




WARNING: IMAGE ALERT! there will be alot of images in this chapter sorry!!! also this chapter maybe a little long like PART ONE: making this one PART TWO: and the next one being PART THREE: it is like this is ALL IN ONE DAY:

Mentioned Characters:

[Picture of Lee Jeong Jin] as Changmin, Mr. Park's right hand man.

[Picture of Bae Yong Joon] as Minjun who is an employee at Park Corp in the Tech Department, on Right: [Picture of Kwan Sang Woo] as Namgil who works in the Weaponary Departmen, the both of them have worked in the company for a long time, they also know alot of things and work closely with Mr. Park.



[BAEKHYUN]"Let's go?"

"Yeah I am ready let's go"

As we were walking out of my office I could see through the large screen that there seemed to be a hassle going on the next thing a guy walks in who dosen't look familiar to me.

[CHANGMIN]"Mr. Park?"


Yongnam comes running into the office obviously he is just as shocked with the out burst.

[YONGNAM]"Sorry Mr. Park they all just came budging in I tried stopping them Mr. Park"


[YONGNAM]"Mr. Park I need you to come with me, Yongnam you have 1 minute to pack all your things and be ready to leave"

"What do you mean?"

I heard through there walkies.

'Sir delta team extraction is a success making way to the truck"

[CHANGMIN]"Ok, we will be there in 5 make sure the trucks are running when we get there?"

'Yes sir'

I was wondering who these guys were they all come in all dressed in black which didn't help ease the situation they looked more like bodyguards.


[CHANGMIN]"Mr. Park we need to go"

"I don't know who you all are, and why are you in my office, I have a lunch appointment that I need to attend to and unless you all have a ligiment reason I am not going anywhere?"

I don't know where that came from but it was like I had my C.E.O hat put on right now knowing the first lesson in business is that your office is your domain and to show no weakness I could see that he was trying to think on what to say.

[CHANGMIN]"Mr. Park, my name is Changmin and this is my team and we all work for your father and right now I can't say why we are here but all I can say is that we are all here to get you out of the company safe and sound"

I had no choice but to follow them because I know that something big was happening and if my father was all behind this it had to be for a reason, I looked at Baekhyun who stood there.

[CHANGMIN]"Let's go sir, you have 30 seconds to pack your things"

I nod in reply as I reached for my laptop and my things and I followed as I was walking out.

[CHANGMIN]"We need to go Mr. Park, Delta team what's going on out there?"

[DELTA]"Delta team is waiting and trucks are hot, sir we also have a problem?"

[CHANGMIN]"What is it?"

I can hear I look at Baekhyun also looking, worry itched on his face.

[DELTA]"Sniper has called it in that we are not the only one here, and also one of the guys have caught a bystander?"

[CHANGMIN]"Ok, we are on our way, keep everything tight out there, also keep your eyes open"

Man whatever was going on must be something big.

[OP]"Sir, everything is packed over here, ready when you are?"

[CHANGMIN]"Ok Mr. Park, Yongnam let's go, boys when we go keep your eyes open when we take the package down to the trucks"

"What about Baekhyun....."

I say with worry.

[CHANGMIN]"I know that it isn't protocol, Mr. Byun where is your car?"

[BAEKHYUN]"Parked up in the underground parking..."

[CHANGMIN]"Kenzo I want you to Mr. Byun to his car"

[OP]"Sir we have 2 minutes until we need to leave here?"

[CHANGMIN]"Make that 1 minute for you Kenzo"

[KENZO]"Yes sir, Mr. Byun let's go"

Everything went so fast it felt like we were in my office and I watched as we all departed I was worried about Baekhyun hoping he will be alright.

[CHANGMIN]"Don't worry Mr. Park, you friend will be safe"



I watch as my friend was shielded by mutiple men which looked like something serious considering Chanyeol being tall making him stand out as we parted way's differently I was being pulled pushed by Kenzo who looked so scary and big before I knew it I was at my car.

[KENZO]"Mr. Byun please get in the car?"

I hop into my car he knocked on my window thankfully understanding what Kenzo was saying it was obvious that English was his first language.

[KENZO]"Mr. Byun go now"

I nod hesitating and I watched as he ran away I was frozen in my spot after a couple moment's breathing I woke up from my trance and I made my way to Chen's club I needed to go somewhere after the afternoon I had I needed something to calm me down and right now alcohol seemed like the right way to go I dial Chen to let him now.


[CHEN]"Hey Baek, man what's up?"

I hear booming music, I look at my time it was like time stopped.

"I am coming to yours?"

[CHEN]"Ok, I am here"

I hanged up and zoomed off to Chen's.



You gripped onto your mum's hand afraid of letting go after the discussion earlier about your mum's illness which made you feel more guilt each time you heard every word you felt so drained right now but you fought that feeling because you felt like you had no right to feel that way, as you were sitting there watching your mum you felt Kris leave followed by Chunji who you came to be comfortable with after what you found out about him being her whilst your mum was in hospital. As soon as they left just you and your mum.

[MUM]"Honey please don't cry?"

"But mum, how can I just sit here...."

[MUM]"I am going to be ok, it's ok Kris has helped alot and him bringing you to me was worth everything I am going through right now?"

"What about the orphanage?"

[MUM]"It's ok, Chunji's partner is there and everything is ok Min-a, how about you I heard that you were hurt badly?"

"Mum I am ok, don't worry about me, worry about you wellbeing I promise that I will find away to make you better?"

[MUM]"If I was to die tomorrow I will be a happy women"

"Mum don't say that..."

[MUM]"I know that you will be safe with Kris, the orphanage will be ok, the kids will be fine... honey I am feeling tired?"

"Ok, mum go to sleep I will be here?"

You watch as your mum was slowly relaxing you felt something warm touch your shoulder and you knew without looking.

[KRIS]"Min-a we need to go?"

"I want to stay here?"

[KRIS]"I know you do but we won't be long I know you would want to get changed into something comfortable?"


[KRIS]"And Chunji will be here with your mother whilst she is sleeping and I know Chunji will call as soon as she wakes?"

[CHUNJI]"Yes Miss. Yoon"


You leaned towards your mum and kissed her on the forehead reminding you of when she did that to you when you were little girl and when you felt scared.

"Mum I will be back"

You turned and faced Chunji and you hugged him tightly.

"Chunji sshii, I never had the chance to thank you for being here for mum when I wasn't here I can't thank you enough"

You felt Chunji tense awkwardly but you ignored it and after letting him go he smiled and bowed at you and you followed Kris.

[CHUNJI]"Mr. Wu?"

[KRIS]"Chunji call if anything?"

[CHUNJI]"Yes sir"

You glance at your mum before walking out of the room and you could feel Kris behind you, you stopped walking and turned and faced him and he stopped and looked at you.

[KRIS]"Min-a are you ok?"



Leaving Min-a alone with her mother knowing that she wanted some alone time hence the reason why Chunji and I walked out of the room.

"Chunji, you must be feeling tired and restless being stuck here at the hospital for the last few days?"

[CHUNJI]"It's ok Mr. Wu, I am fine and I don't mind"

"I can see that you and Seungho enjoy doing this?"

[CHUNJI]"What do you mean Mr. Wu?"


My phone started buzzing which caused me not to finish what I was going to say to Chunji, I quickly grabbed it and I was surprised to see who was calling I answered.

"Chen, what's up I am a little busy right now?"

[CHEN]"Hyung I know you're not in Korea but I think you need to come back?"

I forgot that not many knew I was in Seoul only Luhan and Mr. Lee which was unlike me normally I let my friends and family know that I am here but I have alot going on that it skipped my mind.

"What is it Chen?"

[CHEN]"Something is wrong with Baekhyun?"

"What is it?"

[CHEN]"I have called the other's besides Tao and Sehun because they are at your parent's house?"


[CHEN]"Suho called that your parents had organised Krystal's driver to fetch them three, I don't know why I will ask Suho when they get here?"

"Ok, so what's the problem with Baekhyun?"

[CHEN]"He's been at my club for over 2 hours drinking?"

What that surprised me after knowing Baekhyun being a social drinker when we all hanged out he never drinks alone and in the afternoon.

"Ok, I will be there as soon as I can I have things to do, who is with you?"

[CHEN]"Kai and D.O just walked in, Xiumin, Lay and Suho are on there way, Luhan said he is busy and can't get a hold of Chanyeol"

"Ok, don't worry I will be there"

[CHEN]"Ok hyung"

[CHUNJI]"Mr. Wu, is everything ok?"

"Just something's to sort out, I will get Min-a and we will be out for awhile, you will call if anything?"

[CHUNJI]"Yes sir"

We walked back into the room and I see Min-a sitting there frozen in her spot which was really heartbreaking to see I walked behind her whilst she was sitting I placed my hand on her shoulder which felt cold under my touch I feel her tense but loosen in a milli second which was a relief for me. After convicing Min-a that we needed to go using the excuse of her wanting to change into comfortable clothes which worked with difficulty as she got up what took me by surprise was that she walked towards Chunji and she hugged him and hearing her thank him was something I was both use to and also jealous seeing her like that with another man, I turned for a moment to hide the jealous look on my face which I knew was there and after a few moments, we finally walk out of the room and she walked ahead of me and I just looked at the back view of a broken person which I knew was going to happen. After knowing Min-a she was the type to take things really deeply as we walked she stopped and turned to face me and I swore my heart stopped.

The look in her eyes was daunting that it was like I was reaching into her and seeing her soul, which tend to be a regular thing Min-a being so easy to read especially when I looked into her eyes, especially being a window to the soul as they say and just as soon as I saw her like that seconds later she smiled that familiar heart racing smile at me which made me smile back at her and it was a nice feeling it was like she was my own personal sunshine. She walked to me closing the gap and I just knew what she was going to do and she hugged me deeper then before and I could feel her shivering somehow which took me by surprise, then she looked at me.

[MIN-A]"Kris.... Thank you so much for bringing me to my mum it mean's alot to me, and with everything you have done for her and also with the orphanage mum mentioned how you helped her with sending Chunji and his partner there to help. I don't know how I can repay you for your kindness and generosity"

She said to me which was really sweet hearing the sincerity in her voice making me fall for her more everyday with the many charms that I see from Min-a which I knew I was becoming accustomed to, as we walked back to the car this time she was walking so close to me feeling her arm touching mine, the smell of her light fragrance giving me chills we see the car and we both jump in and I drove towards the house knowing that the next surprise that I had arranged for Min-a would be memorable knowing that she would be happy but I needed to go somewhere first.



"I was wondering if it was ok if we can go somewhere first before we go home?"

I waited for her answer hoping that she would be ok with where we were going to go next, without her knowing that she was going to be meeting some of my friends or all of them depending on how Chen went in ropping in the others.



Time was flying and yet hyung wasn't back even though the boys seemed to be enjoying there time in the playroom that hyung had organised which still surprised me, seeing them relaxed was something I saw noona sitting there playing along with them I couldn't help but smile at the scene. Then it got ruined when I hear my phone ringing I looked and it was Chen which I didn't expect.


"Hey I am busy what's up?"

[CHEN]"There is something wrong with Baekhyun?"

"What, what happened?"

The change of tone caught Celine and now she was looking at me.

[CHEN]"Something is wrong with Baekhyun he is drinking"

"What it's to early for him?"

[CHEN]"I know I have rung the others they are all on there way?"

I look at noon and the boys and I didn't know what to di I wanted to go and be there for my friend but I also wanted to be here with noona and the boys I just didn't know which way to go.

[CELINE]"Luhan if you need to go we can stay here and wait for Kris to come?"

I was contemplating.

[CELINE]"We will be ok here, as long as Kris is coming do you know when he will be here?"

"Sorry noona he said that he had to do something, I am sure he will be here soon, or you could come with me?"

[CELINE]"No that's ok, the boys like it here"

"Ok I will let Mr. Lee know and I shouldn't be to long?"

I leave them and let Mr. Lee know and he was ok with that he was bringing down food for us as I was leaving.

"Mr. Lee, don't let anyone know that Celine and the boys are here?"

[MR. LEE]"Yes Mr. Lu, Mr. Wu had already mentioned that before your arrival?"

Knowing Kris to be one step ahead which was so like him I lefted them hoping that they would be ok, I drive pass the main house and I leave without saying anything.



Seeing Maesuk and Yoonho enjoying themselves and being children was really a touching scene I was happy that they were ok, it was nice it was like we were in our own little world away from the cruel reality which was what we were in the moment, still worried about Min-a still no word about her which was troublling news, Luhan was sitting there watching the next I hear a ringtone and I knew it was Luhan's and I see him look worried as he was talking to whoever was on the phone it looked really urgent and knowing Luhan I could tell he wanted to go and it must be someone important, making me think if it was a girl how lucky she would be to have Luhan as her boyfriend, Luhan had the package so it was obvious that he would have a girlfriend. I could see that he was reluctant to leave us here but I knew that he had to go as I watched him leave.

[YOONHO]"Noona, where is hyung going?"

"He has to do something?"

[YOONHO]"Will he come back?"

"Of course"

[MAESUK]"Noona, I like it here?"

"I can tell you like it here Maesuk"

Second's later Mr. Lee comes in.

[MR. LEE]"Miss. Huang, here is some refreshment's for you and the young masters?"

I laugh at the boys reaction when they saw the food they ran towards it, it was funny Yoonho was ready to eat but Maesuk walked towards Mr. Lee.

[MAESUK]"Thank you for the food, Mr. Lee Ajusshii"

Which was so cute I felt so relaxed hoping that Luhan would be ok.



You were anxious when Kris asked you.

[KRIS]"I was wondering if it was ok if we can go somewhere first before we go home?"

Which was weird it was like he was asking for permission from you which was stupid after everything he has done for you, you would jump in fire for him if he asked you to, and the way he said home had a nice ring to it.

"Hey you don't have to ask?"

[KRIS]"So your ok with coming?"

"Yeah I am ok"

Seeing him smile was the best answer you could get from him as you sat there wondering where you were going ok because of Chunji being with mum so it didn't bother you to much, before you knew it you were in front of space it looked like it was a club of some sort you looked at the time and it was obvious that the club wasn't open, the space looked huge.

[KRIS]"We are here?"

"Where are we?"

[KRIS]"Just at one of my friends place?"

"So this is a house?"

You look around as Kris had parked up and you see that there were other cars here.

As you were looking you couldn't help but look at the motorcycle which looked appealing to you somehow.

[KRIS]"[Laughing] come on, what are you looking at?"

Kris noticed you looking at the cars.

"You want me to come in?"

[KRIS]"Yeah don't worry?"

You watch as Kris hops out of the car and walks towards your side and you were suprisingly nervous bringing you back to when you were heading to the baby shower earlier, Kris opens the door for you which was very gentlemen like quality he has that you have had the pleasure of being the person who gets to enjoy it what surprises you more is that he holds your hand as he leads you towards what seems to be the entrance of the building making you greatful that you were behind so he couldn't see the slight tint on your cheeks Kris opens the door and you see stairs which seems to lead you furthur into the building itself and thats when you realise where Kris has taken you and it was so obvious because of the space obviously you were in are club, the dance floor looked huge and the lights made it even more cooler.

Then you noticed the dj booth you looked around and you see another area.

Image result for club v.i.p area

[KRIS]"That is the v.i.p area"


If Kris wasn't still holding your hand you would've looked furthur, before you realise Kris was walking in the other direction and that's when you see the bar.

When you looked in the direction that Kris was walking still with your hand in his you walked towards the bar and that's when you see people there. As you got closer seeing them looking more handsome, you saw one behind the bar whereas the others were sitting at the bar, well more like standing at the bar.

[KRIS]"Come on, I will introduce you to the guys, well some of the guys?"


[KRIS]"They are my best friends"


You started fidgeting with yourself half of you was covered by Kris which was a relief you were worried that Kris's friends might not like you and all that, well why were you worried it's not like you were Kris's girlfriend or something with that thought causing you to blush lightly.

[KRIS]"Don't worry Min-a the guys will like you?"


You let Kris lead you closer to his friends you were now standing so close you could almost touch them suddenly he let go of you and walked towards the one that was leaning heavily on the bar you felt awkward standing there and then the guy behind the bar looked right at you and you gotta say that he looked pretty cute.



You saw awkwardly.

[CHEN]"My name is Chen, hyung who is she?"

Kris turned and looked at you with 'Sorry' itched in his eyes for leaving you there which was nice of him but you don't blame him because it was clear that he was worried for his friend.

[KRIS]"Sorry Min-a?"

"That's ok?"

[KRIS]"Ok you have met Chen this is his place"

"So those that mean Chen sshii is a club owner?"

[CHEN]"Yeah [laughing]"

Hearing his laughter was so cool it made you feel relaxed in his presence.

[KRIS]"This is one of his clubs?"


You smiled at him brightly at him, that's probably why he seemed so casually dressed but your smiled at him anyways and from the look in his eyes it looked like it took him off guard.

[KRIS]"This is Xiumin"

[XIUMIN]"Nice to meet you..."

"Nice to meet you to, Xiumin sshii"

[XIUMIN]"Hyung she is pretty?"


[KRIS]"Xiumin is a well known resturanter?"

"Oh, whoa"

That explained why he looked casually yet smartly dressed you couldn't help but smile at him as your fingers were itching to squezze his cheeks reminding you off Maesuk and Yoonho.

[KRIS]"And this is Suho"

[SUHO]"Nice to meet you?"

He seemed to have a leadership kind of aura like Xiumin, his smile was so sweet, you smiled back at him.

"Nice to meet you Suho sshii"

[SUHO]"Pleasure is mine"

You noticed Kris getting a little tense each time he was introducing you to each of his friends you couldn't understand why even though Suho seemed familiar to you .

[KRIS]"Suho is like myself?"

You look at Kris and you couldn't help but screw your face no one could compare to Kris and what was for sure no offence to Suho but he was no where near Kris you hear Chen's laughter making you look at him.

[KRIS]"What I mean't is that Suho is also C.E.O like myself but for his company"

"Oh...I remember he was there that morning at the hospital"

[SUHO]"Oh you remember yes that was me I was there for you when you were at the hospital and from the looks of it your looking much better then our first meeting"

Suho smiles at you which makes you smile back at him, and sensing Kris tense next to you eventually breaking your moment as he introduces you to the next person or group of his friends.

[KRIS]"This is D.O"

You couldn't help but look at him his light tone his red hair standing out, but what drew you was his eyes it was so bright considering the darkness of the club.

[D.O]"Nice to meet you..."

"Nice to meet you D.O sshii..."

You say like you were in some far away place there was something about him he looked like he was a quiet kind of person and you felt drawn to him.

[D.O]"My name is Kyungsoo"

"So... how did you get the name D.O?"

[D.O]"The guys called me that since school and it has stuck since then?"

Kris leaned closer to you and whispered.

[KRIS]"D.O like's you?"


[KRIS]"Because he has said more words to you then anyone else."

You smiled at Kris and then back at D.O.

[KRIS]"And the was that is heavily drunk there is Baekhyun"

You looked at him and he looked heavily drunk but he looked smartly dressed.

[BAEKHYUN]"H...i hyun....g's... girl....[stuttering]"

"Anneyong Baekhyun sshii"

[KRIS]"This is Kai"

Image result for kai exo

[KAI]"Or you can call me Jongin, which is my real name?"

"Nice to meet you Jongin sshii"

[KRIS]"If you didn't notice but Kai is a university student"

"Oh whoa, Jongin sshii what are you studying?"

[KAI]"I am double majoring in Law, so I can be like my dad and also in dance"

"Oh whoa, I am also studying in Law"

[KAI]"Oh whoa, I am more in Criminal Law, what about you?"

"I am going in the field of Children and Youth Law"

[KAI]"What university do you attend...."

[KRIS]"Sorry to disturb your conversation, this is Lay"

You look at the next person and you thought you were amazed at Xiumin'a cheeks you were in awe with his dimples that were so cute it was like his main feature that made him look handsome.


[LAY]"Nice to meet you...."

"You to Lay sshii"

[KAI]"His name is Yixing?"

"Oh nice to meet you Yixing sshii, so your chinese like Kris?"


And then he smiled and you smiled brightly back at him, man you felt so ugly in Kris's friends presence they all looked like models and you see the one next to Lay and he looed so familiar and automatically you knew who he was.

[KRIS]"And this is...."



You both say at the same time you lefted Kris's side and rushed to Luhan's side and you hugged him you couldn't help it but you started tearing up when you hugged Luhan it was like you were hugging Celine.

[LUHAN]"Mimi where have you been, you look small, what happened to you why have you got a banadage over there, do you know how worried we have been especially Celine, man they will...?"

You didn't answer you just stayed in Luhan's arms feeling the familiarity.



It was cute seeing Min-a's reaction when I was introducing the guys to her and seeing how she opened slowly to each of them and seeing that the guys really like her and seeing how the guys reacted to Min-a was also refreshing. As I was introducing her to each of them getting a little jealous well more like really jealous as I saw the way she was interacting with the guys especially when her and Kai were getting a little friendly even though she was next to me, and just when I was about to intoduce her to Luhan not realising that they already knew of each other when I saw them hug was making it harder to tame the beast inside of me and especially hearing that nickname that Luhan had said even though it was familiar to what Evangline said in Greece which was cute but hearing Luhan was another story.

[KAI]"Someone looks jelly"

I continued looking at the scene in front of me and just when I heard Luhan mention Celine and then he was getting closer to saying Celine and them were at my house I was getting his attention to stop him from getting furthur.



After your moment with Luhan you couldn't be more happy, you turn and you see Kris looking at you and Luhan you couldn't help but feel little, you smiled at Kris and he smiled back at you which was a relief you were happy that he wasn't upset or angry at you well anyways you and Kris's friends were all getting along with each other whilst Kris was trying to deal with Baekhyun which was worrying from the look in Kris's eyes. You sat in between Luhan and Kris who sat next to you with Baekhyun now lying down you were all sitting down in one of the booth's

[seating arrangement:]

[Kai, Luhan, You, Kris]

[Chen, Suho, Xiumin, Lay]

You were sitting there.

[KRIS]"So what happened with Baekhyun if he is like this something had to happen, speaking of which is Chanyeol?"

[CHEN]"Baekhyun came here he looked bothered by something, and when he started drinking heavily"

[SUHO]"Why did you keep serving drinks to Baekhyun, Chen?"

[CHEN]"Even if I didn't he would find away"

[LUHAN]"So what did you find out then?"

[CHEN]"All I could understand out of his mouth was Chanyeol and men I couldn't understand the rest"

[LAY]"So what should we do then with Baekhyun?"

[D.O]"I will take Baekhyun home, and I will explain to Mr. and Mrs. Byun"

[CHEN]"I will park his car at my house"

[KRIS]"I will try and call Chanyeol and see what's going on?"

[ALL]"We already tried?"

Minutes later Luhan's phone rang all of you had drinks non-acholoic drinks because of Kris saying so and without the look of Baekhyun putting the guys off at the moment.

[LUHAN]"I almost finish I will leave now?"

[LUHAN]"No it's all sorted, and I have seen gege, so we will be there soon"

Hearing Luhan speaking in Chinese was awe inspiring.



It was nice seeing everyone getting along, all I had to do was introduce Min-a to the rest of the guys which included Chanyeol and the two dongsaengs that are now at my family home talking about Baekhyun and no surprises that it had to involve Chanyeol suddenly Luhan's phone rings and I had a feeling who he was talking to because the quick tone well more like the language barrier coming into play thankful because it gave me a hint on what Luhan was talking about and also knowing that it was Celine. I thought it would be better if Min-a and I leave before Luhan goes not to draw attention to Min-a figuring out what was going on.

"Min-a we should get going?"

[MIN-A]"Ok, nice meeting all of you?"

[KAI]"Oh why is noona going?"

I looked at them and they all quieted down and we lefted them behind and as we were hopping into the car Luhan comes out.

[MIN-A]"Luhan, where are you going?"

[LUHAN]"I have to see someone, I will see you soon ok Mimi"


Luhan leaves first I texted him whilst Min-a was talking to him.

To: Luhan

From: Kris

We will see you there ok don't say anything to Celine?

To: Kris 

From: Luhan


We drove off and I couldn't be more happier with the day going on so far we look outside not realising that it was hitting the evening making me feel stink about making Celine and the boys wait this long but I had no choice.



I look at Yongnam who was looking at me with anxiety which was what I was feeling right at the moment.

[CHANGMIN]"Sir we are almost near, and yes I have your son including his assistant, yes delta team is also on route with Minjun and Namgil sir?"

"Can I talk to my dad?"

[CHANGMIN]"Sir your son wants to talk to you?"

Seconds later Changmin hands me over the phone.


"Dad what is happening?"

[DAD]"I will explain when Cahngmin and his team brings you to me"


[DAD]"Give the phone back to Changmin"

I give the phone back to Changmin and I sit there I see my phone buzzing alot getting calls from all my friends which I knew was expected with Baekhyun most likely telling them but I didn't want to answer just in case Changmin finds out and take my phone off me.

[CHANGMIN]"We are here now Mr. Park"

I look to see where we were but I couldn't see where we are the door opens and I hop out followed by Yongnam with his things and holding onto mine which was cool of him as I hopped out I see 2 men coming out of the other car behind us.

[YONGNAM]"Mr. Park, they are your employee's the one on your right is Namgil who works in the Advanced Weaponary also in the Top Secret Department and the one on your left is Minjun who works in Advanced Technologies Department along with Namgil in the Top Secret Department, that you were wanting to know what was going on in there sir.

"Thank you Yongnam for keeping me in the loop, I wonder why they are here?"

[YONGNAM]"Your Mr. Park Snr. wanted them"

[CHANGMIN]"Follow me" 

We walked and then we see the other two following.

[MINJUN]"Afternoon Mr. Park Jnr."

I nod at his reply.


I do the same that's when I see a huge warehouse that didn't look like it was going to stand at all as soon as we walked inside I can say that I was wrong.

The space looked well used and that's when I see mum there looking like she was surprised on what was going on and what took me by surprise was that dad was here and also looking at the interior I spot something before I could get a closer look.

[DAD]"Chanyeol, take a seat, Yongnam, Minjun and Namgil if you can follow Changmin he will take you to your posts?"


[DAD]"You don't know what's going on but Changmin and Minjun, Namgil will brief you with what's happening"

"Dad, what's going on?"







[Characters:-25122 Words:-5788]

Edited/Re-read:-26th September 2015

*images and grammar 

Edited/Re-read/Font-Change/Image-Changes:- 3rd October 2016
Font Change: 13th December 

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....