




[Cont. KRIS POV]

Rushing Min-a to the nearest comfortable place for her as I laid her down in my room not wanting to disturb Yoonho in anyway and the last thing is for Yoonho to see Min-a like this, as I laid her down on my bed ignoring the beast like thought's that is going on in my head, Lee already making the call for Nichkhun and Kyuhyun to come which may be stupid but I wanted to make sure that Min-a was ok.


If it wasn't for the sound of Lee talking to the two said people that I had been waiting for I would have embarrassed myself even more then I have already had as I see the two men walk in looking sharp.

[NICHKHUN]"Kris, Mr. Lee had called us concerning Miss. Yoon?"

"Yes that's right"

[NICHKHUN]"What happened?"

I sit in the same spot as I explained everything that has happened from the beginning of when Min-a left me with the two boy's to the day of Maesuk's death to today which was a long story but I thought it be best that they know what has happened in the time frame. Within second's they came into the room they both start pulling out there instrument's and what they needed as I watched them do there thing and I just sat frozen in my seat as I looked at the two men work on Min-a I noticed that Kyuhyun was getting ready to remove peice of clothing off Min-a but I happened to get disturbed.

[LEE]"Mr. Wu, Miss. Wu is waiting for you in the family room, and also Master. Yoon is stirring in his sleep?"

"Ok, Lee you stay here with Min-a and the two doctor's I will go and check on Yoonho, and do you have an idea on why Krystal is here?"

[LEE]"Yes Mr. Wu I will assist here with Doctor Nichkhun-sshii and Kyuhyun-sshii, and no Mr. Wu I have no idea on why Miss. Wu is here?"

I look back at Min-a and the I reluctantly leave Min-a in the capable hand's of the two doctor's and the watchful eye of Lee, as I make my way toward's Yoonho and let's say I made it in time as I see the said boy who I saw was full of smile's was now sweating alot and looked like he had been crying.


I rush to his side as Yoonho jumped up out of the bed which was really wet need to let Lee know about changing the sheet's.

[YOONHO]"Appa [crying]"

Yoonho clinging to me like he didn't want to let go as I reach for a towel to dry the clinging Yoonho with me.

"Yoonho, what's wrong?"

[YOONHO]"Appa, you won't leave me [crying]"


I say firmly ignoring the worry that I had when I heard Yoonho say that, because it was and is a possiblity that I could leave or he could leave my side.

[YOONHO]"I woke up and you weren't there....."

"Oh Yoonho I was just in my room it's ok...."


Feeling him tremble in my grasp was clear evidence that Yoonho was as vulnerable then what he made it appear behind the laughter and smile's he was also suffering from the reality around him especially with the dealing of the loss of his little brother.

"Yoonho did you have a nightmare?"

I feel Yoonho nodding against my chest.

"Oh Yoonho, I am not going to ask what it was but if you want to talk about it you know that I am here?"

I feel Yoonho nodding against my chest again, and it looked like he wasn't going to leave my side so I had no choice but to take him downstair's with me, well I peeled Yoonho off me with me confirming to him that I will help him change into something more comfortable and drier then what he was now.

After what didn't take to long we finally had Yoonho changed into something drier then what he had on and I could tell that it took alot out of Yoonho because he didn't budge when I grabbed the nearest clothes for him to change into and him not making a fuss to finish the look Yoonho had finished it off with.

As I looked down at what I was wearing having forgotten that I was still wearing what I had on today.

I noticed that my blazer that I was wearing was officially ruined but I didn't care really all I needed to do was get it dry cleaned which shouldn't be to bad anyways I was making my way towards the stairs wanting to see what Krystal wanted and I could feel Yoonho walking along with me his hand's holding onto my pant's which was kind of weird but cute I must admit. As we walked downstairs I see the familiar statuesque of my baby sister with her back facing Yoonho and I.


I call out and she turn's and I can see that she was surprised.


"Hey what's wrong?"

[KRYSTAL]"I came as soon as I found out...."


[KRYSTAL]"Yoonho-ah [aegyo] do you remember Krystal noona?"

I get shocked at how Krystal changed her mannerisim toward's me and focused her attention to Yoonho which was a nice change for me, I look down at Yoonho and I can see him nodding adorably at Krystal which gave me an idea.


I lower to his level as I look at him in the eye.



[KRYSTAL]"Whua he just called you appa?"

"You remember eonnie?"

Yoonho nodded cutely.

"Why don't you hang out with Krystal noona, while I go and finish off some work, if you want to?"

Yoonho smiles and he nod's which is too much cuteness for me as I straighten up.

"Krystal I don't want you to leave the ground's you can go to the main house I don't mind that but you are not to leave the home ground's at all you hear me?"

[KRYSTAL]"Of course I won't leave without saying anything, and why are you getting me to have Yoonho when the other time.....?"

She was right but right now I had to make sure that Yoonho was distracted whilst I check on Min-a.

[KRYSTAL]"What are you trying to hide oppa?"

"I am not hiding anything but I have something to tend to are you going to take Yoonho with you or not?"

[KRYSTAL]"[grinning] no need to get all jumpy oppa of course I will take care of Yoonho-ah"

I smile as I lower at Yoonho's level.

"I will come and get you when you are ready ok?"

[YOONHO]"Ye appa"

Yoonho hug's me and then he reaches for Krystal's hand and I watch as they walk toward's the front door I see Krystal turn to face me and I couldn't help but be relieved as well.

[KRYSTAL]"What do you want me to say to umma and appa?"

I froze in my spot not knowing what to say but I heard Lee calling for me so I had no choice but to leave them leaving no choice but to leave it all up to Krystal which I was afraid to find out what she would say whilst she and Yoonho are at the main house. I run back upstairs to my room and I see Lee at the door.

"What's wrong Lee?"

[LEE]"The doctor's are finished?"


I walked into the room not before saying.

"Lee, Yoonho is with Krystal"

I walk into the room and I see a sleeping Min-a, which gave me a sense of relief I guess as I saw Min-a laying on my bed but I noticed that Min-a was covered with a sheet which was different from when I lefted the room which made me look at Lee and then back to the doctor's


[NICHKHUN]"Mr. Wu, there is nothing to worry about, I had Kyuhyun administer a dose of medication to help Miss. Yoon to sleep without feeling any pain, which is why Miss. Yoon is sleeping peacefully. Also whilst Kyuhyun doing that I happened to notice that Miss. Yoon has gotten an infection from her wound's but they are taken care off"

"Thank you?"

[NICHKHUN]"All I can say is that if Miss. Yoon dosen't take care of herself her wound's won't heal at the set date like it was recommened, and with the medication that Miss. Yoon has should be taken as it is mentioned, but I understand with what is going on so we will let it go for now but as soon as possible Miss. Yoon need's to continue taking her medication like normal"


[NICHKHUN]"If there is anything else, Kyuhyun and I have another appointement?"

"No thank you I hope this will take care of your work today?"

I hand them some bill's from my wallet and I can see that they didn't mind but I just gave it to them.

"Lee can you Nichkhun and Kyuhyun please?"

[LEE]"Yes Mr. Wu?"

I watched the three leave Min-a and I alone which gave me time to just relax but before I could relax I remembered that I had some work to do thinking that I need to change into something more casual and I felt sticky I grab some clothes and I make my way to my ensuite along with my towel.


Feeling the firm spray's of heated water on my body was alway's a time for me just to forget everything around me even if it was just for a monet of time it felt really good for me, the water easing the tension in my muscle's. Finally finishing and getting changed into.

Feeling comfortable I walk out of the ensuite and I am glad to see that Min-a was still resting I grab my laptop and I walk down to my office as I pass Lee I notice that he was doing his daily duties I noticed that he had my blazer that I wore earlier.

"I will be in my office ok, just need to finish off some work Min-a is still sleeping, if you need me you know where I am ok?"

[LEE]"Yes Mr. Wu, is there anything you need?"

"No I am fine, I am expecting Duke to be back by now?"

[LEE]"Yes I will send him to your office"

"Thank you"

I leave and walk into my office as I see the pile of work that I need to get through but it was my own doing since I was to openminded and wanting to do everything myself I put on my glasses.

As I started going through each of the files I was in my work mode that I didn't notice that Duke was standing there looking at me.

[DUKE]"Your like a moth to a light when your working, Mr. Wu?"

I take my glasses off as I stretch my neck.

"What time is it?"

[DUKE]"5:34pm to be precised"


I say in distress.

"How long have you been here?"

[DUKE]"2-3 hour's give or take?"

I stand up stretching my back at the same time I reach for the file's that Duke had and I placed it back on my desk as I make my way toward's the lounge to see Lee in the kitchen.

[LEE]"Mr. Wu, is there something you need?"

"No, have you heard from Krystal about Yoonho?"

[LEE]"No Mr. Wu, I am sorry did you want me to call the main house?"

"No, that's ok, what about Min-a?"

[LEE]"She is still sleeping, I was about to go and check on Miss. Yoon, Doctor mentioned that I had to check on her a few times"

"Ok, Duke and I have some thing's to discuss and can you check on when Dean will be here?"

[LEE]"Yes Mr. Wu"

We walk back toward's my office and we both sit down and I reach for the file's that I wanted to talk to Duke about.

[DUKE]"What can I do for you Mr. Wu?"

I pass a brown envelope that was addressed to Duke that Ken's men had given him who passed it on to me and now me giving it to the owner as I watch for any sign of hesitation of some sort from Duke but a blank canvas was all I could see within second's of passing the envelope it was back in it's envelope and Duke waiting for me but before I could say anything.

[LEE]"Mr. Wu, Miss. Yoon is awake, and The Jung's and Mr. Park are on there way here Mr. Wu and also your Father had called and he want's you to call the main house when you are free?"

"Ok thank you Lee"

Lee hands me the phone as I stretch my back a little more feeling a little strained at the moment.

"Lee can you make preparation's for Dean and his family please, and can you just check if Min-a is ok whilst I talk to dad, Duke you can leave if you like?"

[DUKE]"What do you mean by that Mr. Wu?"

"With whatever or whoever lefted that with my security team I am sure you would want to sort whatever it is and you might as well use this time, as I am not going anywhere?"

I see the tint in Duke's eye's glint for a milli-second like I had given him a lifeline which I was glad to see because Duke appeared human despite the way he worked like he was some sort of machine.

[DUKE]"Thank you Mr. Wu, my phone is on if anything, and you said that you won't leave the ground's until I am back?"

"Yes you have my word?"

I watch as my new bodyguard leave which got me straight onto ringing the main house and within a the first ring I hear the familiar voice in my ear's.

[DAD]"Wu Yifan is there something you need to tell me?"


[DAD]"I am in my office so there is no need to worry about your mother despite the obvious surprise and shock for the both of us?"

I knew from the beginning that it would be about Krystal having Yoonho with her which is expected but there were so many scene's playing on in my head and there was some that I wanted to voice out but for the first time there was no word's coming out of my mouth.

[DAD]"Kris, come on son you need to tell me something?"

Hear dad's voice soften I didn't feel like I was at the other end of the jury and without realising I felt relaxed right now.

"I guess your talking about Yoonho?"

[DAD]"Yes, not that it bother's either your mum and myself but I would like to know why he is calling my son appa is there something that you want to say Kris?"

I was surprised to hear that Yoonho would call me 'appa' whilst with my parent's which I would guess would have been a major shock for my parent's there son who is 21 turning 22 soon.

"I am sorry dad about that, but it's a long story?"

[DAD]"I am not in a hurry?"

I tell dad from the beginning to today which felt so long and it was long when I see a familiar person come walking into my office.

[DEAN]"I am not surprised to find you working, Kris [smiling]"

I look up at Dean who is dressed casually which is really good to see as I was still holding the phone next to my ear.

[DEAN]"I am sorry I didn't realise you were on the phone?"

Seeing the assistant Dean coming out was hilarious but Dean and I becoming really good friend's now was good.

"Dad I really need to go?"

[DAD]"I will have Krystal bring Yoonho back when you finish with your guests?"

"No I will come and get him now because the guests are here for him?"

[DAD]"I will see you soon?"

"Dean I won't be long ok I have to run to the house I need to get Yoonho ok?"

[DEAN]"Ok, what did you want me to do?"

"Hey remember your no longer my p.a?"

[DEAN]"I am your friend?"

"Nah it's ok can you keep Chanyeol entertained until I get back?"


I grab my jacket as I make my way out thankfully going the direct exit from my office I put my jacket on.

I know what I was wearing wasn't my usual standard's but I was at home so I didn't have to worry about it, I spot Lee as I made my way out.

"Lee can you get Min-a to freshen up I am sure she wouldn't want to be in the same clothes that she slepted in?"

[LEE]"Yes I will let Miss. Yoon know"

"I am going to fetch Yoonho from dad and them and I will be back can you make sure that you tend to Dean and my other guests?"

[LEE]"Yes and dinner is ready at your call?"

"Ok thank you Lee"

I leave and run toward's the house feeling the cold chill hit me was quite refreshing and it woke the tiredness that I was feeling as I open the door to the house all I hear is laughter coming from the main living room and I walk into see my family and Yoonho all smiling brightly and laughing which brought memories of my childhood which was really great as I stood motionless Yoonho spot's me.


I smile brightly as Yoonho called out to me and he jumps from his seat and he run's toward's me which was really something to have happen to me I kneel at his level waiting for the impact of Yoonho flying into me as I wound my arm's around his waist as I lift him up with me as I stand up.

"You ok?"

[YOONHO]"Yes appa it was fun!"

I was glad that Yoonho was ok and happy.

"So you had fun with noona....."

[YOONHO]"[whispering] hal-monie and hal-abeoji"

I just could make out what Yoonho had said which was evident that Yoonho was comfortable and also that Krystal or my parent's would have mentioned who they were which didn't bother me, but I was curious to what Min-a would think.

"Ok do you want to go and say bye to noona"

I leaned closer to Yoonho so I could whisper back to him.

"And hal-abeoji and hal-monie"

I let go of him as I watched Yoonho saying bye to the family. I walked up to my parent's following Yoonho as I lean in to hug mum.

"Thank's mum I hope you didn't get to much of a shock?"

[MUM]"No I didn't I am happy, your father and sister explained everything to me"

"That's good"

I leave mum and I stand in front of dad.


[DAD]"Son I hope you understand what you have put yourself into and also you understand what Yoonho will see of you and expectations?"

"Yes dad I understand"

[DAD]"So when are we going to meet Min-a?"


[DAD]"I have heard alot about her?"


[DAD]"From the look in your eye....."

"What is it?"

[DAD]"Don't worry go ahead don't want your guests to wait for you?"


As Yoonho and I walk back to the house with Yoonho in my arms talking about his afternoon with my family which was really nice to hear as we walk through the way I left so we can go straight up-stairs to change finally reaching the top of the stairs.

"Yoonho why don't you go and get changed into something for dinner ok?"

[YOONHO]"Ye appa"

"Ok go on?"

I ruffle Yoonho's hair as he made his way to his room that he shares with Min-a as I made my way to my room with the uncertainty of what to expect when I open the door, I sigh an ill-fated breathe as I open the door and not surprisingly I see my bed was empty which meant that Min-a herself was getting ready. I ignore the weird feeling in the put of my stomach as I make my way to change and freshen up for dinner.

I checked if I looked alright and I was ok with it I wasn't to dressy but dressed enough, well anyways I walked to check if Yoonho or Min-a was finished but before I could I hear a little knock at my door which I knew wasn't Lee because it seemed to light from his knock I open the door and that's when I see Yoonho was also dressed and back to his usual fashionista.

Yoonho smiling up at me look smart in navy blue and white with orange popping shoes matching the orange pocket on the blazer.

[YOONHO]"Appa, umma look's....."

I didn't let Yoonho finish I ran toward's the room to busy thinking of many scenerio's playing on in my head at the many different situation's that could happen. Finally reaching the room I knock on the door which was the right thing to do.


I hear a slight whisper sound of Min-a's voice and just when I relaxed realising that I was overthinking everything which was normal of me, the door open's and that's when I see Min-a dressed at the door looking really beautiful in what she was wearing it was casual but classy in red.

She looked stunning in what she was wearing her hair was wavy on her shoulders the only jewellery she had was the stud-earrings and a diamond bracelet also I noticed that she alway's wore the white watch that I had brought for her a while ago which made me smile.

[MIN-A]"Kris do I look alright?"

I smiled.

"Of course"

[MIN-A]"Mr. Lee mentioned that you had guests here, for dinner tonight?"


I noticed that Min-a was nervous and she looked a little pale for my liking.

"Hey are you going to be ok?"


"Yoonho said that you looked...."

[YOONHO]"Appa look umma look's pretty"

I smiled at Yoonho being sneaky.

"Yes she those"


Finally we all finished as Min-a and Yoonho behind me as we walked down to the first floor where I knew Chanyeol and Dean and his family were waiting.



As we were all getting changed after Dean telling all of us to get ready because we were going out for dinner's after seeing Nana question Dean where we were going after finding out where we were having dinner being at Kris's which was unexpected but also expected as well. Finally finishing I look down in what I was wearing looking sharp but more style casual style.

I waited for everyone else to change the next Nana comes in the same clothes from before with a freshly bathed and changed Theo looking cute and adorable in what he was wearing being warm and comfy which made him more adorable then he already was.

I was playing with Theo whilst waiting for his parent's to be ready both coming down dressed smartly and casual.

Noticing that the three Jung's were dressed in the same colour combination which looked really cool, anyways we all were chilling whilst Nana was packing a bag for Theo.


Sitting in Kris's lounge seeing hyung's style in every corner of the house it's been awhile since I have been there as Theo was on my lap the two of us playing with each other whilst Nana and Dean were talking to themselves, what felt like a while finally hearing footsteps which grabbed all attention despite the smells coming from the kitchen which I was looking forward too, I see Kris walking toward's us but I noticed that it wasn't just him alone, and as Kris moved to greet Nana that's when I see.....






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[Characters:-16968 Words:-4063]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....