




[warning:] sorry might as well apologise here instead at the end where my author note, but head's up your eye's are not playing with you but you will most likely see the same image more then once, it maybe because of laziness, but it was easier that way.


I watch as the many who have come to pay there respect's which I was surprised but I was more focused on the lifeless body that was lingering near Maesuk's burial place it was like gravity was holding her up, as I see people that I knew coming toward's me I move away from Min-a but I stayed closer to her giving her space alone but I was mere steps away from her not just for her benefit but also for mine state of mind as well.

[1ST BUSINESSMEN]"Mr. Wu, I am sorry for your lose, I wasn't aware that you had a family?"

"I am sorry, but I wanted to keep it private to avoid media attention?"

[1ST BUSINESSMEN]"I understand, Mr. Wu, please if there is anything please let me know"

"Thank you"

With the mutiple people keep coming toward's me knowing that Min-a wasn't ready to talk to anyone from the way they were coming to me I was aware that Min-a may have heard some of the conversation between me and those that attended until my recent business associate walking toward's me along with his P.A well Chanyeol's P.A towards us.

Both decked out in black for the occasion, seeing the two walking toward's me keeping my distant from Min-a also noticing that she hasn't moved at all making me worry but I look at Declan and Yongnam.

[DECLAN]"Mr. Wu"


"Declan, Yongnam thank you for coming, I suppose you have seen Chanyeol?"

[YONGNAM]"Yes, speaking of which, Mr. Park"

[CHANYEOL]"Hey, Yongnam how is Mr. Yoon been to you?"

[YONGNAM]"Professional, Mr. Park"

[CHANYEOL]"Yah, remember to call me by my name [laughing]"


[DECLAN]"Mr. Park"

[CHANYEOL]"Mr. Yoon, I am surprised to see you here?"

"I am here on behalf of your company and also...."

[CHANYEOL]"That's ok"

I watched as Chanyeol went to go and sit next to Min-a as I noticed Declan also following Chanyeol's movement's.

"Your welcome to go to the feast at the next location?"

[DECLAN]"Thank you, if there is anything please let us know"

"Thank you"

I watch as Declan and Yongnam leave and before I knew it,

[SEUNGHO]"Mr. Wu?"

"Seungho, how's thing's going at the orphanage?"

[SEUNGHO]"It has it's challenge's but the orphanage is safe sir?"

"So your ok being stationed at the orphange because of me?"

[SEUNGHO]"It's ok, Mr. Wu, but when your ready for me to come back just let me know, sir?"

"I will call you"

[SEUNGHO]"The kid's and the staff wanted to say goodbye to Miss. Yoon, but I can see that she is still in that state of mind?"

"No I think that Min-a need's to see the kids it may help her right now?"

[SEUNGHO]"Ok sir, I will go and get them"

I watch one of my security walking down toward's the said people but watching how he walked it seemed maybe he has found his path in life and I think with this I need to let him go, and walk his own path from now. I was feeling a little drained out but I had to keep this facade for Min-a knowing that she needed family right now and as much support as she can right now, and I am going to do that for her as I glance at her still stationed in the same spot with her brother trying to comfort her, I couldn't be more happier right now seeing that I made the right choice in getting Chanyeol here. I hear movement behind me until I hear,


I see my sister walking toward's me followed by our parent's and closely with Ken and his team of men. I could see beyond them that Seungho was getting some of the kid's who must have fallen asleep, getting the kids.


[DAD]"Son, how are you feeling?"

"I am ok, dad you?"

[DAD]"Ok, son"



The feeling of being mum's arm's right now was more then I could ask for, feeling so drained moment's ago and yet when I am in my mum's arm's I feel like I can go on for day's, feeling safe and relaxed in mum's grasp even though my head is snuggling into mum's shoulder's

[MUM]"Oh son, we are here for you, you can't handle all of this on your own?"

"I am ok, plus I have Jihyo and Dean taking care of alot of thing's leaving me to be here for Min-a and Yoonho, and to take care of guest's"

[MUM]"I know son, your father said that you are taking everything so well considering?"

"Yeah I have you all here for me so it's ok mum"



[KRYSTAL]"Oppa, are you ok, you look tired?"

"I am ok, dongsaeng-ah"

[KRYSTAL]"Ok, oppa is it ok for me to go and see unnie?"

"Yeah it should be ok, but Seungho and the kid's from the orphanage are going to come and see Min-a so when they come can you drag Chanyeol with you so they have there time with her?"

[KRYSTAL]"Ok oppa, oppa"


[KRYSTAL]"Unnie will be ok because unnie has you and us to be there for her?"

"I know"

I watch my family seperate as I see Ken and his men follow my parent's leaving 2 to linger with Krystal which was normal for us, well as I see Krystal walking in the direction I just glance in that direction trying to take everything in, until I hear a disturbance behind me as I see,

The staff and the kid's walking toward's Min-a seeing Seungho well each of the staff holding onto a kid whilst the other's were walking along with them which was weird yet comforting to see a hardman like Seungho in a different element making my choice easier I turn and that's when I see the happy couple.

[CELINE]"Kris, if your remember this is my father Xiaoming Huang and my mother Marion Huang, dad, mum this is Kris Wu"

"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Huang, thank you for coming"

[XIAOMING]"Pleasure is our's, since we only had a short time knowing the boy's"

[MARION]"Considering the short time we got to know Maesuk, he was really a sweet person"

"Yes he is, Celine, take your parent's to go and get something to eat ok"

[CELINE]"Will do [laughing]"


"Luhan, you ok"

[LUHAN]"Yeah but what about you?"

"I'm ok"


I see the rest of the guys coming not to far from Celine and Luhan, I noticed that it was only Min-a alone at the burial site which I was surprised not knowing that Krystal and Seungho and the other's lefted.

Seeing my friend's there was really cool but I knew that a couple of the boy's were attached to Min-a the first time meeting her so it was expected that they would be here, and also some of the guy's knowing Maesuk and would have grown attached to him also.



[EXO]"We will see you at the hall?"

"Yeah, I am going to wait for Min-a first?"

[SUHO]"Ok, guy's let's leave Kris be, we can all catch up later?"

I can see some of them were getting antsy, but Suho seemed to be serious so I watched as each of them leave, leaving Chanyeol and Baekhyun last.

"What is it, Chanyeol, I can see that you want to say something?"

[CHANYEOL]"Hyung, I am worried for Min-a?"

"Me, too"

[CHANYEOL]"What can we do?"

"I am not sure but just be here for her, hey Chanyeol go with the guy's to the hall?"

I can see that he was reluctant but I know that it was stupid but right now I have so much on my plate and the last thing I need to worry about is the oldest Park.

"Baekhyun take Chanyeol with you"


I see the Jung's together.

[DEAN]"Sir, Jihyo has gone to the hall for the festivities along with the remainder of the guest?"

"Thank you Dean"

[NANA]"How is Min-a coping?"

"I don't know?"

[DEAN]"I know that this isn't the right time, but my recommendation is for Min-a to go to the hospital to re-do the stitches, I don't want her to get an infection?"

"I will take her to the hospital, Dean"

[DEAN]"Duke, has taken the Phelan's to the hall but he seemed on edge?"

"What do you mean?"

[DEAN]"He seemed to be staring at a couple of the people that attended the funeral, he seemed to be on-call to someone?"

"Ok, I will check with Duke later, thanks Dean?"

[NANA]"Ok, come on honey let's go to the hall you can help Jihyo with the arrangement's there?"

"I am sorry Nana that I have taken your husband's time away from you?"

[NANA]"It's ok, for today I will let it slide, Theodore say by to uncle Kris"

[THEODORE]"Bye uncle"

I look at the tired boy that seemed to be either in his parent's arm's or in Chanyeol which was a good thing, well anyway's I ruffle Theodore's hair and watch as the family leave's I see. I notice that it is only a small amount of us here.


I see Chunji helping Mrs. Yoon walk toward's us the wheelchair would have been hard especially on the grass, and seeing that Mrs. Yoon had a detemined look also made me aware where Min-a got the fight from. Seeing on the other side is Yoonho walking with them looking handsome in his black suit like myself,

"Mrs. Yoon"

"Mrs. Yoon, Chunji will take you to the hall where food and beverages are being served for the guest's, don't worry about Min-a I will stay here with her?"

[YOONHO]"Can I stay with you appa?"

"I think it is best if I stay here with umma, why don't you go with Gaeun umma and Chunji?" 

I can see that Yoonho was reluctant but after confirming his choice when he came to hug me which I lowered to his level so I could hug him comfortably without hesitation, I whisper to Yoonho,

"Yoonho-ah I will make sure umma's ok, do you trust appa?"

[YOONHO]"Ok, you promise that you will come?"

"I promise but not straightaway ok, I want to make sure umma's ok?"

[YOONHO]"Ok appa, sarangheyo appa"

"I love you to"

I watch as Yoonho walk's the same way with Chunji and Gaeun leaving just me alone but I notice that there was some guy straying around the ground's which was troublling for me, but I didn't want to focus on that I wanted to focus on Min-a. Speaking of which I walk closer toward's her wondering if she was ok seeing that she hardly moved from her spot.


She look's at me for the first time which I was surprised not expecting Min-a to look right at me straightaway thinking that it would take a few call's but I was distracted by her eye's.

I don't know what it was but her eye's told a story of her emotion's which I could understand, I lower myself to sit next to her as I finally sat down my knee's having time to rest from the non-stop standing all day.

"Min-a, you don't need to say anything, ok we can sit here until you are ready to go?"


"Don't worry ok"

I cover her small hand's with mine as we sat in silence hearing the cicada's and bug's coming to life as we sat there I could feel movement coming closer toward's making me uncomfortable, I have no choice but to lean toward's Min-a knowing it was bold of me.

"Min-a, stay seated ok no matter what you hear ok"

Min-a nod's which I was relived, as I stand up and I drap my blazer around Min-a's small shoulder's. I stand up to get ready to protect myself as I turn I see a group of guys walking toward's us.

The two that was walking ahead didn't look familiar making it hard for me to calm the nerves that was builiing unexpectantly which was a first for me.

[DENNIS]"Hello, Mr. Wu we are here on behalf of Duke?"

I calmed hearing Duke's name mentioned but I was surprised.

[CHANNING]"We are friend's of Duke, Mr. Wu, we apologise for the sudden intrusion, but we just want to let you know that we are here"


[CHANNING]"Order's from Duke, Mr. Wu"

"Ok, I gotta say that you had me going there"

[DENNIS]"We will stay a meter away from you Mr. Wu to give you privacy"

"Thank you"

[CHANNING]"Mr. Wu, do you know these men?"

I look and I nod in reply seeing Yongnam with the two men.


"Yongnam what can I do for you?"

[YONGNAM]"Sorry Mr. Wu, Mr. Yoon wanted us to be here as you were alone?"

"Why is that. I am ok, you can let Mr. Yoon know?"

I watch as Yongnam stares at the other two especially the older looking one like he was seeking permission or something which made me wonder who they were.

[CHANGMIN]"Sorry Mr. Wu, my name is Changmin and we take our order's seriously, and Dennis-sshii, Channing-sshii I understand english very well, so no need to talk amongst yourself"

I see the tension.

"Ok, if you need me just let me know, but I am busy"

I leave the guys to settle there own differences I didn't want to be in the middle I was more confused but I washed that away when I sat next to Min-a the night chill becoming more obvious stating the time Min-a has been in the same spot which was worrying me especially with her condition which Dean's voice was ringing along in my head.



We spoke at the same time I stopped what I was going to say hearing Min-a's soft voice breaking the silence.



Your leg's were aching from the lack of movement as you stayed stationed in the same position your body limping gracefully next to the burial area of your youngest son still trying to comprehend the event's of today and your promise to your youngest son which you were going to keep without no hesitation but for right now you needed to mourn your loss, you had no more tear's to fall you were sure that your body needed water from the endless fall throughout the day, wiping your tear's when your brother sit's next to you he wraps his arm around your body, it was a nice feeling but it didn't give you some sort of closure.



You say lightly and raspy your throat was dry, you sat as you listened to your brother trying to comfort you which was helping but like you mentioned there was no sort of closure you were getting from him, but you washed that away not wanting to be selfish. As you look at your brother it was like looking at a reflection of yourself you smile the next you had Kris's little sister join you,


Which was short lived seeing her she reminded you more of Kris which made you grin mentally as she was trying to comfort you as well which was so sweet of her. Before you could get comfortable you see,




[JOONBIN]"Min-a, this is Seungho he has been taking over Gaeun-sshii at the orphanage"

The kid's with them which brought you happiness you weren't going to lie you smile at there innocent face's in front of you with hint's of emotion's which made you think of something else instead of you own selfish emotion's. Talking with them alone after Chanyeol and Krystal bidding farewell to you which was nice of them as you spoke with the kid's and Sora, Baeksu and Joonbin oppa's. As they lefted you with you going back in your own little world all sorts of memories coming to you like a disney movie which would always be embedded in your head you're not going to lie that was for sure.


The cold chill was starting to bother you along with your aching knee's which was bugging you knowing for sure that it would be awhile to get the blood flowing for you to walk. Before you could say something about the cold you feel a warming feel at the side and not having to think or panic you knew where that warm feeling was coming from and with his deep tone waking you from your thought's.


You hear his voice and you feel more at ease the feeling was different Kris only saying your name and you felt like you were ok you couldn't explain it but you looked at him and seeing the handsome man next to you looking so chique in black.

The tint of the sky around him making him like he was fragment of you imagination as you looked at him and with him staring at you, you don't know what it was but you could linger in his gaze.

[KRIS]"Min-a, you don't need to say anything, ok we can sit here until you are ready to go?"

He break's the silence.


You were anxious about all the guests that had come hearing a little of the conversation between Kris and some of them which you weren't really listening to you busy in your own little world.

[KRIS]"Don't worry ok"

Before second guessing you feel some weight on your lap and that's when you looked down and you see Kris's large hand's covering your's feeling more warmth then you already, if you weren't sitting where you were right now but honestly this feeling was so romantic as sick as that sound's hearing the mixture of sound's around you, and your heartbeating crazily along with the sound's adding to the atmosphere the tint of the skie's like a masterpeice to busy mentally going crazy you feel Kris's hot breath on your neck giving you chills.

[KRIS]"Min-a, stay seated ok no matter what you hear ok"

There were no word's that would come out having no choice but to use your body to answer Kris as you watched Kris standing up giving you quite an eyefull and like the god's were answering your slient prayer as Kris cover's you with his blazer feeling his warmth all over your body making your body lean deeper, his scent overpowering your senses was like it was some sort of magic spell to calm all your nerves as you watched Kris leaving your side, you just smile into the lapel's of his jacket.

"Maesuk-ah.... I promised you that I would live my life happily for you and your hyung and umma promises you ok"

You say as confirmation that you were now going to live happily full of happiness if not for yourself but for you loved one's, you watch as one of those loved one's striding toward's you taking his place next to you feeling more at home.



As the happy non-official couple are enjoying there moment alone meter's away there is an awkward tension in the air as the four men standing inchs apart from each other.

Like a western movie the lead's having a stare down to see who is more manly then the other, as each of them being there on there own order's not realising that they are there for the same reason, unknown to the group of men that a yard away was the very guy's that they need to protect the happy couple from. Finally breaking the peace the group of men cutting the thick air with introduction's between them but the tension coming back to them.


As Reaper's men's keeping at the post with some leaving going to the other location where one of the Park sibling's were the men not wanting to cause there boss to go berserk which was what they wanted to avoid at all cost's with memory of the team mate getting shot in the head for not following order's.

"Sir, we have #1 in sight"

"Ok, we have #2 in sight, it look's like it's going to be a long one?"

As the 2 group's radio each other with there process.


[At the Hall:]

The celebration with the guests going on without a hitch, but there was one who wasn't soaking in the happy environment as he sit's obediently next to his other mum, with the coaxing from his unnie and from his uncle's not seeming to work at all as the little boy sit's amongst the number's of people.


Declan and his men keeping the oldest of the Park Twins in his sight knowing Changmin doing the same with the youngest of the two looking amongst the many face's some being top players in the business world and majority of them being here for Kris which took many by surprise. Hearing the rumour's throughout the day with them talking about the un-expected family that Kris kepted hidden. Declan getting interrupted but fortunate having other's from Changmin's team here as well.


Thank you all to my Reader's I hope everyone had an awesome New Year's.


Want to apologise again about the images being used more then once in this Chapter.

-Can't wait for Kris's Movie to come such ashame that it's only in the Asian Countries hopefully I can watch it ONLINE, Because I can't stop watching the trailer, Kris being so handsome. [Kris looking handsome in his white hair don't you think]

Here's an image to show the handsome man himself.

And of Course,

-Luhan's Movie as well can't wait until it's out as well hopefully can watch it ONLINE with ENGLISH SUBTITLE'S OF COURSE keke

Please Comment, all comment's will help me figure out what my reader's are thinking off whilst reading this fic keke.

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Thanks Again.....

[to all who's comment so far]

[Characters:-16494 Words:-3722]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....