

[mention characters:]

Gaeun: Ajumma who runs an orphanage that you were raised in.

Joon, Baek and Sora: Staff of the oprhanage.

Maesuk & Yoonha: 2 kids from the orphanage.

Celine Huang: Room mate and friend of yours.

Krystal: you will find out throughout this fic.

italic= thoughtsarrow-10x10.png




"Yoon Min-a"

You look at the aunty calling you, knowing her for along time.

"Ye eomma"

You look at a tall a really beautiful women in her early 40's who you look at with so much admiration and love more like a mother you never met she took care of you since you were orphaned at a young age, you don't know anything about your parents or where you come from all you knew was your....

Name: Min-a [then] Yoon Min-a [now: having eomma's family name]

Age: 4 years old [then] 20 years old [now]

And that was it other then that you have no recollection of who you are you adjust your jumper she walks towards you but you get interrupted when you hear...


You look at the two boys calling you.


[Maesuk: 8 years old Yoonho: 9 years old]

"Ye Maesuk, Yoonho waeyo?" [a play on Mason and Geun Suk and Yoogeun and Minho]

They run towards you still amazed at how these 2 have grown up in your eyes they were raised in the orphanage that you were raised in and you swore the if the time was right you would adopt these two young boys they haven't had anyone come into adopt them which was really unfortunate.


[you were 16 years old:]


"Noona, why don't they want us noona...."

You see 4 year old Maesuk and 5 year old Yoonho both holding hands tears falling from there eyes making your heart break at the sight.

"Because noona in going to adopt you Maesuk-ah, Yoonho-ah"

You hug the two boys in your school uniform making you determined to have a better futurearrow-10x10.png for yourself and the two boys that means alot to you.


They both say and you smile at them

[End of Flashback:]

"Ye eomma?"

"I need your help this afternoon?"


You help eomma with the errands here at the orphanage like you always do with no worries this made your day spending your time with the kids here helping many ways as you could wanting to make the kids life here as enjoyable as you could. After having many memorable moments here full of love and fun which you wanted to share with the kids here. With the upbringing you have you wanted a family of your own with sounds of kids laughter and fun surrounding you after a long day at Seoul University today for classes as you were double majoring in 'Medicine and Law' which will help you in your career choice which was 'Children and Youth Services' it was alot of work thanks to gaining a scholarship to [SNU] Seoul National University for Medicine with the support of eomma and the orphanage helping you both mentally and financiallyarrow-10x10.png with 'Law' which was the reason why you worked so hard both at school and here at the orphanage. You were helping Gaeun eomma it was getting late but you wanted to help as much you could before going back to your own apartment which you shared with a fellow student who also study's in 'Medicine' like yourself, the apartment came with your scholarship you room mate who has become a close friend of yours her name being Celine Huang who was Chinese and French who lives and studys here in Seoul which was cool.


"Ye eomma"

"It's getting late maybe you should stay here tonight?"

Gaeun eomma was looking worried at you normally you would jump at the chance to stay here at the orphanage but you had readings that you needed to do for tommorrow's lesson which you haven't touched since you decided to ignore it and come to the orphanage which you don't regret but you needed to get a move on it looked like it was going to be another long night for you tonight.

"Ani eomma I have some readings that I need to do fo tommorrow?"

"Oh mianhe Min-a you should have mentioned that you had homework then I wouldn't have asked for your help this afternoon?"

Seeing guilt etched on Gaeun eomma's face which made you feel guilt but it wasn't her fault.

"Ani eomma it's not your fault it was mine that I didn't say anything, I will go and tuck Maesuk and Yoonho before I leave?"

You look at the time and it was almost 10pm which was pretty late but you enjoyed your time here it was your world away from reality you ran towards there rooms even though they were already in bed like all the other kids you still needed to go and say goodbye and tuck them in they would know if you didn't and they would have a huge tantrum even if they were deep in sleep they would know. You quietly opened the door knowing that they have shared the room together for as long as you could remember since telling eomma that you were going to adopt them when you were 16 years old, you looked at the two sleeping they looked so innocent you wrap them up tighter and kiss them both on the forehead.

"Goodnight sweet dreams I love you"

You leave them closing the door without waking them you walk down to the main room where you see eomma and the 3 live in staff members 2 male staff Joon and Baek for the boys which was needed and 1 female Sora including eomma for the girls and when you had time you would come and help. You bid them goodbye after hugging eomma.

"I am going to go now depending on my schedule for school if I am not busy I will come and help tommorrow?"

You say after letting go of eomma you wave to the other staff members then Baek oppa calls out to you.


"Ye Baek oppa?"

"Did you want us to walk you to your apartmen it's late?"

"Ani gwaenchan-ha"

You wave and put your earphones on and play music this time you were listening to 'A-Pink NONONO'http://youtu.be/v-FvZaaLKSI which was one of your favourites you tighten your hold on the straps of your bag.


You zip up your jacket over your jumper.

To shield you from the chill of the night you make you way towards the apartment which was a fair distant from the orphanage normally you felt safe when you walk throught the park as a shortcut not thinking about anything but listening to another hit which suited the moment it was an oldie but a goodie 'Ailee: Love Note [Full House ost]http://youtu.be/0XXKlgeXKwY 


"Sir I have found her"


"Yes on my way!"


"Yes sir no witness"


"Yes sir!"

I wonder why the boss wants this girl she looks so young she is just a mere university student who is she, all I was given was a picture of her and I had to tail her for alot of money, I lift her up and walk towards the van waiting with the other guys and we take off towards the warehouse I look behind me at her looking so vulnerable we finally reach the warehouse and she was still the same out of it for over an hour which was not a good thing we place her on a chair and just tie her up and the door opens behind us in comes the boss looking like he has won lotto.

"Good work boys now wake her up I want to get a good look at her"



Your head feels like you have been hit by a truck that was speeding right at you, your hands seemed constricted which was also are weird feeling thats when everything came to you and hit you all at once and thats when you opened your eyes which was really blurry you adjust your sight to look at your surroundings and that's when you see strange men all in suits looking at you your arms tied behind you and your bag was no where to be found you started to panic, as you were panicing you notice that something wasn't right and you don't feel like your hands were tied properly to the chair hopefully they wouldn't notice suddenly you thought about plans on escaping this ordeal and with the onslaught of the familiar dramas that you watched with similar case like this coming in handy.

"Park Min-a"

Your name being called like it was venom but your name was Yoon Min-a why was this person calling you Park Min-a. You look at the direction full of determination you didn't want to show these men that you were afraid even though deep inside you were screaming with so much fear calling for someone to help you.

"Who are you?"

You say with just as much venom in your voice which lefted a bitter taste in your mouth as this was a first for you speaking in this way. You look at each of the faces that dont look recognisable to you they all looked old and lastly you look at the one that you called your name he looked like a normal old man who was he for him to know your name. He smiles at you which made the hairs at the back of your neck stand in a bad way making you uncomfortable outside you looked like you were ok but inside you felt like squirming away from here.

"You dont need to know who I am"

He says matching the venom in his voice earlier.

"What do you want with me?"

"You will wait and see, they are right you do look like they say you are?"


He ignores your plea.

"How do you know me?"

You ask with curiousity and also with the hope that they will let you go which looked unlikely. He starts laughing like a villian in the movies.

"Let me say this, you were hard to find?"

Then you hear a phone ring and you look at the guy who scared the living daylights out of you.

"We have her with us right now"





He walks up to you and you lean as far back as to the chair not wanting to be near him.


You shut your mouth not wanting to give in to his demands. Then he slaps you loud you were so sure that your jaw was put out of place you fight the tears wanting to fall from the pain but you hold onto them as if your life depended on it then he grabs your chin with force.

"If you don't talk then you wont get to see your precious parents...."

What did he say, did you just hear him mention your parents so many years you have been wanting to find out about your parents and why they left you in an orphanage without no explanation.

"That's better if you listen to me then you wont get hurt"

You just wanted him to shut up.

"So are you going to be a good girl and listen to what your told to do!"

You don't say anything and he hit's you again this time on the other side which was really painful you moan in pain that was all.

"So are you going to listen now?

You sit there looking at him uninterested you were waiting for the pain to hit you but you didn't expect it, he had kicked your chest with so much force that you were on the ground your fingers gripping the back of the chair determined not to let them know that you weren't tied to the chair. Your chest area was in so much pain but you don't give him satisfaction that he had the upper hand you just keep picturing Maesuk and Yoonho keeping you motivated.

"Whoa your stubborn one arent you, pull her up!"

He says with anger it looked like he was getting annoyed, he grabbed your hair forcefully you were sure that he might have pulled some strands of hair out with his force. He leaned closer to you, you feel him breathing near your neck giving you are sick feeling.

"Are you going to do what I say, now, or do you want to see how far I will go to make you talk"

He whispers in your ear making you shudder with distaste.

"You like that"

You spit at him, you were shocked at what you were doing it was like a different side of you coming out of your shell which shocked you but shocked him more earning a mental grin for you.

"You wish you didn't do that"

He hit's you again on the face and pulls your hair roughly more then before then he whispers.

"Maybe we need to go and visit the orphanage and visit, whats there names... Moon Maesuk and Jung Yoonho is it?"

You didn't want them to go near them even if you were going to die you didn't want Maesuk or Yoonho to suffer in any way if it was to do with you, you would go throught hell and back to make sure that they don't go near the boys and harm them in any way. He smiles brightly at you now realising your kryptonite was them, he places the phone next to your ear.


You say stutter because of the pain and also the worry about the 2 boys that mean more to you then anything else.

"Leave her alone...."

You hear a distraught male on the other end of the phone the voice being unfamiliar to you which didn't bother you as much but you were more curious who was that on the other end but before you can say anything else the phone was moved away and the guy left with his men following him the only sound was the bang of the door making you feel more alone since the first day when you were left outside in the cold at the orphanage, tears start to fall from the memories and the pain you were feeling right now your wrist were hurting from the endless movement of you trying to get them off. You start thinking about Maesuk and Yoonho there faces smiling up at you with love you were determined to get out of here and get them and not let go of them and to make sure there smile never leaves there face so you can see them and never let them go. You hear sounds on the otherside of the door making you quickly wipe dry tears away and you sit as the door opens and you see one of the men walk in with your bag which you sighed with relief he throws it on the ground next to your feet you whimper in fear, giving him satisfaction that he got the best of you and as soon as the door closes you wait for a couple minutes then you reached for your bag which was difficult but you managed to find what you were looking for which was a book that Maesuk and Yoonho did for you for your 17th birthday which you carried with you everywhere and you grip onto the book and placed it on your lap which was difficult and a tear drops at the image of the three of you together smiling. You quickly put it inside your jacket and used your feet to make the bag look like it was thrown in front of you. The door opens and the guy comes back in followed by 4 men in suits that you saw earlier.

"Let me go please...."

You moan out in tears.

"Please I have a test tommorrow...."

You say to sound conceited so they wont follow through of hurting Maesuk and Yoonho and they all laugh at you not caring about what you said and one of the guys puts a tray on your lap and on it was scarce only a peice of bread, bottle of water.

"That should last you when we come back"

They all leave leaving you all alone you hear car sounds tyre screeching which was clear that they actually lefted you. Maesuk and Yoonho's faces came into your mind and you used that as strength to try and loosen the bounds on your wrist which was getting there ignoring the rope burn that you were sure you were getting as you were doing that you noticed something at the corner of your eye. You drop down on your knees ignoring the searing pain on your knee's you look and see that your jeans were ripped from the gravel under you leg. You try to stand up but you were in pain so instead you moved like a worm towards the thing you spotted which was something that will help you get out of here which gave you hope maybe fate was on your side right now you shuffled and used the broken/dismantled metal to cut the bounds of your wrist with as much strength as you could muster they finally were off and you untied the bounds on your ankles and you see the redness and dry blood on your wrists which was awfully bad especially with the quick check on your injuries thus far. You ran to your bag grab the bottle of water and wet your wrists to clean it just in case it could get infected ignoring the sting from the water you rip part of your singlet underneath your jumper and tie them around your wrist. You pull out the items out of your bag you could see that your phone wasn't inside which was obvious you saw that everything else was in there you place the book back in your bag grab the bottle of water you weren't going to eat the bread you feel around to see if they had taken your card holder which you hide in your bra it was a habit. Thankfully it was still there which you sighed in relief.

"Ok what to do now?"

"Didn't think I would get this far?"

"Maesuk, Yoonho noona's going to protect you?"

You try and think.....

"Find away to get out of here!"

"Come on!"

You start looking around your surroundings more clearer now you look at every angle and that's when you spot a light coming through on the other end of the warehouse you stand ignoring the pins and needles in your knees and grab your bag and walk towards the hole as you got closer breathing evenly from the short run not wanting to waste time just in case they decide to come back you look at there was an opening big enough for a little kid to get through but not a young women like yourself.

"Ok dig a hole"

"Find something...."

"Oh where is it?"

You put your bag down and run to get the dismantled metal you used earlier to let yourself free, you hold onto the metal using it as a shovel and you dig the ground/gravel with as much strength as you could muster constanly looking behind and pause to hear any unusual sounds, finally you look at the hole that you dug out and noticed that it was big enough for you to fit through you let out a deep breath not realising that you haven't breathe at all since you started figuring out how to get out of here and you throw your bag down into the hole and wait to see if you hear anything. Finally you take a chance and go through the hole with your bag and you sigh in relief that you were out of the warehouse and you smell the crisp fresh air of the night turning into morning you look at your arm to realise that your watch was broken so you didn't know what time it was you look around and you could see that you were not far from civilisation which was a huge relief you start running always looking out the even breathing of you running and the images of Maesuk and Yoonho keeping you going, you were to busy in your thought's that you didnt see the hole on the footpath which caused you to trip and land heavily hitting the cold concrete your head hitting the wall which you ignored because you were on a mission but to be honest you were dazed for awhile so you had to use your hands to help navigate where your going, the cool morning wind hitting you. Still dark the faint lighting was like a guideline for you as your hands are your eyes you feel the same coldness of the concrete under your palms and then you touched something that was soft you pick it up you shake your head to wake you up and thats when you see that it was a photo of handsome man sitting casually, your feel your heart stop for a second.


"Who is this.........."

You moaned out ignoring the pain in your chest you the light shining down on you like a spotlight on you then the next you black out.


[End of YOUR POV]


Min-a faints from her head wound gripping the picture in a death grip:



Alarm rings and I wake up for another morning at work, it was a secret I didn't want my family or friends to know because I wanted to do it for myself and not rely on my families money, I had time to do this before getting ready to go to school. I was delieverying milk to houses which was nice to do something like this to see how many people relied on little things like milk delieveries which was nice to do, and also it was a good workout then with oppa finding out about my little work after he decided to follow me I ride the familiar path on my bike with the carton at the back of my bike full of milk and newspapers which was now included on the the delievery route I bike down the alleys of the streets which wasn't far from my neighbourhood as I was riding I remembered oppa getting angry at me for doing this which didn't bother me but him it was like something huge. I stop at the houses in the neighbourhood and deliever the milk and newspapers I ride through the shortcut to the next street and that's when I spot something out of the ordinary and I ride closer and that's when I see an unconcious heavily beaten unnie lying there with blood on her head I take out my cellphone out of my pack and I dial for the medics.


I call oppa.


"Krystal, are you ok?"

"Oppa [tearing]

Oppa starts conversing in Chinese which I adjust to.

"Krystal what's wrong?"

"Oppa, unnie is really hurt [tearing], oppa I am scared?"

"Krystal hang on I am on my way"

Whilst I wait with the unconcious unnie her head resting on my lap with worry using my jumper to stop the bleeding coming from her head, I call my boss at work who I do deliverys for to explain whats happened and he is on his way.

"Maesuk-ah, Yoonho-ah noona's coming...."

I hear the unnie calling out 2 names that could be important to her. 


5 minutes later I see my boss running towards me with worry in his face and he kneels down and asks questions about what's happened but the I sit in silence not sure what to say.


5 minutes after the boss came I see oppa running towards me with worry in his eyes he kneels next to me to take over holding my jumper on the unconcious unnie with one hand and his other hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"Maesuk, Yoonho"

She says the names again.


The medics lift the unnie onto a stretcher with the help of my boss and oppa, my boss telling to me have the rest of the week off and to call him when I am ready to come back not that he was pushing me to but I knew that he could find someone else if wanted to. Oppa and I follow the medics towards the hospital oppa was worried about me as we get to the there we wait in the waiting room and one of the nurses brings a blue bag and gives it to us I decide to look inside but the was no signs of her phone and wallet I spot a book which has a picture off the unnie whose blood was still on my hands in between two little kids maybe ther were her family and were the faces to the names she was calling every so often. 

this book belongs to: 윤 미나 [Yoon Min-a]

author: 매석and 윤호 [Maesuk and Yoonho/Yunho]

if book is lose please return: 23 Dongnam Street, Seoul.


I look at oppa who was waiting with me he was sitting on the other side of the sleeping unnie who honestly looked so pretty even though she was hurt badly, what happened to this unnie for her to be hurt this badly. Oppa wanted me to go to school but I didn't want to even though I won't get to see my friends I wanted to be with this unnie.

"Krystal you need to go to school?"

"Why oppa, I want to be here with unnie, I probably missed homeroom and 1st class oppa can I please stay here with unnie please?"


"I don't want unnie to wake alone, plus she keeps calling out 2 names oppa, maybe they are her family?"

"Krystal I will sort it out"

I didn't want to leave.

"Oppa, jebal"

"I promise that I will stay here until she wakes...."

"No oppa you go and find these 2 people please?"

"If you go to school I will find these people?"

"Who will stay with unnie?"

"I will call one of the guys to come ok"

"Ok oppa I will go to school?"

"I will have the driver take you home, so you can get ready for school and he will take you to school I won't tell mama and baba about this, this will be our own little secret ok?"

I ran to oppa and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you oppa"

"Anything for you, go on"


[.... POV

I look at my sister leave the hospital room with me left behind in this room with a stranger.

'Who is she?'

'Why is she hurt this bad?'

[End of .... POV]

[Mason Moon and Jung Yoogeun] the kids used in this chapter they are so cute and adorable since seeing Mason with none other the Jang Geun Suk together, and Yoogeun [mini Minho] on 'Hello Baby' with SHINee....

  • They maybe involved more in this but not sure see how it goes ^_^

So what do you think of the first chapter???  

  • You will know in the next chapters most likely if you didnt know already.


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[Characters:-19322 Words:-4632] 

Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:- 22nd September 2015
Edited/ Re-read/ Font-Changed: 11th July 2016

Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....