




[cont. KRIS POV]

[Next Morning:]

I woke up feeling more tired then before maybe because of the late discussion with Dean also the arrangement with the captain to orgainse the jet for our departure this morning because of that it skipped my mind in contacting our new friend's Shaun and his family and looking at how late it was last night I felt that I should wait until a reasonable time to call them and maybe organise an early breakfast hangout before we leave Greece. I look at the time and it was 5am which was normal wake up time for me I thought using the time wisely I started packing my things and also getting myself ready I grabbed my things and decided to have a warm shower, feeling relaxed after the shower getting changed.


In my usual attire but light weight summer suit to suit the tempature's here. I finished packing the last of my thing's even though I felt tired I felt much better then yesterday after doing that I walked passed Min-a's room to see that she was still sleeping I walked in and I couldn't help but look at how peaceful she looked I noticed something at the corner of my eye and thats when I picked it up without waking her up yet and I looked and I saw a picture of Yoonho and Maesuk side by side smiling brightly and judging from the faint tear line's it was obvious that this was the reason why Min-a had cried and I made sure that when we get back to Seoul that I was going to do everything in my power to make sure she dosen't shed another tear in my presence and I was going to find Yoonho and Maesuk to reunited them with Min-a. And I had a clue who to call to arrange that. I decided that I would make the calls before waking her up especially for us to make it in time for our flight back to Seoul as I walked downstairs looking around at the familiar comfortable interior that I was becoming accustom to. I dialled.

[DEAN]"Morning Mr. Wu?"

"Morning Dean, sorry for waking you?"

[DEAN]"No that's ok Mr. Wu, just doing final arrangement's for the baby shower tommorrow?"

"Speaking of which do you mind if I bring someone?"

[DEAN]"Of course that's ok Mr. Wu?"

"Thank you Dean, and also I have arranged for the company jet to fly me back to Seoul so I should be back this afternoon"

[DEAN]"Ok Mr. Wu, so would you like me to send a car to pick you up from the hanger?"

"If that is ok Dean?"

[DEAN]"Of course Mr. Wu, anything else Mr. Wu?"

"No thank you Dean, will see you soon, wait Dean?"

[DEAN]"Yes Mr. Wu?"

"Can you give me Miss Huang's number please?"

[DEAN]"Yes sir, won't be a moment?"

After hearing rustling sound's.

[DEAN]"Mr. Wu here is her number?"

Dean had given me the digit's and I thanked him once again and I hanged up the phone, the next call I was going to do was to Celine I dialled her number despite the early call.


"Zǎoshang hǎo miss.Huang [Good morning Miss Huang]"

I turned around feeling like I wasn't alone and I stand corrected I wasn't alone I turn to see a cute y Min-a who looked like she had just gotten up bare face like she was always, her hair in a slight disarray, in her pj's.


Making it hard for me to focus even though I have seen her in less material it didn't change the fact at how much I was alway's affected when I was in her presence, but the pj's she was wearing was shocking compared to the last one's I saw her in this one seemed more then that one for sure making it difficult for me to say something if it wasn't for Celine talking on the other end I was sure that I may do somethng that I could regret.

[CELINE]"Nǐ hǎo yǒu méiyǒu rén yǒu [Hello is there anybody there....?]"



You felt like you were being watched for some reason while you were sleeping you shook it off but you couldn't sleep any longer you opened your eye's and you saw that nothing seemed out of the ordinary you quickly got up and saw the photo placed nicely on the bedside table which made you squint your eye's for a second you don't recall putting it back there well you got up you heard noise downstairs you followed the noise which you guessed to be Kris's when you didn't see him in the room as you got closer you heard Kris's deep voice causing an effect in your body waking you up more feeling under dressed when you saw him standing there his back facing you looking so handsome in a summer suit giving him more of an elegant feel to it seeing Kris like this reminded me more at how our world's were so far apart. He was talking on the phone I couldn't understand because he was speaking in English which was shame suddenly before you could dissappear Kris turn's and your are both looking at each other and making your more surprise was not only because you both were looking at each other but also at the fact that Kris was now speaking in Chinese making you look at him in a different light and more in awe with him and his abilities that you are yet to understand and grasp at how talented Kris was making you feel more awkward about yourself.



"Sorry won't be a moment"

I say quickly glad that I was speaking in Chinese so Min-a won't know who I am talking to as I tried to calm myself from looking at Min-a.

"Morning Min-a are you ok?"

I say looking at a flustered Min-a I would give anything to know what she was thinking right at this moment because the look in her eye was making me curious.

[MIN-A]"Yeah, what's happening?"

"I was going to come and wake you up after I finish with my call....."

[MIN-A]"Oh, don't worry tell me when your finish with your call?"

Min-a say's in a hurry which was kind of cute and she used her arm's to hurry me along and I watched as she ran upstairs and I couldn't help but grin, and think of my dad suddenly was this the kind of feeling dad had for mum before I could think on about it I quickly shook it off and held the phone to my ear.

"Sorry about the wait Miss. Huang something had come up?"

[CELINE]"Oh Mr. Wu what can I do for you, it's pretty early for you to call me?"

"Sorry not my intention, I needed to get a hold of you a.s.a.p?"

[CELINE]"And what is the reason toward's your call?"

"I need to ask you for a favor?"

[CELINE]"And what is the favor if I may ask?"

"What I am about to ask you can change everything?"

[CELINE]"Mr. Wu what are you trying to say?"

"I will have Luhan come and fetch you and the boy's as soon I am back in the country, sorry I need to get going something has come up"

I hanged up afraid that I was going to kill the surprise reunion that I was organising between the missing friend's and family, next I needed to call Mrs. Yoon but I know that Min-a can understand Korean and if what I am trying to do is to be a surprise it would kill it if I spoke to her so I had to go through Dean which was the only way to go.

[DEAN]"Mr. Wu?"

"Dean can you arrange to fetch Mrs. Yoon later in the evening please I will text the details a.s.a.p"

[DEAN]"Yes Mr. Wu?"

"Thank you Dean and keep everything quiet?"

[DEAN]"Yes Mr. Wu, and my wife is happy that you and are guest r.s.v.p for the baby shower?"

"Can't wait, I will let you know if there is more coming if that's ok?"

[DEAN]"That's fine Mr. Wu, I will wait for you message for more information, and Mr. Wu I really need to get going I have somethings to do sorry?"

"No that's ok Dean if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask?"

[DEAN]"That's fine Mr. Wu"

I sat down and the next thing my phone ring's and I answer.

[CAPTAIN]"Mr. Wu, the flight schedule has been arranged, I have checked the weather and it is ok to fly, also I have arranged with AT about our flight schedule to South Korea from Greece"

"Thank you captain"

[CAPTAIN]"That's my job Mr. Wu, also I have had a call from Mr. Wu informing him about our scheduled flight to South Korea?"

"That's fine, you haven't told my father about my guest?"

[CAPTAIN]"No sir as pre-requested not to do so?"

"Thank you, we are just packing everything and getting ourselves organised and then we will make our way to the hanger?"

[CAPTAIN]"No rushed sir, still have to do my flight protocol's"

"Ok, see you soon?"

It felt like I was calling potential clients the way I was calling well I dialled the next number.


[SHAUN]"Hey Kris how's it?"

"All good, I was calling you to let you know that Min-a and I are leaving?"


"Our flight back to South Korea is this morning and all that, sorry for the late one aye something urgent came up and I need to attend to it?"



[TIFFANY]"Is Kris sick or something, or is it Min-a?"

[SHAUN]"No honey, but Kris and Min-a are leaving to catch there flight back to South Korea this morning?"


[SHAUN]"They need to leave something urgent has happened and they need to get back"

[TIFFANY]"Is everything ok?"

[SHAUN]"I was going to ask but you kepted on asking question's"

[TIFFANY]"Sorry honey?"

[back to conversation]

"You can let Tiffany know that it's important concerning business matter's and also with Min-a?"

[SHAUN]"Ok, I will tell Tiffany"

It was funny hearing Shaun and Tiffany in the background of the call it made me think would I have the chance to experience things like Shaun and Tiffany.

[SHAUN]"Tiffany wanted me to ask if it was ok if we could come and see you guy's off and say goodbye or something especially with Tiffany and Evangline [laughing]"

"Of course we are just getting everything packed up and all that right now"

[SHAUN]"Tiffany said that she will get Evangline changed and then we will come and meet you at the airport?"

"Oh we are going to the hanger"

[SHAUN]"Oh, ok"

"Why don't we meet somewhere and we can have a quick coffee and say our goodbye's there unless you know where to go?"

[SHAUN]"All good's we can meet up at the cafe and then we can follow you guy's to the hanger"

"All good's as long as the travel isn't to much for Evangline, plus I know Min-a would like to see her before we leave?"

[SHAUN]"Yeah, well I better go we will meet at ##### cafe in half?"

"Yeah, I will let Min-a know"

After that hanged up the phone and well I walked upstairs I was curious what Min-a was doing haven't seen her since awhile ago at the bottom of the stairs I hope she was ok, as I got closer I saw Min-a in a fetal position on the floor. I ran to her aide I was curious what was wrong with her.

"Hey Min-a what's wrong?"

[MIN-A]"I am ok, just have sore ribs thats all [grunting in pain]

"Oh here let me help you up"

I held her bridal style I also noticed that she was in the middle of getting changed which I just noticed till now, I hoped that she couldn't feel the fast pace of my heart beating next to her.



You ran back to your room after noticing Kris downstairs and the little awkward moment and also noticing the fact that you saw Kris's thing's packed which was either a sign that he was leaving or that the both of you were leaving this beautiful country. You went into your room and you started packing everything just in case with uncertaintity well anyways you finished packing your things also having a change of clothes that you were going to wear as well, you marched yourself to get cleaned up you felt a little tender in the rib area but you ignored it and felt the hot water spray's hit your body in a relaxing way which was actually really nice, you don't know what it is but you felt lie it was going to be a good day when you wrapped up in your towel and as you marched back into your room you slowly started getting yourself ready as you were putting on your bra on you felt a little pain hit you but you could cope you put your bottom's as you were reaching for your dress you felt the same pain yet again in the same area which caused you to fall to the floor in a fetal postion trying to ease the pain you were feeling you wished then that you had taken your medication for moments like this. What felt like forever you were now in Kris's arm's feeling the strange sense of comfort and warmth from him making you feel more at ease despite the pain.

[KRIS]"Hey Min-a what's wrong?"

You were holding the pain whilst answering him back the feeling of his strength made you feel stronger for some reason you could feel that you were in the air which meant that Kris was carrying you which was really nice of him depsite him also being unwell also. Kris had placed you on the side of the bed with him next to you which you couldn't help but feel your body react.

[KRIS]"Min-a I will get you medication to help with your pain"

"No that's ok Kris, I can do it"

[KRIS]"Let me"

Seconds later Kris was sitting next to you with you meds and also a bottle of water which you alway's had with you throughout the night he gave it to you which you gladly accepted and as you took your medication not changing the fact that Kris was still sitting next to you, as the meds were starting to take effect making your pain more bareable. 


[KRIS]"No problem, Min-a I will help you pack your thing's?"


[KRIS]"We are leaving Greece soon, I have arranged for us to meet with Shaun and Tiffany to say goodbye and also knowing you would want to see Evangline before we leave, I have some important thing's that I need to take care off I apologise for shortening our stay here"

"No that's ok Kris, thank you for bringing me to a beautiful country even if it was for a short time frame I am forever greatful for everything that you have done for me if only I could repay you for your kindess and compassion I would"


The next thing you felt Kris's hand's envelope over your's melting your heart at the moment, you wanted to say some more thing's but it wouldn't come out and all that you couldn't help it but you looked up at Kris and it was like you saw a picture of what you were feeling the intensity that you felt toward's him and it was obvious to you that you couldn't hold it in after all that soul searching the last few mornings it became clear that you care for Kris more then you should.



[KRIS]"I have something that I want to tell you....but why don't we both get our thing's packed and ready and you also get yourself ready we can go and meet with Shaun and his family before our flight leaves to go back to Seoul"

You knew that it was going to come the time when you could escape from the dream of being here with Kris and go back into reality especially to Seoul having to forget your horrific time but you couldn't be more blessed with what has happened to you because you wouldn't be here right now, most of all you wouldn't have had the chance to meet Kris. Kris left you in your room to dress and pack which you already did your packing earlier whilst he was on the phone making it easier for you, you quickly got changed into one of your dresses that Mr. Lee had packed for you and you noticed that there was alot of dresses that Mr. Lee had packed for you but didn't wear including the bathing suits that Mr. Lee had packed for you. Looking at the amount of the clothes that Mr. Lee had packed it was obvious that you were going to be here longer then how long you have been here. As you were getting dressed you couldn't help but curious to what Kris was going to tell you finally looking at the mirror to see your appearance wearing something so out of the box for you deciding to wear a two peice dress which really look but of course trying to add your comfort style to it of course.


You were happy with what you were wearing comfortable, you had grabbed your thing's after making sure the room was the same as when you walked in, as you were walking downstairs with your thing's in your handbag and also your luggage Kris was walking upstairs.

[KRIS]"Oh your finished I came to see if you needed a hand?"

 "I am ok thank's"

Kris takes you luggage off you and you followed him to the bottom of the stairs and that's when you noticed that there was the guy from when you first came to the villa and he was assisting Kris with out luggage before you knew it you were now in the car with Kris your luggage was already heading in the opposite direction toward's the hanger from what Kris said which showed you the extent of his wealth which alway's took you by surprise. As you looked at the scenery that you were so sure you were going to miss fly pass you feeling the wind in your hair an experience that you were sure going to miss when you leave and head back to South Korea which was bittersweet obviously because you were going to miss this but also the rush of you leaving Kris to go and find Yoonho and Maesuk.

[couple hours later:]

You look outside the window to the beautiful scenery which would become a special place for you sitting next to Kris on his company jet lapping up the luxury that you were sure not use to you look down at the little necklace that Tiffany had given you which was special and after finding out special news from the person herself.


[KRIS]"Min-a we are here?"


[KRIS]"Hey are you ok, you seem like your far away?"

"I am ok, just my med's working that's all"

You smiled at Kris feeling a little lightheaded.

[KRIS]"Come on"

You both walked inside with Kris being the gentlemen opening the door for you, you both walked side by side at a close proximity which was unusual still feeling his warmth next to your's the smell of him flaring your smell sences, to busy in your thought's you spot a little figure running in your direction and that's when you see little Evangline running in your direction already lower yourself to her level waiting for her to jump at you as soon as you felt her little body with your's you couldn't help but feel this mothery claim to her reminding you off Yoonho and Maesuk as you adjusted to the added weight also not helping with the meds in your systems playing up Kris also knowing that he helped you as you were standing up his hand was at the lower part of your back feeling so hot from his touch which was something you yet to get use to.


She says adorably making you smile.


Her little nickname for Kris was just as cute as well, we all walked toward's Shaun and TIffany who was waiting for us at the entrance of the cafe we were meeting at as soon as we closed the gap they hugged both of you's it was weird how fast you became friend's which was funny, you all sat down and ordered drink's and something for Evangline to eat, from the look of Shaun and Tiffany it was obvious that they had something that they wanted to say which was kind of fishy reminded you of you and your friends at Uni. Kris being so clued onto everything spotted the obvious with Kris breaking the tension.

[KRIS]"Ok what is it?"

[SHAUN]"What do you mean?"

[KRIS]"All those business meeting's I have been to I can read the sign's"

[SHAUN]"Uh how to start?"

[KRIS]"From the beginning I hope [laughing]"

You sat as they were talking in English which you were getting use to even though you couldn't understand.

[SHAUN]"Ok, even though we haven't gotten to know you and Min-a for a long time, but seeing how my wife and daughter have warmed up to you especially Evangline, my wife and I wanted to ask you something important and special to the both of us?"

[KRIS]"And that is?"

[SHAUN]"We would like to ask both you and Min-a if you would like to be our child's godparent's?"

[KRIS]"The thought is nice Shaun but you this is something special that you would give to trusted people more like family especially with those that you have known in a long time and also in close proximity to you and your family, as you know we are leaving to go back to our home in South Korea?"

[TIFFANY]"We already know that but it would be a huge honor of you could be Evangline's godparent's even though we know you will be mile's away, I know that with the connection our daughter has for the both of you's is something so rare yet beautiful we will make the effort in coming to South Korea each year so Evangline can get to know you as her godparent's if you were to accept the role?"

[KRIS]"I will have to discuss this with Min-a obviously?"

[SHAUN]"Of course"

All you could understand throughout the conversation was the name's which didn't help but you didn't mind because you had Evangline easing the awkwardness of listening to people who were obviously talking about you but you didn't mind because of Kris well anyway's the next thing you felt like you were being stared at and thats when you see Kris, Tiffany and Shaun looking at you which was super awkward.



[KRIS]"Shaun and Tiffany has asked us something important?"

"Oh what is it?"

[KRIS]"They wanted to ask if you would like to be Evangline's godmother and myself to be the godfather?"

"Whoa, that is something special"

[KRIS]"I know?"

"Why would they ask me, I am just a mere stranger with nothing in my life that is worthy to be a godparent to a beautiful innocent little girl?"

The next Kris touches you like he was comforting you.

[KRIS]"I mentioned the stranger part, and you have nothing to be ashamed of with your upbringing Min-a seeing the young women with me I would think that your parent's will be proud?"

"How do you know?"

[KRIS]"Because I know, I said that I would ask you for your decision I have made mine just waiting on your's?"

"I would be honored to but what about arrangement's to see each other....."

[KRIS]"That you don't have to think of right now"


Looking at the pendant/necklace that you go given of your new goddaughter which was a first for you, you couldn't be more happier you were also looking at the invitation that was given to you and Kris when you left for Evangline's christening that they will be having in a month's time in New Zealand which you were looking forward to going but also hoping that Maesuk and Yoonho will be with you when it comes to that special occasion, and more because of Kris saying that he was organising everything for when that time come's even though you were anxious if you will be with Kris by then what was the possiblities of the next day's ahead of you.





[Characters:-17733 Words:-4086]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-24th September 2015

*images and grammar

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:-20th July 2016

[Including the change's of Image's which I had to change either because the broken URL or the concept was different when I re-read the chapter] Sorry but thank's.

#Chapter 26 Edited on Brothers Laptop.

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change:- 20th July 2016
Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....