




New Mentioned Characters:

[Image of: Yoon Shi Yoon]

Declan Yoon:

[Image of: Lee Minki]

KENAN VINH:- Kris's friend from America.

DION:-Kenan's wife-to-be.

Re-Mentioned Character:

[Image of Lee Jihoon]






I shrug out of my blazer and loosening up the tie which felt constricted on my neck after hearing all of what dad had said about the dealing's of the company still amazing me at what's been going on behind close door's or more right in front of me without knowing about it. I also couldn't understand why I was angry right now maybe because so many years my dad has been lying to me, or is it because the feeling of the unknown dawning on me, or maybe because seeing my best friend going through something like that because of me. I stood looking at my reflection staring back at me and looking at myself I could see the obvious signs of distress itched on my face I quickly grab the files that I had taken with me to my make shift room and I look at all the information that dad had given me reading up about I was busy reading when I hear a knock on my door I quickly close the file and place it on the bedside table and I went to open the door and I see mum standing there.


[MUM]"Honey can I come in?"

I open the door wider and mum walks in and I can see that she was worried about me by the obvious sign of worry on her face.

[MUM]"Honey are you ok, I know that's alot to take in?"

"How long have you known mum?"

[MUM]"Honestly I have had no clue about what's been going on in the company, but all I know is that this is the reason why your father has been stressing out lately?"

"So you didn't know?"

[MUM]"I knew about the theft at the company and that was all, plus I had other things to worry about?"

I noticed a change in mum's face when she explained about her having other things to worry about the look in her eyes was something I haven't seen and I most likely wouldn't be able to understand that was for sure I walked towards mum and I sat next to mum.

[MUM]"I know that you are anxious with what is going on, but I want you to promise me that you won't do anything to put yourself in any form of danger"

I look at my mum and I look in her eyes and I could see that she was serious.

"Mum I promise, don't worry about me ok"

[MUM]"Oh honey how did you go up so strong"

Seeing my mum break down in front of me was something that I don't want to see again I hugged mum tightly so she knew that I wouldn't do anything to hurt her in anyway. After a short while mum let's go off me.

[MUM]"I am sorry son?"

"It's ok mum, anytime?"

[MUM]"I love you so much?"

"Me to mum"

I watched as she lefted and I was in my room I decided that it be best to get out of my suit I walk out towards the bathroom and I wash up and finally got changed into something more comfortable.

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I went back into my make shift room and I continued on looking at the paperwork inside the file reading everything by detail, why was all I could think about which was really frustrating, as I was sitting there I could hear my phone endless buzzing along since this afternoon since I got taken from dad's team which was really annoying. I looked at it as soon as the phone finished buzzing and I see the mutiple missed messages and text's from all the guys which was so like them. I went back downstairs cause one I was getting bored and also I was hungry I walk and I see two men walking in.

The both of them looked dressed and mysterious which gave them an intimidating vibe, I wondered who they were then I see dad coming out of what looked like to be a conference room.

[DAD]"Declan, Minki"

So that must be there names.

[DECLAN]"Hello Mr. Park Senior"

[MINKI]"Mr. Park"

[DAD]"Chanyeol come?"

I walked towards dad and this two guy's.


[DAD]"Son, this is Declan Yoon, and this is Lee Minki Declan and Minki this is my son Chanyeol"

We shook hands after dad introducing the both of us.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Yoon"

[DECLAN]"Nice to meet you to Mr. Park Junior, I came as soon as I got the call?"

"You hear on time"

[MINKI]"Nice to meet you Mr. Park Junior"

I watched as the three men walked back towards the conference room I was curious to what was going on inside that room.

[DAD]"Chanyeol, are you coming?"

"Oh ok"

I rushed towards the room and walked in and I was surprised to see that look's could be decieving inside the room was full of technology, computers, screens.


[YONGNAM]"Mr. Park?"

I turn and I see Yongnam also out of his suit and wearing something casual like myself.


[YONGNAM]"Mr. Park, your mother has requested you to go to her?"

"Ok, Yongnam, but please call me Chanyeol considering the situation I don't think there is a need for formalities.

[YONGNAM]"Ok...Mr. Chanyeol sshii?"

I laugh at him and we leave the conference room and walk towards the kitchen where mum was and also adding the smell of mum's cooking, whilst walking with Yongnam towards the kitchen.

"Yongnam, do you know what's going on?"

[YONGNAM]"Changmin sshii had told me pretty much everything Mr. Park Senior would have most likely mentioned to you but more detailled I am assuming"

"So will you be staying here as well?"

[YONGNAM]"I am certain that I would be staying here but I am worried about my family, Changmin sshii mentioned that it depends on Mr. Park Senior for me to call my family not sure but will know as soon as possible I hope?"

[MUM]"Yongnam, your family will be safe knowing my husband he would have made arrangement's and if it came to you staying here my husband would want you to call them to let them know that you are ok, so don't worry dear?"

[YONGNAM]"Yes ma'am"

[MUM]"Come on you two sit down and eat I am sure you both haven't eaten anything since this morning?"

"Thank's mum"

[YONGNAM]"Thank you Mrs. Park"

We both sat down and ate the food that mum had made and oddly it was nice having Yongnam with me and also seeing him in a more casual style was a nice change considering the work-a-holic Yongnam at the company seen as straightfaced and all, before I knew it I was looking at Yongnam's home that he shares with his family, his grandparents, his parents and his younger brother which his name was Yongjin. Seeing that his family stayed in an Hanok a traditional Korean home.

Which was cool and also showing photo's of his family which was cool, anyways as we were talking normally we hear movement going on behind us which caught our attention.



As I rushed down towards the office trying to calm the heat inside of me from that heated moment back in my room even though it was something small like a kiss on my cheek from Min-a but I couldn't get the image out of my head and also my body reacting heavily from the action, also with that happening in my room I was sure that whenever I go back into my room I am going to think about that also with her laying in my bed. I need to get my head focus on the situation I don't want to act flustered when I hit my domain especially with the unexpected visit's from who I will find out when I get to my office. I was just at the door when Lee had come out.

"Lee who is here?"

[LEE]"There is only two people Mr. Wu?"

"Oh ok, who are they?"

[LEE]"Mr. Jung is here also Mr. Vinh is here as well Mr. Wu?

"What is Dean and Kenan doing here?"

I say more to myself but I am sure that Lee heard as well.

[LEE]"They are both waiting for you in your office, and your coffee is on your desk did you want me to bring refreshments for your visitors?"

"No that's fine, Lee, Thanks"

I sighed and walked to my office and I see the two said men in question indeed in my office both drinking there hot beverages that Lee would have made for them whilst waiting for me when I was upstairs settling the boys with Min-a.

[DEAN]"Mr. Wu?"

[KENAN]"Wu Yi Fan....?"

"What are you both doing here at this time?"

[DEAN]"I came because there is a situation at Park Corp, that need's your attention Mr. Wu?"

[KENAN]"I came here to tell you something because you are so hard to reach?"

Kenan say's dramatically which made me grin at him.

"What did you want to say Kenan especially since you travelled quite a distance?"

[KENAN]"Well... I am getting married"

"Whoa, congrat's bro nice to hear that your finally getting married how long have you and Dion been dating?"

[KENAN]"For awhile [laughing]"

After the short catch up with my friend from America and with it being a layover flight because he was going to the Islands to see potential honeymoon locations.

[KENAN]"And also I wanted to come and see you as well if you would do me the honor of being my best man?"

There goes Kenan acting dramatic which was hilarious how Dion fell for the guy is still hard to believe.

"Bro I would be honored but I am so busy, but I will be there if possible?"

[KENAN]"I know you will bro, and that's why the best news is best face to face"

"Yeah it is?"

[KENAN]"Bro I really need to catch my flight to go because it is last minute I know that you are to busy that you can't come with me to the check out the location for the honeymoon?"

"Sorry bro, I can't but let me know what's going on then I can work out my schedule aye?"

[KENAN]"Cool bro I am off, I will call you make sure you answer aye?"

I watched as my good friend leaves so that was the good news and looking at Dean it looked like he was going to be saying the bad news which I had to expect. I sit down.

"Dean, you should be at home with your wife?"

[DEAN]"It's ok my family is still there and I won't be long, but I think as one of the shareholders for Park Corp. I think you need to know that there has been an uproar at the company?"

"What do you mean?"

[DEAN]"From reports it has been said that Mr. Park Junior and his P.A are no where to be seen?"


I looked at the Police Report that Dean had managed to get and I looked at the report and it mentioned that Chanyeol and Yongnam were taken from Park Corp. by are group of well trained men but no one could remembered what they looked like which made it difficult for the police to sort out, also from witness reports mentioning that they saw men on building's around the company with weapons which shocked me more I would have kepted reading but I glanced at the time and it was getting later.

"Ok thank you Dean, I will finish reading up the reports but you need to get back home to your wife, especially with the due date getting closer keep me posted there is no need for you to make late night visits?"

[DEAN]"Yes Mr. Wu, and thank you again for the gifts"

"No problem go on"

I leaned back on my seat as I was trying to grasp the situation it seemed to be a so much going on, I just needed to take a break or something.

[LEE]"Mr. Wu are you ok?"

I look at Lee.

"Yeah I am ok?"

[LEE]"There look's like there is something bothering you?" 

Hearing Lee say that he was right, now I know why Baekhyun was acting like that at the club earlier this afternoon and looking back at the report the time seemed to be close to each other.

"No I am ok, how is Min-a and the boy's?"

[LEE]"They are sleeping as we speak, and from the look in your eye's Mr. Wu it look's like you also need to get some sleep as well?"

"Yeah I will just grab a blanket and I will sleep in the lounge?"

[LEE]"I will prepare a bed for you Mr. Wu unless you can sleep in Miss. Yoon's room?"

"No that would be weird, it's ok I will crash in the lounge?"

Minute's later I place the file on my desk and I make my way back to the lounge and I see Lee, preparing my bed I was to tired to do anything as soon as Lee had finished.

"Thanks Lee, for everything"

[LEE]"That's ok Mr. Wu get some rest I will have breakfast prepared normal time?"

"No that's ok you need a break?"

[LEE]"No that's ok Mr. Wu?"

"It's late why don't you sleep in then and I will do breakfast"

[LEE]"Ok, Mr. Wu"

I lay down and as soon as I hit the pillow I was out.




You stir in your sleep the scent of something so familiar musky manly scent was making you fall into a deep slumber when suddenly the event's from yesterday was starting to sink which woke you up in an instant and that's when you see that it wasn't a dream as you look around to see that you were in Kris's room. You look around to see that the two boys were still lying down next to you with Maesuk was close to you whereas Yoonho was next to Maesuk, seeing there faces there looking so innocent and soft making them look more adorable then they were already you smile at the sight without thinking you cover the boys deeper with the duvet covering them seeing the tint between the two different shades, Suddenly feeling a little warmer then normal as you start to recall what happened last night as you instantly touch your lips the feeling of you lips against your fingers somehow it felt different was it because your lips weren't as innocent as it was before last night and you recall the feeling you felt when your lips touched Kris's cheek making you blush even furthur the blue skies outside was tempting you slowly get off the large bed which made you seem so small your feet lightly touched the cool floor as you make sure the boys were covered as you decided that you would prepare breakfast which was what you were wanting to do apart of you wanted to also see where Kris slept last night since you were in his bed not that you were nosy you were wondering if he slepted at all and to make sure he was ok to be honest you looked at the time and wondered where Mr. Lee was normally he was up by now you shrugged it off as you continue walking against the light chill of the morning as you finally reach the bottom of the stairs as you were thinking where Kris would have slepted making you feel stink that this was his home and yet he didn't sleep in his own bed. Each step you took was very light not wanting to make a noise afraid of waking Kris but you laugh mentally it is like your sneaking around haha.... 


Not wanting to make any noise and you walked through the lounge and walked lightly towards Kris's office thinking that he would be inside as you opened the door and you peek inside.

You opened the door to see what looked like to be a well organised and cleaned area with you seeing what looked like to be a mini lounge which looked really beautiful as you could see furthur that there was a sliding door which looked like to seperate the waiting area, being a curious person you walked furthur on towards the other end of the room your hands lightly touching the leather couch's as you walked closer to the sliding door you saw that it was transparent and you saw that it was an office, you could see that there was no sign of Kris which you sighed relived that he wasn't sleeping in the office, you walked in and seeing how well organised Kris seemed to be you saw that he looked like a busy guy feeling guilty at the amount of paperwork on his desk. Anyways you walked closer to his desk you walked behing looking at the large frame of Kris on the wall you looked at the frame but it didn't seem to do justice to the real life form of Kris you become to know. You lightly touch the frame of him and as you looked at his lips it made you wish if it was a soft and plump as it looks, anyways you turned and looked at his desk and look at the frames on his desk there was a frame of him and a beautiful girl of the both of them

[just imagine that the picture of Kris and Krystal is like a frame of them together and that they are smiling and Kris's arm is around Krystal's:]

You look at Kris with him looking y in blonde hair it was weird seeing him in blonde because you were use to his dark locks which made him more manly well he looked manly in the frame you were curious who was the girl with him looking pretty in red hair. You look at the frame next to that and you see a frame of two elderly couple and no surprise by the look that it had to be his parents and you could understand where Kris got his looks man his parent's looked like a pair of models and seeing Kris looked like a younger version of his father you smiled as you looked and then you look at the next frame and you see Kris and his parent's with the girl from before and you looked at the next frame and you see.

Kris and his friends which you were fortunate to have meet but there was a couple you didn't meet which was weird reconising the faces you those you meet but they all looked different that was for sure you smile and you seen another frame of his friends but you couldn't help it but the one in the middle with the biggest smile seemed to draw your attention which made you wonder it was like you were looking at another reflection of yourself which was impossible that was for sure.

You smile at the frame seeing how close they must all be as you were leaving you noticed a file that was open and you spotted what looked like a Police Report you were anxious to read it but you were worried that you would get caught and that you don't want to happen. You leave his office and you walked towards the lounge again you were curious to where Kris was as you were giving up and walking towards the kitchen you noticed movement behind you and you automatically tensed instantly you took a breath and turned to where you saw the movement. You walked there and that's when you saw a sight for sore eyes there laying on the couch which looked small seeing Kris and his long length struggling on the couch you felt guilty it looked so uncomfortable for him you walked closer and you kneeled down and you loosen the covering on him which looked awkward with the way it was drapped on him you loosened it and covered Kris with the covering you looked at him and you noticed that there was strands of his dark locks covering his eye's and without thinking you reached and lightly gazed the strands of hair away from his forehead you hand lingered there a little longer as you lightly gazed your hand down his forehead which was so soft towards his eyebrows feeling the different texture then lightly touching his strong nose then lightly with your finger you touch his lips feeling the soft plump feel of his lips against you finger making you warm instantly, after getting your feel of his lips you go and touch his jaw line which was so defined and ending at his chin which was so strong under your touch. You happen to look and notice that Kris must have un-buttoned the top button's of his top giving you a view of his neck line, and his collerbone which looked so defined and you wanted to touch as you were about to you notice him stir and you got up and moved quietly back towards the stairs and as soon as you were safe you ran upstairs towards his room and you slided in next to Maesuk who automatically moved towards you which was so cute you smiled at him and you just laid there looking at the ceiling you place a hand on your heart feeling the fast paced beat under your palm trying to calm down.



Finally falling into a deep slumber forgetting everything finally gone to the world I knew that I was going to have sore joint's when I wake up the couch being decieving it looked soft and welcoming but it was the excat opposite, I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly I felt something so soft like a feather touch my forehead which I didn't think anything of it until I felt the soft touch lingering on my face the feeling of it was making me go deeper into my sleeping slumber I don't know what it was but it felt so nice I felt the soft touch leave my face which suddenly made me stir and I opened my eyes and I saw the sunlight beaming in and I saw that there was nothing there I reach to touch my face and I don't know what it was but I felt a little warmth on my chin, I shrugged I sat up and I hear the sound of my aching joints I rubbed them to ease the tension I finally stood up I look down and I notice that I was still in the same clothes from yesterday I need to jump in the shower. I fold the blankets and placed them on the couch with the pillow I wondered if they were still asleep and if I could sneak in and grab me some clothes to change into, I walk towards my room ignoring the stifness in my joints finally I am at the top of the stairs and I walk towards the open door of my room and I walk in quietly and I see that the three of them were still fast asleep Yoonho was on the same end of the bed I laid him his arms open wide some of the blanket covering his body and the pillow I placed on the side was on the floor Maesuk was hugging tightly with Min-a the sight looked so beautiful before I could look longer I quickly went to get some clothes in my wardrobe. Finally grabbing some clothes and undergarments I walk out to see that they were still sleeping I quickly walked out with my things and I had no choice but had to use Min-a's bathroom without making it awkward using my bathroom whilst they were all sleeping on my bed, well I walk inside her room and I knew it was her room with her scent still lingering, well I ignore it and walked to the bathroom and I locked the door not wanting to be interupted I jump into the hot sprays of water which was easing the tension in my joints the feel of the sprays was relaxing, finally finishing drying myself up and changing into fresh clothes.

I hand brush my hair and I grab my dirty clothes and towels and I walked out of Min-a's room and I walked towards my room and I see that they were still sleeping I looked at the time and it was still early, well I threw my clothes into the basket and I walked out of my room and made my way downstairs and I saw that my blankets weren't there which meant Lee must be awake, well I walked into the kitchen and there was Lee preparing breakfast.

[LEE]"Mr. Wu?"

"It's ok"

[LEE]"Miss. Yoon and the boys?"

"They are still sleeping?"

I saw Lee contemplating on waking them up or finishing preparing breakfast.

"Go and wake them up I will finish off breakfast"

[LEE]"Ok Mr. Wu?"

Lee lefted and I took over on finishing cooking the pancakes.



What felt like forever you fell asleep.

[MR. LEE]"Miss. Yoon?"

You hear your name being called out and from the formalities it was Mr. Lee waking you up.

[MR. LEE]"Miss. Yoon?"

You stir yourself up.

[MR. LEE]"Miss. Yoon wake up?"

You wake up and sit up and from your movement the boys also woke up adorably Yoonho sitting up with his eyes still close whereas Maesuk was wiping the sleep from his eyes cutely.

"Morning, Mr. Lee"


[YOONHO]"Good morning umma"

You hear the boys greet you which made you smile they both hugged you and you couldn't help but smile at the gesture.

[MR. LEE]"Mr. Wu wanted me to come and wake you all up, and wash up?"

You look at Mr. Lee weirdly.

[MR. LEE]"Mr. Wu is preparing breakfast and he wanted you all to come downstairs for breakfast"

"Oh ok"

You got up in a hurry.


"Come on let's go and wash up?"


They both got up and you were about to make the bed.

[MR. LEE]"Miss. Yoon let me, from the looks the master's don't know where to go?"


Well you held there hands and stirred them in the direction of your room so you could have them wash up in there already feeling like you took alot of Kris's personal space, well you walked into the familiar room and as you walked in.

[YOONHO]"Umma, wait we need to get our bags where our change of clothes are?"

"Ok, go and get them, it should be in the room we just came from?"

[YOONHO]"Ne umma"

Yoonho lefted and moments later he was back with two bags one in each hand they looked really expensive and unfamiliar to you.


Image result for mcm backpack blue 

"Where did you get those bags?"

[YOONHO]"Marion ahjumma?"


[MAESUK]"Celine noona's umma?"

"Oh that was nice of her"

[MAESUK]"Marion ahjumma got them for me and hyung"

"Ok, come on I will help you wash up"

[YOONHO]"My bag is the dark blue umma?"

"And the light blue is Maesuk's?"

[MAESUK]"Ne umma"

They both came running into the bathroom you turn the shower on and you noticed that the shower looked like it was used earlier well you shrugged it off and cleaned the boys up and finally finished well it was a bit of a hassle but you managed to get both of the boys washed and dried and thankfully Yoonho was changing himself whilst you were helping Maesuk out whilst they were changing.

[MAESUK]"Hyung look?"

[YOONHO]"What is it Maesuk-ah?"

[MAESUK]"The photo?"

Which you looked and you see what they were talking about which was so cute, well finally they were both finished and changed.


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Image result for kids white v neck

"Ok your both changed and dressed is that all that was packed in your bags?"

[YOONHO]"Yeah noona only packed these in?"

"Ok, I need to wash up are you boy's going to be ok in here alone?"

[YOONHO]"Ne umma, we will wait until you finish?"

"Ok I won't be long, you two stay in here ok?"


You rushed into and had a quick wash not wanting to keep Kris waiting, and also not wanting the boys to wait as well.

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Finally checking your appearance you walk out of the room and the boys were both reading a book which looekd familiar they saw you.

"Come on lets go"

The boys reached for your hands and the three of you all walked down the stairs and noticing the boys were looking around which made you wonder what they were thinking, as you were getting furthur downs the stairs you could smell a really mouth watering smell of food the three of you all walked towards the smell and that's when you see a sight that surprised you, you were expecting to see Mr. Lee in the kitchen but instead you saw the familiar height at the stove that's when you looked and see Kris there looking handsome with a spatcula in his hand looked like he was flipping pancakes which surprised you that a man of his style or wealth looking so normal in the kitchen.

[MR. LEE]"Humph"

You feel Mr. Lee bang into unintentionally and not helping the situation hitting you accidently on the side where you were still healing and was still tender from your sleep, and not helping the situation was that you made a sound which got the attention of those around you.

[YOONHO]"Umma are you ok?"


"I am ok, it was just an accident?"

[MR.LEE]"Miss. Yoon I am sorry I wasn't watching where I was going?"

"Hey Mr. Lee it's alright don't worry?"

[KRIS]"Min-a are you ok?"


The sudden loud voice of Maesuk shocking you, and what was more shocking was when Kris lowered to his level.

[KRIS]"Morning Maesuk, did you sleep ok?"

[MAESUK]"Yes hyung"


You see Kris gaze at Yoonho.

[YOONHO]"Is that pancakes?"

[KRIS]"Yeah, go and sit down it's all cooked"


The look on Yoonho's face was worth everything and anything you watched as Kris stood up still amazed at his abnormal height and you were still frozen in your spot if it wasn't for the boys you would have been still in the same spot. As you were all seated at the table Kris sitting opposite of you next to Yoonho whereas Maesuk was next to you it looked like you were happy families. Seeing the interaction between Yoonho and Kris was beautiful seeing the endless smiles between them you would have kepted looking but you felt your sleeve being pulled that's when you see Maesuk was trying to get your attention.


He whispered and you lowered to Maesuk.


[MAESUK]"What is that?"


And you see him pointing at your side and you look and see what Maesuk was looking at and it was your bandage making you feel stupid for not realising that what your wearing would have made it obvious well the bandage.

"Oh Maesuk that's nothing I just got a scratch and I just need the bandage to make sure it dosen't get infected ok?"

You see him nodding at you which was super cute, feeling wrong for lying to him but you didn't want them to know what had happened to you at all.

[MR. LEE]"Sorry for the interruption, but Mr. Wu there is are Mr. Byun here to see you?"


[MR. LEE]"Yes Mr. Wu?"

[KRIS]"Send him through"

Then he looked at you but you remembered Baekhyun from the display yesterday wondering what was going on and if he was ok.

[KRIS]"Is that ok with you?"

Which surprised you from the surprise you just nodded at Kris minutes later Mr. Lee come's walking in with Baekhyun behind him.


He called out and then he saw you and the boys.

[YOONHO+MAESUK]"Baekhyun hyung"

Seeing the two boys running to Baekhyun was a shock for you wondering how they met Baekhyun but seeing the interaction between them was adorable.

[BAEKHYUN]"Oh Yoonho-ah, Maesuk-ah how are you, you look like you have grown up since the last time I saw you"

[YOONHO]"Ok, we are having pancakes with hyung and umma"

[MAESUK]"Baekhyun...hyung dangsin-i johda [are you ok?]"

You see Maesuk reach for Baekhyun making him lower to his level and he patted his shoulder which was so adorable Maesuk seemed to know something was wrong which was something you were use to but you couldn't help but worry about him as well.

[BAEKHYUN]"I am ok Maesuk, come on you don't want your breakfast to get cold"

You see Baekhyun acting surprised and shocked at the same time and seeing that he was trying to change to subject which made you think.

[KRIS]"Baekhyun how is your head?"

He smiled brightly when he looked at you.

[BAEKHYUN]"Anneyong Min-a"

He says looking at you which surprised you not thinking that he would rememeber your name.

[KRIS]"Sit down, Lee can you bring another plate"

[MR. LEE]"Yes Mr. Wu?"

[BAEKHYUN]"I didn't come for breakfast hyung?"

Kris stood up and moved his plate and he sat at the head of the table whilst Baekhyun sat where Kris sat earlier and the boys sat in there spots. You looked at Maesuk.


[MAESUK]"Ne umma?"

"When did you meet Baekhyun?"

You whispered softly so it was only you and Maesuk talking.

[MAESUK]"When we were playing hide'n'seek with Celine noona and went to halmonie's place"


Finally getting back to breakfast you overhear.

[KRIS]"So how do I have the pleasure of you morning visit Baekhyun?"

[BAEKHYUN]"Hyung I am worried about Chanyeollie?"

[YOONHO]"Baekhyun hyung who is Chanyeollie?"

[BAEKHYUN]"You have meet Chanyeollie?"

[YOONHO]"I can't remember a Chanyeollie hyung?"

You see Baekhyun smiling brightly whereas as Kris looked like he was stressed which was a shock.

[BAEKHYUN]"[Laughing] because Chanyeollie is Chanyeol hyung?"

[YOONHO]"Oh Chanyeol hyung, the funny hyung?"


[MAESUK]"Baekhyun hyung why are you worried about Chanyeol hyung?"

The name sounded so familiar to you for some reason but didn't dwell on it you continued eating your pancakes until.


cr. to all rightful owners of all images used in this chapter and throughout this fic.




sorry if this chapter is boring...

[Characters:-25359 Words:-5820]

Edited/Re-read:-26th September 2015

*images [changing a few because of the broken URL and deleted some as well because of the same reason] grammar.

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change/Image-Changes:- 4th October 2016

Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....