




Mentioned Characters:

Dean: Kris's former P.A, Kris's friend.

Celine: Min-a's [YOU] bestfriend.

Maesuk and Yoonho: Min-a's babies.

EXO [Suho, Baekhyun, Kai, D.O, Sehun, Chen, Luhan, Lay, Xiumin, Tao] Sorry NO Chanyeol in this Chapter.....

Krystal: Kris's sister.

[cont. KRIS POV]

After the incident in the mall Min-a seemed more recluse these last few days which was distracting I was getting back into work finalising details before the trip to New Zealand which I yet to tell Min-a, I couldn't approach her as easy as I thought it would I don't know what it was but since the boys and Min-a have been reunited I assumed that things would go back to normal but it seemed different.

[DEAN]"Mr. Wu?"

I finally wake from my troublled thoughts going on in my head as I look at my ex-P.A. now Head Finance Director for my Companies.


[DEAN]"Sir, you haven't heard what I said concerning the matter of issues that need's to be discussed before you leave for your trip to New Zealand?"

"Yes I heard you I want you to be acting C.E.O while I am away?"

I look at the shock face from Dean, but I wash that away after the incriminating things I have found out within my own company there was no one to trust whilst I was away.

[DEAN]"Yes sir?"

"Have you found anything about Park. Corp?"

[DEAN]"No sir, also there is still no word from the Park Family?"

"Can you get in contact with your friend who you had gotten the information from?"

[DEAN]"Yes sir?"

"Is there any new about the new acting C.E.O running the company?"

[DEAN]"Yes I have gathered the information for you sir?"

"I am sorry Dean I know you have an already busy schedule and I am partly to blame, but?"

[DEAN]"That's ok sir, if you need anything else let me know?"

I watch as Dean leaves and I look at the un-opened files that was still on my desk.

I look around my office it seemed weird being back in my office after working at home for so long, I sigh as I leaned on the chair holding my weight I lean down thinking about Min-a and the boys that were at home I couldn't help but smile at the thought that they were waiting at home in a matter of speaking which was un-true. I get disrupted by the familar ringtone I pull out my phone which I couldn't help but close my eye's at the memory of when Min-a leaned against me, her soft hand's lingering on me, he hot breathe radiating against my skin I smile at the memory it was a different contrast to the Min-a that I have seen since then, I quickly answer the phone.


[LEE]"Mr. Wu?"

I hear the familiar deep voice which alerted me in an instant I stand and I look out at the view from my office.

"Lee what is it?"

[LEE]"You said to call you if anything?"

"Yes, what's happened?"

[LEE]"I am concerned for Miss. Yoon?"

"What is it?"

I voice my worries with curiousity eating me if it wasn't for the urgency of me coming to the office I would have stayed at home well that was one of the reason's but also the tension I was feeling at home which I couldn't interpet at all.

[LEE]"Miss. Yoon seems to be too quiet?"

So I wasn't the only one who noticed that Min-a has been acting differently lately.

[LEE]"Mr. Wu did something happen between you and Miss. Yoon?"

I couldn't think about what I did to her for her to be like this.

"No, why?"

[LEE]"No reason Mr. Wu, I need to go young Master. Yoon need's me?"

"Ok keep me posted?"

I hang up the phone and I continue to look out and I look at  the familiar sky scrapers which got my attention I went back to my desk as I look at the information that Dean had gotten for me about the new hot C.E.O that is running the Park. Corp as I open the file I get interrupted by my new P.A. as she walk's in.

[P.A]"Mr. Wu there is a Mr. Kim here to see you?"


[P.A]"I am sorry sir, Mr. Kim, said that it is urgent that he see's you?"

"Ok send him through?"

Minutes later in comes walking.

I was surprised the new look from Suho other wise known to those outside of his circle Kim Joonmyun walking in.

"Whoa, Suho"

[SUHO]"Thank's to Sehun and Kai, they were pleading for some of us about our style and yet I am here looking like this [laughing] so that's how you greet a friend?"

I stand up and walk towards Suho as he walked in and we hug it was nice to see Suho actually.

[SUHO]"Man everytime I see you, you get taller [laughing]"

We sit down.

"So how do I owe the pleasure of having you come and see me [laughing]"

I see the stern look in Suho's face which bothered me considering that I may be the oldest out of all of us it didn't excuse the fact that Suho had more of a leadership thing going on amongst us which was common knowledge between all of us.

[SUHO]"Kris you look sick?"


I look at myself as I was sitting down and so far nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

[SUHO]"I know that we are all worried about Chanyeol and his family, but you have to look after yourself?"

I sit in silence there was no words that would come out, why was Suho acting like this from all I know I felt healthy as an ox I didn't seem out of it in any way.

"I am fine, Suho?"

[SUHO]"That's what people say when they want to shut the other up but I am not dumb Kris, I know that something is bothering you, the guy's and I haven't heard or see you in days which isn't normal?"

I lean back in my chair and just look at the said person in front of me not bothered by his display of frustration which was evident in his face.

[SUHO]"Has this got to do with the girl that you brought to the Chen's the other time?"

Min-a's face came up and I just keeped my facade on not wanting Suho to find out that he is right because I knew that he would keep that up.

[SUHO]"That is the thing about you Kris, you keep everything bottled up inside and won't let anyone in, I thought we were friends?"

"And we are friends"

[SUHO]"Ok if you think your ok, then you are free to come to Sehun's show?"

To busy worrying about my own life I didn't think about my friends which made me feel stink.

"When is it?"


"What time?"

[SUHO]"7, all the guys are going to come so that includes you?"

"Yeah I will be there so that mean's Krystal will be going?"

[SUHO]"Yeah, I am surprised she didn't say anything to you?"

"Yeah, that's ok?"

Suho stands up which was obvious that he was going to leave which was a relief.

[SUHO]Just because your agreeing with this isn't going to change the fact that I know something is up with you?"

I look at Suho as he walks out and I am left standing in the same spot I brush my fingers in my hair in frustration which brought back to Suho's hair well anyways I get back to my seat and I finally get a start on some work with a mental note about not missing Sehun's show tonight.



You sit and watch the boys as the play in the play room that you were surprised that was here after the boys taking you to the room, as you were sitting there you were going through alot in your mind you were finding it difficult to understand what to do, also you were concerned about the said person that you were finding difficulty at the moment.


You shake it off and give all your attention to Yoonho.


[YOONHO]"Umma, are you ok?"


You smile feeling relaxed thanks to the boys who meant so much to you, which was making it hard for you seeing the way they are right now was worth everything to you.

[YOONHO]"Are you sure umma?"

"Where's Maesuk?"

[YOONHO]"He's over there umma?"

You look at where Yoonho was pointing and You see Maesuk sitting at the corner which worried you, lately Maesuk has been acting differently which was worrying you to the point of no return thinking about when he first came to the orphanage.

"Yoonho can you go upstairs and stay with Mr. Lee for a moment, I need to talk to Maesuk alone ok?"

[YOONHO]"Ok umma"

Yoonho leaves you and Maesuk alone in the room which was child's dream with the many toys and things to keep them occupied you sit next to Maesuk who didn't seem to realise that you were there you both sit in silence moment's like this it felt like you were sitting with another person who seemed to be more like you.


You call but he just sit's there with his head low which was reminding you off the loss boy you met years ago, what felt like forever Maesuk look's up at you and that's when you see signs that he had been crying which made your heart falter.

"Oh Maesuk-ah what's wrong?"

He look's at you and that's when you swore that something inside you was missing you couldn't understand let alone explain the feeling you were experiencing inside of you seeing the little boy looking at you his eyes watery, his pale small face his gaunt like feature's which made you so selfish thinking about yourself, you wrap the boy in your arm's tears starting flowing like a waterfall from your eyes you were mentally torturing yourself that you couldn't comprehend what to do next as you craddled Maesuk in your arms.


Heaing his faint plea was more then enough you stood up so fast that it could appear like nothing you could see ignoring the pain from the movement which was gone in a milli-second as you stand and you run upstairs to the main floor and you see Mr. Lee's back facing you as you ran up to your room not sparing are second you ran to your shared room and you placed the pale faced Maesuk on your bed and you called out for Yoonho as you grabbed your bag with some clothes that you packed along with Yoonho's and Maesuk's.


"Yoonho hold onto your bag please?"

You reach to the side table and you reach for your wallet and you stalled for a moment and see the phone next to it Remembering that Kris had the black version like yourself but your phone had the Rose Gold whereas Kris had the Gold only you look at the specialized writing which was in Hangul which you could understand immediately.

미나 윤

You recognise as your name and then you see something in Chinese that you couldn't understand.

我的幸福,我爱的主人 从.吴亦凡

Which looked jibberish to you seeing that engraved into the gold on your phone that Kris had brought for you which you were grateful but, well anyways you pick up the phone and quickly dial your best friend.



[CELINE]"What's wrong?"

Knowing that Celine would know that something was up, with you not commonly calling her unnie considering that she was year older then you, because Celine not wanting you to call her unnie finding it to formal for her seeing her as an elder even though we are close in age.

"I need you to come and pick me up [tearing]"

[CELINE]"I am on my way"

"Can you not tell Luhan, or anyone please?"

You hear silence on the other end.


[CELINE]"Ok I am on my way?"

"Thank you, please be quick?"

You tear up as you look at Maesuk looking so faint, but relaxed.


You hear Yoonho next to you almost yelling which you knew that it would get attention which will cause Mr. Lee to come.

"Don't worry just stay here ok, noona is coming over?"

Which made Yoonho glee excitedly which was nice so you quickly packed some of your things here, you look at the photo frame on the bedside table as you placed the phone back down. Moment's later Mr. Lee come's up to your room and you place a straightface at Mr. Lee not wanting him to know what was happening.

[MR. LEE]"Miss. Yoon is everything ok?"



[MR. LEE]"Yes Master Yoon"

[YOONHO]"Noona is coming?"

"Yes Celine is coming, she want's to take us out?"


[MR. LEE]"That's nice Miss. Yoon, Young Master Yoon look's tired?"

"Yeah, but he wants to see Celine as well [smiling]"

The next you hear the bell which you sigh with relief you could tell that Mr. Lee looked at you like something didn't add up, but he smiled along maybe because of the excitement coming from Yoonho which made him relax. Yoonho ran ahead of Mr. Lee and you could picture what was happening thanks to Yoonho's yell of excitement. Moment's later Celine come's up with Yoonho holding her hand which was always so cute she walks in and you look at her as she took off her shades she looked like so pretty dressed.

You close the door behind her as she walked in and as soon as you closed the door you hugged her tightly which surprised her.

[CELINE]"Min-a what's wrong?"

You just hold onto her as you cried for what felt like forever but you remembered Maesuk and you let go off her and you ran towards the bed and you touch Maesuk's face still amazed at how pale he looked and yet looked so relaxed at the same time.

[CELINE]"Hey what's wrong, you got me worried?"

"I'll explain to you in the car, Yoonho can you grab Maesuk's bag"

You watch as Yoonho had put his bag on, and was carrying Maesuk's you reached for your's and you heaved Maesuk in your arms you look behind you and leave with Celine following behind you with Yoonho.



I sighed for what felt like the hundredth time so far throughout this meeting with my board of directors as well my heads from the different departments, throughout the meeting I felt like something didn't seem right I had this weird feeling which was uncomfortable for me but as I look discreetly at my watch it was nearing time for me to go to Sehun's show tonight, looks like I have to go straight there instead of going home to change, I was hoping to see the kids and Min-a but if I was to make it to the show I will have to leave straight from the office as the meeting was finishing I stand up.

"I have an annoucement, I am going away on a trip in a couple days from today, and as I am away I will have Mr. Jung our Finance Director to be my acting C.E.O while I am away"

Which ended the meeting I look at the time I had 10 minutes to get to Sehun's show, I dial the pilot to organise the helicopter as I was now in my office grabbing my things and I look at the mirror in my office and I quickly ruffle my hair and I make my way out of the office to the hellipad.

With the lights from the around the city as I hop into the helicopter and as we fly towards the school where I was going to see Sehun which I was excited but apart of me was still feeling off which seemed to be bothering me so much finally reaching the prestigious school that Krystal, Sehun and Tao all attend which brought memories of when I came to this school as we were getting closer to the helipad which was more like a field styled as an helipad which was near the entrance of the school seeing the many people there which was annoying I see the familiar faces of my friends who also came in at the same time I was landing but in there own vehicles seeing my friends brought a smile to my face Suho standing out along with Kai and Tao with Bright White Colour Hue for there hair do's also surprising me was Xiumin also rocking the Bright Colour Hue like Tao, Kai and Suho which was funny but his hair having some Light Shade of Pink next to Xiumin was Baekhyun and Lay who had Darker Hue's along with Chen and D.O who seemed to have the same hair shade which was normal for them and then there is Luhan and Sehun with a Lighter Shade from Chen and D.O as the helicopter eventually lands I finally hop out and I run towards the guys seeing them close up all dressed in there styles.

[TAO]"Whoa that was some entrance hyung [laughing]"

[CHEN]"Yeah [laughing]"

[KAI]"We need to step up our game [laughing]"

[XIUMIN]"I'm good"

[LUHAN]"That never changes's [laughing]

[LAY]"Pretty excited though I could scout while I am here?"

[SEHUN]"Thank you guys for coming?

Hearing the guys laughing was really intoxicating, I notice that Baekhyun wasn't his joyful self which was understanding since we all know that Chanyeol and Baekhyun had a friendship unlike any other so I knew that he would be thinking about Chanyeol. I walked up to him.

"Baek don't worry I am sorting it out ok?"

He looks up at me and I see a faint smile which was something, we all walked in seeing some of the students gigglying and screaming which was kind of funny.

[D.O]"It's been like that since we have been here?"

[KAI]"Yeah [laughing] we are the ex-kingka's of the school'

[SUHO]"Kris your parent's are here as well?"

"Ok cool"

We all walked into the main hall seeing the familiarity finally seated as we watched the show which was a nice distraction seeing Sehun dancing was something we all knew he was really into and wanting to make something out of it, also seeing Krystal singing and dancing was really nice knowing that she would get a shock knowing that I was here. Finally after the show we all go to the back to see the kids.



[KRYSTAL]"I didn't know you were coming, I don't remember telling you?"

"You didn't Suho did, why didn't you say anything?"

[KRYSTAL]"Because of eonnie, oppa?"

Krystal whispers at me I grin and I just hug her and congratulate her, finally we all leave to meet up for a celebratory dinner the guys, and my family which was cool Xiumin offering the place which didn't phase us all I jumped in with my family I could see that Krystal was itching to ask something.



[KRYSTAL]"How is eonnie, and the boys?"

[MUM]"Krystal what did you say?"

[KRYSTAL]"I was asking oppa how Baekhyun oppa is?"

[DAD]"Yeah since the takeover with the new acting C.E.O I have been trying to get a hold of Park Senior, Kris have you tried?"

"Yes dad, I have been trying to get in contact with the Park's I am planning to meet the new acting C.E.O"

[MUM]"No work talk boys?"

Finally reaching Xiumin's place looked like a new restaurant which had Xiumin's style which was unique and it looked really nice, we all walk in and finally all of us eating having a good time but at the back of my mind I couldn't stop thinking about Min-a and the boy's also the odd feeling that I was feeling thoughout the day earlier and before coming to the show was coming back which was making me uncomfortable. As the evening was going along I reach for my phone and I realise that it was still off which was uncommon for me since the meeting I don't like to be disturb at all anyways I turned my phone on and I saw that I had alot of missed calls and missed messages which surprised me majority coming from home which made me panic but I hid that. Seconds after my phone goes on I answer it immediately noticing that it was from home I looked at the time.

[LEE]"Mr. Wu, I have been trying to call you all day?"

"Dean what can I do for you?"

I say so it won't cause thr guys and the family to think about why Lee was calling me at this time of the night. I look at my watch and I see that it is hitting 11pm which was late but not for me.

[LEE]"Mr. Wu, I am sorry if your busy?"

"No that's ok Dean, what is it?"

[LEE]"Miss. Yoon?"

"What's happened?"

I say with a little more urgency which caught everyone's attention.

[DAD]"What's happened at the office?"

"Nothing dad it's more personal for Dean?"

I can't help but lie to them.

[MUM]"Oh your former P.A and the new appointed Head of Finance, isn't his wife getting ready for the birth of there child?"


[LEE]"I don't know where Miss. Yoon, and the two young master's, they left this morning with Miss. Huang but they haven't come back and it's 11pm Kris?"

Hearing Lee calling me by name was a first which must mean that he has taken this serious and is worried.

"I am on my way I should be there a.s.a.p"

[LEE]"I am sorry Mr. Wu?"

"No that's ok I am on my way keep me posted?"

I hanged up.

[SUHO]"It must be serious?"

"I gotta go Kai pass me your keys?"


There is Kai stuffing himself with food which was funny but I wasn't in the mood the next I see D.O grab the keys off him and threw the set of keys which I caught fully without hesitation but as soon as I grabbed them getting ready to leave with the obvious look's coming from my friends and family, as I speed walk towards Kai's bike.

Which I gotta admit that I was really looking forward to driving it, and also I was in a rush I feel the beast between me purr to life under me as I place the helmet on and I zoom off towards home.


Thanks for reading I am SORRY about the DELAY in UPDATING, I could give you reason's but there is no point [laughing awkwardly], anyways I want to quickly apologise if the Chapter is BORING and SHORT UPDATE, I just hope that it is worth the WAIT....


PLEASE, Subscribe, Comment, or Upvote if you think it is WORTHY....


[you remember seeing this in the chapter, so here is the meaning, I hope it isn't to CLICHE but if it is TOO BAD it was what came to mind when I thought about it.]

我的幸福,我爱的主人 从.吴亦凡

'Wǒ de xìngfú, wǒ ài de zhǔrén Cóng.Wu Yifan.

'The Owner of my Wellbeing, My Love From Wu Yifan'

[Characters:-16871 Words:-3886]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015
Edited/Re-read/Font-Change/Image-Changes:-10th October 2016

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....