





After the nice romantic time with my boyfriend Luhan, thankfully Kris didn't stay and lefted us alone which was really a relief I was already on edge and having Kris stay longer would have made it unbearable and I don't know what I would have done.

[LUHAN]"Celine, are you ok you seem quite?"

"Oh oppa, I am ok just a little tired?"

[LUHAN]"Did you want me to take you home?"

"No that's ok oppa I am ok, and plus I like spending time with you oppa?"

Which made me blush at how I said that without a second though I moved to the side so Luhan wouldn't see me blush.

[LUHAN]"Me too"

Hearing the way Luhan said that I can tell he was smirking as we were now walking on the bustling street's it was nice Luhan's warm hand covering mine it was like it was just the two of us as we were walking and looking at mutiple shop's ignoring the constant badgering from Luhan wanting to buy me something which I refused and then as we walked into another boutique I noticed this beautiful dress which looked so appealing  and I looked to see where Luhan was and before I could do anything there was a familiar warmth behind me.

[LUHAN]"You like this dress, you will beautiful in the dress"

The next thing Luhan take's it and pay's for it and I just smile at him and we leave the store hand in hand and we kepted on walking around together and as we passed another store I saw something dark clouding above us as we were looking at the window of another store and as I look ahead I see the most beautiful black dress the intericate stitching on the dress looked really beautiful I would have kepted on looking at the dress if it wasn't for the dark cloud forming around and the ghostly pale Min-a looking right at me which gave me cold sweat.

[LUHAN]"Celine, are you ok, Celine, Noona?"

I hear the soft whisper's of Luhan's voice in the background as I looked at the reflection in front of me which would make normal people faint in an instant but for me I knew that something wasn't right. Ignoring the soft shove of Luhan trying to get my attention which did nothing to me as I looked ahead of me the next I hear my phone calling which surprisingly woke me from my trance. I reach for my phone as I reach for it like I was a robot.


[Unknown Caller:]"Hello is this Celine Huang-sshii?"

"Yes who is this?"

I say with the unknown voice and also with the unknown number that I saw.

[Unknown Caller:]"Oh, I am sorry this is Nurse Jisu from Gangnam Public Hospital, I am calling on behalf of a paitent of mine?"


[NURSE JISU]"I saw your number as her 1st contact on her contact list, I am worried for my paitent's mother and I think she need's a friend with her during this time?"

I knew that it was Min-a if the freight that I had moment's ago and then a call from the hospital it was a sure sign that it was Min-a but I couldn't make it obvious to Luhan.

"I am on my way thank you for your call"

[NURSE JISU]"I am afraid that Min-a isn't coping with her decision for Maesuk and I can't do anything about it, and for me as a mother I couldn't be in her shoe's and I am worried with the way she had broken down"

"Thank you for calling, I will be there as soon as I can?"

[NURSE JISU]"That's ok Miss Huang"

I hanged up and I looked at Luhan and I know he could see that something was wrong with me but I had to keep it to myself for now because I know that even though the three of us may be just school friend's but not close like I am to Min-a I know that Luhan cared for Min-a the same like myself and if I know Luhan like I know he alway's put other's before himself which was something that drew me to him with a handsome guy like him being so caring like that.

[LUHAN]"Gonju what is it, it's like you have seen a ghost or something, has something happened?"

"It's one of my girlfriend's she need's me but...."

[LUHAN]"I am ok, you go to your friend, did you want me to come with you?"

My heart was pleading for me to say yes too all of the above especially with Luhan coming with me to see Min-a but I couldn't even if Luhan was there for me I was thinking of Min-a instead of myself. For all those year's that I was here in South Korea and for all the thing's Min-a has done for me this was just a small token. I just hugged Luhan as tight as I could and held onto the tear's fighting to fall.

"No oppa, it's ok I will go alone, I am sorry?"

I feel Luhan grip onto me tighter.

[LUHAN]"It's ok just call me if you need me ok?"

I nod against his chest in reply knowing the word's that would come out of my mouth will go against my will I feel Luhan's lip's on my forehead which was so comforting and safe for me it was like all those flashes had dissappeared I tiptoed slightly and I kiss Luhan's lip's the soft warm plump lip's of his against mine was like it was torching me alive the intense heat inside me was none like any other and also as soon as I got more into the kiss I let go and I lefted with my bag in hand and with me walking away it hid the obvious tint of red that I was certain making my face look like a tomato, knowing that this is my first time initiating skinship with Luhan and especially with my first kiss with Luhan.


I park up and run as fast as I could toward's Maesuk's room where I knew Min-a would be and I was just hoping that Min-a would be ok especially with everything going on and knowing that Min-a wouldn't ask for help which I was expecting but it never made me feel any less then what I was feeling especially with Min-a not calling me when she need's me. As I reached the room I run into a nurse and I bow immediately apologising to her.

[NURSE JISU]"Miss Celine Huang?"

I look at the nurse and I look and I see that it must be her that called me.

"Yes that is me, are you the nurse that called me?"

[NURSE JISU]"Yes that was me but before you go in I would like to talk to you if that is ok?"


I look toward's the door of the room.

[NURSE JISU]"Min-a should be fine, but I really need to talk to you concerning Min-a?"


I follow Nurse Jisu and we both sit down inside one of the room's avaliable.

[NURSE JISU]"Ok, take a seat Maesuk's doctor will be here shortly?"

"Thank you Jisu-sshii for calling?"

[NURSE JISU]"That's ok, won't be a moment"

As soon as the door closes as I looked around the room which look like your standard room the door open's within second's of the nurse leaving in come's the doctor.

[DOCTOR]"Miss. Huang"

I stand up and shake the doctor's hand.

[DOCTOR]"Thank you for coming in, I am Doctor Kim and have been caring for Maesuk, I understand that Nurse Jisu called you?"

"Yes and I came right away, can you explain to me what's going on?"

[DOCTOR]"Yes, of course so I understand that you about Maesuk's condition?"

"Yes since I brought them to the hospital?"

[DOCTOR]"With Maesuk's condition rapidly deteriorating and for the last few day's or longer and with my constant firm of Miss. Yoon on making a decision on letting us turn of the life support we have for Maesuk, and the reason why Nurse Jisu called you is because from what we know Miss. Yoon has decided and right now Miss. Yoon need's support at this time more then before especially when we are all in the room when Miss. Yoon say's it verbally and when she is to sign the paper's for our safety and record for us to manually turn the support off. Miss. Yoon need's alot of support from her family and friend's and those that mean alot to her because this is where everything will become to much for her and with our understanding Miss. Yoon's mother is also in hospital who is awaiting for a kidney transplant and we know it is difficult for Mrs. Yoon to be here at the moment."

I sat there now I could understand why Min-a had been acting differently lately since coming to visit and hearing it from the doctor that we need to keep an eye on Min-a.

"Can I go and see her now?"

[DOCTOR]"Yes I know that it is alot to take in but can you let her know that I will come later this evening"


I stand up not giving the doctor a chance to say anything else right now I needed to be there for my friend I ignored the bright sunny day shining through the large window's as I walked toward's Maesuk's room. As I reach for the door I sigh a deep shaky breathe and I open the door and I thought I saw it all but right now it hit me more then I would have thought and I knew that I wouldn't be enough support for Min-a. I walked closer and I saw what looked like Min-a but not Min-a she was sitting down on the lounger looking so lost and lifeless she looked so frail and weak right now which was really hard to see I walked closer to her and I sat opposite of her I thought she would have noticed me but she was still frozen in her seat her eye's looking glassy for some reason I sat there waiting for her to come to me. I sat there for what felt like a long time and that's when I had to check if she was alive from the way she sat still no movement I looked at the night sky gleaming through and still nothing and just as I was about to get help the next Min-a come's rushing at me and the next I feel her limp arm's circling around me and I knew that she wasn't coping.

"Oh, Min-a...."

I felt her gripping onto me more which I replyed back hugging Min-a so she knew that I was there for her like I alway's was.

"I got a call from Nurse Jisu, and she said that you haven't been coping with everything, oh Min-a why can't you depend on me?"

I felt Min-a tense against me which made me mentally hit my head even though I was frustrated I knew that it was a rough time for her and here I am not making it easier so thinking I should lighten it up a little.

"You didn't even know that I was sitting right here for awhile"

The next I didn't even have a chance Min-a removed herself from me and ran toward's the room I had no choice but I had to call someone that I hoped could help Min-a right now. Because even though I know that I am doing something I think that I am not enough for Min-a right now.



After finishing some paper work still not sure what's happened to Dean and after the disturbing call from Chanyeol's former P.A which was bugging me and from the surprise of having Duke as my new bodyguard which was still alot to take and with Duke having to reside with me which was just as another thing on my plate but I did owe Duke for the information that he had gotten for me.

[DUKE]"Sir, I have done a full spec of the company and also with the blueprint that I have with me I can see that your company has the latest in security measure's?"

"Yes from Park. Corp"

I tried not to make it obvious that I had noticed Duke twitched a little bit which made me anxious that it maybe because of Chanyeol being missing that he was here for me.

[DUKE]"Your assistant has also given me your schedule for the remainding of the week, you are quite a busy lad?"

"Yes [laughing] I hope you have your passport because I have a director's meeting with my team in Abu Dabi?"

[DUKE]"Yeah I noticed"

I leaned back into my seat as I noticed Duke standing I decided that I should call it a night noticing that everyone had already lefted. I grabbed my thing's I shurgged into my blazer as I make the call for my car to be parked at the entrance of front.

[DUKE]"I will need to do a sweep of your car sir?"

"When we are alone I think under the circumstance's call me Kris instead"

I put my jacket on and grabbed my thing's and made my way to the elevator with Duke following closely which was something that I need to get use to finally reaching the elevator and it was kind of awkward as soon as we were at the 1st floor Duke walked a head of me which was kind of funny but I followed and I see my car parked up and Duke looked at me as he wanted me to wait and I watched as Duke 'sweeped' through the car and finally what felt like a long time which was the opposite I sat in the car and I watched as Duke was looking at me.

"Are you going to come in?"

[DUKE]"I should be in the driver's seat?"

"No just hop in Duke?"

He eventually sat in the passenger's side and I could tell it was difficult for Duke so I stopped the car and I hopped out and I sat at the back and Duke got the hint and he moved to the driver's seat and he drove, as I sat at he back I could feel the silence overwhelm me I was starting to drift off to sleep until I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket I reached for it without looking at the caller.



I tense in my seat at the voice why was Celine calling me and especially with Celine speaking in Chinese which made me worry more.

"Celine, is Luhan ok?"

I say automatically thinking that something had happened to him.

[CELINE]"Kris I need you to come to Seoul Public Hospital a.s.a.p?"

"Yeah I am on my way...."

[CELINE]"Kris it's...."

I hanged up without letting Celine finish her conversation and what she was going to say all I thought about was Luhan and wondering what had happened to him and if he as ok, after telling Duke to go to the hospital moment's like this I was glad that I had him here with me right now not that I can't drive under pressure.


What felt like a long time.

[DUKE]"Mr. Wu we are here?"

I look at Duke being so professional considering with me wanting it to be casual.

[DUKE]"Mr. Wu...."

I woke out of my daze and I hopped out of the car loosening the tie that was around my neck feeling constricted for some reason, I didn't know where to go so I grabbed my phone and dialled.

"Which room are you in?"

[CELINE]"Are you ok I thought something had happened when you hanged up like that?"

"I am ok, where are you how bad is it?"

[CELINE]"Room 201"

I hanged up and I walked toward's the entrance with Duke following closely behind me as I was pacing toward's the room I was wondering what happened and if Luhan was ok. As I was walking a familiar path thinking that maybe I should visit Mrs. Yoon when I finish with Celine and Luhan suddenly flashes of Min-a was coming to me and I couldn't help but smile at the memories that I shared with Min-a and the boy's just when I thought that I oculd stop thinking about her it come's at me again.

[DUKE]"Mr. Wu, we are at Room 201"

I don't recall telling Duke on the room we needed to be, well I just shook it off as I stand in front of the door to the unknown I sighed an ill-fated shaky breath.

[DUKE]"I will wait out here Mr. Wu?"

I just nod because I knew that there was no word's that would come out right now I man up and I open the door and I walk in to see a beautiful small room which had it's own lounge and small kitchen joined together from the look of it the room must be v.i.p classed with the set up well as I looked around at the interior I see Celine standing from what looked like a seperation from the small family room to what maybe the hospital room and I couldn't help but start to tense up as I walked toward's Celine she must have noticed me.


I noticed that Celine looked like a different Celine that I noticed when I saw her with Luhan and I don't know what came over me I closed the gap as I hug her I could feel her tense with my touch but she seemed to relax instantly.

[CELINE]"I am sorry...."

Celine say's to me which took me by surprise why was she apologising to me I loosen my hold from her as I looked at her.

"Why are you apologising to me Celine, where is Luhan?"

That's when Celine looked at me like I said something wrong.

[CELINE]"Luhan is with some of his friends?"

"Huh, why am I here?"

[CELINE]"I think you are needed right now and I know that you will thank me after you realise, I will wait out here?"

I just looked at Celine with a questioning look etched on my face which she just smiled at me I turned to face the room ahead of me I walked in with waited breath as I took a couple step's that's when my body reacted in a heart beat I just stood frozen in my spot mere inch's away from the person that has been haunting me for so long standing right in front of me as I look ahead to see what I thought I wouldn't see, I see the two little boy's lying down together one with I.V tube's connected to whilst the other was gripping onto the other for dear life with the obvious sign's that he had been crying. Without thinking about myself I closed the gap from Min-a and myself as I touched her shoulder I could feel her warm skin under mine which gave me the same feeling of fire and butterflies through me like an avalanche. I ignored my own selfish need's as I turn Min-a around and I hug her like there is no tommorrow slowly feeling Min-a relax in my arm's I could feel her shaking against me and I could feel my shirt getting wet and I knew that she was crying. I just held onto her afraid that if I let go she won't be there anymore.



Feeling the hot touch on your shoulder you stood in you own little world as you looked at Maesuk and Yoonho one a picture of health and the other the picture of life been taken away from you. Before you could do anything you felt your world spin in an intense pace and the next you were in the arm's of safety that you knew with your eye's close who it was and you just fell into his arm's as all your emotion's that you have kepted hidden for so long come over you as you start shaking and a waterfall of tear's falling so easy against you, your arm's wrapping around him like it was the easiest thing to do you just let go and let everything go knowing that you were ruining Kris's shirt. But inbetween the meltdown you were feeling you were also grinning that you were in the arm's of the man that you really care alot for and to say the man that you were in love alot, you felt the rush of intense emotion beside the meltdown also the intense feeling of love come over you being in his arm's after what felt like an eternity you finally calmed down and you loosen you grip from Kris and he got the hint as he loosened his arm's from you when he did that you have never felt so cold but you kepted your front as you looked at the man who you knew was haunting you so much but with the activity and your mind focusing on Maesuk's treatment and health as well as Yoonho's well being.


The name sounding foreign to you but also felt so smooth like silk out of your mouth. He looks at you and you don't know what it was in his eye's but you just felt like you were in the right place at the right time you open your mouth to say something but you were in his arm's yet again and you grinned at how he seemed different with not having a chance to really look at Kris even though you didn't need to you could close your eye's and know ever part of him from the soft hair that you were itching to feel to the way his eyebrow's squint when he was over thinking to the intense chocolate brown eye's which gave you chill's every time to the soft plump lip's of his to the strong physique he took pride in to the long leg's you could keep going in your own little world of lust thought's that came to view which made you red in an instant.

[KRIS]"Min-a it's really you... after so long.... oh Min-a.... why didn't you tell me.... Min-a why did you leave me.... I missed you.... I really... love you.... don't leave me...."

You couldn't understand him as he was speaking in Chinese all you could hear was your name and right now you weren't thinking straight after awhile Kris let you go and that's when you see Celine smiling at the both of you and you knew how Kris was here and you would have been really angry but right now was the right time and you let go off Kris and you walked to Celine and you closed the gap and hugged her tightly.

[CELINE]"I'm sorry I called Kris..."

You ignored her as you hugged her tighter then you could.

"Thank you unnie"

You whispered in her ear as you hugged her with so much love you have for her.

"I love you unnie"

You say without no hesitation you let go of Celine as you turned and that's when you see Kris was sitting on the chair next to Maesuk and Yoonho just looking at the two with an intense gaze and just when you thought you couldn't handle any more cute moment's you see Kris's large hand's covering both of the boy's hand's which was so heart warming maybe that was why you never made the call for Maesuk and why Maesuk was fighting he was waiting for Kris.

[CELINE]"Come let's leave them alone, and right now we need some girls time right now?"

You just nod at Celine's request and let Celine wrap your arm's with her's and you both walked out of the room together you were wondering where you were going with Celine you were such in a daze that you couldn't grasp everything happening to you especially today. Finally you see where you were and that's when you felt everything coming to you and you knew that it was now the time to see your mum.

[CELINE]"She need's to know?"

Was all she said and you knew she was right and so you walked in and that's when you see the familiar man sitting at the same spot you remembered next to your mum.





I look at the bright women in front of me still looking the same with a smile on her face since being here with Gaeun-sshii I seemed to really enjoy myself getting to know the women. Also with Kris-sshii wanting me to be stationed here at time's I was still surprised and why was this women so significant until I meet Gaeun-shhii's daughter I knew why I was here even though at time's I was bored was because Kris-sshii really liked Gaeun-sshii's daughter alot.

"Yes Gaeun-sshii, is there something you need?"

I thought to myself being here was like I was looking after my mum for some reason as I thought about my early childhood memories I had with my mum.

[GAEUN]"I think you have been locked up in here to long Chunji...."

I look at Gaeun-sshii she was right that I have been here for too long but I didn't question as it was also my job to be here and Kris-sshii was being generous in paying me as I sit here doing nothing, and I didn't want to abuse Kris-sshii's generosity.

[GAEUN]"I am sure your family is worried and anxious about there son?"

I grinned at her as I knew that dad would want to know what I was doing.

[GAEUN]"Speaking of which Chunji how rude am I, I haven't asked about your family, your parent's?"

"It's ok Gaeun-sshii"


I knew Gaeun-sshii wanted to know more about my life, and considering all of this I didn't mind sharing especially because I am not that kind of guy who share's or spill's his deepest. Before I knew it I was telling Gaeun-sshii my life story.

"That's pretty much it?"

[GAEUN]"I am sorry Chunji"

"No that's ok"

sat there as the memories flashed through my head as I remember the happy moment's before my mother died whilst giving birth to my little sister the both losing there live's from the complication they had. As we continued talking I feel my bodyguard instinct's come to life and I stopped talking suddenly as I hear the door open which made me alert and as I turned and I see the same person who visited a couple day's ago trying to remember her name and that's when I remembered in an instant and as quick as I remembered her I see the missing person that I was to keep my eye's open for Kris-sshii.


As I looked at the gaunt figure in front of me she looked so different from the girl I remembered visiting here awhile ago she looked like she losted so much weight.

[GAEUN]"Min-a, what's happened?"

Gaeun-sshii said what I was thinking as I see the said girl walking closer toward's us and from what I can see it look's like I need to leave them alone so I grabbed my jacket and phone and walked out of the room within second's later the door open's.



Can I ask something?"

[CELINE]"Of course"

"What happened to Min-a she look's sickly?"

I notice from the look etched on Celine's face that it was something pretty bad.



You watch Chunji leave with his thing's which made you feel stink but right now you needed alone time with mum so you can tell her about your day and especially about Maesuk, you looked at Celine and she knew that you wanted alone time with mum. You watched as Celine lefted you alone with mum and you sat down and you reached for your's mum's hand which still had an I.V Drip connected to her and you couldn't hold it as you feel your mum's hand so warm yet so cold as well giving you the same feel when you held onto Maesuk's hand.

[MUM]"Min-a, what is it?"

You hear your mum asking with worry.

[MUM]"You don't look well Min-a?"

You sit in silence afraid on what you were going to say next.

[MUM]"Where have you been I have been worried, also other's have been worried about you leaving without a trace, honey tell me what's going on?"

You couldn't hold the tears that were fighting to fall and within a milli-second the familiar warm tear's fell from your eye's caressing your cheek's with it's presence.

[MUM]"Oh honey eomma is just worried about you, come here?"

You feel you being grasped in the safety net of your mum's arm's which felt like heaven to you right now the feeling was different from when you were in Kris's arms word's couldn't describe between the two. You just let all your leftover tear's fall as you felt your mum comforting you.

[MUM]"Honey what is it?"

You hear the endless plea's coming from your mum and as you eventually calmed down you loosened your hold from your mum and you looked at her.

"Eomma it's Maesuk"

Your mum looked at you with worry in her eye's and also with sadness at you.

[MUM]"What is it?"

You explained to your mum the time you lefted Kris's to now basically about Maesuk not mentioning the fact that you had also found your long lost twin brother not wanting to hit mum more.

[MUM]"So you have been here at the hospital with Maesuk since now and you have just come and see me now about Maesuk, oh Min-a I know that you don't want to make me stress and worry about you and Maesuk because of my own treatment, but Min-a you have been carrying all of this for so long is not healthy"

You just sit there as your mum scold's you for you behaviour and selfishnees in wanting to keep Maesuk to yourself but that was washed away when you feel your mum comforting you.

[MUM]"I want to see Maesuk and I want to be there for you when you make the call"

You nod in reply.

[MUM]"Min-a I know that your pride at time's can be to much but I know that I am not the only person you need right now, you need to talk to Kris, he has been worried about you honey. He has visited a couple time's and he isn't looking good, well he is but you know what I mean?"

You nod in reply if only she knew that Kris already knew and he was in the room already.

"I know you want to come and see Maesuk, but you need to check with your doctor first if you leaving your room is dangerous for you then I am sorry I am going to stand my ground and you are gonna have to stay here?"

[MUM]"I will right now"

"I will go and check?"

[MUM]"No I will call for my doctor"

"I will stay here so I can hear what he has to say?"

From the look on your mum's face she didn't look happy that you were staying but you weren't going to budge. Your phone rang and you answered immediately.

[CELINE]"Min-a, I just got a call from Duke Kris's friend, Kris is looking for you I think you need to go to the room?"

"Ok, can you come in mum's room"


Within second's after answering and hanging up Celine come's waltzing in with Chunji following behind her.

[CELINE]"What is it?"

"Can you please stay here with mum when the doctor come's mum want's to come and see Maesuk but I want the doctor's confirmation before her leaving her room I don't want anything to complicate mum's health, please unnie?"

[CELINE]"Of course"

"So I can go now?"

You hug your mum and quickly said.

"Celine unnie will tell me the truth"

You lefted without replying to Chunji and you ran towards Maesuk's room with so much worry wondering what happened whilst you weren't in the room, before you knew it you ended up knocking into someone and you quickly stand up and you started apologising and that's when you saw that the person that you had knocked into was Duke who you remembered from Dean and Nana's friend who you saw at Theo's baby shower.

"Mianheyo, Duke-sshii"

You brushed passed him inside to Maesuk's room running straight to the bed where you last saw the two boy's when you walked in you saw Yoonho was awake and in the arm's of Kris crying.

"What's happened?"


You hear Yoonho crying as he was calling for you and you closed the gap and Yoonho came rushing into your arm's as you hold onto him as you had to adjust from the sudden impact of Yoonho running toward's you.

[YOONHO]"Umma I thought you lefted me, like Maesuk-ah dongsaeng"

You held onto Yoonho tighter realising why Kris was looking for you as you closed the gap and walked toward's Maesuk's bed as he was still lying there in peace hearing the heart montior beating normally.

"Oh Yoonho-ah umma will never leave you ok"

As you felt his little arm's wrap around you as you looked and see Kris sitting there on the other side he was looking at you as you were looking at him you noticed that he had changed from the last time you saw him, his hair was dyed in a lighter shade from the dark root's he had before he looked handsome of course, he looked like he hadn't eaten as well which made you worry.




As I kepted my eye's locked on the little boy's in front of me one looking like a picture of life whereas the other looking like his battle was ending, as I kepted on looking I was doing my head in from all the selfish thought's I had as I couldn't help to think of what Min-a was going through and from the look of her when I walked in looking so gaunt and frail like she was going to break any minute tracing back to when Krystal had found her that morning where my life had changed from the focus businessmen I was becoming to know all I could think about was her and the boy's and yet here I am, as I covered the two little hand's under mine in my own little world just my heart breaking at what Maesuk was going through also. As I kepted on going through so many things in my head with all reason focusing on Min-a I didn't realise that I heard crying sound's breaking my train of thought as I looked I could see Yoonho whose eye's were closed and tear's were falling endlessly which was just as hard to see I couldn't understand what he was saying as I try to comfort him without waking him after what felt like a long time the said boy's eye's open and he jumped into my arm's feeling his wet tear's against mine which I instantly comfort him rubbing his back.


Yoonho tearfully pleasing so I knew one of the reason's why he was crying I loosened my grip off him so I could reach for my phone but I was finding it difficult.


Second's later Duke come's running in which was kind of funny thinking that I could be in trouble well from the look in his eye's he didn't expect that.

[DUKE]"Mr. Wu?"

"Here is my phone can you dial for Celine Huang and can you get her that I am looking for Min-a please"

[DUKE]"Yes sir"

Duke lefted and I was still comforting the crying boy in my arm's as I tried my best but he wasn't stopping and thankfully Duke coming in returning my phone and letting me know that she was on her way which was good and moment's later Min-a come's running with worry etched on her face and it was clear that she was worried which was understandable.

[MIN-A]"What happened"

And with that Yoonho let go off me and ran toward's Min-a and I watched as I saw Min-a comforting Yoonho doing a way better job then myself obviously I sat frozen as I watched I noticed Min-a stumbling with Yoonho in her arm's which was hard to watch I was fighting with myself not to run up to her and just comfort her because it looked like she was just gonna break. As Min-a was standing opposite of me on the other side of the bed looking at Maesuk as I stared at her I noticed Min-a looking at me and I don't know what it was but I knew it from there that there was this energy that I felt when I was with her and from here onward's Min-a is not gonna leave my sight.


And she looked at me and I just couldn't help it I leaned above her and I just gently caressed her cheek removing the tear that was falling.




You look at the man who seemed to make everything feel like it's going to be ok looking at you with so much intensity that you were sure if you didn't have Yoonho in your arm's you would have fallen in a heap, the next you feel his thumb on your cheek which made you tense at the movement in a milli-second but you relaxed almost instantly.

[KRIS]"I am here, so don't leave me...."

You looked at him with shock did you hear him correctly did he say what he said for you not to leave his side you heart just started beating in an intense heart rate because you were still in shock you didn't even see Kris walking toward's you and before you could say anything you and Yoonho were in Kris's arm's which was the best feeling in the world and with you in his arm's you couldn't help but smile and also hear Kris's voice in your head with what he said before.


As you sat down on the lounger with Kris next to you on one side and a sleeping Yoonho on the other side with his head on your lap, with Celine and Luhan next to her with Kris suggesting to you when you were alone with him that Celine needed support so you called Celine cause she was still waiting with your mum to call Luhan for her and on the other side was your mum in a wheelchair with her drip connected to her and Chunji with her. It was nice seeing your family here for you but there was something bugging you but you couldn't put your finger on it you were felling so tired hearing the heart monitor still beeping with Maesuk next to you all you heart breaking when your mum went to see Maesuk as she was crying so badly with you leaving Yoonho with Kris and them whilst you went to comfort your mum knowing that Maesuk meant as much as he did to her like he was to you. As you all sat in the family room waiting for the doctor's to come in and within minute's of you thinking about the doctor's coming in walk's in the doctor along with another in the lab coat's and nurse Jisu was with them as well.

[DOCTOR]"Evening, Mrs. Yoon, Miss. Yoon...."

You feel Kris stand up from your side.

[KRIS]"I am Kris Wu, Min-a's partner I apologise that I haven't come to visit any earlier I was out of the country"

You sat there shocked along with eveyone around in the room but you had to lower you head so Kris wouldn't see the blush that was forming from his comment.

[DOCTOR]"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Wu, I have heard alot of you, I am glad that you all are here to support Miss. Yoon with her decision as we are here for Miss. Yoon to sign all the paper to legalize everything and also to turn of Maesuk's life support"

We all sat silence you just sat still thankfully Kris was next to you that you were able to feed of his warmth to help you get through.

[KRIS]"It's ok Min-a"

You feel Kris's hand's in your's as he rubbed you hand's with his like he was warming you up but you knew he was trying to comfort you.

[CELINE]"Min-a it will be ok"

[LUHAN]"Min-a we are all here for you"

[MUM]"Honey it is best for Maesuk"

You gently woke up Yoonho ignoring everyone around you and as you watched the little boy stirr in your lap eventually waking up you.

"Yoonho-ah wake up"

He look's at you and he looked so adorable as he wiped his eye's but you had to wake him up so he can say goodbye to Maesuk it would be wrong for you if you didn't do that for him.


"Yoonho you made me promise to you that I was to wake you up when it is time to say goodbye to Maesuk"

[YOONHO]"Yes, is it time to say goodbye...."

You could see him starting to tear up but you just wiped the tear's trying to be strong for him knowing for a kid his age it was going to hit not just you but the little boy before you know it and that was what you were afraid for as you feel the stares coming from your firends and family you knew that they were watching the both of you which you couldn't care less.

[DOCTOR]"Miss. Yoon I need you to sign these form's so we have legal right to turn of life support for Master Yoon?"

You lean forward to reach for the pen almost getting ready to sign the form without reading until Kris jumped in.

[KRIS]"Min-a you need to read it before signing?"

You didn't want to but you had to because of Maesuk as you sat there reading the fine print you noticed something about organ donor which you knew that you weren't going to do so you were thankful that you did read it. What felt like you were carry a the world on your hand as you were signing the last of the form's suddenly it felt like it was featherlight realsing that Maesuk was there with you.

[DOCTOR]"Ok thank you Miss. Yoon and I am sorry for you at this time, as we are to turn off life support I am sorry but only Miss. Yoon and one person can be with us in the room?"

I knew that it would come to this but I knew who I was going to take with me in a heartbeat no question's ask you look at Yoonho.

"Come on it is time, are you going to be ok to come with me?"

Hoping that it wouldn't be to traumatic for Yoonho but you knew that Yoonho wanted to be there and also if it was to hard for him then you would have lefted him with Celine and the other's and go in alone. You see Yoonho looking hesitant and you saw from that Yoonho didn't want to come and you could understand the last memory you wanted for Yoonho wasn't one of him seeing his little brother die so you hugged him.

"Yoonho-ah you stay here with everyone ok umma won't be long ok"

You feel him crying in your arm's and nodding which was so hard to watch let alone feel against you.

[YOONHO]"Umma are you going to be ok"

"Ei umma will be ok, you stay here ok I am just going to go in Maesuk's room with the doctor's ok"

Yoonho looking at you with his big brown eye's and you smiled at him so he knew that you were ok you stand up and you follow the doctor's wanting to be alone when the time came you didn't want anyone else to be there with you it may be selfish of you but you needed to be alone with Maesuk as you walked in ahead of the doctor's seeing them walk in after you closing the door which seemed intimidating but you didn't care you looked at the doctor.

"Is it going to hurt Maesuk?"

You said in a shaky breathe.

[JISU]"No it won't be"

You were greatful that Maesuk won't be in any more pain.

"Can I say my goodbye's to him?"

[DOCTOR]"Of course we will leave you alone, we will come back in for the procedure in 20 minute's if that is ok with you Miss. Yoon?"

You nodded and you felt them leave you alone in the room as you walked toward's Maesuk who was still lying there like the world had stopped in this moment for you you sat on the chair next to his bed and you held his hand feeling his small cold hand in your's made you tear up.

"Maesuk-ah I am so sorry that I made you suffer like this....[crying]"

As you lowered your head onto Maesuk's tummy feeling him under you was a connection that you were not going to experience again.

"Umma is so sorry making you live like this....[crying] umma was working hard to  make sure that you and your hyung would have a better life but umma was to slow.....[crying]"

You touch Maesuk's hair feeling the soft strand's in be tween your fingers as you looked at Maesuk lovingly.

"Maesuk you promise umma that you will play and be happy when you go to heaven and make some new friend's ok"

You gently caress Maesuk's cheek you sat in silence reaching for the bowl of luke warm water and cloth and wiping Maesuk's face straightening his hair, fixing his spiderman pj's that he just loved fixing his spiderman blanket that Celine had gotten for him when you first came here after doing that you laid down on Maesuk's tummy again with his hand in your's holding the heartbreak and tears inside. You heard the door open and you knew that it was the doctor's and nurse Jisu coming back inside you sat straight up and you looked at Maesuk and then back at the doctor.

"Can I hold onto him when you turn it....off?"

[DOCTOR]"Of course"

You held onto Maesuk's little hands and you kissed his forehead as you whispered just a little moment that you share before saying goodbye.

"Eommaga hangsang dangsin-eul salang hago dangsin-eun hangsang nae ma-eum eiss-eul geos-ibnida" [mum will always love you and you will always be in my heart]

As you felt movement around you from the doctor's you kepted your gaze on Maesuk for any sign's but there was nothing suddenly from hearing sounds coming from the machine's and from the doctor's you kepted your eye's on Maesuk your heart seeming heavy as each second seemed to pass and as your body felt it suddenly your body jerked it was like a pulse of energy came over you and that's when you hear Maesuk's heartbeat starting to slow down with each beat your heard you felt yourself getting heavier and before you knew it there was no sound's coming from the monitor you sat frozen in your spot still with his hand's in your's no movement.

[NURSE JISU]"Min-a we will need to remove the I.V from Maesuk and then we will come back in to take Maesuk to the morgue for preparation's"

You didn't listen it was like you couldn't hear anything.

[NURSE JISU]"We need to take the drip's off Maesuk, and need to get Maesuk cleaned up and take Maesuk to the hospital morgue for preparation's"

You nod as you hear nurse Jisu informing you but your motherly instinct's came over you.

"You can take his drip off and I will clean Maesuk myself"

You said in a determined voice not up for negotiation and I think she got it as they started to take out the needles from Maesuk's body as you sat there looking. Finally finishing what they were doing you had grabbed Maesuk's favourite body wash and bowl of warm water and sponge's and towel's a fresh pair of spiderman pj's for Maesuk not caring that it may get ruined when he goes to the morgue, feeling so worned out inside but your were overcoming it as you started to clean Maesuk feeling the warm water on your hand's the familiar smell of the body wash as you started to clean Maesuk.



As Min-a was in the room cleaning Maesuk after the nurses lefted them alone it was obvious to everyone that was waiting in the family room that they were worried for Min-a who looked so frail and worned out. As the nurse came out one after the other they all look out with expecting Min-a to come out.



My heart was aching as I watched Min-a walking alone toward's Maesuk's room I was itching to go but I couldn't move as I didn't expect Yoonho to lean into me which was really a nice feeling in all honesty, as we all watched Min-a leave and it was just the lot of us in the room I was to busy troubled in my thought's that I wasn't listening to what they were saying until.

[LUHAN]"Hyung are you ok?"

I look as I see Luhan sitting next to me on the other side looking at me and I just looked back at him as I nodded.

[LUHAN]"Hyung you have been spaced out for half an hour you didn't even notice the doctor's and nurses leaving, or the argument between Mrs. Yoon and Celine about preparation's, or that Yoonho has been sleeping in your arm's for just as long, and when I was calling you minutes ago"

As I hear Luhan explaining what I missed out whilst I was in my world of my own.

[KRIS]"Where is Min-a"

[LUHAN]"Nurse Jisu said that Min-a is still in the room with Maesuk wanting to be alone with him and she is cleaning him before they take Maesuk-ah to the morgue before the paper's are signed before the funeral director to come and get his body"

[GAEUN]"I will call the funeral home"

[KRIS]"No, no one will do anything unless Min-a is here"

I started to move and I noticed Yoonho gripping onto me so I lifted him up in my arm's as I stood up and I felt Yoonho lean into my arm's in comfort and with me standing up and my comment everyone was shocked especially since I disprespected and elder.

"I'm sorry Gaeun-sshii"

I bowed at Gaeun and I held onto Yoonho and I walked toward's the door of Maesuk's room.


Second's later the said man come's walking in still pristine in his suit and looking like he had come in fresh for a nother day which was a shock for me because I felt like I was gonna drop any minute.

"Duke I want you to make sure no one come's in this room unless I know or Miss. Huang or Mrs. Yoon know's them"

[DUKE]"Yes Mr. Wu"

"Thank you"

I had my phone in my hand.



[MUM]"Honey what's happened"

"I'm ok I just needed to hear your voice"

[MUM]"Honey tell me what's wrong are you hurt what is it, I am getting worried?"

I noticed Celine and Luhan looking at me obviously understanding what I just said and I am sure that I was going to get beef from Luhan later when this is all gone and dusted but right now I needed to hear mum's voice right now which calmed me down I still had Yoonho in my arm's.

"I'm ok I will be home soon"

I opened the door to the room to see Min-a.



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[Characters:- 36853 Words:- 8794]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....