





[cont. CHUNJI POV]

I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in?"


I look and I see Sora standing at the door.


"There is 2 guy's at the front wanting to see Mrs. Yoon?"

"Have you told them that Mrs. Yoon isn't here?"

"Yes I told them that Mrs. Yoon isn't here and they were wanting to talk to the manager?"

"And that is meant to be?"

"We don't have a manager Chunji sshii?"

"Oh ok, I guess that will be me"

I smile at Sora, forming a comradship with all the worker's in here and with them being younger then me it was like they were all my dongsaeng's which I know speaking for myself will protect them like they were my own family being here has given me a new less in life and thinking beyond the security and sheltered world I have been brought up.

"Let's go?"

We walked pass the kid's laughter and colour which I was started to become accustom to as we got to the front of the building that's when I see Mr. Wu's friend's what were they doing here I hope that they don't recognise me that would blow my cover that was for sure, well I could see in the face's that I did look familiar to them but from the lack of reaction I could tell that they were trying to figure it out as Sora and I were getting closer I already knew that they weren't those thug's that were here to cause trouble or official's that were also asking question's so I didn't need to worry about anything that was for sure.

"Hello how can I help you?"

"Are you the manager here?"

"Yes I am here as acting manager how can I help you?"

"We came to see Mrs. Yoon?"

"And can I ask why and who you are?"

"Oh mianheyo"

The both apologised quickly and I could see Sora was looking at them like most girls would do after working for the Wu's I have had my fair share of exposure when it comes to situation's like this, thankfully for my age putting off some of the attention on me worked its charm I still had a few that would do what Sora was doing to Mr. Lu and Mr. Kim, I had to act like I didn't know them at all, which was going to be difficult but it was part of the job.

"Anneyong Haseyo my name is Lu han and this is my friend Kim Suho I am a student at Seoul University I am friend's with Yoon Min-a...."

"Come in"

I say without any question I was certain that Sora would hit me up about what just happened but I couldn't dwell on it well anyway's as we were walking ahead I was still scoping the area I overheard Mr. Lu exclaiming when we walked furthur into the building it brought a smile to my face because even though I didn't show it at the time I had the same reaction as he did we were walking towards the office we were could sit so I can also find out why they were here as well.

"Oh Chunji-sshii, Seungho-sshii want's to talk to you?"

"Ok Baek can you keep Mr. Lu and Mr. Kim occupied, sorry I won't be long?"

I followed Joonbin as we left Mr. Lu and Mr. Kim in Baek's capable hands which was fine with me Sora was ok for just a short time and also Baek can keep an eye out as well.



I take the phone off him.



"What's up?"

"Mrs. Yoon is not going to be able to leave the hospital anytime soon?"

"What do you mean?"

"Mrs. Yoon has some form of Kidney Infection the doctor's are relieved that they have found out why Mrs. Yoon came into hospital with flu like symptom's they are still running test's to see the complication's, maybe we should call Mr. Wu to let him know?"

"Ok, I will call Ken to let him know and see from there I will call you back ok I will come and take over from you so you can rest and shower?"

"Nah I am ok here thing's are fine just a few stray's that have been here at the hospital, how's thing's at the orphanage?"

"What do you mean stray's?"

"There is a couple of guy's that has been here in the hospital scoping Mrs. Yoon's room and also a couple of guy's also came in to see her which were unfamiliar, Chunji?"

"Ok keep me posted I will have to call Ken and Mr. Wu to let them know what's going on here and everything is going ok here, just got Mr. Lu and Mr. Kim here?"


"Mr. Wu's friend's"


"That's what I am trying to figure out but Joonbin got your call so here I am?"

"Well hang up I will call you if anything new comes up ok?"

"Cool if you need to leave the hospital for awhile let me know and I will change posts with you?"

"I know later Chunji gotta go now?"


I hanged up I thought of calling Ken and Mr. Wu but not before seeing why Mr. Lu and Mr. Kim are here then I will get back to calling Ken and Mr. Wu so they can notify the crew here on what to do next depending on what happens in the next 5-10 minutes. Eventually after the call I went back to where Baek was with Mr. Lu and Mr.  Kim who were now playing with the kid's which was really nice they saw me coming back toward's them I ushered the both of them into the conference room where adoptive parent's would meet there potiential children they that they were considering on adopting which I was fortunate to have experience since being here only once but after everything that was happening it was the main reason why we didn't have may opportunity's because of many reason's but mainly for safety and with Mrs. Yoon not being here also.

"Come in?"

We all sat down.

"So what can I do for you Mr. Lu and Mr. Kim?"

"We were looking for Mrs. Yoon?"



Mr. Lu looked worried which must mean something else.

"We didn't get your name?"

"Oh call me Manager Ji"


"So what can I help you with, what is the reason why you are here?"

"We are worried for Mrs. Yoon's daughter?"

What how did they know, has it been broadcasted or something for all I know it was only a small few that knew about the dissappearance of Miss. Yoon I made sure I didn't falter in my facade.

"What do you mean?"

"Mrs. Yoon's daughter Min-a hasn't been coming to school for 2 week's I am scared that something has happened to her?"

"I will let Mrs. Yoon know when I see her Mr. Lu, sorry I can't do anything for you I have the kid's and staff to think about?"

"No that's ok Manager Ji, but can you let Mrs. Yoon know?"

"Yes I will Mr. Lu I will inform Mrs. Yoon about your concern's and also to that Miss. Yoon's friend's are worried about her?" 

"Thank you Manager Ji, so on a personal note can I ask something?

"Sure Mr. Lu?"

"How many kid's do you have here in the orphanage?"

"Well we have just over 40 kid's here a some of them have physical and mental problem's why?"

"No reason's thank you Manager Ji for your time, here is my card can you please give it to Mrs. Yoon when you can?"

"Will do I will walk you out"


As I watched Mr. Lu and Mr. Kim leave in there car reminding me of the collection Mr. Wu has at his residence Mr. Wu's friend's seemed like really normal guy's with benefit's. I waited for them to leave and I scopped the area I still saw the same car's stationed out on the street's which has been here since we have been posted here and also I spotted a new car which was different I closed the door and went to check the survillence to see if I can get any ID on the guy's here including the new car.



"Whoa the manager looked scary didn't he?"

"Yeah he reminded me of one of the actor's on a drama I watched [laughing]"

"[laughing] hyung I feel sorry for those kid's?"

"Yeah me to, but the orphanage looked like a well kepted place Luhan?"


"Why did you ask the manager about the amount of kid's they have at the orphanage?"

"I was just curious that's all I just feel sorry for them that's all hyung"

We leave with more question's then answer's I haven't seen Celine since the first time I visited but I didn't have an excuse to go and see her and also with her saying she is alway's busy giving me the hint that I shouldn't just go unannounced to her place.

"Hey let's go to our hangout"

"Ok hyung"

I drive toward's our hangout apart from out home's.


As I parked in and I see the familiar car's parked up.

Luhan and Suho [Luhan's Driving]: [Maybach Exelero]


Chen and Xiumin [Chen's Driving]: [Mazzanti Evantra]


Baekhyun and Chanyeol [Baekhyun's Driving]: [Lykan Hypersport]

D.O and Sehun [D.O Driving]: [Koenigsegg Agera]

Lay and Tao [Lay Driving]: [Maserati]

Kai: [MV Augusta]

"Whoa looks like the guy's are already here?"

"Yeah look's like let's go inside"

As we were walking in after parking next to Chen's car my phone ring's.


"Is this Luhan?"

"Yes who is this?"

"This is Mrs. Huang, Celine's mother?"

"Oh hello Mrs. Huang, what can I do for you?"

"I have found you on my daughter's contact list under her best friend Min-a, so I took that into consideration that you must be a friend of her's?"

"Yes I am a friend of your daughter's Celine, what can I do for you Mrs. Huang?"

"I am worried for my daughter and I can't get a hold of Min-a at all so I was thinking I would try the next person in this case is you, I was wondering if you could come and talk to my daughter, please?"

"Oh, did you need me to come over to your home?"

"If you are not busy?"

"I am on my way"

"Thank you Luhan?"

I hang up and I look at Suho.

"Hyung I can't stay I need to go"

"Luhan is everything ok?"

"I am not sure but I will let you know, but I need to go?"



"How are you going to go home?"

"I will ask one of the guy's don't worry Luhan whatever you have to do look's important?"

"I am not sure hyung, thank you for coming with me to the orphanage"

"No worrie's, I am guessing that you don't want me to mention anything to the guy's?"

"If that's ok hyung"

I jump back in my car quickly winding the window down.

"Hyung tell the guy's I am sorry and that I had to do something I will hang out next time?"

"Yeah will do, Luhan?"


"Be safe while driving make sure you have a clear head"

"Ne hyung"

I head of to a place that I haven't been to in what felt like a long time.



[Days before:]

"Marion we are ready for you"

"Ok coming"

I look at my script quickly before walking out onto the set filming is something of a passion of mine, I was practicing my line's before filming I was getting ready when I see my manager walking toward's me.


"What is it Declan?"

"You have an urgent call?"

"From who?"

Declan lean's closer to me.

"It's your husband he say's its urgent?"

"Ok let the director know I won't be long?"

It was unusual for my husband to call when I was on set and away for filming or when he was away on business I immediately answer the phone with a hint of worry.


"Honey what is it, I am on location?"

"Darling I think you need to finish filming a.s.a.p?"

"Why honey what is wrong?"


I didn't need to consider what to do next, I needed to go to Korea to see my daughter if my husband is calling then I know its really urgent to make haste.

"Honey I will finish thing's here and I will make way to South Korea as soon as possible"

"Ok darling I will have one of the guy's pick you up from the airport?"

"Ok I will call you a.s.a.p with the detail's of my flight and schedule"

"Ok honey I love you"

"I love you to, honey?"


"Please look after our girl until I get there?"

"I will"


After quick explanation to the director about me needed to leave a.s.a.p thankfully have finished majority of my filming that I was able to leave the set until they needed me which was a relief grabbing my thing's and making my way to the international airport.


Landing in Seoul with no sleep anxiety in my system worried about my daughter my manager trying to calm my nerve's and anxiety obviously with him knowing why we were here in South Korea and why we had to leave the set location in Italy for upcoming film in such a haste.

"Marion everything will be ok, we will get to Celine as soon as we can"

"I know Declan, but I am just so worried about Celine, having my husband call me knowing full well I was on location filming is rare?"

"I know Marion"

Going through normal airport procedures which was to me going awfully slow which didn't help the anxiety inside me each second passing seeming like an hour or longer just wanting to go to see my daughter. Thankfully I wasn't to known actress here in Seoul making a little easier for me to go through un-notice through the door's normally I would stand and cherise everything going on around me I didn't have that luxury.

"Mrs. Huang"

I look and I see one of Xiaoming's men waiting for me and Declan which was a relief.


What felt like forever we park up infront of a really beautiful home.

I wait for the car to park and hastly make my way toward's the inside I follow Xiaoming's men inside and I see an elderly lady waiting at the door she looked like a really nice women.

"Anneyong Haseyo Jung Hana imnida I am the maid of the house, can I take your bags?"

She look's at me and Declan I couldn't understand Korean which was not that easy for me speaking Chinese, English and French was all I could do, obviously before I could say anything I hear a familiar voice.


I look to see my husband walking toward's me and Declan and looking at my husband it was obvious that it wasn't just my daughter that I needed to worry about also my husband who look like he hasn't slepted for day's let alone eaten.


I run toward's my husband feeling the same rush I alway's felt for him since the first time we met anyways I hug my husband tightly.

"Honey you haven't been looking after yourself have you?"

I say amongst the fighting tear's that were ready to fall on its own will.

"I am fine darling, come on"

I loosen my grip from my husband.

"Declan how are you?"

"I am fine sir, and you?"

"I am ok, thank's for being here and also thank's for taking care of my wife whilst she's been busy with her work?"

"It's my job sir"

"Hana, this is my wife Marion and this is her manager Declan"

We both say hi to the maid with a smile on her face.

"Declan follow Hana toward's your room to take your thing's"


I watch Declan leave with the maid Hana, so she can understand English which was a bonus for me, we walk into the main room of the house.



Which looked to be a beautiful place with the open look of the room which was now converted into what looked to be a room with the obvious space which was replaced with make shift bed's and I see 2 little figure's sleeping peacefully who looked unfamiliar to me.

[Just the bed's ignore everything else in this image]

The bed's blending in with the lounge that it looked apart of it, which was kind of nice.

"Honey those two little boys are Yoon Yoonho on the left and Yoon Maesuk on the right"

"Who's kids are they?"

"Celine's best friend....."

"Min-a, where is she?"

"Honey let's go into the dining room where there is refreshment's that Hana has made for you arrival, and I can explain thing's in the dining room where it is quiet, Yoonho and Maesuk have just fallen to sleep?"

"Ok, where is Celine?"

"She is in the shower as we speak"


I look at the two sleeping boy's who I haven't gotten a closer look at so I don't know what they look like, and I couldn't help but think about Min-a and how she became a young mother knowing full well that she is the same age as my daughter with Celine telling me and my husband almost everything about her best friend. We walk into the dining room which was equally beautiful as the lounge seeing refreshement's on the table displayed for my arrival which was sweet of my husband to do as we were sitting down I couldn't help but notice the dark circles clearly on his face, we sit down.

"Ok tell me what's going on honey?"

"Its a long story...."

As I was listening to him talk I couldn't help but feel sad and guilty that I wasn't here for Celine with everything she has gone through making me cry at time's the struggle she was going through after being so happy and relaxed the last time I saw her when it was break time now with that memory washed away from the guilt I was feeling.

"Lets go to my office"


We walked through and I see the kitchen was just as beautiful like the rest of the living space's I have seen so far.


The office looking sharp like my husbands office was we sat down and that's when I see Xiao's men working alongside seeing the many computer's set up and paper's, file's all over the table's I was still in shock to hear about the dissappearance of Min-a hence the reason why Celine was like this from what my husband mentioned about her.


[Days later:]

With everything going on in my head having Declan here with me was a relief that I too had someone I could talk to knowing that my husband was busy looking for Min-a with his men seeing my husband working so hard was something I was use to but there was something different about him working on this maybe because it hit home to the both of us as I look in the direction where Celine was sitting with the two little boy's who I got to meet who were so adorable and cute.

The two little boy's who now I know who they were Maesuk the younger of the two and more reserve then the older Yoonho who was just as reserve but more talkative then Maesuk from what my husband mentioned about them that Yoonho was more of the outgoing and loud kind of kid whereas Maesuk was the quiet little boy who clinged to Celine which was adorable. Seeing Celine who looked so frail, skinning with the two boy's was so special considering everything she was going through I couldn't help but see her eye's gleam brightly when she was with them alway's making sure that they were ok they looked healthy but just as frail as my daughter I couldn't get that image out of my head seeing her like that so frail and skinning was something that would make any parent self destruct seeing there child so hurt and they couldn't do anything about it which was just heart wrenching for me to see in my own child. Seeing Celine like this was nothing to the Celine I know she is happy, outgoing, loving and healthy just the memory of holding onto her when I saw her the feel of her in my grasp was like I was holding a person I didn't know even though I knew it was my her. Days went pass the same nothing different everything the same sending Declan back to sort out all my things concerning work with the final touches going on I couldn't leave knowing that everything here was troublling and also with my daughter the way she is there was nothing that will make me leave my daughter like that. I was so worried about my daughter that I sneaked into her bag to get her phone to call another friend of her's to be here for her since being here there was no visitor's and also getting along with Hana who reminded me of my mum always being there when I need to talk, and also getting to understand a little of the Korean Language after getting Celine's phone I looked in her contact list and thats when I see her contact list's.

연락처 [Contacts]
1: 압바 [Appa]
2: 엄마 [Eomma]
3: 민아 [Min-a]
4: 루 한 [Lu Han]
5: 윤 개운 [Yoon Gaeun]
6: [Home]
7: 위임이 닥암옫오 [Yimi Takamoto] [F]
8: 김 율이 [Kim Yura] [F]
9: 진 벌 리 [Jin Beoli] [F]
10: 서울 대 학 교 [School]

I looked at her top contact's which was in Hangul which I couldn't read thank's to Hana telling me which was which I was dialled the one after Min-a automatically wondering who this person was. Only with Hana saying the name Lu Han which sounded like a Chinese name which helped me of course so maybe I could speak in Chinese to whoever answers.



I knock on the door of the familiar house the door opens and there was the same lady I saw when I first came.

"Anneyong Haseyo Hana-sshii"

"Anneyong Haseyo Luhan, come on in"

I walked in and I saw the same surrounding's that was familiar to me but this time instead of walking through the lounge the path I followed Hana was unfamiliar to me I followed until Hana had opened the door for me I see a beautiful tall lady from the back I assumed to be Celine so I ran towards the figure and hugged it then I heard a yelp coming from the body which didn't sound like Celine which got me to let go of the person.

"Oh mianheyo"

I look at the lady with shame in my face more like total shame in my face but the lady looked familiar somehow.


"Yes, you must be Mrs. Huang"

"Yes I am Celine's mother"

"Ó, nǐ hǎo fūrén. Huáng"

"Thank you for coming Luhan it mean's alot to me, sit down"

I sat down looking at an older version of Celine and she looked pretty like the Celine I know, I was curious to why I was here and let alone on Celine's contact list anyways I sat down anxious to see what Mrs. Huang had to say.


Talking with Mrs. Huang was really something it was like I was talking to my mum and explaining that Celine is a noona to me by a year which didn't phase me as much, anyway's as we were finishing talking to each other I wanted to go and see the boy's and see if they were ok and also I wanted to see Celine to see if she was or is ok, from what Mrs. Huang was saying that she was worried about her daughter's well being which was something I wanted to see for myself Mrs. Huang not explaining the reason behind her worry for Celine noona.

"Mrs. Huang?"

"Yes Luhan?"

"Where is Celine?"

"She was doing something but she will most likely be with the kids?"

"Is Yoonho and Maesuk awake?"

"I think so, did you want to go and see them?"

"Yes if thats ok?"

"No problem it might help"

I followed Mrs. Huang to the lounge and I was glad to see that everything seemed the same like I last saw thats when I see Maesuk and Yoonho look in my direction.

"Luhan hyung"

They both yelled which got my attention I smiled automatically at the two boy's seeing the smile back at me was heart warming but I noticed that the two were smaller then I last saw but they looked healthy, I kneeled down to there level as they were getting closer and I was waiting for the two to collide into my grasp within seconds I was engulfed with Yoonho and Maesuk.

"Whoa you two have grown since I last saw you [laughing]"

They both laughed along with me as they were still in my grasp.

"It's nice to see the two smiling and laughing?"


"Since I have been here they haven't been smiling or laughing at all"

I look at the two boy's.

"Are you guy's ok?"


I looked at Maesuk and it was obvious that something was bothering them.


Maesuk called out which was a shock and that's when I turn in the direction he was looking at and there my heart stop's for a moment and I the reason was because I see a pale, slim, lifeless Celine falling into a slumber on the ground which I automatically let go of the boy's and ran into her direction to stop her fall. I each her with second's to spare before she hit's the ground with Celine in my arm's it was evident why Mrs. Huang was worried she was so light in my grasp, cold and pale she looked sick.








credits to rightful owners of all images used in this chapeter and throughout this fic so far much appreciated.

[Characters:-19150 Words:-4548]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-24th September 2015


Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-19th July 2016
Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....