




Re-Mentioned Characters:

Chunji:- Kris's personal security team, aiding at the orphanage, aiding at the hospital with Gaeun.

Gaeun:- Min-a's adopted mum, owner of the orphanage, second mum to Maesuk and Yoonho.

Shaun:- Friend that Min-a and Kris met at Greece, Tiffany Shaun's wife, Evangline Shaun's daughter.

New- Mentioned Characters:

Yu Jisu:- Charge nurse [Minor]

Zhang Qiang:- Investor [Minor]

[cont. YOUR POV]

Which caught your attention you looked at Chunji and you couldn't help but notice.

How smartly Chunji was dressed [clothing in the image of Seung Heon] honestly you couldn't help it but he looked really handsome considering he was only at the hospital.


"Chunji sshii"

Was all you could say at the moment and then you noticed that he was looking at the two little one's in front of you which meant he didn't know who they were which made you smile.

"Boy's introduce yourself to Chunji sshii"

You say to the boys and you reached for the flowers off Maesuk whereas Kris had taken the bear off Yoonho which was nice maybe he noticed you do that with Maesuk and then you watched the little boys in front of you adjust themselves and they both looked at Chunji in front of them, then you see Yoonho bow 90%'s at Chunji.

[YOONHO]"Anneyong haseyo Yoon Yoonho imnida"

[CHUNJI]"Anneyong haseyo Yoonho, nice to meet you"

Then you see Maesuk bow 90%'s at Chunji and Kris handed the bear back to Yoonho seeing that made you smile.

[MAESUK]"Anneyong haseyo Yoon Maesuk imnida"

Seeing Maesuk shyly introduced himself to Chunji was cute Maesuk being like that with new people and if he liked you he would be himself which was a trust thing with Maesuk since you could remember which you were use to.

[CHUNJI]"Anneyong haseyo Maesuk, nice to meet you"

He smiled at both boys well you lowered to hand the flowers to Maesuk.

"Maesuk-ah gwaenchan-ha?"

[MAESUK]"Ye umma"

"So you're ok?"

[MAESUK]"Ye umma"

You stand up and look at Kris and Chunji.

[YOONHO]"Come on let's go and see Gaeun eomma?"

You hear Yoonho shout with excitement which was cute and with that catching your attention and you watched Yoonho lead the way and following behind him was Maesuk with his flowers and you followed behind Maesuk without feeling a touch on your arm and you know it was Kris without having to think, you stopped in your tracks and turned to face Kris.

[KRIS]"I will be here with Chunji for a moment?"




[KRIS]"Don't worry go on I will be there shortly ok?"


You say wondering what he was going to say well anyways you smiled at Kris and walked inside the room and you see both boys walking towards Gaeun eomma seeing her bright smile was worth everything.

[GAEUN]"Omo, Yoonho Maesuk"

[YOONHO]"Eomma, we got this for you?"

Yoonho hands the bear to Gaeun which was cute his little body near the hospital bed.

[MAESUK]"We got this for you eomma?"

Gaeun reaches for the flowers off Maesuk after placing the bear next to her much to Yoonho's surprise.

[GAEUN]"Thank you Yoonho for the bear, thank you Maesuk for the flowers how did you know that they were my favourite?"

You smile at the scene in front of you, you walked in and helped the boys onto the bed so they could hug Gaeun which you knew that all three of them wanted.


You smile at Gaeun and join in the group hug that they were sharing the feeling of Gaeun's arms around you made you relax.



You hear the soft tone in her voice which was obvious that she wanted to know what was bothering you ignore the sting you were feeling from the hug which you couldn't care less actually. Finally letting go you sat at the chair next to the bed whereas the boys were sitting on the bed with Gaeun helping themselves to the snacks that was Gaeun's.

[GAEUN]"Min-a what's going on in that head of your's?"

"What do you mean eomma?"

[GAEUN]"I have been talking to you for a good couple minutes or longer and you just sitting there looking like you are far away?"

"Oh mianheyo eomma"

[GAEUN]"I take that as you don't want to tell me what is going on in that head of yours [laughing]"


[GAEUN]"It's nice to hear you laughter"

You both smile at each other hearing the boys talking to Gaeun about Celine and Marion ahjumma Celine's mum which was nice hearing the things that they got up to which was nice hearing the excitement in there voices even talking about how Luhan had brought them some stuff which was like Luhan.



I watched as Min-a followed the boys inside to Mrs. Yoon's room pass Chunji I couldn't help it but I reached for her and touched her arm.

"I will be here with Chunji for a moment?"

And she simply replied which was short I don't know what it was but all day with Min-a being like this was making me worry for some reason without realising I called out her name and she looked at me and I was about to ask but I didn't and then I watched as she walked into the room leaving Chunji and I at the door.

[CHUNJI]"Mr. Wu, are you ok?"

I look at Chunji and just nodded at him.

"So is there any more news concerning the health of Mrs. Yoon?"

[CHUNJI]"Everything is still the same they are still looking into Mrs. Yoon's medical history and looking for relatives but other then that Mrs. Yoon is doing ok, what about you Mr. Wu?"

"That's good to hear, I am ok, Chunji you must be tired of being in the hospital?"

[CHUNJI]"I am ok Mr. Wu, there is nothing to worry about?"

"Why don't you pop out for some fresh air whilst we are here?"

[CHUNJI]"Are you sure Mr. Wu?"

"Yeah we will be here for a while so why don't you go and get some fresh air?"

[CHUNJI]"Ok Mr. Wu, I will just get my phone and wallet"


Chunji walked back into the room and within seconds Chunji was out and I reached for some money.

[CHUNJI]"Mr. Wu?"

"Grab something nice to eat on me?"

[CHUNJI]"Uh Mr. Wu?"

"Go on"

[CHUNJI]"Thank you Mr. Wu?"

Chunji bowing at me which was so formal and I watched as Chunji had walked off I stood there for a moment and took a breather before going towards the nurse station, I took some steps towards the nursing station.

"Excuse me can I talk to the nurse in charge?"

Without realising I spoke in English.

[NURSE]"Won't be a moment can I ask who you are?"

"My name is Wu Yi Fan, but most commonly known as Kris Wu"

I say my name and from the look in her eye she knew who I was and also adding to that was that one of the nurses that I remembered talking amongst the group that had effected Min-a. Moment's later I notice the nurse that went to get the person in charge and looking at the nurse.

[JISU]"Good afternoon, I am Yu Jisu the charge nurse how can I help you Mr. Wu?"

I nodded at her and extended my hand out and she took it as I shook hands with her.

"Nice to meet you Miss Yu"

[JISU]"Mr. Wu, what can I do for you?"

"I would like to talk to you alone if that is possible?"

[JISU]"Sure if you follow me"

I followed the nurse towards a room next to the nurse station and she closed the door behind me as I walked to sit at one of the chairs and I waited for her and she sat a few chairs from me.

[JISU]"So what is the problem Mr. Wu?"

"I am sorry to disturb you I know that you are busy but I think with what I have to say it is best going to the person in charge that's correct?"

[JISU]"Yes that's correct but you would have to talk to C.E.O of the hospital if it concerns hospital matters?"

"I understand and those that include the nurses?"

[JISU]"You can discuss that with me?"

"Ok I would like to say that the behaviour of some of your nurses was rude?"


"I was coming to see a paitent here at the hospital with my family and as we were walking towards the room I couldn't help but overhear rude remarks from some of your nurse which wasn't nice especially when it concerned my love... and the kids"

I couldn't believe that I said that but it was to late to take it back it was already said and done, but I noticed that Jisu waved in her strong facade.

[JISU]"I am sorry Mr. Wu that you had to go through that especially with your familiy"

"I am not ok with what was said but I think I don't need the apology?"

[JISU]"I understand I will personally apologise concerning matters and I will take charge of matters concerning the nurses if you know who they are?"

I write down the names of the nurses I was pretty quick on remembering names from the badges of there's, and we finished talking I walked out of the room followed by Jisu and thinking I was walking by myself towards the room I didn't realise that Jisu was walking with me and before I knew it we were in the room and I notice the beautiful happy scene in front of me.



Whilst you were talking with Gaeun you notice Chunji walking back into the room he was grabbing his shades, wallet and his phone which grabbed your attention.

"Chunji sshii?"

[CHUNJI]"Miss. Yoon?"

"Is everything ok?"

[CHUNJI]"Yeah nothing to worry about I am just going to pop out for a moment, whilst Mr. Wu and you all are here?"

That's when you remembered that Chunji would have spent his days here without leaving which made you feel guilt but before you could say anything Chunji was out of the room and you sat there. 

[GAEUN]"Min-a what is it, you have me worried?"

"Nothing, just thinking that's all?"

You watched as the boys were playing with Gaeun which was nice and it gave you time to think to yourself after a while you hear movement and also confirming who it was you hear the boys, including Gaeun.



You turned and you see Kris standing with a nurse you see Kris looking at you which made you stand in your spot. 

[JISU]"Excuse me can I please speak to you Miss. Yoon outside?"

You hear the nurse asking for you which took you by surprise, also worrying you was she going to tell you the bad news about Gaeun eomma. You stand up and you touch the boys seeing them look at you when you got of your seat.

"Hey play with eomma ok I will be outside?"


You follow the nurse as she walked outside and you see Kris following behind you and you couldn't help but be glad you felt like you needed someone with you and also glad that it was Kris to be frank. Kris closed the door behind him as you walked out of the room and you were waiting somehow.

[JISU]"Anneyong haseyo I am Yu Jisu I am the charge nurse for this ward"

"Oh anneyong haseyo Yu Jisu pleasure to meet you, is everything ok with my eomma?"

You say thinking that whatever the nurse was going to see you was concerning matters with Gaeun.

[JISU]"Sorry I am here for another matter?"


[JISU]"I am here to personally apologise on behalf of some of my nursing staff concerning remarks that was offensive?"


You look at the nurse and you can see that she was being serious which made you wonder how she knew about their behaviour towards you and the boys but more of what they said abouit the boys was what made you more angry then any of the remarks that was made by them it was obvious how she would have known looking at the man behind you who was suporting of you which was more then you could be thankful for as you just nod at the nurse.

"Thank you"

[JISU]"Ok, I will leave you with your visit with your eomma, I apologise again Miss. Yoon and Mr. Wu?"

"Thank you"

[KRIS]"Thank you for your time, Jisu sshii"

You watch as the nurse left you and Kris alone in the same spot that you had your conversation you couldn't help but try to comprehend it especially with Kris taking the initive. You kepted thinking about how many time's Kris has helped you, you turned and faced Kris.

"Thank you"


It was like your life flashing before you but with everything Kris has done for you, you closed the gap and hugged him tightly.


As you hugged him you feel his arms around your waist which was a nice feeling, the feel of his warmth around you was like a blanket of security which was what you were feeling, you feel him smiling as his chin was on your head you can't help but smell his fragrance as you hugged him you don't know how long you were in his arms but finally letting go as your blushed was gone and you walked back into the room followed closely behind you was Kris and you see Gaeun and the boys lying down, it was cute because both boys were sleeping at one end of the bed not realising that you were out that long.

[GAEUN]"The boys were tired [smiling]"

You walk towards the bed and moved the stray hairs on Yoonho's face and as you did that you noticed Yoonho move which you hoped that he didn't wake.

[GAEUN]"Is everything ok?"

[KRIS]"Yes Gaeun sshii, nothing to be concerned about but the doctors are still looking for relatives, do you know if you have any relatives?"

[GAEUN]"Sorry I can't remember as soon as I married my husband we lefted and made a life here, sorry?"

[KRIS]"No need to apologise, it just taking to long searching for your relatives the sooner we find relatives they can start testing for a possible donor?"

Hearing Kris speaking like that had put everything into prespective.

[GAEUN]"I understand but it's been to long and I can't remember"

[KRIS]"That's ok"

You hear a tone which was obvious that it was Kris's phone and he excused himself and lefted you alone with Gaeun and the sleeping boys.



[GAEUN]"What do you think of Kris?"

You tried to hide the possible thoughts you were thinking when it came to Kris so you looked at the door so Gaeun couldn't see the obvious blush forming on your cheeks.


You turn and face Gaeun she placed her hand that had her i.v drip and placed it on top of yours.

[GAEUN]"Min-a, I know you don't think your worthy to be happy or to share you life with someone, but honey you deserve to be happy and I know that Kris is a great guy for you, he is so sweet, has a lovely smile, he is handsome, he will make the perfect boyfriend [wink] or husband"

You hear Gaeun say that and she was right about Kris he was perfect but he was to perfect for a broken person like yourself these weeks you have been with him was more then you deserve, you needed to do something but what you had to figure out more.



I hear my familiar ringtone I excuse myself and I walk out to answer the call I look at the I.D and it was PRIVATE number which didn't look familiar hence the reason why I excused myself not sure if it was work or family so I answer in English just in case.


[SHAUN]"Kris Wu?"

"Oh hey Shaun"

[SHAUN]"Finally found your number [laughing]"

I laugh along with Sean, it was weird but it was nice hearing his voice maybe because of the happy times of Greece was coming to mind.

"What's up how's the family?"

[SHAUN]"They are ok, speaking of which my wife wanted me to call you to remind you about Evangline's christening?"

I started tracing back.

[SHAUN]"Don't tell me you forgot?"

"No [laughing] just had so much going on that's all, when is it?"

[SHAUN]"End of the month so next week New Zealand time, can you still make it?"

"I will have to work out somethings, and change my schedule?"

[SHAUN]"Tiffany is wondering if Min-a is going to be able to come, we haven't got a number to call her?"

"Oh don't worry I will try and get a hold of her ok, so it is next week what day?"

[SHAUN]"Saturday, if you come early you can stay at our house until then?"

"[Laughing] so you still want the both of us to be godparent's to Evangline?"

[SHAUN]"Yeah [laughing]"

"Ok I will see what we can do?"

[SHAUN]"Cool just drop a text"

"Will do, a.s.ap hey I gotta go I am at the hospital at the moment?"

[SHAUN]"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah just seeing someone that's all"

Finally hanging up all honestly I forgot about the christening with everything going on, I watch as I notice some of the nurse looking at me especially the one who went to get Jisu I nod at her and she blushed and I ignored it and walked back into the room and as I walked in I couldn't help but hear a little bit of Min-a and Gaeun talking.

[GAEUN]"Min-a I know that you think of yourself broken and with everything that you have gone through you have become a strong independant, intelligent, caring, loving young women and I am honoured that I had been apart of that"

[MIN-A]"Eomma, you talking like we are not going to see each other anymore?"

[GAEUN]"I am not, it's just that I have never had the chance to say this and with everything that has happened lately I think it's best I say it"

[MIN-A]"Oh eomma, I wouldn't be the person I am without you caring and loving me like your own"

It was a deep conversation that the two were sharing which made me feel wrong for overhearing it but I couldn't do anything about it, it was quiet so I thought it would be best time for me to come in so I walked back into the room and I see the boys were still sleeping and both Gaeun and Min-a wiping there eyes.

"Sorry I can come back in later?"

[GAEUN]"No that's ok Kris"


[GAEUN]"Is everything ok Kris?"


[GAEUN]"Your call looked urgent?"

"Oh, it's ok it was just a friend [laughing]"

[MIN-A]"Was that your friend Chanyeol?"

Hearing Min-a say 'Chanyeol' brought all the worries and concern for Chanyeol wondering what was going on with him, and if he was ok, also with the concern of the people that who were after Min-a were they after Chanyeol as well did they know that Chanyeol and Min-a were siblings. So much was going on in my head and also with Shaun calling moment's ago from New Zealand about Evangline's christening that was coming up and that we had the invitation to also not helping the situation was that we were going to be godparent's which was an honour for the both of us remembering the look in Min-a's eye's when Tiffany and Shaun had mentioned it when we were leaving Greece. Thankfully I was the type of guy that didn't show much when it came to things like emotions and all keeping my facade which at time was frustrating to all those around me.

"No wasn't Chanyeol, just another friend of mine that's all?"

I don't know why I was lying to Min-a why I didn't say that it was Shaun.

"Uhm, is it ok if I can talk to you alone, Mrs. Yoon?"

I say awkwardly I noticed Min-a looking at me with anxious eye's then she stood up and made her leave.

"Not yet"

[MIN-A]"Oh ok?"

Min-a sat back down and I walked towards the window and I looked out at the beautiful weather outside as the afternoon was going on like normal I used that to text Chunji.

To: Chunji

From: Kris

Chunji, is it possible if you can come back to the hospital?

To: Mr. Wu

From: Chunji

I am on my way

To: Chunji

From: Kris

Thank you, just need to talk to Mrs. Yoon alone, but I need you to be with Min-a while I am talking Mrs. Yoon

I text back fast trying to get through without causing alarm to Min-a.

To: Mr Wu

From: Chunji

That's ok Mr. Wu, I am on my way up will be 10 min's max.

To: Chunji

From: Kris


I look at my watch and 10 minutes on the dot the door opens and in walks Chunji looking like he didn't even leave at all I noticed that he was breathing a little heavier which was an obvious sign that wherever he came from must have been a distant which made me feel guilty for making him do that I had to give him a payrise that was for sure. Also noticing a bag in his hand.

[CHUNJI]"Mr. Wu, Miss. Yoon, Mrs. Yoon [whispering]"

We all looked at Chunji and I noticed Mrs. Yoon and Miss. Yoon smiling brightly at Chunji which was understandable.

[MIN-A]"Chunji sshii"

[GAEUN]"Chunji sit down?"

[CHUNJI]"I brought some snacks for you all and also hot drinks for you all not sure what you would like to drink Miss. Yoon, here Mr. Wu"

Chunji gives me a familiar Starbucks cup and I smell the familiar fragrance black strong which was my perferred hot drink and Chunji walks into the direction of Min-a and Miss. Yoon.

[GAEUN]"Omo, thank you Chunji"

[CHUNJI]"Double foam latte"

[GAEUN]"Oh Chunji you have to stop spoiling me like this"

[CHUNJI]"I don't mind, and Miss. Yoon I wasn't sure what kind of hot drink you would like to drink so I just got you are Iced Tea?"

[MIN-A]"Oh thank you Chunji sshii"

[CHUNJI]"I also had gotten the two boys juice boxes as well but they are sleeping?"

[MIN-A]"That's ok, the boys will most likely wake up soon especially if they smell food [laughing]"

We all laugh at that as I sat on one of the chairs and like Min-a mentioned within minutes the boys both woke up at the smell of food.

[MIN-A]"Come on you two, let's go to the cafeteria so you can eat the food that Chunji sshii was kind enough to bring for you?"

Both boy's had jumped off the bed and jumped on Chunji which was kind of funny and also made me feel a little jealous I watched as the three of them were getting ready to leave.

[CHUNJI]"Miss. Yoon I will come with you if that's ok?"

[MIN-A]"That's fine with me"

I watched as the four of them leave leaving Mrs. Yoon and myself in the room alone which was a little tense but I needed to talk to her alone anyways.

[GAEUN]"Kris what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

Mrs. Yoon getting straight to the point which was at time's reminded me of Min-a was at certain moment's I stood up and walked towards her.

"I wanted to ask you something?"

[GAEUN]"My guesses are that it is about Min-a?"

I look at Mrs. Yoon with shock and surprise at how she knew what I was thinking without saying anything.

[GAEUN]"I sort of guessed that since you wanted to talk to me without her in the room?"

I laugh along with her.

"Can I ask you something personal?"


"Has Min-a ever thought about finding her family?"

[GAEUN]"Not that I am aware of, I always asked her if she wanted to find her family but she never said anything, why are you asking?"

"I want to help her find her family but I don't want to do it if she dosen't want to?"

[GAEUN]"The best person to ask is her Kris, why are you asking me?"

"You are her mother and it is the right thing to do?"

[GAEUN]"Oh Kris honey, you have done so much for my daughter already?"

"I just want to help, Mrs. Yoon, can I ask you something else if that is ok?"

[GAEUN]"Sure and after the circumstances call me Gaeun?"

"Uh Gaeun can I ask if it is ok if I can have Min-a and the boy's join me on a trip?"


"I am needed in New Zealand for a friend's thing and I would like Min-a and the boy's to join me?"


"I am sorry if it seems to much, I am just worried about Min-a especially since her dissappearance I would feel much better if she was with me?"


"Chunji will stay with you, and Seungho will still be at the orphanage if your concerned?"



[GAEUN]"No as I am not concerned about myself or the orphanage is what I am saying Kris, but like I mentioned the best person to ask is Min-a herself not me?"

"I understand"

[GAEUN]"Kris can I ask you something personal?"

"Of course?"

[GAEUN]"Do you like my daughter?"

I stand frozen in my spot was it that noticeable first I get hit up from Luhan, Celine and then Baekhyun and now Mrs. Yoon.



As Kris is in the room with Gaeun talking, Min-a and the boy's are in the cafeteria eating the snacks that was brought by Chunji who was also joining Min-a and the boys as the two were talking and getting to know more of each other which was drawing eyes from the nurses. During that time.


Day's to go and then I will witness the birth of my first child which was exciting enough I walk downstairs as I notice Duke's door closing looks like Duke had a late night I was at the bottom of the stairs when I got a call I looked and it was Mr. Wu's C.O.

"Good morning sir?"

[C.O]"Dean sshii, I have a chinese investor on the phone but he won't discuss any matters unless he is talking to Mr. Wu himself or his assistant, which in that case is you?"

"Oh, this is a first sir?"


"Uhm ok, give him my number and he can call me if need be?"

[C.O]"I will, I will also inform Mr. Wu about this?"

"That is understandable sir?"

I hang up and walked towards the kitchen and I looked at Duke who looked like he was heading out which didn't phase me minutes later my phone rings knowing that it was the Chinese investor that Mr. Wu's C.O mentioned I knew that I had to answer in Chinese which was difficult for me but I had to practice much to Mr. Wu's confirmation for stuations like this only speaking minimal let alone basics.

"Nǐ hǎo yuàn zhǎng róng jiǎng [Hello, Dean Jung speaking?]"

[QIANG]"Nǐ hǎo, zhè shì zhāngqiān zhōngguó tóuzī zhě [Hello this is Zhang Qiang a Chinese investor?"

"Yes I had recieved a call from Mr. Wu's C.O earlier, what can I do for you Mr. Zhang?

[QIANG]"I am replying from the call that Mr. Wu left a couple weeks ago I was trying to get a hold of him but he was away on a business trip in Greece?"

"Yes that's correct?"

[QIANG]"Is there anyway I can contact him?"

"I am sorry Mr. Wu is busy at the moment I can let him know that you called and will get Mr. Wu to call you as soon as he is free if that is possible Mr. Wu is a very busy man Mr. Zhang?"

As I was walking thats when I noticed the look in my mums eyes which caught my attention.

[QIANG]"Can you let Mr. Wu know that I am on board with him and intrested in investing in one of his companies?"

"Mr. Wu will be pleased to have you on board Mr. Zhang?"

[QIANG]"Thank you for your time"

"Pleasure Mr. Zhang I am looking forward to meeting you?"

[QIANG]"And myself can you let Mr. Wu, that my team and I will be in South Korea sometime next month?"

"Will do Mr. Zhang" 

I hang up and walked towards mum, who still had that troubled looked in her eye's.

"Mum, what is it?"

[MUM]"Oh Dean I didn't know you were up?"

"Yeah had some morning calls from investors in China?"

[MUM]"Ok I am making your father his morning cooffee, would you like one?"

"No mum sit down I will make dad's coffee and it looks like you could use one, are you ok mum?"

I start setting up the coffee machine and all that I look at mum wondering what was wrong after seeing her moment's ago the look in her eye's was troublling me.

"Mum what is it?"

[MUM]"I am worried for Duke honey?"

I look at mum.



cr. to righful owners of images used in this chapter and throughout this fic much appreciated.




sorry another boring chapter, just trying to get it to be cool ^_^

[Characters:-21500 Words:-4932]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

Re-read/Edited/Font-Change:- 10th October 2016

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....