





[Italic]:- thoughts:

[mentioned/re-mentioned characters:]

Sora/Baek/Joon: Staff at The Orphanage.


You woke up early this morning after the intense dream more like nightmare that you haven't had since you were are little girl.


:- 4 year old you-:

"Omma look at oppa and I"

"Omma can see you [smiling]"

  • You look at the clouds in the sky then you look at your omma who is sitting down on a picnic chair with an ahjumma smiling at you, you feel your oppa's hands on your back pushing you whilst you were on the swing. Suddenly you start slowing down.


  • You turn and look at your oppa.

"Ne oppa?"

"Oppa's hungry"

  • You watch your oppa leave you whilst the swing was still moving but you were slowing down, suddenly you get pulled of the swing.

"Oh oppa that hurt [sad]"

  • Suddenly you start getting sore, then.


  • You look at your omma who was looking at you with tears in her eyes. You start crying because you see your omma crying and your oppa also crying making you cry more making you cry out.

"Omma.... [crying]"

"Omma.... [crying], Oppa..... [crying]"



  • Darkness.
  • Omma, and oppa werent there, crying hysterically for omma, oppa and appa calling out for them but nothing.
  • Darkness.
  • Then you see Gaeun eomma with a lollipop smiling at you.


:-20 year old you-:

  • Your kissing


  • Yoonho and Maesuk goodnight bidding farewell to.


  • Gaeun eomma, Sora dongsaeng, Baek oppa and Joon oppa.
  • Listening to A-pink NoNoNo and Ailee Love Note, then you smelling a god awful smell making you faint.
  • Waking up at an unknown place tied up in a chair, men looking at you, getting hit by one of the men who looked so evil, hearing a worried voice, escaping from the torment, walking in a dark street, finding a picture, getting knocked out.
  • Waking up in the hospital, seeing 2 handsome guys.



  • Waking up in a beautiful home.
  • Meeting Mr. Wu.
  • Meeting Mr. Lee.
  • Mr. Wu caring for you.
  • Sharing a meal with Mr. Wu.
  • Mr. Wu carrying you and caring for you.
  • Conversation with Kris.

[End of Nightmare/Dream]

You look outside and you see that its still pretty dark and you look at the time and you see that it was still early morning suddenly your chest felt constricted the pain seeming pretty familiar you sat up and you found it hard to go back to sleep so you decided that you might as well wash up, under the spray's of warm water was really relaxing you as you were washing up you could see scars and stitches that you had which was still shocked you with the injuries you sustained that night having mutiple incisions where they inserted new plates into you. You jump out of the shower and wrapped yourself in a large bathroom towel, you got changed into something warm and comfortable.


You walked back into your room still feeling a little tender which was expected never experiencing this before only reading this in your workbooks at uni, you went out to the balcony outside your room you sat down on the wooden chair and looked out at the picturesque view outside your room.

The beautiful colours from the tree outside and the brush surrounding the outside the beauty surrounding you, the cool chill touching your face, the light wind blowing against your hair, you couldnt help but think about your family and your best friend Celine


A tear drop falls from your eyes with sadness.

['Celine mianheyo....']

['Yoonho-ah, are you ok?']

['Maesuk-ah, mianheyo?' ]

After calling out tears start flowing against your cheek like a waterfall making your face cold  from the wind because of the wetness on your cheeks.

"Miss Yoon"

You quickly wipe the tears then you looked to see Mr. Lee standing at the door with a hint of worry in his eyes which was gone within a second after looking at him.

"Yes Mr. Lee?"

"Are you ok, I heard you crying out I came to see if your ok?"

You thought that it was only in your head you didn't realise that you said it out loud.

"Oh sorry Mr. Lee, what can I do for you?"

"Miss Yoon?"

"Yes Mr. Lee?"

"May I take a seat?"

You smiled at him and nodded for him to sit next to you.


You looked at Mr. Lee this being the first time he has called you by your name without you having to remind him to often call you by your name instead of the formalites.

"Yes Mr. Lee"

"Min-a I know that what your going through right now is hard for you, with you having to heal from injuries that I could not understand a young lady like yourself had to go through. I know that this might sound cliche but with everything you have gone through has lead you to this moment"

You look out at the view hiding the tear from Mr. Lee you could understand what he is talking about reminding you of what Gaeun eomma had said to you.


:-5 year old you-:


"Ne Min-a?"

"Why am I here, where is my mummy?"

"Min-a your mummy must be looking for you?"

:-7 year old you-:


"Ne Min-a?"

"Am I never going to see my mummy?"

"Honey, the lord has a plan for you and when the time comes honey your prayers will be answered and one day you will see your mummy"

[End of Flashback]


"Yes, Mr. Lee"

"Right now you must be thinking about why, you are here?"

You just look at Mr. Lee.

"I have something you should know, about myself. I understand the sadness and longing your feeling right now for your family and friends"

You look at Mr. Lee and from the look of his reaction it was like you were looking at a mirrored reflection of yourself.

"In 2 more days will be the 22nd Anniversary of when I losted my beloved wife to Cancer ever year on that day I visit her grave and spend time with her, even though I don't have the chance to see her as much as I like to with my schedule but when I have the chance I visit her but I always make the trip on our wedding day to see her. I know it may seem unusual that now I am 42 years old and still in love with my wife, I was a 16 year old guy who meet a beautiful girl just one look of her I knew that she was going to be mine forever but I wasn't what you call popular or looked as handsome as Master Wu when I attended school. Whereas the beautiful girl was like an Angel her name was Jung Chaeri she was out of the world she was beautiful, caring, loving, smart, friendly as the year was going by I stood behind watching her then one day I was getting bullied by the same idiots that tortured number of my friends including myself I was at my locker when I was pushed roughly to my locker knocking my head on the locker really hard causing me to bleed. I thought I had died and gone to heaven because I saw an angel helping me and then I realised that I hadn't died at all because there was Chaeri holding onto me trying to stop the bleeding. From that day forward she never lefted my side, we became friends, then months later my girlfriend and years later my wife to this day I couldn't understand why a gorgeous girl would be with me. We were 20 years old when we got married it was the best day of my life and throughout that time I was working as Mr. Wu's personal butler for 7 years hence the reason why I was bullied at school I became Master Wu's personal butler when he was born The Wu's didn't know about the bullying that I recieved from the school because I was working for them. Thanks to working with The Wu's I was able to give the wedding that my wife wanted, it was so fast with us getting married. Because of Chaeri wanting to get married I didn't mind I loved her I would do anything for her. Seeing Chaeri walk with her father I noticed that something was wrong with her but I didn't think anything of it I was just happy that I was marrying the girl of my dreams Mr.Wu was my best man he was a father figure to me being raised by my mother. Being married was challenging and the best thing in my life when Master Wu was born Chaeri and I welcomed Master Wu it was like we were having a practice run, whenever Mrs. Wu was busy we would look after Master Wu which was an experience that we both cherised and we were thankful for Mr. and Mrs. Wu trusting us to spend time with Master Wu. A year after Master Wu was born I noticed that Chaeri was pale and tired alot but she blamed it on work and I didn't think anything of it and when it was Master Wu's 1st birthday thats when my wife died from Cancer....."

You were now sitting next to Mr. Lee and you held his hand trying to comfort Mr. Lee, you felt honoured that Mr. Lee had trusted you enough to share something so beautiful and tragic to you a mere stranger but you couldnt understand why Mr. Lee was telling you.

".....We were making preparations for Master Wu's 1st celebration I was in the middle of preparations when I got a call from Chaeri's best friend calling for me to go and see her but I was busy that I couldn't, as the day was getting organised I got another call from Chaeri's best friend yet again I was in the middle of final preparations before the guests were arriving and I was attending to Master Wu at the time explaining to Chaeri's friend that I was to busy to see her. As the celebration was going on without a hitch Mr. Wu's personal butler came towards me asking me to go to Mr. Wu's office which was new to me. I handed Master Wu to one of the maids whilst I followed Mr. Wu's personal butler to his office I walked in and thats when I see Mr. and Mrs. Wu in the office Mrs. Wu was crying which made me uncomfortable seeing Mrs. Wu like that and Mr. Wu consoling her I walked in and I see Chaeri's best friend also in the room also teary like Mrs. Wu I went to console Chaeri's friend. Thats when Mr. Wu said the 7 words that made my world tumble down. 

'I am sorry Kwangsoo, Chaeri is dead'

The next day I found out why she died, why she was constantly tired and pale because she died from Cancer I was really upset that I didn't know and why she didn't say anything. Days after that I had to say goodbye to the love of my life with sadness and guilt of not being there for her, I hid my heartbreak from everyone around me including the Wu's doing my job like normal"

You console Mr. Lee feeling the heartbreak that he was experiencing with the way he was talking.

"Miss Yoon the reason why I am saying this to you, because so you will also know that you are not the only one who is experiencing the pain of longing for your loved ones, but something troublling is better off shared, and knowing that you have alot to say but afraid to talk about to anyone. I am here to listen to you"

"Thank you Mr. Lee for sharing something so special to you it means alot to me"

"When you are ready to talk I am here"

"Mr. Lee how did you know?"

"Because you remind me of me when I felt like everything around me was crashing so fast that you didn't know what to do, and also from the way that you were calling out to Yoonho and Maesuk it was like how I was when I was calling for my Chaeri and the way you were apologising to a Celine"

You looked down at your hands it was weird hearing that from Mr. Lee were you that easy to read.

"May I ask who they are the names you called?"

"They mean everything to me, Celine is my best friend she is more like a sister to me, Yoonho and Maesuk mean the world to me Mr. Lee, no one knows about who I am I don't even know who I am...."

You tear up instantly.

"Miss Yoon are you ok, if your not ready to talk thats ok, you dont need to force yourself because of what I told you?"

"Like you said Mr. Lee sharing something troublling is better of shared"

"Yes, what is troublling you?"

"When I was 4 years old, all I remember is memories of laughing, playing with my brother, seeing my mum smiling brightly then.... being taken away by strange men away from my mum and brother..... all I can remember was that I was taken away.... I can't remember what happened to me.... all I can remember was seeing my mum crying, my brother also crying.... the next I am roaming around the streets and that's when I meet Gaeun eomma and since then I have been living with Gaeun eomma at the orphanage my home it's like a missing part of me is missing and I can't understand or find what it is.... Then meeting Yoonho and Maesuk they mean everything to me they are the reason why I can get through every day without no complaints wanting them to experience everything that I didn't have the chance to have, seeing there smiles made all the stress of the day fade away like it never happened, just being in there presence was enough for me, always making time to see them and hear them talk about there day even though I am worned out from a long day or tired."

"I can tell that they mean so much to you, Miss Yoon from the way you speak of them, the way your eyes shine with just the mention of them, or the thought of them I can feel it"

"They do Mr. Lee even though papers say that Gaeun eomma have adopted them as her own making them my brothers that's is un-true Yoonho and Maesuk are mine they are like my sons Gaeun eomma changing the rights of parental care to my name when I turned 19 making Yoonho and Maesuk my son's they mean everything to me.....I can't stop but worry about them Mr. Lee are they eating, are the coping, are they missing me like I am right now all those thoughts going on in my head, are they thinking about me??."

You were crying instantly feeling Mr. Lee patting your shoulder which was nice and comforting you haven't told anyone about Yoonho and Maesuk about that only Gaeun eomma, Celine and now Mr. Lee know about that. Mr. Lee was right problems are better off shared even though this wasn't a problem at all it made you feel a little lighter somehow and Mr. Lee knowing about you when you were little even though the memories seemed dark.

".....And with me being here for over a week a day hasn't gone by that I am not thinking about them even though I am grateful and humbled with both you Mr. Lee and Kris taking care of me and with the money that has gone through with you both looking after me it means alot to me. But Mr. Lee?"

"Under the circumstances call me Kwangsoo...."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure anything?"


"Yes of course?"

"Can you tell me how much money Kris has spent on me with taking care of me including the hospital bills?"

"I can not say Miss Yoon?"


Mr. Lee looked behind which was weird I understood though he could get in trouble.

"No, anything else?"


"Can you promise that you won't mention any of this to anyone?"

"Of course"

"Mr. Lee, may I come with you when you see Mrs. Lee?"

That took him off guard.

"From what the way you have talked about Mrs. Lee it sounds like its only you that visits her, it would do me the great honour if I could come and pay my respects to someone who means alot to you, after hearing the story of the way you meet its really touching. Making me want to experience that kind of feeling of being loved and wanted."

"Miss Yoon that means alot to me if you come, she dosen't get much visitors only me, but I think you might have to ask Master Wu?"


"Master Wu worries about you alot Miss Yoon"


"Since you have been here Miss Yoon, Master Wu has changed alot?"

"What do you mean?"

"Master Wu was one of those guys who spent alot of time at the office, always busy with work, making the time to spend with his family and friends but Master Wu spend most of his days in the office for a young man like him he should be out there enjoying the world having fun with friends which he didn't, but since you have been here Miss Yoon Master Wu has spend all his time here at home, even though he is working he is always home, dines with his family and he is back here."

"Mr. Lee that can't be because of me can it?"

"From the 21 years I have worked for Master Wu I will know alot of things about Master Wu that not many will know but since the days you have spent here Master Wu has changed?"

"What do you mean Mr. Lee?"

"That is something I can't explain, but all I can say is that, Master Wu takes everything so deeply even though he may seem cold he is the opposite of what is said off him"


"Miss Yoon is there anything you may need?"

"No Mr. Lee, thank you for our little talk this morning"

"No problem, Miss Yoon"


"Don't worry about anything, and if you need anything do ask?"


You turn back and look out at the scenery like you did moments before, thinking about what Mr. Lee had just said about Kris making you aware of everything about what he has done for you. You weren't one to be dependant on others and this was one of your less worries concerning paying back Kris with everything he has done for you but you didn't know what to do for him. You look at the book that the boys had given you looking at there smiling faces was something that you would help you with the busy days that you spent and now it didnt seem to work you wanted to see them so much that it hurt.



No new leads on the whereabouts of Ghost and Reaper, making our stay here in Seoul longer which was expected, the team all out doing there jobs I was still digging around trying to find intel on where Ghost could be stationed but still couldn't find anything having the two agents with us also helped with us being here but also making it difficult to keep hidden. Even though I was here on a mission and for job I was also looking forward to the baby shower of Dean's first child and also the birth depending if I am still stationed here, also taking into consideration of the date of the baby shower being postproned because of Dean's parents weren't able to make the baby shower which was a bonus.




I look at Yoonho who was playing with one of the toys that Luhan had given to him when he came over.


1 week and 1 days 12 hours and still no word of Min-a which was causing all of us to worry more, lack of reality I could see that my dad was worried about Min-a I overheard one of the uncles talking in Chinese.



"Boss for the days we have been here, we haven't heard anything about Miss Yoon, no word it's got to mean something boss?"

"I know that we haven't got anything new on Min-a but I am not going to give up on looking for Celine's friend"

"Boss you have to expect the worst"

I didn't want to listen anymore, I didn't want to think that my best friend was....

[Next day:]

I look in the mirror and I look more lighter then usual, dark circles showing, red eyes from the crying in my sleep. Finding it hard to comprehend everything I really missed Min-a where was she, I was trying to keep the facade for the boys not wanting them to think more about Min-a.

"Ma chérie [my darling]"

I hear someone call for me it sounded like mum which was stupid knowing that mum was on set working so I knew that it was just my thoughts playing havoc. I washed my face and I look at my reflection and I see mum looking at me thinking that is was just in my head.

"Mum, I need you [crying]"

I cry instantly the next thing I am enveloped in a familiar warmth and perfume I look with watery eyes and I see mum holding me and comforting me which made me cry more in pain.

"Honey, I know that your hurting right now, why didn't you tell me?"

I was holding onto mum like my life depended on her comfort crying out.

"Your father called me last night whilst on location honey you should have called me earlier, your father was telling me that the last few days since he has been here, that you haven't been sleeping, crying when your in your room away from everyone, not eating, honey..... please talk to me"

I hear the worry in mum's voice making me cry more hysterically.


I hear Yoonho calling me I move away from mum and wipe my tears to see Yoonho standing there with Maesuk both looking at me worried itched in there eyes and signs of tears in on the cheeks and in there eyes making me forget about myself and comfort the two boys.

"Yoonho, Maesuk are you ok?"

"Noona, don't cry"

Yoonho says breaking my heart. I kneeled down on my knees to get to there level and then the two boys come and close the gap hugging me tightly making me feel more strength right at this moment.

"Noona is fine, just Noona was hurting that's all ok, Yoonho, Maesuk"

I feel the two boys nodding whilst in my embrace.

"Don't worry about Noona, ok Noona will be ok"

The two boy's wouldn't let go of me making my heart falter at the cute and comfort that they were giving me, finding the reason to keep on going to find Min-a the reason was right in front of me.

"Yoonho, Maesuk Noona has someone special to introduce you?"

The two let go of me and look at me with adorable cute eyes looking so innocent and like lost puppies that you would see in the pet shop.

"Yoonho, Maesuk this is Noona's mum"

The two let go of me and formally bow at mum looking so respectful and adorable, it was really nice and what I needed with having mum here I felt more relaxed with my mum being here as the morning was being spent like normal we all go silent when we heard the doorbell ring all of us going tense. We watched as Miss Jung walk towards the door to see who was there, as everything was still not a sound could be heard at all which was funny.

"Hello can I help you"

I hear Miss Jung Hana speak formally which was like her normally.

"I am...."

It was like everything moved in fast motion first I hear the person at the door starting his sentence, seeing Maesuk running in the direction of where the person was and Miss Jung Hana making me instantly worry everyone moving at once. I ran to follow Maesuk making sure that nothing bad was going to happen then I see a sight I didn't expect.

"Luhan hyung"

I hear Maesuk calling out lovingly to my dongsaeng Luhan who was walking in as Miss Jung was closing the door and Luhan picking up Maesuk which I gotta say was an adorable sight. Seeing how attached Maesuk was with Luhan was something worth looking at knowing full well that Maesuk was picky with who he surrounds himself and seeing that his circle was getting bigger from just his friends at the orphanage, Yoonho, myself and of course Min-a. I watch as Maesuk clings onto Luhan like a koala bear.


"Oh Noona, where have you been, you haven't been coming to Uni [aegyo]"

"Oh mianheyo Luhan, I have been really busy"

"I know noona, its been really hard not seeing you at Uni [aegyo]"

"Oh [laughing] isn't my dongsaeng clingy...."

"I really missed Noona, and plus I am also here to see Maesuk-ah and Yoonho-ah"

I smiled at Luhan it was really nice to see a friendly face, and seeing how the boys seemed more relaxed right now and also with me not keeping the promise of letting the boys see either Luhan or Mr. Wu since being here afraid with th consequences.

"Luhan how did you know I am here?"



"I heard one of the uncles the other evening when you came over home and with you meeting my friends and all that, mentioned something about this house also my family knowing the previous owners of the home [laughing]"

Well I sighed with relief that it wasnt more extreme then what I was thinking.

"Now that I am here, I guess that this is your mum"

Luhan smile's at me and walks towards mum and he bows to mum which was sweet of Luhan he was known for being so respectful and all that.

"Hello Mrs. Huang, my name is Luhan a friend of Celine's, nice to meet you"

Luhan says in Korean which made me smile because I knew that mum couldn't understand Korean which Luhan didn't know.

"Mum this is my friend from school Luhan"

I say in French to be funny because I know that mum can understand and speak Chinese like Luhan but I wanted to torture Luhan for a little while it was nice to at least feel like things are back to normal, like how I play around with Luhan at uni. I see Luhan looking at me trying to understand what I am saying which was funny.

"Luhan I just translated [smiling]"

"Ok, Yoonho, Maesuk hyung has a surprise for you?"

I see the lights shining in Yoonho and Maesuk's eyes making me smile at the sight.

"Hyungnim, what is it?"

I couldn't help but hear the excitement etched in the boys voices which was a relief after whats been happening.

"I will be back?"

"Where are you going hyungnim?"

Yoonho stops Luhan in his tracks.

"Its in the car I will be back"


Seconds later Luhan comes running back seeing the boys run up to Luhan with so much excitement that it was contagious making me feel happy, we were in the lounge just the four of us which was really nice of mum and dad to leave us alone. Luhan was sitting on the lounger and both sides of him Yoonho was on his right and Maesuk on his left which left me to watch the beautiful sight in front of me, Luhan had plced 2 boxes one each for both of them in front of both of them Yoonho flew off his chair and sitting down with the box in front of him seeing theexcitement was pretty something and awe inspiring how kids are Yoonho rummaging with one of the bags that he had taken out of the box smiling brightly, whereas Maesuk being reluctant and cautious like he always is silently and quietly moves away from Luhan and mirror images what Yoonho did previously but with his legs crossed and his back straight which was normal but also worriesome. The only time Maesuk was relaxed and even smiled was when he was with Min-a and these days Maesuk hardly Smiled, Laughed, Relaxed and even Play which I was looking at right now but not exclaming like Yoonho which made me smile that Maesuk was at least trying to be happy, but he reminded me of how adults would try to act trying to put up a mask when in reality their world was crashing down around them with no control.

"Whoa, hyungnim"

Yoonho's toys:


Image result for remote control cars lamborghini


Yoonho stands up and he formally bows to Luhan which was adorable clutching onto one of his toys that he had gotten from Luhan which was really sweet of him to get, and the toys that he gotten for Yoonho suited him really well how Luhan knew what Yoonho would like was a surprise to me with only knowing Yoonho for a short time frame.

Maesuk Toys:



Maesuk sat down looking at the toys that Luhan had gotten for him, without giving me a chance to think Maesuk had started to cry which took both Luhan and I off guard. I quickly went to comfort Maesuk the same time Luhan had dropped on the ground where Maesuk was.

"Maesuk what's wrong?"

We both say at the same time, Maesuk sitting on my lap this time which was heartbreaking to see, these last few days Maesuk seemed to cry more then before. He was crying I could feel him shaking.

"Maesuk what is it?"

"Maesuk did hyung do something wrong?"

I feel Maesuk shaking his head to show that Luhan did nothing wrong, Luhan reaches and touches Maesuk's shoulder.

"Maesuk what is it?"

He moved away from me and looked at Luhan and seeing his eyes obvious signs of crying, then Luhan wipes the tears from his cheeks which was really also heartbreaking and then the next.

"Kamsahamnida hyungnim"

And seconds later Maesuk's is in Luhan's lap hugging him which was really touching.



"Yes Yoonho?"

"Can I talk to you noona?"

"Of course Yoonho are you ok?"

Yoonho came towards me and he grabbed my hand and he lead me towards a seat and he sat next to me looking at me.

"Yoonho what is it?"

"Noona, I am scared?"

I didn't know what to say after knowing Yoonho's personality he was the stronger of the two boys and he hardly showed any emotions and now here is Yoonho sitting next to me his head down low.

"Oh Yoonho, come here?"

I hug Yoonho trying to comfort him wondering what is scaring Yoonho having a few ideas what is scaring him but wanting to know what it is.

"Noona.... I scared for Maesuk-ah... and... Min-a umma...."

I was right that it had to do with Min-a and Maesuk that was troublling Yoonho which was so mature of him, when he is only 9 years old and he deserves to be enjoying a happy and fun childhood.

"Oh Yoonho noona is here ok"

He kepted his head low.

"Noona, what's wrong with Maesuk-ah?"

"What do you mean?"

"This morning I heard Maesuk screaming, and crying noona it was scary"

I didn't know what to say to Yoonho, how can you explain something to a 9 year old without disturbing or hurting him with what moment's like this I wish I had Luhan here to distract the boys from with everything that is going on. Yoonho waking me from my thoughts.



"Maesuk was crying for Umma, noona.... even saying Mr.Wu's name!"






[Characters:-23371 Words:-5474]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:-23rd September 2015


Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed:-13th July 2016
Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....