so extraordinary like this as you could see what looked like a mini cinema, and where you were standing was like a fully stocked bar with a door which you could see was ajoining to the wine cellar that you passed which was really something and there was a mini living room with it's couches and bean bags as well which was comfortable just looking at it and then you looked to you right and you see a half basketball court with a rack of basketball's which was all one colour matching the paint on the floor which was black which was pretty awesome and also it's glassed hoop on your left of the bar you see a pool table which looked really epic.


Which blended prettu well and you were leaning on a beam as you felt better standing alone and you see that there was another door which Kris slided open to show that wasn't the end of the room which was pretty awesome as you see.


"As you can see what this room is [laughing]"

You can see that Kris had total control on this space which was pretty cool seeing the mutiple things in just this space to busy admiring you didn't realise that you were legs were starting to get weak as you were trying to hold yourself up until you felt the familiar warmth around you waist.

"Hey Min-a you need to sit down"

Kris helping you into one of the soft chair's.

"Are you ok?"

You see that Kris is now kneeling in front of you which gave you a clear view of his features no matter how many times you look at his face you always seemed amazed.

"Yeah just my legs feeling numb"

The next thing you feel something hot touch your knees and you looked down and you see that Kris is rubbing your knees which was giving you butterflies, chills, tinglying feeling you couldnt help but feel pretty touched with Kris trying to comfort you never having this kind of feeling before let alone taking care of you like this especially from are man that seems more like are friend then a stranger which was a comforting feeling, whilst Kris was rubbing my knees still giving me chills and a little hot.

"Master Wu?"

We both look at Lee.

"Dinner is served"

"Thank you Lee"

"Is your legs still numb?"


You start questioning to yourself, why are you still stuttering, the next thing you feel yourself being lifted up and you can see that you were being carried by Kris bridal style and you were trying to struggle out of his grasp but he was so strong that you were still locked in his arms. You finally reached upstairs and see the table full of food which was mouth watering and your stomach replied on cue with all the food and also embarrassing you was certain that Kris would've had heard because he was still carrying you. He placed you down and into your seat and you smile at him and thank him Kris sat opposite to you and you both started eating the food which was so yummy that you couldve had died and gone to heaven right now, but whilst you were eating you couldnt help but think about Yoonho and Maesuk were they ok. You look at Kris who looked so ravishing in front of you oddly you seemed relaxed right now.

Thanks to those that have Subscribed:-

[thanks to these subbies much appreciated sorry for the delayed thanks to you all!!!!]






Thanks to all those that are Reading including the Silent Readers, your time is much appreciated.


[I have made a few changes in this Fic, including the Images yet again hopefully they are still here next time I see instead of seeing mutiple gaps and all that, and changed the outlay of Kris's humble abode, hopefully your imagination goes with the images that I have gotten on here, because mine did as I changed them around along with the story itself sorry to my older readers for this they would probably know the difference.]

PLEASE:- Subscribe, Comment, or Upvote if you want

[Characters:-31700 Words:-7483]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:- 22nd September 2015
Edited/Re-Read/Font-Changed/Image change:- 12th July 2016
Font Changed: 13th December 2017


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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....