




All you were trying to do was act like you weren't uncomfortable not that Nana was anything but nice and kind to you but you just felt so uncomfortable at the moment knowing that you weren't use to the unfamiliar, you didn't meet anyone of Nana's family like she said you were with her and her girlfriends which all seemed to be outgoing and happy people even though they were making so much effort to join you in whatever they were doing which was sweet of them you just couldn't help it. As you were still near Nana and her girlfriends feeling are little lefted out even though they were involving you within there circle suddenly feeling a familiar person next to you not just from how your body was reacting but also the smell of him flaring up your senses as well.



You say because you knew no words would come out right now, also sighing in relief that he was with you making you more comfortable and relaxed.

[KRIS]"Hey are you alright?"


You turn so fast and gripped onto his arm not wanting to let him leave you alone again feeling him a little tense which you felt obviously but as soon as you thought of something bad you felt Kris relax under your touch letting you go making you feel loss from his touch and the next he wraps his arm around your shoulders causing you to lean into him which was so what you call it, sweet of him you leaned into him closer feeling his strength next to you.

[DEAN]"Mr. Wu, Miss. Yoon?"

We both looked at Dean it was weird hearing your name being called like that.

[KRIS]"Yes Dean?"

[DEAN]"Nana and I want to introduce you to our family"


[KRIS]"Ok, come on Min-a let's go?"

You didn't have anything to say because Kris was holding onto you and before you knew it Dean stopped and in front of you, you see 2 elderly couple obviously his parents looking high fashioned and prestige with the aura that was coming off them looking from there height you could understand why Dean was as tall but not as tall as Kris. You look at Dean's mum was looking gorgeous.



Seeing the combination of her dress with brown was unusual and different compared to the other guests, and then you look at Dean's dad who was just as equally fashioned as his mother Dean's looking like his dad but younger version.



[DEAN]"Mr. Wu, Miss. Yoon I would like to introduce you to my parents. My dad Leonardo Jung and My mum Rosaline Jung, mum and dad this is my boss Mr. Kris Wu and his partner Miss. Min-a Yoon"

[KRIS]"Nice to meet you both Mr. and Mrs. Jung you have a great son he is hard working and really diligent when he is working"

[MR.JUNG]"Thank you Mr. Wu..."

[KRIS]"Call me Kris, sir?"

[MRS. JUNG]"Thank you Kris, nice meeting you also"

You bow towards Dean's parents.

"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Jung, thank you for having us share this special occasion"

[MRS. JUNG]"The pleasure is ours"

You followed Dean as he walked towards another couple who you got to know was Nana's parents also looking gorgeous like Dean's parents next you got introduced to another person.

Image result for mens blue suit 

[DEAN]"Hey Duke?"

He turned around and that's when you see another good looking man in front of you he was with 2 other people that was equally gorgeous and handsome which was daunting to you, but what took you off guard was the quick reaction which you noticed on his face it was like he knew you for some reason also with the way he was looking at you also hearing Duke speaking to him in English was also adding to the lists of surprises that you were experiencing right now.

[KRIS]"We have met already"

You watched as Kris and Duke shook hands with each other.

[KRIS]"Min-a this is Dean's friend Duke"

You bowed at Duke.

[KRIS]"Duke this is Min-a"

Duke looks at you and he has his hands out and you automatically bow and shake his hands like how you saw Kris and he did earlier after all of that.

[DEAN]"This is our friends Jen and Sean"

You see a young lady and another guy they looked like they were foreigners you greeted them like you did to Duke and all those before the anyways after being introduced to majority of Dean's family and friends both you and Kris sat down at the table with Dean and his family which was pretty cool you couldn't help but have a really good time watching the event go also with the amount of love being shown and surrounding you, not was getting to the gift opening which you were surprisingly anxious and curious of what gifts that Kris had gotten one by one you looked at the mutiple gifts that was given from many of the guests had gotten finally seeing the familiar bag which was from Kris and you saw the most of the cutest thing's you have ever seen which was awesome seeing Nana taking out the infant shoes.


 Image result for infant nike clothes Image result for infant nike jacket  

Seeing the amount of infant clothes and shoes which was quite alot that Kris had brought which was so cute with what he got for there baby, the day went on and you had so much fun with the cool activities and games that they had and also with great food and also great company you saw Kris in another light he was so relaxed and happy having a good time.


Seeing all of Dean and Nana's friends was different meeting alot of new people seeing Dean and Nana happy and having a good time was really nice I made the right decision coming here not just for my job but to see this, just as the party was going on talking to Jen and Sean.

[JEN]"You look different Duke?"

[DUKE]"Huh not really [laughing]"

[SEAN]"So how's the mission?"

[DUKE]"We have some leads that need to be checked into including the evidence from you Jen came in handy"

[JEN]"So have you got leads on the warehouse?"

[DUKE]"We do I have got Joe to sort that out because I wanted to make sure I was here"

[SEAN]"That must be hard for you bro?"

[DUKE]"Everything is going ok I guess, plus this is a test to see what I will be like when I retire from the game?"

[SEAN]"Hey you wanted to me ask around about a Min-a Yoon?"

[DUKE]"Yeah did you find anything?"

[SEAN]"No she is just a normal orphan young women going to school and all nothing that would make her stand out Duke especially with your theory about the case you are on now?"

Hearing Sean saying that made me re-consider but my instincts kicked in after my own investigation with the case, everywhere I have gone I couldn't help but think that she was involved somehow I just needed to find her and ask her myself. Just as I thought about that.

[DEAN]"Hey Duke?"

I hear Dean calling me out which was normal of him as I turned I had to compose myself.

[DEAN]"Hey Duke, this is my boss Mr. Wu and Miss. Yoon his partner?"

I quickly composed myself obviously knowing Mr. Wu from our little get together and wanting to question him about requesting information on people especially with the girl in front of me which was more of a shock for me after looking at her forms mutiple times wondering why I thought that she seemed to play a role in this mission but I couldn't put any evidence to it. As I look at Miss. Yoon I couldn't help it but the photo's I have seen of her not doing any justice to her beauty and innocence somehow she looked broken or loss making me think was Mr. Wu keeping her for his own pleasures or something but Mr. Wu didn't seem like that kind of guy from what I have seen from him both in paper and when meeting him but most criminals that I have dealt with say other wise.

[KRIS]"We have met already"

Which took me surprise throughout the day I couldn't help but think that something was going to happen something big but I hoped it wouldn't be something that could hurt the people in front of me.

[JEN]"Hey Duke what's up your awfully quiet?"

[SEAN]"Yeah bro what is it?"

"Nothing I am fine?"

[JEN]"Has it got to do with Mr. Wu and Miss. Yoon?"


[SEAN]"If a guy is acting like the way you are Duke it tends to be about a girl, don't tell me that you have a thing for Miss. Yoon?"

Hearing Sean say that was weird knowing that he was wrong was sure enough but I couldn't help but think about what he said to heart questioning myself being saved by the bell.


[RYAN]"Duke sarge want's us at the compound in 10"

"Why, I told Joe that I have something important on that I can't get out of?"

[RYAN]"I know bro I told sarge but he said that he want's us a.s.a.p"

I feel someone shove me not intentionally more like grabbing my attention.


[SEAN]"Duke, Dean and Nana has called for you to go up the front?"

"Ok, hold up"

Move the phone to my ear.

"I'll get there as soon as I can"

I hanged up not waiting for a reply I walk towards the front where Dean and Nana was seeing the sea of faces looking at me which felt uncomfortable for me why did I leave the table when I got the call anyways I walk to the front.

[DEAN]"As everyone know's this is Duke"

The people all answered which was funny.

[DEAN]"Bro, Nana and I have something we want to say to you?"

"Uh ok"

Feel uncomfortable right now being put under the spotlight.

[DEAN]"Nana and I would like you to be our son's godfather"

I wasn't the guy to take things lightly or be shocked by things with my job I have seen alot that could change a man but hearing Dean saying that they want me to be there son's godfather I couldn't help but feel lightheaded.

[SEAN]"It looks like Duke is going to faint [laughing]"

I hear everyone laugh which made me laugh awkwardly but it helped me wake up from my moment of weakness.

"Thanks bro"

I hugged him in a non-gay way and whispered.

"Dean you know about my job it will make it dangerous"

[DEAN]"Duke for all my years of knowing you, you won't let that stop you and I can trust anyone else to be there for our son if anything was to happen and you know that"

"I know.... you sound like something bad is going to happen to you?"

[DEAN]"[laughing] no nothing's going to happen"

Seeing Dean like this made me take everything for granted and seeing how lucky he is to have this kind of life I was about to leave.

"Hey Dean I need to go aye something came up Sean and Jen will still be here to keep an eye out for me"

[DEAN]"I am not going to ask why but bro be safe"

"Always am"

I leave the happy scene and make my way towards Sean and Jen

"Hey keep an eye out ok, make sure you call me if anything happens I have this weird feeling?"

[SEAN]"Will do"

[JEN]"What is it?"

I leave them in my suit and make my way to the spot not breaking any speeding rules eventually making it to the spot I walk in seeing all the guys there.

[JENSEN]"Dosen't someone looked well dress for this conference"

[RYAN]"Shut up Jensen we all knew where he was"

[CAM]"Yeah we know that Ryan no need for you to get your undies in a twist"

We all laugh at the guys.

"So where is Joe"

[DENNIS]"Waiting for you"

I followed Dennis into the conference room that was here at the base and I was surprised to see that everyone seemed to be casually dressed well majority of the guys besides Inguk who was dressed in a suit like myself obviously but different looked like he must have had something on.

[JOE]"Sorry Inguk and Duke I knew that you both had something I know that the time is inconvienant"

[INGUK]"That's ok just had lunch with some of my friends"

[RYAN]"Whoa must be some lunch [laughing]"

[INGUK]"More like a set up date kind of thing I am glad I had something to get me out of it [laughing]"


[JOE]"Enough of the catch up we are here to work"

[ALL]"Yes sir"

[JOE]"Ok the reason why I have you all here because of this"

We all got given a file which had some intel in and also pictures.

[JOE]"From the intel from Duke from his late night raid more like going all comando, if you can see I have had Jensen run a dignostics on the evidence that Duke had found at one of the whereabout warehouse where Reaper or Ghost's henchmen have been"

[JENSEN]"Here is the results of the blood from the gun that was found"

[RYAN]"It says that there was no prints, and the blood is from a girl?"

[JENSEN]"Yeah but the blood was found on the tip and side of the gun so it must have been from when the gun was either used as a blunt object on the girl.

[CAM]"Have you got the owner of the blood found on the gun?"

[JENSEN]"It took me awhile because the blood seemed to be mixed with some unknown source but if you look the name is there"

[DUKE]"Min-a Yoon"

I say as I looked at the name the seemed to call out, this was making it more interesting.

[JIHOON]"What has this Min-a Yoon have to be involved"

[JENSEN]"From what I saw it seems that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time"

[JOE]"And the names that Duke had heard when he was in the middle of his stupidity are..."

[INGUK]"Im Minjun, Hoo Jun-seo, Beom Namgil, Lee Changmin"

[DUKE]"What intel have you got on them?"

[JENSEN]"Interesting one, Minjun and Namgil both work at Park Corp Minjun in the tech department and Namgil work in the weapons department"


[JENSEN]"Jun-seo is a scientist that has been reported missing for 3 years no intel on his whereabouts, I have reason to believe that he has either been kidnapped by Reaper and his men"

[DUKE]"It say's that Jun-seo's family is still looking for him?"

[JOE]"Yeah that's right I have informed the Seoul Federal Agency to have his family been closely watched"

[JENSEN]"And this is the most interesting one Changmin, is part of Changuk's security team, I am not sure of these men are compromised and work for Reaper or just targets of Reaper, also another the broken iphone that Duke also found at the warehouse also belongs to Min-a Yoon"

[INGUK]"Is that the reason why Reaper has his team keeping tabs on the orphanage?"

[JOE]"We have reason to believe that Min-a could have seen something that would either hurt Reaper and his plans or like Jensen said before that she could have been in the wrong place at the wrong time"

[JENSEN]"From her records there dosen't seem to be anything that will make her become a target"

[JIHOON]"So what do you want us to do Joe?"

[JOE]"Jensen I want you to stay here at base and find more intel on the whereabouts and to find any intel on what Reaper is planning to do with the warheads, Ryan and Cam I want you to tail Changuk Park and no his whereabouts and schedule also if you can tail Changmin and see where he goes afterhours, Inguk and Jihoon I want you to tail Minjun, Dennis and Ricky I want you to tail Namgil, Duke I want you to find more intel that can get us closer to Reaper and Ghost, and also I want you to call in your people to keep an eye out on your friend Dean, I have a conference call with our C.O back at home so you guys go ahead"


[JOE]"What is it?"

[JENSEN]"Watch this"

The next Jensen switches it and on the screen is the local news in Korean which we couldn't understand.

[announcer]"Anneyong Haseyo Song Haeun live at the outskirts of Seoul with Breaking News there has been 2 blasts from the outskirts of Seoul from the reports from witness they say the blasts were felt from a distant some witness shopping at the markets in Seoul said they felt it saying it felt like an minor earthquake, there are no reports of victims from the blast or reasons behind it, but the South Korean Defense Team, South Korean Army, South Korean Federal Agency have gone to the scene where Seoul Police Force has barricaded the scene, also the Seoul Emergency teams are also making there way to the scene, we will bring more breaking news on the blast when more information comes to light thank you Song Haeun, back to you"

[JOE]"Inguk, Jihoon what are they saying?"

The next we hear ringtones coming from both Inguk and Jihoon

[INGUK]"There has been a blast just outside of Seoul, they are sending the army, defense team, our agents to back up the local police, we have to go Joe, our boss is calling for all decks on hands"

[DUKE]"This smells like Reapers dirt"

[JOE]"Ricky and Dennis you go with Inguk and Jihoon to the scene, Ryan and Cam I want you tail Minjun and Namgil, Jensen I want you to stay here and find more intel, Duke you and I we will tail Changuk and Changmin"

[ALL]"Yes sir"

[JOE]"Boys be on your toes, Duke go and change into something comfortable while I finish up my conference call with my C.O about the mission"

[DUKE]"Already on it"

We all parted our ways I overhear Inguk and Jihoon telling Dennis and Ricky to dress up the part which was fine with them I went to Jensen.

"Hey Jensen"

[JENSEN]"What's up Duke?"

"Have you got the gun and phone?"

[JENSEN]"Yeah here, why?"

"I need to take it back into the hands of the SFA, I had to go through alot to get that?"

[JENSEN]"Yeah here, I will let Joe know"

"Thanks bro"

I went back to my car and grabbed my change of clothes that I always leave in the car for situations like this and call Jen.


"I have the evidence that you wanted?"

[JEN]"Sorry no can do I am heading out to..."

"The scene where the blasts?"

[JEN]"I am not going to ask how you know I have Sean staying with Dean and his family just hold onto the evidence I will pick it up later I gotta go"

"Ok, I will leave it with Jensen"

As I was getting changed all the others had lefted I was waiting for Joe to finish so we can go and tail Changuk and Changmin as I was checking out intel on the laptop that was with Jensen.

[JOE]"Come on lets go Duke, Jensen call me if anything"

I follow Joe out I didn't like how things are going it seemed there is alot of loose ends that needed to be checked out, jumping in Joe's ride.

[JOE]"Duke, I know that you don't roll like this"

"I understand"







[Characters:-14574 Words:-3312]

Edited/Re-read:-25th September 2015

*images [deleted, cause can't remember what they were]

Edited/Re-read/Font-Changed/Image changed:- 30th September 2016
Font Changed: 13th December 2017

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....