




Mentioned Characters:

[This is more like a reminder of what every one of the character's mentioned look like as I am sure some of you may remember what they look like I thought that I might do it just for a couple of chapter's NOT ALL]

Dean:-[Yoo Ah In] Nana:- [Choi Yeo Jin]

Baby Theo: [Lincoln Lambert:- who is such a cutie]

Duke:- [Jake Gyllenhal]

Ryan:- [Ryan Reynolds] Cam:- [Cam Gigandet] Joe:- [Joe Manganiello] Jensen:- [Jensen Ackles] Dennis: [Dennis Oh]


Celine:- [Li Bingbing]

Ken:- [Zo In Sung]

Min-a/You:- [Go Ara] 

Yoonho:- [Jung Yoogeun] Maesuk:- [Mason Moon]

[cont. DUKE'S POV]

As I watch the thug's that looked familiar to the one's that were in the club I kepted on scanning the exterior of the club to see if there was anything that could look sketchy, anyway's as I kepted on walking keeping an ear open to the thug's that was a mere meter away I hear familiar grunt's that's when I came to view of Ryan in the midst of thug's fighting. That's when it all clicked in a milli-second I was running toward's the thug's which I managed to get grabbing one from his collar which caused the other and Chanyeol to falter in there movement's after a while I managed to knock the two thug's and grabbed the now heavily drunk Chanyeol onto my shoulder's and I took him to car and I placed him at the back of the car buckling him in I reach for my cap in the glove box, seeing the two thug's that I knocked out stirring I placed the cap on my head locked the door's and I ran to help Ryan with the rest. 

[RYAN]"Come on let's go?"

"Yeah can you drive?"

[RYAN]"Yeah I can drive"

"Ok we will meet at base"

We both say as we ran to our car's I jumped in and speed off as we see the thug's chasing I was ahead of Ryan I hear my radio stir to life.

[RYAN]"Go I will get these thug's of our tail's"


We both speed off in different directions, I noticed that the diverson didn't work I had a car behind me and seeing the urgency from the thug's going through citizen's with no consequence's which was troublling to see how urgent they wanted to get us.

[RYAN]"Duke I think they know that you have the kid?"

"I can see that I have 2 on my back"

[RYAN]"I am a block away"

"I'll get Cam to come?"


"Cam, we are being chased by the thug's they know that we have Chanyeol?"

[CAM]"I have alerted Joe, and I am on my way?"

I kepted on driving ahead keeping an eye on my arse and also on the sleeping Chanyeol which I was starting to see some sort of resemblence to Chanyeol and Kris's partner that he had brought with him to the baby shower at Dean's. After putting two together I realised that the person that many were looking for and the filed missing report of the missing 4 year old girl was her. I managed to get one of the thing's on my list ticked off but from the look's of it I don't think they know yet, or haven't met.

[CAM]"I am on your flank"

"Yeah I see"

[CAM]"Ryan and I will deter the thug's hopefully they won't follow you, Joe want's you to take the kid somewhere else not wanting to risk our base being known"


[CAM]"Joe knew that you would put up a fight, but he know's that you don't want Ghost and Reaper to know where we are based?"

"Ok I have a place at the next block we need to split"

[CAM+RYAN]"Yeah we on it"

[RYAN]"I have a car parked at the SBS so go there and use that"

Anxious minute's as we were all speeding off finally with the 20 second time frame I managed to get my route as I slow and blend in with the other vehicle's as I drive toward's the broadcast station as I see Ryan's ride which was so like him.

I park up and sit there for a couple second's to see if there was anyone that had followed me after the clear window I help the sleeping Chanyeol into the car and I made sure I cleared everything from my car and I leave the car behind as I head off. As I was driving I had to think where I was going to leave the kid at and there was one place that came to mind, even though I knew that it was a safe place I also knew that it was a place that I don't want any trouble to come to. As I drive through the familiar path toward's a place that I swore that I wouldn't want anything to happen as I parked up I see that everyone was home which was expected, I walked in leaving the kid sleeping I walk pass and I see that Mr. and Mrs. Jung were still awake they were staying in South Korea for a longer period time which I couldn't understand why but I just went with it.

[MR. JUNG]"Duke, are you ok?"


[MRS. JUNG]"You look like you have been through hell and back?"

"I am ok, where is Theo?"

[MR. JUNG]"He is with Nana, Nana is getting Theo to bed?"

"Where is Dean?"

[MRS. JUNG]"He is on his way home?"

I look at the time and I see that it was late almost midnight.

"Ok, I will just go and see Nana"

I ran toward's Nana who would be in the nursery I land at the top of the stair's and I walk casually to the nursey I see Nana with Theo I knock on the door.

[NANA]"Duke, are you ok?"

"Yeah I just wanted to ask if my friend can stay the night?"


"No not a girl, just one of the guy's I just picked him up drunk from the club"

[NANA]"Yeah it should be fine, there's a spare room couple door's from your's?"

"No that's ok I don't want to put you out I will set it up we can bunk in my room?"

[NANA]"Don't worry about Dean he will be fine?"

"I will explain when he get's in, is it ok if I can kiss my godson good night?"

Nana smile's and I walk towards the sleeping Theo so relaxed and innocent I swore on my life that no harm would come to him and his family even if I am on my last breathe, I kissed my godson's soft forehead and I leave mother and son alone I run downstair's and I tell Mr. and Mrs. Jung about a friend staying for the night and they leave me to my own as I come back in with Chanyeol's sleeping figure being gripped by me as I walked in I see Mr. Jung walking towards us.

[MR. JUNG]"What happened?"

"He was busy skulling down shot's"

[MR. JUNG]"He look's a little to young to be drinking?"

"He is 20 so he should be fine"

[MR. JUNG]"Let me help you"

I ignore Mr. Jung but he still help's as we walk toward's my room that was fortunate that it was downstair's finally putting him on my bed I noticed that Mr. Jung was looking at the amount of tech in my room but he didn't question which was like Mr. Jung  I take his shoe's off and cover him up.

[MR. JUNG]"No matter the age for a man to drink heavily it must have to do with a girl or something bad he has done?"

"I don't know sir"

[MR. JUNG]"Speaking of which so how is that kid that you helped for there surgery?"

"He is doing fine both brother's are living in an apartment in the city and both are doing well"

[MR. JUNG]"No doubt to your help?"

I let go of that and then that was when I remembered the enevelope.

"Oh I have something that I was wondering if you can take a look at?"

[MR. JUNG]"Sure"

We both leave the room I close the door with the envelope in my hand just as Dean walked in dressed in his suit.


I see him doing his normal routine when he greeted his parent's which still made me envious with there relationship.

[DEAN]"Duke, I know your not going to tell me but are you ok?"

"Yeah I am ok, oh I have a friend that is here, I picked up from the club drunk?"

[DEAN]"Oh it's not a girl is it?" 

"No and I am not like that?"

[DEAN]"That's ok, what's that?"

"Oh I was just showing your father maybe you can help me as well, but you swear that you don't say a word?"

The four of us sat at the dining table I opened the envelope and emptied it with it's content's there was 4 different coloured manila folder's and from the look's they looked to be full of content's in it's own, with each of us looking at one each as I was looking into mine I see weird formation of number's.

[DEAN]"These look like formula's?"

I see the paper's fall onto the table from Dean and I could see that the content's he had we indeed formula's. I place my content's next to his and that's when I see Dean.

[DEAN]"They look like they are some sort of code, which is in your forte maybe you need to decode these number's?"

[MRS. JUNG]"Duke where did you get these from?"

[DEAN]"What is in your's mum?"

I have a look and see a map of South Korea and I knew that she didn't know what it was but from first glance I knew what it was there different place's being highlighted maybe one of these were the headquarter's that Ghost and Reaper could be based, but question was why was Jensen giving this to me. With me showing Dean and his parent's which was a rookie move and it shouldn't have been done but it's to late.

"Are friend of mine had it sent to me maybe these are hotspot's that I should visit while I am here?"

[MR. JUNG]"What's this Duke?"

I looked at Mr. Jung and that's when in his hand's a folder with it's content's inside and from the look from Mr. Jung I knew that it wasn't good.

[DEAN]"Dad what is it?"

[MR. JUNG]"Nothing, just some record's why don't you go and see if Nana is ok with Theo?"

[DEAN]"Yeah I will it's been a long day when I finish I will come and help you Duke?"

"Nah bro go and be with your wife and son I am good, I am going to most like knock out soon anyway's"

I watch as Dean aggreed and lefted I could see that Mr. Jung was also talking to Mrs. Jung second's later Mrs. Jung come's and kisses me on my cheek.

[MRS. JUNG]"Make sure you get some rest ok Duke, and make sure your friend is going to need something to help with his head when he wake's?"

"Yes ma'am"

I watch as Mrs. Jung lefted and I was feeling awkward with Mr. Jung with a blanck expression.

[MR. JUNG]"Duke come with me?"

I pack everything up and I follow Mr. Jung into what looked like a temporary office I felt like I was going to get in trouble from the principal.

[MR. JUNG]"Care to explain all of this?"

That's when I see picture's and content's of what looked liked to be background information on mutiple people and also of Dean and his family including Mr. Jung I sit in my spot with no hint of emotion. I also saw some old police record's in there I was curious to what Mr. Jung was thinking off.

[MR. JUNG]"Has this got to do with why you are here?"

"Yes sir, but I can't say why it is top secret I am already breaking the rule's with you all seeing this?"

[MR. JUNG]"What is it if it involve's my family"

"I am sorry I swear on my life that no harm will come to your family, Dean, Nana, Mrs. Jung and Theo I swear sir?"

Was all I can say.

[MR. JUNG]"And you Duke, is this why your coming home late or not at all, when you come home I can see that your tense and stress"

"I am ok sir, I wil make sure that nothing will happen to you all"

[MR. JUNG]"Those your friend include being part of this?"

"Yes sir, he need's a place to stay until he is safe?"

[MR. JUNG]"Ok"

I see Mr. Jung touch the bridge of his nose with what looked like a man trying to figure out what to do next.

[MR. JUNG]"Ok I have your word, ok this is what we will do I will sort Dean out about your friend, I know that look in your eye's Duke so please don't feel like it's your fault but we are family and family stick together, your young and you shouldn't be carrying all of this on your shoulder's"

"Sir, I am ok"

[MR. JUNG]"I know you are but I can see that it's taking a toll on you, but I can help ok you go and do what you have to and I will keep thing's here ok check ok?"

"Sir you sound like you know what your doing?"

[MR. JUNG]"My friend is also a high profile man back home so this isn't something new to me so don't worry ok Duke, whatever it is your doing you need to keep you head clear to do your job"

"I am sorry sir"

Mr. Jung was now next to me his hand on my shoulder in some sort of comforting way.

[MR. JUNG]"Duke you have to promise me something?"

"Anything sir?"

[MR. JUNG]"That whatever your doing I hope you get closure and also to make sure you come out of it"

I leave the make shift office as I walk back to my room armed with everything and information as I walk into my room I see the kid still in his sleeping slumber which I guessed would make it easier for me to work.



I open my eye's and my head is killing me all I can remember was drinking with the guy's well not all of the guy's just Chen, Kai and D.O and the next I was being held up by some burly guy's who I don't know I stir and I sit up to fast remembering that dad would kill me if he find's out I looked around and I don't see anything familiar as I turned I see a desk full of tech which could put the tech that we have in our company to shame if my head wasn't killing me I would have thought I was dreaming. I see there was a guy looking at me and he had a glass of some sort in his hand and pill's in the other the guy looked so foreign to me.

"Where am I?

The guy just stood there like he couldn't understand what I was saying.

"Who are you?"

"Where am I?"

"Are you one of dad's men?"

The guy just stood there looking at me, he looked scary somehow he placed the water and pill in front of me.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Are you Charles Franklin...."

The guy stood motionless, the next I see a familiar person walking in with a baby in his arm's.

[DEAN]"Mr. Park?"

I see the shock in his eye's seeing me there I looked at him and that's when I remembered that he was Kris hyung's P.A.


[DEAN]"Mr. Park"

I see him bow at me.



I could feel the tension from last night build when we were looking at Duke's thing's and seeing Dad like that I knew something was up and also with Dad making us leave to do thing's which I didn't mind it's been a long day and there was nothing to remedy the tiredness then my wife and son I walk into the nursey to see my wife on the rocking chair with our sleeping son sleeping in the safe arm's of his mum.

[NANA]"Honey you're home?"

"Yeah just got in 10 minutes ago, how was your day?"

[NANA]"Long but I was content being with Theo, and you?"

"The same busy"

[NANA]"How is your boss?"

"He is still the same"

We see Theo stirring in Nana's arm's.

[NANA]"Look's like he know's dad's here"

Nana hand's Theo to me and I see him stirring I hold him and I gently pat him to go back to sleep I see Nana look's tired.

"Honey go to bed I will get Theo to sleep ok, you look tired?"

I quickly peek Nana's lip's before she leave's and I stand as I cuddled my son and ease him back to sleep. I lay Theo in his crib and I kiss his forehead and I make my way to my room where I see Nana sleeping I wash up for bed and I ease next to my wife and fall asleep instantly.

[Next Morning:]

I wake and I see that Nana wasn't next to me I look at the time and it feel's like I just got to sleep anyway's I drag myself out of bed and wash up thankfully I wasn't needed at work early this morning so I moved and got myself ready, finally walking downstair's I see my family enjoying themselves dad sitting at the head of the table which didn't phase me it at all mum placing the cooked breakfast in front of everyone and hearing the plea's from Nana telling mum that she shouldn't be doing that but I knew that mum was like that I couldn't see Duke I placed my blazer and briefcase next to my seat next to Nana who was feeding Theo which is the most beautiful thing I have seen.

[DAD]"Dean can I talk to you before you get Duke?"

"Oh ok dad" 

I sit next to Nana who finished feeding Theo and now was burping him which was cute, I take Theo off her and I finishing doing that.

[DAD]"Duke told you that he had a friend here?"


[DAD]"Duke's friend maybe staying here for couple day's not sure?"

"Oh how come dad?"

[DAD]"Because Duke is worried about his friend and I suggested that he should stay here until he is ok?"

"Oh that's ok dad?"

[DAD]"I am sorry, I know that you are the man of the house and this is your home and I shouldn't have taken over like that?"

"Oh that's ok dad, you and mum are here with Nana while I am at work it's ok?"

I leave after the awkwardness with Theo still in my arm's this was a first for dad to do this so this must be important well I head toward's Duke's room with Theo finally reaching Duke's room I open it knowing that he would be awake already as soon as I opened the door I see Duke with his hand's holding a glass of water and pill's look's like his friend is awake. I walk in and I get the shock of my life I see Mr. Park Junior I was curious to why and how Chanyeol-sshii had come to be in my home considering that there has been no word about him and his family.

"Mr. Park"

I see Chanyeol-sshii looking worst for wear not like he was hurt and all that but more like he has been out doing and all-nighter.


"Mr. Park"

I feel Theo squirming in my arm's which was taking my concertration.

[DUKE]"Here give Theo to me?"

I hand Theo to Duke with a look in my eye's with question.

"Duke what's going on?"

[DUKE]"I will explain it?"

"Now, it's ok he can't understand English?"

[DUKE]"I saved him from being taken by thug like guy's at the club last night?"

"Do you know who this is?"


"We can talk outside"

I look at Duke and I can see that he was lying to me I watched as he walked out with Theo in his arm's I close the door as Duke went out and I reached for the water and pill's.

"Mr. Park, here drink this, this is water and some pill's that should help with your headache, my mum is preparing breakfast, just rest here and I will bring it to you?"

[CHANYEOL]"Dean-sshii, your hyung's P.A. not mine, it's ok I can do it?"

"I don't mind Mr. Park?"

[CHANYEOL]"Under the circumstance's just call me Chanyeol?"

"Uh Chanyeol-sshii"

I see Chanyeol laughing which took me off guard but it was expected knowing that Chanyeol was like that.

"I will bring your breakfast to you?"

I leave Chanyeol closing the door and I look and see Duke standing there playing with Theo which most time's I would let it go but right now I couldn't.

"Nana, can you take Theo off Duke?"

Second's later I see Theo being taken from Nana, and I looked at Duke with obvious anger in my eye's.

"Duke you have some explaining to do?"

[DUKE]"I already told you that I saved him from being taken by some street thug's last night at the club 'Overdose' last night when I was on my way home"

I look in his eye's and I see the same look he gave when we were in the room, most time's I would let it go when it came to Duke and his life but right now it was involving my family and now my work which I couldn't accept.

"Do you know who he is?"

[DUKE]"No I don't I just save some guy who was heavily drunk from getting hurt from some thug's, I didn't know that you knew who he was?"

Hearing the frustration coming from Duke and from myself.

"He is a close friend of my boss, Kris"

Duke look's at me.

"And there has been no word from Mr. Park and his family for day's which has been worrying Kris for day's and yet here in my home is Mr. Park himself who you found to be heavily intoxicated now in the room behind me"

[DUKE]"What did you want me to do, Dean leave him to his device's I didn't know the guy at all"

"When you said a friend I assumed you knew the guy but no it had to be my a friend of my boss that hasn't been heard from, I have to go to work like now but how can I leave Mr. Park here without no word from his family, where is his family?"

[DAD]"Boy's calm down"

I look at dad and I can see that he was serious and I breathed in and out to calm me down I don't know why I was angry but I was.

[DAD]"Honey can you take some breakfast to Mr. Park and just let him know that when he is ready to wash up he can borrow some of Dean's clothes, Duke, Dean you two come with me now?"

[NANA]"I will take it to Mr. Park I am assuming that he won't be able to understand English, Theo go to nana"

We both follow dad I look as I see Nana tending to Mr. Park now with Dad.

[DAD]"I know that the both of you are going through alot right now but there is no way I am going to accept that kind of behaviour in front of your mother and in front of Nana and Theo, Duke and Dean I know that there are thing's that you can't say but you both have to understand that we are family and we stick together"

[DUKE]"Yes sir, I understand, I apologise for my behaviour sir, and I am sorry Dean I have no right to treat you like that in your home"

"I am sorry dad, it's ok bro I was just shocked that former C.E.O of Park Corp. in my home"

We shrug and make our way back and now from dad saying not to mention anything about Mr. Park being at our home which was going to be difficult and surprising why dad had suggested that. We both walk back into the main room like nothing had happened I see Nana.

[NANA]"Chanyeol-sshii is just resting"

"Ok, call me if anything ok honey"

I leave to go to work.



14th day Maesuk has been in hospital I make sure I am not being followed as I drive to visit Min-a and Yoonho along with Maesuk at the hospital as I drove to the hospital after the other night I was at Kris's home at the drive where I meet the ever so handsome security guard Ken. As he was asking Kris for me to go ahead I changed my mind and I lefted since that night I have found it hard to keep this a secret of Min-a and Yoonho being at the hospital for Maesuk who was really ill. Finally walking into the room I felt some weird cold feeling when I walked into the room I see Yoonho sitting down on the seat reading a book but it was different from the Yoonho I know who tend to be lying flat on his tummy whilst reading with his feet in the air but this Yoonho was sitting respectfully on his seat as he was reading which had me worried. I closed the door and I see Yoonho look at me and I could see that he looked worned out and tired which had me more worried he smiled at brightly which melted my heart but normally he would come running to me.



I walked in and sat next to him and I knew something was up.

"Yoonho are you ok?"

He nod's at me in reply I noticed that he was changed and washed.


The fashionista Yoonho was becoming looking handsome in what he was wearing I was really worried for him.

"Yoonho where is Min-a?"

[YOONHO]"In the room with Maesuk-ah"

I noticed that Yoonho was also to quiet which was un-like his nature.

"Yoonho did you want to come with noona, Marion ahjumma is missing you at home?"

[YOONHO]"Ani I want to stay here with umma and Maesuk-ah"

"Ok, I am just going to go and see Min-a ok?"


 And Yoonho went back to his book I was bothered with the way Yoonho was acting I walk into the room and I was still amazed at how much Min-a has changed it was like each time I came to visit she seemed to get smaller and smaller with each day which was worrying me more. I noticed that Min-a was looking more rigid and pale and with the clothes she was wearing wasn't helping as well.

I know that Min-a wasn't the one really to dress up and under the circumstances I knew that there was no need as I walked in seeing Min-a standing looking out she looked like a picture of someone world's crashing down on her.


She turned and she looked like she was really hurt I could see that she had been crying I closed the gap and now I was hugging her tightly feeling her bone's was torture for me I knew that she wasn't looking after herself right now and she was a different Min-a when I first saw her when we were at Kris's home she was a picture of health then and now was the total opposite she looked frail.

"Oh Min-a"

"Why are you going through all of this Min-a?"

I hugged her tighter if I could as I whispered the last comment.


I hear her murmur in my arms there was no word's that I could say but I know that it wouldn't help Min-a right now so I just hugged her hoping that she know's that she isn't alone and that I am here for her.

"Min-a you and Yoonho need to go outside for a couple of hour's staying at the hospital for this long has taken it's toll out on the both of you?"

[MIN-A]"No I need to stay here, you can take Yoonho but please don't let him go"

I see Min-a and I could see that she was worried about Yoonho as well and I know that she couldn't be in two place's at once.

"Min-a is there any new's for Maesuk?"

As I leave her side as I stand next to Maesuk holding onto his little hands feeling the cold yet warm radiating from him.

[MIN-A]"He is in pain"

I hear Min-a tearfully say.

[MIN-A]"The doctors.... recommend.... that... I... make.... arrangement's"

Now I know why the room had the cold aura when I walked in I looked at Min-a who was on the other side of Maesuk seeing the tear's in her eye's was enough to make me cry knowing Min-a is a strong independant women and seeing her like this is bad.

"Min-a what are you going to do?"

I wait for Min-a to say something.



cr. to all rightful owner's of all images used in this chapter and throughout this fic so far much appreciated.




I had to re-write the chapter because it had magically dissappeared maybe that was a hint that I should change it, well hope you all like this chapter!!!! sorry to dissappoint because it was totally different from this....

Just a head's up I the next few chapter's may have images of the character's used just to remind everyone of what the character look's like.[I will try not to repeat the images of character's]

[Characters:-20451 Words:-5024]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....