




Re-Mentioned Characters:

Krystal makes a return in this chapter. YAY

[cont. KRIS POV]

After taking a short break I stand up and I can't help but look at the frames of my friends and just think about all the good times oddly my gazed stayed on Chanyeol a little longer, maybe because of Baekhyun mentioning Chanyeol and all that making my gaze last longer on him oddly I could see a resemblence between Chanyeol and Min-a which I knew already from the information I have about Min-a which is locked in my safe for a huge reason. As I was walking out of my office I hear a soft knock at the door I go and open it and I look straight ahead and there was nothing until I hear.

[MAESUK]"Kris hyung?"

That's when I looked down and I see Maesuk standing there.

"Maesuk what is it is everything ok?"

He nods at me.

[MAESUK]"Kris hyung, umma said to call you to come and eat?"

"Ok, come on let's go?"

I follow Maesuk as I close the door and surprising me Maesuk grabs my hand and he holds onto it whilst we both start walking towards the living room as we were walking I don't know if it was just me but it looked like Maesuk wanted to say something so I paused in my steps.


I called him as he looked at me in reply.

[MAESUK]"Ye Kris hyung?"

I kneel to his height but I am a little taller for him so he looks at me.

"Maesuk, what is it?"

He just looked at me and that's when I see tears in his eyes which took me of guard not expecting that at all from Maesuk.

"Maesuk what is it?"

He just closed the gap and he cuddled me which was just to sweet for me but I held it inside and I covered him with my arm's wondering what was troublling the little boy to cause him to cry like this thankfully we weren't near where Min-a could see because I knew she would have been effected by the display of Maesuk and myself especially seeing the little boy break down like this which was heart racing for me.


I hear him whispering in my ears which gave me chills.

"Ey Maesuk what for?"

The little boy gripped on tighter against me his little body bringing this new feeling inside me out.


I got what he was trying to say which was so mature from a kid his age it was like he had grown up to quickly, finally letting go off him I wipe the tears from his eyes and smile at him, giving him time to calm down we walk to see Yoonho and Min-a in the kitchen I knew that she wouldn't be one to sit still so I walked in.


I see Min-a freak out for a milli-second and then she placed the food on the table I looked and not realising how fast time was going by but I couldn't help but notice something a little off from Min-a but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

[MIN-A]"I hope you like it?"

"What is it?"

[MIN-A]"With the help from Mr. Lee, I was able to prepare some of the boy's favourite dishes and I hope you would like them, I know this isn't enough for what you have done for me these last few weeks which I will forever be in your debt but I hope you enjoy it, also I am sorry for just helping myself to all of the ingredients without your permission?"

I look at the table full of food. [dakgangjeong/sweet crispy chicken, yangnyeom tongdak/seasoned fried chicken, japchae, tteokguk/rice cake soup, kimchi and egg rolls]

Seeing the amount off food on the table surprised me, I knew that Baekhyun and I didn't talk for that long, and also I knew that Min-a could cook especially when we were in Greece. 


[MAESUK]"Thank you umma"

[YOONHO]"Thank you umma"

We sat down at the table and then Min-a.

[MIN-A]"Mr. Lee"

[LEE]"Yes Miss. Yoon?"

[MIN-A]"Join us please?"

I see Lee looking at me and back at Min-a which was kind of funny seeing Lee like that was a first I smile at him.

"Come on Lee, sit down with us?"

Before I knew it we were all sitting at the table eating which was nice actually being in my house for so long I was use to the quite lifestyle of myself and Lee but now with Min-a and the boys I couldn't picture going back to that kind of life. As we were eating I hear the door open and I had a feeling I knew who was at the door.


I froze in my spot because even though I knew that it had to be Krystal because she was the only one who would come here without knocking or anything which didn't bother me so much but right now I wasn't sure what to do. I look at Min-a and I can see that she was frozen in her spot.



You watch as Kris and Baekhyun leave the living room which was cool you knew that you needed some time alone but right now you couldn't care at all because you were hungry and so you thought to yourself why not cook and with the boys here you thought why don't you cook some of the boy's favourite dishes.

"Mr. Lee"

[MR. LEE]"Yes Miss. Yoon?"

"Can you help me up please?"

You were still feeling a little tender at the moment so after Mr. Lee helping you up you walk towards the kitchen with Mr. Lee following whilst the boys were watching t.v which was keeping them occupied you started looking for the ingredients.

[MR. LEE]"Miss. Yoon pardon my language but what are you doing?"

"I am going to cook?"

[MR. LEE]"But Miss. Yoon?"

I looked at him.

"Please Mr. Lee?"

And you started preparing the food as you were cooking you hear the boys some of the dishes was almost finished which was cool but there was some that were a bit longer.

[YOONHO+MAESUK]"Baekhyun hyung?"

[BAEKHYUN]"Yoonho-ah, Maesuk-ah hyung has to go to work?"

[YOONHO]"Oh hyung play with us?"

[BAEKHYUN]"Sorry Yoonho-ah but I have to go to work maybe later?"

And you smiled at the sight happy that the boys were making friends instead of just Celine and myself which reminded you with Luhan mentioning something about today but you shook it off and finished cooking.


You look at Baekhyun.


[BAEKHYUN]"Please keep an eye out on hyung?"

"Baekhyun what is it, is there something wrong with Kris?"

[BAEKHYUN]".... hyung looks tired and pale?"

"Because of me?"

You say in a whisper, which caught Baekhyun's attention.

[BAEKHYUN]"Oh Min-a I am sorry I didn't mean to make you upset but, just that hyung looks worn out that's all it's not just you ok Min-a"

Minutes later you were engulfed in Baekhyun's arms which felt like you were being hugged by your brother somehow, which was a shock for you with the familiarity of the hug feeling you were getting from Baekhyun you brushed it off and just enjoyed the comfort feeling you were in right now.

"Where is Kris?"

[BAEKHYUN]"He is still in his office maybe doing some work not sure?"


[BAEKHYUN]"Bye Min-a"

He was off and you tried to focus on the food which was difficult and Mr. Lee noticed your hesitation and your lack of concertration on the food.

[MR. LEE]"Miss. Yoon are you ok?"

"Promise you will answer me truthfully?"

[MR. LEE]"Of course Miss. Yoon?"

"Is Kris not looking after himself because of me?"

Seeing how Mr. Lee was hesitant in answering your question honestly it proved to you that you were partly to blame in Kris's wellbeing and with him not looking after himself which was making you feel so guilty after everything he has done for you and you knew that you had to think of your next move.

"No don't say anything Mr. Lee, can you please leave me alone for a moment?"

[MR. LEE]"Let me help you at least with the food, Miss. Yoon?"

"No that's ok, please Mr. Lee I just need a moment alone thats all, if you need to do something can you just keep an eye on the boys please"

Mr. Lee had left leaving you to continue with the remainder of the cooking which gave you the chance to be alone and also to dwell on everything and planning to yourself what to do next especially with everything falling into place, but right now you focused all your attention on preparing the food.



After hearing the conversation that Mr. Byun and Miss Yoon share I knew that Miss. Yoon was going to blame herself for the way Mr. Byun mentioned of Mr. Wu's wellbeing which was evident that he wasn't looking after himself which partly is true since Miss. Yoon being here was the main factor but with Mr. Wu's change of routine with the late nights and the lack of sleep with his work schedule always as hectics as always. But it was a first that Mr. Wu wasn't eating much Mr. Wu seemed to have something bothering him and knowing Mr. Wu he wasn't the type of man who voices out hsi emotions with his cold facade he never seemed to break at times only those close to him has had the honor of the cherished moments although Miss. Yoon's presense has had taken it's own part of Mr. Wu's being the way he is but there was pro's to her being here seeing Mr. Wu bing the young master I have memories off seeing the way there interaction between him and Miss Yoon was also pretty sweet. Having no choice in the matter I leave Miss. Yoon to continue on with preparation in the kitchen notice the change in Miss. Yoon's manerisims it was evident she took Mr. Byun's comments to heart seeing the movement from her shoulders it was clear that she was crying which was hard to see but it was to late I couldn't do anything I walk towards the living room to see the two boys attetnion on the t.v hearing there little voices was really nice to hear, but the image of Miss. Yoon breaking like that was difficult to get out of my head.



Finally everything being cooked you called Maesuk to get Kris you didn't have the heart to get him yourself especially with everything going on in your head from the conversation from Baekhyun bothering you also with Mr. Lee which wasn't helping the situation going on in your head and with the thoughts that you didn't need to think about especially with Maesuk getting Kris, finally Kris and Maesuk coming back you finally held yourself together and you were all sitting at the table which was really cool after awhile, you hear a girl's voice.


Which cause you to frezze in your spot and you looked at those at the table which was really hard for you to comprehend you don't know what it was but deep inside of you, you were feeling something that you haven't felt before you couldn't explain it but you just sat there just acting like you weren't unphased by it at all, and as soon as you could do anything you see a beautiful young women walking in.

Walking in looking so familiar to you and that's when you remembered the frame in his office which made you relax for a moment because of the recognition of the person but you were still on edge though noticing that she had also had her hair in a darker shade like Kris, seeing her like that you could see that they were part of the same gene pool. You noticed that Kris had also froze on his chair as well but you didn't think anything off it, maybe he had no idea to explain why there was another women in his house with kids maybe he hadn't told his girlfriend about this situation which was some of the thoughts going on at the moment, but you stared at the young women who looked so beautiful in what she was wearing [the clothing in the image above of Krystal] and boots. Seeing her smiling towards you made you both uncomfortable and comfortable maybe because the way she was smiling with her eye smiling brightly.


Before you knew it she was running towards you and hugging you tightly which made you uncomfortable but you couldn't help but think how did she know you because you would have remembered her if you met her that was for sure.

[KRIS]"Yah Krystal, what are you doing here?"

[KRYSTAL]"Oh oppa, why didn't you tell me eonnie is here?"

So that was her name Krystal it suited her and she loosened her grip off you and she kneeled at Maesuk who was sitting next to you.

[KRYSTAL]"Omo ain't you a cutie, you look familiar?"


Seeing Maesuk getting scared mixed in with shyness which was cute.

[KRYSTAL]"I remember, on the book?"

[KRIS]"Min-a excuse my baby sister she is always like this?"

Now you could see why she looked so beautiful and gorgeous because she was Kris's little sister which you couldn't help but sigh in relief. You couldn't stop looking between the two which was so clear that they were born from the same luck with beauty and charm.

[KRIS]"Krystal what are you doing here?"

[KRYSTAL]"Oppa, why are you being like that I haven't seen you for awhile and when your left Seoul I didn't even know you were back oppa until I saw Baekhyun hyung coming this morning?" 

You see Kris's gaze soften at his sister's aegyo which was adorable.

[KRIS]"Sorry I have been busy, so what do you want?"

[KRYSTAL]"Can I stay here with you and eonnie, there is no school oppa?"


[KRYSTAL]"Please oppa?"



[KRIS]"No it's not going to work go back home?"

[KRYSTAL]"Oh oppa?"

[KRIS]"No, plus we all will be heading out in a moment, and before you ask No you are not coming with us?"

[KRYSTAL]"Oh oppa?"

You see the cute dispute that the two sibling's were sharing.

[KRIS]"And don't think about asking Min-a because it is still a no Krystal?"

[KRYSTAL]"Oh oppa?"

You see Krystal looking at you which made you frezze instantly seeing her look in her eyes reminded you of Maesuk and you were going to say something but when you looked at Kris you could see that he was sticking to what he said and you were actually scared to do anything.

[KRYSTAL]"Then can I stay with you whilst your eating lunch before you go oppa?"

You can see that Krystal was testing Kris which was kind of refreshing to see normally seeing Kris more on point and seeing him like that made him more human then a god which was your thought of him at times.

"That would be nice"

Before Kris could say anything or you could finish what you were going to say.

[KRYSTAL]"Eonnie said it was ok, please oppa?"

You were afraid to look at Kris.


[MR. LEE]"Sit down Miss. Wu I will get you are plate?"

[KRYSTAL]"Ani oppa it's ok I will get it"

Suddenly it was 6 of you at the table it was a little awkward still afraid to look at Kris thankfully to Krystal easing the tension with her endless talking and trying to get to know more but Kris was being tight lipped when it came to you, Yoonho being the one more outgoing was getting along with Krystal whereas Maesuk was more reserved he was clinging to your side getting your attention. You bend and whisper to Maesuk.

"Maesuk are you ok?"

[MAESUK]"Yeah umma"

"Are you sure if you want to leave the table that is fine?"

[MAESUK]"I want to stay with you umma?"

"Ok Maesuk"

Finally finishing eating Kris had walked out to Krystal with more protest about her wanting to come with you all, you were unsure where you were going to go not listening to anything that Kris was saying during lunch. Which lefted you alone with the boys Mr. Lee not wanting your help with cleaning up and normally you would protest but right now you couldn't be bothered at all Maesuk and Yoonho had taken you to your room they sat down on the bed as you stood up to busy with your thoughts.


Which you got your attention.

"What is it Yoonho?"

[YOONHO]"Umma you look sad?"

"I am ok, just can't believe your here with me"

[YOONHO]"Ok umma?"

"You need to pack your things back in your bag ok?"


You watched as the little boys were putting there things in there bags which was so cute you three were sitting on the bed it was so normal for you.



During lunch with Krystal I kepted on stealing glances in Min-a's direction something seemed off about her I wanted to know what it was but with Krystal here I didn't want her to do anything extraordinary after her being annoying about wanting to join myself, Min-a and the two boys which I was frustrated about. Finally finishing up walking Krystal to the front.

[KRYSTAL]"Oppa please?"


[KRYSTAL]"Ok oppa, I just want to spend time with eonnie?"

"No, maybe another time"

[KRYSTAL]"Ok oppa"

"Krystal you can't say anything to mum and dad ok?"

[KRYSTAL]"Why oppa?"

"Until Min-a is fine she is still un-well from her stay in hospital ok?"

[KRYSTAL]"Ok oppa, mum and dad want to see you they haven't seen you since you came back oppa and it's got them worried?"


I looked back and I see Min-a cleaning up the boys and I watched as the boys were leading her towards the stairs.

"Ok I will just get my jacket"

[KRYSTAL]"Ok oppa"

I ran back inside and grabbed my jacket on the chair and went towards Lee in the kitchen cleaning up.

"Lee I am just going to walk Krystal back to the house I won't be long?"


I shrugged my jacket on grabbed my phone as well as I walked towards Krystal I close the door behind me as we were walking it was nice walking with my baby sister also adding the weather was something I don't do often so I could understand why Krystal was acting like that because we do have a close sibling relationship with each other, Krystal talking about school stuff which was nice finally reaching the house we walk in and we see mum and dad in the living room.

"Mum, dad"

[MUM]"Morning son"

"Morning mum"

[DAD]"You have been a busy lad haven't you?"

"What do you mean?"

[DAD]"With you just coming back from a work commitment in Greece?"

"Yeah it was ok was just looking at some potential business ventures that's all and I also had a mini break as well"

[MUM]"That's good son that you are also looking after yourself, I was beginning to get worried about you son?"

"I am ok mum, Krystal thought it would be nice to interupt lunch"

[MUM]"Honey you can't disturb your brother?"

[KRYSTAL]"I know mum but I just wanted to see oppa that's all"

[DAD]"Ok, Kris come with me?"


I follow dad to his office already thinking to myself what this was going to be about did he find out about Min-a or something as soon as we walked in dad sit's in his usual place on the seat as I sit on the couch next to dad.

"What's up dad?"

[DAD]"What's going on?"


[DAD]"I know that there is something going with you?"


[DAD]"I could see it when you walked in with your sister, you look like you have been hit by a truck?"


[DAD]"If this has to do with Chanyeol and the Park. Corp you don't have to worry about that?"


[DAD]"It will be fine ok, you looked pre-occupied when you walked in that's what I meant?"

"Oh, I am ok dad nothing I can't sort out?"

[DAD]"I know, that's what I am worried about, son"

My head was going crazy with curiousity with what dad mentioned.

"Is there anything else I really need to get going I am going to meet up with the guys for a couple of hours?"

[DAD]"No that's ok"

I stand up and leave dad's office as I opened the door.



[DAD]"If there is something you want to tell me you would?"

"Yeah of course?"


I leave with questions in my head and I was wondering what dad was implying I bid farewell to mum and Krystal and I walk back to my house I couldn't stop thinking about what went on in dad's office I wasn't sure what he wanted to know I knew part of me was lying to dad about not mentioning Min-a and her family matters coming to my front door which I opened wide opened with no regrets. Finally after a couple minutes I walk in the house.

"Where is Min-a?"

[LEE]"Miss. Yoon is in her room with the boys?"

"Ok can you get my car ready please?"

[LEE]"Yes Mr. Wu?"

I leave him and I run upstairs towards Min-a's room and that's when I pause at the scene of the three Yoon's sitting on the bed it looked like they were reading something which was really nice to see after a moment I decided to break the happy moment.

"Excuse me?"

The three look at me which was cute even though you couldn't see the smiliarity between the three of them you could see that they loved each other deeply.


"Are you ready?"

[MAESUK]"Where are we going?"

"There is someone I am sure you want to see?"

I see Min-a's eye glimmer and she knew that we were going to go and see her mother which I knew she would want to go and see.

[MIN-A]"Ok boys grab your bag's come on let's go?"

"You can leave your bag's here?"


You watch Min-a putting on there jackets back on and both boys were loving the attention which was nice to see. Finally all four of us walk downstairs and Lee informed me that the car was ready which was cool but I was wondering which car Lee had gotten ready for us well I checked if I had my wallet and my phone Min-a had her shades on that I brought for her which made me smile as we walked through to the garage.


[MAESUK]"Yeah hyung?"

[YOONHO]"Grab our glasses that Marion ahjumma gaves us?"

[MAESUK]"Ok hyung?"

I watch the two boys run back towards the house which was funny moment's later both of them came running back with shades in there hands both the same which was stylish seeing the wearing there raybans which was a known label, I noticed that Lee had gotten the Rolls ready but I was looking at the car.

Taking one look at it you could tell that it wasn't suitable for the four of us which was fortunate that I also had my Bently for cases like this. So I grabbed the keys for that instead.

As I was driving I couldn't help but notice that since this afternoon more like after Baekhyun had left that Min-a has been acting different more reclusive which was bothering me making the last few weeks we have shared moments that we would have started to become comfortable with each other. I called Chunji to inform that we were coming to see Miss. Yoon maybe she was nervous with the expected visit with her mum but this time with the two boys who knew nothing about her being in hospital, finally reaching the hospital parking up.

[YOONHO]"Hyung, umma..."



[YOONHO]"Why are we at Seoul Public Hospital?"

[MAESUK]"Is Gaeun eomma sick?"

I look at Min-a and I could see from her reaction that she was expecting this from the boys which didn't surprise me at all.

[MIN-A]"Yes Gaeun eomma is sick, and it would be nice that she will get to see you boys?"

[YOONHO]"Oh we didn't bring anything for eomma?"

"That's ok come on we can go and have a look at the gift shop?"

[YOONHO]"Ok hyung"

I just stood up and opened the door as Yoonho was coming out from my side seeing him excited compared to the scared little boy moment's ago, as Yoonho hopped out as I closed the door I feel something in my hand and that's when I see the little hand belonging to Yoonho in mine which was surprising but I was use to the relaxed skinship from the Yoonho. As we walked towards the entrance of the hospital I noticed that Min-a and Maesuk was also walking hand in hand like myself and Yoonho which made us well we could pass as a family which if you asked me before if I could be a family man I would have said 'No' but right now my thoughts were changing all because of me meeting Min-a. We were in the gift shop that was within the hospital Yoonho still holding onto my hand I could hear the excitement coming from both boys.

[YOONHO]"Hyung can we get this one for Gaeun eomma?"

I looked down at Yoonho and I see him pointing at the teddy bear I looked at Yoonho and then I lowed at his level.

"Yeah we can get that if you want?"

Yoonho smiled at me so brightly which I smiled back in reply.

[YOONHO]"Thank you"

Yoonho had reached for it and when he was holding onto it, it looked a little bigger then I expected but I didn't mind I stood up brushing off the imaginary dust of my jeans. I looked around for Min-a and Maesuk wondering where they were until I spotted the two looking at flowers both holding hands which was cute seeing that there relationship is strong between them including with Yoonho but he was with me as we walked closer towards the pair I hear there little conversation with Min-a at Maesuk's level it was obvious that she cared for the boys so deeply.

[MAESUK]"Umma can we get flowers for Gaeun eomma?"


[MAESUK]"Umma do you think they will make one for us?"

I noticed Maesuk walking towards the desk I was curious with what he was doing I walked towards Min-a with Yoonho who was clinging onto his purchase.

"What's Maesuk doing?"

I ask Min-a and I just see her looking at Maesuk lovingly, she smiled.

[MIN-A]"He is just buying some flowers for Gaeun eomma"

She smiles brightly.

[YOONHO]"Umma, look what hyung and I got for Gaeun eomma?"

Min-a looks away from me and gazes lovingly at Yoonho and lowers to his level and see the two interacting it was obvious that Min-a didn't have favourites between the two boys. Minutes later I see Maesuk walking towards us with his face basically covered by the bouquet of flowers in his hands.

[vase full of colorful tulips and white lilies like the images above]


"Maesuk are you ok there?"

[MAESUK]"Ye hyung"

The boys were walking ahead of us clutching onto the purchase I was wondering how did Maesuk pay for the flowers but I didn't want to say anything. Min-a and I were walking behind the boys as we were walking towards Mrs. Yoon's room noticing the looks that we were getting and also the comments that I was overhearing and obvious that Min-a could hear them talk from her reaction in her body before we knew it I see Chunji waiting at the door of Mrs. Yoon's room.

[CHUNJI]"Mr. Wu, Miss. Yoon?"


[MIN-A]"Chunji sshii"



Throughout the ride to the hospital you were to busy in your own world thankfully your eyes were shielded by the shades before realising it you were at the hospital, hopping out of the car a different car that you were in showing the extent of Kris's wealth which was intimidating to you at the moment, you watched as Kris was helping Yoonho out of the car whereas you were helping Maesuk out. Noticing that the four of you could pass as a family with you holding Maesuk's hand whereas Kris was holding Yoonho's which was adorable you had to admit. Overhearing the conversation earlier here you stand in the gift shop which had alot of beautiful things inside you see Kris and Yoonho walking on there own like Maesuk and yourself and Maesuk wanting to get flowers for Gaeun eomma which was so sweet of him, you pulled out your wallet which still had blood stains on it which you reminded you that you need to get a new one.

[MAESUK]"Umma what's that?"

You knew what Maesuk was asking about being so onto it Maesuk which was troublling at times but you got use to it.

"Nothing, here go to the desk to ask for the flowers you want ok?"

[MAESUK]"Ok umma"

You give him a handful of money which was still in your wallet handing him the money glad that there were no bloodstains on the money. You watched Maesuk like a proud mother watching there child growing up well you smiled brightly not realising that Kris was at your side asking you what Maesuk was doing which woke you from your moment of weakness, thankfully Yoonho gaining your attention you remove your gaze at Kris and focused on the little boy in front of you, you were so happy that Maesuk and Yoonho could have some fun moments like this. Yoonho cuddling a big teddy bear which was not as big as him thankfully before you knew it you start to smile at the scene in front of you Maesuk holding onto a vase full of flowers so happened to be Gaeun eomma's favourite flowers Tulips and Lilies. You walk behind the two boys with Kris next to you it was a little awkward for you not that it phased you, you couldn't help but notice the stares that you were getting well the four of you to be more percised but more the looks from the female staff directing there attention at the three males that you were with you overheard a couple.

[NURSE 1]"Omo look at that family"

[NURSE 2]"I know"

[NURSE 3]"Don't they look cute?"

[NURSE 4]"So lucky"

[NURSE 1]"He came yesterday?"

[NURSE 5]"How did she get a man like that?"

[NURSE 6]"How could she have three cuties like that?"

[NURSE 7]"You could tell that those kids are not hers"

Before you could do or say anything especially at the last comments especially when they were starting to talk about Maesuk and Yoonho which is a huge 'No-No' to you, just as you were about to do something.

[CHUNJI]"Mr. Wu, Miss. Yoon"




cr. to all rightful owners of all images used in this chapter and throughout this fic much appreciated.


[Characters:-23222 Words:-5258]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

Edited/Re-read/Font-changes:- 10th October 2016

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....