




Mentioned Characters:

Declan Yoon:- Acting C.E.O for Park. Corp/ Undercover Agent from Mr. Park Senior's Underground Agency.


Shaun/Tiffany/Evangline [just a random picture of a cute baby]:- Kris's Friends.

Luhan and Chanyeol make an appearance in this chapter yay!


[LEE]"Mr. Wu?"

I look at the man who called out to me it was like a whisper in my ear finally looking at him I could read instantly what he was thinking knowing that he would be worried about me since that night which I couldn't forget so easily coming home from a worried call from Lee, and yet 10 days have passed so quickly and in those 10 days so much has happened.



[DEAN]"Mr. Wu, I have prepared and arranged for everything so you don't have to worry about anything when you leave tommorrow, and also Nana wanted me to ask something?"

I look with curiousity hiding the torture inside of me making the outside world oblivious to the inner battle inside of me.

"What is it?"

[DEAN]"Nana, wanted to thank you for coming to the delievery last night?"

"No worries, so how is Nana and Theo doing?"

[DEAN]"They are both doing good they are at home?"

"I am sorry that you have to take over for me, I can always postprone my trip?"

I was hoping that Dean would agree but the universe wasn't in my favour.

[DEAN]"No that's ok Mr. Wu, I have everything organised and plus Theodore's grandparents aren't ready to leave so I might as well use that to my advantage [laughing]"

I laugh along with Dean which made me feel a little better despite whats going on in my private life. I smiled at the happy man in front of me why couldn't I be happy like him what have I done to deserve this hurt and sadness I was feeling.

[DEAN]"Speaking of which Mr. Wu, your P.A wanted to remind you that you have a meeting with Mr. Yoon?"


I got confused for some reason.

[DEAN]"The new Acting C.E.O for Park. Corp and also this is the information from my friend about the new C.E.O, and also the other requested information about The Park Family?"

"Thank you Dean, since you will start you post tommorrow why don't you go home today and spend it with your new son and wife?"


"No go on I can handle everything today, also is there anything to report about your investigation concerning the amount of money being removed from our accounts?"

[DEAN]"I have come up with some lead's Mr. Wu, but I will get my P.A to organise everthing?"

"No I don't want anyone else to know?"

[DEAN]"Yes, sir?"

"Why are you still standing there go home"

[DEAN]"Thank you sir, so I will stop at your house late this evening for the changeover?"

"Yes ok go now?"

I watch Dean leave me alone in my office which gave me time to recollect myself it may seem like it was easy for me to keep this facade but right now I was ready to just fall in a heap. I look at the new frame that has been stationed on my desk as I look at the happy smiling faces of the three that I can't get out of my head looking at me so innocently. I grin instantly and I sigh deeply which helped get me back to reality and I looked at the files that Dean had given me the first concerning the man I am eventually meeting which took awhile but understanding the reason after the incident he had alot to clean up I look at the information as I look at the picture of him staring at me.

I looked at the bellow at the information that Dean had gotten for me which explained the basics of who he is from his name which seemed oddly familiar for some reason to his education which surprised me at the most with him graduating high honors at Harvard in Business which was surprising none the less but I could appreciate his work with what I have heard about Park. Corp which was good, also looking at the rest of his information trying to gather so much about the guy who was taking charge while I know next to nothing about my friend Chanyeol wondering if he was ok.

[P.A]"Excuse Mr. Wu, but Mr. Yoon is here?"

"Ok send him through?"

[P.A.]"Yes Mr. Wu"

I used that as a chance to organise my self not wanting to show any signs of weakness towards the guy he was 4 years older then me so I had to know my manners during this meeting. After a couple seconds the door opens with my P.A walking in followed.

I can say for sure that he looked different from the picture that I saw minutes ago seeing him walking in all dressed in black which made him seem more mysterious which was my kind of thing. As I stood up from behind my desk and walked towards the visitor I quickly look at my reflection and I see that I looked fine in what I was wearing.

Different contrast from Declan but I didn't mind actually I walk towards him.

"Mr. Yoon, nice to meet you"

[DECLAN]"The pleasure is mine, it is nice to meet you Mr. Wu, I have heard so much great things about you?"

We shake hands as we both sit down at the lounger after all this wasn't a business meeting it was more like getting to know the competition kind of meeting.

[DECLAN]"So I understand that you have been trying to get a hold of me to arrange a meeting?"

"Yes, I always like to make time in meeting new people in the industry and also wanting to know that new face of Park Corp."

I say without any hesitation wanting him to know that he may be older then me I know how to keep my ground. He smiles at me and I look at him with no hesitation or show of any emotions, before long we started talking about all sorts besides work which was a surprise at how easy the conversation was but I noticed that he was deterring on the obvious which I wanted to ask.

"Mr. Yoon?"

[DECLAN]"Mr. Wu?"

"I wanted to ask, if you know anything concerning my friend Chanyeol and his family?"

[DECLAN]"I am sorry Mr. Wu, but the Park Family have gone on a vacation from what I know I only came in to take over as acting C.E.O for the company until they get back?"

I look at him as he said that and I couldn't find any hint of him wavering and it made me wonder were we worrying over nothing but we all know Chanyeol would have told us if he was going on a vacation.

"Ok that's good to hear I am glad that they are enjoying themselves?"

After that tense moment finally I watch as Declan was leaving my office I knew something wasn't right so I had to keep my eye's on him that was for sure which I would remind Dean when he come's over tonight. Finally reaching home after along day I was avoiding going home but I had no choice well I walk in and I see Lee waiting for me.


[LEE]"I am sorry Mr. Wu but I couldn't stop Miss. Wu coming in?"

I pace quickly to see who was here I walked into the lounge and I see Krystal sitting on the couch it looked like she had been here for awhile.


I look and I see that she was upset which caused me to drop my things on the seat and I sat next to her.

"Krystal what's wrong?"

[KRYSTAL]"Oppa why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

I look at Lee and I see a blank expression and I look back at Krystal and I see the tears forming more clearly I knew what she was going to say before she said it and I already came with a plan not wanting to trouble her young mind over this especially with assessments coming up for her.


"I am sorry Krystal but she had to leave eventually along with the boys"

I say more to myself which was like a record playing in my head for times like this I hug my crying baby sister knowing that she was affected like myself from Min-a's presence finally Krystal calming down I wipe her tears away and I make sure she was ok and finally relaxed she stayed with me for the time being until I told her that I was leaving late this evening which surprised her with plea of wanting to come with me.

[Fast track]

Feeling jet lag I look out at the scenery of New Zealand which was the first time being here I walk through the departures after going through customs I walk through the doors I needed to hire a rental so I have transportation whilst I was here but before I could do anything.


I hear my name and I look and I see Shaun waiting I walked towards him seeing him dressed so casually which made me feel a little over dress.


[SHAUN]"Evening bro, how are you, you look worn out?"

"Hey back man it's been along time?"

[SHAUN]"Yeah, thank god I remembered when you were landing [laughing]"

"[Laughing] yeah been busy, how's the family?"

[SHAUN]"They're good, come on let's go people are looking at us [laughing]"

I look around and I see people looking.

[SHAUN]"Maybe because you look like a celebrity [laughing] especially with the way your dressed [laughing]"

I look down at what I am wearing.

Which was casual dress attire changing from what I wore earlier anyways we walked ahead and it was nice catching up it got me thinking of other things instead which was what I needed as soon as we walked towards Shaun's ride.

Finally we head off and we kept on talking about all sorts and I was waiting for the obvious question.

[SHAUN]"Hey can I ask something?"

"Sure what is it?"

[SHAUN]"I know that Tiffany is going to ask, and from the obvious, where is Min-a?"

"I couldn't get a hold of her, sorry?"

[SHAUN]"No that's ok"

What felt like forever we finally stop at our destination.

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[SHAUN]"Come on let's go we are home, Tiffany will be waiting?"

We walked inside and the house was really nice and open and I looked at the interior and I could see that it is a family home as soon as Shaun placed my luggage down we hear footsteps.

[SHAUN]"That's Tiff [laughing]"


[SHAUNN]"We are home?"

Second's later I see the familiar owner of the voice walking towards us smiling I could see from the way she was looking that she was looking for someone else but she smiled at me anyways.

[TIFFANY]"Kris, you look tired, honey can you take Kris's thing's to his room"

I follow Tiffany as I watch as Shaun took my things and I was anxious where I was going to sleep which I felt like doing right now but I followed the host into the dining area. I sit down as I watch Tiffany making some sort of hot beverage and I had a fair idea that it was coffee.

[TIFFANY]"How do you have your coffee?"

"Just black no sugar please"

Minutes later I smell the familiar smell of coffee I take a sip and it tasted really nice but a little different.

[TIFFANY]"Ok now that you have coffee in your system, you can answer me honestly?"

I almost splurt the hot coffee which I was greatful that I didn't I looked at the determined look from Tiffany.

[TIFFANY]"You look like hell Kris, are you ok?"

It must be a women thing they seemed to notice things before the male species.

"I am fine just been a long day?"

[TIFFANY]"I know that there is more to it?"

[SHAUN]"Tiff let the man breathe he's just landed and he must be smashed?"

I thank Shaun mentally knowing that I wasn't in the mood right now and I was actually feeling really tired.

[SHAUN]"Kris I will show your room"

I stand almost to quickly which caused Shaun to laugh and I follow him as he was showing me where everything is and finally we stopped at one of the doors and Shaun opened it.

I see that it must be Evangline's room which looked really nice if I should say so myself we walked inside and we see a sleepy Evangline looking so cute in her little onesie I see the loving look in Shaun's eye which was something I could understand seeing the love in his eyes was what I felt for Min-a and the two boys.

[SHAUN]"Sorry about Tiff, she tends to get like that"

"That's ok"

[SHAUN]"Tiff only gets like that to those she cares about, she see's you and Min-a as family to her which is a first Tiff isn't the type to cling on people but you and Min-a have changed that aye?"

"What do you mean?"

As I look at the sleeping beauty in front of us looking at Evangline sleeping seem to give me a lighter feel which made me feel the most relaxing I have been lately.

[SHAUN]"I can't explain seriously I am just letting you know that Tiff didn't mean to put you on the spot like that?"

"Oh that's ok" 

I say almost dream like.

[SHAUN]"That's the reason I like coming to watch Evangline sleep it makes me the most relax, and light after a long day?"

Finally watching Shaun kiss Evangline on her forehead which caused her to squim which was adorable and we walked and he shows me his room which was just as huge as the nursery room and finally reaching what may be my room.

[SHAUN]"Here is the guest room"

Shaun open's the door to an equally large room which was styled for a guest room neutral and a bit of personality.


[SHAUN]"All good, is there anything else you need?"

"No, thanks?"

[SHAUN]"Hey Kris?"


[SHAUN]"Get some rest it's going to be a long day tommorrow?"

"Huh, I thought that the christening is going to be the day after tommorrow?"

[SHAUN]"Yeah, but now that your here you can help me out tommorrow?"


I say as I walk towards the bed and as soon as Shaun closed the door I fainted on the bed and I just laid there feeling the soft firm mattress under me which was making me feel sleepy before finally knocking out I quickly got up and I changed into something comfortable.

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I unpack my things into the wardrobe which was small but it was fine I didn't bring alot of things I was only going to stay until the christening and then head back home as I was un-packing I placed the frame that I brought along with me also along with her phone and I placed it on the bedside table along with my wallet, phone, tablet, and also some of my work that I brought with me which I can look at if I wanted to. I un-pack Evangline's gift that I got for this special occasion, finally my head lands on the pillow and I finally hit the sack.

[The Next Morning:]

I hear a knock on the door which I was trying to ignore but I got up and I walked towards the door and I look and I see Shaun standing there smiling brightly which was weird.

[SHAUN]"Good morning Kris?"


I look at my watch which I forgot to change and I looked at Shaun and I opened my eyes clear and I see him dressed in.

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I notice that Shaun was in running gear I looked at him and he threw some gears to me which I had a fair idea what he wanted I could feel the chill I look outside and it looked like it was early morning. 

[SHAUN]"Come get change?"

I turned with frustration as I was hearing Shaun laughing anyways I closed the door and I washed up my normal routine and I came out with a towel around my waist as I felt more awake I looked down at the gear that Shaun had threw at me and I see that it was training/running gear. I sighed it's been awhile since I have gone out jogging but I like to say I was a healthy fit guy I quickly got changed adding a singlet under the jacket well it felt weird wearing the skins but I got changed anyways.

I roughly brushed my fingers in my hair quickly making my bed and I grabbed my phone and wallet and I made my way out to the kitchen which I was expecting the others would be and just as I thought there was Shaun standing there waiting.

[SHAUN]"You took a while?"

"[Laughing] sorry just needed to wash up and make my bed sorry dude?"

[SHAUN]"You look like an advertisement [laughing]"

I laugh along with Shaun before we knew it we were out jogging in the crisp morning with the sun gazing the grounds I was glad that I was able to keep up without looking like I was wasted, well I was amazed with the beautiful scenery of where Shaun and his family lives with the cascading green of the mountains and fields.

[SHAUN]"No other way of seeing the sights then going for a jog to look around and also it is nice having someone jog with me instead of looking like I have no friends"

"It's nice"

[SHAUN]"And it would be better to have guys talk as well away from Tiffany, so what's been going on with you?"

"Oh the same old work"

We kepted on jogging until Shaun got a call which was Tiffany so we both headed back to the house I felt so energized for some reason, but throughout the jog I couldn't stop thinking about Min-a and the boys. We got back and we needed to wash up well we both parted ways and I make my way to my room and I grabbed my things and well I washed up feeling relaxed under the sprays of hot water which was easing the tension from the muscles that were a little tender, finally getting changed.

I finish getting ready I grabbed my phone leaving Min-a's phone in the same place as it was this morning when I went for my jog with Shaun not realising that I  had few missed calls and messages but so far nothing which was either are good thing or are bad thing well I looked at the frame and I made my way out to the main room where I hear baby laughter which made it easier to know where they were I see Tiffany in the kitchen along with Shaun playing with Evangline it looked like Tiffany and Shaun were both coupled with same colour scheme which was really cool being part of the norm from Korea which was pretty hilarious seeing the trend here in New Zealand.


I walk closer and just as I look at the happy familiy I see that my movement caught Evangline's attention and the look she gave was so adorable and just when I thought that was enough the next.


Which was her nickname that she gave Min-a and I when we were in Greece which brought all those memories to my mind but I brushed that off as I walked towards Shaun and I see Evangline's hands in the air I automatically pick her up and I hug her.

[TIFFANY]"Isn't that just to cute"

We all laugh at Tiffany's comment well we all sat down and we were eating breakfast it was really nice just relaxing with friends and away from the hassles back home which I needed to get away from which was what I needed as I sit here in another country, the day was spent relaxing and going into town just hanging out I noticed that we were being stared at.

"Is there something on me?"

I whispered to Shaun who was next to me.

[SHAUN]"[Laughing] No there is nothing, don't worry just some of the local girls looking at as, what do you expect [laughing]"

"You remind me of one of my friends back home [laughing]"

The day went pass with so much laughter and less thought's about Min-a and the boys.

[The Next Day:]

I wake up earlier then usual maybe because I could hear my phone ringing or was it because of the nightmare that I had I hear the familiar tone and I look at the time and it was really early I quickly answered the call.


[DEAN]"Mr. Wu, I am sorry for the early call I was trying to wait for the right time to call you from here?"

"What's happened, is everything ok?"

[DEAN]"I got some important news and I know that you would want to hear of it straight away?"

I sit up and hold onto the phone as I listened to Dean explaining things that I didn't expect I was shocked with what was going on and I was out of the country for just 1 day and everything breaks loose.

"Ok I will book my flight back this evening so I should arrive there just late evening"

[DEAN]"I am sorry Mr. Wu that you have to cut you trip?"

"No that's ok, ok Dean I gotta go"

I hang up and I lean back on the headboard contemplating what's going on I lay in bed for a couple of hours knowing that Shaun will knock on the door early like he did yesterday so I hop out of bed and tidy up and notice on the chair something familiar and I see that I had another pair of jogging gears that looked familiar from yesterday, I bet it was from Shaun which I grinned well I got changed.

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I breath well more like sigh with relief to see that there was shorts instead of the gear from yesterday.

I breath happy because there was shorts, but I was surprised seeing another pair of jogging shoes it made me wonder why Shaun was doing this I owed him money that was for sure for the gears that he must have brought because I knew that we were different in our bodies with my long torso and long limbs making it obvious with the difference whereas Shaun was more broad and all that, as I was putting my watch and phone in my pockets I hear a knock at the door and I open it and see Shaun dressed familiar to me but his wasn't as out loud like mine.

We spent the morning jogging the same path which was nice it gave me time to think as we were running as we were stretching that's when I hit Shaun about paying him back and all that which he didn't care and all that and finally asking him about the christening which was happening in a couple hours time finally heading back to the house.


As we were getting ready to go to the church for the christening I finally changed into

I walked out with my things packed so I don't need to worry about them when I need to leave I can just get my things and then leave which won't be a hassle I already called for flights and all so there wasn't much for me to and worry about but just go through the event clear headed, from what I hope. I grab my wallet, and Min-a's phone and put it in my pocket and I reached for my shades and my phone and also the gift for Evangline and I walked with them in my hand towards the main room where I see the equally dressed Shaun and Tiffany along with the young lady herself Evangline.




Evangline calls for me with the same nickname which was adorable, now finally at the church for the ceremony which I was fortunate to meet Shaun and Tiffany's friends.

[Fast track:]

I look at the familiar scenery now I am back in South Korea after the event in New Zealand I left as soon as it finished which was late afternoon which was fine with me, well anyways after grabbing my things after bidding the family of three behind in New Zealand.

[End of Flashback:]

I still haven't any idea where Min-a and the boys were which was difficult to comprehend and not helping the situation was Celine who I thought we were on the same side, she never mentioned anything which was obvious she had an idea where they were. Even going through Luhan to help me get some information concerning the three of them all I wanted to know was if they were safe.



Since the evening of Sehun and Krystal's show things have changed from hyung acting like himself but more dominate which was a normal thing for us he tend to get like that if it concerned work but lately he's been ringing me so often which shocked me in the beginning, and also noticing that Celine was also acting differently but familiar to me remembering the time when Min-a had dissappeared so I had a fair idea what was worrying here.

"Noona, what's wrong why is hyung wanting to talk to you?"

[CELINE]"I don't know"

She says in a lifeless tone which was just as worrying for me more then anything she's been like this for 10 days almost coming to and end and it will 11 days so quickly.



I don't know how long it has been since we have been stuck in this warehouse even though I had things to keep me entertained and finding out more about whats been going on but I could tell that dad and mum was still hiding things but I couldn't be bothered I was missing my friends, now realising how much I relied on there friendship I wondered what they were doing were they thinking and worrying about me like I was I missed Sehun's show which was awhile ago but I couldn't do anything dad wouldn't let me out of the warehouse at all it was like I was in a prison with perks. I couldn't even call my friends which was just as worst with dad doing something to my phone I don't know what it was but it wouldn't work even though I know my phone was workable.


I hear mum calling me from my room I get up and walk to mum and I see her waiting at the bottom of the stairs.


[MUM]"Are you ok you have been in your room and you haven't come out at all lately?"

"I'm ok?"

[MUM]"Chanyeol don't lie to me I know that your not ok?"

"Mum why can't I see my friends or call them at least, I have missed so much because I am being locked up here, 1st I miss Sehun's Dance Showcase then I miss Chen hyung and Xiumin hyung's opening for there new spots, I even missed Lay and Baekhyun's event's at there company mum I could keep on going but it's not going to change the fact that I feel like I am being locked up"

[MUM]"I'm sorry honey but your father is doing this to keep us safe and I believe that he is doing his job as the man of the house, I couldn't bear it if it happen's again?"

"What do you mean mum what happened?"

cr.to all rightful owners of all images used in this chapter and throughtou this fic much appreciated.










Oh these are the gifts that Kris gave to Evangline.

[Characters:-22210 Words:-4758]

Re-read:- 12th October 2015

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I don't think anyone would notice but I deleted all those chapter's where were just Author Note's


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NurSabrina123 #1
Chapter 75: I hope u will update soon 😢
Chapter 75:
Chapter 74: Whoa intense it seems like everything is coming together.....
I am so happy that you updated.....
Look after yourself authornim.....
And hope you had a cool Christmas as well.....
Cant wait until next update authornim....
Chapter 52: I'm sorry but can you put less pictures in every chapter? it's a good story but it became overshadowed by the pictures throughout the chapters, and you kept on mentioning the characters on every chapter, why don't just mention it once on the foreword? it kind of disturbing while reading, thank you.
Kyla1923 #5
Kyla1923 #6
So glad to see that you Updated, don't over work yourself AFF will always be here.
That would be cool if there was a little inside to Jaehyun and his family, and why he was employed but the unknown person who i am guessing is Reapers minion but only you know that authornim.
For , uhm idk either way i will read this fic to the end with or without .
Look after yourself on your birthday.
Can't wait till next update.
I still think you could be a stylist.
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 69: Oh my gos! You're back!! I missed you and your story so much author nim. We're the same cuz I'm just sooo in love with the triplets they're sooo cute.
Chapter 69: Yay so glad to see your update, i hope everything is going good for you authornim. I went to Polyfest last week it was awesome....
love the makeout session between Mina and Kris it was like all there buried feelings were let loose and i am not going to lie but it felt like i was in that moment (awkwardly laughing to hide the embarassment) and the little fluff that you added when they were at the Zoo and having Ice cream couldn't it get more perfect. Your sense of style is pretty cool you could be a stylist or something lol.
Looking forward to your next update authornim dont work to hard....
Chapter 67: So HAPPYYY that you updated....
Looving the relationship between Kris and Mina are getting better,and isn't Kris adorabl with Evangline...
Can't wait till next update authornim....