




WARNING: This may be a really LONG CHAPTER, or may SPLIT IT UP not wanting it to be to long, with [MIN-A] FIRST: Re-uniting with her mum, SECOND: Possibly Re-uniting her with Celine, Yoonho and Maesuk, OR Meeting the EXO BOYS!!! not sure in which order.... wanting to get [MIN-A][YOU] to meet the EXO BOYS!!! [thanks to Kyla1923 for reminding me and think 32 chapters so far without the EXO BOYS being involved alot, being MINOR CHARACTERS I think it is time for [MIN-A] to meet them, THANKS KYLA1923]

[I forgot, had a PM from someone who is reading this and wanted to know the what the Ranking Meant FOR the EXO BOYS! and in all HONESTY it is not to RANK the guys on how HOTT they are because HONESTLY how can I it, is IMPOSSIBLE....so]



Kris Wu Industries: [Owns EVERYTHING and ANYTHING Nationally and Internationally from Small Building Structures to Large Sky Scrapers, Public Buildings, Broadcasting Studios etc.] 21 1st
Suho Kim Inc. [Specialising in the Hotel Industry, owning, buying, furnishing, hotels around the world] 21 2nd
Chanyeol Park Corp. [Advanced Technologies and Advanced Weaponary Nationally and Internationally] 20 3rd
Luhan University Student: [FAMILY OWNS] Broadcasting Studios and Entertainment Businesses, Production Companies [ex. Summit Ent] 19 4th
Tao High School Student: [FAMILY OWNS] Shopping Malls in China and South Korea. 17 5th
Lay L.Ent: [Entertainment Industry in Music Acts] 20 6th
Chen Club Owner: [Mutiple Clubs in South Korea] 21 7th
Xiumin Resturant Owner: [Mutiple 5 star Resturants in America, South Korea etc] 20 8th
D.O Chebeol's Son 19 9th
Baekhyun Byun Ent. [New Entertainment in Actors/Actress] 20 10th
Kai University Student: FATHER; High Profile Politician, MOTHER; 19 11th
Sehun High School Student [FAMILY INHERITANCE] stay's with Suho 17 12th


Part 1:


As Joe instructed his team on there missions, as Ricky and Dennis follow Seoul's very own Detective's Inguk and Jihoon to the scene of a surprise blast on the outskirts of Seoul one of South Korea's busiest cities as they try to blend in with both South Korea and Seoul's finest trying to work out what happened Ricky and Dennis giving intel to Jensen just as they were recieving it which worked out. Ryan and Cam finding Minjun and Namgil with no intel on them making them having the hardest job whereas Duke and Joe head of towards Park Corp to find Mr. Park.



I drive as Joe keeps a look out as we head off towards Park Corp to hopefully find Changuk Park there.


[JENSEN]"Yes sir?"

[JOE]"Can you see if you got any leads on where Changuk Park would be now?"

[JENSEN]"On it sir"

As we are making our way there.

[JENSEN]"Sir, I have Changuk at an unknown place and Changmin is still at Park Corp"

[JOE]"Ok keep an eye on Changuk and find more intel on where he is and also keep an eye out if he moves Duke and I are going to Park Corp"

[JENSEN]"Yes sir"

I speed of towards Park Corp and with seconds to spare there is Changmin in front of what looked like to be a group of men shielding what could be Changuk's son and another person.

"Who is with Changuk's son?"

[JOE]"I will get Jensen to find out, Jensen"

[JENSEN]"Yes sir?"

[JOE]"Have you got the frame I sent to you?"

[JENSEN]"Yes sir?"

[JOE]"Find out who they are?"

[JENSEN]"Yes sir, on it will send it through as soon as I get the intel sir"


We keep tailing Changmin and Changuk's son, I had a feeling something was going down. I quickly call Sean.

"Hey Sean keep me posted on Dean and his family?"

[SEAN]"Yeah will do, Jen has lefted apparently are work thing?"

"Yeah there's been a blast on the outskirts of Seoul so I need you to keep an eye on Dean and his family ok?"

[SEAN]"Will do"

I hang up and keep my head in the game.


[YONGNAM]"Mr. Park"

I look at my assistant dress smartly which was dress protocol.

"Yes Yongnam?"

[YONGNAM]"Mr. Byun is here to see you Mr. Park?"

I look at my laptop looking if I had scheduled meeting with a Mr. Byun not seeing anything I knew who it was.

"Send him through"

[YONGNAM]"Yes sir"

"Thank you Yongnam"

Moments later in come's my best friend Baekhyun walks in looking smartly dressed which was normal of a fashionista that Baekhyun tend to pride himself in which was annoying at times but something I got use to with Baekhyun.

[BAEKHYUN]"Is that the greeting I get from my best friend [laughing], and from the look on your face it looks like you forgot the lunch we were meant to go to, which you promised"

I laugh along with Baekhyun seeing Baekhyun being clingy and acting more like a girlfriend which was funny.

"[laughing] No I haven't forgotten the lunch Baekhyun, as a matter fact I was waiting for you...."

[BAEKHYUN]"Ok you got that one, it's been awhile come on let's go my car is waiting?"

"No, I have my driver ready and waiting"

I say which I quickly alerted all honestly I forgot about my lunch with Baekhyun with work matters, I know if I didn't remember it Baekhyun will keep harping at me and won't stop until I do something for him which could be expensive depending on how angry he was.

[BAEKHYUN]"Ok rich guy, lets go?"

"Speaking of which why are you dressed in a suit?"

[BAEKHYUN]"Well because I just finished an event that I attend earlier leaving early so I don't miss our lunch?"

"[laughing] ok boss I am coming, Yongnam"

Moments later Yongnam comes waltzing in.

[YONGNAM]"Yes sir?"

"Cancel the rest of my afternoon appointment's if it is urgent just call me only if it is urgent"

[YONGNAM]"Yes sir"

"Whoa Chanyeol you sound so professional [laughing]"

As I was getting my things ready whilst Yongnam went back to his desk doing whatever he was doing I was just calling through to the driver about me coming down and to get the car ready.



I look at my best friend Chanyeol taking ownership and being so confident in his role as C.E.O for Park Corp which was a known company, knowing full well that Chanyeol wasn't really into taking over the family business, as I walked in after my event back at work seeing him like that it made me re-think about the non-stop worries I was having for Chanyeol which tend to be a regular thing I couldn't understand why I was acting this way but I didn't mind because spending time with my friends was awesome never being the same I stood there as Chanyeol was talking to his assistant who kind of looked like a really handsome guy but I don't swing that way, of course seeing Chanyeol commanding him was really something, well anyways I watched and as Chanyeol was sorting out his final things I see Chanyeol standing up putting on his blazer on.

Seeing the tiredness in his eyes was bothering me, as Chanyeol was finishing up was getting ready to go until another man came in.



As we were getting closer to the hospital for the obvious reunion of Min-a and her mum which I couldn't imagine what I would do if the roles were reversed I can see Min-a looking at me with obvious look of curiousity itched in her face which I was sure she was worrying about me instead of herself which I got to see alot coming from Min-a.

[MIN-A]"Kris, why are we at the hospital?"


[MIN-A]"Kris are you going to be ok?"

I don't answer Min-a at all and with my silence it caused her to worry for me and not thinking about anything at all suddenly as I stopped the car I feel a familiar hot touch on my arm and that's when I look down and see a familiar soft hand.

[MIN-A]"I am here for you if you need anything ok?"


I let her hand slide down as I hopped out of my car I don't know why words wouldn't come out of my mouth when I pride myself on not showing any signs of weakness I hopped out and I see Min-a also sliding out from her side and I still felt the heat whenever I looked at her which was 99.9% of the time I walked towards her as she walked towards me and without thinking and just going with it I reached for her hand feeling the softness of small hands in mind causing the butterflies to spike it's activity more but brushing it off and leading Min-a inside the hospital in tow I could hear her faint breathing and her clicking of her heels behind me it was like my heart was tuned to her footsteps which gave me are calming effect as my heart was beating alongside with the clicking of her heels which made me look down to see that I was still dressed in the suit that I wore to Dean's whichh also made me aware of what Min-a was wearing also. As we got closer I saw Chunji walking towards us I was surprised that he was there I didn't expect it at all thinking that he would stay with Mrs. Yoon instead but I didn't show any signs keeping it all inside.

[CHUNJI]"Mr. Wu?"


I saw Chunji looking behind me and that's when I rememebered that Min-a was behind me the whole time I walked inside the hospital to busy with my thoughts even though I knew she was there the whole time obviously from the way my body was reacting, I turned my body to face her and that's when I mentally facepalmed myself seeing Min-a breathing a little heavy obviously she still couldn't overexert herself and yet here she was looking out of breathe because of me not thinking.

"Mianhe Min-a?"

[MIN-A]"It's ok, are you ok?"

[CHUNJI]"Sir, if you ready just follow me, her doctor is waiting for us I mentioned to him that you were coming and you wanted to be there when he tells us more about her condition and also with the investigation of donors...."


This time as Chunji was walking ahead of us this time I walked slower not wanting to cause Min-a to be out of breathe again not realising.


I look at Min-a and I don't know what came over me I just felt like the world was on my shoulders.

[CHUNJI]"Mr. Wu we are here"

I didn't realise we were there already I felt my hands grip a little tighter on Min-a's.

[MIN-A]"Uhm, Chunji sshii..."



It was weird for you to see Kris acting this way he seemed cold, somewhere else you couldn't explain it but one thing was for certain that you were worried about him with him not saying anything which you were use to but the tension was different, as you watched Kris driving after the little incident earlier. As time was going as you were sitting next to him trying to figure out what was troublling him your fingers creasing the short material of dress against your bare thighs and as you felt the car purr underneath you slow down you look at your destination that's when it hits you that you were at the hospital which gave you goosebumps obviously thinking about when you were in hospital. You quickly brushed it off not thinking about yourself still worrying about the man next to you and you could see why Kris was acting differently now being parked at the hospital.

"Kris, why are we at the hospital?"

It was weird having Kris not answer you at all after knowing him in a short time he wasn't the type who was losted for words.

"Kris are you going to be ok?"

Not answering again which was causing you to worry who was this person here in the hospital that had this effect on Kris to be different from the man you have had the chance of seeing him out of this type of person of a man that is broken and lost making you aware that this persone was someone he cared for deeply or someone that he yearned for, you think to yourself why were these thought's coming to you and why are you acting so selfishly you had to expect that Kris would be alone of course a man like Kris would have someone with him but seeing the strong figure that Kris was the last few days seeing him like this was making you feel something deep inside of you spark to life you ignored your emotions and remember that you were here to comfort Kris despite the wrong things going on in your head at this very moment you place your hand on his arm hoping he had gotten the idea that you were there for him.

"I am here if you need me?"

Not surprised that he wouldn't say anything knowing him for a short time and like most men in the world they tend to shy away when it came to speaking about there feelings which was kind of annoying but understanding, you weren't someone special to Kris to open that side of him making you feel sad about thinking like that but it was to late it was like tattooed in your mind. To busy thinking selfishly about yourself you wake as soon you see Kris hop out of the car and your hand sliding down his stong arm ignoring the sadness and embarrassement of Kris doing that making you think that he didn't need you, but one things for sure even your best friend Celine could say herself that you weren't someone who shyed from a challenge and right now that was what was sparking you up instead of waiting for Kris to open the door you got out and walked towards him you see something in his eye which was there but gone in a mere second before you could see any furthur and just when you thought that he didn't think that you were there for him you look in shock as Kris was walking towards the entrance with you in tow you felt the butterflies swarming inside you as you couldn't believe that the great powerful handsome man was holding your hands the feeling of his strong fingers intertwined with yours feeling his warmth making you have chills all over your body you couldn't help but grin brightly with all the thoughts going crazy in your mind but you couldn't stop it. To busy grinning at the move that Kris had made you still looking at his hands with yours it was like your hand and his was like a puzzle connected to each other, you shyly look at the back view of his which was nothing but perfection seeing his long back covered with material that was making you want to rip off, where did that come from you faintly breath and you were sure that you were blushing deeply feeling your blood pool at your cheeks you were thankful that he wasn't looking at you because you would wish that you could jump in a black hole.

[CHUNJI]"Mr. Wu?"


You hear Kris being called and thankfull you used that to wake from the obvious desire you were feeling especially with the thought of ripping the material off Kris which you were surprised to even think about something like that and you wiped your eyes mentally and looked at the person who called out and you see a really handsome man.

Looking casually dressed and was now looking at you which caused you to hide behind Kris for some reason not sure why it's not like you knew him but you just did that, next you see Kris looking at you he looked guilty for some reason.

[KRIS]"Mianhe Min-a?"

Now you know why it was because of you.

"It's ok, are you ok?"

[CHUNJI]"Sir, if you ready just follow me, her doctor is waiting for us I mentioned to him that you were coming and you wanted to be there when he tells us more about her condition and also with the investigation of donors...."


Whoever was here had to be really sick from what you heard from Chunji mentioned especially concerning donor's which made it very serious and for you to understand why Kris was acting the way he was earlier not knowing what you would do if the roles were reversed you were walking with Kris but this time not as fast as before but your hands still together with your fingers intertwined which was probably the reason why you were both walking together.


He looked at you and you swore you have never seen anyone look like he did right now you reached to touch him but before you could do anything especially wanting to comfort him you were interrupted.

[CHUNJI]"Mr.Wu we are here"

Not realising that you were near the room and just a wall away from seeing the person who has inspired Kris to become to be like normal men out there instead of the godlike aura he gave off to you, trying to contemplate how to comfort him without shown any sort of jealousy and hostility.


[CHUNJI]"Yes ma'am?"

Which made you feel like an old person but you understood from the interaction that Kris and Chunji had earlier from you arrival you knew that it was a respect kind of thing which you found surprising because he didn't know you from a bar of soap, and from the interaction it looked like Kris was someone important which you knew from the aura you got from meeting him.

"Is it ok if you can leave Kris and I for a moment?"

[CHUNJI]"Yes ma'am"

"We shouldn't be to long?"

He nod at you and walking into the room and you breath in a deep breath before getting out on what you were thinking you quickly close the gap and hug Kris with as much as strength you could muster to comfort him as soon as you wrapped your arms around him just the feel of him next to you was making it hard for you but you ignored it and you just felt him stationary no movement it was to late to regret what you were doing but you just wanted to be there for him just as you were about to let go of him you suddenly feel Kris's arms around your frame you feel his weight lean into you your feel his head lean on your head. You knew from that he was finally letting you in and you hugged him deeper not just for your selfish reason also to cover the blush forming.

"Kris, I am here for you ok"

You mumble being hard because of the way Kris had hugged you tighter into him he just held onto you not saying anything, finally you loosen your grip from him so he got the message that they were waiting for him, even though you missed him against you, you had to let him go he let go of you and looked at you and he looked like he was feeling much better even though you knew he was holding it in.

"I will wait for you out here"

You say without thinking he looked back at you and ignored you and reached for you hand and intertwined your fingers with his and that's when you realised why Chunji was treating you like that before because of your hands in his.

[KRIS]"No, I want you to come with me"

You looked at him.

[KRIS]"I know that you would want to be inside the room"

"What do you mean?"

[KRIS]"I am sorry"

And he pulled you with him and you both walked into the room wondering why Kris was apologising to you as you walked inside the room your heart starting pounding and you see the back view of Chunji on one side of the bed closest to you and on the other side you see a view of the doctor who was looking down at his paitent finally you and Kris stop at the foot of the bed and just when you thought you have been through alot you look at the person lying on the bed and you instinctly started gripping onto Kris's hand and you started tearing up now understanding why Kris apologised to you, you look and see your mum lying there looking so ill, machines plugged into her making you tear up more.


You called out and ignoring Chunji's reaction looking at you with shock you let go of Kris's hand ignoring the loss feeling and walked to your mum's side and you wrapped her hand with yours.


You tear up after all the memories of seeing your mum as a strong women you knew was now lying down in a hospital bed making you feel guilt being with Kris after that little moment with your mum the doctor starts to talk.

[DOCTOR]"Sorry to interupt, I am Mrs. Yoon Doctor"

[KRIS]"I am Kris Wu"

[DOCTOR]"Pleasure Mr. Wu, your associate Mr. Yoo has mentioned to me concerning matters with my paitent"

[KRIS]"Yes, Chunji mentioned that you were here to talk furthur about matters concerning the health of Mrs. Yoon, that's correct?"

You look at how Kris demanding and taking over the situation which made you stare with awe but you were just so focused on your mum.

[DOCTOR]"Yes that's correct"

[CHUNJI]"Mr. Wu, did you want me to bring you and Miss. Yoon coffee or anything?"

[KRIS]"No thank you Chunji"

[CHUNJI]"I will leave you"


You say which took not only you and everyone else in the room, you felt wronged when Chunji had mentioned him leaving you all in the room without him you stood up and you walked towards Chunji and you looked at him.


[CHUNJI]"Yes Miss. Yoon?"

You formally bow at him.

"Cheonjineun eomma yeogileul jusyeoseo kamsahabnida [Chunji thank you for being here for my mum]"

He looked between both you and Kris which was kind of funny and you closed the gap and hugged him.

"Cheonji naega jinjeong-eulo Kamsahanda [Chunji I am truly thankful]"

You let go of him and walk back to your mum and held her hand.

"Cheonji yujihasigi balabnida [Chunji please stay]"

You hear his footsteps behind you to confirm him staying you looked at Kris and you just smile back at him there was nothing you could say to thank him for what he has done and you would spend all your life in debt to him.

[DOCTOR]"I am sorry to say but Mrs. Yoon has Kidney Failure, from the early signs when Mrs. Yoon was being admitted here with Mr. Yoo coming in with symptoms of fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and vomitting understanding the case of Mrs. Yoon's daughter taking into account but after running test thinking that Mrs. Yoon had [AKI] Acute Kidney Injury but we were wrong after more tests and then realising that Mrs. Yoon has Kidney Failure?"

[KRIS]"With your tests showing that Mrs. Yoon had Acute Kidney Injury?"

[DOCTOR]"We found potassium which is life threatening causing irregular heartbeats, but after furthur tests we then saw that Mrs. Yoon Kidney has failed which is why we are having this discussion thankfully Miss. Yoon's daughter is here so we can talk about the treatment furthur?"

[KRIS]"What is the best option for treatment?"

[DOCTOR]"Two options basically having Mrs. Yoon on dialysis or Kidney Transplant"

[KRIS]"Chunji had mentioned that earlier, and you have yet to find any donors with the same blood type?"

[DOCTOR]"That's correct with no family with majority of her family being deceased and her blood type being rare also making it difficult to find a donor?"

Not getting a word in because of Kris which was so sweet of him, he was acting more like the child then yourself, finally speaking.

"Can I be tested?"

[DOCTOR]"We can have you tested but you need to be aware that chances maybe slim as you are not blood related, but we are willing to still test you Miss. Yoon?"

"And if by chance it's ok, can I donate my Kidney to my mum?"

[DOCTOR]"If all the tests are successful there is a high chance that you could donate your kidney but you both have to know that if the transplant is successful there is still Mrs. Yoon to accept it which is another matter all together?"

"When can we start?"

[KRIS]"Thank you doctor, can you give us a moment"

Kris breaking the moment which either made you greatful but also disturbed wanting to get the ball rolling after everything your mum has done for you, giving your kidney was a small token for you to thank her for what she has done for you. As soon as the doctor lefted.

[MUM]"Min-a I am happy that you are here with me?"

"I know mum, I am sorry?"

[MUM]"Don't apologise, after finding out that you were kidnapped everything changed?"


[MUM]"Chunji here told me after finding out about my sickness?"

"Oh mum..."


I looked as Kris had walked towards mum on the other side and I see mum's other hand reaching for his.

[MUM]"How could I repay you for what you have done, from bringing my daughter to me, from helping me at the orphanage having your friends and associates Chunji and Seungho help me, to preparing the costs for this room and my care?"

I see mum tearing up which was so touching and making me tear up, how Kris has done so much for my family, you were so in awe of Kris that you felt so out of place.



Another day at school can't wait to go home and just relax, everyday was the same I wanted excitement but nothing.


"Hey don't call me that?"

[KRYSTAL]"Ok, what's wrong?"

"Just bored?"

[TAO]"I know the feeling?"

We sit at our usual table in the cafeteria suddenly I see our class president run into the cafeteria grabbing everyone's attention.

[C.PRESIDENT]"Hey everyone, there has been a blast just on the outskirts of Seoul, bballi the police and the army are going there?"

I sit up straight it looked like it was going to be an exciting day, just as we were heading to our next class Tao and I walking with Krystal knowing hyung would never forgive us if his princess was alone or hurt, we were walking and I see a familiar person.

[PRINCIPAL]"Mr. Oh, Miss. Wu, Mr. Huang?"

We all look at the principal.

[PRINCIPAL]"Come with me?"

[TAO]"What did we do?"

We follow the principal to her office and I was starting to think if I have done anything that would make Suho hyung angry not wanting to make him angry since I have been living with hyung. We walk in to see familiar guy standing in the office.


Was surprising to see Krystal's driving here.

[JIN]"Miss. Wu, Mr. Huang, Mr. Oh, I am sorry for the inconvience but Mr. and Mrs. Wu had called me to pick you all up to go to there home, now it's urgent?"



[GENE]"Sir there has been suspected blasts on the outskirts of Seoul?"

I knew from that, that I needed to organise everything.

[GENE]"Sir did you want me to start the extraction plan"

"Yes, where's Changmin?"

[GENE]"He has already left to fetch your son from the company?"

"Where is Minjun and Namgil?"

[GENE]"I have already sent a team to bring them to you sir?"

"Ok I need you to get my wife to our unknown base and I will meet you there I need to make calls"

[GENE]"Yes sir?"

I watched as all my men start packing everything and I called my friends.

[MR. WU]"Hey Changuk how are you?"

"I am fine, where are you?"

[MR.WU]"At the company, whilst Kris is away?"

"Ok, I need you to send Jin to fetch your daughter there has been a blast in the outskirts of Seoul not far from there school?"

[MR.WU]"How did you know?"

"On the news?"

[MR.WU]"Thank you I will call Jin to pick up Krystal?"

"I will call Suho and Tao's parents to fetch them?"

[MR.WU]"No it's ok I will get Jin to pick them up and take them to our home I will let Tao's parent's and Suho know"


I hanged up and made my way to the rest of the team hopefully Changmin has gotten my son, I call Namgil.


"I have the team get you and Minjun I want you to file everything and bring it my team should be there as we speak"

[NAMGIL]"Yes sir?"



I was on location when I felt something unusual, which I ignored I was busy looking at the blueprint's for the new hotel I was building in Jeju.

[WORKER]"Mr. Kim?"


[WORKER]"There is a call for from your assistant at the company?"

I answer the call.

"Hello what is it, I am in the middle of a briefing?"

[ASSISTANT]"Mr. Kim, Mr. Wu just called?"


[ASSISTANT]"No sir, his father?"

It was rare for any parents to call so I knew that it had to be something important.

"I am on my way" 

I look at one of my next in command.

"Take care of this I am needed back in Seoul"

"Yes sir"

I leave to make my way to Seoul with not knowing what was happening not listening to the rest of what my assistant had to say.



[GHOST]"Sir we have the attention of South Korea, the dummy has worked accordingly, also we have our insiders int he company out and making haste back to base, also I have called of the teams stationed at the locations you requested"

"Ok, any news on the Park's?"

[GHOST]"Before our insider's left they managed let us know that after the blast apparently the department that no one is to go to has been breached?"

"By who?"

[GHOST]"One of Changuk's men"

I look at the picture of the men.

"Where is he now?"

[GHOST]"All we know is that he must be either still in that department or making his way to the unknown location?"

"Ok, bring all our men back and then we will start on phase 2, we need to get the attention of the world, and Changuk's attention"

Mere revenge on the Park's was nothing to me now, stil I want him to pay for what he did to me and my family but there is a nice ring to having people around the world being afraid of me.

[GHOST]"Sir there is something else you should know?"


[GHOST]"Before calling our team from the orphanage we had one of them follow one of the workers"


[GHOST]"The lady who runs it is in hospital apparently she's sick badly?"

"Did they have any visitors?"

[GHOST]"No sir"







[Characters:-22831 Words:-5147]

Edited/Re-read:- 26th September 2015


Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed/Images Changed:- 30th September 2016 
Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....