

This chapter: Will be more about Dean [Kris's Assistant] more from his point of view, you will find out more about Dean's friend/Unknown POV [the friend in chapter 2 or 3 who found the information for Kris]



[Italic:]- thoughtsarrow-10x10.png + flashback places + little notes/information

[mentioned characters]


[Jake Gyllenhall-because he's so y, and pulls of the mysterious vibe, and also because I am a fan of his laughing ㅋㅋㅋ]

  • Duke 'B.J Black Jackarrow-10x10.png]' (unknown last name)
  • 26 years old [2 years older then Dean]
  • Childhood friend of Dean.
  • Ex- SAS and Black Ops.
  • Lefted because of a MISSION.
  • Worried about his Friend Dean and his Family.
  • Back in Seoul....

Jen & Sean

[Odette Yustman: liked her on THE UNBORN she was pretty awsome (as Jen [Diamond]) and of course Channing Tatum: One word HOT! watched all his movies and just LOVE him kekeke (as Sean [Spade]).

  • Former SAS and Black Ops like Duke.
  • Duke's team.
  • Only listens to Duke.
  • Sent to live in South Korea posing as a couple but there to protect Duke's friend Dean.



Working for Mr. Wu has its challenges with Mr. Wu being known in the industry here in South Korea as well as around the world with Mr. Wu being very business minded, hardworking, cold personality, black and white minded in everything he those making him one of the most respected young businessmen here in South Korea, China and also in America, Europe and many projects and contracts obtained by the company around the world. Also Mr. Wu being known to be as an Ambassador when it comes to his Charity Work helping many in need with many sponsorships, scholarships, monetary donations making him one of the most respected person in the community and also making him desired by the female population making Mr. Wu the top bachelor but he wasn't like many who were playboys he liked to stay at home, spend time with his family and friends, loves his family and friends just as much. Not having a female companion. But beyond that working with Mr. Wu is really an awesome job with the many opportunities that I have since working with him, not just the paycheck that I get being beyond reasonable at times which is the reason I always put 110% in my work as his personal assistant for him with work matters and sometime personal matters which were rare, but recieving a personal request from him recently requesting information on 2 people which was unusual.


[in chapter 2 the conversation was One Sided with just having Kris's side and it was in Brown: which was in Korean whereas now its in Indigo: which is in English sorry for the misunderstanding since I have Kris and Dean communitcating alot in English in the past lot of chapters: the conversation maybe different]

Typing on the computer at the company in my area which was situated in front of Mr. Wu's office giving me more like a little office and a wall in front of me where was the waiting room with a receptionist which was really modern and different from many others I have seen considering that I am Mr. Wu's personal assistant the way I was situated it was like I was in my office and the receptionist reporting to me then me reporting to Mr. Wu was pretty cool. I look at the frame of my wife smiling back at me as the clock ticks away typing memo's and contracts that Mr. Wu will need the next day which was normal also checking emails that needed to be read with a busy day of meetings. My phone rings and I see the caller I.D I saw that it was Mr. Wu, there werent much people working still it was early I reached for my phone and I answered it.


"Mr. Wu, what can I do for you?"

"I need you to look into something for me?"

"Yes sir"

"This is to be discreet"

"Of course sir"

"Here is the name I want you to find everything about this person, I want to know everything about this person I will give you time to look into it but I want everything by tommorrow morning the afternoon the latest"

"Yes sir, and the name is?"

"Yoon Min-a"

"Yes sir, will do"

"Keep me posted"

"Yes sir, I will work on it right away"

"I would really like the information tonight but tommorrow afternoon the latest Dean"

"Yes sir"

"Ok keep me posted"

"Yes sir"

"Send those files, I will be at Luhans place for a couple hours but after that I will most likely be at home?"

"Ok sir, will drop the files to your home"

"Ok thank you Dean"

After the phone call I was curious to why Mr. Wu was wanting information on a Miss Yoon Min-a and it is not my place or job to ask questions well I quickly finished off with the emails and started on finding information as I could then a thought came to me I decided to call my long time friend childhood friend.


"Hey Duke"

"Hey whats up Dean"

"Nothing still the same, just at work?"

"Hold up"

[minutes later:]

"Ok I am good to talk to you"

"Ok Duke [laughing]"

"Ok, so are you still working for that hot shot businessmen"

"Yeah [laughing] Mr. Wu is really a cool guy you will like him when you meet him, he reminds me abit of you and I am sure that you have the same mannarisms [laughing]"

"[Laughing] what?"

"Both you and Mr. Wu, have cold personalities, hardworking and intense at times [laughing]"

"I bet your boss isn't there [laughing]"

"[laughing] speaking of which do you still have your contacts?"


"I need you to do some digging for me?"

"What have you gotten yourself into Dean?"

"Nothing I am living a comfortable life, with my wife, working that's all"

"So why?"

"Well its not for me personally it's for Mr. Wu?"

"Your boss?"


"Because your my friend I will do it so what is it?"

"I need you to look up these two names 'Min-a Yoon and Celine Huang' everything you can find on them"


"I don't know why bro?"

"Ok, I will call you in half"

"Cool, Duke?"


"I need the information by tonight if you can?"

"I will do it I will get the info to you a.s.a.p through are friend will call you, I am out"

As usual Duke ending the call like that when he is side track when he got work things to do, I was busy doing my own search which was pretty basic stuff I looked at the time and it was late as the people in the company were getting lesser as the time flys still busy with work as the night keeps get darker I hear a knock on the door I walk towards the door and I open and I see the night security guard standing there.

"Good evening sir, just doing a routine check I wasn't expecting anyone still here?"

"That's ok is it only me in the building?"

"Yes and the cleaner"

"Ok, I won't be long just got few more things to do"

"That's ok sir"

The guard left me as I went back to my desk to finish of what I needed to do I looked at my watch [11:00pm] and it was getting really late I have been sitting here working for over 18 hours since arriving his morning and 4 hours after the call from Mr. Wu and 3 hours since the call with Duke. The next thing I hear another knock expecting the security guard and as I opened the door it was the security guard this guy was different he looked more like a delivery boy.

"Anneyong, order for Mr. Jung"

"Oh I didn't order anything"

"Oh the security guard had told me to come to the office here, where I would fine a Mr. Jung, are you Mr. Jung?"

"Yes I am"

"Sorry can you sign here"

And I took the box and walked back to my seat I was packing my things away getting ready to go home and within minutes of recieving the order my phone rings.



"Oh hey Duke, how's it going?"

"Did you get your order"


"Open it?"

I opened it and inside.

"Oh thank you it suits me just fine [laughing]"

"[laughing] if you take the back of the phone off then you will see 2 memory sticks"


I did what Duke said and there was 2 memory sticks they were so small that a normal people would pass it.

"Well that's what you wanted its all in there"

"Thank's bro, so have you meet anyone special yet?"

"[laughing] No, not ready to settle down like you"

"[laughing] thank's bro"

"All good's stay out of trouble, is Jen and Sean still there?"

"Yes they are is that a trick question since you sent them here to make sure that we are ok and now they won't leave because you told them that they would regret it [laughing]"

"Well sorry I want my best friend and his wife and also his unborn child to be safe"

"I know bro, speaking of which are you going to come to the baby shower, you know we want you there and plus my wife wants to meet the famous Duke since only meeting you at the wedding?"

"I don't know aye"

"Ok it will mean alot?"

"Is it just me or is Dean acting all clingy [laughing]"

"[laughing] thats what married life those [laughing] later bro I gotta go aye need to get this to Mr. Wu and see my wife"

"Later bro, stay safe"

"I know you to"

"Always, say hi to your wife for me"


Man what would I do without my boy, the price to pay with being boys with Duke, with his background the first time meeting his parents was an experience one won't forget.


"Hey Dean"

"Hey Duke, how's it?"

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing why?"

"Come over lets play C.O.D"

"Cool I am on my way"

I ran downstairs to see mum cooking.

"Mum I am going to Duke's"

"Ok honey remember home before 7 for dinner"

"Ok mum"

I head to Dukes who wasn't that far I knock on the door and Duke's standing there and we both head inside.



I whisper to Duke.

"Hey I didn't know that your mum was here dude?"

"[laughing] I knew if I said so you wouldn't have come"

"Your right?"

Seconds later I see Duke's mum walk in and just looked at her if it wasn't for the uniform she was wearing I could see her smiling at me which was a relief I guessed from all the stories that Duke said about his parents sort of scarying me.

"This is my mum Lieutenant Cheryl"

"Mum this is my best friend Dean Jung"

I did a 90 degree formal bow to Duke's mum she was in her Marines Uniform.

[the uniform that Duke's mother was wearing]

"Hi nice to meet you Lieutenant"

"[laughing] no need to call me that Dean, I have heard alot about you just call me Cheryl"

I nod as an answer.

"Yes sir I am on my way"

I hear another voice which was sure to be Duke's dad which I wasn't expecting from what Duke said about his father I was more scared of him with Duke complaining about how strict on him which was different from my dad he wasn't that bad from what the stories Duke said. Finally the owner of the voice comes closer and that's when I see Duke's dad dressed in his uniform looking so official in his uniform.

[the uniform that Duke's dad was wearing]

"Honey, this is Duke's friend Dean Jung"

I see Duke's mum look at Duke's dad with love in her eyes which was like how my parents he walked towards me and honestly I was ting myself looking at Duke's dad he was standing in front of me I was pretty tall but looking up at Duke's dad.

"Dean this is Admiral Leon"

I watch as Duke salute's his dad which was really cool, I could see where Duke get his style and mannerisims from mainly his dad but his soft nature from his mum even though she looks straightlaced like his dad. I bow to Duke's dad like I did to his mum it was normal for us Koreans.

[End of Flashback:]

From Duke's upbrining it was no doubt that he would follow in the same circles as his parents, with the constant training, schooling which had him made into a perfect solider with Duke having training in everything to do with the Military [SAS, Black Ops] you name it Duke has done it now a former [SAS, and Black Ops Operative] for his age quickly building him in an high ranking in his age group which was un-expected for Duke now not in the game with no explantion to anyone why he left so early explaining, hence the reason he is the way he is. How we became friends, well pretty simple we become neighbours, then friends, my best friend, my best man at my wedding.

[End of Flashback:]

[Days after:]

I kiss my wife goodbye and touch my wifes tummy with my child inside and head of the the company and with Mr. Wu's tall black strong I walk inside the company passed the receptionist and walk straight to the office and I see that Mr. Wu's office is empty I walked back to my area and as I sat down Mr. Wu's C.O came in and he saw me.

"Goodmorning Dean, Mr. Wu is working at home, he wanted you to take these files to him"



1st day working at Mr. Wu's:

I wake get ready for work, have breakfast with my wife and my mother in law kiss her goodbye check my appearance.

Working in a new environment in my make shift office within Mr. Wu's office it was like my office then there was a wall where it was seperated with his office which has a room with loung suits and then doors which is where his office is. I noticed that Mr. Wu was his usual quiet self I thought I would see him in a different light thinking that we were at his home but he seemed the same which was a good thing I suppose.

"Good morning Mr.Wu"

"Good morning Dean"

"Here is the file's that was forwarded to me through your C.O"

"Thank you"

Pretty much normal the difference with Mr. Lee coming in at certain times to give lunch/refreshments which was really nice of Mr. Lee and at times reporting to Mr. Wu which I had no idea what it was about I didnt mind I look at the frame that I brought from the office of my wife and myself smiling which always got me through the day. 5 oclock on the dot Mr. Wu will let me go home obviously because we are working at his house so it was obvious that he would want me to leave which is no problem with me. But Mr. Wu seemed to be different since the information that I had given to him which didnt bother me at all.


2nd day working at Mr. Wu's:

I wake and do the normal routine get myself ready for another day for work but at Mr. Wu's I leave after kissing my wife goodbye and say bye to my mother in law who I was grateful that she was here to look after her daughter with these long nights at work with my wife understanding and not fussing which was really perfect. I check my appearance


Dressed for the day I reach Mr. Wu's house I went through the back entry straight to the office I went in and I logged in the laptop, I walk to Mr. Wu's office but he is not there he had to be here I looked at the schedule there was nothing schedule so I walked to out to see Mr. Lee to get me a drink and also to ask him if he has seen Mr. Wu. As I walked out to see Mr. Lee talking to some people who weren't familiar to me I looked and one of them was a nurse looking at her attire and the other must be a doctor with looking at the ID that they have around there necks. Moments later Mr. Lee introduces me to them and I stand corrected they were Doctor Wonbin and Nurse Ahnjin I started thinking is Mr. Wu un-well.

"Is Mr. Wu not feeling well?"

I asked just minutes later my phone rings and I excused myself I walk back to the office and I take the call it was work matters which took my focus off the scene from earlier. Moments later after hanging up the phone I see Mr. Wu walking in looking like he wasn't sick he looked more relieved more then anything it wasn't my place to question why there was a doctor and a nurse this morning so I just let it slide and continued the day like normal, with Mr. Lee bringing food like the day before for me and Mr. Wu. 5 oclock on the dot Mr. Wu lets me go for the day which was a relief for my wife who was happy to have me home early then like it was when I was at the office.


3rd day working at Mr. Wu's:

Normal routine, getting ready for work, breakfast with my wife and mother in law, kiss her goodbye, touch her tummy, check my appearance.

Go to Mr. Wu's for work and I see Mr. Wu in his office a normal sight for me Mr. Wu working hard like myself but he seemed to be constantly on edge which was either due to an upcoming meeting/news which reminded me that the board of directors meeting was happening this week maybe that was why he was on edge, I sit doing my work minutes later Mr. Wu comes out of his office looking pristine in his suit working for him tend to make me more aware with my style of clothing which my wife will joke about every morning making fun of how I always prepare myself for work but with Mr. Wu and his suits always different and branded with some of the top designers in the world.

Even though they would look like normal suits with Mr. Wu he seemed to have this aura whenever he walked in the room he had his glasses on.

"I have a lunch meeting"

And Mr. Wu was off and I was stuck in the office which didn't bother me I was doing my work when I got a phone call I look at the caller ID and I smile at the ID.


"Hello babe how are you?"

"I am fine just the usual just working, what about you honey?"

"I am fine mum still making me sit and do nothing"

"Oh honey you have to look after yourself honey won't be long?"

"I know honey speaking of which have you told your boss about the baby?"


"No you haven't that probably explains why the late nights before, and here I was blaming him for not caring"

"Oh honey sorry?"

"That's ok, I was thinking just because he is young and not have a care about people thinking that the news are wrong about him and all along it was your fault [laughing]"

"I know honey"

"So let me guess you haven't given him the invitation to the baby shower?"


Talking to my wife whilst working was nice change she hardly calls now I know why as I was talking I see Mr. Lee come in.

"Honey I have to go"

"Ok I love you"

"Me to"

"Mr. Lee, Mr. Wu isn't here?"

"Oh, there is someone here to see Master Wu?"

"Oh Mr. Wu has gone to a lunch meeting, where is Mr. Wu's guest?"

"He is in the living room"

"Ok I will come and explain to him, thank you Mr. Lee"

I follow Mr. Lee towards the living room and I see a man standing he looked so formal and well kept if I should say so myself just looking at him it was obvious that he was in Mr. Wu's circle with the aura that was coming off him which was familiar to Mr. Wu later known as Mr. Changuk Park informing Mr. Wu about Mr. Parks presence Mr. Wu being shocked from the sound of his voice as we wait for Mr. Wu and Mr Park getting restless I finally decide to call Mr. Wu again to make him aware that Mr. Park was waiting for him

[half an hour later:]

Mr. Wu walks in and finally listening to the two talk obviously keeping an ear which was my job well I don't know what they were talking about and then hearing Mr. Park being a family friend of Mr. Wu's and also finding out about Mr. Park's extra curricular activity as some would say about Mr. Park owning and operating an underground agency which we had to keep quiet which I would respect that I was clueless to what was happening and looking at the file that Mr. Wu had given me as he watched as Mr. Park lefted and I spotted that it was hospital records I couldn't see clearly without being obvious. As we finished we walk back to the office and I follow Mr. Wu to his office and I place the file down and watch as I can see that he was trying to take all the information he found out just moments ago. I decide that its the best time to give him the invitation which he was shocked to see and I can see that he was also happy for me also accepting the invitation and letting me go earlier then yesterday which I thank him for, I make my way home happy to tell my wife that Mr. Wu knows as I was travelling home I get a call I press a button because my phone was in its holder the next.


"Duke hey nice to hear from you bro [laughing]"


"So what's up?"

"Where are you?"

"Heading off home why?"

"I am in South Korea?"

"What since when?"

"My flight just landed today?"

"Whoa, where are you?"

"Just through customs"

"Wait there I am on my way"

"Cool bro"

I hang up and head of towards the airport and I was shocked at why Duke was here in South Korea maybe he was here for the baby shower which he wasn't sure that he was going to come or not well it didn't phase me I was ampd I can hang out with my best friend, not seeing him since the wedding we can have a boys night out. 

[reach the airport:]

I park up and head inside to look for Duke I see him standing there because its been awhile I was shocked to see him standing there not in his usual get up that I recall him with a simple v-neck, jeans, jacket, boots and his usual acessories his glasses, and watch but this time he looked more like he belongs on t.v.


"Hey bro, you look different [laughing]"

"You look the same[laughing]"

"I can see that you stepping out of the box in your gears [laughing]"

"I knew coming here I couldn't come in my usual [laughing]"

"[laughing] looking good though"

The both of us ended up back at my place where my wife was happy to see Duke. It was really awesome having my friend here with us, still shocked at the unexpectancy with Duke being known for his planning and all that.

[Later that night:]

It was just me and Duke awake after bidding my mother in law goodbye which was late not wanting to stay here for the night getting my brother in law coming to pick up his mother which was cool Duke talking to my brother in law who he met at the wedding, also my wife sleeping.

"Man Nana is looking really good"

"Yeah she is aye [laughing] but she is mine dude [laughing]"

"[laughing] I know"

Duke sipping on a lager where I was drinking tea because I know that I will need to get up soon for work.

"Dean you better get some rest [laughing]"

"I am fine?"

"Don't want your hot shot boss reprimanding you [laughing]"

"[laughing] come I will show you to the guest room"

"I know where to go"


4th day working at Mr. Wu's:

Waking up doing my normal routine getting ready for work this time a little different finding my wife and mother in law again in the kitchen cooking my mother in law cooking a feast because of our guest Duke being here, I walk into the dining room ready and dressed for work to see my wife looking more radiate everyday.

"Good morning honey"

I walk up to my wife and kiss her and I bow at my mother in law.

"Good morning sieomeoni [mother-in-law]"

"Honey where is Duke?"

"Still sleeping I think?"

"Oh ok let him sleep"

"No beob-e taeyang [son-in-law] go and wake him up for breakfast"


I look at the table

Set up with multiple dishes both Korean and American I wasn't surprised with the trouble that Nana, and her mother would have gone through for Duke since Duke hardly graced us with his presence. I went towards the guest room I open the door and there is Duke walking out with just a towel seeing the battle scars on his chest which was quite dominate making him more of who he is and all that.

"Morning bro how did you sleep?"

"Pretty good [laughing]"

"[laughing] come on bro breakfast is ready?"


[minutes later:]

I am sit at one end of the table my wife and mother in law on my left I look and see Duke strolling in like those guys on the red carpet.

He sat down pretty casual like Duke, compared to the Duke at the airport yesterday normally I don't stay for breakfast but this morning I had no choice.

"Good morning"

I translated to my mother in law and she smiled brightly to Duke we all ate the food it was nice actually.

"Sorry bro cant hang out I got work"

"All goods, I am going to go and see Jen and Sean anyways"

"Cool, I will try and to get off early so we can hang out"

"All goods Dean, well I better get going?"

"Did you want me to drop you off?"

"Nah all good Dean they are coming here"


"Honey I am going to go now ok"

"Ye have a good day at work"

"You make sure you get some rest ok"

"Always do"

"Let me do that for you?"

I see Duke grabbing the dishes off Nana and her mum with the endless protesting coming from my mother in law which was so typical and Nana smiling gratefully.

"No that's ok Duke we will do it, you go and sit down and wait for Jen and Sean"

I laughed at Duke because he didn't expect that Nana could speak and understand English, but Duke quickly adapting to any situation smiled along as I kissed Nana, and my mother in law and I rocked Duke later and left them as I went to the company to pick up some files for Mr. Wu as I was leaving my phone rings and I immediately see that its Mr. Wu.



"How far away are you?"

"I am almost near the company sir?"

"I need you to do an errand for me after getting the files from that I need from the company"

"Yes sir what is it?"

"I need you to go to Seoul Inner City Orphanage"

"Yes sir?"

"Call me as soon as you get there?"

"Yes sir?"


The phone hangs up immediately which was surprising, well after attending to what I needed to do at the company I leave to head towards the next destination that Mr. Wu needed me to go as I edge closer to the next destination I see an orphanage I dial straight to Mr. Wu's number like he instructed.


"Mr. Wu"


"I have just arrived at the orphanage?"

"Ok, go inside you will see Seungho inside"

"Ok sir"

"As soon as you get inside call me"

"Yes sir"

My put shades on from the blazing sun and lock up and walk inside to the unknown of what is expected as soon I stepped the inside was different from the outside which took me off guard as soon as I walked in I see Seungho who I seemed to recognise immediately.

"Mr. Jung"


I followed him and walked into what looked to be an office as soon as we walked in I see a familiar attractive women behind the desk looking so refined considering she was dressed in a casual outfit but she had this aura like Mr. Wu when he is behind his desk. 

"Mrs. Yoon"

When Seungho said that I couldn't help but realised why she was familiar tracing back to when I was looking for information for Mr. Wu this had to be Miss Yoon Min-a's mother.

"Mr. Lim"

"Mrs. Yoon this is Mr. Jung, Mr. Wu's assistant"

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Yoon"

"Nice to meet you Mr. Jung"

I sat down as well as Seungho.

"Ok before you call Mr. Wu, Mr. Jung, I would like to explain to the both of you about what is going to happen"

After getting all of what Seungho say it was really unexpected with what I was going to do, this was more in the elements of Duke which this is more like a walk in the park, I will hate to imagine what he would do after finding out what I was going to be doing right now. I called Mr. Wu


"Mr. Wu"

"Here is Seungho"


As I was passing the phone to Seungho and looking at Mrs. Yoon who seemed to be really anxious with finding out why I was here at the orphanage and why Mr. Wu was involved in this which didn't explain much at all about his involvement but with me having a fair idea with the coincidence with the past few days.

"Mr. Wu"


"I have explained to both Mrs. Yoon and Mr. Jung about what is expected"


"No sir I have given him a rundown about the orphanage being followed that's all sir, as that is all we know?"


"So the plan for the paper trail we have Mr. Jung being a potential adopter under a false name for safety reasons, and having Mrs. Yoon and Mr. Jung leaving the orphanage for a normal routine check of the home which will not happen as they will be travelling to your residence. Mr. Jung and Mrs. Yoon will be travelling in Mr. Jung's vehicle which I have given Mr. Jung a device which could help with detecting a tracker and for him to send a text to me so I know, in another vehicle we will have Chunji driving in that vehicle to cause a diversion and I have 1 of the workers who installed the security area who we have masked as a properties manager for the orphanage in another vehicle as another diversion whereas I will be stationed here at the orphanage to make sure the place is safe"


"Yes sir they know what is expected"


"No sir, basic training 101"


"With the route I have planned it should take to an hours time for Mr. Jung and Mrs. Yoon to be at your residence"


"No worries sir, here is Mr. Jung"


I sat down after listening to Mr. Wu having a little understanding on whats expected I knew it would be from the other evening when he asked for information on Mrs. Yoon's daughter I was sure but I couldn't jump to conclusions. And with Mr. Wu thinking about my family's safety being very generous was really nice of Mr. Wu even though many didn't get to see the real Mr. Wu at times I was one of the previliage after working for him for awhile. With me explaining to him about Jen and Sean being living here in Seoul since moving her permantely thanks to Duke because he wanted us to be safe because he was worried about what his friendship to do to us because of his job. As we waited for Seungho to give out final instructions which in some cases reminded me of Duke which made me feel a little relaxed.

[20 minutes later:]

Mrs. Yoon and I in my car it was really quiet and awkward trying to start a conversation whilst driving to Mr. Wu's place I noticed that Mrs. Yoon was constantly looking at the surrounding making more on edge which was unexpected. As we got closer to Mr. Wu's place feeling at ease for some reason I see Ken waiting he opened the gates as I drive in I notice Mrs. Yoon looking out with awe at the location of Mr. Wu's place which seemed to have the same reaction whenever people come around. Finally parking I reach for my files from the company I noticed that there was another vehicle there parked.


[Maybach Exelero]

I was curious to who it was, well anyways after reaching for the files I walked to open the door for Mrs. Yoon I could see that she was nervous.

"Mrs. Yoon follow me"

She nods her head and follows me towards the entrance well as I walked to the door, the door opens and there is Mr. Lee standing there he must have been alerted from Ken that we were here for him to open the door before us knocking.

"Good morning Mr. Lee"

"Good morning Mr. Jung"

"Mr. Lee this is Mrs. Yoon"

"Nice to meet you Mr. Lee"

We all walked in.

"Mr. Jung, Mr. Wu is in his office with Mr. Lu"

"Ok, we will wait for Mr. Wu in the living room"

"No follow me, Mr. Wu is expecting you both"

"I will go straight to do some work, unless Mr. Wu needs me to be with Mrs. Yoon?"

"Not that I am aware off"

"Ok, Mrs. Yoon will you be ok?"

She nodded at me and she left with Mr. Lee whereas I went to the office and as I walked in I saw Mr. Wu and Mr. Lu who looked younger then what I expected I could see that casual conversation between the two which was clear that the two were friends.



I look at me friend


Leave after breakfast as I help Nana, and her mother with the dishes it was really nice being here at Dean's it was more relaxed then when I am alone at home with my weapons and my computers and all. There was another reason why I was here in Seoul not just because the upcoming birth of Dean and Nana's baby but also armed with new information from My ex-boss who visited me recently.


I was busy looking into an assignment on a previous we an ex-assignment that I did before leaving the game.

As I was busy looking at the info an alert came to on another computer I moved to look and I could see that there was a red flag on a tracker for information that I previously looked at and I saw that it had to do with the information that I found for Dean's boss which was really daunting. I coded it and I looked at the informationed leaked in with the names that Dean's boss was asking for causing me to worry for my friends safety. As I was doing my thing I hear slight movement I reach for my gun as I looked at the direction I heard the sound, then I see movement and I point the gun and that's when I see an unexpected person there waiting for me.


I look and I see my ex-boss standing there.

"Joe what are you doing here?"

"To see you"

"Why, you know I am out"

"Because I have a job for you?"

"Didn't you hear what I just said"

"You're gonna want to be in?"

I still have my gun pointing at him.

"What makes you think that?"

He handed me a file and the curiousity in me I opened the file and that's when I see something that made me look right at him.

"What is this?"

"The guy your after"

I looked at the man who I have been hunting for so long but nothing.


"The guy your after is now in Seoul, South Korea he is working for a man who is nameless eitherwise known as 'Reaper' and 'Ghost' is his right hand and we know that you have been after him, and 'Ghost' has your friend Dean Jung and his family in his sights and also knowing that former operatives Jen and Sean stationed there to protect your friend and his family, so don't act like you haven't been in the game and we know if you get 'Ghost' we will be closer to 'Reaper'"

"So, why are you here?"

"To have you on my team, you were regarded as one of the best and still are and also because my C.O want's 'Reaper' and because he thinks the only way to get to 'Reaper' is if we have you on the team and keep reading"

I placed my gun on the table in front of me and that's when I faltered there were pictures of my friend Dean and his family being obvious signed that they were being watched and I see Jen and Sean in some pictures with Nana and her mother in law which was obvious that they didn't think that Jen and Sean were a threat to them I needed to talk with Jen and Sean about this I know that they would be pissed off like me.


"Apparently Ghost is on his own mission besides working for his boss, and thats where you come in?"

"Because I killed his brother in a mission"

[Flashback within a Flashback:]

"Sir, 10 meters out to drop off zone"

"Lieutenant B.J"

I look at my commrades I see Sean [Spade] and Jen [Hearts] sitting there and next to me was my best friend besides Dean of course but he was like my brother.

"Ace are you ready"

I bump him as we are getting pumped up.


I look at the pilots.

"Ready for the drop off"


Mission to extract information as well as save hostages here, my team and I quietly heading to the extraction point through the bush, ignoring my gut feeling that something didn't seem right and I was right seconds later we are in the middle of an intense gun fight bullets flying everywhere as we get closer silence sets in. We walk into the building covered in darkness no sounds waiting for any sound.


"B.J on your call"

"Ace, you go with Doc as he extracts information, you four go with Diamond [Jen] to find the hostages, Spade [Sean] you stay here with the team while I go look for Casper"

"B.J I will flank you and send Royal with Doc"

I look at my buddy.

"Ok, Royal you go with Doc, Spade you stay out and keep the fight out here, Diamond and your team will look for the hostages we will rendevous at the extraction point in 03:00 hours, House you and Ace will flank me as we look for Casper"


We move through the building to find our target hearing nothing at all as we roam through the quiet halls, finally we see movement on our left.


Gunshots the only sound I leave Ace and House to cover me as I get closer to Casper I look straight ahead and I see the target looking at me with so much evil in his eyes his gun pointing right at me I stalled looking at him the next I hear the gun click waiting for the bullet to tear into my body that didn't come, there in front of me was Ace dropping on the ground with Casper's bullet hitting my shoulder.

"House take Ace out now!!!"



I start shooting at his men who were protecting Casper I shoot them down with no hesitation ignoring the pain in my leg and shoulders from roaming bullets and getting shot at I look dead point at Casper he smiles thinking he has won he points his gun at me and shoots right at me and from my movement it hit my chest away from my heart suddenly hearing the command dead or alive and I shoot him right at his heart and neck and watch as his lifeless body drops as I was feeling faint. 

[End of Flashback:]

After the mission finding out that Casper's brother Ghost was out for revenge not after the team that raided his brothers place but the one who killed him which was me and from the photo's it was clear how far he would go.

"Yes, and as you can see that he is targetting those close to you including your friend Dean Jung and his family he wont touch you parents because he knows that they a high ranking in there fields and they will be protected whereas your friend being helpless and vulnerable leaving him wide and opened and also close to home?"

"And if I am to agree, what will I need to do?"

"Basic find Ghost so we can get to Reaper?"

"But why do you want his boss?"

"Top Secret only those in the team know if you were to be part of the team then you will know everything we know?"

With no hesitation.

"I'm in and Joe"


"Don't call me B.J"

[now at the base:]

"Look who is here?"

I look at the team who I have seen from other missions and newbies which don't seem familiar to me.

"Yeah took alot of convincing Ryan"

"Nice to see you back Duke"

I look at my friend and ex-partner.

"Ok enough of the reunion"

We all sit down and look at our commanding officer.

"This mission will be called simply as [Reaper]"

There was a picture of a man on the screen who must be the man we are after he looked like a normal guy.

"This is Reaper, the guy we are after from what you see that he has no priors no criminal records which has left him as an unlikely target. From our Intel Reaper has 4 warheads in his hands, we have yet to have final intel on what the warheads do. He has no family, no siblings his wife and 2 kids died in a plane crash and other then that we no nothing about him, all we know is that he is somewhere in South Korea and we have the officials in South Korea co-orperating with us, as we will leave for South Korea."

Next another picture of a man comes on the screen replacing the picture from before shows.

"This is Changuk Park, he is the owner of Park Corp. in Seoul, South Korea the company distrubites and creates Advanced Software, Technologies and also Advance Bio-Chemical War-fare Weapons if you notice some of the gear we have here was made by them. Our Intel says the Mr. Park was the creator of the Warheads that the Reaper has if we get in contact with Mr. Park then hopefully he will co-operate with us Mr. Park is the only one who knows what they Warheads, and he also has the machine which can weponise the Warheads without harming those. This is his family"

A picture came up next on the screen and there was 2 pictures one with 3 members which was him, his wife and his son and the next picture had 4 members which an old picture with 4 members this time there was a little girl.

"As you see that the picture on the left is an old picture of the family as you can see that there is a difference the girl was reported missing and reported dead, whereas the right is a recent picture of the family. From our Intel Reaper also has his men spying on the family we think its because he wants to bait Mr. Park into weponising the warheads."

Next there were pictures shown.

"Here are who we think Reaper is targetting on the left Changuk Park and his family, next Celine Huang, Gaeun Yoon and "

When our lieutenant had said those names it rung a bell in my head remembering Dean's call about asking for information on Mina Yoon and Celine Huang what has Dean got into or more like what is his boss into I needed to talk to Jen and Sean I also needed to talk to Dean as well as but not wanting to put his family and life in danger, also I needed to talk to Dean's boss as well and see what he is. Without realising the debrief was finished.

"Duke, what are you going to do?"

"I will work on my own lieutenant my own way"

"I knew you would be like this, and with my commanding officer informing me and also your ex-commanding officer briefing me on you as well. Normally that's not how I have my team working but I will let you but you are to report every night"

"Yes, I am off. I will be with Dean and his family"

"Your to close"

"Either take it or I am out and I will do it my way"


[End of Flashback:]



Now sitting in a cafe with Jen and Sean.

"Duke didnt know you were coming to Seoul?"

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, its sudden but we need to talk"

"Ok, lets go"

We head of towards Sean and Jen's place that they were staying at during there stay here seeing them adapt to the surroundings which was a plus. After fitting the house whilst they were asleep last night making sure that I will know when something happens, the only reason why I am out of the building I also made sure that Nana and her mother will leave the home of their's without me knowing also having tracking devices so I am aware of all there movements. As we walked into Sean and Jen's place as a safe place to do the talking.

"So whats up Duke?"

"Yeah why are you here has something happened?"

That's when I explained to them about the mission and all that and I saw the same reaction that I had that night.

"Ok so what do you want us to do?"

"Are you working for them?"

"No I am not, I am only do this because of Dean, my parents a safe so I want to make sure that Dean and his family is safe including yourselfs as well, I give you an option to leave so you can take care of your families?"

I looked at the both of them contemplating within seconds later.

"I will stay my dad is capable of looking after there family"

"Yeah I am in, my brothers will make sure everything is sorted"

"Ok, first I want you to make sure your family is safe!"

I leave first thing I need to do is get some wheels to use whilst I am here.

"Here Duke"

Sean throws me a set of keys.

"I guess you don't have a ride"

"[laughing] yeah I need to go and do something, I'll call you guys"

"Ok, be safe"

I leave them and walk down from there apartment complex which was funded by me of course but they handled everything else whilst I organised the apartment building and paid for it during there post here, I could see that there was touches of home. I walk downstairs and I beep the alarm to spot Sean's car as we were in Jen's car.

[Jen's car:]

[Audi R8]


[Sean's car:]

[Range Rover Lumma]

Thankfully Sean had a Rover more roomy then Jen's ride, well anyways I left the complex and I couldnt help but think about what to do next. I called Jen,



"You and Sean have a break I will tail Dean's family whilst coming up with a plan"


I lefted and zoom off back to Dean's place I decided that I needed to call Dean's boss thankfully with the search I did for Dean I also did a background on Dean's boss Mr. Wu Yifan was what his name is on records but also known as Mr. Kris Wu and with that I have his personal number I decided to call him.

"Is this Mr. Wu"

"Yes this is he, who is this?"

"I am a friend of Dean Jung your assistant"

I could hear a little hesitance in his voice which was discouraging.

"Ok, what can I do for you?"

"I have more information that may be useful?"


"After recieving the names that Dean had requested there is some things that you need to know that concerning the names requested?"

He seemed anxious.

"Ok, when do you want to meet?"

"I will call and text the location"

"Can I ask why?"

"I have to go"

I say rushed not wanting to sent him in a trap knowing that my phone was tracked by the lieutenate and his team, anyways I went back to Dean's apartment and I see Nana resting on the lounger watching t.v.

"Duke how is Jen and Sean?"

"They are ok, they just relaxing how are you?"

"I am fine, mum is getting lunch ready let's eat?"

"I will go and help your mum with preparing the table"

"No need Duke, mum's always like this"

Nana smiles, I couldn't help it being with Dean and his family was different from the upbringing I had even though I loved them just as much, I didn't have many moments like I did when I was with Dean and his family. Being out of my comfort zone already and knowing the language barrier with Nana's mum thankfully Nana could speak English which would make it easier I was leaving to go and help Nana's mum but I saw Nana trying to get up so I helped her instead which she was grateful even though they didn't know the real reason why I was here I couldn't help but feel more relaxed. As the day started to pass I needed to rendevous with the team.

"Nana, I will call Jen and Sean to come while I go out?"

"No that's ok, we will be fine?"

"[laughing] Jen is dying to see you though?"


I called Jen straight away and she answers within one ring.


"I am leaving?"

"Do you want us at Nana's?"




I was worried.




"Oh Jen is excited she wanted to see how Nana is doing with her pregnancy girl thing"

"Phew I thought it was something else?"

"[laughing] see you in 10"


[De-brief with the team:]

[Pics of the team of Men on the Mission:]

(top to bottom:- Dennis Oh, Ricky Kim, Jensen Ackles, Cam Gigandet, Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhal)



[and the lieuntenant:]

Joe Manganiello

Hitting the rendevous point without being followed to meet with the team it was ultra fitted like any normal base which was really home away from home I walk in and there was lieutenant and the guys.

"Ok, my C.O has spoken to the Secretary of Defence to speak to the South Korean Government about our team being here so thats sorted, I will give you your jobs for tommorrow but tonight I will have you all getting use to your surroundings before anything and to make sure that us being here will cause alarm to Reapers men, Cam I want you two to make sure we have everything on line and look into why they are after the warheads and find it's function Ryan and Jensen I want you both to get to the hanger and wait for our load I will give you tommorrows posts, Ricky and Dennis I will have you meet with the targets under Reapers radar but after the meeting with the agents from the S.K.F.A who will assist us depending on how the meeting goes I may even pair them with the each off you whilst visiting the targets so I will have Dennis come with me for that meeting tommorrow, we will rendevous after the meeting to discuss the plans. Cam I will have you still find intel, Ryan and Jensen I want you to look at our equipment to make sure they are working fine, Duke I want you to look for intel on Ghost"

"Yes sir, I will look into intel in finding Ghost and hopefully that will get us to Reaper but regards to the safety of Dean and his Family that is all on me, and if it comes to questioning them I will do it!"

"I will have one of the guys come with you when it comes to the time of questioning, we will rendevous tommorrow at 06:00 hours"



"Are we being tracked?"


"Reaper, you?"

"I will have Cam looking into that, but why would I track you?"

"Just asking?"

"[laughing] No, it's your job to report to me not for me to know when your taking a dump [laughing]"

We all laugh at Joe, as we all leave to do our jobs, we all make our way down to the carpark I saw that I wasn't the only one with wheels they all liked they were brought to blend in there 4 of the same cars 

Beside Sean's ride that I was borrowing and the guys noticed when I walked there.

"Duke where did  you get your ride?"

"Oh it's not mine I am just using Sean's ride [laughing]"

[Meeting with Mr. Wu:]

As I was leaving I called the number again....




I apologise if the Fic seems to be all over the place I am just trying to make it more interesting and with more ACTION.

If you can see that there alot of IMAGES of some of the HOTTEST ACTORS kekeke, but I thought having faces to the characters making it more AWESOME keke.

  • Do you remember when I had done the Characters Profile in one of the Chapters if you recall that the face Song Joongki [Kim Baeksu:- and it says he has a brother Kim Inguk he will be mentioned on upcoming chapters]

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[Characters:-38570 Words:-9312]

Edited.Re-read/Font-Changed:-23rd September 2015

*images & grammar

Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:-12th July 2016
Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....