




Mentioned Characters:

Minhyuk:- Krystal's Crush [just a minor character]

Sulli/Victoria/Amber/Luna:-Krystal's Friend's [minor character's]

Ken:- The Wu's Head of Security.

Celine:- Min-a [YOU] best friend.

Nurse Jisu



As each day was passing still with no word of Min-a I could barely sleep which was worrying not just Lee but my family with Krystal coming over home more often which got my mind of things but it didn't help.

[KRYSTAL]"Oppa, you look small, your not eating?"

"I am ok, so how's your studying?"

I say to Krystal detering the conversation off me, not that I was being rude but I wasn't the kind of guy who wanted people to pity me for any reason and besides that this was my own inner demon that I had to go through, even though it seemed unusual for me to go through this haven't experience this kind of thing before my life dramatically changing in an instant not realising the reason for my living had become un-related to anything but her.

[KRYSTAL]"Oppa mum and dad are worried about you as well?"

"What do you mean I haven't seen mum and dad for awhile I have been busy with work and also with finding out whats happening with Chanyeol?"

[KRYSTAL]"Is that all oppa?"

"What are you trying to say Krystal?"

I say a little more with frustration which was a first for me and seeing Krystal's reaction also showed with shock and freight which made me calm down in an instant.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to take my frustrations out on you Krystal?"

[KRYSTAL]"Oppa I know how it feel's when it's onesided?"

I forgot about myself when I hear Krystal talking in a soft hurt tone and I looked at Krystal seeing her was mirroring the was I was feeling and it made me worry about Krystal she was on 16 years old and she shouldn't be feeling like this.

"Who has my dongsaeng's eye?"

[KRYSTAL]"It's no one oppa?"

"It dosen't look like it, maybe I should call Sehun and Tao and see if they have an idea?"

I playfully threat Krystal hoping that it would work which made me grin as I see Krystal quickly look at me and she started blushing and lowered her look back at the ground which made me curious and also angry at the guy who was hurting my sister.

[KRYSTAL]"His name is Minhyuk"

Hearing the way Krystal was saying that it was obvious that she cared for him.

"Those he know your feeling's?"

[KRYSTAL]"I don't think so oppa, he only see's me as a friend?"

"Oh is he the Minhyuk that has been hanging out with you, Tao and Sehun, was he the one that played the drum's at the show?"

I see the light blush forming on her cheeks which was cute, I couldn't believe that I was agreeing with Krystal having a crush on a guy most older brother's would go the other way and tell her to stay away from them and that they were to young but here I am listening to my baby sister talk about another boy.

[KRYSTAL]"Oppa you won't do anything will you?"

I look at Krystal when she started to realise that I know about her crush which most wouldn't share with anyone but I just smiled at her then I see her whining and hitting me which was kind of funny and it brought me back to the day's when she was younger and so was I.

[KRYSTAL]"Oh oppa, please don't, I can't believe I told you, oh oppaaaaa"

I just sit there watching Krystal holding my laughter.

[KRYSTAL]"Oh oppaaaaa, please"

I gave in.

"Ok I won't do anything"

[KRYSTAL]"Promise oppa?"

"I promise"

Krystal hugs me tightly the feeling I felt was nice Krystal and I had a close sibling relationship which made Krystal's girl friend's go all lovey dovey which I have experienced when Krystal brought her friend's for a sleep over awhile I go I smile at the memory.


[2 years ago: Krystal: 14 yr old Kris: 19 yr old]

I cover my ear's from the endless screaming coming from Krystal's room where her and her friend's were having a sleepover I put on my headphone's hoping that it would mask the scream's which was starting to get annoying but it didn't seem to work I throw my headphone's on my bed and I stand up and march off toward's Krystal's room when I hear them talking I stand at her door as I listened more like eavesdrop on the girls.


[KRYSTAL]"Yeah, Sulli"

[SULLI]"Oppa is so handsome?"

[VICTORIA]"Yeah, your oppa is so handsome?"

[KRYSTAL]"Can you stop talking about my brother like that it's kind of gross"


[LUNA]"But they are right though oppa is handsome?"

[VICTORIA]"Your so lucky that you and oppa have a close relationship?"

[KRYSTAL]"Yeah I am lucky"

[VICTORIA]"Yeah unlike my oppa and me he annoys me making me do everything for him, embarass's me in front of his friends you name it he does it?"

[AMBER]"Yeah he is so cool, even his group of friends?"

[End of Flashback:]

I smile at the memory and it is right Krystal and my relationship was unlike normal sibling relationships anyways I let go of Krystal and just as I was about to say something Lee interupts us.

[LEE]"Mr. Wu, Ken is on the line?"

"Ok, Krystal go home ok"

[KRYSTAL]"Can I stay here with you oppa?"

"No go or else I will take back my promise?"

[KRYSTAL]"Ok oppa I am going now"



I look at Krystal when she called me with curiousity in her voice when she called me.

[KRYSTAL]"Oppa, thank you for not acting all weird after I told you about Minhyuk oppa"

"No worries?"



[KRYSTAL]"Maybe if you tell someone you will feel better?"

I watch as she walked out of the house I couldn't believe it that my 16 year old baby sister was giving me good advice but it wasn't so easy I quickly answer the phone.


[KEN]"Mr. Wu, you mentioned that you didn't want any visitor's?"

"Yes that's right?"

[KEN]"They won't leave?"

"Who is it?"



It's been 11 days since the day I had picked up Min-a and the boy's from Kris's home which was a day that I was trying hard to keep to myself with the endless plea's coming from Luhan always asking me question's 'like I was ok?' to 'hyung know's that you were the last one to be with Min-a?' which was hard keeping the truth from Luhan which was the hardest but I promised Min-a that I wouldn't say anything about what's happening and where they are considering that Min-a shouldn't be doing this alone considering the circumstance's I know if I was in her shoe's I wouldn't know what I would do.

[11 days ago:]


I hear on the other end of my phone, it shook me to my core it was the first time hearing Min-a call me unnie in a long time after me not wanting her to call me that even though I knew the meaning to it was special but the reason was that I didn't like it, it was like Min-a was putting me on a pedastal which I didn't want and explaining that to Min-a she understood even though it took alot for her to stop calling me the endearement.

[MIN-A]"Can you pick me up now?"

I hang up after confirming to her that I was going to pick her up I rushed out of my room with what I was wearing I was meant to meet up with Luhan for lunch but I don't think I could after the call I ignore the worried look's from my parent's and I just jumped in my new ride that my dad had gotten for me which I was greatful, anyways I drove to the speed limit towards the Wu residence finally reaching there after what felt like an eternity which wasn't as I parked up in front the familiar home I run toward's the door hearing the sounds of my heel's on the pavement as the only other sound beside's the beating of my heart with concern as Mr. Lee opened door I scoop up the energized and happy Yoonho which calmed the beat's of my heart to normal pace I greeted Mr. Lee and I leave him with Yoonho toward's Min-a's room as I got closer to the room I could feel that something wasn't right with each step I couldn't explain it, well anyway's the both of us walked inside her room and second's later the door close's and I am in being tackled by Min-a which gave me a shock but that was gone in an instant when I feel her trembling body in mine I wrap my arm's around her with concern.

"Min-a what's wrong?"

I ask her but she didn't reply all I could hear was the quiet sound's of her crying in my arm's which was a first seeing Min-a like this which was hard to see and just as I was comforting her wanting to know what was wrong for her to be like this I notice Min-a let go of me and ran towards the bed and that's when I shifted my focus off her to Maesuk who was lying down on the bed happy but he looked a little sick he must have had the flu and just coming off it from the look's off him which didn't worry me so much but when I look at Min-a all that seemed to change she looked like something bad had happened.

"Hey what's wrong, you got me worried especially with the call?"

[MIN-A]"I'll explain to you in the car, Yoonho can you grab Maesuk's bag please with your bag?"

[YOONHO]"Ye umma"

I see Yoonho grabbing his and Maesuk's bag that my mum had got for them which suited both boy's I see Min-a grab for her bag along as picking up Maesuk which was normal for me as Min-a picked up Maesuk I saw her stop in her movement's but I didn't know what she was doing then the next I watch as they walk pass me and I just followed suit with Yoonho I was holding onto Maesuk's bag seeing that Yoonho was trying to find a way to make it easy for him as we walked downstair's Min-a walk's straight to the car and she stop's and that's when I realised that she didn't know that I had a new car.

[MIN-A]"Whoa I didn't know that you got a new car?"

I look at my new baby.

"Yeah dad got me a new car with him saying that I needed an upgrade and also with what happened before, dad has seen that I am back to my self"

[MIN-A]"I am sorry that was my fault?"

"It's ok it's history, come on Yoonho hop in"

We both helped the boy's into the car and then I watch as Min-a run's up toward's the front of the house where Mr. Lee was standing and I watched as she hugged Mr. Lee which was also normal behaviour of Min-a's as I sat in the car waiting along with the boy's and finally Min-a hop's into the car and I zoom out of the driveway and I am on the main road un-sure where we are going.

"So do you want to explain to me what's going on?"

I tried getting her attention which was focused on Maesuk who was sitting behind me which made it hard for me to turn around to see what Min-a was looking at, as I was trying to get her attention it wouldn't work.

"Min-a where are we going?"

I tried again.

[MIN-A]"We need to go to the hospital?"


[MIN-A]"I am worried about Maesuk, I just want to make sure he's ok?"

I drive towards the hospital I looked through the rear view mirror to see some sign's that I could spot but all I could see was Maesuk pale and small his eye's were close but his smile was what drew my attention, well I focused back on the road towards the hospital.

"Min-a why?"

She didn't seem to listen.

"Min-a I need an explanation on your call, and why you are acting like this?"

I can see that whatever was worrying Min-a had to be because of Maesuk which I understand but there was something that she wasn't saying which I tend to find out.

"As soon as we get to the hospital I want an explanation Min-a?"

I watch as she nodded at me she looked like a little girl who was getting reprimanded by someone which I brushed off feeling stink that I made Min-a act in that way but I deserved what was going on, so I can figure out how I could tell Luhan why I couldn't make it to our lunch date. Finally reaching the hospital we all hop out Yoonho holding his bag looking cute in what he was wearing.


Along with his bag man the you would have never thought that these boy's were brought up in tough circumstances but thank's to kind people like Min-a who have worked hard to get them thing's that they may have not ever had and also with my mum being a fashionista she brought a whole heap of clothe's for the boy's that were had taken to them couple day's after the dinner it was nice seeing that it was put to use. Well I watched as Min-a was still carrying Maesuk along with her bag as she was trying to get someone to come and see Maesuk but like hospital's we had to wait and that's when I noticed what Maesuk was wearing and also what Min-a was wearing.



Noticing the loose clothing on Min-a it was obvious that she looked like she had rushed and also noticing that she looked like she wasn't look after herself I look back at Yoonho and he seemed to be fine and healthy, well I couldn't help but wonder whatever was eating Min-a it was obvious that it was taking a toll on her well-being, finally what felt like forever Maesuk is finally been seen so the four of us walked towards the room so Maesuk can get checked Yoonho was sitting paitently which was surprising being the rowdy one out of the two surprisingly he was just sitting there, as we walked in the doctor recommended that Yoonho should stay in the waiting room but I wanted to be there for Min-a, but anyways I take Yoonho with me back into the waiting room leaving Min-a and Maesuk alone in the room with the doctor. It felt like forever being in the waiting room ignoring the call's from Luhan which I knew he would be calling about where I was and all that but for some reason I held on not answer his call causing me to switch off my phone.



"Is Min-a ok?"

[YOONHO]"I don't know noona?"


I give up asking him question's knowing that Yoonho wasn't understanding what I was trying to ask I let Yoonho play the game's on my phone knowing that he was bored I watched him innocently play on the phone with no care in the world which was really nice to see considering there was so much going on around him.

[YOONHO]"Noona someone is calling you?"

I take the phone off Yoonho and I look and I sigh with relief seeing that it wasn't Luhan which I was kind of expecting was from him to be the caller I answer my phone.

[MIN-A]"We are finish?"

I hear on the other end and just as I was about to talk Min-a hanged up which was surprising for me well I shrugged it off and both Yoonho and I had walked back to the room where we left Min-a and Maesuk earlier as we reached the room I pause which caused Yoonho to bump into me.


I pause at the scene in front of me I see Min-a who was sitting on a seat outside of the room her elbow's on her knee's her face covered by her hand's her hair covering her like a curtain she looked really upset.


Yoonho called which woke me from my moment of shock and the scene of vunerability before me I walk along with Yoonho and I see Min-a look in our direction and that's when I knew what the look was seeing it so many time's when I was on practicum it had to be bad new's as soon as I reached.

[MIN-A]"Yoonho-ah are you ok, what did you and noona do?"

Seeing her change immediately like she was hiding what she was feeling which at time's it really didn't bother me but right now I was so angry at how easy Min-a could do that I watch as the two were talking if I didn't see the look in her eye's I would have thought Min-a had been to animated with Yoonho.

[MIN-A]"Yoonho, I have something to tell you?"

[YOONHO]"What is it?"

[MIN-A]"Maesuk-ah is really sick right now, the doctor's are running test's on Maesuk right now?"

[YOONHO]"Oh that's ok, we are at the hospital, hospital will make him better"

I was about to say something but I could see Min-a was just holding it in and not knowing what to say to Yoonho, whatever it was that is happening to Maesuk it must be really bad for Min-a to be like this.

"Yoonho, do you see that little play area right there?"

I pointed at a little play area which wasn't to far away but it was also easy for us to keep an eye on him.

"Do you want to go and play?"

[YOONHO]"Can I umma?"

[MIN-A]"No I want you to stay here please?"

[YOONHO]"Ok umma"

"Here Yoonho sit over there and play game's while I talk to Min-a ok?"

I see Yoonho sit a couple of seat's away from Min-a so he was alone but close to us Min-a didn't like it when the boy's were far away from her which I could understand after Min-a telling me the story of how she went missing. Finally sitting next to Min-a.

"Hey are you ok?"

[MIN-A]"Yeah I am ok"

"Ok so what happened is Maesuk ok?"

[MIN-A]"I don't know one minute he was checking Maesuk's vital's and all that and the next he is running test's on Maesuk, that's why I called you and said that we were finish, I have been waiting out here by myself for a while?"

Yoonho was sitting nearest to Min-a and I am sure that Yoonho would have heard Min-a but probably didn't understand what we were talking about I sat there comforting Min-a as Yoonho was playing games on my phone which was a good thing keeping him distracted from the situation at hand, just as we were getting use to the quiet yet the bustling sound's and movement's of the hospital, the doctor call's us back into this office/room. I noticed that Maesuk wasn't in the room.

[MIN-A]"Where is Maesuk?"

"Yoonho sit there ok"

I say so Yoonho was sitting near the closed door so he was ok as I sat next to Min-a who I could see was barely holding it.

[DOCTOR]"Miss. Yoon?"

[MIN-A]"This is my best friend Celine Huang"

[DOCTOR]"I understand that both of you are Med student's at Seoul University?"

We both say yes.

[DOCTOR]"I also understand that your mother is also in hospital for a Kidney Disease?"

I looked shocked as Min-a replied with a yes like before.

[DOCTOR]"Ok I will get straight to it, I know that Maesuk is an orphaned and you are his legal parent?"

[MIN-A]"Yes that's correct all the paperwork is ligit and in order"

[DOCTOR]"Yes I am not questioning the paperwork, have you got any information concerning Maesuk's birth parent's?"


[DOCTOR]"Ok, I have admitted Maesuk here at the hospital, from some of the tests we have done I want Maesuk to be comfortable?"

[MIN-A]"What do you mean?"

[DOCTOR]"I am sorry Miss. Yoon, but Maesuk hasn't got much time left?"



[DOCTOR]"The reason why I asked you for information concerning Maesuk's birth parent's is because we would to run some test's because of the genetic make-up being passed through generations Maesuk has a genetic fatal disease which make's it difficult for us to determined, hence the reason for wanting to make Maesuk comfortable, I am sorry Miss. Yoon but there is nothing we can do for Maesuk but make him comfortable?"

I see Min-a frozen on her seat.

"How long?"

[DOCTOR]"We are not sure it could be day's week's or month's so all we could do is to make him comfortable, I will leave you and when you are ready I can take you to Maesuk's room"

"Thank you doctor"

I watch Yoonho still playing the game which was a blessing in disguse I am certain he would have an idea what's going but to what extent I am not sure I just sat there trying to comfort Min-a who was still sitting in her seat with a blank expression just as I was about to do something that's when I see Min-a finally break down I see her body trembling like she was holding her tear's I could only just sit there as I watched Min-a controlling her emotion's I decided that Min-a needed some time to herself so I grabbed Yoonho and we both went outside and I took him to the play area that he wasn't alowed to go but I took him there and I watched as he played around keeping an eye on him, also trying to understand what was happening after a while I noticed the same doctor who told us the new's walking back to the room I grabbed Yoonho and we walked back and I watch Min-a walking out of the room she seemed so lifeless she saw Yoonho and I and there was no hint of emotion but she lowered to pick up Yoonho and we followed the doctor to Maesuk's room it was a nice small room we walked in and we all paused at the sight there was Maesuk lying down on a large bed with machine's connected to him which was procedure and as the doctor leave's I follow him leaving Min-a and Yoonho alone in the room with Maesuk. I organised paperwork with the doctor and wanting to transfer Maesuk into a private room where Min-a and Yoonho were able to stay with him until the end.

[End of the Flashback:]

Ever since that day I have been visiting as much as I could without anyone knowing because I know that Min-a wouldn't forgive me if I told anyone with what's going on each time I went I could see that it wasn't getting any better I had a feeling that the day was going to come anytime soon and I know that Min-a needed to do something and she needed someone. I look at my attire,

Feeling comfortable and warm considering that it was really chilly this morning I play with my watch around my wrist keeping an eye on my surroundings as I was sitting in the vehicle of a driving service that I was using instead of going in my car leaving it so it would look like I was at home, anyways finally reaching the familiar hospital which I found out that it also had Mrs. Yoon also admitted in the hospital I didn't go and visit because I knew that if she asked I would say it with no hesitation well anyways I hop out with the bag's and I walk to Maesuk's room and I opened the door and I see that Yoonho was sleeping which was nice seeing him looking so innocent and cute I placed the thing's I brought for him near his bed that he was resting at, I walk to see that Min-a was still in the same place that I always seemed to find her when I came to visit she was holding Maesuk's hand sleeping I noticed that she was in

The same hoodie and trackies that she had brought along with her it seemed like she only brought day's worth  of hoodies and trackies I sigh seeing her like that I place the bag's on the floor as I noticed that there was some cleaned dishes on the table it looked like they had a proper meal which I was relieved I could see that Min-a had cleaned up but she missed some thing's on the side, as I was cleaning I hear movement and I see Min-a stirring she see's me and she sit's up and she came to help me, I see that Min-a was looking more gaunt then anything I know that she suffering with Maesuk but seeing her like that was just as bad as well.



You don't know how long you have been here but you didn't care you wanted to be here for Maesuk during this time, also knowing that it was hard on Yoonho but you were selfish because you wanted them here with you both of them, you still couldn't believe what was happening you plan's went out the window after finding out about Maesuk's illness. You planned to leave Kris's house and get back to normality of you life after living in a dream you felt like that you needed to move on from the dream and then this changed everything, everyday everynight you prayed for Maesuk to be healthy but it seemed like your prayer's were never getting answered even though you knew the chance's of Maesuk's recovery being impossible. Yoonho was just an angel for you even though you know his personality with him being loud and outgoing which he still was but he seemed to keep himself occupied never leaving the wall's of the room which you were glad that Celine had organised this having the utilities within the room along with Maesuk. As the day was wearing into night with Maesuk still fighting it which gave me so much meaning into fighting will that he had you make some shin ramen for Yoonho when a nurse came in she looked familiar but most nurses were she came in.

[NURSE JISU]"Miss. Yoon?"

You look at the nurse and that's when you remembered that she was the nurse that came and apologised to you when you came here awhile ago to visit your mum with Kris you couldn't help but wonder if Chunji was still there, maybe that was the reason why you were reluctant to leave the room because you know he would ring Kris.

"Oh hi nurse Jisu?"

[NURSE]"I know that you are going through a rough time right now with your mum in her room and with your son also being really un-well I know that you and your son have been living on ramen I think you both need a home cook meal?"

You smile at her as you see her unpacking her case with containers of food what looked like to be some side dishes.

You were amazed at the food that nurse Jisu had prepared which was so sweet of her you see Yoonho gleaming so brightly which made you feel guilty for not thinking about his well being anyways you see Yoonho starting to eat when nurse Jisu had finished preparing the table there were 3 bowls of rice which was so sweet but you didn't want to leave Maesuk's side.

[NURSE JISU]"Miss. Yoon come and eat, we can see Maesuk from here he will be ok?"

"How do you know?"

[NURSE JISU]"There seem's to be a reason why Master. Yoon is still here he is beating the odd's so far?"

You walk towards the table where the food was set up you sat down next to Yoonho and you could see that he was slurping on some soup you kepted putting food in his plate as you sat there.

"Thank you nurse Jisu for you kindness"

[NURSE JISU]"It's ok I understand that there is so much going on, can I ask why you haven't visit your mother?"

"I want to be here with Maesuk right now" 

[NURSE JISU]"If you want to visit her I can stay here and wait and keep an eye on your son's?"


[NURSE JISU]"I couldn't understand the dilemma your going through and I know as a mother that you would want to stay with your child but as a women I know that you need your mother right now?"

"I am ok, but thank you?"

[NURSE JISU]"Is there anyone I could call for you?"

"No that's ok?"

[NURSE JISU]"Oh look's like this little one is full and tired?"

"Yeah [laughing]"

You help Yoonho up and you take him to wash up and change into the pair of pj's

That you had and you were changing him it was the last pair of pjs that you had for Yoonho you noticed that nurse Jisu cleaning up you called for her to leave it and she stalled.

"Please I will clean it is the least I can do for your kindness and I will have it organised for you so you can pick it up tommorrow?"


"Nurse Jisu, can you promise not to mention any of this to my mum and to Chunji-sshii?"

You can see that she was going to say no but you were hoping and finally she agreed only with the promise if she could prepare meals for you and Yoonho during your stay here which was the only way for her to agree she bid the both of us farewell Yoonho already loving her since she brought food which was adorable, you watched as she lefted and you helped Yoonho into bed and he fell asleep so quickly which was good because it gave you time to tidy up the dishes and finally feeling worned out you went back to see that Maesuk was ok you covered him and you touched his fringe which was covering him you kissed his forehead without realising that a tear dropped from your eye your heart was breaking right now, you ended up crying yourself to sleep.



cr. to rightful owners of all images used in this chapter and throughout this fic, much appreciated.


I'm sure you can guess which Minhyuk I was thinking off to play Krystal's crush, none other then CN BLUE'S DRUMMER Minhyuk, because they looked so cute when they were coupled on one of my favourite drama's THE HEIR'S which was cool when it came out ages ago.

YES. Krystal's girl-friends are none other then FX Members, they are just minor characters that I won't mention alot like Minhyuk [kekeke]

The idea of the genetic disease that I used for Maesuk is the Jansky-Bielshchowsky disease which affects children from 2-4 years old and results in death generally between 8-12 years old,[where I found on the LIVESTRONG.COM site which was really something, I apologise if there are reader's who may have experienced this for real this is purely fictional for the fic]







[Characters:-22828 Words:-5330]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....