





Mr. and Mrs. Park/ Changuk Park and Inah Park [the name's for the parent's]


[MALE 1]"Sir, we have the two target's in sight, what would you like us to do sir?"

"Hold your position, still have both target's in place, call me as soon as you move from your position?"

[MALE 1]"Yes sir"

I look at the lab around seeing that my plan was almost complete, after all the disturbance's in between I felt like everything would be ready, as I was sitting down looking at my glorious work finally getting everything I want and prove that the technology that myself and Changuk had created can be used to my advantage to get what I want, and to pay Changuk back for what he did to my family as I glance at the frame of myself and my family, my wife, my 2 son's and my baby daughter.


I look at my newfound son as he walked in feeling comfortable.


[GHOST]"It's done"

I smile as I follow Vinnie out to see the final product I smile with glee as the scientist showed me what I wanted and finally it was done.

"Ok, we can start"

[GHOST]"I have men at all the Government Houses's around the world, they are just waiting on your word, sir"

"Do they all have the warhead's that I have assigned?"

[GHOST]"Yes they do, they are just waiting to get them weaponized on your word sir"

"Ok, and the antidotes?"

[GHOST]"We were just waiting on your call, I will have some men take the antidote to our guys around the world"

"Ok, go and get them done now"

[GHOST]"Yes sir"

I watch as Vinnie lefted along with his men along with briefcases of the antidote for all our men around the world which was a good thing I walked back into the main control room seeing all the screen's set up and ready as I leave and make my way to my conference room where all the screen's were set up for my viewing finally everything was going to plan.

[MAN 1]"Sir the target's are leaving the first location, me and my men will follow them to the next location"

"Ok, keep me inform of all movement's"

[MAN 1]"Yes sir"

I smile with glee as I straighten my tie just waiting for all our guys to be armed and ready in 24 hour's I will finally start what I have been waiting for, for so many years.



Day's have passed and still there was no sign of Chanyeol, which got me worried I look at my wife looking like she had no sleep and I can understand just imagine losing one child was enough and now losing our last child was torment to myself and my wife vowing not to get any rest until I see my son in my arm's.


[just imagine that he is not smiling but is wearing that]

"What is it Changmin?"

[CHANGMIN]"Sir you need to get some rest, you working with no sleep is not doing any good if you want to look for your son"

"I am ok, is there any news?"

[CHANGMIN]"No sir, we still have Declan out keeping his eye's open whilst still working diligently in the company, Declan wanted me to give you this file, he popped in earlier this morning?"

"Was he followed?"

[CHANGMIN]"No sir, just him and Yongnam-sshii?"

"Where is Minki?"

[CHANGMIN]"He is with Minjun-sshii and Namgil-sshii"

"Ok keep me posted for new intel, while I go and check on Minjun and Namgil on there progress"

[CHANGMIN]"Yes sir"

I make my way out of the control room as I make my way to the lab that was stationed a few feet away from our building as I know that this base is safe and secure not needing to worry about snopping eye's. As I open the door seeing Minki stationed at the entry armed with his weapon I walk in getting changed into safety gear as I see.

Minjun and Namgil working hard at it seeing the two guys working hard was more then I can be thankful of course making sure they are awarded for there hard work of course.


"Minjun-sshii, what's the progress so far?"

[MINJUN]"We have come with some vile's here but we are still unable to get the last antidote for one of the warhead's that was manufactured and I understand that is the antidote you are more anxious about?"

"Yes because I have this feeling that, that warhead will be the one that he will use and I want to make sure that we have an antidote to avoid the spread and numerous number's of death on innocent life?"

[NAMGIL]"But sir even if we have the antidote's which you want me to weaponise what make's you think that it would work, Minjun will need human trial's for the antidote to be a success?"

"Don't worry about that, I just need to know that the antidote will at least work?"

[MINJUN]"That is my job and I will make sure sir?"

"Ok, I will come later I have other thing's to do?"

[NAMGIL]"Sir is there any word on your son?"



"Just stay and help Minjun this is more important at the moment, I have some men focusing on looking for Chanyeol"

As I walk out of the main lab toward's the de-contamintion room to change out of my safety gear still armed with more question's about what was going to happen next thankfully the prep of the antidote's which Minjun was manufacturing as I think with the help of Namgil working on weapon's that could distrubute the antidote's not having to think about that and knowing that Charles would be ahead of the game with the antidote and everything which was bothersome but having Namgil and Minjun focusing on that lefted me one less thing to think about especially because I my head was more on finding Chanyeol and my wife, I would give anything to have a sign that Chanyeol is ok.

[CHANGMIN]"Sir Declan is on the phone?"


I walk toward's Changmin taking the phone of him as my eye's are looking for my wife wondering where she is as I walk toward's one of the room's I know that she will be in I hold the phone next to my ear.



I hear some sort of commotion which caught my attention pretty quick.

"What's happening?"

[DECLAN]"Sorry sir, but I am at the wake for one of the business partner's child?"

Numerous name's were going in my head and I couldn't stop thinking about all my business partner's who are majority family men which made me worry.

"Can you give our condolescenes to the family?"

[DECLAN]"Yes sir we are here on behalf you sir and the company, but that is not the reason why I am calling sir?"

"What is it Declan?"

[DECLAN]"You are not going to believe who I am looking at?"

"What do you mean?"

I was trying to focus on what Declan was saying but I was distracted as I see my wife sitting on Chanyeol's bed with one of his jumper's in her hand's the sight being torture for me.

[DECLAN]"Sir did you hear what I just said?"

"Sorry I was somewhere else what did you say?"

[DECLAN]"I will send a picture your not going to believe me"


As I wait for the image to come through I place my hand on my wife's shoulder feeling her tremble under my touch for different reason's was more then enough.

"Honey we are going to find Chanyeol?"

[INAH]"You said that for Min-a but look where we are [crying]"

"I know but I swear that we will find Chanyeol, I have this feeling that we will find him, I swear my life I promise you?"

[INAH]"I am sorry I know that was unfair of me to say that knowing that is also hard for your hon"

"Honey I understand"

As I hug my wife in my arm's feeling her relax in my touch was enough for me to feel that we will be ok and everything will be alright and as if my prayer was being answered I hear the tone which I reached for my phone and I saw that it was from Declan I open it automatically and that's when I felt like my inner prayer's were being answered as I see the first image of a pale looking.

Chanyeol standing with Baekhyun and holding a little boy in his arm's if it wasn't for my reflexes I would have dropped my phone and just as I was about to call Declan another tone sounded I opened it immediately and just when my heart was bursting with relief seeing Chanyeol I thought my heart was going to fall out of my body when I open the next image.

Which made me having to find something to hold my weight from collapsing into a heap on the floor in front of my wife always being a strong pillar for her as my gaze stayed at the image that was looking right at me there my daughter who I haven't seen since she was 4 years old and there she is looking pale and small her frame covered by a black hanbok which took me by surprise and seeing that the tall figure standing next to her like he was holding her up also dressed in black with an armband on his arm making me shock I quickly went downstairs leaving a surprised Inah on Chanyeol's bed I dialled Declan as I was pacing downstairs.


"Declan, I need you to make sure that Min-a and Chanyeol are in your sight at all time, I am going to send Changmin and his team to assist you"

[DECLAN]"Yes sir, I suggest that you send Changmin to the burial site since we are leaving the catherderal as we speak?"

"Ok, I need you to keep both of them in your sight's?"

[DECLAN]"Yes sir"

I hear a car door close.

[DECLAN]"There is a group of men that has been lingering close since the activity of the funeral I have this weird feeling that they don't belong here at this funeral"

"Ok, I will tell Changmin to follow your lead when you met up at the burial site, speaking of which whose funeral is it?"

[DECLAN]"It is the child of Miss. Yoon's...."


[DECLAN]"Sir, did you read the file that I dropped off this morning?"

"No what is it?"

[DECLAN]"I suggest you read it sir, the content's can be off benefit for you sir, it was lefted at my desk at the company early this morning before I left the company to go to the funeral?"

"You haven't read it?"

[DECLAN]"No because it wasn't sent for me it was sent, for Chanyeol but I have had done a sweep to make sure there was no tracker"

"I will check it now, I will send Changmin a.s.a.p"

I hanged up just as Changmin stood in front of me.


"Changmin, I need you to get your team prepped"


"I need you to follow order's from Declan, and I need you all to blend in with the public as you aware where Declan is at this moment, here is the location that Declan is right now?"

[CHANGMIN]"But what about the search for Chanyeol-sshii?"

"That is the reason why I want you and your team to be with Declan, Declan has just sent me images of where he is at the moment?"

[CHANGMIN]"Isn't Declan at a funeral?"

"How did you know?"

[CHANGMIN]"My job knowing what's happening around?"

"That's the reason why I am sending you to Declan because I have rightnow image's of both Chanyeol and Min-a in his sight"

[CHANGMIN]"Ok, sir"

I see Changmin grill his team whilst they were all changing into suit's which made them more appealing and blend in surprised at how fast they all moved, which made them the best men to have in my establishment, I could see Inah walking down the stair's so she didn't know what was happening all she saw was Changmin and the guys pacing to the truck's and I walk toward's the dining table where I left the file that Declan had wanted me to read.

[INAH]"Honey what's going on, you lefted Chanyeol's room in such a haste?"

"It's ok, just something came to mind"

I know it was wrong for me to lie to Inah especially with what I know right now as I open the envelope which was addressed to Chanyeol which bothered me with what was inside the envelope as I held the fated breath I pull out of the envelope was some sort of Manila folder which could pass off as a normal file which didn't phase me much but that was until I opened the file seeing it's content's surprised to see that there was a handphone and also form's of sheet's which surprised me the most seeing that there were mutiple pages of formula's that I could quickly get Minjun to look at there were a few formula's that seemed to get my attention which made me think that whatever it was getting my attention but most of all was the fact that bothered me the most was that this was sent to Chanyeol.

[INAH]"What is this hon?"

"I don't know it's got alot of formula's that I need to look at which Minjun and I can have a look at?"

[INAH]"Honey I am sorry for the foul word's I said to you earlier I didn't mean any of it, it's just the thought that both our children have been taken from us it's just that I am hurting and I used you as a scapegoat?"

I reach for my wife.

"Honey you have every right I am your husband and I wouldn't want it any other way honey I would rather you voice your concern's and pain on me we're together"

Inah hug's me feeling her deepen into my chest feeling everything that she has been holding back making me feel worst but I felt lighter knowing that our children was safe especially because I have Changmin and his team on there way to make sure that they don't lose sight of our children not wanting to lose them again.




I look at my scientist that I have taught everything and was the one who manufactured the antidote's and working on extensive changes for the warhead's which I was happy about.

"What is it?"

[SCIENTIST]"Sir, we have had a leak in the lab?"

"What do you mean, I can't have this after everything being sorted with less the 12 hours then we can go ahead with the plan?"

[SCIENTIST]"There has been a unauthorized breach on downloading file's off the main lab computer, it has everything from the formula's to the concertration on the warhead's, sir?"

"When was the breach?"

[SCIENTIST]"Early this morning sir?"

"Ok I need you to check cctv to see who is responsible for the breach"

I leave as I make sure nothing else deters my plans any furthur thinking to myself that these last couple day's seeming to be effortless with no mistake's or trouble.



"How is thing's going with the trip for the antidote?"

[GHOST]"Going smoothly, I have changed plan's?"

"What do you mean?"

[GHOST]"You wanted me to make the travel to disturbute the packages personally instead I have split it in between the guy's cutting time will be waiting for the call from them to let me know that they have reached the hot spots?"

Normally I would be phased but right now I needed to make sure it went smoothly and not knowing who breached the lab certain that the intel taken would be sent to someone, so the quicker we get there the sooner I can get the plan's sorted.

"Ok, keep me posted"



I look at all the lab-rat's all dressed in lab coat's and safety gear like myself potraying one of those lab-rats that it's been year's since I have been undercover thanks to the life-changing surgery I had after my stint in special op's the outfit I was wearing was something that I am now becoming use to. But I was here on a job working undercover for so long to get to the bottom of this and here I am almost there, as I wait for the perfect time to get all the intel I can get to get this all sorted and knowing that my time wasn't wasted and I can finally go home and see my family and friend's hopefully they haven't forgotten me or won't be as surprised as I am.


I make sure that I am fully covered in safety gear so it won't be possible to be indentified from the cctv which I knew that was stationed around the whole area, facility which all the film's will be in Reaper's office who I know now to be Charles Franklin which was a normal name which I had sent it through a safe phone which was encrytped so no third party would know, hopefully my intel was going to the right person, I zip up with my goggles and mouth mask and make my way as I discreetly put in the usb key which had an automative system where it automatically loaded all intel onto the small key which I hoped it didn't take to long well I moved around so it wouldn't look like I was waiting for something as I waited paitently hopefully no one could come and disturb the download there was alot of us in the lab and mutiple of lab-rats near the main computer which could block me which I guessed was good, finally finishing I grab it un-noticeably making my way continuing doing my thing.


Going back to my station knowing that sooner or later our C.O will check cctv and also check that the main lab computer was tampered with which I had got all my thing's together just in case for a quick escape.


Sorry to all my Reader's for the major DELAY in UPDATING, there is no EXCUSE'S but the fact that life has been hectic with all the holiday fuss and all that, hopefully this Chapter will make up for the lack of Update this is more like a filler chapter, sorry..... if it is short.....

[you will know more about the unknown pov in this chapter a.s.a.p, some might be surprised I hope]


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[Characters:-13772 Word's:- 3177]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....