





[Mentioned Characters:]

Park Senior: Your [Min-a] Grandfather

Greg Byun: Park Senior's right hand man

Dara: Park Senior Assistant

[Kris Pov]

Luhan opens the door and I see....

"Luhan gege whats the meaning of this?"

We walk in and the doors being closed behind me to see his fathers conference room he has here in there housearrow-10x10.png which was normal for businessmen to have at there homes, being a first to be inside this room.

"Luhan what's happening?"

"Come in Kris gege, you will have all the answers you need answered"

We walk in to see at the Head of the table was Mr. Lu who had this aura about him reminding me of my father I bow 90 degress at Mr. Lu I see that he wasn't alone on the other end the seat's were taken there seemed to be a man at the opposite end facing Mr. Lu and next to him was a women lookingarrow-10x10.png at the statue of how she was sitting and with her long hair covering her face making it difficult for me to see and behind him there was a team of men in suits behind standing like they were guarding him and her I was anxious why must be someone important to have this kind of security detail I see 2 vacant spots next to Mr. Lu which was clear they were for us I sat on one side of Mr. Lu whilst Luhan gege sat on the other side of his father.


"Mr. Lu?"


I look around the table to see an aged man who look to be late 30's sitting there looking so at home and I saw the women sitting on his left side her hair covering her side of the face which I found difficult to see.

"Now that my son is back, what can we do for you Mr. Huang?"

"Well firstly we would like to thank your son for attending to my daughters request?"

I decided to switch to Korean so I can sort of give an excuse to leave without the Mr. Huang and his daughter will know.

"Mr.Lu I think I should go"

"I am sorry Kris"

"That ok Mr. Lu"

"No Kris stay"

Luhan says in a determined voice I looked at him and I saw his blank expressionarrow-10x10.png which didn't give me any ideas what was happening.


"My daughter had asked your son to pick up 2 important people and for that we are thankful?"

"If it is ok, Mr. Huang but is your daughter mute?"

"No Mr. Lu" 

Then I didn't expect what happened next.

"Chérie please introduce yourself to Mr. Lu"

I hear French spoken out of Mr. Huang's mouth from Chinese to French I didnt see that coming. I see the girl stand she was tall and slim her hair covering her face when she stood up from her seat she did a 90 degree bow towards us.

"Ni hao, Celine Huang is my name"

She straightens up and moves her hair out of the way and thats when I looked at her

Shocked as I look at her and back at Luhan who smiled at me which was clear he knew all along that I was looking for this girl in front of us all. I looked back at her and she looked like she those on the photo that I had seen of her back at the orphanage in the boys room.

[end of Kris's Pov]

[Celine Pov]

I drive towards Luhan's place which oddly enough this was the first time seeing where he lives, I could see cars behind us which were dad's team following which was a relief but it didnt change the fact that I felt someone following us. Finally reached the place and the house looked really homey and extravagant I was just excited to see Maesuk and Yoonho which was who I wanted to see.


We walk in after the servant took our jackets and escorted us into the main room which was really beautiful and homey making me comfortable we all walked in dad followed me and we both sat down, making it more awkward was that his team was standing guard which was something I could never get use to.

"Master Lu. will be here shortly is there anything you would like to drink?"

"No thank you"

[moments later:]

Dad was talking on his phone.


I hear the familiar voices making me calm instantly and also worry for Min-a chingu which I quickly shake off as I turn to see the two owners.

"Maesuk-ah, Yoonho-ah are you ok??"

"Ye noona, hyung let us play with the toys"

The two smiled after hugging me I look at Luhan who was standing there looking at us three.

"Thanks for picking up the boys?"

"Thats ok, thanks to the ice cream [laughing]"



I looked at Luhan who was now sitting down opposite of me with Maesuk now sitting on Luhan's knee which looked adorable and also with Maesuk being one of those kids who took awhile to trust anyone and it looked like he trusted Luhan which was really adorable.

"Uh Celine..."

And he looked at the direction that my dad's team were standing the scene is pretty intense for newbies which was understandable.

"Oh just my dad's team [laughing]"


Yoonho leans into me and whispered.

"What is it Yoonho?"

"Uh [whispering] you know this morning...."


"Uh, I saw this man at home he looked really scary noona"


We followed Luhan towards a room to see that it was a conference room which was a surprise I heard rumours that Luhan comes from a wealthy family but seeing is believing, well anyways Maesuk and Yoonho were taken by the butler to the playroom that they spent before coming to say hi to us which was really sweet. We walked into the conference room to see Luhan's dad seated we sat down before we were going to speak Luhan answers his phone.


The door opens and I see Luhan followed by a tall handsome guy behind him I looked at him behind the curtain of my hair.


Dad starts talking with Luhan's dad which was really cool I didn't know what to say let alone think, then I hear the tall guy speak and his deep voice making me lean in closer so I could hear what he was going to say then he starts speaking Korean since we were speaking in Chinese throughout speaking in Korean about him intruding on this little get together which was really sweet of him, what was funny was that he didn't know that we could understand Korean.

"Chérie please introduce yourself to Mr. Lu"

Dad gets my attention by speaking in French which was kind of funny dad hardly spoke in French and not going to lie it did get my attention, I got up and introduced myself formally to Mr. Lu and Kris from when Mr. Lu had mentioned a unfamiliar name.

"Ni hao, Celine huang is my name"

As my eyes moved towards there direction I couldn't help but look at Kris he looked really handsome but he had a cold aura which put me off anyways I shook that off but surprised me was the he looked at me like he knew me which I was certain I haven't met a man like him before, he looked between Luhan and myself making me more anxious at why he know's me.

[end of Celine's Pov]

[Luhan Pov]

Seeing the reaction coming from Kris gege was worth the awkwardness moments ago hence the reason why I wanted him to come with me in to the conference room hopefully he can let me know whe he wanted to know Celine, Kris wasn't the type to thinak about anyone else other then those in his inner circle or someone special.

[end of Luhan's Pov]

[Kris Pov]

"So you must be Celine Huang?"

I say without realising that I said it out loud.

"Yes that's me, and you are?"

"I am Kris Wu, nice to meet you"

"Me too"


"Kris gege?"

"So now that's over and done with, when are you going to talk about this afternoon?"

"This afternoon?"

Celine says with curiousity making Luhan and I look at her well more like everyone looking at her.

"Luhan what is Kris talking about, did something happen when you did that errand for me?"

Celine speaking in Korean which took me by surprise hearing her speak in Chinese and in French and now in Korean I couldn't help but think that there is something different about Celine that I couldn't figure out. I know that I need to talk to Celine a.s.a.p about Min-a.

"Well it could be something so simple, but when I was on my way home I noticed a black car following us and the car left as soon as we got home through the gates"

"Did you manage to take the number plate?"

Mr. Huang had chriped in grabbing my attention what was happening who were they, and why did I have this feeling that it could be about Min-a. Before Mr. Huang could say anything the door opens and there we see the house butler/servant at the door interrupting the tense situation.

"Excuse me sir, but there is a call for you?"

"Ok, thank you I will take it now, I apologise Mr. Huang and Miss. Huang but I really need to take this call"

"That ok, Mr. Lu, thank you for having us in your home, we will leave shortly after we talk to your son?"

Mr. Huang had quickly stood up as Mr. Lu had made his leave and it was just the four of us in the conference room plus the group of men still standing in the room with us.

"Mr. Lu, can you please tell us more about what happened involving the black vehicle that you felt was following you, Xiaotao come and take notes"

One of the men came towards Mr. Huang and he had taken out a note pad.

"Mr. Huang please call me Luhan"

"So Luhan what happened?"

"As I was picking up the two kids from the halmonies place I felt like I was being followed but I didn't think anything about it I just thought it was me, but as I was getting closer to home I happened to look at my rear view mirror to check on the 2 kids I happened to see a black car behind us speeding away. It could be nothing before I could do anything the car was gone"

I sat down and listened something didn't seemed to be right which was unlike the consistant live we were living previously from this day which was either a good thing or a bad thing before I could do anything the door opens yet again from the conference room causing all of us to stop talking and look at whoever was at the door. And I thought I was surprised earlier with meeting Celine Huang.

"Sorry Master Lu, but they were looking for you and Miss Celine Huang?"

"Thats ok, let them come in?"

In comes 2 little boys both come running into the room


With one of the boys running to Luhan.

which was a shock but not surprising Luhan had this gentle aura that anyne would gravitate to but more of a shock because I didn't expect it, and the other boy ran towards Celine.

I watched in shocked at both Luhan and Celine mimicking each other both picking up the two boys at each of there sides and both placing the boys on there laps it was like they were one person which was amazing. I couldn't understand not realising that all along Luhan had known or knew of the people that I was searching for.

"Maesuk, are you ok?"


The boy looked in my direction and with just one look I could see that he has a quiet aura about him which reminded me a little about myself I was known as cold, quiet around people but when with my friends and loved ones I am the opposite of what is said about me.

"Maesuk I would like to introduce you to my best friend Kris Wu"

The boy looks at me and I can see this glimmer in his eyes which was contagious my hands wanting to touch the little boy but I held back not ready I stood up and walked towards Luhan like I was in some trance and kneeled down on my knees so I was eye level with Luhan and Maesuk, I took my hand out of my pocket and placed it in front of Maesuk.

"Anneyong Haseyo nice to meet you"

I say in an unknown voice of mine and I was also waiting and worried about what will happen next and to my amazement the boy jumps off Luhan's knees and stands in front of me still tiny even though I am on my knees and he takes his hand out and places it in my hand and starts shaking hands with mine. His small hand in mine I feel this overwhelming feeling I smile at him he then lets go of my hand and 90 degree bow in front of me.

"Anneyong Haseyo Yoon Maesuk imnida, I am 8 years old"

"Nice to meet you Yoon Maesuk, Kris Wu imnida, I am 21 years old"

"Whoa your are year older then my noona"

I smile at his innocent reaction he comes closer towards me I lean back a little at the movement then the Maesuk looks right at me his eyes bearing into mine.

"He likes you"

I hear Celine talking in Chinese I look at her and I see her smiling and the little boy in her arms now standing next to Maesuk still tiny considering I am on my knees.

"Anneyong Haseyo, Yoon Yoonho imnida I am 9 years old and older brother of Maesuk-ah"

The boy next to him the total opposite of the quiet one earlier.

"Anneyong Yoon Yoonho nice to meet you"

"I am shocked that the 2 boys have warmed up to the both of you?"

Celine mentioned again which took me by surprise.

"What do you mean?"

"Well Maesuk and Yoonho don't warm up to new people, especially those that they have just meet. They only meet Luhan and you today"

"I guessed that's a good thing?"

"Yeah Kris gege is right it must be a good thing then"

"Well I will take Maesuk and Yoonho to grab something to eat Celine, whilst you and Kris talk"


Luhan looks at me which was obvious that he was giving me time alone with Celine so I can talk to her about Yoon Min-a.

"Mr. Huang would you and your team like to join us?"

Mr. Huang looked at Celine and they had a silent conversation with there eyes moments later they all start walking out of the room when there was only Luhan, Celine, Maesuk, Yoonho and myself, Luhan had kneeled eye leveled to the boys yet again.

"Maesuk-ah, Yoonho-ah"

The two look at Luhan as Luhan had effectionately called there names.

"I know that you are shy around new people but hyung and Kris hyung have some friends here they brought some pizzas, hyung wants to know if you both will you be ok?"

The two boys look between Luhan and myself. Maesuk the quiet one nodded but gripped onto Luhans hand whereas Yoonho had smiled brightly and nooded excitedly.

"Ok lets go Celine noona and Kris hyung have some things to talk about and then they will join us ok"

The three walked out of the room leaving Celine and I alone it was kind of awkward but I walked towards Celine and I sat opposite of her so we were now sitting face to face.

"Kris Wu, what can I do for you?"

Celine breaks the silence.


"Luhan had mentioned to me earlier when we arrived about you were asking for me?"

Thank you Luhan gege for at least letting her know that I was asking for her.

"Yes Luhan is right I have been asking about you?"


What do I say do I tell her straight away about her friend Min-a or not.

"Yes I have been asking for you because I have some questions I would like to ask you?"


"First, how do you know a Yoon Min-a?"

She looked at me her eyes bold.


"Who is this man to want to know about Min-a?"

She spoke in French unfortunately I don't know what she said.


"Oh nothing, why do you want to know about how I know Min-a?"

"I just wanted to know, if you have seen her?"

"What are you trying to ask Mr. Wu?"

Celine going all formal on me which wasn't a good sign but I had no choice I understood her being weary with my questioning and with Min-a being best friends with Celine from what Luhan gege said it was clear that she cared for Min-a so deeply to be hesitant about what to say about her.

"I am worried about her?"

Her face looked down and I could just quickly see sadness and worry in her eyes then masked again.

"Mr. Wu?"

I looked at her.

"Let me ask you a question?"

"Of course?"

"How do you know Min-a?"

I sat deeper into my seat looking right at Celine but not at her looking passed her hearing her ask this question in English took me by surprise. What do I say I can't tell her anything at all or the fact that she is at my house, out of hospital suffering from injuries that I yet to understand where she got them from, or the fact that people are looking for her from what Miss Yoon Gaeun mentioned when I visited her at the orphanage this morning. 

[end of Kris's Pov]

[Celine Pov]

I watch as Maesuk and Yoonho were affectionate with Luhan and now warming up to Mr. Kris Wu who I found there was something about him but wasnt sure what it could be, and from what Luhan had mentioned about his friend Kris asking about me not sure what it was about but because of Luhan picking up both Maesuk and Yoonho I felt that I should at least do something in return for Luhan dongsaeng, now sitting in the conference room alone with the man was not any easier feeling the awkwardness around me normally I could tell a person from just looking at them but with Kris I couldnt read anything about him it was looking at a locked book that I couldnt open. After breaking that air asking him why he wanted to see me or something on the lines. Then he mentioned Min-a after trying hard not to think about my best friend and dangers she may be going through right now with my time wasting in here talking when we could be finding her, I looked at Kris amazed and shocked I know for one thing Min-a didnt have a large group of friends only the hyungs from the orphanage, the group of friends more like study group at the university and myself how did this man know Min-a I looked at Kris with weary but shocked eyes.


"Who is this man to want to know about Min-a?"

I didnt realise I thought to loud we spoke with minimal sentences and I thought I had enough surprises for one day then Kris says in a very gentle tone making me lean in towards him so I can make sure I heard every word from his mouth.

"I am worried about her?"

"Mr. Wu?"

I had no choice but I needed to ask Kris.

"Let me ask you a question?"

"Of course?"

"How do you know Min-a?"

I looked at Kris and I could see it in his face he was thinking deeply with thoughts in his head that didnt' help me in anyway to figure out why and how he knows Min-a before either one of us could say something his phone rings and the door opens at the same time.


I was sitting in the main dining room which was large and full of people I see 10 guys all eating and laughing including Luhan who was sitting in between Maesuk and Yoonho it was nice to see that the 2 boys were comfortable with Luhan but more shocking was that the 2 boys were talking freely with Luhan's and Kris's friends which made me look back at the direction of where I lefted Kris curious about everything about him, maybe after this little dinner maybe then we can start figuring our where Min-a is and if she is ok and also more about Mr. Wu.


I look at dad who was seated next to me looking down at the untouched food in my plate, Mrs. and Mr. Lu being so hospitable to all of us being so sweet.


"Are you ok?"

"Yes papa why do you ask?"

"With you speaking French being a strong indicator, but since you came out of that room with Mr. Wu you seemed more quiet?"

"I am fine dad I am just thinking to myself thats all, and also I am worried about my best friend as well?"

"I know honey as soon as we leave then we will find your friend?"

"I know dad, but seeing the two boys so relaxed here is what is keeping me here I know that these two boys mean everything to her and if anything was to happen dad I don't know what I will do?"

"I know honey I am here to make sure nothing happens to you, Min-a and of course those two boys enjoying themselves over there from all the video chats and calls it is nice to see for myself the reason why you like living here and formed a friendship so strong with these two boys including Min-a, I promise"

"I know dad, and for that I am happy"

We sat and enjoyed the view and the food dad was now talking to the Mr. and Mrs. Lu now leaving me in my thoughts.

[end of Celine's Pov]

[Luhan Pov]


I look at Tao.

"What is it Tao?"

"Who is that girl with that man with your parents?"

"Friends from Uni, and also a noona to Maesuk and Yoonho?"

I was wondering what happened when I left Celine and Kris in the conference room alone, seeing Celine quiet didn't help the situation Celine wasn't a quiet person she got along with everyone. I have no idea what to do or say should I go up to her and ask if she was ok and with hearing Mr. Huang and Celine conversing in French it was clear that they didn't want anyone to know what they were talking about Celine was talented thats for sure it wasn't the first time hearing her speak in French but conversing effortlessly was a clear indication I continue eating and laughing with the guys I am relieved that Maesuk and Yoonho werent awkward with the guys making it less tense.


I looked at Suho.

"Go talk to her she looks like you troubled?"

"Are you sure?"

"Go to her from the look of it whatever happened before she seems to be bothered?"

[end of Luhan's Pov]

[Park Senior Pov]

[earlier the same day]

I look out at the view in front of me. The bustling movements of people looking like ants from where I was sitting.


I hear my assistant grab my attention,

"Yes Dara"

"There is a Mr. Greg Byun here to see you?"

"Let him in, hold all appointments if this meeting runs longer then expected"

"Yes sir, did you want me to bring in any refreshements?"

"No thank you Dara I don't want to be disturbed?"

"Yes sir"

I look and see my right hand man seeing the hard and strong features reminding me of my younger self.



"What is it Greg?"

"Sir we have reasoned to believe that we have found Miss. Park Min-a"


"Yes sir the private investigator we have hired in the search of your granddaughter has come up with more evidence that they have found her"


"Yes sir, here are the files that he has her known identity and friend"

I look at the papers which was basic.

  • Name: Yoon Min-a
  • D.O.B: 9 May 1993 [Age 20]
  • Height: 1.65m
  • Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
  • Education: Student; Seoul National University Medicine and Law
  • Occupation: Part Time; Seoul Inner City Orphanage
  • Parents: Unknown [Adopted Parents: Yoon Hyunbin and Yoon Gaeun]


  • Father: Yoon Hyunbin [Desceased]
  • D.O.B: 21 November 1972 [Age 43]
  • Height: 1.85m
  • Hometown: Gangnam, South Korea
  • Education: Seoul University Accounting and Business
  • Occupation: Professor at Gangnam University in Accounting and Business
  • Mother: Yoon Gaeun
  • D.O.B: 9 September 1972 (Age 40)
  • Height: 1.61m
  • Hometown: Daegu, South Korea
  • Education: Daegu University Education
  • Occupation: Owner and Manager of Seoul Inner City Orphanage

I look at the picture of my granddaughter still in shock after 16 years we have finally found her and she has been here the whole time, I look into her eyes so looks like my wife who passed away recently from a broken heart since the dissappearance of our granddaughter when all else gave hope I didnt stop I needed to thank the people who took care of her I look at the next file.

  • Name: Celine Huang
  • D.O.B: 14 April 1992 [Age 20]
  • Height: 1.70m
  • Hometown: Beijing, China
  • Place of Birth: Paris, France
  • Education: Student Seoul University Medicine
  • Occupation: N/A
  • Parents: Father Xiaoming Huang and Mother: Marion Huang


  • Father: Xioming Huang
  • D.O.B: 11 August 1973 (Age: 39)
  • Height: 1.78m
  • Hometown: Beijing, China
  • Education: Harvard University, America
  • Occupation: C.E.O Huang Industries
  • Mother: Marion Huang
  • D.O.B: 23 September 1975 (Age: 37)
  • Height: 1.69m
  • Hometown: Paris, France
  • Education: Threatre Arts, France
  • Occupation: Housewife, Actress

"Sir that's all the investigator has so far, but that's not all sir?"

"What do you mean?"

"This file is from the investigator's investigation last night"

"What is it?"

"Apparently there is someone else after your granddaughter?"


I look in the file that Greg gave me which I see pictures of her being taken away by some guys in black into a van, photos of her tied up and beaten I felt pain in my heart at the sight of my granddaughter beaten and hurt with tears down her cheeks.


"That the investigator is uncertain sir, he is getting checked out at the hospital with injuries he sustained?"

"What injuries?"

"He followed the vehicles and he got caught"

"Was he compromised?"

"No sir, he sent all the information he has investigated concerning Miss Park which you have already?"

"I will need to go and see him?"

"Yes sir but he said to wait?"


"He dosen't want to alert whoever is after your granddaughter to come after you sir?"

"Ok keep me posted."

"Yes sir"

I look at the pictures still in my hands shaking at the unknown, who was after my granddaughter and why.

[end of park senior pov]

[kris pov]

After the intense moment when Celine asks me how I know Min-a and with all the thoughts going crazy in my head I was saved by 2 things the door opening and my phone ringing, I look at the unknown number showing.

"Sorry I need to take this?"

"Thats ok, I see that it is important I will leave you"

I watched as Celine walked out with the Lu's butler which was a relief as soon as the door closes.



I hear a familiar tone calling my name with my mind thinking ahead.

I hope your liking it so far.

Credits to Rightful Owners of Images used in this chapter.

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Thanks again to all who are reading and so far have subscribed and commented much appreciated.

[Characters:-20141 Words:-4726]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:- 22nd September 2015
Edited/ Re-read/ Font-Changed: 11th July 2016

Font Changed:13th December 2017


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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....