




SORRY On the PREVIOUS CHAPTER I mentioned that EXO will appear as A WHOLE, well thought I would mention that I might not sure yet, SORRY IF I GOT ALOT OF READER'S HOPE'S UP.


I look at the loving scene in front of me, it's been a few day's since I have been couped up at Kris's former assistant's house with his family.


"Yes Nana-sshii?"

[NANA]"Why not come and join us?"


[NANA]"We are going out to go and take Theo out of the house for a couple of hour's?"

"Uhm, what about Dean-sshii, he mentioned that it is safe for me to stay indoor's?"

[NANA]"Is there something you want to tell me Chanyeol-sshii?"

I look away at Nana, somehow I was ready to explain why I was here in the first place but looking at the happy Theodore smiling and laughing away I couldn't.

[NANA]"Chanyeol-sshii can you hold onto Theo please I need to go and make sure I have everything and if the door ring's it is just my friend Jen ok?"

I nod at Nana as I now hold onto Theo looking at the cute baby with his round cheek's and bright brown eye's looking right at me I couldn't help but smile right at him as I look at Theo looking dressed.

[Just picture baby Theo in these kind of Swag clothes even though he is like a few month's old sorry if your confused.]

I play along with him as he was playing with one of his toy's second's later I hear the door bell ring I stand up with baby Theo in my arms as I walked toward's the door.

[NANA]"I will be down shortly"

I hear Nana calling from upstairs I can tell you one thing being here was a nice change compared being holed up in that warehouse with my parent's even though I loved them to death I just needed to get out of the intense environment. Which reminded me that I need to call Yongnam because I know for one thing he must be panicing and worried about me since that night at the club. I open the door to see a tall lady waiting.

She looked tall and fair which didn't surprise me but one look at her I knew that she wasn't Korean.

[JEN]"Anneyong haseyo, Chanyeol-sshii?"

Hearing her speak in Korean was a surprise, which made me smile awkwardly.

"Oh Anneyong, how do you know my name?"

[NANA]"Oh Jen your here?"

I hear Nana behind me seeing her smile was clear that the two were/are close friend's and also notice what Nana was wearing as well.

[NANA]"Come on in did you want a drink before we leave?"

[JEN]"No that's ok?"

[NANA]"Chanyeol-sshii this is my long time girlfriend Jen, Jen this is Chanyeol Dean's guest who I told you about?"

[JEN]"Yes I see?"

I look down at myself wondering if I looked alright.

I was dressed super casual and these clothes weren't mind with Dean buying me fresh clothes which was nice of him.

[JEN]"Nice to meet you Chanyeol I am sorry I don't know much about you?"

"Oh that's ok?"

[NANA]"Ok, I have all of Theo's thing's come on let's go?"

I hand Theo to his mum as I stand there wondering if I should go or not.

[NANA]"Chanyeol-sshii come on your not staying here by yourself, and don't worry about my husband I will sort him out"

I see Nana smiling at me which kind of felt like she was a noona to me which I was starting to like and get use to.


I run to my room and I grab my thing's and put it in my pocket as I checked my hair again and I made my way toward's the two friend's and Theo. Looking forward to being out of the house for a while I helped carrying Theo's baby bag whilst following the two ladies I haven't meet any girl that was almost as tall as me but I shrugged it off I made sure I had my shade's on after what Duke told me awhile ago it kepted on ringing in my head.

[DUKE]"If you walk out of this house I will know and if anything happen's to Dean and his family I will hold you responsible"

Obviously hearing the argument between the two guy's in English which I couldn't understand and finally Dean translating what Duke said to me since then it has been in my head and obviously from the way Nana was acting it was clear that she had no idea what was going on. As I sat in the car as we were heading into town which I knew that I was going to get caught and I couldn't do anything about it hopefully the hat I was wearing and my shade's will help with concealing who I am to those men that were after me. With me being tall I tended to stand out but I was fortunate that Jen was close in height with myself and Nana not so far from the both of us with me still being taller then the two I noticed that Nana was struggling with Theo.

"Noona, let me carry Theo?"

I say with a hint of aegyo eventually working Nana passes me Theo who was wide awake and also had ice-cream on his mouth which Nana had cleared up as I had Theo comfortable in my arm's, noticing the female population looking at me whilst carrying Theo and whilst Nana was cleaning up Theo.

[RANDOM PERSON]"Whoa isn't that cute"

[RANDOM PERSON]"Yeah she's lucky to have a guy like that?"

[RANDOM PERSON]"Why is it all the handsome guy's are taken?"

[RANDOM PERSON]"I should date a Korean man"

I could understand a couple but there was a couple that I couldn't understand which made me curious I notice the girl's were laughing as if they could understand what was being said.

[NANA]"Oh look let's go to the park over there?"

I look at the park full off kid's and there families all I could see was happiness but unlike those kid's and families the park hold's some terrible nightmare's I have yet to understand in my 20 years still having no idea just when I am at the park I have this weird feeling coming over me which at time's took so much out of me and I wouldn't want to stand near the park.

[NANA]"Come on let's go?"

I follow Nana and Jen toward's the swing's where it was obvious that was where they wanted to take Theo and since I had Theo in my arm's I had no choice but to follow along, placing the excited little boy into the swing I felt light and happy at the sight which made me forget everything else around me which was a nice feeling just enjoying the enivronment, I was gently pushing the swing hearing the delight sound's of Theo was really soothing despite the place I am. As the day was wearing out I heard this soft voice which made me stall in my place the voice I heard was like any other voice I have heard.

[JEN]"Chanyeol are you ok?"

I hear Jen calling to me which broke me from the trance I was in hence hearing a voice that seemed to wake something inside me erriely familiar and also unfamiliar to me.


[NANA]"Come in it's been a long day let's go and grab something to eat, I think Theo has had enough play time [laughing]"

We all laugh at what Nana said and if Theo was silently agreeing with his mother Theo did the most adorable yawn I have ever seen.

[NANA]"Come on look's like it's been a long day for you honey"

I watch mother cradle her child which was a really beautiful thing which brought a smile to my lip's as I remember the time I was Theo's age and remembering the warm hug's that I got from my mum. I followed closely behind Nana and Jen as we were walking towards the exit of the park and suddenly I felt this warm feeling inside of me which I haven't felt in a long time the feeling I had felt was so comforting with me to busy in my daze I didn't watch where I was going I ended up bumping into Nana and Jen.

[NANA]"Min-a is that you?"

I hear Nana saying something strangely the name seemed familiar, I looked ahead of me and that's when I see a women and child as I looked it was like my body had an invisible string which was pulling me closer to the women and child as I got closer I could have sworn that I was looking at my reflection but a women version and if I wasn't surprised at how I was acting I don't know what came over me the next I was closing the gap and now here I am hugging the women who seemed so frail in my arm's it was like I was hugging a body of bone.


Which came out of my mouth as I hugged the women feeling the tense feeling but I brushed it off I don't know what came over me here I am hugging a mere stranger which was a surprise for me but actually I haven't felt like this before. As I was hugging her it was like I was hugging mum which alway's made me feel so safe and loved which was what I was feeling hugging her, and to prove the fact I had a flash of memory.


[4 year old Chanyeol:]

[MUM]"Chanyeol, Min-a"

I drop my toy's as I walked to mum.

[MUM]"Chanyeol where is you sister?"

"Oh, I'll go and get Min-a"

I run to our room and I see Min-a playing with her doll's.

"Min-a, umma want's you"

I watched as Min-a was still playing with her doll I tried calling her and then out of the blue.


And she looked at me and it looked like she had cried.

"Min-a what happened?"

[MIN-A]"Oppa, look my doll is broken"

"Oh, it's ok oppa will get you another one"

[MIN-A]"But oppa"

"Come on Minnie-ah"

[MIN-A]"Oppa why are you calling me like that?"

"This is oppa's special name for you ok"

[MIN-A]"Ok oppa"

[End of Flashback:]

So this young lady is my baby sister which I was surprised at how I could know with a whim and without any hesitation which was so surprising and also with the fact that I didn't even know that I had a sister let alone twin sister at that, maybe that was why I had this feeling that apart of me seemed missing, but here I am with my arm's around a frail look a like in my grasp I loosen my grip, I had to let mum and dad know that I have found my baby sister without me even looking.

[NANA]"Chanyeol, what are you doing?"

[JEN]"Nana, Chanyeol?"



Hearing someone calling you caused you to tense up almost immediately which caused Yoonho to also tense up which was a reflection of what you were feeling you had to calm yourself not wanting to have Yoonho to feel like he is right now.


"It's ok"

You turned around to the voice and that's when you sighed with relief seeing that it was only Nana and two other people one looking familiar whereas the other one was a male and he didn't look familiar to you maybe because of the distance. Before you could do anything you noticed the male figure walking toward's you in a fast paced motion making you panic and tense at the action. You were contemplating idea's in your head on what to do but before your thought's could be actioned you were now in a tight hug which made you tense and without time to adjust you started to feel relaxed in the hug like it was strangely familiar to you which was weird here you are hugging a tall stranger normally you would have pushed the person to the ground without hesitation but right now you felt the opposite. You actually wrapped your arm's around the man's waist which was the total opposite of what you would normally do but right now you felt like you were being hugged by Baek oppa and Joon oppa from the orphanage who were like your brother's. As you held onto him and you felt him grip onto you more firmer like he didn't want to let you go and just when reality was setting in.


The name made you tense you knew the name held some signifiance to you because the way your heart melted at the name you closed your eye's and like a broken record the same image of the boy tearfully crying came to view and that's when you realised who was this person was to you and you started to tear up.


You feel Chanyeol hug you deeper.

[NANA]"Chanyeol what's going on?"

[JEN]"Thought I have seen it all?"

[CHANYEOL]"Oh, Minnie-ah who would have believed that I would have found you without realising, just imagine what mum and dad will say when I tell them?"

You loosen you grip off your brother at the mention of your biological parent's which dawned on you how everything was moving so fast to you with the unexpectation of seeing/finding your long lost brother who you knew next to nothing about at the most unexpected place which held so much memories to you for so long at the park. Was this happening because of the universe knowing that you needed alot of support with the decision that was weighing you down, but it seemed to be too much for you.

"Come on Yoonho-ah we have to go?"

[YOONHO]"Ok umma, bye Chanyeol hyung oh Chanyeol hyung?"

[CHANYEOL]"Ye Yoonho-ah?"

You see the shock on his face as he tried to comprehend what you said as he focused all his attention to Yoonho, seeing him loosely hold onto you as he lowered to Yoonho's level it was like he didn't want to let you go which made it hard for you.


[YOONHO]"Baekhyun hyung is looking for you?"

Which shocked all of you at how much was in Yoonho's head which was something that you had to expect you also hoped that Yoonho won't say anything about Maesuk's condition, and with Yoonho saying that which took the attention of Chanyeol which made you free from his grip and you held onto Yoonho's hand and you ran off.


[JEN]"Did you want me to go and chase after her?"

[NANA]"Chanyeol what's going on?"

[JEN]"Did you want me to go Nana?"

You ignore the plea's of everyone just wanting to leave as you looked back you see Nana looking at you with worry itched in her eye's Jen comforting the frozen Chanyeol who was still in the same place when he was talking to Yoonho, Baekhyun must mean alot to Chanyeol for him to be acting in that way but it gave you the perfect time frame to make an get away after having a large gap you slowed your pace.


Hearing the tired voice coming from Yoonho made you realise your stupidity feeling guilty you stopped.

"Oh Yoonho-ah sorry?"


"Come on we need to go to the hospital ok?"

[YOONHO]"Ok umma"

You walked at are normal pace toward's the hospital making sure that you weren't being followed as you walked the familiar path toward's Maesuk's room before walking through the door you decided that you would go somewhere else with Yoonho you needed to speak to him about your decision. Stopping at the waiting room before Maesuk's room.

"Yoonho sit down umma want's to talk to you about something ok?"

[YOONHO]"Ok umma"

You both sat down you hold onto Yoonho's hand as you sighed a deep breathe to compose yourself even though the waiting room you were in was full of bright colour's it was the total opposite of what you were feeling.

"Yoonho, I need to talk to you about Maesuk-ah?"

You watch the little boy look at you with his doe eye's with so much innocence.

"Yoonho is in so much pain, and umma has been so selfish to Maesuk, wanting him to go through so much pain because umma, didn't want your brother to...."

You start to tear up at the realisation of your action's and that you needed to do something to rectify it, and Yoonho being so mature he did the most adorable thing back to you he let go of your hand's which was covering his and with one hand he wiped the falling tear's which made you sob silently at the action.

[YOONHO]"Umma, it's ok but Maesuk-ah will alway's be here"

And Yoonho's hand that was touching your cheek was now placed ontop of your heart which made you sob further at Yoonho at how much mature he is and how proud you were feeling for Yoonho, and that he was going to make some women lucky when he get's older.

"Oh Yoonho-ah how did you become so strong?"

[YOONHO]"Because of you umma, and Baek hyung said that I was the man of the house and that I should look after umma and Maesuk-ah, but?"

You didn't let him finish his sentence and you just closed the gap throwing yourself at Yoonho and just wanting to comfort him as well as comforting yourself, after the little emotional moment you decided that you have made the right choice. Finally you and Yoonho walk toward's Maesuk's room and you see Nurse Jisu waiting for you.

[JISU]"Min-a, Yoonho?"

"It's ok"

[YOONHO]"Oh halmonie"

You see the cute exchange between the two.

[YOONHO]"Umma, can I go and see Maesuk alone?"

You looked at Yoonho, and you understood that Yoonho would want to say his own goodbye to his little brother which made you more emotional and you nod in reply as you and Jisu watched Yoonho walk passed you both and into Maesuk's room you see Yoonho close the door which lefted you alone with Jisu and without realising you broke down and you were being comforted by Jisu.


"I've explained to Yoonho my decision for Maesuk?"

[JISU]"Was that why you lefted earlier?"


[JISU]"Oh Min-a I know it's going to be hard but you have made the right choice"

You were wrapped in Jisu's arm's as you were sobbing away moment's later you hear on the intercom.

"Nurse Jisu we need you in room 246, Doctor Lee is waiting for you"

You let go of Jisu and you watched as she lefted you alone with promises of her coming when she finished her round's which was so sweet. You look at your time and you see that Yoonho was in Maesuk's room for a bit you walked toward's the door and you overheard Yoonho's voice which was so cute.

[YOONHO]"Maesuk-ah, hyung is sorry that I couldn't help you.... but I know that you will be ok when you go to heaven.... but Maesuk hyung is worried about umma, like I told you before.... hyung is worried that umma will get worst when you leave.... umma said that you are in pain because of her is that true cause umma's not like that.... I know that I should have told you but I heard umma's phone calling early this morning but umma was sleeping, and umma hasn't been sleeping properly so hyung went to answer it and it was Celine noona.... noona had a dream about you Maesuk and noona said that the place your going to go you will be happy and get to play as long as you want.... Maesuk are you not happy with hyung and umma.... did hyung do something to you.... Maesuk I know that you wanted me tell umma what you said before you stayed asleep.... Maesuk do you remember Chanyeol hyung.... well guess what Chanyeol hyung is umma's oppa I know...."

Then you hear nothing then.

[YOONHO]"Maesuk-ah hyung loves you so much, hyung kepted on praying that you would get better but umma said that we have to let you go Maesuk but how is hyung going to do that...."

You hear silence mixed with movement you were itching to go but you didn't want to ruin the brother moment between the two the two alway's been close to each other.

[YOONHO]"I will take care of umma ok and I will stick to your promise ok Maesuk-ah, umma love's you so much as well, don't forget hyung ok Maesuk-ah"

After a while you heard nothing you quietly sat down on the lounger fighting the torment inside you with hearing Yoonho talking made you think how much weight Yoonho has been carrying on his little shoulder. Not noticing the time flying away as you looked to see the evening sky shining in with the beauty of the moon showing it's glow your eye's moving around and that's when you see Celine sitting at the three seater and just looking at Celine your emotion's came over you and you closed the gap and hugged Celine like your life depended on it.

[CELINE]"Oh, Min-a"

You gripped onto her like she was your lifeline.

[CELINE]"I got a call from Nurse Jisu, she said that you haven't been coping with everything, why can't you depend on me?"

You ignore Celine's word's of wisdom.

[CELINE]"You didn't even know that I was sitting right here for a couple hour's?"

Which made you tense and you let go and you ignored the shock on Celine's face and ran toward's Maesuk's room

and you stalled and that's when you see a sight that will alway's lock into your mind and will miss. The two boy's who mean everything to you both lying next to each other Yoonho's hand covering Maesuk's fragile hand making a tear drop and then you feel something touch your shoulder the feeling inside you was so intense that word's couldn't explain it as you watched the most heartwarming scene that you would know was not a sight your going to see.


cr. to all rightful owner's of all image's used in this chapter and throughout this fic much appreciation.



[Characters:- 16327 Words:- 3770]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....